- MM 1 1 HHH Sieto mxfmL No. 120 NEW BERN. N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, B913-FIRST SECTION 35th YEAR J mi PULA V AMENDMENT Secretary of State Bryan Tomorrow Will Announce Change In Nation's Constitution.' DIRECT VOTE ON SENATORS Will End Contest Begun In First Constitutional Conven Tlon Itself. Washington, May 29. On Saturday of this week Secretary of State William J. Bryan will officially proclaim the fact that the Seventeenth amendment to the' Federal Constitution, provid ing, for the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people, has been ratified by three-fourths of hp StatM and ia from this timn an.-9. part of theflrgank; kw. . j Tt; 'm i . i r I t!iirtohiitltutional convention itself. It will bring to a close the more recent contest begun 30 years ago to amend the Constitution and take from the Legislatures of the State the power to name Senators. This proclamation will mean that within six years not one Senator who has been elected by a State Legislature will hold a seat in the upper branch of Congress. It will mean that one third of that body, whose terms expire on March 4, 1915, will be elected by the people of their respective States. Also the proclamation will be the signal to the satire sisterhood of States to overhaul the present local election laws and make it possible for candi dates for the Senate to have places on the ballots. It will, too, be incumbent upon the States to provide proper safeguards for the popular election of their Senators. Not only that, but many States will be compelled to readjust their nomi nating machinery. Legislative caucuses will be no more. Senatorial conventions may be held, of course, but the primary system will ulitmately prevail through out the Union. Under the new amend ment no nomination at alt is required of a candidate who wishes to run for the-Senate, but it will be a ratv thing for an aspirant for the Senate to make a race without some party organiza tion behind him. Probably the first Senator to be elected by the direct vote of a State will be the successor to William P. Jackson, of Maryland. And this prom ises to ba a historic precedent. The many phases of the Jackson case have been and are being studied by leading lawyers in the Senate, and the action ' of the State in finding a means of carry-1 ing the amendment into eflect will DC watched by the entire country, There is only one other case now existing in any way parallel to that of Senator Jackson. That. is the mix-up over the seat now held, by Senator Bacon, of Georgia. He is holding office by appointment of the Governor of his State, his term having expired on March 3. His Legislature meets in regular session in June and it must pro vide the machinery for the election of Senator Bacon's successor. It is a matter of great gratification to Secretary Bryan that he is privi leged to proclaim the new amendment. He has campaigned for 20 years for the direct election of Senators and it sow falls to his lot to officially announce to the country the ratification of 'a measure that embodies one of his most cherished policies. Originally the Secretary intended to make the occasion of the proclamation a ceremony. He has reconsidered tnat idea however, and will on Saturday I sign the state document in the presence Association of Elks to be held of only a small group of friends who t Wiimjngton on Thursday and Fri have stood With him in his long fight ;day of ncxt week for the reform This party will include of Io(J .Senator Borah who led the amend- Th anrf o Frid ment fight ,n the Senate former Con-' be , gasman H. St. George Tucker, who rf ant,ere(l urged a asnnar amendment wncn ne . .u. u.. u wu a iiiciiiui vi i hi iiuuic, aim iwpic tentative Ruckcr, of Missouri. The Seventeenth Amendment is the "., . stHutton within the oast year. The first modification of the organic law since the Curil War period was the rati- fication'tftV Sixteenth Amendment, providinglor the levy of an income tax. This was proclaimed by Philander nt . in Taft'a Cabiuet , As soon as Secretary Bryan Issue. Ms oroclamation announcing that 36 Spates Jwva ratified the Seventeenth The special train will leave Wilraing Amendment the Secretaries ol State ton at night after the close of the fes of the individual States w 10 be officially tivlties and will reach New Bern about advised that after that date all Senators must be named their people. by the direct te of ; ilX Mccarty left $30,000 Estate Will Go To Prize Fighter's Widow And Daughter. 'Chicago, May 29. Luther McCarty, the heavyweight boxer killed in his fight with Arthur Pelky at Calgary on Saturday, left an estate "worth $30,000, according to the estimate of- Attorney V. R. Lovcll, of Fargo, N.'D., who came here in the interest of the fighter's widow. The lawyer believes that McCarty made $100,000 horn his fights on the Pacific Coast and in the East and his stage appearances in the last 18 months. He understands that McCarty was under contract with "Billy" McCarty, his manager, . who received in the neighborhood of one-third of the fight- ei s. earnings. "McCarty spent considerable travel ing and living and I don't think there is much more than $30,000 left," said the lawyer. "This belongs to the widow and the fatherless daughter she has been caring foe in Fargo for the last two J Mrs. McCarty still works in a restaurant there. So far as we know- McCarty did not leave a will." TO HELP MOTHER UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES SUR ROUND APPLICATIOR FOR PARDON. Washington, May 29. Congressman Edward Keating called on Secretary of War Garrison and urged that Alfred Brandon, a minor, who deserted from the army, be pardoned and permitted to return to his home in Denver to assist his mother in providing for an invalid father and husband. Brandon's case Is one of the most unusual ever brought to the attention of the War Department. Young Brandon enlisted in the army from Denver and served only a short .time. His father is in the last stages of tuber culosis and his mother strips tobacco leaves in a cigar factory to support her sick husband. Brandon, realizing the hardships his mother was undergoing, decided to buy his way out of the army and obtain work in Denver, where he could be with his parents and help his mother. He applied to the captain, who ap proved of the discharge by purchase, and the application went through the various ranks and was approved. When forwarded to the War Dcnart- ment it wa8 digcovcred tnat Brandon had not Bervei tne reqUired one year Mon rcieage may be obtained through purchase. The application was denied. When told he would have to complete a year's sevrice, the boy disappeared. The boy is anxious to return to Den ver, where a good position awaits him, but he fears he will be arrested and tried for deserting. TO BE REPRESENTED MANY LOCAL ELKS WILL GO TO WILMINGTON NEXT WEEK. New Bern wijj wcii rt)rL.sented . annual conwntion of the North ... tribe to that city A low late will be made on thu train for the round trip and it is expected that a number ot citizens will go over "and witncssCthe" big parade to be held on tuat day The members of the local lodge will ,i ... . . . i i . i participate in wis parauc "u to make a fine showing. They will be dressed in blue serge coats, white trousers and shoes and wflh wear sailor hats around which will be a purple .band bearing the inscription "New Bern Lodge No. 764 " Each member will also wear a purp.e nev.i.. midnight. T. C. ly con Jackson of Washington, form tee ted with the firm of F. M. that place, will arrive in the orrow and take charge of the rl. l n:,rl in ml of S. (Villi III SOLDIER DESERTS NEW BERN YOUNG IN NARROW ESCAPE Walter Wlggs Looked Death The Face Late Yester day Afternoon. In BADLY BRUISED AND SCARED Thrown Beneath Train And Dragged Over Rocky Road Bed. Three accidents whii li have resulted fatally for the unfortunate victims bave occurred in New Bern during the ; past ten days and but for the inter ference of a kind Providence the fourth would doubtless have taken place yea- terday afternoon. Fortunately lu Thursday evening and the large audi victirnjn this escaped with only a few torium of the school was crowded. Jo, scratches and bruises and a very bad jts utmost capacity with spectators. scare. .- - As- the eastbound train was running through the city, Walter, the young son of N- S. Wiggs, road supervisor for the No.folk Southern Railway Company Spring" by a school chorus, Kev. M. on this division, rode alongside one of I B. Pattishall led in prayer. Vhe ad the coaches on his bicycle and grasping j dress of the evening was made by E. one of the guard rails on the steps ofjC Brooks, professor of Education of the car, allowed the train to pull his , Trinity College. Prof. Brooks spoke wheel along the street. There were j on "Laws of Childhood Development" several people on the platform, in- and his address was both entertaining eluding a Journal reporter, and they cautioned mn nner. against riding in this Ur.... mtn r-iifl mi'iemur aim r.ua vvesi ami man iuu.y ' . . . . nHnnlif.n tr, t lli'tr w.unmps and Con- I tinned on down Hancock street. Be tween Broad and Pollock streets, lie front wheel of the bicycle t tr. ck sou e Obstacle and the rider was thrown in the ground, almost beneath the hravy wheels. In some manner his body V.as lodged between the step and he was dragged over the newly ballasted road bed for a considerable distance. He was badly bruised and scared when extri cated hut the fact that he was caught between the steps probably saved him from being crushed to death. A number of people saw 'he young man fall and in their opinion Ids escape from death was little short of miracu lous. There ia an ordinance prohibit ing all persons from riding ai of trains and automobiles in the above mentioned manner and violaters of the ordinance are not only risking then- lives but put themselves in a position to be placed under arrest by any officer of the law. STREET CAR P, NTO AUTOMOBILE DRIVER OF MACHINE APPLIED BRAKES AND STOPPED ON TRACK. A hobble skirt, an automobile and a street car formed a combination that came near producing a serious outcome yesterday afternoon shortly after 'ix o'clock at the corner of Broad and Craven streets. As it eventuatci however, nothing important happened beyond the smashing of the fender of the automobile by the street car. Car No. 6, Conductor Gwaltney, was hitting it up at a lively clip headed for the depot. A lady in a hobbl skirt was crossing Craven street diag onally from the Southeast corner of Craven and Broad, 'illiam Smith, colored, was driving one of J. W Stewart's automobiles down Broad street tow., r !? Neuse river. , The lady, the street ear and the auto mobile might have all three met in the middle of the treet but for some other things that happened. Motorman Gwaltney when he ,iaw the automobile coming applied his emergency brakes Smith appears to have been undecided as to whether he should try to get across in front of the ear, try to make the corner into Craven or stop before reaching the car track. He chose th( latter alternative and put on his brake But instead of stoppong before reaching the track he came to a halt stftUn-ly on the track. HoWever, the car-had almost stopped when it ran into the automobile. Had the automobile becia three feet farther away the car would not have touched it. Smith was or less shaken up and frightened bu was not injured. It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. But for the mix-up of the automobile and the street car, the lad IS ATTEHi THE AT ) Commencement Exercises Came To a Close Las Night. MANY INTERESTING ! EVENTS Prof. E. C. Brooks Ol Trinity College Delivered Annual Address,; (Special to the Journal) Dover, May 31. The commence- m,.at exercises of the Dover High School came to a close this evening with the exercises of the Primary De partment. The commencement began A careful estimate places the number present at one thousand, and there were probably more. After the singing of "Come Genial and instructive. This address. was followed ty an in tnimcntal duet by Misses Kjae Car- ... . ... 1 ,-.... H T . .....1 . . 1,1,,. .,i;n. n( m h i ,nr mhfiratM. 1"-.,"lu"lh " '! he eveningwas brought to a close by he singing of that patriotic song 'Dixie". (Jn Friday morning tournament was held on' the school grounds. A number of Kftcresting events tookv pi l e during the morning among which -.v potato races, bicycle races, etc. Tiic following are the various contests and the winners: Contests and Prizes. Tennis: best couple, nice str.iw hat to cadi, awarded by Goldshoro Lumber Co'c. store, Prof. W. G. Gat i and Nathan Rich. 100 yard dash: $2.0!) hat awarded by G. V, l'i hardson; R. S. Tilden. ."'J j (rd bog race: pair .rr man's slipped awarded by Marvin Daugherty; K. S. Tilden. 75 yard potato race, 1 holes: box of cigars awarded by W. R. Kelleyj Prof. W. G. Gaston. Broad jump: two dress shirts awarded by H. K. Daugherty; G. V. Gaston. High jump: nice umbrella awarded by llli Machamson; C. ,C. ( room. Three Hying jumps: box ol cigars awarded by C. H. Haddock; Will Richardson; Rural route race on bicycles: swing ing lamp awardeil by W. A. Wilson; W. A. Wilson. Ladies' running race, over 17 years, 40 yards: pair gold cuff button- awarded by T. J. Rouse; Mabel West and Winnie Merritt. Girls running race, under 17 years, 50 yards: pair of shoes awarded In Hawkins Si Griffin; U. Richardson. Bpys running race, under 1! years. 50 yards: a silver dollar awarded In Dover Athletic Association; I .ill (Swell. The Baseball Game. In the afternoon the Dover Baseball Te.iin and the Richland 1 Team cros. c 1 bats. This game was a thriller from start to finish and was well attended. The Richmond boyi played a stiff game but were no match for the locals fnd were defeated by a score of eleven to seven. This con cluded the prograsi for the day. At 8 o'clock the big a ulitorium in the school was again filled to its utmost capacity with interested spectators who Inn come to witness the play, " The Raci Horse Belle"- which was given by the school. The cast in the play performed their respective parts ejeverly and the piece Was greatly enjoyed by ajl who were present. ...... The progrSm rendered by the. Pri m.try 'Department, tonight consisted of recitations, choruses, drills, solos play, "Crown Hps" and an operetta "Cinder Maid." As on the previous nights an unusually large number were present and the program was greatly enjoyed by all. This commencement his been one of the mot.t auspicious in the history of the town and will ever In reniethlMSted by those who participated. There have been many vinii.,rs here during the week and the town h.c had a gala appearance. 1 term just closed has been one of the most successful In the history of the school and the superin tendent, teachers and pupil, will for the ncxt few months take a much inede.l rest. INVITATIONS RECEIVED. MANY FINALS OVER J. R. WILSON TAKES NEW JOB President's Brother To Manage Bonding Co.'s Baltimore Office. Baltimore, Md., May 31. Joseph R. Wilson, of Nashville, Tenn., brother to the President, has accepted a posi tion with the United States Fideltiy and Guaranty Company, and, will come K Baltiomore to live on Julie 1. John R. Bland, president of the com pany, said that Mr. Wilson would be assistant manager of the company's New York office and manager of the promotion and developemnt depart ment of Baltimore. Mr. WiUon is a newspaper man, and assisted in the publicity end of his brother's campaign for the Presi dency. For several years he was city editor of the Nashville Banner, and resigned that position to enter the ser vice of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. He was an un successful candidate for the secretary ship of the United States Senate in March. John B. Petteway was named as postmaster at Jacksonville Thursday by President Wilson. SUIT INVOLVES FIVE MILLIONS Chicago banks begin AC- TION AGAINST G. K. G. BILLINGS. Chicago, May 29.--Attcmpts to hold C. K. G. Billings, banker of New York ind Chicago, responsible for approx mately 85,000,000 due to the failure of the John R, Walsh banks, the Chica go National and the Home Savings, have been begun in the Circuit Court here. Stockholders who brought the suits charged that Billings' negligence as a director permitted Walsh to operate schemes which led to the wrecking of both banks. The amount' lost by the Chicago National Bank is placed at $3,500,000, and the Home Bank losses at $1,500,- 000. - The demurrer of Mr. Billings is on file attacking the sufficiency of the al- egation and asking that the other directors be made parties to the suits. A plan to accept $152,125 frasn Mr. Billings in full stetlement of his lia bility was prevented by an order of udgc Tuthill, who appointed W. C. Niblack receiver for the banks. Ar guments on the suits were set for next Tuesday. ENGINEER WATSON IS THIGH CRUSHED YESTERDAY WHILE COUPLING CARS ON ROPER ROAD. E. J. Watson of RiverdakC engineer on one of the locomotives, of, the Roper Lumber Company, was seriously in jurcd yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at Barr's Siding, near River dale. He was coupling s.ime.lug cars and in some way was caught between them, his left thigh being badly crushed The Roper Company quickly rigged tin a special train and with Dr. Joseph V. Patterson on board sent down for the injured man. He was brought to the city and carried to Stewart's san Itarium. Drs. Patterson and Jones there made a careful examination of the injuries. It is thought very probable that am putation of the leg will be necessary. Final diri ion of this will be made this morning. The Worth Orchestra, which has recently located here has been engaged to furnish the music for the com mencement of the East Carolina Teach er T.-aining School. SUNDAY AND WEEK END EX CURSION RATES, NEW BERN TO WILMINGTON. Via f Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. $1 25 Tickets sold each Sunday, limited to date of sale. j $2.85 Tickets sold each Saturday Utd for forenoon trains Sunday," limited to reach New Bern returning prior to midnight Tuesday following date ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAIL I ROAD. BADLY INJURED ARAPAHOE MEN ARE BOUND OVER Noah Lee and Sheppard Taylor Must Face a Higher Court. HEARING BEFORE S. R. STREET Violated Law By Having Several Gallons Of Whiske? ' Their Possession. Noah Lee, white, and Sheppard Taylor colored, of Arapahoe were given a hearing before Justice of the Peace S. R. Street yesterday afternoon, oni warrants charging them with violating the law by having more that one gal lon of whiskey in their possession. Journal readers will remember that Lee and Taylor -were arrested last Tuesday just after they hacf emerged from the Southern Express Company's office on South Front street and a package consigned to Taylor and which contained four gallons of whiskey was found in their posscssiou. It turned out that Lee had signed for this whiskey and according to Taylor's testimony he had ordered one gallon for him. Lee stated that he had only ordered one gallon and that the firm from which he had ordered the "wet goods" had made him a pres ent ofK the remaining three gallons. The hearing was postponed until yesterday afternoon and the men gave bond for their appearance. Yes terday afternoon Attorney D. E. Hen derson represented the State while the defendants were wjthout counsel. The two men told practically the same story as that related when first placed under arrest but 'Squire Street decided that this was entirely too improbable and bound them over to the next term of Craven county Superior Court, Lee under a bond of two hundred dollars and Taylor under a bond of one hun dred dollars." The defendants gave bail in this amount and were released from custody. Lee has been mixed up in previous escapades iit which whiskey played an important part and the local police have been keeping him under surveil ance for some time. The fact tint Ir is in possession of a government li- ense to retail whiskey is known to them ind they carefully observe his move ments on his frequent visits to New Bern. TO P GEORGE B. WATERS AND J. C. THOMAS TO BE IN CHARGE OF GHENT PARK. With the exception of the hardwood floor which is to be placed in the build ing, the mammoth casino being erected at Ghent Park is complete. C. J. McCarthy, one of the local owners of the park, informed a Journal reporter yesterday afternoon that the order for this flooring had been in the hands of the lumber dealers for several weeks but that they had failed to deliver it promptly ton account of the fact that such material is not easily obtaina! !e However, it is expected that the floor ing will be placed on the grounds thi week and the work of laying it will begin at once. It is hoped that the park will be in readiness to be thrown open lo the public by the fifteenth of this month George B. Waters and J. C. Thomas, will be in charge of the park and these gentlemen assure the public the btt service. Mr. Waters had had considerable experience in the operation of amuse ment resorts and ther eia not the least doubt bu th U he will conduct the Ghent Park in such a manner that it will be exceedingly well patronised. Mr. Wa tcs will see to it that there is no dis orderly conduct on the grounds and all loafers and rowdies arc warned to "keep off." "This park," said Mr. Waters, "Is designed to fill a long felt want of the people of New Bern and only the patronage 61 the best people is solicited." The park will be oen for inspection today and those who go out will be tendered every courtesy. Cold drinks will be sold on the grounds today Colored people will not be allowed to enter the grounds from this date on. the nark being exclusively for white ted NEW BERN IN MANAGE CLUBWOMAN WANTS L . - Thinks Those Over 27 Should Pay Premium For Freedom From Matrimony. NAMES ELIGIBLE BACHELORS Colonel Ed. Green, Son Of Hetty Mentioned As One Of The ' Brazen olfendcr'sT New York, May 31. "Bachelors should be taxed. I would be delighted to see every man over 27 years old forced to pay a premium for his free dom from matrimony." Thus did Mrs. Anita Comfort Brooks, president of half a dogen clubs ind well known as a social worker, take her stand against the men who fail to undertake the repsonsibilities of married life and fatherhood. She also said that a man could well afford to marry and live in New York on $1,000 a year, provided he marries "the right sort" of a girl. In her statement, which was made following her reading of Senator John Sharp Williams' .roposcd amendment o the income tax measure, Mrs. Brooks also named several "eligible lachclors" who should not only be taxed, but should also be sued for dam- iges, because they failed to marry. "Col. Ed. Green, son of Mrs. Hetty Green, is one that ought to be sued and the proceeds turned over to the State," said Mrs. Brooks. "He is the vorst of the lot, though he would make an excellent husband, several imes I have offered to get him a suit able girl for his wife, but he always evades the issue by saying .that he's too busy to think of marriage. "I think it would be a fine idea to tax all bachelors over 27 or 28 years old. After that age a man loses much of his boyishness. He becomes callous and settled and forgets how to love properly, ariH it is hard for him to be come accustomed to married life after that age if he has not had experience before." 'What do you think about Vincent Astor?" asked her iaterviewer. "Well," said Mrs. Brooks after sev eral seconds thought, "he is still pretty young and certainly is not in the same cla& with Colonel Green. He still has some time in which to select a helpmate." Mrs. Brooks, by the way, even goes jenator Williams one better in fixing the income at which point taxation f unmarried men could bcgini"6s- tor Williams left it at $4,000, the point rixed by the drawers of the tariff neasure, but Mrs. Brooks says that no bachelor receiving $3,000 a year should ")e exempt from paying his share. She onsiders the other part of the pro- pised amendment as just that is, $5,000 for married men and $500 ad- lilional for each child in the house- lold. ;(,T OVER MERCE RY POISON Bicarbonate Of Soda Solution Saved Detroit Engineer. Detroit, May 30. Thomas McCabc, a Detroit engineer, who swallowed 10 drams of bichloride of mercury a week ago, has recovered. A solution of bicarbonate of soda, injected into his veins by Dr. Andrew 1". Sherman, saved the life of the en gineer, who took the poison because B. Sanders Walker ,of Macon, Ga., said death from its effects was painlcs "I believe if bicarbonate of soda is used in such cases a large percentage ;f them will b? saved," said Dr. Sher man. "The injections can be made in any vein. I made eight punctures in all, the injections being given every five or six hours. Fourteen drams of becarbonate of soda In three pints of "normal water' solution was used. "The thing of most importance In administering the treatment is to be certain the solution is absolutely asep tic, etherwise the patient would be killed by it." After swallowing the poison and suf fering intense agony McCabe decided he wanted to live and aided the physt- ian in every way possible. NEW BERN MAN HONORED. Dr. L. L. Dnmeron Elected Essayist State Dental Society. At the annual uniting of the North Carolina Dental Society held last week at W inuwi-Salem, Dr. L. L, Dameron ol thit city was elected aa BAH ORS TAXED dry i & Sj I MBscisIfr ,VtrL ny esse and r then Mm. m nes to New Bern well recom

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