WHIT YOUTHS E ARE NOW. FREE Jury Return "Verdict Of Not Guilty In Hard Fought Case. , JUDGE GIVES GOOD ADVICE Ugres Sam Small And Berkley Harker To Be Better Boys. Before Small and Harker were re leased from custody Judge O. H. Allen had a heart-to-heart talk with jthem in which he warned them again' t evil companions, late hours and urged them to keep "the straight and nar row path" in their walk through life. Jusk before the close of the day's session Charles Spencer, colored, charg ed with the murder of Alice Hargett, colored, -on the night of December 26, 1912, was brought into coart and formerly presented. The solicitor i: only asking for a second degree ver diet in this case and Spencer entered a plea ot not guilty, ine aeienaant is represented bv J. Leon Williams and the case will be taken up this morning. Yesterday's . session of . Craven County Superior Court was taken up almost entirely with the case in which M Sam Small and Berkley G, Harker, w,hitc youths of this city, were charged with the larceny of several boxes of tobacco from the Norfolli, Southern Railway Company. This case was begun on' the previous day and was hard fought by both 'the attorneys for the pros ecution and also counsel for the de fense. A large number of witnesses were placed on the stand and the taking of evidence consumed considerable time. The arguments were begun yesterday afternoon just after court had taken a recess and these contin ued until about 4:30 o'clock and it was at bast S o'clcok before the jury were given the case. After being out for more than an hour they returned a verdict of not guilty. WANTS BECKER TO HAVE NEW TRIAL BRIEFS I II. El) WITH SUPREME COURT JUSTICE GOFF OUTLINING INTENTIONS. New York, June 11. Briefs were filed with Supreme Court Justice Goff yesterday outlining the contentions of Joseph A. Shay, who has made application for a new trial for frormcr Police-Lieutenant Charles Becker, con victed of the murder of Herman Ros enthal, and by District-Attorney Whit man, who' is opposing the move. Mr. Shay's brief followed the outline Children Cry for Fletcher's lTe Kind You Havo Alwn vs Bought, and which has been in use for over 80 yea, has home the signature ot j ami has been made under his per- 1 iTP sonal supervision since its infancy. iVwvOTASk&tW Allow no one to deceive you in this. AJBCountcrlcits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio bcaltn ot Infants and Children Experience aga) nst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pnr rorlc. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. IC tontrlhs neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie snhstance. Its 'ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and nllay3 Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it has been f i constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Ditu-rhoaa. It regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Cuil Iron's Panacea The Mother's Friend. t GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS rBears the Signature of of the oral argument which he made to the Justice last week. He laid the strongest emphasis on the contention that he has discovered new evidence to show that Sam Schepp was an ac complice, and that Becker was not present in Forty-second street at a time when he is alleged to have had a con versation there with Jack Rose. Assistant Di.-trict-Attorncy Rubin prepared the reply, which took up in detail and carefully analyzed Mr. Shay's twenty affidavits and seven statements. Mr. Rubin contended that each of the affidavits might be brought under one of the following heads, which would preclude its acceptance by the court as newly discovered evidence. 1. That it was not newly discovered. ti That iti was cumulative. 3. That it was contradictory of other' statements made by the same witness. 4. That it was not calculated to change the verdict if presented to a jury. Mr. Rubin presented statements whicli directly contradicted many of those made by the new witnesses for Becker. EL nPFMENT TRAGIC MAN WENT OFF WITH AN OTHER'S WIFE IN DECEM BER, BOTH MURDERED. 1 The Kind Yon Have Always Bought i rw v.- flft Vmn In Use cof Over 30 Years TOt W.TMIS CO..-SK. TT UHIPIT tlWIT. miw TWtm em. Ironton, Ohio, June 11. The iden tity of the man whose body was found alongside that of a fashionably dressed woman near Russell, Ky., was estab lished when George Steele rccoe;inzcd it as that of his father, George Steele, Sr., of this county. This has led the authorities to be ievc thai the body of the woman is that of Mrs. Andrew Forrest of La Grange, Ohio, as she was last seen with Steele crossing to the Kentucky shore in December, 14, 1912. The man's over coat and the woman's furs were thrown over the bodies. while the man's head was resting, on the arm of the woman. Both Steele and Mrs. Forrest were prominent in this section and their simultaneous departure last December caused a flurry in social circles here. ' Forrest filed suit for divorce against his wife, charging that she eloped with Steele. A coroner's jury returned a verdict that the body of the Woman was that of Mrs. Forrest and that she and Steele were murdered by a party or parties unknown. It was found that the ..lan'i skull was crushed in several places and that he hae been shot through the side, while the skull of the woman had been shattered. The mail's watch and quite a large sum of money he is saidto have had when he disappeared were missing. His pocket book was found on the body, but it was empty. Steele was 46 years of aje and the fatherjof 12 children. Mrs. Forrest was 34jyears old. Despite the inclemency of the weather the Sunday school of All StuBts'a Epis copal chapel picniced yefterday at Ghent park. There were about seventy five members of the schocl together with their mothers, brothers and sis ters participating in the event and in the estimation of all the event was one of themost pleasant ever participated in by them. Bakes Bread To Perfection Bakes it light and crisp in a slow, steady oven and a cool, comfortable kitchen. Bakes, broils, roasts and toasts. The New Perfection Oil Cook-stoveiis cleaner than a coal or wood range. Cheaper than gas. Cooks everything as well as either. Burns kerosene, the clean est, handle fuel. No coal ortathct to cany. No loot No imoke. No dust , The new 4-burner Perfection 1 Stove cooks a whole meal at once with the least expense, trouble and discomfort. Indicator shows just how much oil is in font. Smaller stoves with 1, 2 or 3 burners. . Ask your dealer to show you aN New , Perfection with patent broiler and other accessories, or write for descriptive circular to STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C (New Jersey) Charlotte, N. C Richmond, Va. BALTIMORE Charleston, W. Va. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S . CASTORIA Neither dies it pay to crow over ua sp lied milk. ULCERS AND SKIN TROUBLES. If you are suffering with any old, run ning or fever sores, ulcers, boils, eczema or other skin troubles, get a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and you will get j-elief promptly. Mrs. Bruce Jones, of Birmingham, Ala., suffered from an ugly ulcer for nine nomths and Buck len's Arnica Salve cured her in two weeks Will help you. Only 25c. Recommend ed by all dealers. (Adv.) Trying to be a good citizen has made many a man unpopular. BEST LAXATIVE FOR THE AGED. Old men and women feel the need of a laxative more than young folks, but it must be safe and harmless and one which will not cause pain. Dr. King's New Life Pills are especially good ofr the aged, for they act promptly and easily. Price 25c. Recommended by all dealers. (Adv.) The aeroplane chauffeur hasn't any thing on the flight of time. should be thoroughly masticated and insalivated. Then when you have a fullness of the stomach or feel dull and stupid after eating, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets. Many severe cases of stomach trouble and consti pation havs been cured by the use of these tablets. They are easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Sold by all dealers (Adv.) If a woman ever does find her ideal man she almost invariably discovers that some other woman has a prior claim on him. STOMACH TROUBLE. " Many remarkablefcures of stomach troubles have been effected by Cham berlain's Tablets. One man who had spent over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes of these tablets. Price, 25 cents. For sale by all dealers. (Adv). No Gussie throwing rice after brides is not a Chinese custom, the Chinese take better care of their rice. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SORE NIPPLES. Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nurs ing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth be fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) NOTICE If your subscription is due please let us have your check, post-office or express money order for same at once. Respectfully, E. J. LAND PRINTINGCO. Publishers SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Just the same, it's a poor rule that, refuses to work our way. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich., says: ''Dr. Detcheon's Relief for Rheu matism has given my wife wonderful benefit for rheumatism. She eoufd not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of ftie remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) Bryan may launch his dreadnaughts Friendship and Fellowship, but the boys on the outside are for putting out a few ambassadorships and postmaster-ships. "Seek and ye shall find," but not necessarily the political office desired. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC .CHOL ERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY Every family without exception should keep this preparation at hand during the hot weather of the summer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is worth many times its cost when needed and is al most certain to be needed before the summer is oyer. It has no superior for the purposes for which it is intended. Bay it now. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) The Standard Oil Co., is going to divide $60,000,000 among themselves. Cheap people are looking for some thing cheaper than themselves. GURANTEED ECZEMA REMEDY. j The constant itching, burning, red ness, rash and disagreeable effects of eczema, tetter, salt rheum, itch, piles and irritating skin eruptions can be readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Mr. J. C. Eveland, of Bath, III., says: "I had eczema twenty- five years and had tried everything. All failed. When I found Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment I found a cure." This ointment is the formula of a phy sician and has been in use for years not an experiment. That is why we can guarantee it. All druggists, or by mail. Price 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. (Adv.) CAN'T KEEP IT SECRET. The splendid work of Chamberlain's Tablets .is daily becoming more widely known. No such grand remedy for stomach and liver troubles has ever been known. Sold by all dealers. (Adv.) Every dog has his day, and every rooster takes the morning for his very own. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Occasionally a woman can tell a man what she thinks of him without think ing very hard. MOST, CHILDREN HAVE WORMS Many mothers think their children are suffering from indigestion, headache. nervousness weakness costiveness, when they are victims of that most common of all children's ailments worms. Peevish ill-tempered, fretful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains, have all the symp toms of having worms, and should be given Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleas ant candy lozenge, which expels worms, rcgulat8 the bowels, tones up the sys tem, and makes children well and hap py. Kickapoo Worm Killer it guaran teed. All drgugists, or by mail. Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and Louis. (Adv.) The Lord pays nore attention to a sunt prayer from the heart than' to a I ng one from the lips. CASTORIA for Infants and Collins. The Kind Yoy Havt Atways Bht Bears to Signature of And many a man's idea of being stylishly dressed is to wear necktie that would start a riot at a funeral. TAKE PLENTY OF TIME TO EAT There is a saying that "rapid eating is slow suicide." If you have formed the habit of eating too rapidly you are most likely suffering from indigestion or constipation, whhh will result event ually in serious illness unless corrected. Digestion begins in tat mouth. Food on't neglect the baby's health by keeping it cooped up at home he w c wonderfully if you will give him a daily outing in the bright su s hin e nd what you save in medicine and doctor's bills will more than pay or on- jhese d linty go carts or carriages. We have just received an assorted ship! mei of Keed body carnages, made oi selected uermart reed, with nair hi lea sstons. livery carnage is made with the best steel gears and cushion truD the most substantial made. We have them ranging in prices 2 in $35,00. J.S.Miller Furniture Co. 99-101 MIDDLE STREET, PHONE 229. Jupiter Pluvius seems to be the only man on the water job. SHAKE OFF YOUR RHEUMATISM. Now is the time to get rid oi your rheumatism. Try a twenty-five- cent bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and see how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold by all dealers. (Adv ) SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN LOTS IN ASKINS. By virtue of a power invested in me by a judgment of the superior court of Craven county, in the case of Morris vs. Clark, which judgment is recorded in the office of the Clerk of the superior court of Craven county in Book I of the judgment docket and being numbered on said docket 8911, I will sell to the highest bid der for cash at the court house door in New Bern, N. C, on Modnay the 7th day of July at 12 o'clock M. all the real estate described in said judg ment, and directed by said judgment to be sold by me for the purposes set out in said judgemnt consisting of Sixty Five lots according to a plot duly recorded In the offic of the register of deeds of Craven county in Book 161 Page 571 to which refer. For any further information apply to W. D. Mclver or R. B. Nixon or to the undersigned. This 6th day of June 1913. W. R. BARRINGTON, Trustee R. B. NIXON, Atty. Wanted Wood sawyer and logging men at good wages. Pay every Saturday. Comfortable quarters. Apply to East Car olina Lumber Co. at Carolina City. Pamlico county, near Olympia, N. C. Stop at The- BARRINGTON HOUSE While In Norfolk, M Main Street Z. V. lAEsUNOTON, Proprietor Rates. tl-M Day; W M Week. Hot aad Cold Baths, Nice, Clean, Airy Sneclal Attention to Traveling Men. aad Eacnrsloa Parties Home Prlvlleg a P AS Buy your Field Peas now. Our stock is tine, sound and clean, $2.00 per bu. Also fine M. Y. Soy Beans at $1.60 per bushel. FE D Just received a car of fresh Sugar Horse and Cow Feed. Order your supply now also Hay, Oats, Corn, Hulls, Meal, Etc. BRICK Farm Implements BURRUS & CO. NEW BERN, N. C. ckxxxxxjoooocxxxxx: aoooooc ;oxxxxxxxxooo6o c C. L. SPENCER DEALER IN ay, orn, Oats, Bran, Hominy, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. SEED A AND ED RYE. MUCK FOR SALE Mall Orders Given Careful Attention. Lower Middle Street, New Bern, N. C. When in Maret For Horses, Mules, Buggies Wagons and Harness see orif t nrirsvil.l.F.. N. C. Fine Kentucky Horses and Mules on hand at all timet TERMS REASONABLE. SEE ME 4 i 3d ,1 rivT