Stiff Joints Sprains,Bnrises re relieved at once, by an applica tion of Sloan's Liniment. Don't rub, just lay on lightly. ' Sloan's Liniment baa dono more good than anything I have ever tried for still joints. 1 got r.iyhainl liurtao biwily thai I had to atou work riirht In the busiest time ot the year. 1 thought 1 .I... t I.I . . . 1 T k uibi lum j. buuh uuvu to nitvo iiiy turf taken off, but I got a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and cured my hand." Wilton Whjebuui, Morris, Ala. Good for Broken Sinews 0. Q. Jones, Oaldirin, L. L, writes : "I used Sloan's Liniment for broken ainevra above ihokueu cup caused by a fall and to my great snttulacllon was able to rwumo work in leas than three weeks, after the accident." SLOANS UNIMEM Fine for Sprain Kfc Hknry A. Voeul, 84 Somerset St.. PlidiitifiM. N'. J., write: A friend sprained his ankle o badly KQftX is went maoK. tio i.mpneti wuen Z toM him that I would have him out in a week. I applied Sloan'.? Liniment and In four davs he vm working and said Sloan's was a right good Xini- v PROFESSIONAL ROMULUS A. VNUNN Attorney a,nd Counselor at Lav Offick 50 Ckaven Stiikot Telephone Nos S)7 and 801 NEW BERN. N.C. Simmons & Ward ArnrnAtra ami f"!r:ineAinrs at Law Office. Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building, New Bern. N. C. Practices in the counties of Crave'n Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Carter t, ramlico and Wake, in the Suprenu and Federal Courts, and -wherever sot ices are desired. DR. ERNEST C. ARMSTRONG .. Osteopathic Physician (REGISTKKEI)) Rooms 320-321 Elk's Temple. Hours: jo to 12, 2 to 4 and 7 to g. , CHRON IC DISEASES A SPECIALTY Ten years expet lence in treating chron ic diseases. Complete Electrical Equipment. Do ycu wear a truss? If so. let me show you my special make. For all ages, from babies up. . HONK 701. DL WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Hughes Building, Craven Street NEW BERN, N. C. Practice. In State and Federal Courts, Circuit. Craven. Carteret,' Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are desired. Carl Daniels Au jrney and Counsellor At Law Practices wherever services are required. Office in Masonic Building. BAYBORO, N. C. Local and Long Distance Phone. "There's a Difference ASK YOUR DOCTOR Pepsi-Cola .For Thirst Thinkers. SAVE f HE CROWNS they are valuable. Write foi catalog Pepsi-Cola Co., New Bern, N. C. --Stop at The- BAfPUNGlON HHU5E While hi Norfolk, 08 Main Street Z. V. DARRINGTON, rro.irlctcr. Rates: ll.M Day, C7.'0 We k Hot and Cold Dtths, N ce, Clean; Airy Room, Special Attention to Traveling Pj RIVERS AND GREAT CITIES. Wherein the Thames and London Are Different From Others. London without the Thames 18 tin thinkable.' Not only Is It tbe source of the pvat wealth and trade of the world's metropolis, but It brings food nnd drink to Its many millions. Yet this is not the ease with other great dticM of tlie world whose livers have had little to do lu the building of theii fume and position. In "The River of London" Mr. Hiluire Belloc points the contract: "Little sea borne traffic reaches Tarig by the Seine; the Tiber could never be a street for Rome; Vienna neglects the Danube; Antwerp protects no great crossing nor ha ever lieen the nucleus of n state, and i:-) :en. t'ja neirert par allel, was not the strategical pivot of N'oi'iuand.v nor ever formed, as Ixiudon forms, u chief f i-actlon in. the economic power of its province. The two rivers which are sacred to Lyous never fed that towu; the Rhone watered but did not lead to Aries. The towns of Lombardy depend upon the fertility of the Po valley, but the stream Is nothing to their commerce or to their political eminence, and Mi lan and Venice and Turin areindepend ent of It. Sarngossn was the mistress of Aragon, but the Ebro did not make Saragossa, and, "as for Madrid, the trickle which ruus below Madrid Is best described in the story Of the Span ish patriot who was dying oftlilist after battle, but upon being offered a cup of water said. 'Give It to the poor Manzanares' the river upon . which Madrid stands." CHILD WEDDINGS IN INDIA. -Candy Kept the Bab' Partners Quiet During the C r omony. Four hundred mr.r.iages were per formed simultaneously at the last wed ding celebration at Kurqt among mem bers of the Lewa Kiinbl caste. None of the bridis was more than Hwelve years of age. the majority be ing from one to sereu years old, while the bridegrooms vnried from three to nine. Most of the contracting parties sat or lay on the laps of their parents during the ceremony and were given sweets to keep them quiet. The caste only celebrates every ten or twelve years. . These baby brides, of course, do not loin their husbands when they are married. They wait until they reach the age of ten or eleven, when there Is a second marriage. Should n baby bride's husband die before she reaches the age for the second marriage she becomes a widow and has to remain so all tier lite, in such cases the widow at once loses caste. Her orna ments are taken off her. and she be comes a sort of outcast, hardly treat ed, looked down upon and generally made n household drudge. The husband, on the other hand, should his baby bride die before the second marriage, may marry again. In fact, he Is expected to do so within a few months of the; death of the bride. Rombny Cor. Philadelphia Ledger. A Sincsre Provider. Robbie S. was visiting with a neigh bor while his mother was in the city. on a shopping trip. Bobbie and two other children played at housekeeping In the backyard, and In the course of the housekeeping Maria believed she needed supplies. "Bobble, you go for some ice cream and lemons at the grocery," command ed Maria, und Bobbie obediently trot ted into tbe alley at the rear, as Maria believed, "jes' playlu' he was goln' to the grocery." ' . Ten minutes later. Mrs. S-. with whom Robbie was visiting, went to the telephone, and the voice of her grocer inquired: "1 guess Bobble has lost the money for the Ice creuiiitind lemons he came after. I can't find any change In Ills pockets. Or did you want the things charged?" I udla un polls News. V "Stagger" Oil. ' ' From the beginning of September until November a small- fish called .stickleback Is caught In considerable quantities off the Island of D.ina mundc, at the mouth of the Dwlna river.' in the gulf of Riga, and also near the island of Semgallen. in the Dwlna river, near Dunaberg. Russia. The fishermen make an oil from this fish which Is very useful in the leather and harness Industry ns 11 preserva tive. The name of this fish Is "Stlch llng" in German, the common name is "knscrnge." and In gome communities it Is called "stagger." Wisdom and Love. How shali we help the life of the future? Simply by patting wisdom and love into our own life and Into human affairs. All genuine virtue. Is vital and vitalizing. It carries In It the power of Cod to conquer evil and establish righteousness. It Is a living Need, holding in Itself Interminable harvests of Its own kind. Planted In human society. It will bear fruits of welfare through the centuries-Charles O. Ames. Stood by His Theory. Thnles, the ancient philosopher, de clared that there was no difference be tween life and death. "AVhy. then," tried one of those to whom the remark was made, "don't you put an end to your life?" "Because." was the reply, "there la no difference.'' Hi Mind Occupied. "Sir!" she exclaimed when he kissed her. "Yon foriret yourself." " . "IVtfdHy." he replied calmly. "But I i-an think of myself any old tlmej lust now you are oecupylug my undl 1 Med attention."- Boston Transcript I bbiir you for I .1 a 1 wbjo a bes ty tvc- RUB-MY-TISM I Will cure your Rheumatism 1 Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Brule; Cuti an Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used In ternally and externally. Price 25c. PERSOHAL BRIEFS FROM Bl THE COMINQS AND GOINGS OF OUR NEIGHBORS ACROSS THE RIVER. (Special to the Journal) Bridgpton, May 9. Duffy Campbell who is in the phbtogrpah business at Cintl, war. in iow.i ycstc.-day. Mrs. E. R. Phillips and Mrs. I. Rogers who left last Friday to attend the school closing at Reelsbcro, and the Ladies Aid bazaar at Arapahce given for the benefit of the Christian church at that place. Floyd Eubanks of Beaufort is in town for the summer attending busi ness college at New. Bern. John-Campbell of Ernjl was a visitor in town yesterday. Mrs. J. S. Bright of Vanceboro spent Wednesday night in town. Alex Caton and Alfred Willis of Eurnal are here attending court. Misses Mittie and Mattic Barring ton and George Lewis attended scrvics at Ellsworth church near Vanceboro, last Sunday. F. L. Mozing, district deputy of the Woodmen of the World, left Mon day for Washington on business for the fraternity. J. H. Oglesby is having an addition built to his "store which will give much mere room than at present. I. P. Holton and family and Harvey Holton of Olympia, A. J. Holton of Reelsboro and Willie Ernul of Askin were in town yesterday. Mrs. A. M. Tingle and mother, Mrs. Barker, Jeft today for a ten days' visit at Belgrade and Swansboro. Is-aac Gardner and fa-mily, who have been visiting relatives here for several days, left today for Ayden where Mr. Gardner will take up the insurance business. Miss Gertie Mitchell of Raleigh is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. T. Pugh. Rev. R. E. Pitman has just purchased a handsome five passenger touring car. Mr. Willie 1 athinghouse of Vance- fboro is in town attending court as a juror. AN ATTRACTIVE BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Charles Duffy - Friends. Entertains Mrs. Charles Duffy was the charm ing hostess at a delightful auction bridge party Friday evening at her colonial heme on Pollock street, comphmentaiy to some of the guests of the Federation. By an artistic arrangement Jf palms, ferns roses and sweet peas the room were very attractive and the soft light of candles over the blossoms added to the effectiveness. The gufcst of honor was Mrs. Goe. Floyd Ross of Grcenbboro, home guest of Mrs. Duffy's duiing the Fed eration. ' There were seven tables of auction bridge and the score cards wero of Dutch defign After the fascinating game a delicious ice course ano minis were served, the plates being decorated with bunches of sweet-peas. Thorc enjoying Mrs. Duffy's hospitality wcie: Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Charles liuford and guest, Mrs. Edward Baker, of Wadcs boro Judge and Mrs. Owen Guion and guest Miss Jane Myer of Wash ington Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hyman and guest Mrs. Julian Timberlake of Raleigh Mrs. B. H. Griffin of Golds boro and Mrs. Wiggins of Boston Mr. and Mrs. William Blades and guest Mrs. Brooks Parham and Mrs. D Y. Cooper of Henderson Mis6 Margaret Bryan and guest Mrs. Edward Jordan and Miss Florence Jones of Raleigh Miss Mary Oliver and guest Mrs. Isaac Tayl&r of Morganton Mrs Francis Stringer Duffy and guests Mrs. R. Kornegay and Mrs. Charles Miller of Goldshoro Mr. and Mrs. Mortie Marks and guests Mrs. Sol. Weil and Mrs. Josephs of Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn Mr. and Mrs. J. Vernon Blades Mrs. James Biddle and guest. Mrs. W. P. Williamson of New York Mrs. 1 nomas warren miss Mollie Heath and Mrs. Royster of Hickory guest of Miss Mary Roberts. SHE GAVE UP ALL HOPE Physicians Failed To Help Mrs, Green, But She Finally Found Relief In CarduL Meette, Va.-Mn. J. C. Oroen of thtf. place, says: "I suffered with womanly troubles so that I could hardly sit up. Two of the beat doctors In our town treated me, and I tried different medi cines, twill I gave up oU hope of ever getting well. One day, I decided to try some Or duL It did ao much for me that I ordered some more, and U cured mel Today, I feel aa wall as I aver did la BLJlf. m v,. law IMUUB Utt Ul wvftuaw m gone. I feel like another person in every way. t wish every suffer could know what Cardnl will do for alek iKUU V mm.' A few doses of Cardul at ths right . . 111 .. A Via, Anii Kill UHia, Will MTV U1U7 Via, mwvw. by preventing serious sickness. It tones up the nervous system, ant helps make pale cheeks fresh and rosy. Thousands of weak women have been rastored to health and happiness by asing Cardnl. iiippoaa rou try It It may be Just the medicine yon need. WriU to: UW Ad viewy Dwt.. O-tta, M (. (.Xatunnoc. iens iw nwrou I eeMt-wn book. "Ho. T, msi Is state 1 0GETO r V m Southern investigator and experimenter. He suggests a 5-5-5 formula, or a mixture of equal parts of Acid Phosphate, Kcldit and Nitrate of Soda. Side dress cotton when the plants are 10 inches high and a jain when the bloom begins to open. Where cotton is inclined to mskinrr two applications of 200 pounds each per acre. ' This i3 also effective against root applied early enough. It will pay you to try it, for Potash rays. Order now before the supply is exhausted. We sell Kainit and Potash Salts, any quantity from one 200-Ib. bag up. , ( ' GERMAN KALI WORKS Whitney Central Bask Buildup NEW ORLEANS, U, CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION TO BE HELD. The United States civil service commsison announces an open com petitive examination on May 17 to provide a register of cligibles from which to make certification for fill ing vacancies as they may occur in positions requiring the qualifications of stenography and typewriting-in the federal classified civil service in the vicinity of the places of examina tion. Examination may be had in North Carolina at Ashcville, Char lotte, Elizabeth City, Greensboro, New Bern, Raleigh, Salisbury 'and Washington. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR A And some magazine gass and no meter. poems arc all CONSTIPATION CURED. Dr King's New Life Pills will re lieve constiptation promptly and get your bowels n healthy condition again. John Supsic, of Sanbury, Pa., says: "They arc the best pills I ever used, and I advise everyone to s :e them for constipation, indigestion ami liver com plaint." Will help you Price 25c. Recommended by all dealers. A romantic young woman is an easy mark for the fortune teller. WONDERFUL SKIN SALVE Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known everywhere ; s the best remedy made for all diseases of the Sklnj and ar.o for burns, bruises and boil;. Reduces infiamation and is Spotting and heeling J. T. Sussman, publisher- of News, ol Chrncli'js, N. C, writes thai one Ion helped his serious skiji ailment afitj other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended by all dealers. The less logic there is In a argument the louder he talks. nan s Children Cry rOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA You are entitled to credit for doing the things you want to do. The taste for vitrue may have to be cultivated QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mkh., says: "Dr. Detcheon's Relief for Rheu matism has given my wife wonderful benefit for' rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. Siie began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move ar.d on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) Talk isn't as cheap as it used to be before the limited telephone conversa tion was invented. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The man who is handy around tfi house usually isn't much' good any where else. FOR , THE WEAK AND NERVOUS Tired-out, weak, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, energetic full ef life and always have a good appe titc, if they would do the sensibje thing for health take Electic Bitter.s Noth ing better for the stomach liver or kid ncys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home remedy Mrs. O. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center N. Y. .says: "I regard Electric Bitter as one of the sreatest of gifts. I can never forget what it has done (or me. Get a bottle yourself and see what ,ijfT,.r(.mt. will make ip your health 4Gnly 50c and $100. Recommended by , all dealers. Son-.c st ricj arc hud to believe you want to believe them. CASTORIA for Infants and Children, The Kind You Haw Always Bough Bear the Slgnatnra of ProfitableSideDressing The use of tide dressing is increasing on COTTON and CORN. It pays to do it, if one uses the right goods. Tvo application! of 200 lbs. each per acre are recommended by a well-known rust, use KAINIT lice and cut worms on corn, if Savannah Bank & Trust Building SAVANNAH. G A. Young widows talk too much about the joys of married life to suit an old bachelor. BEST MEDICINE FOR COLDS. When a druggist recommends a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles ,you can feel suie that he knows what he is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes ot Dr. King s fsew Discovery: I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine I 11. It cured my wife of a severe bron- hial cold after all other remedies failed.' will do the same for you if you are uffering with a cold or any bronchial th.oat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use. It is a home doctor. Price 50c. and $1,00 Guaranteed by 11 dealers. Good luck is like a lot of other things. You never fully appreciate it until you haven't it. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA HE FIRST WEEK'S SESSION CLOSES JUDGE O. H. ALLEN PRESIDING IN HIS USUAL ABLE MANNER. The first week of a two weeks' term f Craven county Superior Court came a close yesterday at noon. Only few minor matters being disposed of the morning session. Judge O. H. Allen of Kinston is rindinr; over this term ot court and c is conducting tne term in ms usual xpcdi.ums manner, with a degree ol speed, yet with that thouroughness which characterizes his ability as a presiding judge. The following cases are on the docket for the last w eek of the term: Monday, May 12, 1913. 157. French vs. R.'chardson & Stevenson. 158. Pipkin vs. Norfo'.k Southern Railroad Company. 167. Screen Company vs. Tolson. 171. A. C. L. R. R. Co., vs. Elm. City Lumber Company. 172. A. C. L. R. R. Co. vs. Pine .umber Company. Tuesday, May 13, 1913. 173. R. H. Rowe vs. N. S. R. R. Company. 174. Hartley vs. N. S. R. R. Com KANSAS WOMAN WHO SUFFERED From Headache, Backache, Dizziness and Nervousness, Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lawrence, Ksns. - " A year ago I was luffering from a number of ailmenta. I always had pain and was irregular. Dur ing the delay I suf fered a great deal with headache, back ache, dizziness, fev erish spells, nervous ness and bloating. I had been married nearly three years. I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and now I feel better than I have for years. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Coirtrcmid to all who suffer as I did." Mti. III. Zsuner, 1045 New Jer sey Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Montana Woman's Case. Burns, Mont -"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me of awful backache which I had suffered with foc months. I was so weak I could hardly do my work and my head and eyes ached all the time. Your Compound helped me in many ways and is a great strength--ner. I always recommend it to my irionds and tail them what a grand mad cine It is for women. You may use my lame for the good of others." Mrs. John Francis, Burns, Montana. The makers of Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ha e thousands of such letters as those abovethey tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or moon. This med ietas Is no stranger -it hat stood the test fw years, pany. 175. Harrison vs. Dill. A. T. W 175. Harrison vs. A. T. Dill. 176. Coward vs. Proctor. Wednesday, May 14, 1913. 177. Parker Buggy Company vs. J. M. Arnold. 179. J. A. Joues vs. N. S. R. R. Co. and Southern Ry. Co. 180. J. A. Jones vs. A. C. L. R. R. Co. and Southern Ry. Co. 182. Hyman vs. Ballard. Thursday, May 15, 1913. 185. Ernul vs. Brown. 194. Hunter Mfg. Co. vs. Coca Cola Bottling Company. 197. Metts vs. Camp Spring Mill Co. et at. 214. "Pearson vs. Green. W. B. BLADES HEADS WATER AND LIGHT COMMITTEE. Through an error L. M. Satterwaithe was named as Chairman of the Water an d Liht Committee in the account of the committees named by the Boards of Aldermen in their first meeting which was published in the Jojrnal yesterday morning. W. B. Blades is chairman of this committee and with him are Wm. Ellis and T. G. Hyman. Chaidren Cry Tho Kind You Ilavc Always in use lor over 30 years, mill -f6'-f-- sonai '&ccfU4i( Allow AH Counterfeits, Imitations and." Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for faster Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic , substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been i 1 constant r.-.o for the relief of Constipation, FIatulcncy Wind CoI:c, all Teething Troubles and' Diarrhoea. St regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, ussimilates the Food, giving healthy and ncttural Bleep. 1'uo Chli:lren's Panacea Tho mother's Friend. GENyiiw CASTORIA always pBears the The Kind You Dave Always Bought In Use or Over 30 Years THE (Jtf.TMIR CC.'ANr. TT MUSnOY STBCCT. WIW TOWU CITY. Valuable Premium With The SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL r B One of the most useful and instructive articles that you can have la tin hi m e. WHAT IT CONTAINS. Map of the world with Hafts and including WilSon and Marshal. about Panama Canal. Larfte scale map of North and gazetteer of towns and counties in Map of United States and PARCEL POST MAP with full information concerning this new branch of covering each State in the union HOW TO GET IT. ' If you are not a subscriber , bring $1.35 to the Journal and get the en cyclopedia together with a year's subscription to the Semi-Weekly Journal. If you arc already n subscriber you can get this valuable ency clopedia by paying up to date and, In siddttlon, SI. 35, this amount including pay ment for the encyclopedia and a year's subscription. This encyclopedia retails for 98 cants. You will note the great saving the Semi-Weekly Journal enables you to make. . Don t 'wait. Wc c'on't promise to hold this offer open Indefinitely. Come to the Journal of ilee and get an encyclopedia the nest time you are In town. MAY PROVE FATAL When Will New Bern People Learn the Importance) of It? w Backache is only a simple thing at first. But if you find 'tis from the HH- neys; That serious kidney troubles may f low, That dropsy or Bright's disease may be the fatal end, You will be glad to know the fol lowing experience. 9 'Tis the honest statement of a resi dent of this locality. James E. Askin, James City, N. C, says: "While in the army I received a severe strain and after that I was subject to attacks of kidney trouble. My back ached a great deal and 'as time passed, the trouble grew worse. 1 tried many remedies but seemed un able to obtain relief and finally hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills, I obtained a box. They gave me great benefit. They not only removed the pain in back but strengthened my kidneys and improved my health." - For sale by all dealers. Price 50 c;nts. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of lias been matlo under nls per supervision since its infancy. no one to deceive you In this. Signature of portraits of rulers and chief officials Map of Panama with full information South Carolina with complete census those States. the Postal Service. Census statistics and Its principal towns.