WEEKLY JOURNAL ESTABLISHED 1878. Published in Two Sections, even Tuesday and Friday at No. 45 Pollock Street K. J. LAND PRINTING COMPANY PROPRIETORS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Month 10 Thre eMonth -25 Six Months -50 Twelve Months. -. 100 Only in advance. Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon in quiry by mail. Entered at the Postoffice, New Bern, N. C as second-class matter. Notice. George Ipock has been appoint ed agent for the Journal at Ernul. He will receive and receipt for pay ments on subscription or advertis ing and is prepared to let not on ly the Ernul subscribers but many others in the same section includ ing Vanceboro and Vanceboro R. F. D. 3 know how their accounts stand, If you have any business with the Journal call on Mr. Ipock Gaylord M. Saltsbcrger is the new Commissioner of Pensions. We dare say he will take all representations of applicants for pensions with a grain cf salt. Editor of a Japanese newspaper in San Francisco thinks he can enlist Japanese veterans of the War with Russia to join the rebel army in Mexico. Under all the circumstances, we think that it is a fine idea that has come to the scribe. All success to him. We move that he get busy right away. The Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey has adopted a cannon providing that married ministers in new parishes shall get a salary of twelve hundred dollars as opposed to one thousand dollars for unmarried ones. This is putting a premium on celibacy or it is indicating a poor notion of the extra cost of main ttining a wife. A bomb, just about ready to explode, was found in St. Paul's Cathedral in London Wednesday. The militant suffragettes are charged with respon sibility for the deed, but as there is no positive evidence that they are guilty, it is to be hoped that the sus picion is unfounded. There is enough charged to the militants already. President Wilson, in the midst cf his multifarious duties, is still finding time to select good men for office. The choice of John Purroy Mitchell for the important and lucrative post of Collector of the port of New York will be widely approved, for Mitchell is of the type of courageous, high-minded politician that is so much in public favor just at present. Evidences are multiplying, if any were needed, that a very wise and capable man is at the he'm in Washington, now. Harmony got a jolt in a hurry in Wilmington. The new Mayor and City Council went into office Wed nesday and the same day warfare between the City Council and the Mayor started because the City Coun cil elected N. J. Williams chief of police without consulting Mayor P. Q. Moore, the latter contending that the new chief of police won't enforce the prohibition law. The recall of the new council is mentioned and the Mayor says he will remove the objectionable officer from his position if he can't get rid of him any other way. Apparently there are some interesting times just ahead in Wilmington. Commend us to the real estate folks for hustle. Lotscat Cape Lookout are already on the market. The develop ment is not far enough along to admit cf locating the lots, but all you have to do to get in line for one is to send ten dollars in exchange for which you get an .option, the lot to be selected by the seller but subject to exchange H the buyer is net satisfied. In hardly any other line of effort is there so great enterprise shown as" in the real estate field and the example set by the "live ones" in real estate deserves to be fe llow Coin the lines a here slower and less pio grcssivc methods prevail. Wilmington has recalled its threaten ed recall of the new council the aid recall of the governing body having I ee threatened because of the selcctioi of chief of police not acceptable to a good-tized element of the commui ity. Tom Edison says he is in favcr of woman suffrage because he believes the vote ought to be given to the I e t part of the community. And how are you icing to get aiound that? I n', woman man's better half? The House has done its part towards redeeming p'atform pledges and it is now upMo tie Sei.ate. Here the most terific pressure that has yet been exerted will 1 e brought to bear. Washington will be the theatre for the next month or so of one of the most strenuous battle over legislation that this oun try has teen in many a day. Now that the Japanese problem has ersed off hit, Mexican affairs are f growing more acute. That thing, the breaking out of which some wise newspa per man designated as indicating the pre sence of news, i3 always breaking out somewhere. Something doing all the time in the panorama of world events. Four Progressives supported the Democratic tariff measure which passed the House Thursday evening while fourteen voted against it . Which shows that there is net so much dif ference between the Progressives and the Republicans as might be supposed. Both wings of the G. O. P. in fact are tarred with the same stick. What they are at loggerheads about is a man not a principle. THE THOROUGH MAN THE ONE WHO WINS. It is the man who has studied out questions and patiently and completely worked out details who makes himself felt and occupies a firm place in the public esteem. The man who does things with the proverbial "lick and promise", who seeks the short cuts and avoids the tortuous and wearisome ways of the toiler may win a temporary position of inflluence, but it will be only temporary. A man with the habit of thoroughness is the Hon. Oscar W. Underwood, the chairman of the Ways and Means Commitce in the House of Representatives. The Wilmington Star wfll says: "The tariff debate in the House dem onstrates the fact that Underwood was cocked and primed for every fellow who took a shot at tariff revision. There was a recoil on the part of the opposition whenever he made a retort, explained a schedule, or defended re vision. It was easy for him. He had his ducks in a row, and when he fired he got the bunch." HEALTH AND SANITATION. Dr. Richard Duffy hands" the Jour nal a bulletin issued by the Public Health and Marine-Hcspital Service of the United States which agrees with the contention of Dr. Duffy, who is chairman of the Health and Sanitation Committee of the Chamber of Com merce, that the best results in the way of health and sanitation are to be had when there is a single directing head for the health work in the city and county and when such a directing head is paid a salary sufficient to justify him in devoting his entire time to the work a salary too that will be at tractive toaman of the type needed to hold the responsible office of head of the health department. The subject of the bulletin is "The Causation and Prevention of Typhoid Fever With Special Reference to Con ditions Observed in Yakima Coun y Washington." Under the head ''The Formation of an Efficient County Health Organi zation" the bulletin says: "What is everybody's business is nobody's business and in order for s initation to be satisfactoriyl advanced in a community it must be made the b :siness of soaie one to co-ordinate the forces and to direct the work. The recen; arrangement by which the health office for Yakima county and the health office for the city of North Yakima have been placed in charge of one health officer paid jointly by the city and county is to be commended as an im portant step in the right direction. By combining the two office a position is created which carries a reasonably adequate salary and efficient service may be expected accordingly. An extension of this system throughout the county seems advisable. The following plan is suggested: Divide the county into sanitary districts. Provide an adequate force of deputy county health officers and sanitary inspectors to cover every district in an efficient manner the work in each district to be under the general super vision of the county health officer. In each- sanitary district containing an incorporated town it would be ad vantageous to have one health officer serve for both the town and the sani tary district. By this arrangement the salary of the officer could be borne by the town and county and the ad ministration of health affairs simplified and strengthened. The formation of an efficient county health organization along these lines would cost something it is true but nothing like as much as typhoid fever alone is costing the county in actual dollars and cents year after year. Sanitary improvements to effect a saving of human health and life and of economic resources can be accomplished only by intelligent labor and intelligent labor costs money. Improvements in sanitation just as improvements in public roads will be accomplished in proportion to the amount of money intelligently ex pended in the enterprise." It hardly seems open to debate that the plan advocated in the above quoted bulletin is better than to have the work done by several men with whom lit is ne essarily and quite excusably a side issue. The Journal is conducting no pro ' paganda however in favor of a change of the plan of handling health and sani tation matters. It has merely ex pressed an opinion on the question brought to public notice by Dr. Duffy and his committee oecause -wnen a matter - of public concern is brought up we think that the newspapers ought to be prepared to express an opinion on the question at issue. a'the same connection we want to say that the rather acrimonious cor respondence between Dr. Duffy and Patterson will not we are sure prevent both these capable and public-spirited physicians from doing their utmost consistent with a proper regard for their private affair to promote the ' health and sanitation interests of the 'city and community. Whatever there other differences of opinion they arc both agreed upon the fact tfcat si'ck- iness is a bif economi " id that money wisely invested a preventing sickness is not an expense byut an investment. The Journal is glad to have been chosen as the medium by which these two physician have placed their views before the public through we et as we have already stated . the discussion was marked by more or less of bitterness. Further letters on sanitation or any other public matter will be welcomed by the Journal. WELL DONE. The committee of arrangements for the meeting in this city of the State Federation of Women's Clubs is en titled to congratulations on a. task handsomely performed. We heard of a good-sized and wealthy city whose representatives came here fully deter mined to capture the 1914 convention of the Federa Jon . But when they saw what New Bern did "they decided they had better let their town grow a little before undertaking to take care of the Federation. Indeed the visitors generally were emphatic in their praise of the way the New Bern committees discharged their duties. There was "snap" and "go" about everything that was done in dicating a thorough preparedness on the part of the local club, women. And it is not to be doubted that in the individual attentions shown the visiting women New Bern's reputation ; for whole-souled hospitality was as jealously guarded as in the manner of en tertainment of the convention as whole. : Personals FRIDAY, MAY 9. Miss Estclle Paschall of Wilson is in the city for a few days visit with friends. Mrs. L. E. Steere of Charlotte who has been the guest of her daughter Mrs. J. Leon Williams returned heme yesterday morning. Mrs. Isaac Taylor of Morganton is a delegate to the Federation. She is a guest of Miss Mary Oliver. Mrs. and Mrs. W. J. Blalock left yesterd y for a visit with relatives at Wilson. Mrs. H. S. Owens returned yester day morning form a visit with her daughter Mrs. J. D. Perry at Beaufort. Mrs. F. M. Bowden of Oriental was in the city yesterday shopping. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Brooks have returned from a visit to relatives at Greenville. Miss Mae Oettinger of Kin-tun is among the ladies in attendance at the meeting of the North Carolina Fed eration of Woman's Clubs now in ses sion here. Mrs. C. W. Blanchard of Kinston is in the city attending the Federation meeting. Mrs. B. H. Griffin of Goldsboro is among the visitors in the city attending the Federation meeting. Mrs. J. L. Fleming of Raleigh is spending a few days in the city with friends and relatives. Walter L. Cahoon and t. M. Mcekins, well known attorneys and politicians of Elizabeth City, were among the visitors in the city yesterday. G. W. Taylor spent yesterday in Morehead City on a business trip. Arthur F. Midyette of Oriental ar rived in the city yesterday afternoon for a short business visit. Abe Dannenberg of Baltimore was among the business visitors in the city yesterdday. T. A. Grantham returned yesterday morning from a busincs. trip in Pamlico county. John Owens returned last evening from a business visit at Goldsboro. William Ward of Oriental was among the visitors in the city yesterday. Roy Hearne left last evening for a visit at Dover in the interest of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Com pany. Walter Parris of Oriental came to New Bern last evening for a short business visit. Sunday, may 11, Mrs. Thomas Hill of New York N. Y. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Thomas. Mrs. Al Fairbrother of Greensboro who has been in the city attending the Federation meeting returned home yesterday. Mrs. V. J. Parker of High Point who has been visiting Mrs. J. G. Dawson returned home yesterday. Miss Nellie Fentress of Bayboro was among the visitors in the city yesterday. Miss Myrtle Pope left yesterday for a visit with relatives at Greenville. Miss Daisy Ellis of Morehead City was among the visitors in the city yes terday. Mrs. A. R. Winston and child of Franklinton who have been visiting Mrs. Winston's parents Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cutler returned home yesterday. i)I AFNESS CANNOT BE CURED t local applica ions, as they cannot n!a.h the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucous. lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or irnperiect hearing, and when it is en tirely dosed. Deafness is the result. and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine case out ten are caused bv Catarrh, which ii n. nirn? 1 but an inflamed condition of the mucous sui faces. F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti ( pation. - kBT THE IfcWT OF SALARY It is not the amount of salary you get that proves whether or not you can save. A young man getting nine dollars a week would get along just the same if he were getting only eight dollars. You can save It you do it systematically, put away a certain sum every pay day the same as if you owed it to the bank. We invite de posits of one dollar or more, paying there on four per cent, compound interest. f -BRICK- Hard -- Sound Prices Cheap Cultivators Riding and Walking Two and One Horse Bug Death Kills your potato bugs, makes better yields. Use Bug Death and save your crops this spring. HAY GRAIN FEED Burrus New Bern, - FOR h TRUCK BARRELS AND BASKETS SEND YOUR ORDERS TO E. H. & J. A. Meadows Co , NEW BERN, N. C. Order Early Before the Rush Starts. C. L. SPENCER' DEALER IN fay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hominy, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. SEED A AND ED RYE. URICK FOR SALE Mall Orders Given Careful Attention. . Lower Middle Street, New Bern, N. C. Subscribe For The Journal We keep everything you need in the Drug, Medi cine or Toilet line come, , you need and I it does not suit you bring it back, get what you do want, or get your money back. We are here to serve and please YOU. Bradham Drug Co. & Co. North Carolina We are Agents'for the Celebrated PLANET, JR., Line of Cultivating Imple ments. We carrry tn stock their celehrafed No. 74 RidlnJ Cultivator, their Horse "Hoo Cultivators, their celebrated Seed Drills. Hand Cultivator, Fire-Ply Garden Plows. We Invite you to call and. Inspect this splendid line or drop as a postal and we will gladly send you their illustrated cat alogue. Our prices are right. Yours, J. C. Whitty Cfr PHONE 98 -Clothing and Shoe Sale- W E have rens Clothing at 20 per cent, reduction and all Ladies, Mens and Children's Shoes and Ox fords at 10 per cent, reduction The largest stock of Shoes in New Bern and the stock must be reduced at J. J. BAXTER, Elks' Temple Department Store Many beautiful Lines of Sum mer Dress Goods Just Received Also Shirt Waists, Laces, i3hoes, Uloves and Hose Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Tics city be sure and see our A. B. 631 Middle Street, W : Craven County s Rich Men jOST rich men of- Crav. n County founded their own fortune. Comparatively few o the welthy men o" this city and vicinity inherited their many. Most well to do people of this vicinity have midc thoir mjney by pl.ick and perscveranee. Any young man who desires to be well to do at fifty or sixty should at one begin saving a portion of his income andshould carefully keep the money at in- svJ?- -SI fm tcre t by de-posking it in this Jargo savings bank FOUR PER CENT COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR ON SAVINGS, - NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST C? CAPITAL I 100,000,00 FREE! FREE! ! High Grade Natural Tone Talk ing aid Singing Machine One Standard Talking Machine Free to every cus tomer whose cash purchase amounts to $25.00. See , and hear this wonderful Instrument and learn how Easily you can obtain one at my store F ARRIS NASSBF Dealer in Wholesale and Retail Men's and Ladies' Fur nishing Goods. 6-68-70 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. Bellair Stock and Fruit Farm. G. T. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. I have Full Blood Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale immunefrom Texas fever, also full blood Berkshire Hogs. You are cordially invited to visit farm and see stock. G. 7. RIHARDS01S New Bern, N. C, R. F. Phone, Bellair line, 4 When in Market For Horses, Mules, Buggies Wstgons and Harness see POLLOCKSVILLE, N. C. Fine Kentucky Horses and Mules on hand at all times TERMS REASONABLE. SEE ME. Company Agente decided to place on sale our entire stock of Mens, Boys &Child- once. : : : r and Embroideries, Underwear, for the Ladies. Suits. Straw and Sox for Men. When in stock before buying elsewhere SUGAR, , New Bern, N. D.. io. 2. rings, U "Star" Pa Huller THE "EST BY TEST m