BOUGH T8? BASEBALL' GETS SWAT THE FLY AND SWAT THE MAN WHO PERMITS IT TO BREED THAT LITTLE LAMB. L HOAX ACROSS ATLANTIC KNOCKOUT B Dutch Farmer Came Over to Marry The Original of Hand some Portrait. MAXINE ELLIOTT'S LIKENESS Dutchman Sails For Home On Learning He Was Vic tim Of Joke. New York, Ap il 16. D!snlavintr tcarfii'lv a photoerarih nf V; , pi bott. the actress, D'rk V nBa?l- n 'wai 1 e announcement made yester Dutch farmer, sailed for Rott :rdam day by Clyde Eby, secretary of the yesterday cn the Rvndair Bt..n 1 local Atheletic Association and who opasms of grief,' he said he had cc mo over two weeks ago ill p epared to marry tnis bcaut ful lady, but alas! he had been the victim cf a hrax. VanBaalen said his horre wis h Meestcrdjk, but that he lad rmny f iends in Hollard Mich. A. least, h- always counted them friends. VanBaalen has been a widewer s'nc' he was a young man. He s now -ixty years old and gs he has prospered in business, he has been thinking about marrying again. Eligible women in and around Meersterdyk did not seem I to be plentiful, and in an unguartfad moment he wrote to his friend1 in America and ajked them if rch "and beautiful women who would like to marry a farmer of s'xty were plenti- ful in the new count y. . Dirk had almost forgotten the let- ter when along came a reply from one) of his old friends, who said he was I ving in Chicago, but knew an estima-' bal woman of Holland, Mich, who had independent means, and who was al ready much interested in Dirk. His friends in Michigan had told her all about him. The 'ettcr contained a photo of a handsome, dark woman wi h glowing eyes. Dirk immediately packed his trunk and set out for America. He did not stop to ree the sights in New York but took the first train to Chicago and then to Holland, Mich., where he looked up his old friend, Adriaan de J mge. Adriaan looked at the picture rather suspiciously and then took it outside to a man who krc.v a lot about the atrical matte: s. When he came back he was laughing heartily in fact4ef was some minutes before he could k Dirk VanBaalen in very hu ky Dutch: Are you going to marrv Maxins El'iott. That would be a good match J. for you, I should think, if you could make it." Then Dirk began to realize the it uation. Adriaan de Jongc assured him pleas antly that it was just a practical joke, and Dirk Van Baalen shortly thereafter started for home. This is no place, he said, for a farmer sixty years old. Valuable Premium With The SBMhWEEKLY JOURNAL ' im9J , idftMKBBu tkSMw IvWzi "HBkI rSIE ivB MbMbm j - I iPfllBtt'' . jB: ' ' im,j Ivb IBbbVa IvwKy! vSlbSt uflBH IBEB One of the most useful and instructive articles that you can have in the home. WHAT IT CONTAINS. Map of the world with flags and portraits of rulers and chief officisl Including Wilson and Marshal. Map of Panama with full Infromaticn bout Panama Canal. Large scale map of North and South Carolina with complete census gagetteer of towns and counties in those State. Map of United State and PaARCEL POST MAP with full information concerning this nsw branch of the Postal Service. Census statistics Covering each State in the union and Its principal towns. HOW TO GST TI. If you are not a subscriber .bring $1.35 to th Journal and get the en cyclopedia together with a years subscription to the SemH-Weekld Journal. If you are already a subscriber you can gt this valuabe'euclyclopedla by paying up to date and, in addition, $1.15, thU amount Including pay ment for the encyclopedia and a year's subscription. Thl encyclopedia retail for cent. You will not the great saving til Sml-Weekly Journal enable you to make. Don't wait. We don't promise to hold thi offer open Indefinitely. Come to the Journal ofllce and get an encyclopedia and the neit time you Fayettevllle "Fans" Refuse To Put Team In The Proposed Association. THE DECISION IS FINAL Organization Was To Have Been Perfected At Goldsboro Last Night. Professional baseball will not be played in New Bern this s lmnicr This was also chairman of the proposed Eastern Carolina Baseball Lcagqe, and he stated that this is final. It was planned fcr representatives of t'le Athletics Associations in this cuy, Rocky Mount, Greenville, Golds boro, Kinston and Fayettcville, to meet at Goldsboro last night and or ganize the Association. All plans for this meeting had been made and local fans were jubliant over the fa t.that baseball would probably be seen here during the season. TlK'n. without the least warning ancl like a thunderbolt from a clear skyi came a telegram from Faye tc vil1" stati"g tIla' the "fans" in that t'-vn had decided that it was too late m t'lc scason t0 start playing ball and that they would not place a team in th- proposed lc,ague. , . , , . Speaking figuratively this "knocked a" Plans in thc head" and Mr. Eby no:ified tnc members of the association the olno" lwns that thc me. ting which was scheduled for last night was not to be held. It is generally regretted that affairs took thi ; trend For weeks the local enthusiasts have been making plans for the season and had antici pated a number of games on a local diamond. S ENDS THE TERM PLEASING EXERCISES MARK FINISH AT CLAY HILL INSTITUTION. L (Special to the Jouri: Clay Hill, April 16. -On last Friday April 11th, school at Clay Hill closed The term lias b en a wonderful success under the management of Miss Mary Guilford, a teacher whom any school may be proud of The exercises we c opened with a song by the school, folLw d by reci tations by thc primary classes doing great credit to themselves and teacher The following program was rendered: RURAL CHOOL Here are the methemstlcs of our greatest menace: The flythe milk-HUe bbythe grave. The man who willfully permits the flies to breed on his property by not removing or screening all f&th ehould be looked upon as a destroyer of human life ar J d.ilt with accordingly; Fec'.tation by Rowena Fulohcr.l?5?? Recitation by Minnie Rowe. Recitation by Fannie Sawver Song by the school. ) The South, a recitation by Wilbur Timstall, The Sw ord of Robert Lee, by Ralph Timstal 1. Lucinvar, by Howard Mit hell. Univcr sal Education, by Rud plh " Caton. j l ,,iS7 Music, by the band. Mrjt C. F. Sawyer introduced with a few well chosen remarks thc speaker M -. B. D. Rowe, of Small, who de liVered an eloquent address on cdu ucatLon. Then dinner was spread cn a long wise table, thc dinnpr .n woll as the exercies, music and speaking was voiea a perfect success by all present. A RUINED ROMANCE Genevieve Ward's Story of Her Wedding Tragedy. PARTED AT THE CHURCH DOOR After a Dramstic Ceremony Following a Complication That Became an In ternational Affair and Was Ended by Our Government and the Czar. In Mrs. Tvcedic"s "Thirteen Vr-us of a Husy Woman's Life" are ".;.( stories of Ouevleve Ward, the Caututia actress. One uioraiiiK In March. 1D0S, came a knock on Mrs. TweeUie's door, and in walked Miss Vnrd. "Out for inj constitutional, my dear," she exclaimed. "So I thought I would Just look you up. 1 lmre walked six miles this morning, mid after a little rest and chat with you I shall walk an other mile home and enjoy my lunch son nil the better for It." "Von are a marvelT' exclaimed our author "8even miles nud overserenty. I saw your 'Volumnia" was a great suc cess the other day when you played It with Benson'" "Vex." she said, "and the next day 1 started for Home. 1 got a telegram say Ins one of three old cousins, with whom 1 was staying In liome a few weeks previously, had died suddenly, so four hours after receiving the message I set out." "Were you very tired?" "No. not at all. I knitted nearly all the way and talked to my fellow pas sengers and when I arrived. Instead of resting, went at once to see to some business, for these two old sisters, one of whom Is blind, were absolutely pros trated with grief and had done nothlug while awaiting my nrrlvnl. I stayed a fortnight with fbein. settled them up and nrrived back a few days ago." Here Is the flat hetle story of Miss Ward's marriage tragedy as she told It to Mrs. Tweedlc: "I was traveling with my mother and brother nn the lilvlera In 1S.Vi when we met a Russian. Count de Cuerhel He was verv tall, very handsome, very fasclnntlns. very rich and twenty-eight I was seventeen. He fell In love with me. mill It was settled I should be mar rted at the consulate at Nice, which I was. But the Russian law required that the marriage should lie repeated In the Russian church to make the ceremony binding: otherwise I was his legal wife, but he was not my legal husband "It was arranged, therefore, that I should go to Purls with my mother the count going on In advance to nr range everything, and we would be re married there In the Greek church When we arrived in 1'ari It was Lent, when no marriage can take place In tbe Greek church, and so time passed on. "Be must have been a thoroughly bod man, because be did bis best at that time to persuade me to ran away with him, always reminding me that 1 was bis legal wlfo. Tbe whole tblng was merely a trick of tbis handsome, fascinating rascal. He promised me that If I would go to him be would take me to Russia at once, and there we should be remarried according fo tbe rules of the Greek church. Being positively frigbteued by bis persist ence, I told my mother. At tbe same time rumors of De Ouerbel's amour and debts reached her ears, and she wrote to a cousin of otirs, then Amerl ran minister In St. Petersburg, for con firmation of these reports. "Sly cousin replied. 'Gome at one.' We went, I. of course, under my nam of Countess de Guffcbel, which I had natnrnlly assumed from tbe day of our wedding at Mee. and w stayed at the embassy to St. Petersburg. The count's brother was charming to .me He told us my husband was a vlllatt snd I had lietter letive him alone. Tluii was luntosiilble. however. I was tna rled to him. but he was nof married to me. and such a state of affairs could not remain. "It became an International matter, and it was arranged by the American government aud tbe czar that we should lie officially married at War law. The count refused to come. The csar therefore sent sealed orders for his appearance. Wearing a black dress and feeliug apprehensive nud misera bly sad. I went to the church, nnd at the nltar rails, supported by my father and mother and the count's brother, I met' my husband. "It was n horrible crisis, for I knew my father was armed with a loaded revolver, and if De Guerbel refused to give me the last legal right, which was morally already mine, its contents would put nn end to the adventurer's life. There we stood, husband and wife, knowing the service was a mere form, but the marriage was lawfully effected. He had completed his part of the bargaiu, nud we had learned his villainy. -At the door of the church we parted, aud I never saw him again." Two Vacation. Joe had not seen Rill-for a longtime. nello. rsill!" he said. "Still work ing. I see." "Yes. Joe. but I am getting a little wobbly. I've had only two vacations in thirty-seven years. Joe. once t u dergo n surgical operation aud (t' other time in order to boy a lot iu the cemetery." I ndinuapnlls News. rorc.err.1r3 the Uplift. You :;.' i'i faviu of the UjJIft. of rour! " . Vos ' n-yii'd b'nrrnjpf CotiHoush! 1 1:1 I ti.v.cui an;. jWi-11 regard iur a man :io b a .Job d rout meliriln' 1, 'i hmtil 'if1 vho ivlnsrs to l Umli a ,t !ei in o'.p' s ii;.il soul,. wtM lifttei at ci: m eb'Witur."- Wnshiti tot! Star A Life. Feud. "Cannot this quarrel be p-itchcd in between Mrs. Wombat and Mr. Win laby?" "NO. This quarrel cannot lie patched tip. .Mrs. Wombat offered Mrs. Walla by's cook $'2 more per week." Pitts burgh Tost. Itesolve to be thyself and knew that he who finds himself loses Ills misery. Matthew Arnold. Sold Under Our and the Factory's Guarantc. EASY TERMS aarSat aa aaaaw aaa aaaaV TTa! iHal ' A mr JM v m 1 fl aaT ' .aaal W - A w aBBBBBaaBE . (S i 1 - . - v,.:.. ' BB1 mmm Hi ' HbH 1 SJSm This Mid Guaranteed to Mtake Good Meal. i 10 Days' Free Trial. the markets; Apiil 16 1913 COTTON (Quotations furnished b G. W. Tay lor & Son.) Middling 12 ct." Strict Middling, 12 1-8 " Good Middling, 12 1-4 " POULTRY, EGGS, ETC. (Quotations furnished by Coast Line Meat Market). Chickens Grown, pair 60-80 Chickens Half-grown pair 40-70 Geese, per pair 4l.25-$1.5.1 I Ducks, per pair 50 1.03 I Eggs, per doz 13 I Hams, Gountry, smoked, lb 18 Beeswax, lb 22 Wool, 16 to 1 Wool, 16 tol7 Hogs, dressed, lb... 10-10 1-2 Beef, dressed, lb 8-9 Hides G. S., lb ; 9 Green, lb 8 Dry Flint, lb 12-11 Dry Salt, lb 1012 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (Quotations by New Bern Produce Company). Irish fto""" ftfj crop $2.50 Sweet potatoes, bus 1 ....50 Rutabagas, hundred $1.00 Collards head, .02 Turnips bunch, .03 Cubbace, bairel $1.00 to SI. 25 Spinach, basket, 50 We keep everything you need in thc Drug, Medi cine or Toilet line come, buy what you need rind if you find it does not suit you bring it back, get what you do want, or get your money back. Wc are here to serve and please YOU. Bradham Drug Co. Stover is a We fi ne ITe n lilriTtib Engine Fdr Seven Years and Haven't a Dissatisfied Customer.! t . i We Carry These Engines and Supplies in Stock. Hyman Supply Co. S New Bern, N. C. Everything For the Mill and Farm J fARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB, X ITS FLEECE WAS WHITE AS SrOW I AND EVERYWHERE THAT MARY WENT THE LAMB WAS SURE TO GO I IT FOLLOWED HER TO SCHOOL ONE DAY X AND CAUGHT AN AWFUL COLD AND MARY RUBBED ON GOWANS-e- GOWANS-GOOD AS GOLD. g WHAT MAKES THE LAMB LOVE GOWANS SO THE EAGER CHILDREN CRIED 1 BECAUSE GOWANS CURED THE COLD ' i YOU KNOW, I THE TEACHER HE REPLIED. ? GOWANS, King of Exterra's, cares Vlroup, Colds, Pneumo- X nla, and all mothers should always keep a bottle in the home X fcr ir.imed ate use. All druggists sell it 25c, 5c and ll.W. r.rmiM Mrnifll rr f J u OOOO ITUIIIC ' COAST HIE SK7 TOUR -TO- PANAMA-JAMAiCA-CURA HDD FLORIDA III THE Bra-SEHnl W floMvs IS OFFERED A J' A. COMPARATIVELY - SMALL COST The cruise will be on the New Steamship EVANGELINE of the P. & O. S. S. CO. (Length 364 feet, with 262 Staterooms -SAILING FROM KEY WEST JANUARY 7, 1913. Other sailings Jan. 21, Feb. 4 and 18, March 4 and 18, April 1 and 15. F. H. JOLLt. It will-only cost a postal card worth' XXXXXXJ Why The Women of New NEW STORE FOR WOMEN 85 Middle Street James Hotel They may select from the most complete and finest stock of Untrimmed Hats and Trimmings in town, and in every instance they have the assurance that. style is cor rect. : : ; I desire to call the attention of women, that I cany a large stock of Dresses for Women, Misses and Children. : : MINE IS A STORE FOR WQMEN Mrs. B. Allen Phone 752. . - - - - Under James Hotel. Good En .aaaaal i- W aaaaV XH KH Q4HH OOO-ii For full information, the ap proximate cost of the trip from any point desired, and for sche dules and reservations on trains and on thc ship, address the un dersigned, who will accompany thc oartv. WILMfNGTt N. f). C. ONE CENT XS Bern Get Their Hats at NEW BERN'S fine i 1 (M II