vittw NEW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1913-SECOND SECTION 35th YEAR TrT" KED PLAN TO ENLARGE THEIR BUSINESS TELLS OF LEFT WITH A LEG TO STANDI I 3 IT S ATTACK ON SIMS SOCIETY DANCERS IN THE CELLAR SffllC WORK INVESTIGA HARPLY SCORES HUMES BODIES DSLER'S VIEWS ON GRAVEN ROAD Says Statements of Distinguished Physicians Are Attack ' Ob Christianity. MAKES VIGOROUS CHALLENGE Says Fifty Years Hence All Of Osiers Teachings May Be Overthrown. Baltimore, April 20. "I am no enemy of the saints. I will talk to my friend the Cardinal about this as soon as I get back." This was all Sir William Osier had time to say in reference to the state ment that Cradinal Gibbons regard? parts of Sir William's address on Chris tianity. Sir William made it clear that he regretted the exception taken by the Cardinal to his remarks and that he intends to see the Cardinal about it. The statement accredited to Dr. Os ler was that man has not adjusted himself to new conditions; that he stands only half awake. "Still in the thaumaturgic state of our mental development," he said, "99 per' cent of our fellow creatures when in trouble, sorrow or sickness, trust to charms, incantation, and to the saints. Many a shrine has more fol lowers than Pasteur, many a saint more believers than -Lister. Less than twenty years have passed since the last witch was burned in the British Isles." Cardinal Gibbons said he was shocked at Dr. Osier's statement. "I find that scientists in any line sometimes make statements such as that of Dr. Osier," said the Cardinal, "and only a short time ago I. had to defend some truths that Thomas A. Edison attacked. The great trouble with these scientific spe cialists is that they cannot imagine how any one can disagree with them They think their statements should go unchallenged, but this one of Dr. Osier shall not, and I shall-write to him asking him to retract it." , "I would like to call the atcntion of Dr. Osier to the fact that Pasteur wa3 a devout Catholic and put his trust in the saints. He said that as his knowl edge of medicine increased his faith grew likewise. He was proud of the fact that he was a member of the Catholic church and I am sure he wor shipped at many shrines. "What do the things that Dr. Osier preaches stand for, anyhow? Fifty years hence all his teachings may be overthrown by new discoveri ;s. His whole doctrine is based on theory. '"The stat.ments attibutcd to Dr. Osier are an attack on Christianity. am exceedingly surprised that he should make such an attack in this age. Thi Catholic church is not founded on the ory, and whereas the whole world is informed of its doctrine, the conclu sions of Dr. Osier are known to com parativcly few." BRI06ET0N GIRL FALLING SASH PAINFULLY IN JURES POSTMASTER'S YOUNG DAUGHTER. (Special to the Journal) BHdgeton, April 23. Little Miss Leu Oglesby the daughter of Pott matter Oglesby of this place, .had the misfortune to get her arm broken yes terday. The little girl was leaning out of the window in her home at the . , r . 1 ! J . i urn C oi ine acciaeni ana in some un explained way the sash become un fastened and lell, striking one1 of her arms A physician was summoned and he gave the little sufferer medical attention and she is resting as well as cotlcl be expected. Rev. J. R. Smith of the Orphan's Heights School, near Kinston, filled his regilar pppiintment here af the Christian church last Sunday night and a large congregation heard his inter esting discourse. A, ft. Fulcher, one of the merchants at this place has recently purchased a handsome touring car. Tingle Brothers Hardware Company have recently added a bicycle and re pair department to their establish ment. " Mrs. and Mrs. H. M. Bunting spent Tuesday at Vane chum. M. Laughinghouse returned Monday from, a busincM trip to Vanceboro. Miss Nora Lancaster of Vanceboro returned home yesterday after a visit with relatives. Mr. sad Mrs F. M. Wilkinson of Washington spent Monday night with -Mr. and Mr. H. C Laajaaster E- R. Phillip, left yesterday for a bualoass visitf at Oriental. iff. R. A. Hoi ion, who has been seriouslyrill ftr several weeks, is rapidly improving Mrs. Thomas Davenport who live to C. street is seriously ill. ML. Bl.nrh Parn f Ar.U. Visiting relatives at this place. , . . ,. ... . HAS ARM BROKEN J. S. MILLER FURNITURE CO. TO OPEN BRANCH AT MORE HEAD CITY. The enterprising firm of J. S. Miller Furniture Company arc plan niing to enlarge their business by opening up a branch store in More head City. This store, which will be located n the handsome thr.c story brick building owned by George Simmons and which is now nearing completion, will be opened about May 1 and will be in charge of R. H. Dowdy who ha.. b;en connect. d with th firm for sev eral years. This company has long enjoyed an enviable patronage in Morchead City and the surrounding territory and their nam? is a household word all ovei Carteret county. The new stor: will carry a modern and extensive line of house furnishings. E Prominent Anti-Suffragist Dis cusses The Growing Lax ity of Morals. LEADER IN SOCIETY HERSELF Contends That Influence of Well To-Do-Women Seaps Down To Less Prominent Ones. Washington, April 23. j quite agree that society women are to blame,' was the comment made here by Mrs Arthur M. Dodge, of New York, her .-elf a .ociety women, and president oi the Anti Suffrage National association in discussing the arraignment of "high society" by a club of Washington men. Some of the speakers of the club meeting expressed consternation at the spread of the social evil, and the general laxity of morals throughout the country. 'Society women, are to bjamc," clarcd Mrs. Dodge, "because the in fiuence and the example of ociety slops down to the les prominent girls and women who make up every com munity. These girls and copy so-called high society in dress and in dancing. Nothing has happened in the history of this country or of the world to lower morals and moral standards mot.' than the dressing and the dancing of the present day. "A remarkable thing is that on one side societies for sex hygiene and the uplift of morals arc increasing rap idly, and on the other hand there is an increasing laxity of morals. Many people who ought to help towards public opinion show their neglect in doing so in thur general dress and conduct. "It all comer, back to flie proposi' tion that, instead of working for the bal'ot, women should sec that the laws now on the statue books are carried out. The woman of today must feel more keenly then she docs now her responsiblity to her child ren and to other people's children With the women of the piescnt time there is something wrong, and that which is wrong is hard to trace defi nitely. It seems to be a combination of the effect of European feminism, which has crept over there under a different name and ha neglected th. development of the individual by re suiting in the sacrifice of the home. "It is a self-evident fact that moth ers havo iosj tluir sense of respon sibility to their children, and that children have lost the respect and obedience due to their parents. It is all well enough to talk of reform, but the reform for which there is a cry ing need at this time should begin a home. "If all the ..women would discharge this high duty there would be neith Sf time or any pretense or necessity for women t) clamor for the ballot rather than the womanly virtues, can bring about an improved condition of affairs." DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFED ERACY TO MEET AT KINSTON Neat Saturday a Mujtkj of the Daughters of the Confederacy for District No. 13 will Le I.. Id at Kinston in the K. of P. hall. This district com prises the towns of New Bern. More head City, Kinston and Washington and a large attendance is expected at the meeting. The meeting will be open to any one who desires to attend and every lady who is interested in this organization is extended an invitation to be present. II you have rooms for rent' or have lost or found an article, oi i. - ' .m.,n,ng, US Journal want ad column on BLAMES SOCIETY WOMEN pale three. Road Supervisor Believes In Let ting Public Know What Is Being Done. WRITES TO NEWS & OBSERVER Says The Citizens Are Unani mously In Favor Of Im proving the Highways. Craven county is gaining an enviable reputation as a builder of good roads and the attention of the entire State is being turned in this direction. R. F-. Snowden who was recently secured by the Board of Commissioners to supervise the building of roads in this county, is a man of action'and believes not only in doing things but also in letting the outside world know that these things are being done. Writing to the Raleigh News and Observer of the work being done here he says: "During the past two years Craven county has abolished the "warming out" system and levied a fifteen cent property tax to maintain and rebuild all roads in the county, including six ty miles of the Central highway. "The board of commissioners have direct charge of all roads and have engaged an experienced civil and high way engineer to take charge of both maintenance and construction. The system, using the township as the unit or section and employing free labor only. "The construction is done with the convicts of this and adjoining coun ties and the city of New Bern. All roads ate to be rebuilt to a width of twenty-four to thirty- feet in the clear. The population, bo'.h rural and urban, arc unanirru ly in fav r of building a first-class system of highways through out the county. "The funds ayailablc this year amount to $18,000 and we will prob ably have $28,000 next year for road purposes. There is no bond issuj. "The county expects to follow the present plan until the road's of the county have been rebuilt. Than a small levy will suffice ior mainte nance." The convict force is now engaged in building and improving the road leading from this city to Vanceboro and when this work is completed they will be transferred to the road between this city and Morchead City and will spend some time in improving this. ERNUL HAPPENINGS Threatening Fire Brought Under Contiol Personal Notes. (Special to the Journal) Ernul, April 22.-Fire escaped from some men burning over some new land nd caused much excitement yesterday. It was some time before it was brought nder control. Mrs. Smith, who has been very ill for some time, is not any better. A number of our titizens made a business trip to New Bern yesterday. J. E. Avery of Cove City ,Mrs. R. Avery and child and Miss Steven son of Ernul left Monday morning, nroutc to Norfolk, Newport News, Portsmouth and Cape Henry on a pleasure lrp. T CROP WILL BE SHORT AS RESULT BEANS ALSO DAMAGED. Thj frost of Tuesday morning did serious damage to I ish potatoes in his section. Reports from Pamlico county are that the crop will be ser iously cut off as a result of the unsea sonable weather. The fields look brown and parched. In the immediate vicinity of Oriental the damage is less,' the close proximity to a large body of water having operated to the advantage of the crop. In this vicinity, the potatoes look decidcedly "sick" and a' I over Eastern Carolina the damage is understood to be quite considerable. As th. "snap" was very general it ib believed that the crop will be short all around and that this will result in higher prices o thai the proceeds from the crop may be a. large at they would have been had not the Irost occurred. A letter received by a local cit zen fiom a gentleman in Nor.olk stated that both beans and potatoes in thai section were damaged, the b.-ans being killed outright in some instances. JUVENILES PLAY BALL. The Broad Street Juniors defeated the Dunn's Field baseball team yes t 1 da v a ternoon by the score ol 4 to 2. Th; battery for Broad street vat Gillikin and Bryan for Dunn's Fialc SattcOMitfce and Prior. The gamt was played on the" Academy Green ant wa wittneased by a crowd of interested UESDAY'S FROST HURTS POTATOES NO FIELD LEFT FOR ROGERS PARTY DEMOCRATS PRO GRESSIVE ENOUGH. Washington, D. C, April 21 So completely hasth" Democratic adminis tration handled the governmental reins since Woodrow Wilson went into the White House, according to what con gressional leaders said here today in discussing the future of the tariff bill, that there is no. a look in for the Pro gressives anywhere on the po'itical horizon, and it must be remembered that it was these same Progressives tnat tne ucmocrats most icareu at me polls last fall. The tariff bill has run the gaunt let of the Democratic caucus, and in stead of coming out of a shapeless wreck; it will emerge tomorrow practically in the same condition as it went in. Changes have been so few and of such Utile consequence as to lead the Pro gressives to believe that they are per manently out of the running. They had hoped thai the caucus would mud dle itself so badly that the tariff bill would have to be sent to the legisla tive repair shop for alterations, to the benefit of the Progressives aforemen tioned; nothing of the kind happened. The master hands of Oscar Underwood and Woodrow Wilson at the wheel steered thj craft into safe waters. The gauntlet has been run, and the. dan gerous shoals passed. Whatever ob jection the tariff bill would encounter, so far as the House is concerned ,has been met safely and passed. It was there that trouble was to b expect ed, if any where ,and the absolute eas. with which Congressman Underwood and President Wilson have cleared the narrow passage has not only proved them adept legislative skippers, but they have convincingly shown also to the Progressives that there is not a chance for the latter, Wilson has furnished all the progressiveness that the Progressives wanted and he has made a complete success of it. In the Senate the little objection that was formally shown to the pres ent tariff bill has dwindled to a neg ligible quantity, and the Democratic majority in the upper house undoubt edly will make as perfect a job oi ta riff mending before it is done with. It was also pointed out here today that with th" prospects all the best lor complete harmony between Bryan and Clark, the only discordant note of the Baltimore convention passing into history during the last day or two, and with Bryan in entire accord with President Wilson in every act and deed, there is, in rea'ity, not a chance for. the Progressives, even with the wonderful Roosevelt as their lead er. The truth aboft it i that Wood row Wilton, Oscar Underwood, the members of the Cabinet, and the men upon wohm the President is leaning for advice, arc proving themselves too strong a proposition for all the boasted power of the Progressive movement. PARCEL POST CONGRESSMAN LEWIS WANTS LOWER RATES AND LARGER CLASSIFICATION. Washington, Apr'l 23. Congressman David J. Lewis of Maryland, father of the pa eel post, announces that he will open the fight in Congress within the next two weeks for a reduct'on in parcel post ra:es, for a higher weight limit and for enlargement o' its class ification so as to include books. Mr. Lewis has been studying the operation of the parcel post system since its establishment by the Postoffice De partment. For the past month he has ben at work on a speech which he will deliver in the Hou-e advocating changes in the parcel post act so that it can be developed into an agency for a reduction of the high cost of liv ng. This speech will be delivered during the tariff debate. Mr. Lewis, discussing the operation of the parcel post with a correspondent said his observation is : hat thegreatcst defect 111 ihc kystcm is the high rate for local packages. He declared the pare.1' post can never bo made a trans portation eojtdtHt between the suburban or rural pfofTucer and the city cOrsum ;r until rates arc establ'shed which will invite this trade. He thinks that this local rati should not be more than, 1 cen. a pound, and that if such a rate is made and packing regulations are mod tied there is no reason why the farmers within a radius of 100 miles ol a big city cannot ship their Droduce direct to- the city con sum jr. - If this is. done, Mr. Lewis feels, the question of the high cost of living will be solved. ng for WOULD MPRI House Will Administer Rebuke To Banker Who Slapped Member. BUT FEW DISSENTING VOTES Senators and Representatives En joy Special Privileges In Their Speeches. Washington, April 22 The House of Representatives has taken formal steps to investigate the assault upon Con gressman T. W. Sims, of Tennessee, by C. C. Glover, the millionaire presi dent of the Riggs National Bank, of Washington, and to determine whether or not Mr. Glover invaded the rights and privileges ol members of the House when he slapped the Tennessee Repre sentative in the face to resent the latter's criticism of him on the floor of Congress in connection with certain real estate deals. Five members of the House were appointed a committee by Speaker Clark to nake. the investigation, fol lowing the adoption of a resolution of the highest privilege presented byt Representative Garretc, of Tennessee. The committee is directed by the resolution to report to the House next Saturday. Among the witnesses will be Representative Sims, the man as saulted; J. Fred Essary, Washington correspondent of The Sun, of Baltimore and C. P. Daily, of the Washington Herald, newspaper men to whom Mr. Glover gave a statement of the assault. The action by the House followed a long conference yesterday between Speaker Clark and several House lead crs. Because of the unusual and serious nature of the affair it was. agreed to hav; a select committee named to re commend to the House a course of procedure. The Speaker named be sides Mr. ' Covingfon Representatives John W. Davis, of West Virginia; Charles F. Crisp of Georgia; Pourty of Iowa, and Nelson of Wisconsin. All stand high in the House as lawyers. The Garrett resolution was adopted with only a few dissenting voices. The Constitution provides that for any speech or debate in either house Senators Or Representatives shall not be questioned in any other place. As an incident to the maintenance of its integrity the House ol Repre sentatives has on several occasions asserted its inherent right to punish for contempt. In 1832 Samuel Houston attacked Representative Stanberry, of Ohio, on the streets of Washington, for words spoken by Stanberry in debate in the House. Houston was arrested on a warrant issued by the Speaker, arranged at the bar of the House, and after a hearing was publicly punished by censure of the Speaker de livered under order of the House. The Supreme Court has on two, occa sions decided tha under proper circum stances the House of Representatives has the power to punish for contempt. Members of Congress who discussed the matter today regarded the questions raised as very serious ones. The ln cgrity of the House is involved, they said. On the other hand, the assault on Mr. Sims by Mr. Glover was for words spoken in a former Congress. The case will probably reach the Su preme Court through habeas corpus proceedings if the House orders the arrest of the millionaire assailant of the Tennessee member. WILL MAKE AN ADDRESS l)r J. E. Turlington to Talk To Craven Farmers. Next Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Dr. I. E. Turlington, Superin - tendent of Craven County's proposed Farm Life School, will deliver an ad dress at Ernul school house and every farmer in that section is extended an invitation to hear him. His address will be in chc interest of better agricultural conditions ia Craven county and as this is a subject in which every farmer is vitally in terested it is hoped that thcre will be a large number present. INSPECTS HEALTH CONDITION. Member of the State Board of Health In the C ty. R. O. Self, who is connected with ine oiaie u. ..... n. , . ... ..v chy making an inspection of the haajth the State Board of Health, is in the ditions of the grad d schools of the; city. Several days will be taken up .. ... 1 11. en :n in ins wora auer wnicn mr. .tcu w..i go to some other part of the Sta c to, make similar inspections. On May 19 he will return to New Bern and will devote some time to the treat ment of hookworm and other intesti nal diseases. Mr. Self is an expert in the treatment of disease of this kind ane comes to New Born well recommend- In many schools in this and other States the health conditions are lar from Derfccl and in North Carolina Stati JS?Jj . . WORSE THAN THOSE IN PUB- irr ham. HnsTON's MAYOR SAYS. i Boston, April 22. "Society dances clipse in boldness anything attempted in public halls and are mainly responsi- ore ior the abuses developed in dance ha'ls, said Mayor John r. Fitzgerald. The Mayor's statement was made in connection with an announcement that unless danc.e hall conditions in Boston are improved he will close up "the most offensive place." and might be com- pelled to adopt a uniform hour io closing, either midnight or 1 o'clock ,, , B for all ballrooms. . .. A committee of the Public League which called upon the Mayor to ask for stricter municipal regulation ... , , . . of dancing, had expressed surprise that the Mayor should include hotel ball- rooms with the cheaper dance halls. "inynntiH,r9nvmn,iHmtinn exempt the hotels from conforming to the midnight closing hour," continued the Mayor. "As far as my observation goes, they arc the worst offenders and they could well set the rest of the city a good example. At very few of the debuatante parties and fashionable social events in the Bay does the dancing begin until nearly midnight, and it runs until the early hours of the monring." ATLANTIC HOTEL HAS BEEN LEASED Proprietors of Gaston Hotel Will Conduct Popular Seaside M om a visit wnicn me ownei m m Resort. I building, Albert Arthur, made to the SFASON TO OPEN JUNE 15 , lice headquarters. An investigaticn Many Improvements And Repairs by two detectives resulted in the find To Be Made Before Resort ing of a grave and the bodies. Is Opened. k ,mt h Wn mado hv the Norfolk Southern Railway Com-llivc1 in the house since 189- nam owners of the Atlantic Hotel.! Marie KOmmichati, who is 49 y.ars at Morehead City, that they have leas- cd this popular seaside resort to Bland and Cherry, proprietors of the Gaston Hot J in this city, for a period of five I yCiirS. ' I Both Mr. Bland and Mr. Cherry are well and favorably known to the majority of the travelling public, having been engaged in the hotel business for a number of years and that the Atlantic Hotel will prosper under thein management there is not the least doubt. In an interview given a Journal reporter yesterday Mr. R. A. Cherry who is in charge of the Gaston Hotel, stated that he and Mr. Bland would make a number of repairs and improve- ments before opening the Morehead City resort and that it was their in- tention to make it one of the most popular seaside hotels in the State. The hotel will be opened for the season on June 15 and will be in charge of Mr. Cherry, another throughly competent hotel man taking his place at the Gas- ton during the few months that he is away. In the past this hotel has been con- ducted by the owners and they have given Morehead City an excellent tra n service auring me summer mum.... Thi3 same service will be continued, The b'g motor car will be placed on the i:, K,...n Now IWn and that noint 1 1 1 iv, . - - r 1 and will make trips whenever necessary. ! In addition to lition to this there will b, special operated there each Sunday and , trains the low round trip rate from all points on the Norfolk Southern line wfll be in effect. , With the addition of the Atlantic Hotel Messrs. Bland and Cherry are now the proprietor, ol seven popular tMe.i. th State, the Gaston mth.s ciry. ine fxuou, v,...Bv at Rocky Mount, the Louise at Wash ington, the Bland at Raleigh and the Atlantic at Morehead City. CARTERET CITIZEN DIES, V. A. Tolson of Croatan Succumbs To Heart Disease. News reached this city yesterday ... , J.K rJ V A "nS sudden death ol V A. lolson at nis nome at v.nn, t,.ret county, on the previous night. . . . . ' The deceased was sixty-two years 01 . . . ,uerin for ,ome , u , Ai 1 l,mc C Wi n M.Kn. n.v - eas - !CQ( His condition, howev. c, was not serious and hi.- sudden death was eaiiseVy unexpected. Mr. Tolson was a brother o. Mrs. . i. , , . . J. B. Watson of thi. cky and she and Miss Nancy Watson and William Watson of this city, Mra. W. S. Mc- f 1 .1 . V A d Greggor tf.Br Whalty mmi .nwwsavinc a.tended the fuaeral Jwdwhirh . . . r- . . was neu at iroaian wt,, Woman Explains That Mother and Sister Were rrejuoicea Againat Cemeteries. MOTHER'S BODY IN SHOWCASE Declares That Both Women Died Natural Death Telia of Burying Them. St iou:s Anril 23 The bodies of Mrs Ernestine Kommichau and her daughter, Selma, were iound shortly Men noon ye8terdlyi immurred in concrete in the basement of a bu ldin3 at 3412 South Broadway. , .. .. .. i.,t The bodies were so disinteg atcd . nat .. . ,-a- ,. c.. ,i- identification was difficult. Kom ll.c rf was ded a c..uciuX. rf was a proce)ain urn ... ... .. . , ' . w of the kind sometimes used to hold Tj. y . The raves were decorated with two small cedar trees, awirecross and a mussel shell. Under the corpses was a I 1 r ,ayer ul 4u--- Mirie Kommichau, another daughter was arrested at the City Hospital shortly afterward and held for' an in- vestigation in connection with the mystery. Marie stated that her mother and s ster died of natural causes nine months apart and that she buried them in the basement at their request be cause they feared ghouls. Marie was taken to the hospital two weeks ago after she had broken her leg in a fall down stairs. A week before that time neighbors noticed the ab sence of her mother and s'.ster and in quired about them. Marie replied that the mother had taken the body to Illinois for burial. The finding of the bodies re ulted premises this morning. He noticed a pecular odor ana tetepnonea 10 po- ..... . a. Arthur said the Kommichau family, consisting of the mother and two daughters .he latter middle-aged, had old, told a reporter at the hospital her story of the deaths and burial 01 ner mother and sister, sh; explained tnat with her mother and sister sne nan li.i,l 1 nAtinn crrtro in t Vl front" tUUUUVlLU "v.l atu. " room ol the house at aoutn uroaa- way for nearly 20 years. Continuing, she said: "My mother and sister we.e afjaid of being buried in cemeteries. They feared their bodies would be s.fcn and also that they would be buried alive. That was the only reason I did not have their bodies attended to in the usual way. ..My mother died nhft' 'months before my giater 1 don-t rcmcmbcr the exact date but sister died February 10, and j ggUrcd jt back at that time, so . know thcre wag mnc months difference jy sister died of heart trouble and from tng too many headache powders. My mother djcd Df Qld age. Before my motiwc d;ed sne made sister and me promige that we would not take her body out of the houge B0 the un- takjrg COuld get her. We had no doctor for her there has not been a doctor ; our house for 10 years, and a doct0r could have done mother no I od , KhnwrasP. whi(.h 1 put. asva av7 " 1 we took from the notion store, and A nl. .... ,,f nariB amnrwi thr Pun:u !" T T nnA rarlra tn IfPPII thf AIT OUt. .,., rontsinin the - w room Nq onc . . . n;hKnr. WaH and they J about her. .yhcn sister died I knew that peo- e tf P Qut , wag keeping h K h ould ask about mother too. bodj J mother . g , had uken uau uivu her to Illinois for burial. "Then I took both into the base ment. I laid them on the basement floor and poured plaster of paris and cement over them." Marie said she needed neip in re moving the body of her mother from the showcase, and she called in a German woman who was passing the store and 1 . whom she never saw uciurc. "She was Clumsy, coitnuucu ..,, I y minH ftbout .faying. I never saw I. , and j not know whether 1 .. 4he cver toid anyone. Marie said that one man. Adam All- meroth. living on Lami street, between . . . . n . . I I.... .t. . .tk 1 hird ana Druu, - - - He is a very religious man," said jarje "He has called on us now and then for a long while. He said prayers over motrm . oooy . u bodv. I don t think he anew in. uuaai ' bwmtt, for I don't .ememb M King him." 1 not to allow Marh? asked the - J the bodus oi her mc '"""l" .... 1 en . V' jrwn