J ESTABLISHED 1878. Published in Two Sections, everj Tuesday and Friday at No. 45 Pollcck S'reet- E. J. LAND PRINTING COMPANY PKOriilKTOUS, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Months $ .20 TiTe eMonths . .25 Six Months .50 Twelve Months 1.00 Only in Advance. Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon in quiry by mail. Entered at the Postoffice, New Bern, N. C, as second-class matter. Notice. George Ipock has been appoint ed agent for the Journal at Ernul. He will receive and receipt for pay ments on subscription or advertis ing and is prepared to let not on ly the Ernul subscribers but many others in the same section includ ing Vancebcro and Vanceboro R. F. D. 3 know how their accounts stand, If you have any business with the Journal call on Mr. Ipock Monday, May 11, will be generally ob.crvcd as Mothers' Day. Nobody is so much entitled to honor as the moth er. The custc m of setting a day apart especially for the purpcsei of honoring her is a comparatively new one, but it wi'.l abide for there is an excellent reason for its existence. More thought about the mothers cf the country by their ihildren would tend to a remedy f ix many of the social ills of the day. ONE TWENTIETH OF ONE PER CENT. A f.'W people seem to have confused the proposed additional school tax of five cents on the hundred dollars with a tax of five per cent. In fact we be lieve there is a circular out opposing the bond issue which says something tbut a five per cent tax. Of course there is a tremendous difference be tween a tax of five cents on the hundred dollars and a tax of five pir cent. Five cents on the hundred dollars is only one tweniieth of one per cent. This is the merest Iridic. It should deter no one from voting for ti e bond issue. MORE ACTIVITY AGAINST DIS EASE NEEDED. The Health and Sanitation Com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce did the community a service Wednes day night when it called attention to the need for mere active measures in New Hern and Craven county against possible ravages cl disease. It appears to us, too, that there is much in the contention of Dr. Duffy that more strenuous execution of the sanitary laws would conn- i f having one man devote his whole time to the work than is pccsiblc under the present arrant e mcnt. When a man has a defini e work to do and is nut distracted by other duties he is more apt to get results than are several whose public work is done as a side issue while their main income comes from their private activities. We believe that New Bern is going to take a forward step next Tuesday in the matter of school facilities. We should also like to see it go forward in health and sanitation. The action of the Board of Health following the adoption cf resolutions by the Chamber of Commerce Committee will now be awaited with interest. Conservation of the health and lives of the city and county is a n atter of the greatest moment. Congratulations to the Health and Sanitation Com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce for taking hold of its duties promptly and energetically. Its co-optration will be welcomed, we feel si re, by the Craven County Board of Health. Talk about not being willing to hand down a debt to the next generation, those children in the parat'e yesterday didn't seem to be afraid. And they are the next generation. NOBODY INFALLIBLE. Because there is seme supposed de fect in the management of the city schools is no reas n for voting against the bond issue for schools. The schools never will be managed so they will suit everybody. And een when a patron is not entirely suited in a matter of school policy or curriculum, there is always the possibility that he is wrong and the trustees right, though of course it is freely to be conceded that there is a possibility that the trustees are wrong. Nobody is infallible. KEEPING A LEVEL HEAD. Between jury reform in New Jersey, anti-alien legislation in Ca'ifornia, the tariff question in Congress and' the thirst lor office as displayed by thous ands of Democrats, President Wilson is plainly a very busy man. But he ii keeping his head in (he midst oi it all. Senator Vzrdaman of Mississippi was an Underwood man prior to the Demo cratic convent'on in Baltimoie, but from the time Wilson won ou in that memorable contest until now Vardaman has been a greit admirer of Wilson, laid he the other day: "Woodrow Wilson has made more progress in the way oi increasing my estimation of him than any public iran in the same length of time that i have veer known or heard of." WEEKLY QURNAL GUARDING AGAINST DISEASE, f There seems to be some difference of opinion as to whether sufficient preca ttionary measures against dis e se arc taken in New Bern and Craven county. We are printing today with the approval and endorsement ol the State Board of Health an article hiided "How to Control Malaria". To w hat extent for instance is the work to prevent breeding of mosquitoes as d23cribed by Dr. Evans done in Craven county? Malaria cause a very great loss to Craven county every year. Iudividual effort will not wipe it out. The State Board of Health says on this: Individual effort is no more satis factory in preventing malaria than is boiling the water by the individual successful in keeping a community from having typhoid. Not much will be accomplished until mosrquito sur veys are made, sanitary inspectors em ployed, and oiling squads used. HUSBAND NAILED RUBBER ON GATES Wife so Weak and Nervous Could Not Stand Least Noise How Cured. Munford, Ala.-" I was so weak and nervous while passing through the Change of Life that I could hardly live. My husband had to nail rubber on all the gates for I could not stand it to have a gate slam. "I also had back ache and a fullness in my stomach. I noticed that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound was advertised for such cases and I sent and got a bottle. It did me so much good that I kept on taking it and found it to be all you claim. I recommend your Compound to all women afflicted as I was." Mrs. F. P. Mullendoke, Mun ford, Alabama. An Honest Dependable Medicine is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. A Root and Herb medicine orig inated nearly forty years ago by Lydia E. Pinkham of Lynn, Mass., for con trolling female ills. Its wonderful success in this line has made it the safest and most dependable medicine of the age for women and no woman suffering from female ills does herself justice who does not give it a trial. If yon have the slightest doubt - !iat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble) Compound will help you.writo to Lydia E.PinkhamMedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn,Mass.,for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, road and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. Wrong. "There is a word of one syllable it the English language that is always spelled wrong, even by the most edit cated people." . "What Is thnt?" . "The word 'wrong.' " JJ - HIS TROUBLE NOT OF HEART Real Facts In Regard To F. R. Huffman's Illness. Relief Ob tained By Coring His Stomach Ailments. WaynesviIle,N.C. Mr. F. R. Huffman, Of this city, says : " I suffered dreadfully with what I thought was heart trouble, tnd tried various medicines in vain. After other remedies had failed, Thed ford's Black-Draught restored me to health. I would not feel safe without Black-Draught in the house. I consider it worth its weight in gold. It cured my indigestion, and by this means I was restored to health. I can not express my gratitude fcrits benefits." Good health depends on the condition of your digestion. Poor digestion and good health do not go together. Thedford's Black-Draught will thoroughly cleanse and set in order your digestive system. It has done this for others, during the past 70 years, and is today the most popular vegetable liver remedy on Uie market Try it Insist on Tliedford'. Price 25c Mix.d. En meat Femn le Professor, I hear jrou ure n great ornithologist Profes nor I 'him on ornithologist madam Enmext Female Then could you kind ly tell me the botanical name for a whale ? London flinch. There Are Plenty LiKe Him. "1 wonder what has kept Jones poor? He's always made ti good salary." "1 know he's well paid, but he's one of the fellow who spend all tbelr mon ey trying to get something fur noth Inf."-Detroit Free Press. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED ty local applies ;ions, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that ii by constitutional remsdiri. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is in flamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect .hearing, and when it it en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sui faces. F. J. CHENEY, ft CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- I " I Personals FRIDAY, MAY 2. Ward left yesterday for a busi D. L. ness visit at Richmond, Va. T. D. Warren left yesterday for a diort visit at Edenton and Elizabeth City. . Miss Marjv Miller of Bayboro was among the visitors in the city yesterday. Mrs. Frank Brinson of Bayboro ar rived in the city yesterday for a short visit with relatives. Mrs. J. E. Gaskill of Beaufort ar rived in the city yesterday for a short visit with relatives. J. E. Martin of Pamlico county was among the business visitors in the city yesterday. W. T. Dortch of Goldsboro was among the professional visitors in the city yesterday. Mrs. H. I. Crumpler left yesterday for a visit with relatives at Beaufort. H. L. Gibbs of Oriental spent yes erday in the city attending to pro fessional business. Ex-Judge W. S. O. B. Robinson of Goldsboro was among the visitors in th city yesterday. William Grainger, of Kinston spent yesterday in the city. S. M. Brisnon returned yesterday morning from a short visit at Dover. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Harris of Giln.erton, Va., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hibbard returned home yesterday. Mrs. George Pipkin and son Seth of Uairds Creek spent yesterday in .he city. Miss Ethel Brinson of Bairds Creek was among the visitors in the city yesterday. T. B. Small formerly of this city out wno now resides at ureenvuie is a visitor in the city. SATURDAY, MAY 3. Miss lithel Hancock left yesterday for a visit with relatives at Tarboro. Mrs. H. S. Owens arrived in the city last evening from Norfolk, Va. Miss Georgie Herntlon of Kinston is in the city visiting Miss Rosa Tol- 3011. Mrs. Frank Brinson of Bayboro who has been in the city visiting rel atives returned home yesterday. Mrs. T. P. Williams returned yes terday from a visit with relatives at Snow Hill. Mrs. J. A. Long of Graham arriv ed in the city last evening. She was enroute to Stonewall for a visit with her father Dr. George Attmore. Charles Ellison returned last even ing from a business visit at Norfolk George A. Nicoll left last evening for a business visit at Goldsboro. T. D. Wiley of Pamlico county spent yesterday in the city. Judge R. E. Rountree of Wilming ton was among the professional vis itors in the city yesterday. John Gibson of. Oriental was a mong the business visitors in the city yesterday. D. E. Henderson spent yesterday at Eolkstone attending to profession al business. H. L. Gibbs or Oriental was among the professional visitors in the city yesterday. SUNDAY, MAY 4. John Green returned yesterday from a business visit in the western part of the State. M. M. Marks returned yesterday from a business trip to Goldsboro. W. H. Miskell of Bayboro was among the visitors in the city yesterday. Walter Parris of Oriental spent yes terday in the city. Carl Bartling has returned from Washington, D. C , where he went to stand an examination for entrance to West Point. II. S. Owens has returned from a visit at Norfolk and other Virginia cities. Lionel Daniels of Oriental was among the visitors in the city yesterday. George Attmore left last evening for a visit with relatives at Stonewall. G. L. Hardison of Tnurman spent yesterday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Frcemir. Lmul re turned yesterday from a visit with relatives at Trenton. Mrs. George Hover left ycs:crday for Mebanc where she will visit hei sone Gccrge who is a student in Bing ham school. Every Household in New Bern Should Know How to Resist It. If your back aches because the kid neys are blockaded, You should help the kidneys with their work. Doau's Kidney Pills are especially for weak kidneys. Recommended by thousands here's testimory from this vicinity. Mrs. C. Holland, 206 E. Peyton Ave., Kinston, N. C, (.ays: "I do not hesitate in the least to recommend Doan'. Kidney Pills for they have been very beneficial to me. I suffered constantly from backache aid I had pain- in my loins. Headaches and dizzy spells bothered me and I roted very poorly at night. One of my relatives who had used Doan's Kidney Pills with good results, told me about them and 1 got a supply. Thin remedy improved my condition in every way and A feel justified in publicly endorsing it." For sale by nil dealers. Price 50 BLOCKADED cents. Foster-Mliburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Re membtrtKthf name Doan's an take no ot r. (Ad "All is WeO tffaa Ends Well" A Aloncr with dvsDeDst comes feral ill health. Wuy f Eeoause disordered stomach does not permit the food lo be assimilated and carried to the blood. On the other hand, - . 1 - Ll. 1 ... . j . 1. .- I. U f. M kla JiMMl.r.J LUC UlOCa IS CliarjUVI wmi. .ivu. ,uia u imiut i digestion. In tarn, tho nerves are not fed on good, red blood and we see those rymptoms of nervous breakdown. It is not head work that does it, but poor stomach work. W ith poor thin blood the body .is not protested against the attack of germs of grip bronchitis coosump- tiun. Fortify the body now With DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery an alterative extract from native medicinal plants, prescribed in both liquid ami tablet form by Dr. K. V. Pierce, over 40 yean ago. Uor? than 41 years of experience has proven Its superior worth as an !n vigoratitur stomach tunic and Llood puritMr. It invigorates and regulates the stomach, liver and towels, un 1 through them the whole system. It can now aU i liti hud in BUgur-coslod tablet form of most dealers in medicine. If iut. fond 50 cents in one-cent stumos for trial box toDr, Tierce's Invalids' EotrOl and Surgical institute, Buffalo, N.Y. 3 .The Common Sense 's A BOOK OF 10O3 PAGES HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH TREATS VH l SIOLOrrV, hygienii aktomy, medicine and is a complete ' iT-TK it 7 f? :!. : .tenJ .11 n '--o-tnt ptamrs to R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. U.!M. MEADOWS MEAL i CORN Horse Feed Cow Feed Wheat Bran White Mixed Rust Proo I I 8 1 ft,S NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY t' I l MEADOWS I How to Deposit by Mail Once you understand how to deposit by mail you will find it easier and quicker than the custom of going to the bank per sonally to deposit your funds. Also it af fords perfect safety because there is no method of forwarding money that is safer than the United States Mails. We invite checking and savings accounts. Savings draw 4 per cent, compound inte r En close a check, money order or draft with your letter, or send the actual currency by registered letter. illllM FOR TRUCK BARRELS AND BASKETS SEND YOUR ORDERS TO E. Ii. & JA. Meadows Co., NEW BERN, N. C. Order Early Before the Rush Starts. C. L. SPENCER' DEALER IN- fay, Corn, Oats, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. SEED A AND ED Mail Orders Given Lower Middle Street. Wc keep everything you need in the Drug, Medi cine or Toilet line come, buy what you need and if you find it does not suit you bring it back, get what you do want, or get your money back. We are here to serve and , please YOU. Bradham Drug Co. nervousnoss, sleeplessness and sren- Medical Adviser HOMINY Cotton Seed Meal jCotton Seed Hulls Wheat Short Oats -J MIIIIinmfOIMMTTMj Bran, Hominy, HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. RYE. LRICK FOR SALE Careful Attention. New Bern, N. C. We are Agents for the Celebrated PLANET, JR., Line of Cultivating I mo ments. We carrry in stock their celebrated No. 76 Riding Cultivator, their Horse Ho Cultivators, their celebrated Seed Drills, Hand Cultivators, Fire-Fly Garden Plows. We Invite you to call .and Inspect this splendid line or drop us a postal and we will gladly end you their Illustrated cat alogue. Our prices are right. Yours, J. C. Whltty PHONI 98 -Clothing and Shoe Sale- WE have desidedto place on sale our entire stock of Mens, Boys &Child rens Clothing at 20 per cent, reduction and all Ladies, Mens and Children's Shoes and Ox fords at 10 per cent, reduction The largest stock of Shoes in New Bern and the stock must be reduced at once. : : : : J. J. BAXTER, Elks' Temple Department Store Many beautiful Lines of Sunt' met Dress Goods Just Received Also Shirt Waists, Laces, and Eui broideries, Underwear, Shoes, Gloves and Hose for the Ladies. Suits. Straw Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Ties and Sox for Men. When in city be sure and see our stock before buying elsewhere A. B. SUGAR, 631 Middle Street, Craven County's Rich YOST rich men of Crav n County founded thJr own fortune. Comparatively few o' the wclthy men o this city and vicinity inherited their maipy. Most well to do people of this vicinity have made their money by pluck - and perseverance. Any yojng man who' desires to be wjl to do at fifty or sixty should at ortce begin saving a portion of his incomo andshould carefully keep the money at in tcre t by de-positing it in this large savings bank FOUR PER CENT COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR ON SAVINGS, ff NEW BERN BANKING TRUST C? CAP ? TAL $ lOO.OOO.OO , FREE! FREE! ! High Grade Natural Tone Talk ing and Singing Machine One Standard Talking Machine Free to every cus tomer whose cash purchase amounts to $25.00. See and hear this wonderful Instrument and learn how Easily you can obtain one at my store FARRISNASSEF Dealer in Wholesale and Retail Men's and Ladies' Fur nishing Goods. 66-68-70 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. Bellair Stock and Fruit Farm. G. T. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. I have Full Blood Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale immunegfrom Texas fever, also full blood Berkshire Hogs, You are cordially invited to visit farm and see stock. G. 7. RltiARDSOft New Bern, N. C. , R. F. D., io. 2. Phone, Bellair line, 4 rings, When in Market For Horses, Mules, Buggies Wagons and Harness see POLLOCKSVILLE, N. C. Fine Kentucky Horses and Mules on hand at tttt times TERMS REASONABLE. SEE ME. - Company Aents New Bern, N. q Men m LEE iftssnti BstifcfVi for the "Star" Pea Huller TBI nKST BY TUT prion. (Adv. DTiTlI

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