WEEKLY JOURNAL ESTABLISHED 1878. hubllatiwl in Two Sections, even Tuesday and t'riday at Ko 4i Pollock Street. K. J. LAND PRINTING COMPANY FBOFKIETOES SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Month. $ .20 Ttar eMonths .25 Sto Month .50 Twdve Month. I OC Only in advance. Advertising rate furnished upon application at the office, or upon In quiry by nail. Entered at the Postoffice, New Bern, N. C. ae second-class matter. Notice. George I pock has been appoint ed agent for the Journal at Ernul. Ha will receive and receipt for pay ments on subscription or advertis ing and la prepared to let not on ly the Ernul subscribers but many others In the tame section Includ ing Vanceboro and Vanceboro R P. D. 1 know how their accounts stand, If you have any business with the Journal call On Mr. Ipock Writer la the Greensboro News says it Is time, the Japanese question was being amicably discussed. Why, that's whatj President Wilson aad Secretary Bryan have been doing to it all the time. (Now 'that the Japanese war-scare has about blown over it is time to get interested again in the question as to whether Col. "Aus" Watts is going to be able to manage to land that col kctorship. We have heard it norated around in times past that Joscphus Daniels was a man without physical courage. Still we have no doubt that many of his detractors would have refused to ac company him on the air voyage that he took the other day. Josephus is vindicating himself all 'round these days. He is fully equal to his job. Postmaster Basnight is to be con gratulated on his success in securing the consent of the Postoffice Depart ment to Dut on a night clerk here The installation of this service wi meet a long felt want. Heretofore in order to get mail off on the night trains it has been necessary to get it in the office by 9 o'clock at night This has been very inconvenient in many cases to business men and they will welcome the change by which they wiil have three hours additiona in which to get important matter into the mails. The change will be of great advantage to the Journal also enabling it to get a much better news service by mail than ithas been able to do heretofore. JAPAN COOLING OFF. Japanjhas had time to cool off and is not spoiling for a fight any mor In fact, as one of its own newspapers said, it has no doubt, been bluffing to a certain extent all along. A compar ison between its state of preparedness for war and that of the United States made by the New York World show that while in size of standing army and in number of topedo boats Japan is ahead of the United States, in every other respect this country has a trc mendous advantage over Japan. For one thing the little island kingdom is so heavily in debt that its borrowing capacity is practically nil and to Imam a war with any great power woul be, the World thinks, a task which the most daring of Japanese statesmen would hesitate to undertake. The World does not say so in so man words, but it broadly intimates and no doubt intended for its remarks t be so construed, that there has bee in this country's diplomatic brush wit Japan nothing to justify a raid on th treasury for the construction of more dreadnaughts. Always something doing in the office seeking line. Four men ia addition to Senator Overman are said to be after the berth now being occupied by that Senator. It would tie refreshing to see pome big job go begging but rt-obsh'v aiich 4 thing till nrvr n(in li' eiMkU(h to mat,' wii ilixxy to n..li.r tlir SCtkrliM "I tin ntiiihi.ii i.il ufganiiatiuiiA ul the towns ami chits of North Carolina. Everywhere you turn here is s Clnmlier of Commerce or a Board of Iradc turning things episode down anddowr. ide up. Verily this old State is out for the business. Republican S tutors are said to have sharply criticised President Wit so because be has taken a hand in the Senatorial fight in Maryland where Mr. Marbury, a man of the Wilson type, Is seeking to succeed ia the Senate John Walter Smith, who seem to be some what after the fasiohn of the Jim Smith who hap been Wilson's inveterate foe irKfW-JeVseypoHtir. But why should .the Republicans take umbrage because of Wilson's getting into s fight within bu own party? It must be that they wast more John Walter Smiths in the Senate aad fewer Marbury. To sc- sssswt for their concern in the matter f BETTER HANDLING OF COTTON.' The Bureau of Railway Economics I i. --- -i-. A. - .L - ...V nab seui uui a aiuienicui. uu lire suu ject, "The Uplift in Cotton Handling" that should make very helpful and time ly reading in the South. Nobody who has observed the condition in which cotton is often sent to market can have failed to be impressed with the care lessness which is sometimes displayed in connection with it. It is more the rule than the exception to leave it exposed to the rain and some times it is left for days, or perhaps weeks, partially embedded in dirt. Some idea of how costly such carelessness is may be had from the fact that government experts claim that of the cotton crop in the United States there is between the gin and the spinner a wastage and damage amounting to fifty millions of dollars per annum and while the proportion which wastage bears to damage is not given it isjdoubtless safe to assume that a considerable part of the loss mentioned is due to the lack of proper protection for the staple after it is ginned and baled. Trans-Atlantic steamship lines and railroads made have rules which will make necessary cleaner and neater cotton Every effort is being made with compressors, cotton ginners, farm ers and shippers to bring about the reform so much needed and the rait- way bureau well says that when those concerned in cotton growing and ship ping find that shiftlessness reacts their bpocket ooks it is probable that i better order of things will come about Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A If a woman thinks before she speaks she can economize on talk. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich., says: Dr. Detcheon s Kelief for Rheu matism has given my wife wonderful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) The paperhangcr's business is good if it drives him to the wall. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Some men are made 1 y circum but a lot of others are nu stances, made. ll K. ST MEDICINE FOR COLDS. When a druggist recommends a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles ,you can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bron chial cold after all other remedies failed.' It will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial thioat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use. It is a home doctor. Price 50c. and $1,00 Guaranteed by all dealers. Every husband hears a good deal about the saintly actions of other hus bands. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The powers that be too frequently sit down on evil as gingerly as if it were an inverted tack. FOR THE WEAK AND NERVOUS Tired-out, weak, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, energetic full of life and always have a good appe tite, if they would do the sensible thing for health take Electic Bitter.s Noth ing better for the stomach, liver or kid neys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home remedy. Mrs. O. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center, N. Y. ,says: "I regard Electric Bitters as one of the greatest of gifts. I can never forget what it has done for me." Get a bottle yourself and see what a -lifff rent e it will in., k- in vonr fi;.lth. only 50c ami $I.im. Recommended by all dealer. . - .-! ot ports ..Hi. i carrlessneM in their wardrobe for the same reason that tramps travel in freight cars. DFAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED ty Iocs! applies ions, as they csnnet roa-h the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional rsmtdies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it in en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored te its normal condition, hearing will be .de stroyed forever: nine cases out ' ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous su if sees. f. J. CHENEY, CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 7$c. Take Hall's Fsmily Pills for consti pation. (Adv. Liprcnnfllc FRIDAY, MAY 23. Horace M. Hill returned last evening from a business trip to Washington. Charles Hall spent yesterday at Vanceboro attending to business mat ters. J. Manly Foscue and little son of Maysville were among the visitors in th city yesterday. L. C. Scott returned yesterday morning from a trip to Folloksville where he went- to attend the Graded School commencement. Rev. H. H. Ambrose of Plymoth and S. Z. Waters of Panteeo were in the city yesterday on a business trip. L. t Moore returned yesterday a professional visit at Kinston. from George N. Ives returned last even ing from a visit to his farm at Newport M. M. Marks left yestreday for business visit at Kinston. D. W. Richardson ot Dover was among the business visitors in the city yesterday. SATURDAY, MAY 24. E. W. Warren and son Ernest left last evening for a short visit at Raleigh Dr. O. O. Kafer of Edwards, who has been spending a few days in the city returned home last evening. Julc Duncan of Beaufort spent yesterday in the city attending to business matters. T. D. Warren left yesterday after noon for a short visit at Trenton. Clyde Fentress of Maribel was among the business visitors in the city yester day. S. B. Ransom of Norfolk passed lthroiigh the city yesterday enroute ,to Oriental for a short visit. Arthur F. Midyette of Oriental was among the visitors here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Silverthom of Stonewall passed through the city last evening enroute home from a visit at Washington. J. L. Bland of Vanceboro, one of Craven county's most successful farm ers, was a visitors in the city yetcrday SUNDAY, MAY 25. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wetherington left last evening for a visit with relatives at Tuscarora. Hon. Rudolph Duffy and wife of Catherine Lake were in the city yes terday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lawrence E. Duffy. J- H from a N. C. Price returned last evening business visit at Washington, Mrs. J. C. VVhitty has returned from visit with relatives at Polloksvillc. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Congdon have gone to Raleigh for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hart. T. D. Hewitt left yesterday for Ra leigh where he will spend a few days. H. A. Reel of Reelsboro was among the business visitors in the city yet terday. Cough,Cold SoreThroat Sloan's Liniment gives I quick relief for cough, cold, . hoarseness, sore throat, croup, asthma, hay fever and bronchitis. HERE'S PROOF. Mo.Albi.rt W.PucE,of Frodoftla, Kan., writ.-, : " Wa uh Sloan', Lini mcnt In Him fsmily and ftud it an cellent relief for j..IU and hay tetar attack. II ti't cugliljlg and tusaa. lag aisuusl uutaotly. SLOAN'S LINIMENT NEMF.VH SORE THROAT. Mm. I.. . ..i i-.-.-ii... n... mtlif. " I i " byu . r IJ.Im.i.l I It did H.aall ll.a ia tia awrld. Hi lbri..t r a(.r, aad li varad of my ftvulla,' GOOD FOR COLD AND CltOUP. Ms, W. H. Btsakob, tnt Bl4 Arssns, Chlasfo, III., wrtusi "A HS tls boy tat door had roup. I gars the mother Rlowi's Liniment to try. Ban blm tb re drops oa JStsr baton folng to bad, and he t vlthoat th troop In the morainf." PrkHf,85o.,BOo.,$1AO Slosn's Treatise on the Horse entires. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S C ASTO RIA Some actors are like rice, being easily puffed up. CONSTIPATION CURED. Dr King's New Life Pills will re lieve constiptation promptly and get your bowels n healthy condition again. John SuRsic, of Sanbury, Pa., says: iney are tne best pills 1 ever used i ana i auvise everyone to sue tnem ior constipation, indigestion and liver com-1 I J - .t e ' r plaint. Will help you face Z5c. Recommended by all dealers. I Letters of credit might be properly termed capital letters. WONDERFUL SKIN SALVE Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces infiamationandis soothing and healing. T. Sossman, publisher of News, of Chrnelius, N. C, writear-that one box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended by all dealers. If a woman thinks before she speaks she can exoncomize letters. CASTORIA for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bean the Signature of Checking The Peoples Bank has every facility for transacting a strictly conservative bank ing business. It invites commercial j or checking accounts both large and small and welcomes savings deposits in any amounts from one dollar upwards. Savings draw 4 per cent, interest, com pounded quarterly. XXJBOOC XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX HARVEST TIME ARE YOU READY Burrus & Co. Also Dealers in Hay, and Grain-IiRlCK xxxxxxxxxxxx? We keep everything you need in the Drug, Medj . cine or Toilet line come, buy what you need and if you find it does not suit you bring it back, get what you do want, or get your money back.1! We are he e to serve and please YOU. Bradham Drug Co. The residence telephonw number o' Dr. J. F. Patterson has been changed t) 58. N. G. Brinson of Reelsboro passed through the ctty yesterday for a visit with his son at Terre Haute, Ind. IN NEW BERN The Evidence Is Supplied by Loc i Testimony If the .reader wants stronger proof than the following statement and ex :, Df a resident of New Bern what can ;t j,e? Mrs Lavenia Hall, 30 George st Npw Rrn. N p uvs: "Doan's Kidnev p:ils have been of ereat vaiue in restoring tny health. I suffered from a weak back and pains across my kidneys that made me restless at night. In the morning 1 lelt tired ami had no strength Or energy. The secretions from irty kidneys were un natural and caused me no . end of annoyance. When I read about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a supply from the Bradham Drug Co. and they removed my pains and aches. Since taking this remedy, I have had better appetite and my entire system has been toned up." (Statement given January 25, 1908.) A LASTING EFFECT. When Mrs. Hall was interviewed a short time ago she said: "I take pleas ure in confirming my former endorse ment of Doan's Kidney Pills. They gave me permanent relief from kidney trouble and during the past several years, I have enjoyed good health." For sale bv all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostcr-Milburrt Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents of the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. and Saving rfXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXJV. CXKXX We are Agents for the Celebrated PLANET, JR., Line of Cultlratinft Imple ments. We csrrry In stock their celebrated No. 7 Ridlnft Cultivator, their Horse Hoe Cultivators, their celebrated Seed Drills, Hand Cultivator, Klre-Kly Garden Plows. We Incite you to call and Inspect ihls splendid line or drop us a postal and we will gladly send you their Illustrated cat alogue. Our prlcea are right. Yours, J. C Whitty is jA I PHONE 98 Clothing and Shoe Sale- WE have decided to place on sale our entire stock ofMens,BoVs& Child rens Clothing at 20 per cent, reduction and all Ladies, Mens and Children's Shoes and Ox fords at 10 per cent, reduction The largest stock of Shoes in New Bern and the stock'must be reduced at once. : : : : J, J. BAXTER, Elks' Temple Many beautiful Lines of Sum mer Dress Goods Just Received Also Shirt Waists, Laces, Shoes, Gloves and Hose Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Ties city be sure and see our A. B. 631 Middle Street, w Craven County's Rich Men "jVToST rich men of Crav n County founded tlu-ir own fortune. Comparatively few of the welthy mn o this ci y and vicinity inherited their m.mjy. Most well to do peopb of this vicinity have mide their m mey by pluck and perseverance. Any young man who desires to be well to do at fifty or sixty should at once begin saving a portion of his income andshould carefully keep the money at in terc t by de-positing it in this large savings bank FOUR PER CENT COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR ON SAVINGS, m rm NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST C? CAPITAL $ 10O.000.00 FREE! FREE!! High Grade Natural Tone Talk ing and Singing Machine One Standard Talking Machine Free to every cus tomer whose cash purchase amounts to $25.00. See and hear this wonderful Instrument and learn how Easily you can obtain one at my store FARRIS NASSBF Dealer in Wholesale and Retail Men's and Ladies' Fur nishing Goods. 66-68-70 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. FOR TRUCK BARRELS AND BASKETS SEND YOUR ORDERS TO E. H. & J. A. Meadows Co. NiV BERM, N. C. Order Early Before the Rush Starts. $ Company A-Qt V Department Store and Embroideries, Underwear, for the Ladies. Suits. Straw and Sox for Men. When in stock before buying elsewhere SUGAR, New Bern, " the "Star" Pet Huller mi m taataga. akV W.V TBI stM ss saw