r 0ttftwL No, 123 NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1913-SECOND SECTION 39th YEAH leto a GOOD ROADS without onunr That Is The Thought That Comet As One Glides Over New Hanover's Thoroughfares. RESULT JUSTIFIES THE COST Also The Years Of Effort On The Part Of The Good Roads Advocates Of County. FALLS INTO BAD HANDS. Washington Man Painfully Injured Here Sunday Night. A white man who told the police that he was J. C. Robinson and that his home was at Washington, N. C, was badly injured during a brawl with several negroes on Cedar street last Sunday night. Robinson was thoroughly intoxi cated and according to his statement to the officers had secured a cab and gone to that locality to purchase an other supply of "booze". In some man ner he bacame engaged in an alter cation with several negroes and re ceived several knife wounds on his face and neck. He was rushed to a physician's office and after having his wounds dressed, drove to the passenger station and boarded the train enroute to Wash ington. Robinson could not tell the police who cut him but they have a clue as to who the party was and his arrest will probably follow. THIRTY YOUNG MEN PASS BOARD Seventy-Two Want icense Practice Pharmacy. Forty Two Fail To Pass. To W A RIGID EXAMINATION Examining Board Completed Their Work At U M O'clock Last Night. PAM I SHERIF F NABBED if BOOZE ii Thirty-Five Barrels of Beer And Thirty Cases ofWhiskey Were Confiscated. i! ENROUTE TO MOREHEAD CITY Warrants Will Be Sworn Out For Consignees And They Must Face Court. SUPERIOR COUR T Charles L. Stevens of Southport, former editor and owner of the Journal, was always an earnest advocate of good roads while he was in the pub lishing business and he has not lost his interest and enthusiasm in this great means of developing the country since embarking in the real estate and insurance business in another Elks in Wilmington last week and with the other representatives of the ant Icred tribe enjoyed the splendid auto mobile ride over the fine roads of New Hanover. At the request of one now connected with the Journal and also . a recipient of the numerous courtesies extended visiting Elks by the Elks of Wilmington Mr. Stevens wrote an article, which is 'presented below, in which he gave his impressions' of the automobile ride given by the Wil mington lodge: "As an Elk, attending and enjoy- 111' llii' I 1 1 1 t w 1 I j ! nntArtriln mnn f nrn. vided by Wilmington, at the State ,nal cases only was convcned ,n th,s bert C. Daniel, Zeuulon; Joseph NOW IN SESSION ONE WEEK TERM FOR TRIAL OF CRIMINAL CASES COM VENED YESTERDAY. A one week term of Craven county Superior Court for the trial of crim- After working continuously since A. H. Stephens of Oriental, Sheriff last Monday morning the Examining ot ramlfco county, was in the city RnarH nf rtu. Nf&tk P.rnlinn Ph.TP. IV e aV attending tO OtllCial business and in an interview with a Tmirnal maceutical Association, who on last reporter gave the details of the locating Friday and Saturady conducted the and capture of half a car load of whis examination of applicants for license key and beer at Oriental last Friday to Dractice pharmacy in North Caro- night. lina which was held in this city, com- According to Sheriff Stephen's ac pieted their work at 11:30 o'clock count of the affair thirty-five barrels last night. ' bcer and thirty cases of whiskey, . consigned to two men at Moreneaa There were seventy-two applicants s . for license to practice pharmacy but only thirty of these succeeded in pass City, arrived at Oriental last Friday afternoon, coming via New Bern, In r -i i . i HAH4.n::nn . Tj rr. , M11I1V Way U C VI H1C UUlllLS tU 11 Id 1 1 1 1 11K ing the Board. There were a number , . . . , , , , , .. . .i . a t the spiritus furmenti had been broken of questions in various departments . . and it is estimated that in all at least three hundred questions were asked in transit and the contents of this had trickled over the floor and was emkting The examination was a rigid one and Kedr whh in the Par'ancc of M the young men who succeeded in pass ing deserve much credit for their work. The following are the successful applicants: William W. Tucker, Concord; El- III Convention of Elks, last eeek, there , city yesterday morning with Judge Jones, Reidsville; Emil R. Mayerberg, 0. H. Allen of Kinston presiding. Uoldsboro; Harvey b. t lire, unicorn; ,t. Lawrence O. Whitley, i: In gioii Lity; I c" i 1 1 mi.. r t i:... ir following grand jury was drawn: George " ' . J '"" T R WhStphiirut Fnrpmfln' R. H. I.;imh- ' ' I r -I Jl DI-I I I I AM . inghouse, A. D. Hawkins, Isaac Lewis, rUH,suor"' "JL,m'u S "la'n Charles C. Simpson, D.' A. Swindell, Me"onJ Eugene E. Thomas Roxboro; agv wou,d arrivc (rom D. F. Gaskfns, A. F. Wiggins, W. A. " r' . Z'J . Morchead City about 9 o'clock at was one feature, that to me, and I knowa number of other Elks feeling the same way, that of the automobile ride .was one of the best and most interesting. "This ride was not given for any advertising effect, but to any one concerned in good roads. To any one noting the difference between a road that is good, and one that is just a road, the Wilmington ride could not but' be most attractive. Looking further into this, it must be remem bered that Wilmington and New Han over county is a sea-shore country, with u!l .hat uuOii in the way of sand and more sand. But those enjoying . i , . . . . i t . last inoays nae gave mue wougm y , h dutfc which " Tr V T v 7 to this, whirlina swiftlv at thirty or'.,. LlT u , P. Wolfe, Mount Airy; John Lcland " , IIICV WUUIU UC CAUCCLCU IU III 1.1 VII II I . I , ii f f L A I i . , forty miles an hour over a road way I ' , . Henderson, Hickory; John A. Betts, i..i ,nH umih ii fKr, i. nnlv i "c 1 " w" f ayettevillc ; Chas. L. Lox, Warsaw. UU HI I'll UlSpUMl HI II1U SUU11UA91U11B and only three cases were tried. They Ull. lv"w. piisnc cui?ky news in tbe ease o) the Mate vs. John Sheriff was "strong enough to walk." Passing by the car Sheriff Stephens caught a whiff of this and naturally his suspicions were aroused. After considering the matter, he swore out a warrant under the search and seizure act and called upon the railroad agent to open up the ca. The agent at first refused to do this but later saw his error and informed the officer that the car contained whiskey and beer and also gave him the names of the consignees. Sheriff Stephens learned from the SEGUR E POINTERS FROM IALIANS Agricultural Commission Studying Farming Methods Abroad With Profit. NINE CROPS IN i INGLE YEAR Irrigation Makes Such A Result Possible. Country Honey combed With Ditches. FRIEDMANN WANTS TO USE VACCINE IN N Y. 15 FOUND IN RIVER DEAD HO Washington, D. C, June 10. Cable grams received here from members of the American Commission on Ag' New York, June 10. Dr. Frederich F. Friedman, has turned over to the health authorities here a specimen of his turtle vaccine which he claims is a cure for tuberculosis and with it made a request for permission to ad minister his treatment in this city. This announcement was made today by Health Commissioner Lederie. At the present time Dr. Friedman is THE barred from making use of the vaccine here because of a resolution adopted' , by the board of health about ten days Dr. Waletr Watsoni Acting Coroner, Keeper Of Trent River Draw Made A Gruesome Find Yesterday. CORPSE UNIDENTIFIED night to transfer the shipment and he at once planned to capture the crew n ' l t . r i : ii IJ 171. :.. M,.I.., O U7 Pt n r S.l.. ''. ummvuw, ary ii. mining frn I W ilW. r. n Won!n N C Hassell; John T. Boone, East Durham; -i J " " " I n i i r r j ri 1 v W Brooks, H. P. Willis, O. C. Wethering- aP" 11v'anaauay' "t,,r of the vessel with the cargo on their ton and . E. Gaskins. JS """ - hands. ' ah . u Kicnmond, va.; Lioya 3. uojarun, JUogC .n t..argC lU tnc g.auu Davidson; prontis LctE MunrcsviUc; jury was brief but to the point. In Benjamin Williani3 (col.), Raleigh; a .ones, m-nmrr covCr:u every pau, c Duun; pranda J.J Mc. piinwui i-ruiiiimi ... wi.h... wll A.WUl,.. Th,m. A Tr.r the grand jury would come in contact j h p- Cord Clayton; and explained to them in the most Thomag A Crowel Mo. the sensation of gliding, there is only the desire to lie back and take in tbe quickly passing scenery, without any mental effdrt just enjoy the ride and have the "rich-feeling" of a motor car owner. "But this .ride of 25 miles, over continuous fine roads, that gave im- turned a verdict of not guilty. The shades of evening fell and the Sheriff was right "on the job", patiently waiting for the men from Morehead City to arrive on the scene. Shortly after 9 o'clock the chug-chug-chug of a powerful motor boat was heard in the irection of Adam's Creek and, a few minutes later the craft drew up along side the railroad wharf. Inside of the station went the captain of the boat and signed for the bee.- and whiskey and it is believed by the Sheriff that the agent "tipped" him off that there was trouble brewing for after coming out of the depot he made a bee-line for his boat and within less than a minute the engines had begun their pression of endless smoothness and made the ride short, when ended, has only been made possible through years of effort on the part of the advocates of good roads. It has meant voting, issuing and selling $250,000 worth of bonds, but the result is one hun dred miles of paved and macadam roadways that make city and county one, without that nearly always dis tinguishing division between city and county, the drop from a paved road way into deep sand or impassable mud. "Wilmington and New Hanover county good roads have given rich results in suburban developments, and this was prominently before the eye of every Elk, who cared to look, as the motor cars swept, in a line of over a mile in length, carrying the Elks through sub-division after sub-division, with their beautiful homes, making suburban residence a joy for thousands. "When the sub-division left off, there was the country, with land in fine cultivation, with farmer-folk on porch or ia field, familiar with the sight oft he speeding motor-car, yet often pausing from work, to note the pass ing, particularly so on last Friday, when Elk banners and streamers were waved at them. Can the New Hanover fanner not see whst the good roads have done for himself and family? And today every portion of the county can be cultivated, and be within an hour's drive by wagon, to market Aq so among so many feature, that gladdened and made glad the visiting Elks, to the Convention, at Wilmington, to the writer the most l.lrasing was the automobile ride on Friday. It carries with it the know ledge of the greatness of the hospi tality, that is so genuinely Wilming Ionian, which placed private motor car and driver, to the number of a hundred, at the complete disposal f the hundreds of Elks, to enjoy -a ride thst was one of luxury and great enjoy meat Mannjna and John Dawson in which Breezy item. Caught On The Fly m: detendants were charged with By journai Correspondent carrying concealed weapons, the jury (fSnecial to the lournal) Baird's Creek, 'June 9th. Rev. Lee L thi and the boat wag goon ueorge Keio was louna guilty oi Saddler ol Wilson tilled his regular f .:y.t ..... . . . . - - - retailing and waB sentenced to serve I appointment at Amity Church last Realizing that the whiskey and beer a term of twelve months on the county Sunday. While here he was the guest w(y id ot be claimed. Sheriff Stephens roads. of Mr. G. R. Brinson. Lmi. if Imtr, th nr and now has Dan Hatch, charged with the lar- On Saturday, June the 14th, a it stored under jock and key, in the ceny of a quantity of whiskey from a picnic will be given at Barrirgton's ;ce nouge at that place and it will be Norfolk Southern freight car. was! Place for the benefit ot Amity Church, h ld th cre until the next term of Pam found guilty but sentence has not yet Everybody is extended a cordial in- iico county Superior Cou.t. Sheriff been passed. vitation. Please don't fail to bring Stephens also stated that he would a lull basket. Uwoar out warrants aeainst the con We an very pleased to state that siKnees and that they would have to LOOKED FOR SNOWBIRDS Miss fcva npwn, daugnter 01 ir. expiain the entire affair to the Jugde. and Mrs. O. f. fipkin, (s rapidly No June Bugs Seen In New Bern recovering from an attack of typhoid Yesterday. fever - According to all accepted theories Mr. J. L. Barnngton of Dunn is th is the month of June but there here on a business trip. He is the guest were mightly few June bugs floating I0' Mr- ) t- Keel in New Bern and vicinity yesterday.! The Misses Bertha nad Ollic Dixon Instead every one was looking in all I of Orantsboro spent Sunday with directions for the snowbirds and those Mus Ada Holton. who had "pulled 'em off" felt like The Misses Bertha and Lena Lupton "putting 'em on" again. I of Pamlico are here spending the week Sunday morning the temperature I w,t'1 Mrs. C. A. Kawls began to drop and this was followed! Mr. E. S. Weaver of Arapahoe was by rain. At intermittent periodt I here on a visit yesterday, the guest during the day there were showers I of Mr. J. E. Reel and still the mercury lowered. At Messrs. J. P. Willis, Ben E. Willis, 10 o clock Sunday night many over-land G. F. Pipkin went to Arapahoe coats were in evidence. Inn himinpRs Init SntiirHav Yesterday morning dawned cold Miss Vera Reel, daughter of Mr. ,n not m,M thc reat Fourth ' July and cloudy and later rain began oland Mrs. James E. Reel, has returned celebration at the Fair grounds this fall and at frequent periods during I home from Wilson where she attended year the day there was a deluge. At mid- school. niuht it wim .till ..M 1. I l M w t 17 II.. I I . I 1. 1 ... 1 .v " vwiu viiuukii 111 a 11 1 mi. j. ... wuiiuil ii 1 114 yi.l u M in 1 1 r l , . , , , . ., . . I . , , , , , , this one of the greatest and most ex nwrrnat tint ui h ... . .1 .. I kA .. , 1 t.Mk l..f. - XT I)... I - - mmmv ihug nvn utim I liu. auu - idi im 111 " vei w clouds overhead, the rain had ceased I on a visit to relatives and friends. to fall. According to the prognosti cation of a well known prophet, the I on business this morning weather is "freakish" and may remain 1 1 this state for several days. ricultural Co-operation now touring Europe bring news of deep interest to the farmers of the United States. The thoroughness of farming methods fn Italy for instance would doubtelss form something of a revelation to many farmers in this country. "On a dry and gravelly soil," accord ing to the cablegrams- from the com mission, "farmers of the Milan" dis trict in Italy harvest has many as nine forage crops in a single year. The secret of the extreme fertility of this region lies in the system of irrigation. "In the days when Milan was a powerful independent power, the civ tories of the Milanese troops were celebrated not by statues, but by the more sensible idean of building canals or irrigating systems. As a conse quence the country about Milan is honeycombed with irrigation ditches. "Even thc street sweepings of the city are used to increase thc product ivity of the neighboring farms. Bones and other refuse matter of a similar character are used in thc manufacture of fertilizers, and the manure is sokl to the farmers engaged in intensive agriculture, principally in raising silk worms. Trie fertilizer sales are in sufficient to meet the expenses of ope ating the system. T!ie cost balance is made up through taxes. "Abundant labor ii needed to ob tain the agricultural results which the statistics of this district show. But progressive methods are also depended fupon. American farm machinery is frequently seen by the American vis itore in northern Italy. Where such intensive cultivation is practiced it is profitable to use large quantities of fertilizers and manure. To the south of Milan where most o ,thc irrigated lands are situated the arms are about 250 acres, i The principal industry of these I arms ia i dnrying, the herd averaging (rom lQO to 15(1 cows. The milk is used in cheese making chieily I he American l,ommi?ioners were shown some excellent types of co operative dairies which are peculiarly fitted to thc type of farmer in that dis trict who can not profitably make his butter and market his produce alone as his farming is on jtoo small scale. 'The lact must not be lost sight of that thc Italian farmers are progrcs ing and that their progress is based upon thrilt. The lesson learned by the American Commission in Italy has been a lesson in industry and thrift ago against the use of living bacteria organisms in the inoculation of human beings for the treatment of disease un til a specimen of the culture and de tails as to the methods of its use had been s'.imbitted. The board will pass on the efficacy of thc Berlin physician's vaccine before deciding on his applica tion fcr permission to practice. Views Remains And Holds Inquest. WAS PROBABLY A TITANIC LIFEBOAT BARNACLE-COVERED GRAFT SIGHTED BY NORTH GER MAN LLOYD LINE. PREPARE FOR BIG TIME ON FOURTH EVERY EFFORT BEING MADE FOR RACING EVENT AT FAIR GROUNDS. Make up your mind now that you Every effort is being made to make citing racing events that has ever taken Mr. E. T. Banks left for New Bern place in this section of the State. The motorcyle "kinrs" of this sec tion are now tlhteninj their chains testing their valves snd trying out their carburettors. The public can DEATH AT BRIDGETON. DRUGGISTS' NATIONAL HOME. Palmyra, Wis., June II. The Drug gists' National Home, which the Na tional Association of Drug Clerks has established here as a home for tjHjrsic and aged members, wss for- raallji dedicated tedny in connection OTI? s W C III n , I oimamoiur ia KKruK 1 GU OH I Mrs. Penelope Parkins Succumbs count on some exciting motorcyle races N.. Vo,lr t o m , a J HWt DUe"M' this year. The horsemen in this sec New York, June 9 No further ad Mr.. PenHon Pnrlrim. u,if ,.f ' vices were received todsy regarding w.rd Parkin., succumb! M,.;,v ihi tion arc PreP t0 g-ve us some great the steamship Olinda of the Munson at her home on C .treft. HriHmn rcc: There will be two races, on this line reported on fire, at sea somewhere to heart trouble. The deceased waJJay a thrce minutc rce na frec for off thc Georgia coast. It is believed fortv-four vcar. of ! i. .,.r. the vessel was heeding lor Savannah Lived bv her hu.band. thro .mm nri The last feature of the day .will be or Brunswick. The line's officers re-l daughter the Firemen's Tournament. Xtrenor ceived two wireless messages giving The funeral mnrfiun fm .k mous tank will be erected at the Fair no information except that the vessel residence yesterday afternoon at 4 Grounds, giving 100 lbs pressure of was on fire in hold No. 1 and that o'clock and the interment was made wttr- Thus it can readily be see that the vessel was making for port. The In Cedar Grove cemetery Dr E T the fire toy will' have the ouportunity raiiwta l..f l. e-u ... ' . ii ' 't i.: UEIV rriuay wicq passengers I Csrter, pastor ol the First Baptist ,"," " ,r"nl ,or -""n points. church of this city conducting tin mt vice. Baltimore, June 10. Almost on the exact spot where the ill-fated Titanic, of the White Star Line, found ered a little more than a year ago, thc lookout of thc North German Lloyd stemship Eisenach, which docked here yesterday with 1,302 immigrants, sight ed a barnacle-covered lifeboat. In the minds of Capt. Gustav Hillmer and the ship's officers there exists no doubt but that the covered boat was launched from the moammthe vessel which now lies beneath the Atlantic Ocean. . "It was on the morning of June 4 that we sighted the boat floating keel upward, "said Officer Otto Wencke, and it sent a chill down our spines hen we recalled the horrors of that awful night in April of last year. believe that the steerage pi ssengers ere greatly affected by tbe sight of the boat as it drifted past us not more than 100 yards away, judging from the way in which they crowded to the deck rail The lifeboat, lie added,, was ghted in latitude 41' 47' and longi ude 46' 39 , which, we ascertained, was practically the same location where tbe Titanic sank. 'A thick' haze covered the ocean at the time when the lookout signalled that he had sighted thc craft. 1 looked at my watch and found that it was :45 P. M. We made every effort to reach the derelict, but it drifted beyond our reach. The boat from its appeararice, must have been at thc mercy of the waves for at least 12 months.".. D I MAN ROW NABS E A "TIGER' DONS DISGUISE AND SUCCEEDS IN PURCHASING BOTTLE OF WHISKEY. Believing that Alex Wiggins, color ed, who resides on Attmore street, this city was selling whiskey, Policeman F P. Rowc a few days ago came to thc conclusion that thc would make attempt to catch the man in the act and accordingly went to work with th end In view. Monday night Policeman Rowe having donned a suitable disguise, went Wiggins' home and asked him if h knew where he. could purchase half a pint of whiskey. Wiggins, not recog nizing the officer, said that ho did and after Mr. Rowe had given him fifty cents, produced u blotte full of whiskey. This the officer placed in his pocket and departed. Yesterday morning Wiggins was placed under arrest andv later put in Jail to remain until he can be given a hearing at thc present term of court. When arrested Wiggins emphatically denied selling the whiskey and still contends' that he is not thc man. However, Policeman Rowe knows that he is the right party. i THE WEATHER THIS WEEK. Will Be Generally Fair With Mod erately Low Temperatures. "Washington, June 9. Under the influence of high barometric pressure that covers the eastern half of the country, the weather will be generally fair with moderately low temperatures during the next several days over thc eastern States. 1 thc Great Central Valleys and the Lake region, while local rains arc probable the first part of thc week along the South Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. Temperaturts above the seasonal average with generally fair weather will prevail during the week west of the Mississippi Valley No imoortant storm will cross the country thc coming week, but a dis turbance that is now forming over thc Western plateau region will advance slowly eastward, preceded by a general rise in temperature and attended by local thunder showers, and cross thc Middle. West about Thursday and the eastern States near the end of the week. A general reaction to normal temper ature will set in over the Great Valleys and the eastern States after Tuesday. The body of an unknown negro man was found floating up Trent river between nine ana ten o ciock yesterday morning by H. B. SpruHl keeper of the railroad draw bridge Just a few 'minutes after the time that Mr- Spruill first saw the body, John McNeill, a colored boatman, came along in his boat .and Mr. Spruill asked him to aid in tying the body to a post. McNeill told the bridge tender that he did not want to have any thing to do with the corpse and thc latter then placed a rope around the body and anchored it by one of the brigde supports. Immediately after doing this be came to this city and called upon Dr. N. M. Gibbs, formerly county coroner, with the intention of telling him of his gruesome find. Dr. Gipbs told Mr. Spruill that he was no longer acting in the capacity of coroner'and referred him to W. B. Flanner, clerk of the Superior Court. After haying been informed of the case Mr. Flanner . . . ... .IT A . appointed ur. waiter waison as njti- ng coroner and after empanelling a jury consisting of the following gen tlemen: O. A. Kafer, for man, C. F. Ellison, H. K. Land, Isaac Cohen, Capt. J. M. Satterfield and C. P. Bartling, Dr. Watson drove over to James City, where the body had in the meantime been carried, and viewed the remains. Thc corpse was in a fair state of preservation and had probably been in the water for a Week or' ten days. In life the man would have probably tipped the scales at one hundred and seventy-five pounds and was probably five feet nine inches in height. After viewing the body, Dr. Wataon turned it over to a colored undertaker to be prepared for interment. . At 8 o'clock last night the jury met in Dr. Watson's office and held an In quest at the completion of which they rendered the following verdict: i . "We, the coroner's jury empanelled this the 11th day of June, 1913, in vestigate tUe finding of the dead body f an uuknown colored man in Trent iver at the draw bridge of the A. ft N. C. R. R. Co., find that death was caused by drowning in a way unknown to the jury." Who the dead negro is or where he came from is a mystery. Hjrndreds of colored people viewed tMfebody yesterday and not one of them could identify it. It is supposed that the man came to New Bern from some bther town on an excursion a week or more igo and that he in some way fell into the river and was drowned. This is only supposition and it is probable that his identity will never be learned. LACK OE INTEREST "5 CRAVEN TAKE CIT ZENS URGED ADVANTAGE FREE OF TREATMENT. STATEMENT MAKES GOOD SHOWING. Thc statement of the National Bank will be found in today's paper. It eives full details as to the condition of this strong banking institution and shows that it is being ably and pro gressively managed. The deposits are now considerably over a half million dollars. The National has a corps of courteous officials and clerks and this accounts in no small degree (or its continued popularity. r i k . .JLLT" Croon W. W. Croston genera. L L. T.T- .. Adslt agent of the Norfolk With the third ann.i.1 , .1. southern Railway wav Cnr - . vuiiiri inin DI ..K 1. I - . - I ' . 1 wiiu ii aiiii,.i Admission to the Fair grounds will he 50c. Admission to the grand stand will be free. Thc hookworm dispensary now being , operated in this county has been in operation for three weeks. Although,, i number of persons have been exam ined and have takea the treatment, the interest being manifested in K by the citisens of the county is not all that could be desired. Dr. G F. Leonard, who is in charge of the wrok, is doing everything pos sible to Bet the people interested ill the dispensary and has just had several thousand circulars printed In which the disease and treatment are fully explained. The county commissioners have goal to considerable expense w securing the service of Dr. Leonard and an as sistant to conduct the dispensary af it is possible that the people of tats county will not again have an oppof tunitv to net this free treatmewL - -" n Every Saturday the dispensary la cod- ducted at the court house in this city association. trier, in norfnlk w.t. w business viurnr ;,. k.. -i... 7 )v.inv,;. i paay LOST Monday afternoon in ville, 'a hand-engraved brooch M if with pearls. Reward if returned to Miss Matt SaWiton, Mayville, N. N. No. 666 ' ' Thh is s ptescriptioa prepared especially u.n. MALARIA or CHILLS 4 FCVKR rive or sis doses will break any cose, sad mew as tonic me revet wtu not It nets en the liver better than Ml gripe or sicken. 25c DEATH OF CHILD. John H., the infant son of Mr and Mrs. H. C. Coker, died enrly Mon day morinng at thc home of its pircnts No. 112 Grif.ith street. The remains were interred In Ced and the people of New Bern are "W- to go out and see the work, even It tMyQpr do not take the treatment. The annual tag dsy services of the Elks will be held on Friday, June U. at x in o n. at their temple and the J. B. Phillips, public is extended n cordial tovitb I'aptist church, tion to attend. L. 1. Moore w do liver the address of the occasion. rprTnt 1