mmkfa mxtmt Nfc 117 NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913-SECOND SECTION 35th YEAR TAKE EAD CITY SHERIFF GOMES NEW BERN SHOWS . 1 1 PflATT AFTER ESS BOYS TO CRUISE MU LIUI Harrell Cornea To Three Hundred Choppers Parti Colored Men Charged With Store Breaking Will Be Taken to Klnston 'Athens of North Carolina" Growing By Leaps And Bounds It 'In Her Complaint She Charges Her Husband With In Members Of North Carolina Naval MUttal Will Take Outing In June. Craven Citizen Asking Damage In Thi Amount From the Norfolk Southern. New Bern, Visit Friend, Then Vanishes. clpate In An Unveiling Exercises. fidelity. WOODMEN MRS SAILOR SOLDIER FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS CLAIMED LAOY DISAPPEARS MOREH MUCH PROGR WANTS A DIVORCE ARE DISTRACTED Father Believes Missing Girl Is Endeavoring To Join A Georgia Physician. Sunday afternoon Miss Lillie Har rell the sixteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harrell of Beaufort donned her street apparel, walked to. the depot and boarded the west bound train. Upon its arrival in this city she went to the home of a friend on Hancock street for the purpose of spending the night. Suspecting that the young lady had run away "from home, this friend refused to let her remain there overnight. The girl left ,the house and since that time, although the police and the anxious father have made every effort to locate her, she has not been seen and her whereabouts remain a mystery. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Harrell went over to Morehead City to attend the unveiling of a monument at that place by the Woodmen of the World. Their daughter, Lillie, reraaih-ed-at home and they had not the least inkling of her intention to run away. Upon returning they discovered that she had gone and after making numerous inquiries learned that she had boarded the train enroute to New Bern. As soon as this fact had been dis covered the young lady's father tele phoned to Chief of Police C. Lupton and asked him to make a search for her, at the time telling him that she would probably be found at the home of her friend on Hancock street. The Chief and one of his officers visited this place and learned that she had been there but had left about an hour pre vious. For the next two hours the Chief visited boarding houses in the city in the hopes of finding her but this search proved without avail. Yesterday morning J. H. Harrell the young lady's father arrivedin tofj city and during the day he assisted the officers in their search. Every place where the officers and the dis tracted father thought that the young lady would be was visited but no trace of' her could be found. . Every out going train has been watched and the police are certain that she has not left the city by rail and in their belief she is In hiding until the search abates. The father was interviewed by a Journal reporter yesterday afternoon just before he boarded the train re turning home and he said that he be lieves that his dautgher is attempting to reach Waycross Ga. where she will join Dr. J. T. Dixon. This Dr. Dixon, aid Mr. Harrell is sixty-eight years old and has known the missing girl for some time and has great influence - over her. Mr. Harrell said that the Waycross physician had been in Beaufort some time ago and had been with the girl a great deal until the father had found out the state of affairs and put a stop toTiis attentiones to his daughter. 1 he mother of the young lady is distracted with grief and Mr. Harrell stated that it was necessary for him to return home last evening to be with her and that he would probably re turn today and continue the search. In the meantime the local police are doing everything in their power to locate the young lady and if she is yet in the city they will probably be sue . cessful in finding her. COUNTY SCHOOLS FAVORED. Are Prc-ented With A Number Of PARENTS Boofri and Photographs. Hen. L. I. Moore has presented the rch'ols of Craven county with twenty . fcye copies of the "Life of Charles B. lAycock". These books are now in the i itparsstoa of S. M. Brinson, Superin tend! nt of the Public Schools of the county and will be presented by him at the beginning of the (all term, the twenty-five schools whose final reports shows the best attendance for the term. Mrs. Charles R. Thomas and George Moulton the latter who is connected with the Wooten Studio, have presented the schools of the county withseverai nice photographs. The gifts will prove of great Value to the schools and are highly appreciated. Mr. E. H. Taylor of Black Moun tain is in the city on ayUit to Mrs. A. T. Dill. Mrs. W H. Bishop returned yester day from a visit with relatives at More head City and Beaufort. , Mr. R. J Corbet t of Henderson who has been visiting Mrs. F. H. Saw yer returned home yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Street and daugh- NEW BERN WELLf REPRESENTED Hon. Charles L. Abernethy De- livers Inspiring and Elo quent Address. Sunday was a big day for Morehead City. There were gathered there three hundred woodmen for the purpose of dedicating a monument to the memory of the late C. T. Bell which had been erected by the Woodmen of the World. Sixty members of the New Bern camp and twenty-five members of the Bridgeton camp participated in the exercises. When the train from New Bern arrived at the station at More head City and the choppers began to disembark from the coaches- the citizens of that town began to take notice. An hour was spent in sightseeing and noting the many improvements made by the wide-awake citizens of that place. One of the most attractive buildings seen was that recently erected by George R. Simmons a member of the New Bern Camp. At 1 o'clock the procession formed and marched to the cemetery where the impressive dedicatory exercises were conducted. Hon. Charles L. Abernathy delivered the unveiling ad dress in his usual eloquent and force ful manner and he charmed the large number of spectators who heard him. Immediately after the unveiling ex ercises the Daughters of the Confed eracy of (hat place held their memorial exercises and decorated the graves of the old Confederate soldiers with many beauitful flowers. The day was an ideal one and the large cemetery was literally filled with spectators. Notwithstanding the im mense crowd the exercises were con ducted in an entirely satisfactory man ner. The members of the local camp of .Woodmen ot the World wish to ex press their thanks and appreciation to the Morehead City Woodmen for the hospitable manner in which they were treated and they also include the entire population of the town for everyone did their best to make their visit a pleasant one. TWIN CITY NO LONGER Wlnaton-Salem Effective Yesterday Became Single Municipality. Winston-Salem N. C. May 12 1913. Wiping two towns off the map is an event today in the formal extinguishing of Winston and Salem as governmental units. Henceforth the community em braced in these two towns will appear upon the map of the. world as the City of Winston-Salem. Today the Mayer and Board of Al dermen of the city of Wtnston-Slaem succeeded to all the authority and duties heretofore exercised by the Board of Aldermen of Winston and Board of Commissioners of Salem. In the consolidation of the two towns which was recently determined uyun vy popular vote a new city is created wun a population which has grown from 15 000 in 1900 to 40 000 in 1913 including the suburban settle ments and essential parts of its commer cial and industrial sactivities. Men who c limb the stairs one step at a time are gladder to rest at the top than if they had patronized the eleva tor. MAY PROVE FATAL When Will New Bern People Learn me importance of It? Backache is only a simple thing at first. But if you find 'tis from the kid neys; That serious kidney troubles may f low; That dropsy or Bright' disease may be the fatal end, You will be glad to know the fol lowing experience. 'Tis the honest statement of a resi dent of this locality. James E. Askin, James City, N. C. says: "While in the army I feceive i'njHbe.?,..reC,ei:!d.lve a concert at M.yv!lle on Wed severe urain ana alter that 1 was subject to attacks of kidney trouble. My back ached a great deal and a time passed, the trouble grew worse. I tried many remedies but seemed un able to obtain relief and finally hearing ?f Do"'a Kidney Pill, I obtined a box. They gave me great benefit. They not only removed the pain in back but strengthened my kidneys and improved my health." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cent. Foster-Milburo Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agent for the United -' . m wool Doan' and THEY DENY THE CRIME Detectives And Police Have Damag ing Evidence Agalnat Them. Sheriff L. S. Taylor of Lenoir county arrived in the city last night and will this morning take Herbert Foy and Clarence Meldrum colored in custody and take them to Kinston to answer to a charge of burglary and larceny. Foy and Meldrum were captured in this city last Sunday. night by Po liceman A. L. Bryan and Mc Daniel of the local force and W. W. Morrison and J. L. Pettus who are employed by the Norfolk Southern Railway Com pany as private detectives and are charged with breaking into the store of B. W. Cannady at Kinston a few weeks ago and stealing a number of revolvers. Th ree men were implicated in this robbery but the third member of the trio" got wind that the officers were on his trail and he lost no time in reach ing pastures new. Foy and" Meldrum vehemently deny any knowledge of the affair even going so far as to say that they were not in Kinston at the time of the robbery occurred. However they have recently disposed of several revolvers which were taken from the store on the night of the robbery and it will be up to them to (atisfy the court that these came into their possession in some lawful manner. NOT BE FOUND BEAUFORT LASS BAFFLES MEM BERS OP THE LOCAL POLICE FORCE. Although the police made a thorough search of the city yester day they failed to find any trace of Miss Lillie Harrell1 the sixteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harrell of Beaufort who fan away from her home Sunday afternoon and came to this city. The girl was seen Sunday night and also Monday morning but since that time nothing has been heard from her. Mr. J. H. Harrell the young woman's father did not return to the city yesterday to assist in the search but called up the Chief of Police on the telephone and asked him to use every possible means to find his daugh ter, The police believe that the young woman is yet in the city and that she is in hiding at the home of a friend waiting until the search for her abates so that she may get out of the city without molestation. Every train is being watched and as the police have . .. -. e . i i - ing gir it wi, be a barj mattcr for IB VCiy UCIlllUt: UC9V.1IJJIIUU Ul I lie nnss- her to eavc the city by that LOCO HAPPENINGS. (Special to the Journal) Loco May 12 Some of our young folks attended services at Brick Kiln Sunday. Mr. A. J. Erwin returned home from Richlands yesterday. Messrs. C. C. Taylor and J. A Higgins were visitors near Jacksonville and Verona last Sunday. Little Miss Rosa Lee Collins spent a few days here last week. Miss Susie Higgins visited relatives in Jones County last week. Mr. Mac Parsons is very sick. We extend to the family our deepest sympathy. Mr. B. F. Eubank has an appoint mcnt to preach at Loco again the Fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. SINGING CLASS TO GIVE CON s CERT AT MAYSVILLB. (Special to the Journal) Maysville May 12. The Singing n i .k r-t i n i :t I 1 fto li A II ncsaay evening may i. n coroi.i invitation is extended all to attend I his is a worthy cause and is very deserving. ' . No. 666 Thii I a prescription prepared especially lor MALARIA OT CHILIS 0. FEVER. Five or U doses will break any ea, and if token then a tonic the Fever will not return. It sets on the liver better than Calomol tad dots not Jrioe or sicken. 25c MISSING GIRL GAN FOUR CONTRACTS YESTERDAY Business Houses And Dwelling Going Up On Every Side. That New Bern is growing by leaps and bounds 'is evidenced "by the un usual building activity which is and has been evident fpr the past few months Four contracts for dwellings and busi ness houses were yesterday awarded. The aggregate amount of which these buildings will cost will abeout thirty thousand dollars. In addition to the contract for the erection of the People's Bank's new home which is to be erected on Middle street by .H S. Hancock! Mr, Hancock was also awarded the contract for the erection of a commodious residence on East Front street adjacent of F, S. Duffy's home for John Rawls of Pamlico county. This building- will cost five t hoi sand dollars. Mr. Hancock was also awarded the contract for the erection of two res -dences on Johnson street for J. F Ives Work on each of the above mentioned build ngs will begin just as early as possible. The contract for Another residence which will be located on National avenue will be awarded today Th's building will cost between four and five thousand dollars. There is in all probability not a town in the State wih a similar popu lation to that of New Bern which can exhibit such an enviable record as this and there is only one real solution to the existing conditions and that is that the people of New Bern are not only the most hospitable but are the most progressive in the State and as Judge Walter Clark stated in his elo quent address before the North Caro lina Federation of Women's Clubs a few nights ago "but for the discrim ination against this State by the rail roads; New Bern would in all probabil ity now have a population of fifty or seventy-five thousand inhabitants. 'S T INTERESTING CASE CAME TO A CLOSE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. At the opening of yesterday's session of Craven co-tnty Superior Court the case In Re Wul of Sabra Price which was begun on the previous day was resumed. In this case the husband of Sabra Price deceased was suing to annul! a will made by her in which she had willed her prpcrty valued at about four hundred dollars to her mother Mrs. Laughinghousc whorcisdes near Vancfboro. The husband claimed that his wife was mentally unbalanced when she made this will and that undue influence was used in getting her to sign it. The case was inticate to the extreme and called forth the finesse of many points of law. However, after the jury had deliberated upon tie evidence and the arguments they returned a verdict in which they decided that Mrs. P,tce was in her right mind when she made the will and that no undue influence was exerted upon her. With tie de cision the property goes to Mrs. Laugh- inghouse. The next case taken up was that of of Pipkin vs the Norfolk Southern Rail way Company. In thisc case the plain tiff Charles Pipkin who lives about seven miles from New Bern on the Nor folk Southern road was suing for relief in the sum of eight hundred dollars for damage alleged to have been done to Jiis timber when it was set on fire by a passing locomotive. The jury decided that Mr. Pipkin was entitled to some relief but cut the amount down to $150. In the caie of Anderson vs. Harring ton which was next taken up a con tract made between the two men in dispute. Mr. Harrington bough a lection of timber land and Mr. Ander son was to cut and sell the timber on it for half of the proceeds of the-sale In m me way affairs did not run smooth ly and a law 'suit resulted. 1 he case is very intricate and wttt consume some time in the hearing. It was begun yesterday afternoon bt t could not be completed by the if the day session and was Joshua TV ui among tli. djbi until today 9 county was r in the city M DECISION AGAINS HUSBAND CASE HAS BEEN CONTINUED Defendant In The Action Is Now Serving A Term In The State Prison. Among the interesting cases on the docket of this week's session of Craven county Superior Court is the divorce case of Pratt vs. Pratt, in which Mrs. Pratt is suing her husband H. T. Pratt for a legal separation on the groutnd of infidelity. Owing to the fact that the attorney representing the plaintiff did not have sufficient time in which to issue depositions, this case has been continued until the next term of Craven county Superior Court. The defendant in this action is now serving a three years' term in the North Carolina State prison for forgery and embezzlement. For several years he was engaged in the insurance business in New Bern and held the esteem of all who knew him. In the early part of 1912 he suddenly left the city and when his affairs were investigated it was found that he had misappropriated funds of the insurance companies, for which he was the State agent, and had also forged a prominent attorney's name to a note for three hundred dol lars and had succeeded in getting this discounted. Dectectives were put on his trail and he was located in the far West and placed under arrest and later brought back to New Bern and placed on trial. He pleaded guilty to the offenses harged against him and was sentenced to the State prison. Mrs. Pratt, who has always been held in the highest esteem by all who know her, is now residing in the North with her parents. L OPEN NEXT WEEK CRAVEN CITIZENS TO BE GIVEN FREE TREATMENT FOR THE HOOKWORM DISEASE. On next Monday morning a dis pensary for the free treatment of hook worm and other intestinal diseases will be opened at Vanceboro. These dis pensaries will be operated at d ffcrent points in Craven county for the fol lowing six weeks and wi 1 be under the direction of Dr. G. F. Leonard, assisted by W. C. Jenkins. This will be the second time that a hookworm dispenasry has been operat ed in this county. On the former oc casion more than a thousand people were examined and treated. The ex amination and treatment is absolutely without cost to the patient and the people of the county arc urged to take advantage of the opportunity afforded them. Wherever possible the dispensaries will be operated in the school house or some public hall but where neithe of the above can be secured, the dts pensary will be located in a tent The court house will be occupied by the dispensary on the days that it is operated in this city. DR. BUZZARD BUZZES. Got Drunk And Buzzed Around Awfully. Dr. D. L. Buzzrad, who claims to be affiiliatcd with Mephistophclcs, or in words- which can be more easily as similatcd is a coniur doctor was placed under arreit yesterday after noon by Policeman A. L. Bryan and F. P. Rowe for being drunk and dis orderly and also on a charge of vagrancy Dr. Buzzard is colored, in fact he is more than that, he is black and about as black as the descendants of- Ham ever get to be, and during the past tew days has had rather a spectacular career in police circles. The doctor's exhibitions of "black magic" have not panned out so successful y in recent, days and hi coterie of followers have begun to murmur and cast imprcoat'ons upon his cranium. The result of all this wa a summons to police court. Dr. Buzzard received this summons but after consulting various and sundry mystic ti;ns decided not to appear before the Mayor, and he didn't, but he. will for he is now being held in the county jail until 11 o'clock thU morning when he will have an opprtunity of explaining to Hi Honor jut where nd when he engage in manual labor and also tell why he was drunk and di DISPENSARY WIL WILL PROVE OF MUCH BENEFIT The Battleship "North Carolina" Will In All Probability Be Used. During the latter part of next month the six companies comprising the North Carolina Naval Militia will go on board one of the U. S. battleships, probably the North Carolina, for a two weeks' cruise. There are six companies in this di vision, New Bern, Washington, Her -ford, Wilmington, Plymouth and Eliza beth City and it is expected that a large proportion of each company will take advantage of the cruise. Com mander Bradham who is in charge of the North Carolina Naval Mijitia, states that the exact date for tiiis cruise has not been determined at the present time but will in all probability be made known at an early date. The cruise will be a unique experi ence for the sailor-soldier boys. For merly their annual cruise has been made on the Elfrida, their training ship, and the cruise has not been on "the briny" but only upon the rivers and sounds which arc to be found in Eastern North Carolina. The cruise on the battleship will prove of benefit to the members of the different companies in a number of ways. They will be given practice with the big guns, learn to signal from . .i i i . one vessel to anotner ana in iacr. be given instructions similar in every way to those given to the members of the boat's regular crew. The embarkation will in all prob ability be made from Morehead City and the cruise extend as far down the coast as Florida. BRIDGETON LAD RITTEN BY ATTEMPT TO TIE SHOT BAG ON CANINE'S TAIL ENDS SERIOUSLY. Isaac Brooks, a young son of S. W. Brooks, who resides at Bridgeton, was painfully injured yesterday afternoon when he was bitten through the eye lid and on the nose by a dog owned by C. D. Bradham of this city. Brooks and a companion, young Daniel Whitford, were attempting to tie a bag of shot to the end of the dog's tail. Now, but for the fact that Brooks drew the fastening string just a little too tight this article might never have been written, but in a moment of in discretion he did this and incidentally injured the feelings, also the rear extre mity, of the canine. The animal's teeth made an ugly wound on the boy's face and the ser vices of a physician were required to dress his wounds. The dog was not mad" at the time and no ill results are looked for. , HELLO GIRL AIDS POLICE Jollies Burglar Over Telephone Until Officer Nab Him. Cleveland, May 14. Myrtle Bar nett, night operator at the South Ex change of the Bell Telephone Company caught a burglar early today by "jolly ing" him on the telephone while she notified the police. The man called in from the Shafter Suhr Coal Company's office and asked the time. She permitted him to ")osh her while she notified the police head quarters. When the burglar said "Cnod-bv. I've irot to beat it," she asked him to call again. The officers found the safe rifled at the coal office, but the burglar was gone They notified the girl operator, who meanwhile had the thief on the line from th Albright Coal Company's office. The police hurried there and ca' ghtl Frank Kroger, aged 20. VERY LITTLE COTTON IS BEING HELD IN THIS SECTION. According to a statement made yes terday by one of the leading local cot ton merchants, but ve;y lin e of last season's cotton is being held by farmers of thi section. There about two hundred bales in storage in New Bern nd probably three hun dred bale arc scattered around in different Dart of the county. The majority of this, it i believed, will placed on the market and dUposed Muring the next, thro? or four week. TIMBER WAS DESTROYED Plaintiff Claims Forest Fire Wa Started By Spark From Locomotive. Two years ago more than a hundred acres of valuable timber land which was owned by R. H. Rowe, who lives three miles from Bridgeton on the Norfolk Southern road, was destroyed by fire which the owner claimed was started by a spark from a passing locomotive. Now. Mr. Rowe is suing th, Norfolk Southern Railway Company for damage in the sum of five thousand dollars for causing his timber to be destroyed. The case was taken up in Superior Court yesterday afternoon and pro mises to be long drawn out. The plain tiff is represented by D. L. Ward and Rodman Guion while Moore and Dunn arc appearing in behalf of the defendant Company. Late yesterday afternoon the taking of evidence was concluded and the arguments begun. These will consume several hours and were not completed at the close of the session. Necessarily the case was continued until today and will be resumed at the opening of the session tlrs morning. In the case of Anderson vs. Harring ton which was taken up on the previous day. the jury yesterday returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff. This was an action in which much interest was manifested by the many friends of the plaintiff and the defendant. The plaintiff was suing for half interest in a section of land and also half the proceeds from the sale of timber on the land which the defendant had pur chased, claiming that he had a contract to this effect. The land in question is Iqcated in the vicinty of Vanceboro. COSPEL OF MARK INCLUDED IN FREER MANU SCRIPT DISCOVERED SIX YEARS AGO. London, May 14. Some long-missing verses of the New Testament are in cluded in the manuscripts of the Gospels discovered in Egypt six years ajgo and purchased by Charles L Freer, of Detroit, Mich., according to a study made of the Freer Manuscripts by the Time3. A facsimile of the manuscripts has been presented to the British. Museum by the University of Michigan, to which Mr. Freer assigned the task of publi cation and, according to the limes study, there have been found in the Gospel of St. Mark several verses which occur in no other known manuscript -of the New Testament, although they were knowu to St. Jerome, who q lotes part of them. In the Freer manuscripts after the passage in which it Is said that Jesus upbraided His disciples for their un belief, the text continues as follows: "And thery excused themselves- say ing that this ago of lawlessness and un belief is under Satan, who through the agency of unclean spirits, suffers not the true power of god to be apprehend ed. "For the cause, said they unto Christ, reveal now at once Thy rightousnesr. "And Christ said unto them, the limit of the years of the powers of Satan is (not) fulfilled, but it draweth near. (The next here and elsewhere is corrupt.) "For the sake of those that have sin ned was I gven up unto death, that they may return unto the truth and sin no more, but may inherit the spirit ual and incorruptible glory of righteous ness in Heaven." A large number of variation in other portions of the New Testament are also pointed out by the Times in the I Ffser manuscripts. LAf GE SHIPMENTS OF CABBAGE ARE BEING MADE. Large shipments of cabbage continue to leave this city each day, going to the western part of the State. Formerly the greater part of the truck shipment - (rom this section have gone to northern markets. ThU Is not the case thi. the Leason, however. The local are have found out that the prices the commission men in western North Carolina are jut a high as those paid on the northern market and are ship NEW VERSES FOR ping their produce to that point. Sweet be of potatoes and peas are alio heing snip ped but not oa uch a Urge cate M f ooo DDHVTT

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