mm raKHHl 111 No. 113 NEW BERN. N. C. FRIDAY. IH ND SECTION 35th YEAR 3 StCO "TV EXPRESS COMPANY VICTIM OF FIRE Flames Believed To Have Been Started By Rats Caused Kccxy Loss Last Night. START IN "OLD HOSS" ROOM Total Damage To Building And Contents Is Estimated At Ten Thousand Dollars. Fire believed to have been started by rats and breaking out in the "old boss" room of the building on Craven street occupied by the Southern Ex press Company, shortly after 7 o'clock last night, caused damage which is estimated at ten thousand dollars. The fire was discovered by S, L Dill, Jr., as he was parsing the office at about twenty minutes past seven o'clock. Mr. Dill saw ;moke issuing from the building and at once gave the alarm. A general alarm was rent in and the entire fire fighting force of the city was on the s ene vithin a few minu tes and combatting the flames. When the first company arrived the entire interior of the rear end o' the express office was enveloped in flames wheh were leaping from the old hoss ;oom In which was stored hundreds of nflainable articles. Great cloud; of smkoe srushed forth and made the work of the firemen doubly difficult but they realized that if the build ng was to b saved it must be done quick ly and they soon had several streams of water pouring on the blaze and within half an hour had it under control Thousands, of gallons of water were thrown into the building arfd the floor reminded one of a small pond but the use of a great quantity of water was said to be necessary. Adjacent to the "old hoss" ioom was a room which the company's records, valued at several thousand dollars, were stored These were not badly damaged by the fire but were damaged by water. The contents of the "old hoss" room were valued at about two thousand dollars The second floor of the building LEFT NEARLY A MILLION This Amount Goes to Children Of Jersey Banker. Friday's issue of the New York Times says: "The inventory of the personal estate of the late"' Dr. John D. McGill, filed yesterday with Surrogate John ' P. Eagan in Jersey City'by the Trust Com pany of New Jersey, values the estate at $925,971. Dr. McGill was the Presi dent of the Hudson County National Bank in Jersey City. He held 646 shares of its stock, appraised at $245,- 480. "Other holdings were 406 shares of stock of the United States Steel Com pany and 3000, shares, of the Union Copper Mines, 124 shares of the Dixon Crucible Company ,54 shares of the Trust Company of New Jersey, 407 shares of Pennsylvania Railroad, stock and bonds of the Southern Erie, Dela ware & Hundson, Hocking Valley, Chesapeake & Ohio, the Big Four, and other railrods. His will left the bulk of his estate to his two children. Dr. McGill.was a brother of the late Vice-Chancellor McGill of New Jersey whose widow is visiting her sister, Mrs. James A. Bryan, this spring in New Bern Bern. ASK OFFICIALS TO 4 Socialists of Schenectady Want the Office-Holders To Maintan Party. SEVERE TEST FOR SOCIALISM Mayor Lunn Bitterly Opposed To Sharing His $3,509 Per Year With Party. VICE PRESIDENT TO BE SPEAKER HON. THOMAS R. MARSHALL TO BE COMMENCMENT ORATOR AT THE UNIVERSITY. DIVIDE SALARIES TOOK JOY RIDE"! S NOW IN JAIL William Johnson, Colored, Uses Benzine Wagon Not His Own and Is In Trouble. HOODWINKED GARAGE MEN The Machine Broke Down Rhem's and Was Aband oned By The Driver. Near Invitations have been issued for the one hundred and eighteenth commence ment of the University of North Caro lina. The commencement address will be delivered Wednesday morning, June 4, by Hon. Thomas R. Marshall, vice nresident of the United States. The program in full is as follows-: SUNDAY, JUNE 1 11:00 A. M. Baccalaureate Sermon, Rev. E. Y. Mullins, D. D., LL..D., President of Southern Baptist Theo logical Seminary. 8:00 P. M. Sermon before the Young Men's Christian Assentation, Rev. was occupied by the law offices of R A. Nunn, W. D. Mclver, George Willis, Josiah Sibley and D. S. Jones. The flames did not MONDAY, JUNE 2 penetrate to this floor but the contents jn.30 A. M. Seniors form in front of were somewhat damaged by the heavy Memorial Hall and march to the f moke which ascended from below. chapel for Prayers. In a s' at.-ment grven ou' at er tne 10.30 m. Senior Class Day Ex fire had been extinguished, Z. V. m Gerrard Hall. Orations by Taylor, manager of the local office of mbers of the Graduating Class in the Southern Express Company, stated Contest for the Mangum Medal. that he was unable to account for the t.nn p m. Unveiling of Soldiers origin of the blaze but believed that Monument. Address by His Excellency rats had gotten hold of matchrs and Governor Locke Graig. had ignited them. He said that at I 5.30 p m. Closing Exercises of the 7 o deck the last of the office locked up Senoir Class the building and went home. At that! 7.30 p m. Annual Joint Banquet of time there was not the least sign of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Liter- fire. Twenty minutes later the blaze arv Societies in Commons Hall. was dircovcred and duiing that time 0.30. P. M. Anniversary Meetings of it had gained considerable headway, the Literary Societies in their respective Mr. Taylcr stated that it would be im- Halls ... . . e- .. . r possible to giv a ocnniie estimate 01 TUESDAY JUNE 3 tne damage done to tne express com- lQ.0 A M Alumni Address, by the paoy's goods but that he could safely Ri .t Rcv Robert Strage, D. p., ... . ""-. .79 Bishop of East Carolina. j t . 1 Mm. J .111 . 11. I 1 nooo 01 nine- inousana aoiisrs. . ms class Reunion Exercises. loss is pa tiauy covereo oy insurance. n . ,863 c lg88 chi!S The butldmg was erected several , r , ,0(), class' of 1908. years vo especially lor the Southern , ,. p . Bu9:n.,ss Mcetinc of the fcxprcss company oy ur. r rank Mugnes Alumni - ami ic ...H..jr -1 p VI Al:imni I .uuc iron in Schenectady, N. Y., April 28. In this city of Socialist government the paid officeholders find themselves con fronted by a demand that they share their salaries with their pa ty organi zat on. The demand, coming from a powerful element in the party, is putting political Socialism to a severe test and may prove fatal t3 if. The effect of the de mand will be felt at the mumciapl election next November, when the rank and file of the Socialist party may vote for Mayor R. Lunn, who is a candidate for renomination and is bitterly op posed to dividing his $3,500 salary with any person or organization. The demand for a division of salaries was started by Charles W. Wood, editor of th Citizen, the weekly paper found ed by Rev. Dr. Lunn, the present Mayor. Mr. Wood ran as a Socialist for State Senator last fall, was brought here by Dr. Lunn to edit the paper, which is now published by a stock comoanv. in which Dr. Lunn is the controlling element. An ardent supporter of the idea that Mayor Lunn should divide his ealaiy is Robert A. Bakeman, who resigned as assistant pastor of Dr. Lunn's church, to become foreman of a gang of street cleaners at $2.50 a day, because he could better uplift humanity in that way. Witn tne editor ot nis own paper and his former assistant pastor trying to make his split his salary, and the two opponents backed by a majority of the members of the leading Socialist organization. Dr. Lunn is in an amusing predicament. However, he is supported by nearly all the city. The total of the yearly salaries of $1,000 or more is $45,695. There are enough Socialist city employes drawing from ,$2 50 to $4 a day to increase the total divisible iindcr the demand to $60,000 a year and, with the exception of Bakeman, evaryone of them is op posed to sharing his income with any one else. But the $2-a-day street cleaners and ,a majority of the So cialists not on the city payrolls favor the division. The majority of the Social ts Aldermen, who draw $500 a year each, are in favor of division. E NGINEER SAW 00Y T HRQW ROCK Co!ored Youths Who Were Charged With "Rocking" Train Are Be'ore Mayor McCarthy. ONE HELD FOR HIGHER COURT The Locomotive Gr'.ver Testified That He Witnessed the Entire - Incident. William Johnson, colored, was given a preliminary hearing yesterday after noon before Justice of the Peace J. W. Biddle on a warrant chrging him with securing property under false pretense, to wit: and automobile ,and using same for his idivdual enjoyment. Probable cause was touna ana nc was bound over to the next term of Craven County Superior Court under a boad of three hundred dollars in default of which he was committed to jail. Johnson has been employed as chauf feur by several local automobile owners and is known by the men in the local garages. Sunday afternoon he called at Sledge's garage on South Front street and told the young man in charge of the place that he bad been sent after R. J. Russell's automobile. The garage man thought it rather unusual for Mr. Russell to send a colored man after his machine but regardless of this, let Johnson take the car from the garage A short time later Mr. Russell called at the' garage for his auto, intending' to take a ride out in the country. Then it was that the garage men discovered that the owner had not sent Johnson after the machine. Without" losing any time they set out jn search of Mr. Russell's machine and scoured the country for several mles arounei out. no trace of it could be found. Late Sunday night word was received that the machine had been abandoned near Rhem's station. In the meantime the police had been notified of the affair and were on the watch for John son but it was not until yesterday morn ing that he was found. Johnson does not deny taking the machine but testi ficd that Mr. Russell had a few days Ed win Blackledge and Hugh Gray borne, colored, charged with thi owing missiles at the Atlantic Coa t Line REMAINS LAID AT REST. F. Ulrich Howard Burled In Cedar Grove Cemetery Sunday. The funeral service over the remain; of young F. Ulrkjr Howard who died at Stewart's sanitorium Saturday after noon, were conducted frcm Centenary Methodist church Sunday afternooi by Rev. J. B. Hurley and the bod) was laid at rest in Cedar Grove ceme tery. - The deceased was a member of the Baraca Bible class of Centenary churcl and the members of the class acted as honorary pall bearers and attened the funeral in a body. David Willi.,, Boon. Groves, Willie Chad wick, Robert Kehoe William Blades and Henry Willis acted as active pall bearers. There was a profusion of floral offerings giving their mute testimony to the high esteem in which the deceased washeld by his friends and associates. BO SAYS Tl IS NM6 CROP Prominent Citizen Urges Craven Farmers To Devote More Land To Growing Thle Weed. WILL TRY TO GET WAREHOUSE . rw Commissioners Will Be Asueo 10 Turn County Farm Into Demonstration Farm. train near Rav nswood last Saturday morning and injuring Mrs. Nancy Jane Morris when one of the missiles struck a car window nea' which, she was seated were given a hearing be- ore Mayor C. J. McCarthy yesterday af e noon. Grayborne was rep esented by D. E. Hendcr on, Wm. Dunn, J , ap peared in behalf of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company and R. B Nixon rep: esented Blackledge. The trait consumed some little time and a number of witnesses were examined. Engineer William Powell who was in charge of the locomotive drawing the train, testified that he eaw Blackledge and two smaller boys throw at the train and upon his evidence probable cause was found against Blackledge and he was bound over to the next term of Craven county Superior Court under a bond of one hundred dollars. His father succeeded in getting bail in this amount and he was released. The other two boys escaped being sent over !o court on account of their age, one being not more than six years old and the other about nine years o age, There was no evidence, except that given by Blackledge and the two small boys, that Grayborne had been im plicated in the affair and he was re leased from cusody. The Atlanti Coast Line Railway Company have had considerable trouble Bicycle thieves have again begun to ply their nefarious trade in New Bern and owners of these machines will do well to keep them in a safe place when not in use. Last Saturday some one stole Mail Carrier Edward Smith's wheel from 'in front of the post office and up to the present timefhe has failed to secure any trace of it. of the machine and that he thought that he would take it out for a little spin and see if the gears were in good order. When near Rhem's the machine broke down and Johnson being unable to locate the trouble abandoned the car and walked" back to the city. A SURPRISE MARRIAGE. GETTING READY TO UNVEIL MONUMENT BRIDGETON WOODMEN TO HOLD EXERCISES IN CEDAR GROVE MAY 1. in that -prtinn with bovs who Dcr ist ago asked hun to look alter tne gcaringi throwi rocks and othe mi silcs at the trains and have long be n at tempting to catch one of them in the act, It is understood tha' Mr? Moras, who was injured Saturday i getting along nicely and no evil results of her injuries are anticipated. ' Miss 11:00 P. MT Reception in the Li brary by the President and Faculty. Other class reunions, at hours an nounced by their sec.ctaries. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4. 10:45 A. M. Academic Procession form in front of Alumni Building. 11:00 A. M. Commencement Exer cises in Memorial Hall. Commencement Address, by The Hon. Thomas R, Marshall, Vice-Presi dent of the United States. Announcements by the President, Degrees Conferred. presentation cf Bibles. holds a fifteen, year leaso on it. The damage Commons Hill to mis is estimated at about or tnous- . p M A . Mcclinff tnc and dollars and thi ; also is partially , , Trusteca in Chemistry Hall. covered by insurance. .?0 p M Annual Deba.e between Among the many other .ex- ,,-,:. f the Dialectic and 1 .l- e .K.v presn ... ...c U..K.C wnt o Philanthropic Literary Scieties. nunoieo or more containing wnisxcy which had arrived on the evening train When the doors were hrst opened a number of thc spectators rushed in and began to bring the "booze" out on the sidewalk. However, one of thc office force arrived on th" scene just at that time and realizing that if (his whiskey Vwan nl:ir H on thf Htrppt thp i'Klir,'VI company would stand small show of saving but little of it, he put a stop to the work of rescuing thi part of the contents. The packages in which a au rater ot quarts ol whiskey was rcdaved were badly damaged by the wa'er but the contents of the bottlei- probably escaped injury. Manager Taylor .tated that he would SAYS WILSON HASN'T CHANGED probably open up an fficc n another bu Iding lor a few days until thc damag- Former College Mate Tnkcs Stu ed rtructure could be repaired bull don ts To See President could give out no definite information Washington, April 30. "It was just in regard to this laMcbt. like an lecture. He hasn't One of the chio ntasons that thi. changed a bii," comnuntjd Rc firemen were able to fight the fire W. H. Kidd, pa tor of thc First Mrtho- wjth so muck effect was the fact dist Church, o' Meridan, Conn., who that there was an unusually good water in company with 30 hjh school students pressure, the gauge at the City Hall, I oj that town, called upon President just across the street from the fire Wilson. Rev. Kidd and the I'rcsiden registering ninety thr.e pound-. Such wrre at college together. due to the fact I Dr. Kidd entered ihr nrofi' new w. l s at I baseball field and for several seasons umps can get anwt one of thc star Southpaws in the iiy 01 water ana old Uastorn League. Ihe meet 111 fesr loss tt. with the President was thc first in of Itw water several years f It liters . . . . . in t. e A MARRIAGE OF INTEREST LAST SUNDAY NIGHT. A marriage of interest to the many tr ends of the contracting parties was consumated at ih. Free Will Baptist church Sunday n'ght at 7 o'clock when Miss Mary Bowdcn of Edwards be came the bride of Hugh Sawyer of this ci y, Rev. J. P. Woodard, pastor of thc church, performing the ceremony. I he bride is one of the most attractive'and popular, young ladies of Edwards and thc groom enioys an enviable reputa Lion here. Mr. Sawyer is employed as bookkeeper with the Arms rong Grocery Pnmnanv and he and his bride will make this-Cf.ty their horn?. Laura Wallace Lane Weds Alabama Man. MEETING AT COURT HOUSE. ORGANIZE BETTERMENT CLUB Young Show Men Of Arapahoe Progressive Spirit. (Special to the Journal) Arapahoe, April 29. The young men of this place have organized a Betterment Club with a large member ship. They have also organized a "string band" and are preparing to furnish the citizens with a full line of melody during the summer months. Despite the recent heavy frosts the farmers in this section are losing no time in working their crpps. The pb tato crop in this section was but little damaged by th.1 frost. Several of thc local amateur actors are preparing to present at an early date a mcsicil comedy entitled "Be cause I Love You". This piece, is said to be a "hit from start to finish and its Drcsentation is awaited with much antilipat'on. The Ladies Aid Society of the First Crhistian church will give an entar tainmcnt for the benefit of the" church npxt Saturday evening. Every one is extended a cordial invita.ioa to at tend ' - A marriage that was a surprise to the many friends of thc contracting parties took place at thc Presbyterian Manse yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock whenMiss Laura Wallace Lane, the attractive daughter of Mrs. F. B. Lane,.became thc bride ol N. E. Blake more of Birmingham, Ala., Rcv. Dr. J. N. H. Summercll proforming thc ceremony in the presence of a few friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Blakemore left on the aftcrnoon train for Birmingham, Ala., where they will make their future home. The groom is a travelling sales man for thc Bishop-Babcock-Becker Company, manufacturers of soda foun tains and is an estimable young man. Thc bride has many friends in this city who regret to sec her leave but whose best wishes fellow her to her new home. Those Interested In Education Will Be Present. There will be a Mass Meeting in the Court House on Friday night, May 2nd at 8 P. M., of those interested in the better education of the children of thc city. A number of prominent citizens who believe m the education of every child in the City; and that thc best equuipped schools arc none too good for thc boys and girls of New Bern, have been se cured to make short talks. All voters arc urged to be present. The ladies, especially, arc invited. MUSI JALE AT WHITE HOI SE PICNIC AT OUAKER BRIDGE. (Special to the Journal) Oliver, N. C, April 30. Thc Sunday school of Oak Grove Methodist church will give a picnic Saturday ,May 10, at Quaker Bridge. There will be free boat riding inlhe river and other amuse ments. All are invited to come and bring well-filled baskets. President And Mrs. Wilson Invite Friends To Hear Choristers. a pressure rs this that with the use Washington, April 20 The President and Mrs. Wilson invited a few friends to the musicale given yesterday afternocn n thc East Room. A special program given by the choristers of St Paul's church, Chicago, who later gave nublic concert at the Columbia Theatre. Mrs. Wilson, according to her usual rminm. received a number 01 visitors bv aoDointmcnt this afternoon'. M. A. Mitchell Palmer, wtl. ot Representative Palmer, of Pennsylva nia entertained a large luncheon party yesterday in compliment to Mrs. Marshall, wife cf flic Vice President The-company present to meet Mrs. Marshall included Mrs. Burleson, Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. Saulsbury, of Delaware, Mrs. Oscar W. Und.-rwood, Mrs. F. I Burton Harrison, Mrs. C harles Lowndes SEMI-MIXED RKAL(Mre. Arthur Giles, Mrs. J. Kemp Efart- Somethlng Coming to Father. "Mamma, what would you do if that big vase in thc parlor should be brok en?" said Tommy. 'I should thrash whoever did it,' said Mrs. Banks, gazing severely at her lit tle son. "Well, then, you'd better begin to get up your muscle," said Tommy, gleeful ly, "cob father's broken it." N. Y. Globe. Bridgeton, April 30. The Wood men of the World held a special meet ing at their Camp last night to make arrangements for thc unveiling ex errisrs which will be hela in Ledar Grove cimetery on Saturday May 18th Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Price of Pitt county are visiting tneir oaugnt Mrs. W. N. Dixon. Mr. W. L. Arlington of Beaufort district manager W. O. W., was out town yesterday in thc interest of thc Camp. Mr. I. C. Dixon of Olympia was in town yesterday. Mr. J. E. Campbell is quite sick Mrs. W. H. Whitchurst of Olympi is in town today. Rev, R. E. Ptiman pastor of the M E. Church here filled his regular ap Dointmcnt Sunday and Sunday night Mrs. E. Taylor and little son Marry are viriting friends at Maysvillc. Misscss Eunice Dixon of Bellair, and Mr. Maurice Bray of New Bern, were visitors here Sunday. Mrs. I. W. Rogers spent Sunday with her parents at Olympia and was ac companied home by her sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Miller of Norfolk. Mr. A. S. Johnson's new building on B. street and Mr. J. C. Haithcock's hnm. nn C utroct are ncaring com- nletiOn. Mr. E. R. Phillips left Monday for a business trip in Pamlico county Mr. J. N. Tingle, employed by Cutler-Blades Hardware Co. and Mr. J. C. Brooks, employed by C. S. Hol lister & Co., has each just purchased a handsome new motorcycle. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Ipock of Golds- boro have been visiting Mrs H. W. Willis. Mr. A. P. Fulchcr took Messrs Andr:w Purifoy, W. S. Bonds, Luther Thomas and Rudolph btyron lor spin in thc country Sunday in his new touring car. Mr. J. C. Bj-ooks made a trip to Ernul. Monday on his new motorcycle Mr. Jesse Dudley of Vanceboro spent last night with Mr. F. T. Dudley. Miss Florence Wcthcrington spent Sunday with her parents at Tuscarora The Farm Development Committee f the Chamber of Commerce held a very important meeting last night :n he organization s rooms in tne ciks Temple. A compara lvely small num ber of the menmbers were present at this meeting but the lack of numbers was more than offset by the enthusiasm manifested jn the proceedings by those who attended. A number of very important matters were taken up and discussed dur'ng the evening. Monroe Howell made a very interesting talk in which he torn f the advantages that tobacco growirg offers for the farmers of this section. 1. 1 7 Mr. Howel Isaid that last year ne piar ted, five acres of his land in tobacco and had tWJ barns. It proved sucn a prjfitable crop that this season he has thirty acres planted in toDacco md has six barns. The pne : he received for his crop last year averaged sixteen cents per pound. It is Mr. Howell's belief that if the farmers ot craven and adjoining counties could be inter red in growing tobacco that tne in- t 1 . f u ..,,.,,1,1 Kn (rrint come trom tneir larms wuu. e,- ly increased. Considering Mr, Howell s sugger- tion, the farm commitiee " - New Industry Committee to start a movement to get a tobacco warehouse for New Bern. Unless there is a ware house and a market here the farmers will be compelled to carry or ship their tobacco to some other place, as is now being done, and in this way the business interests of the city arc Deing mjureu. A committee was appointed to in terest thc famcrs in peanut growing. Peanuts can often be grown on land on which other crops will not thrive and they can always be disposed of at a good price. A committee composed of Monroe Howell, George N. Ennett, J. W; Stewart and W. C. Willctt were ap. pointed to go before the Craven County Board of Commissioners at their next regular meeting and ask that the county farm be used as a demonstration farm. is their plan to have from one to five acres of this farm planted in thc dif ferent varieties of produce grown in this section and used as a demonstra tion farm for thc farmers who come here from other points with a view of locating. This committee was also instructed to take up with the State Agricultural Department thc matter of furnishing a. - iiii,. agricultural lecturers w v...i county every month or two ana give lectures before the farmers on subjects that will be interesting and instructive thm.' Th; committee "is also to deavo it) have farm bulletins mailed to the Craven county farmers. Every farmer and real estate who has 01: w mo e farms to sen is ked to firnish the committee with the location and size of these farms so that information relative to t.icm can be placed in the pamphlet now being compiled by the Advertising Committee af the Chamber of Commerce and wnicn wil lbe distributed among thc farmers of the north and west. Tonight thc Sanitation Commits :, of which Dr. R. N. Duffy is chairman, will meet. Every member is urged tJ attend this meeting, as a number 01 matte.-s of importance are to be tra - sacted. a end ORIENTAL TO HAVE NEW MOV ING PICTURE THEATRE. Oriental is soon to have a new moving picture theatre. The cstabUshmcnt will be conducted by J. H. Todd and will be located in Midyette's opera house which is located on one of thc main streets in thc town. Thc theatre is now being furnished and will be in readiness for opening at an early date. MARRIAGE AT METHODIST PAR SON AGE LAST NIGHT. A quite marriage was solemnised at the Methodist parsonage last night at 8:30 o'clock when Miss Katherine Taylor, daughter of Mrs. A. B. Taylor who resides at No. 21 Hancock street became thef bride of Orrin H. Hill Rev. J. B. Hurley, pastor of Centenary Methodist church, performing the cere mnnv in the presence of a few relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will continue to make their home in this cit y CHAMBER OF COMMERCE W NT TO KNOW OF LANDS THAT ARE FOR SALE. BUY L. & M PAINTv It's the very best quality paint. It wears best and looks best. It costs thc least money. It's use for thirty seven years has proven these facts. Ita White Lead White Zinc and Lin ml Oil. fust mix 3 quarts of Lin seed Oil with each gallon of L. ft M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, aad make 1 3-4 must gallons use at Lett and Mrs. Frederick A. Levering, Jr., of Baltimore: Mrs. Perry Belmont, , Miss Jessie Wilson and Miss Charlotte Campbell. Mrs. Bryan was entertained at lunch eon today by Mrs. Hannis Taylor, wife of the former Minister to spam, nanora Riano, the American wife of the Span ish Minister in Washington, was among the guests te meet Mrs. Bryan, as were a number of matrons from the Con- ORPH ANS WILL GIVE A CONCERT AT VANCEBORO. A two weeks' term of C aven county Superior Court for ihe tral cf civil cases only will be convened in this ity noxt Mondav morn ns with Judge O. H. Allen of Kinston presiding There are a large number of cases qn he dock et and it is expected that the full term will be consumed iq their disposal. ryan have issued cards for a large lernoon reception on May 8 at l 11 met Place, tkeir new resid (Special to thc Journal) Vanceboro, April 30. Thi singing Class of the Oxford Orphanage will eivc a concert in the school building at Vanceboro on Wednesday evening Msv 1: at 8:30 o'clock. Th's class is now on their annual tour over the State and their concerts arc always well won h sttendiac. The people of Vance- ' boro and vicinity arc urg.d to attend. Geonre D. Dail cha rman of thc Farm Development Committee of the Chamber of Comnv rcc, issues thc fol lowing notice to Craven coun y land owners: "All persons having Craven County ferm lands for sale whether as owiers or agents, 'swa earnestly requested to list such lands in thc offue of the Chamber of Commerce, at once. By so doing, thc Chamber of Co -will be in a position, to d- rcct prospective settlers inquiring about farm lands, to said owner or ag-ints. "The Chamber of Commerce docs not propose to go into the real estate business, but simply wants to be ia a position W furnish information to persons seekinj it and who might te induced to settle among ur. 1 1. 11 "lOIUJOUrnai s .SbLck Of uggins, a member of the mechanical force, is confined n Pollock stmt -with an A force of laborers are now engaged in lowering the Norfolk Souther Rail way Company's tracks on Hancock ttrcet. This street ha recently nccn paved by the company and at Some points tha track was several noes nniTT

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