tfeto (Mixta 35th YEAR No, 122 NEW BERN. N. C. TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1913-FIRST SECTION mtn f s u TIE HELLO BILLS TAKE WILMINGTON Annual Convention Of North Carolina Elks Is Now In Session NEW BERN WELL REPRESENTED First Business Session Held Last Night At The Oceanic Hotel 4 (Special to the Journal) I Wilmington, June 5 The annual convention of the North Carolina Asso ciation of Elks convened here this morn ing and several hundred delegates from all parts of the State arc in attendance. In addition to the delegates to the State meeting there are a large number of Elks from various lodges nearby, drawn hither by the desire of the lodges to compete for the handsome loving cup to be awarded to the lodge which has the largest number of members in the big parade to be held tomorrow on the principal street of the dity. The "Hello Bills" began to arrive yesterday afternoon and since that time every train has brought its full quota of the members of the ; ntlered tribe. New Bern, Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotte and Rocky Mm nt are al ready well represented1 and it is under stood that many more delegates will arrive tomorrow from New Ncrn to participate in the big i . At 10 o'clock this morning the vis itors gathered at the Elks' Temple on Front street for registration an 1 to get acquainted with each other. At 4 o'clock the visitors and members of the local lodge boarded the electric cars and went to Wrightsville beach where a delightful hour was spent enjoying the surf bathing and other pleasures of the resort. The first business meeting was held at the Oceanic Hotel tonight. This was presided over by William Dunn Jr., of New Bcrn President of the State Association of Elks. Mr. Dunn's address was intensely interesting and was thoroughly enjoyed (by all present. Rabbi Harry A. Mcrfeld, Past Exalted Ruler of the New Bern Lodge, res ponded to the address of welcome on behalf of the lodges in the Eastern District. Following the business session a delightful dance was tendered the vis itors at Lumina. Tomorrow-morning at 10' o'clock ' the grand parade will be held. "This will be one of the features of the con vention and every lodge will partici pate. The Wilmington lodge, will march in the parade but will not be in the contest for the silver cup. At 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon luncheon to the visitors will be served in the Elks' Temple, where a business meeting at 2:30 will be held. At 5 o'clock an automobile ride will .be giyjn the delegates, and as every Elk who is owner of a motor car is on the committee, together with his friends who have cars, it is expected that the procession of machines will extend i two miles. Tomorrow night the Tidewater Pow er Company will give a souvenir dance at Lumina in compliment to the Elks, and this will be the last event of ttre meeting. Souvenirs will be given in the form, of pennants hearing the em blem of the order. Instead of badges, all delegates hac been presented with a button watch chain, the button being of gold plate and blue enamel, decorated with the watch dial and the Elk's head, and in scribed, "North Carolina State Asso ciation Elks, Wilmington No. 532, 1913." This will be worn by visiting Elks and their wives and will be the open sesame to all iricotings and t ents of the State Convention. NOTICE Bids For Ditching. Bids vill b' received up to 12 o'clock of next Commissioner's Day, July 7th 1913, by the County Auditor, for cut ting the following ditches: One ditch on the North side of the Fowler Road, about 1 mile long. Two ditches, one on each sSdc of the Morchcad Road from the North edge of the Newort Pocosin to the Carteret county line. Profiles and Specification swith the c m,m w a i a : . , .. . . 7 ""iii " may uc seen in the Highway Engineer's office after I ii no 7 llh I H M roniif H. M. GROVES, fa P ,vu,n Z I u:..,r.enB.C0lU'ty Craven County. , , EDWARD WATSON'S CONDITION IMPROVING. ' A lat: report from Stewart's sani tarium gives the nformation that the condition of Edward Watson who recently underwent an operation at that institution after kavihg been in jured by being caught between two cars on the John L Roper Lumber nTr ' RvJL. " J"' Sid,n' in: ' "v w-s " Up. NOT DECEIVED BY OF President Wilson Not a Bit Feazed By Flurry in Wall Street. JUST WHAT HE WAS EXPECTING Developments Simply What Foresaw When He Made Famous Speech He Washington, June S. With the first suggestion from the Department of Justice as to the nature of its "trust busting" program, Wall street makes a show of fright and at once depresses the market. This is the burden of the news re ceived in Washington following the announce ment from Attorney-General Mc Reynolds that he is dissatisfied with the decree in the American Tobacco Company dlssdution case and that he means also to look into the effect of the decree in the Standard Oil cioe. And this is just exactly what the President has anticipated all a'ong. Such a situation was in his mind when he made his famous Hainan's g tlows spdech in New York before the inaug uration and the same thing pas fore seen by him when he wrote the Tillman letter insisting that currency legislation should be passed at once to meet any emergency that might arise. The truth is there was nothing par ticularly radical about the program of the Department of Justice. Yet these are the things that have apparently agitated the market and so vastly disturbed Wall street. Coup led to these announcement-., of course, was the action of the President in hold ing out that live stock and wheat should go on the free list. This determination on the part of Mr. Wilson is cited as another cause of the depression in the stock exchanges. . In taking his stand the President let it be known to the Senate Finance Committee that he was opposed to any backtracking in the matter of the market basket. The committee wanted to put wheat, flour and packing-house products on the dutiable list to make the Underwood bill consistent in this mattci, hut the President thought can sistenry could better be promoted by taking the tariff off cattle and wheat. The market Hurry has, in any event, borne out the Administration's view that emergency currency legislation should be enacted before this session of Congress adjourns. There mav be no need for it after all, but the Pres ident's idea is that the party should play safe by being prepared, if a serious financial situation should develop. Washington does not seem partic ularly alarmed over the' market de pression in New York. Such a condi tion seems to be taken as u mutter of course in most quarters. There are a few thoughtful party leaders, however, who are more inclined than they have heretofore been to agree with the White House in its contention for financial legislation here and now. IS IN JAIL M D. WILEY IS CHARGED WITH GIVING CARTERET MAN A BOGUS CHECK. M. D. Wiley, a commission merchant whose home is in Pamlico county and who has been engaged in the commis sion business, travelling over the East ern part of North Carolina, was theci under arrest yesterday at Columbia, N. C, on a warrant charging him with giving a bogus check for one hundred and sixty evcn dollars to V. S. Han cock of Beaufort. Thinking that XVilcy was probably in this city, Mr. Hancock telegraphed td Sheriff R. B. Lane asking that he be placed uuder arrest. Sheriff Lane at once got busy and learned that Wiley was not in this city but had gone to Columbia and he. at once telegraphed to the, authorities in that town to place ! him under arr0R, am, llolt) unti, ,hc "rival of an officer from this city and , m , was done. Sheriff Lane or one of his deputies will leave for Columbia this morning and will bring the prisoner to NCw Bern. RUB-MY-TISM nr.n i i urn viuc your nneumauHD Neurulgm, Headaches, .Cramps, Co"c' 8Prftin9' BruiBe. Cu,s tad Etc. Antiseptic Anotl ternalty arrl estercclly. 5H0M FREIGHT PAMLICO COUNT! IN THE NEWSPAPER IS THE NATIONAL SHOW WINDOW YOU often stop and look in show windows, don't you? You may not ne d any of the goods on dis- play, but you stop and look, and you f el that the time is not wast- cd beacuse you have learned something There is another show win- dow that is available every day, a show window that constantly changes and w .'ch you can look into without standing on the 1 street. That show window is the JOURNAL Merchants and manufacturers use our advertising columns is- s':e after issae to show you their goods and to tell you of their merits. The newest things are pictured and described. Don't neglect this show win- dow. It is intended for your use. It offers you a (fiance to gain vnl- uable knowlcgde. You wrong yourself if you don't READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. PLANS FOR FAIR SECRETARY J. LEON WILLIAMS BEGINS SENDING OUT ADVANCE NEWS. J. Leon Williams, the energetic EC-rctary of the Eeastcrn Carolina Fair Association Company, has already be gun to send out literature in re.ard to the Fair which is to be held hers n t 'J'fail. Secretary Williams says that the next Fair will be one of the most successful ever held in Eastern North Carolina if advertising can accomplish this end. in a news item sent out from the Fair Association's press bureau, I he says: "The great Eastern Carolina Fair at New Bern will take place October 28, 29, 30 and 31. This will be one of the best fairs held in the South, this year,' as the managements has been outlining the fair for the last six months. The Grand Stand which is already one of the best in the State will be enlarged so that it will hold from two to three times its present capacity. "Tuesday, October 29th, will be known as Farmers Day." The races for this dav will be for the farmers exclusively. "Wednesday, October 29th, will be "Educational Day." A free ticket to the fair will be distributed to every school child in Eastern North Cardliua. On this ticket will appear the name, age and sex of the child, and this will be void in the hands of any other per- pson. "Besides the regular free attractions and raring features, there will be a big, athletic meet. Every high school in Eastern North Carolina will be invited to participate in this meet, there will also be funny games for the children in front of the grand stand in the "Thursday, October 30th, will be known as the 'Big Day'. Just why is is called the 'Big Day' no one seems to know except that it is the day when all fairs usually have the largest crowd. Friday, October 31st, will be 'Fire- mens Day.' Besides the regular racing features, including horse racing and motorcycles racing and the free at tractions, there will be a regular fire men's tournament. JLarge prizes will be offered to the winning company aad every fire company in North Caro lina will be invited to come to New Bern and participate in these races. "If the weather is good 50,000 people will enter the fair grounds this fall. It is the purporc of the management to make the fair larger and hotter each year. Those who attended the fair .t fall know that itva one of the bust ever held in North Carolina. It will be better this year. Don't forget the datel October 2,29, 30 and 31. NOTICE B di For Pitching. Bids will be rccc'vcd up to 12 o'clock of next Commisfioncrs' Day, July 7th 1 j 1)13, by th? County Auditor, for cut ting the following ditches: One ditch on the North side of the Fowler Road, about 1 mile long. '1 wo ditches, one on each side of the Morehead Road from the North edge of the Newport Pocosin to the Carteret county line. Profiles and Specifications with, the County Auditor, or may be seen in the Highway Engineer's office after June 20th. H. M. GROVES, Auditor Craven County D I sVnUfhUM H;..l i ......... ... i ... ; Craven C -ounty. sue i0, seasonable Wh Go 9t if, 15c up on our Bargain :- lor Monday at .c ynrd. J. iter's Dept. Store. ARE BEING 1 IRE INCENSED AT ACTION OF KEITH I NORTH CAROLINA CONGRESS MAN CLAIM HE EXCEEDED HIS AUTHORITY. The Washington correspondent of the Raleigh News and Observer sends that paper , the following which is of interest "Senator Simmons and Rcprascnta tives Small, Faison and Goodwin of North Carolina are deeply incensed over the action of B. F. Keith, c ol lector of the port at Wflmiiigfon, in recommending deputy collectors of the ports in North Carolina to the treasury department without having consulted the North Carolina delega tion. "While it is c rtain that his recom mendations will not be acted on un less they arc satisfactory to the Dem ocrats of the State, Keith's disre gard for the wishes of the delegation may mean his dismissal as .collector before his term is out, in February, 1915. "Keith recommended names of peo ple at four ports of entry irf the State, name! Elizabeth City, New Bern, Beaufort and Wilmington. The fifth port, Manteo, he recommended abol ished. Secretary McAdoo has already told Mr. Small that this port will not be abolished. "Keith's recommendation of Miss Bruce Davis at Elizabeth City is sat isfactory to the Democrats. The others, however, are not satisfactory. Keith has been a member of about all the political parties there arc, beginning with the Democratic, then the Populists, the Republicans and Bull Moose. "If Congress carries out the .sug gestions of Secretary McAdoo, made today, the organization of the customs service will not be made until Jan uary 1, 1911." T Stockholders Ratify Increase of Capital From IS 75 Millions. To ACTION IS VERY REM AR -ABLE Indicates That Corporation Has No Fear Of Action To Us Taken By McReynolds. New York, June 6. A $60,000,000 melon will be cut by the Standard Oil Company of New York next week when its capital stock will be increased from $15,000,000 to 175,000,000 The stockholders have ratfied the proposal. This action was considered remark able, in view of the demoralized con dition ot the stock market anil the threat of the Government to reopen the Standard Oil and Tobacco trust cases. The cutting of a melon that ranks larger than in many month hows the corporation's utter lack of fear for the future, and it confi dunce that it will be able to make a strong de'ense against any action that Attorney-General McReynolds may take against it. Each stockholder of record wi get a bonus of 400 per cent of his holdinrs The directors will order the disttibution of the new sto.-.k in tht form of a dividend on June 13. The heavy increase in rapitaliza tjon is in line, with the action of other StanJard Oil conccrm in other States since the dis:o ution of the trust 18 month ago. Up to date there have been seven bg stock distributions and innumer able smaller ones among the companies that once composed Standard Oil. Among the larger have been: Standard Oil Company of Indiana Capital stock increased from $1,- 000,000 to $30,000,000, with a slock dividend of 2,900 per cent. Standard Oil Company of Nebraska -Increase from $600,000 to $1,000,000; stock dividend 58 1-3 per cent. " South Penn Oil Company From$ 2, 500,000 to $12,500,000; stock, divi dend 400 per cent. Continental Oil Company From $300,000 to $3,000,000; stock divi dend 900 per cent. Standard Oil Company of Kansas From $1,000,000 to $2,000,000; stock dividend 100 per cent. . . -j Solar Refining Company From $500,000 to $2,000,00(1; stock divi dend 300 per rent. G. S. Lavender, formerly clerk . thc G ston Hotel in this city bat ri cently with the Clarcmont Hitel at S mpte-, S. C, hi in the city. M - Livender is enro.' e to Greenville, N. C., where 1c will assume the m.ui- J - agent nt of the New 'roctcr Uctcl ll which will op$n on Junt 15. WILL MELON BERN ELKS TWO PRIZES Rain Halts The Big Parade Soon After It Had Started. JUDGES, HOWEVER HAD SEEN T. B. Kelloe Is Again Elected Secretary-Treasurer Of State Association. (Special to the Journal) Wilmington, June 6 Evidently miff ed because she could not smile at each one of the several hundred good look ing men in the Elks parade this morn ing, the Goddess of Weather became rial peeved. She then decided to in terfere with what promised to be one of the prttti st and most impressive parades ever given in Wilmington. Therefore after the procession had traversed only six or eight blocks, the fickle feminine conu oiling the weather ordered rain. Did the rain come? Well, for the answei, please interview any one of several hundred disappointed Elks who had garbed themselves in their best bib and tucker. They, as well as hundreds of men, women and child ren along the line of march will tell you in most emphatic terms that it rained and then "some," to the ex tent that the parade had to be aban doned, much to the disappointment of every one. The parade had moved from the city hall, up Third street, down Red Cross street to Front street, and along Front to Princess street, when the rain started. At first it appeared as if only a temporary shower had come and that the parade might be contin ued. Within a few seconds however perfect down-pour came, followed with intermittent showers. It was then realized that it would ic clearly impossible to continue the parade. The mounted marshals rode rapidly up and down the line telling the different organizations to dis band and to seek shelter. The aban- lonmentof the parade was a great disappointment. However there was nothing else to do under the unfavor able weather conditions. The parade was teviewed by the committee of judges, as it passed the Elks' Temple on Front Street. The committee was composed ot Messrs. Marsdcn Bellamy of Wilmington, Joe Tavlor of Washington, and G. D Daughtridge of Rocky Mount. It was decided to award the New Bern Lodge the State Association cup for the greatest number in line, com bined with best appearance. The New Bern men, about fifty to sixty strong, made a nifty appearance, clad in bice coats, and white trousers and with .white straw hats, and purple hands. The cup which the lodge won was offered by them last year. At that time it was won by Wilmington Lodge. A lodge must win the cup three times before it becomes a per manent possession. Another cup offered by Wilmington Lodge for best appearance went the to the delegation trom Kalcigh; a third cup, offered to the lodge show ing the greatest amount of mileage, was won by New B"rn. Th" N w Bern men came over on a special train, which was in charge of Captain W. II. Newell, Jr., an ar dent Elk. The enginerr and fireman on the train are also members of the Elks. The annual convention of the North Carolina Association is now a thing ol the past and many of the delegates returned home tonight. Fololwing the parade this morning the Elks were serve I lunch at the Elks' Temple and at 2:30 o'clock the last business meeting of the convention was held. At this meeting, the following officers were elected: P. A. Gorrell of Winston Salem, President; J. F. Farrcll of Ra leigh, Vice-President, and T. B. Kehoe of New Bern was re-elected Secretary and Txcasurcr. After considerable discussion, Wins ton-Salem was decided on as the place of the next meeting. Charlotte wanted the next convention and wanted it bad but the majority of the members were in favor of Winston-Salem. The convention came to a close! tonight with a big ball at Lumina. This was well attended and was one of the most enjoyable features of the entire convention. PENSION NOTICE. The Pension Board of Craven County will meet at the Court House on the 2nd Monday in July, 1913, this being the 14th day of July. All applicants for pensions of ex Confederate soldiers and sailors, or widowsof the same, who wish to apply t for pensions or have their pensions In- - icreased will please appear befo the Board on the above named day. . Those already on the pension need not appear. S. R. STREET, Chairman Pension Boar of Craven Count NEW WIN MUST FACE COURT. James Jordan and Annie Russell, Colored, Bound Over. James Jordan and Annie Russell of James City, colored, were given a pre liminary hearing before Justice of the Peace S. R. Street yesterday afternoon on warrants charging them with re tailing spirituous liquors in violatuin of the State prohibition laws. Probable cause was found against both defendants and they were bound over to the next term of Craven county Superior Court, which convenes, to morrow, under bonds of one hundred dollars each. Jordan is the possessor of a government license to dispense spirituous liquors and the authorities have had him under survcilance for some time but not until a week or two ago were they able to secure sufficient evidence to warrant his arrest. The Waters Buggy and Wagon Manufacturing Company yesterday completed a very attractive delivery wagon for the Duffy Grocery Company. This vehicle manufacturing company has turned out a number of vehicles lately, several of which have been shipped to points out of the city. Heard First Mate Died While Serving In The Spanish American War. HE LIVED THROUGH FEVER Likewise He Married Again Cburt Is Asked To Un do The Tangle. New York, June 6. Mrs. Helen May Denny Baldwins-Stuart, a hand some young woman, who sought a deer e annulling her marriage to George W. Stuart, a wealthy retired commission me. chant, told a remarkable story of her matrimonial experiences to Supreme Court Justice Hendrick. He reserved decision after examining her at length. Mrs. StuaTt said that fourteen years ago, when she was known in Syracuse, N. Y., her home town, as "Pretty Nc lie Den y," she was married to Charles D. Baldwin, 'an iron worker. After a few months they moved to Watertown and remained there until the spring of 1S98, whi-n Baldwin enlisted in the Spanish-American War. She did not hear from him after his enlistment. She said Mrs. Hanfey, Baldwin's sister with whom they had resided before he went to the war told her afterward that several of his regimental comrads had broiight back the news that Baldwin had di-d of fever, one of them going so far as to say he saw Baldwin dying. Believing this ttory, she married Stua.t at Sea Cliff, L. I., on Feb. 11, 1907. She had told him of her previous marriage. Then a year ago she received a letter from a woman who signed hciself Mis. Charles D. Baldwin, saying she had married Charles D. Baldwin in 1909. Maurice Meyer, her counsel, ex plained that an investigation had shown that Baldwin had b?en stricken with fever and was believed to be dying. He recov?rcd, however, and was mustered out. He then went to Denver, wnerc ncj worked at his trade and finally took a second wife without learning whether his first wife was dead or alive. Edward Weiss, an attorney, testified that he had seived Baldwin with subpoena calling on him to appear in Mrs. StewartV suit, but had been in formed that Baldwin feared to come to court lest he be arrested for bigamy. Mrs. Stuart had stated that she left Stuart, her last husband, a year ago and was questioned closely by the Court as to the reason why. Her answers did not satisfy Justice Hendrick and she harply asked whether she did not wish to get rid of Stuart. She explained that he had refused to support her and she had been compellccij to o to work to earn a living Justice Hendrick wanted to know the whereabouts of Stuart and was told that he had been last heard of in Lynn, Mass. INVENTS NEW TOBACCO Harvard Professor Produces Better Quality And Increased Yield. Cambridge, June 6. Prof. E. M. East of Harvard has just succeeded in producing a hybrid tobacco from a cross between the Sumatra and Havana THOUGHT HUSBAND DEAD WEDS AGAIN varieties which has resulted in a better'"" "" ., " quality of smoking material and a yield of 50 per rent, more than cither of the individual leaves. ' The new plant is especially suitable I for the sunny tobacco distrains of Mas- list si chusetts and Connecticut. Another I hybrid from "broad leaf" and "Cuban" 1 gives a much higher yield thajt "broad I. leaf" snd promises to be of better quality. BUSINESS MEN TO GIVE GOLD MEDAL Maysville Wants a Jam-Up Es say On A Subject Of fl Vital Interest. CONGRESSMEN TO BE JUDGES Contest Limited To The Boys And Girls Of Jones, On slow And Carteret. Maysville, N. C, June 7. The bus iness men of Maysville have issiei the following notice to the girls and boys of Jones, Onslow and Carteret counties: . "A gold medal will be given by the business men of Maysville to the girl or boy under 20 years of age for the best essay or composition on 'Why White Oak River Should be Made Navigable from Swansboro to Mays ville.' "The judges are to be Senator Sim mons, Congressman Small and Con gressman Faison. 'The prize to be awarded at Mays ville, the date to be announced later. "Girls and boys, get busy. There will be rules governing this contest for which apply to E. L. Mattocs or J. E. McCutchen for commtitee. "In explanation of above offer will say that Sen. Simmons, Con. Small and Con. Faison will be at Maysville short ly after Congress adjourns its extra session. "They are to go to Jacksonville to look over New River thence through the Canal to Swansboro. "At Swansboro they will be met by a committee who will accompany them to Maysville. We will take them by boat to Foscue's landing and by automobiles to Maysville. We are afraid to go much higher up on account of logs in the river might break the propeller of the boat. "Now when we announce later the day these gentlemen are to be here we want everybody to come and greet il.t . distinguished fellow citizens. "When we have placed our claims before them invoking their good offices in getting an apporpriation for White Oak River then comes a speech by Senator Simmons followed by Con gressmen Faison and Small. "Watch the papers for this is not all we will have. "Will ask the Onslow and Carteret papers to copy this." i. OPEN NEW GARAG Automobile Experts In Charge Of The l.stablishmeii t . The Webb-Taylor Garage is among the ecent additions to- New Bern's list of automobile repair 'and storage houses. The new garage is located at the foot of Craven street and is being conducted by E. S. Webb who recently came to this city from Detroit, Mich., where he was connected with the Hupmobile Company and Z. V. Taylor, Jr., of this city. The company are in a position to do any variety of automobile or motor cycle repairing and also have ample room for the storage of automobiles. IN NEW BERN The Evidence Is Supplied by Local Testimony If the reader wants stronger proof than the following statement and e pcrience of a resident of New Bern what can it be? Mrs. Lavenia Hall, 30 George St., New Bern, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have been of great value in restoring my hcaltn. 1 suffered (rom n weak back and pains across my kidneys that made me restless at night. In the morning I felt tired snd had no strength or energy. The secretions from my kidneys were un natural and caused ine no end of annoyance. When I read about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a supply from the Bradham Drug Co. and they removed I mv Dains and aches. Since taking this remedy, I have had better appetite and my entire system has been toned up." (Statement given January 25, 190S.) A LASTING EFFECT. When Mrs. Hall was interviewed a short time ago she said: "I take pleas ment ot uoan rvianey run. n gave me permanent relief from kidney trouble and during the past several years, I have enjoyed Rood health." For Mis by alt dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MUbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents of the United 1 States. Rtmtmbsr the name Doan's and i take no other.