rrt. WEEKLY JOURNAL ESTABLISHED 1S78. Published in Two Sections, every Tuesday and Friday at No. 45 Pullcck Street. K. J. LA nBIN lTNG COMPANY ' VaOPHIBTOCS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Month $ -20 Tfcw Months : , -2S Six Months. .50 Twdvt Months. 100 (My in advance. Advertising rates furnished upon application at the of See, or upon in quiry by mall. Battied at the Postofnee, New Bern, N. .. at second-class matter. Notice. George Ipock has been appoint ed agent for the Journal at Ernul. He will receive and receipt for pay ments on subscription or advertis ing and is prepared to let not on ly the Ernul subscribers but many others in the same section includ ing Vanceboro and Vanccboro R. F. D. 3 know how their accounts atand, If you have any business with the Journal call on Mr. Ipock Spring has been lingering in the lap of winter- or winter is trespassing on the property tf spiing. For some weeks to come a New Bern ian, Senator F. M. Simmons will be in the spotlight of American and to some extent world-wide politics. Representative Young of Michigan will resign his seat because his election is in dispute. Certainly. What's the use of wrangling over a little matter like seventy-five hundred dollars a year? It would be interesting to know what the Japanese think of Bud Fisher's Mutt and Jeff cartoons these days. We suspect that Bud is doing about as much as the California Legislature to keep the Japs riled. 1" Confederate veterans Gen. Carr and Maj. Hamilton had a fist fight Saturday in Durham in connection with that city's celebration of Memorial Day. Nothing the matter with that. What better way to bring back mem ories of a fight than to engage in a fight? The extensive discussion in the papers about methods of getting results in sanitaii( n must be suggestive to the people of the impcrtance of sanitation. Sanitation is prevention and that the doctors should exert themselves in teaching the people how to prevent sickness is very much to their credic. The Merchants' Association of Rich mond having decided to hold a cele bration in 1915 on account of the 50th anniversary of Appomattox R. E. Lee Camp of Veterans withholds its approval of any such celebration declaring that it cannot approve of anything that looks like rejoicing at the overthrow of the Confederacy. It is entirely possible, it occurs to us. for the South to be patriotic without pretending to feel something that it is against human nature for it to feel. Winston and Salem yesterday became co-ordinate din fact as they had been in name for a long time. Both towns are to be felicitated on the change which will of course make for greater muni cipal effectiveness and economy. The last census gave the twin cities a com bined population of over twenty-two thousand and they have been growing rapidly since then besides enlarging their territory by annexation so that the combined city now ranks along with Charlotte and Wiln ington in the matter of population. WHY TAKE ANY CHANCES AT ALL? In connection with the persistent war fare on the mosquito which scientific men urge some people wonder why it is that so many people who are bitten by the mosquito never show any sign of malaria. The State Health Board sends out a selection from the works of Dr. Evans who we I elieve is a lead ing physician in one of the large cities in which the operations of the malaria carrying mosiquito arc described, in the first place there are motquiioes which do not disseminate malaria. Only the anopheles mosqtito carries malaria and of that variety only the female can carry the parasite which causes the disease. Of the female anopheles not more than 25 cent per are infected. This gives one many chenee to e cape. Eut what's the use of taking any chances at all when practically absolute safety can be had by the use of screens? Failure is predicted for the Huerta administration in Mexico but as there is less news than common ciming out of Mexico now there may be nothing ia the predictions. The new administtation is running M street sweeper and putting the ;i grants to work. It will be said that r.ew broom sweeps clean. But why ot Id not a new broom keep on sweep- Ajl success tc a! Without s "ew ad- age-luch 1 New Hanover county on May 27 will vote on a bond issue of $175 000 for schools. If there is as much op position to bonds for schools in New Hanover as there is in the portion of Craven contained within the boundaries of New Bern w fear that the friends of the issue in New Hanover have a hard road to travel. Secretary Bryan's policy ojf dealing with the Japanese has at least had the effect of making both this country and the Japanese take plenty of time to think it all over carefully. Japan is not by any means so warlike as it was a few weeks ago and the demand in this country for a navy of huge pro portions is noticeably less inistent. Proposition is made to make Co. Roosevelt king of Albania. It leads the Daily Citizen a London labor paper to say: "Teddy and Essad and Nicholas between them should make that corner of Europe hum." It is to be doubted if in all Europe there could be found a man more suited by disposition and tastes to be a king of Albania' or if any other country that might stand in need of some one who would use the iron hand than the first citizens of Oyster Bay. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The talkative barber illustrates his story with cuts. CONSTIPATION CURED. Dr King's New Life Pills will re lieve constiptation promptly and get your bowels n healthy condition again John Supsic, of Sanbury, Pa., says "They'are the best pills I ever used. and I advise everyone to sue them for constipation, indigestion and liver com plaint." Will help you Price 25c. Recommended by all dealers. Courage is the thing that makes peo pie forget they are afraid. WONDERFUL SKIN SALVE Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known everywhere rs the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces inflamation and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossman, publisher of News, of Chrnelius, N. C, writes that one box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended by all dealers. Some men show good judgment by showing a lack of self-confidence. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The end man in a mtnistcral show cau tell a joke as well as the next man. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich., says: "Dr. Detcheon's Relief for Rheu matism has given my wife vonderful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, a nd had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) Officeholders will not have to pay any income tax. It must be grand to be an officeholder. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The Chicago conference is rigging up the galvanic battery to try to re suscitate its party. BEST MEDICINE FOR COLDS. When a druggist recommends a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles ,you can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. C. bower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife ot a severe bron chial cold after all other remedies failed.' It will do the same for you il you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial thioat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use. It is a home doctor. Price 50c. and $1,00 Guaranteed by all dealers. Kind words are more than coronets, bat sometimes a judicious kick is more beneficial. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A noble failjre is better than ignoieb success, although not in so great de mand. CASTORIA Tor Infanti and Children. Bit Kind Yoa Havi AliarsBwght Bears th Signature of Personals TUESDAY. MAY 14. Hugh Wood returned to Goldsboro last evening after a visit in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Wood on Eden street. T. D. Wiley of Pamlico county vas among the business visitors in the city yesterday. . R. E. Snowden returned yesterday from a business visit at Snowden. A. E. Hibbard leaves this morning for Danville, Va., where he will on Wednesday night attend the wedding of his niece Miss Mamie Brewer. David Morris spent yesterday at Maple Cypress attending to business matters. Dr. J. E. Turlington principal of Craven county's proposed Farm Life School was among the visitors in the city yesterday. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13. G. F. Pipkin of Batrd's Creek wa among the visitors in the city yesterday. Rev. R. R. Pittman of Bridgeton left last evening for a short visit at Kinston. Rev. J. B. Hurley left last evening for Morehead City where he will at tend the Methodist Conference. T. A. Green and T. C. Etheridge will leave this morning for Morehead City to attend the Methodist Dis trict Conference. Charles Humphrey of Goldsboro arrived in the city last evening for a short business visit. Captain Merion Lynch and family of Goldsboro who have been visiting relatives here have returned home. Isaac Cohen returned last evening from a business trip at Kinston. W. H. Harvey of Vanceboro was in the city yesterday attending Superior Court. Sheriff A. H. Stephens was among the visitors here yesterday. E. Carl Duncan of Raleigh arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Beaufort. He left last night for a visit at Norfolk Va. N. M. Hails of Morehead City was among the visitors here yesterday. Dr. S. J. Hawes George M. March R. W. Lamb D. W. Richardon and Hon. Richard Richardson of Dover were among the visitors in the city yesterday. W. S. Chadwick of Beaufort spent yesterday in the city with relatives. Hon. Charles L. Abernathy of Beau fort passed through the city last even ing enroute to Goldsboro where he was to attend to professional business. Rev. Father Gallagher returned last evening from a visit at Kinston. s Rev. W. L. Bilbro of Middlesex is in the city visiting his son Archie a salesman with F. E. Brooks & Com pany. H. L. Gibbs of Oriental was among the professional visitors here yester day. THURSDAY,. MAY 15. Dr. John Rodman of Washington who has been spending several days in the city returned home yesterday. Bruce Carraway of Kinston was among the business visitors in the city yesterday. D. K Fleming of Jacksonville spent yesterday in the city attending to business matters. L. L. Leary of Morehead City was among the visitors here yesterday. Jule Duncan of Beaufort arrived in the city yesterday afternoon for a- short visit. H. F. Bunting left yesterday 'or a business visit at Oriental. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. West left yes terday for a short visit at Oriental. Ernest M. Green left last evening for a professional visit at Washington, D. C. William Duffy of .Elizabeth City arrived in the city last evening for a short business visit. J. B. Harvey of Vanceboro came to New Bern last evening for a short visit. W. H. Banks of Elizabeth City ar rived in New Bern last evening . He was entroue to Beaufort for a visit with reltives. FOR THE WEAK AND NERVOUS Tired-out, weak, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, energetic full of life and always have a good appe tite, if they would do the sensible thing for health take Elect ic Bitter.s Noth. ing better for the stomach liver or kid neys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home remedy. Mrs. O. Rhtnevault, of Vestal Center, N. Y. .saysi "I regard Electric Bitters as one of the greatest of gifts. I can never forget what it has done for me." Get a bottle' yourself and see what a difference it will make in your health. Only 50c and $1.00. Recommended by all dealers. When a woman says, "I don't care what the neighbors say," she doesn't say it loudly. D AFNESS CANNOT BE CURED ty local applications, as they cannot roauh the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result. and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de troyed lorever: nine cases out ten are caused by Catarrh, which is running but an inflamed condition of the mucous tui laces. F. J. CHENEY, ft CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. jmmih aa I J -J .1 - Ji GRADUATES A bank account for a graduation pres ent Is most appropriate, as the young man or woman who receives such a pres ent will be led to make additional depos its, thereby providing a substantial fund for future use. This bank accepts depos its of one dollar or more and pays four per cent interest, compounded twice a year. Open an account today. r, S mni .ii.trrflllllllllM. urn HiiiiiHiiiiiiiiifiiiiiininii -BRICK- Hard Sound Cultivators Riding and Walking Two and One Horse Bug Death Kills your potato hugs, makes better yields. Use Bug Death and save yourcropvs this spring. HAY GRAIN FEED Burrus New Bern, - FOR TRUCK BARRELS AND BASKETS SEND YOUR ORDERS TO E. H. & J. A. Meadows Co., NEW BS3.V, N. G. Order Early Before the Rush Starts. C. L. SPENCERS fay, Corn, Oats, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. SEED A AND ED Mall Orders Given Lower Middle Street, We keep everything you need in the Drug, Medi cine or Toilet line come, buy what you need and if you find it does not suit you bring it back, get what you do want, or get your money back. We are here to serve and plt-ase YOU. Subscribe For The Journal ..Ulil'lfiff 1 n ! ! IT II IT T II ITT Til n I . M IIHIIIUI ' ll l'lllll lllll l'lll ll UWfll Prices Cheap & Co. North Carolina Tran, Hominy, HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. RYE. BRICK FOR SALE Careful Attention. New Bern, N. C. We arc 'A gent a for the Celebrated PLANET, a R., Line of Cultivating Imple ment. We carrry In stock their celebrated No. 76 Riding Cultivator, their Horae Hoe Cultivators, their celebrated. Seed Drill. Hand Cultivator, Fire-Fly Garden Plow. Wa Invite you to call and Inspect hl splendid line or drop oa a postal and we will gladly end you their illustrated cat alogue. Our price are right. Your, J. C Whitty PHONE -Clothing and Shoe Sale- - 0 - WE have decided to place on sale our entire stock of Mens, Boys &Ghild rens Clothing at 20 per cent, reduction and all Ladies, Mens and Children's Shoes and Ox fords at 10 per cent, reduction The largest stock of yShoes in New Bern and the stockjmust be reduced at once. : : : : J. J. BAXTER, Elks' Temple Many beautiful Lines of Sum mer Dress Goods Just Received Also Shirt Waists, Laces, bhoes, Gloves and Hose Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Ties city be sure and see our A. B. 63 i Middle Street, Craven County's Rich Men OST rich men of Crav. n County founded their own fortune. Comparatively few of the welthy men o' this city and vicinity inherited their money. Most well to do people of this vicinity have made their maney by pluck and perseveranee. Any young man who desires to be well to do at fifty or sixty should at once begin saving a portion of his income andshould carefully keep the money at in tere t by de-positing it in this large savings bank FOUR PER CENT COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR ON SAVINGS. NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST C? CAP I TAL J..... $ tOO.OOQ.00 FREE! FREE! ! High Grade Natural Tone Talk ing and Singing Machine One Standard Talking Machine Free to every cus tomer whose cash purchase amounts to $25.00. See and hear this wonderful Instrument and learn how Easily you can FARRIS Dealer in Wholesale and Retail Men's and Ladies' Fur nishing Goods. 66-68-70 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. Bellair Stock and Fruit Form G. T. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. I have Full Blood Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale immunefrom Texas fever, also full blood Berkshire Hogs. You are cordially invited to visit farm and see stock. i ft. 7 DIHA DnSMSl New Rem, N. C. , R. F. Phone, Bellair line, 4 When in Market For Horses. Mules. Buggies Wagons and Harness see X1 . - 2m aT POLLOCKSVILLE, N. C. Fine Kentucky Horses and Mules on hand at all timet TERMS REASONABLE. c& Company 98 Agents Department Si ore and Embroideries, Underwear, for the Ladies. Suits. Straw and Sox for Men. When in stock before buying elsewhere SUGAR, New Bern, N. 3 obtain one at my store V NASSBF X., io. 2. rings. SEE ME. for the "Star" Pea Huller THE PEST BY TEST ' lake Hair family Fills for consti-' r M r j p-,ion- Adr. Dradham Drug Co. .

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