No. 112 NEW BERN. N. C. TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1913-FIRST SECTION !':'J ll YEAR I I ,1 & PLANT DEST Spectacular Fire Destroys Build ing and Equipment Of Raleigh Newspaper. ORIGINATED IN BASEMENT Loss Estimated At Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars. Par tially Insured. (Special to the Journal) Raleigh, April 24.--Fire which or iginated in the basement of the N;ws and Observer plant late this afternoon almost completely destroyed the build ing and its equipment, the damage is estimated at seventy-five thousand dollars with insurance of forty thousand- dollars. The News and Observer building was located on Martin street right in the business section of the city and was only two doors from the Bland Hotel, which is conducted by Bland and Cherry c i . i . . j:j . i c i . 1 . ju iiiLKiy uw nee urc sprcau mat within a few'minutes the entire lower floors of the structure were enveloped in flames. The fire companies of the city were on the scene in a few minutes after the first alarm sounded but they were greatly handicapped in fighting the flames by a low water pressure. Slowly the fire spread until it reached the roof burning everything within its path. All the machinery including six linotype machines and the sterot typing outfit were destroyed. A com plete filling system of cuts which was valued at several thousand dollars, was also burned. The loss to the build ing is estimated at thirty thousand dollars and to the contents forty five thousand dollars. As soon as it was seen that the build ing would "be destroyedrthe editorial "and mechanical forces were transferred to the plant of the Raleigh Daily Time; and the News & Observer will be issued from that plant until its own building can b.- rebuit and a new plant equipped. The fire occurred just at a time when the crowd was rturning from the Base ball park and thousands of persons block -d the streets and witnessed the .spectacular conflagration and the police had trouble in keeping the spectators back so that the firemen, could fight the flames. The Bland Hotel was damaged only by smoke which filkd that locality while the blaze was in- progress. The News & Observer buiilding was a practically new structure, having been completcdand occupied only a few years ago. It was four storys and was thought to be absolutely fireproof, and was one of t4ie most completely equipped plants in the State. In the basement was thc'Hoc perfecting press on which the paper was printed and also on this floor was the mailing room. On the second floor was the business offices and editorial rooms and the other floors were taken up with the composing room and the sterotyping room. v Information and Data - For Ad vertising Pamphlet Is Now Being Compiled. WILL "BOOST" THIS SECTION. Thousands Of Copies To Be Dis tributed In The North And West. At a meeting of the Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Com merce held Tuesday night a committee composed of C. D. Bradham, H. B. Craven, R. E. Snowden, T. D. Warren and M. Howell was appointed to get np the data for a booklet which will be used in advertising New Bern. Wednesday afternoon this committee met in the office of .the Pepsi-Cola Company and thoroughly discussed the work before them. Each member of the committee was given some special subject to take up and explain in this booklet and they were instructed to Legin work cn this as soon as pos sible so that the "copy" could be placed in the hands of the printer as soon as possible. " Every member of the committee is thoroughly enthutcd with this work and will devote their best efforts to getting up and compiling data which wfll place the advsntages and resources of N ew Bern before the ptfblic in an interesting and favorable manner. The advantages of this section for the farmer, the immense timber, pes siblities, fishing and oyster, industry tfk growing and mano&ctruing will be the chief objects discussed and the gentlemen who have each of these department, in charge arc thoroughly capable of performing their work in an entirely raUuactory manner. When the booklet has been issued from the press. thonunrU . will be mailed all over the north and West. eSDICmllv in M-rtinn. ath,..,. . 1. RQYED COMMITTEE AT WORK ON BOOK DUKE SEERS L CONQUEST FAMOUS SOUTHERN BEAUTY IS ENROUTE TO LONDON WILL ENTERTAIN. New York, April 24 James B. Duke formerly known as the "American To bacco King," and his wile, who was Mrs. William Innman, of Atlanta, famous throughbut the South for her beauty and wit, sailed yesterday on the Mauretania for England, where they arc to make their home for an in definite time. Mr. Duke recently secured Dorches ter House, which was the residence of Whitelaw Reid, in Park Lane, Lon don, and it is understood thatJUrs. Duke will entertain extensively. According to several intimate friends Mrs. Duke, shortly after her marriage to Mr. Duke, promised that she would attempt the social conquest of London. It was said that the guarded announce ment that Mr. Duke had secured Dorchester House, which has been the scene of many notable- gatherings, and is considered one of the most magni ficent show place in England, confirms the intention of the trip. "She always had that ambition," one said to-day, "even when a girl. After her marriage she laughingly admitted that hitherto the only barrier in her path was the lack of money, and that she was sure the Duke millions would prove to be the 'open sesame' to the social gates of London." At Mr. Duke's offices a statement was given out by his secretary that, while his stay in England would be indefinite1, the "Tobacco King" had no intention of becoming an expatriate, and that he would retain his marble palace at Fifth Avenue and Seventy eighth street, for which he pa'd $1,600. 000 and later remodeled and furnished at a "cost of several millions. It is understood, however, that while Mrs. Duke is devoting herself to so cial conquest, Mr. Duke will be busy with the affairs of the British-American Tobacco Company, the chairman ship of which he accepted shortly after' -the'dissolution of the tobacco trust. The British-American Tobacco Com pany is known as the "world-wide to bacco trust," by reason that it owns or controls companies doing business in th,Unitcd States, Canada, DenmarkJ Germany, China, India, Africa, Egypt, Jamaica', Ceyfcm, Belgium and Sweden. BRIDGETON IN WILL BE JAILER J. D. McCOY, PRESENT JAILER HANDS IN HIS RESIG NATION. A After May 1 Craven county's jail will be presided over by E. J. Baylist of Bridgeton, J. D." McCoy, the present jailer, have handed in his resignation to take effect on that date. Mr. McCoy succeeded M. C. Wil liams as jadcr and took charge of the institution shortly after Sheriff R. B. Lane took charge of the Sheriff's office. Mr. Bayliss. is one of Bridge-ton's most highly respected citizens and bears an enviable reputation for in tegrity and ability. AUTOISTS VISIT MAYSVILLE. Nelson P. Angell Drives llujpmobilt There On High Gear. Duiring his Hupmobilc automobile from Now Bern to Maysvillc, a dis tance of twenty-one miles, on roads that were dry and full of dust and having the machine in high gear during the entire trip was the feat performed yes terday afternoon by Nelson P. Angel I of the firm of Angell and Hooker. With Mr. Angell were Oscar A. Kafer and H. K. Land, Business Mans ger of the Journal. . The machine used in making the trip is a five pasccngcr, thirty-to hor.c power touring car and its ability to cover ground under very unfavorable conditions was dem onstrated in this trip. The Hupmobile is not a new mafchinc on the market by any mean; but oaf) recently has aa agency been opened in this city. During this time a number of the cars have been sold to local cititens and the machines are fnm growing in popularity. Samuel Parsons has sold his residence corner of Craven and 'New streets, tc ueorge Harriet and Ilk moved withl his son at 22 Metcalf tre.t Lewis, who has been living In the Par sons home at NeV and Craven, has moved Into his ney home on National avenue. Governor Craig has appointed J. B. Blade to represent New Bern at thf Southern Sociological Congress which meets in Atlanta, Ga., today for a four days session. price of land is known to be high am tne possibilities few for th factum and farmcf. It Is h Ihe booklet will I,. ,...,.t.. i. m.inu S0C1A ARE GROUNDLESS Fish Dealers Deny That There Is a Trust Here Controll ing Eel Bait. 'NO TRUTH IN STATEMENT" Dealer Cites Instance Where Man Has Been Coming Here For Years to Trap Eels. George N. Ives, A. L. Willis and Tolson & Smith, local fish dealers, have sent the Journal a signed state ment to the effect that there is no truth in the charge of Ernest. H. Lueders that there is a fish trust here or that his representative is not allowed to buy herring for eel bait, O. R. Hawkins of Hyde county called at the Journal office yesterday after noon and added his testimony to that of the fish dealers who sent the signed statement. He said that were was one town in this section where there was a fish trust, but every thing was wide open here. He said, he had been in the eel (rapping business in these waters for three seasons and had never had any difficulty in "Buying herring for baiting his traps. The statement of the fish men is: " 'e notice in your issue of this morn ing that a party namedErnest Luders of New York, claims that he wants to start an eel industry in this city, but that he is prevented from doing so be cause there is a fish trust that controls the herring needed for bait, etc. "Now, wc have never before heard of such a party, but if he had taken the trouble to have called on cither of the undersigned, insteadv of getting his information from a colored fisherman, he could have obtained a better knowledge of the conditions in our market. "There is absolutely no truth what ever in his statement that there is a fish trust in this city. Anyone who wishes fish can obatin them in the open market here. The citizens have never been debarred the privilege of buying fish directly from the fisher- n en and a half dozen or more colored hucksters get their supply of fish in the open market here." MENINGITIS CURE NEAR Dr. Simon Flezner Explains Ad vance Made in Fighting Disease. Batlimore, April 24 Optimistx about the propect of d sco verity a cure for all forms of meningitis in human beings, Dr. Simon Flexner, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, told the members of the Medical and Cirurgical Faculty of Maryland last night that he had already cured such diseases in monkeys. As the monkey is closely related to man physiologically, Dr. Flexncr ex pressed the opinion that-it would not be long before a cure for the disease in the human body would be affected. The occasion was the one hundred and fifteenth annual meeting of the State society. Officers will not be chosen until this morning's session. Dr. A. C. Harrison, the president, will probably not be renominated, the custom being for the president to serve only one term. . Dr. Hiram Woods recited two cases of blindness brought about by wood ilchool. In one instance, a patient rubbed his leg with wood alchool to cure rehumatism. The optic nerves were effected and in a short while the patient became totally bl nd. In the second instance, Dr. Woods stated that a man bad drunk about a half pint of liquor which he thought was whisky, but which really was composed almost entirely' of wood alcohol. The patient soon lost his sight. THE ELFRIDA AT NORFOLK Naval Reserve's Boar Is Undergoing Repairs. The North Carolina Naval Reserves training ship, the Elfrida, is now at the Norfolk navy yard undergoing repairs and several weeks will probably lapse before she will be returned to this port. The Elfrida, with the Wash injfton Division of Naval Reserves oa Board, ran aground while enroute to Washington, D. C, where, the crew intended participating is the inaugural parade. She was so badly damaged st that time that it was absolutely necessary to carry her to a well equipped ship yard to be overhauled. The torpedo boat, Foote, which was former ly located at this port, is now at Wash ington, N. C.' Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Davis and Mr. H. R. Sauls and daughter Miss Bessie of Fort Barowcll arrived in the city yesterday for a short visit. The trip was made in an automobile. PICNIC AT MAYSVILLE WAS WELL ATTENDED. The Brotherhood Lodge No. 284 of Maysville held their annual picnic at that place, yesterday afternoon and (he event was attended by a, large number of people from all over that section. The dinner was an affair that willlqng be tciiiemliered by those who BRIDGETON HOLDS SECOND PRIMARY W. H. WHITFORD IS NOMINATED AS MAYOR OF "HAT TOWN. The citizens of Bridgeton, just across Neusc river from this city, held a second primary Thursday night for the purpose of nominating a candi date for Mayor, E. J. Bayliss who was nominated at the first primary held several days ago, having withdrawn to accpet the position. of jailer in this city. . j. There were three candidates for this office, W. H. Whitford, Rev. I. W. Rog ers, pastor jtbgXhristian church in this city, anff iVW. Holtnn. On the first ballot the vote stood as follows: Whitford 22, Holton 22, and Rogers 10. Rev. Rogers withdrcir after this ballot and on the second ballot Whitford received 32 votes and Holton 22. The election will be held on May 6 and the Mayor and other officers will be elected at that t me. Mr. Whitford is one of Bridgeton's most progressive citizens and the people of-that place feel that they have selected wisely. DISPENSARIES TO BE OPENED S Hookworm and Other Intestinal Diseases Will be Treated Without Cost. IN CHARGE OF A SPECIALIST Will Begin On May 19 and Con tinue Until the Latter Part of June. The Craven County Board of Com missioners have received notice from the State Board of Health that the free hookworm dispensaries which are to be operated in this county for a period of six weeks, will open at Vanceboro on .Monday, May 19, and will be conducted at different points in the county until the latter part of June. The dispensaries will be irf charge of DfrC'. FV'Leonard of the State Board of Health and he will be assisted by Y. C. Jenkins, microscopist. Not only will the dispensaries treat the dreaded hookworm disease but will also treat any other disease due to intestinal parasites. Examination, treatment and medi cine will be furnished absolutely with out cost to the patient and the people of the county are urged to take ad vantage of this opportunity. This is the second time that such a dispensary has been conducted in Craven county and on the former occasion several thousand persons were treated and were greatly benefited." Not only will the dispensaries be open to those who wish to be examined and receive treatment but Dr. Leonard desires that every citizen of the county who is interested in this work visit the dispensaries at any time and make an inspection of the work. The dispensaries will be open at the following places on the dates men tioned: Vanceboro, Mondays, May 19, 26; June 2, 9. 16, 23. Maple Cypress, Tuesdays, May 20, 27; Jure 3. Jaspcy, Tuesdays, June 10, 17, 24. Riverdale, Wednesday afternoons, May 21, IV, June 4, 11, 18, 25. Riverdale, Wednesday Mornings, May, 21, 2$,; June 4, 11, 18, 25. Croat an, Wednesday afternoons, May 21, 28; June 4, 11, 18, 25. Havclock, Thursdays, May 22, 29; June 5, 12, 19, 26. Cove City, Fridays, June 13, 20, 27. Tuscarora, Fridays, June 13, 20, 27. New Bern, Saturdays, May 24, 31; June 7, 14, 21, 28. Wherever possible the dispensaries will be conducted in the school house or some other public building but where neither can be secured it will be con ducted in a tent which the State fur nishes fbr this purpose. In this city it will be conducted in the court house. SEIZED WITH ACUTE ATTACK. T. R. Crawford, a salerman at Coplon's department store, was seized with an attack of acute indigestion yesterday afternoon and for a time was in a critical condition. He was carried into the drug store of the Wood-Lane Drug Company and his needs temporily attended to pending the arrival of a physician who soon succeeded in bring ing the patient around all right. BUY L. K M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT. It's the very best quality paint. It wears best and looks best. U .-easts the least money. It's use for thirty seven years has proven these facts. I ts White Lead White Zinc and Lin seed Oil. Just mix 3 quarts of Lin seed Oil with each gallon of L. It M c 1 m: i D l p ..... 1 1 iii . I M I - II 1 1 A. U III III dim, II 1 1 1 1 iiitw i-"W I , i d gallons of pure paint ready for. use jii a cost of 11.40 per gallon. Ins L. ft M. Scmi-MlYfd Kcal Paint is sold by GASKILL HARDWARE CO. (Adv.) IS APPREHENDED Had Roamed The Woods For Two Days Without Food Or Water. TRIED TO REACH NEW BERN Boarded lias t bound Train And" Walked Into The Arms Of Waiting Officers. After having roamed the woods for two days, during which time he had not a mouthful of food or a drink of water, Jacob Dove, the negro who on last Tuesday afternoon shot and killed Simon Hicks, also colored, at Pink Hill in Lenoir county, was apprehended on the east bound train near Caswell Thursday night while attempting to reach this city where he has relatives. Immediately .after the crime was committed Dove ran for the woods and although a diligent search was made for him at that time he was not located. His description was sent to the officers in all the towns in Lenoir and adjoining counties and the conductors on all the trains were also notified to be on the lookout for the fugutive as it was known he had relatives in this city and it was thought that he would make an attempt to get with them and go in hiding, j Late Thursday afternoon Sheriff telephone message stating that Dove had1 been seen headed toward Caswell and it was thought that he intended boarding the train at that place. That night Sheriff Taylor, accompanied by Policeman Bursell of Kinston boarded the eastbound train and secreted them selves in the baggage car. At Caswell Dove boarded the train and strange to say walked into the baggage car and into the arms of the waiting officers. He made no resistance and was im mediately taken from the train and held at Caswell until the westbound train came along when he was taken back to Kinston and placed in jail.. Yesterday he was given a preliminary hearing before Magistrate Peebles and probable cause being found was com mitted to jail without bonH for his ap pearance at the next term of Lenoir county Superior Court. The shooting, it is believed was caused by-jealousy between the two men over a woman, Betty Murrill at whose home the tragedy , occurred. D6ve did not deny the killing and was not (he least perturbed when witnesses described the affair. JST YOUR MS DURING , THE MONTH OF Mil A failure to list during May subjects you to a double (ax, and is also a mis demeanor, See Machinery Act 1913. Section No 82. The following List takers for the different Townships w 11 be at the places stated below and dates named, to re ceive your list. Plea e be on hand and list your taxes according to law. No. 1 TOWNSHIP. ErnuL, Wednesday May 7. G. A. Whitlows, Thursday May 8. Maple Cypress Wednesday May 14. Remainder of the month of May in the tgwn of Vancjboro, H. C. BUTLER List Taker. No. 3 TOWNSHIP. Zorah, C. B. Knox storo, Thursday, May 22. J. M. Willis, store, Friday May 23. Truitts School House, Saturday May 24. Saint Delight church 'Wednesday,- May 28. Bridgeton, May 29, 30 and 31st. " NOAH T. FULCHER, List Taker No. 3 TOWNSHIP Fort Barnwell, Saturday, May 3 Dover, Thursday, May 8. Cove City. Saturday, May 10. Winter Green Church, Wednesday, May 14. Lanes Chapel, Monday, May 19. T. R. LANE, List Taker. V No. 5 TOWNSHIP Win'throp Mills, Truht's Store, Wed nesday May 14. James L. Taylor, Thu sday, May 15 W. L. Harriss, Friday, May 16. J. S. Morton ft Son Store, Saturday May 17. Remainder of month at home at North Harlowe. W. C. WILLIAMS, List Taker. No. 6 TOWNSHIP. Croatan, Saturday, May 3. Lees Farm, Saturday, May 10. Havclock, Saturday, May 17. Cherry Point, Fr'day, May 23. Hunters Farm, Saturday, May 2C THOS. E, HAYWOOD, List Taker. No. 1 TOWNSHIP Thin mans School House, Thursday, May 8. Fovs and Pcrrys, Tuesday, May 13. . James , j anj. k School House, Tuesday, days at my residence at CHEAP MONEY HIGH COST OF LIVING TO BE GIVEN ANOTHER SEVERE JOLT. New York; April 26th A further jolt is to be given the high cost of living f the delegation if 100 Amen ans wbo sailed from here for Napels today succeeds in its endeavor to devise a separate banking system for American farmers. The official name of the dele gation is. the American Commission on Agricultural Co-operation. The investigation is to be made under the auspices of The Southern Commercail Congress Its aim is to place cheap money at the disposal of American farmers in order to increase agricultura production and to lower the cost of producing food. Secretary of Agrlcuiture Houston represented the Administration at the farewell given to the Commission. President Wilson takes a keen interest in the undertaking and addressed the delegates personally before they left Washington. The Commission is headed by seven federal commissioners bearing the credentials of President Wilson and Secretary of State Bryan. They will make a report to Congress upon the practicability of establisihing farmer's co-operative banks and a mortgage bank system in the United States, copied after the agricultural - credit system of European countries. Be sides the federal commissioners there are delegates representing about three fourths of the States of the Union who will make a report to a committee of nine Governors appointed at the last conference of " the State Executives In this way official recommendation will be-iplaced before Congress and the State legislature urging a consideration of credit requirement releasing the con sumers of the country from the burden of the h'gh cost of living. The work of the commission is close ly connected with the, efforts of the banking and commercial interest to secure currency reform. The principal claim of those seeking currency reform is that under the present banking sys tem which permits banks to redeposit their funds with other bat ks who in turn deposit them in Chicago or New York, the tendency is to collect the surlpus of the nation's funds in the big speculative centres where they stim ulate stock gambling. The currency reformers want permiss'on extended the banks to lend more freely and with better returns to those engaged in legitimate commerce and manufactur ing, work. The American Commission on Agricultural Co-operation similarly wants a supplementary banking system built up which will be controlled by the farmers and which will divert a large portion of the savings o rural com munities to the development of the farms. It is claimed that in Germany such a system has been able to supply as high as 98 per cent of all the money required by the German farmers for their operating expenses from such deposits. S milar systems aic in operation n nearly every country of Europe. It is to study the operation of these systems that the commission is visiting this country. The second attempt of the com mission will be to secure the estab lishment of a mortgage banking system in the United States. Such a system in Germany had brought over $2,000 000,000 to the German landowners for the development and ;mrrovcment of their land. In France tie mortgage bond of the Credit Financier which are only the farmers' mortgages under a different form, sell at lower interest rates than even first class industrial bonds. It is declared that if a mortgage banking system could be established in the United States billions of dollars of additional money could be secured for the great development in American farms which this money would make possible, the problem of food pro duction in the United States, which is rapidly becoming worse, would be solved for ever. TARRO CHEMICAL COMPANY INCREASING EOUOPMENT. In order to keep pace with their increasing business the Tarro Chemical Company, whose plant is on South Front street near Meadows' shipyard, are adding a new boil r and a three hundscd gallon vat to their equip ment. This company manu facturers paints and sweeping com pounds and is enjoying an enviable patronage. No man can love a woman as much as she wants to be loved, or admire her as she thinks she ought to be ad mired. i Few of us want the things that are to be had (or the asking. Some men iffcslhft of time re Riverdale. H. C. WOOD, Lis.. Taker. No. TOWNSHIP Rhcms, Saturday May 10. C larks, Tucsdly May 13. Bellair, Thursday May IS. H. M. GROVES. List Taker SMASHES PIPE LINE BANK Fires Out, Bag and Baggage, Paid Treasury Agent of The -National City Bank. TO TREAT ALL BANKS ALIKE None of Them Shall Hive Any Ad vantage Of Rest If Sec retary Has H a Way. Washington, April 25 For more than eight years the National City Bank of New York has had a paid agent quartered in the Treasury De partment who has obtained confiden tial news relative to o her national banks. This agent, Miss Lotta Xav" lor, has been put out bag and baggage by Secretary McAdoo. The discovery resulted from s g- gestions made; to Secretary McAdoo a few weeks ago that certain national banks had a "pipe line" to the Treasury. Mr. McAdoo made an investigation and the "busting" of the "pipe line" followed. In the Treasury statement issaed on the matter Mr. McAdoo said: "As a result of an investigation, it dcvelopes that the National City Bank of New York, acting through Mr. Ailee, Vice-President of the Riggs National Bank of Washington, has employed a clerk outside of the Department who has been given a desk in the office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and who has, for the past eight or ten years made regular reports to the National City Bank on the condition of each national bank in the country promptly following every call of the Comptroller of the Currency." Discussing the matter further the Secretary said: "This, of course, is irregular and im proper, and immediately upon its dis covery, it was stopped. It is only fair to say that the banks claim that the information so obtained is only such as in due course is made public by the individual banks or the department But the method employed, of installing a private employee with a desk in the Treasury Department, gives the bank so favored an undue advantage in the way of advance information over al 1 other banks in the country. "At tHe same time it tends to es tablish intimate relationships with the employees of the Government and the acquirement of information of a con fidential nature that ought not to be given to private individuals or corpora tions, and which, if given at all should be published to the entire country." LA GRANGE TEAM DEFEATED. Snappy Gams) Of Baseball At rJtrrer Yeaterday. (Special to the Journal) Dover, April 23. rThe Dover High School baseball feam defeated the La Grange baseball team here this afternoon by a score o 8 to 4. Only six nn ngs were played in order to let the visitor catch the afternoon train returning home. Croom and Kintcy omposed the battery or the locals and Whittcd and Walters done the pitching and receiving for the vi ltors. The game was fast an 1 snappy from the ery f r t and both teams showed up in fine form. MQREHEAQ CITY SCHOOL CLOSES APPROPRIATE EXERCISES MARK FINALS IN PUBLIC SCHOOL IN THAT TOWN. (Special to the Journal) Morehead City, April 26. The clos- . t . . i i ing exercises o: ine morencaa vuy Graded School was hel 1 in the school uditorium last Thurs lay evening. The members ef the graduating class were Misses Mabel T.-as'.ey, Lorainc Arendell, Grace Walhcc and Marie Long and William n tings Bryan Arthur, Zebulon Vane: Butts and Dourlass Eaton. The exercises were opined with ..I ..hi . pray r by Kev. cucita mc v nortcr after which Miss Mabel Teasley read the prophesy for the clast of 1913 in which were many humor, us r ferences o the future of the members of the lass. Professor Carwile, superintendent of the school, introduced the speaker of the evening, Col. A. C. Davis of Golds- boro, who spoke about tqirt minutes upon the necessi.y of maintaining a good graded school system in order to develop the State in commercial lines. At the conclusion cf Col. Davis talk Dr. W. E. Headen presented the graduates with diplomas. Following the benediction by Rev. T. B. Davis the members of the gradu ating class ana the corps of teachers were tendered a banquet by the under graduates. Oc DDIMT