DISCOVER SERUM V CURE TYPHOID ANNOUNCEMENT JUST MADE In PARIS CAUSES MUCH INTEREST. Paris, June ,10. The announcement of another wonderful "serum" cuie it causing considerable interest in medical circles. Professor Vicente, of the Valdgerace Military Hospital, is credited with having discovered a serum which both prevents and cures typhoid fever. It is said that more than 50,000 persons have received treatment with Dr. Vicente's cure. Wonderfully sucessful tests are an nounced. For instance, one day a patient who had been treated with the serum drank a glass of pure cul tures of bacilli. It was expected that the man was beyond hope and the doctors all said he would die. As a matter of fact, the bacilli apparently bad no immediate effect upon him. There was no increased indication of fever, however, and after several weeks of observation the physicians declared that he completely escaped contagion. Dr. Theroloix, of the Pitie Hospital of this city, who had watched the case, secured anoth r patient who had been treated with the serum three weeks before and subjected him to a sub cutanous injection of pure virulent typhoid bacilli. The first injection was three cubic centimeters of germs. There was not the slightest sign of reaction. Eight days later a second injection was made and when three weeks more had passed the patient was injected for the third time. The patient's con dition remained unchanged through out the treatment. Dr. Theroloix declares that he has effected cures at the hospital in sev enteen days. "There's a Difference ASK YOUR DOCTOR Pepsi-Cola .For Thirst Thinkers. SAVE THE CROWNS they are valuable. Write for catalog Pepsi-Cola Co., New Bern, N. C. THE DRUGGISTS ARE IN SESSION Annual Convention North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association Begun Yesterday. MANY DELEGATES DETAINED Day Brought To A Close Most Brilliant Reception. By A The thirty-fourth annual convention of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association convened in this city yes terday morning. Owing to the fact that a number of the druggists were detained at home on account of bus iness only about seventy-five members were in attendance at yesterday's sessions but a number of others, among whom will be President, J. G. M. Cordon of Clayton, will arrive this morning. The business sessions were held in the High School building and the first meeting, in the absence of President Cordon, was called to order by Vice President C. P. Harper of Selma. Following a very impressive invocation by Rev. li. !'. Iluske, recto- of Christ Episcopal church, an excelk it a' Ire s of welcome was deleiered in bchau of thecity of New Bern by E. H. Meadows. Mr. Meadows was among the first organizers ot the iNorin Carolina rnar- maceutical Association and his remarks were both interesting and instructive. After bidding the visiting druggists to enjoy their visit to the "Athens of North Carolina" Mr. Meadows spoke for a few minutes on matters which were of vital importance. He urged them to take no backward step but to progress with the times. He suggested that all applicants to prac tice pharmacy become proficient in microspocial examinations. Mr. Meadows also suggested to the Association that they encourage the education of females to practice phar macy. "There is none so well adapted to pharmacy as ladies," said Mr. Meadows, "Their care, reliability, neatness and intelligence recommend them. "They have but one disqualifying quality, from a bachelors view-point, their inability to keep a secret, the fals ity of which is known by all men save and except our bachelor brothers Why are they so wise of your warm hearted citizens. We know that in the past your toww has charmed its visitors by the manner of its entertainment. When conven tions have assembled here and the del egates have enjoyed the pleasures which it affords, they go away feeling that New Bern would be a delightful place to live." ' Dr. R. DuVal Jones of this city wel comed the visitors on behalf of the local physicians. His address was Vicf bi:t was thoroughly enjoyed. He was followed by Dr. F. W. Hancock of Oxford. Dr. Hancock is a native of New Bern and has a host of friends all over this section. His tribute to the city of his birth was fitting and be tutif ul and during the time that he held the floor there was intense interest manifested. Owing to the fact that the president and a number of members were absent, it was decided to delay the majority of the business until today and this was done. Secretary J. G. Baird of Clayton read a number of communica tions from other associatons sending fraternal greetings and best wishes after which the session came to a close. Last night the druggists were ten dered a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D Bradham on Union street. This event, which proved one of the most brilliant of the season, was largely attended and pioved greatly enjoyable. ANNOUNCES EXAMINATION The U.-.ited States Civil Service Commit i. i announces that on June 28 an ex tmination will be held at A..i!..'i o as a result of which it is expected to make certification to fill a contemplated vacancy in the posi tion of postmaster at that place. Application forms and full informa tion may be obtained from the post master at Arapahoe. The postmaster at this ohiee gets a compensation oi about two hundred dollars a year. PROFESSIONAL ROMULUS A. NUNN Attorney and Counselor at Lav Omen 50 Cbavtsn Stuekt Telephone Nos 97 and 801 SEW BERN, N. C. Simmons & Ward Attorneys and Counselors at Law Office, Rooms 4C1-2-3 Elks Building, New Bern, N. C. Practices in the counties of Craveu Duplin. Jones, lenoir. Oaslow. Carter t, Pamlico and Wake, in the Suprem. 4 L .1 1 r i , r uuu rcuLw iouris, bdo. wnerever ser vices are desired. DR. ERNEST C. ARMSTRONG Osteopathic Physician (RBGISTKKF.D) Rooms 320321 Elk's Temple. Hours: 10 to 1a. a to a and 1 to n. CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECI AL'H 1 en years experience in treatirjg chtoti ie uiaeuses. , Complete Electrical Equipment. Do ycu wear a truss? If to, let me how you my special make. For all ages, from babies up. HOITE 701. Carl Daniels AiC'jrney and Counsellor At Law Practices wherever services are required. Office in Masonic Building. BAYBORO, N. C. LocsJ and Long Distance Phone TYPHOID PROVED FATAL Ira Dixon Succumbed To The Dis ease Last Noght. D. L. WAR D ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW iimhea Building, Craven Street 1 NEW BERN, N. C. Htate and ven. Cart ', jonex ai Kile ? They have made good in the fields of human en deavor as bankers, educators, man ufacturers, railroading, and commercial nterprises I venture to say not one n these presence, but have the impress of their minds in their early education 'They are noted for their honesty and disinclination to gamuie 111 siocks wl-ich commends them as bankers know of an instance where a lad is made president of a small bank whose capital stock was only 85,000,- 0J who by her financial ability built ip the institution whose recent ex hibit to Dunn and Bradstreet's Agency showed capital stock, surplus and un- livided profits of 8450,000.00, and de posits ot Sstl.UUO.UU, the like 01 which is nhenominal another instance of a lady who was engaged in railroading as secretary and treasurer of a road in this State, the di.ties of general manager having often devolved upon her, so managed its affairs, through a hort line branch road, sold out it holdings at approximately two millions of dollars. Among the educators of our State has any a more brilliant record than Miss Robinson of Greensboro Female College, Mrs. Shipp of Fassifern and Miss May Hendren and Miss Mabel Chadwick of the New Bern Graded School? "So open wide your doors to the ladies and bid them to your member ship." In concluding his address, Mr. Meadows said: "Again I tender you in behalf of the local Pharmacists a whole-hearted wel come, a welcome to the smiles of New Bern's fair daughters, a welcome to our parks, a welcome to our beauti ful rivers, but I pray you to take none of them Irom us, if such appeal to you abide with us and they are all yours, and if you are not so impressed, come again, and remember that the latch string hangs on the outside." Dr. C. P. Harper of Selma, Vice president of the Association, responded to the address of welcome on behalf of the visiting physicians. Dr. Harper is an orator of ability and his remarks were thoroughly enjoyed. In part he said: ' The hearty welcome which has been accorded us has surpassed, my expectations. To those of us who are visitors in your city, it is avery grati lying, it is very satisfying. I knew the gentleman's greeting would be kind and cordial, but I did not know that be would turn the whole town over to us. If we take it, we will promise to be good, to keep off the grass to let the blind tigers alone, and to return it to you in good condition when our three days of work and rec r at ion are over. For me to attempt to speak of hospitality without men turning New Bern, would be 'like try ing to describe Switzerland without mentioning the Alps. A year ago at our annual meeting in Wayncsvillc n it was decided to hold this con n New Bern. I was delighted lifer occasions, I had become MR; BRYAN SPEAKS 10 FARMER BOYS The Moat Important Subject Of Ed ucation, Secretary Says, Is The Heart. I IS ORATOR AT DRIVER, VA. Too Many Men, He Delcares, Have Sold Their Brain To The Cause Of Injustice. Ira Dixon, a prosperous farmer of Olympia, Pamlico county, succumbed to an attack of typhoid at Stewart's sanitarium last niglit at W.Zi o clocK. Mr. Dixon was stricken with the ever about three and a half weeks ago. le was brought to this city from hii (previously arranged home at Olympia and was placed m jf0 speak. 'Mr'. Bryai Stewart's sanitarium for treatment. Despite the fact that his case was a severe one the attending pnysicians did not think that it would prove fatal. Yesterday afternoon he seemed to be much improved but just before nightfall he was seized with a hard chill and his condition rapidly grew worse until death occurred. The deceased was thirty-two years of age. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Mary Holton of Olympia; one brother, Carl Dixon of Olympia, and three sisters, Mrs. W. K. Baxter of this city, Mrs. R. H. Baxter of Dur ham and Mrs. J. H. Stephenson of Bellair. The remains will be taken to Olympia this morning and at I o'cleekf this afternoon will be interred in the family burying ground near that place. Driver, Va., June 11. Fifty farmer bays on horseback faced from Lee's wharf on Nansemond river, to Driver yesterday afternoon with William J. Bryan, Secretary of State, who, at 2:30 o'clock, made a speech at the Nanse mbnd villiage n which he told an aud iejice of 2,000 people his idea of the proper education lor larmer boys d all boys. The most improtant tlbject of education in the human being, according to the secretary, is the heart, neglect of which he believes is the source of nost of the troubles that wreck men and nations. "This country and mankind at large," said Secretary Bryan, "are governed by educated men, but the pity of it is that educated men, so many of them, have sold their brain to the cause of injustice to mankind. My message to you is that you improve your bodies and make them strong, improve your farms and make them productive, in prove your schools and colleges to the end that your minds may have every facility for improvement; but, unless, at the same time, you develop in your heart the spirit of justice to mankind, of service to your fellows rather than means to material profit through time, then it is all wasted and life has been a failure. I believe that the cure for the dif ficulties and sins about which individ uals and nations degrade themselves by conflict and bloodshed lies in harmon izing the heart with the Creator, and to attain that end must be the ideal of all properly directed education." The occasion was the closing exer cises of the Second Congressional Dis trict Agricultural High School here, Representative E. E. Holland having for the secretary peak. W.Tlryan went to Old Point this morning to receive Dr. Lauro Mul ler, minister of foreign affairs of Bra zil, who arrived in Hampton Roads at 5:30 o'clock in the evening on the Bra zilian dreadnought Minas Gcraes. Derangement of the program at Old Point, due to the long delay in the ar rival ot trie Brazilian 'dreadnought, came near upsetting also the plans Mr. Holland1 'had' made for the secretary to address the Nansemond audience. AliU was,' the' secretary went in great haste,' made a speech which he said was greatly handicapped by the lack of an hour or so for its delivery, and returned to Old Point in the same Ul ?OkK JJU COLOR LINE IN CIVIL SERVICE Bill of Congressman Would Keep Races Apart. Washington, June It. Representa tive Aswell of Louisiana has introduced a bill to separate white Government clerks and employes from negroes. It would provide that while there shall be no discrimination in favor of or against employes of equal efficiency on account of race, white clerks shall not be required to occupy, the same offices in the Government departemnts with negroes nor be under orders of negroes. Except in cases of emergency white clerks in the railway mail service are not to be required to serve in the same mail cars with negro clerk). $60,000 FIRE AT VIRGINIA BEACH. Norfolk, Va., June 11. Fire of unknown origin, early this morning destroyed Normandy Inn, bath houses, and amusement conscesions south of Virginia Beach, the loss being $60,000. Only a few thousand dollars insurance was carried by the owners. Summer boarders at the place escaped in scanty clothing. ORPHANS TO GIVE CONCERT HERE ON JUNE 30. A class of children from the Odd Fellows' orphan home at Goldsboro will give' a concert in this city on ths night of June 30. This home is now caring for two hundred children and naturally the expenses ?re heavy and the public is urged to help along this worthy cause by attending the concert. GRAPE JUICE FOR BRYAN Delegation From Richmond, Cal., Bringing 36 Bottles. Chicago, June 11. A delegation of residents of Richmond, Cal., passed through here on the way to Washing ton bearing a plush-lined chest, with 36 bottles of grape juice, which awaits the inspection of Secretary of State Bryan. The chest bears a silver plate, which contains the inscription "Diplomatic Peace Cocktails." The representatives of the Western city will attend a conference on June 16 before the Federal Rivers and Har bors Engineering Board. TURKISH GRAND VIZIER SLAIN. Constantinople, Jnue 11. Turkish Grand Vizier was assassinated at noon today by two men armed with revolvers while he was proceeding in his automobile to the sublime porte. It is believed in government circles that the assassination was outcome of a plot against the young Turks. The victim who was a pure Arab was a moving spirit in the revolution which caused the Sultan's fall. Mrs. George Daley has returned from a visit at Seven Springs. SOUTHERN TO PUT ON PULL MAN FOR" MOf.EHEAD CITY. The .Southern Railway Company has ancounced the restoration for summer traffic of its sleeper between " Winston-Salem and. More-head City and puts it into effect on next Saturday. The Pullman has been stopping at Raleigh, but until August 23, will be operated between the summer resort and the Forsyth county scat. Another improvement, of the railroad m service between (he seaside town, and up state points was made Tuesday when the Norfolk Southern Railway Company began the operation of a new chair car on the Beaufort division. Are Tou Nervous? What makes yon nervous? It i. the weakness of your womanly constitution, which cannot affind the strain of the hard work you da As a result, youfbreak down, and ruin your entire nervous system Don't , keep this upl Take Cardui, the woman's tonic Cardul is made from purely vegetable ingredients. It acts gently on the womanly organs, and helps them to do their proper work. It relieves pain and restores health, la a natural manner, by going to the source of the trouble and building up the bodily strength. Cardui WomarftTonic Mrs. Grace Former, of Man, W. Va, took Cardui. This is what she says about it: I was so weak and nervous, I could not bear to have anyone near me. I had fainting spells, and 1 tost flesh every day. The first dose of Cardui helped me. Now. 1 an entirely cured of the fainting spells, and 1 cannotsay enough for Cardui, for I know it saved my me. a k me oesi ionic tur women. Do you suffer from any of the pains peculiar to women? Take Cardui It will help you. Ask your druggist Hkaw Ladles' AdTUorr Dept. Outtanooo tAt&dm Co., Chittanooga. Tenn., Jufriilif rsisarmm dol pai r "HawTrttB tor Wocttn.'' sent Im. igp h'ustte'and'urry. - ' I '.!', ff IV 1 RESPITE GRANTED 1 WIFE MURDERER NELSON W. CARTER WAS TO HAVE DIED FRIDAY FOR MURDER OF WIFE. ta, whs ORCHESTRA RETURNS. The Worth Orchestra, a new mucsial organization for this city, but which had a successful career in other places before coming to New Bern, returned yesterday from Greenville where it filled an engagement to play Monday night for the alumnae banquet, one of the features of the commencement of the East Carolina Teachers Training School. Monday afternoon the or chestra played for an informal dance given for the benefit of the students. Richmonf, Va., June 11. Nelson W Carter of Spottsylvania, sentenced to die next Friday for the murder of his wife, whom he stabbed to death, has been granted a respite for two weeks by Governor Mann. Carter made no defense at the time of his trial save that he was insane. The man has been m the death colony ior some time. Carter is the man whose daughter figured in a marriage here a few weeks ago. she came .to tms city following the death of her mother and the sen tencc of her father to death, obtain ing employment and going to work ta cam her own living. , She was only about eighteen years old, and when she appeared with her husband-to-be for the license it was found that sIm could not wed because of her age. Then Judge Mpncure jot the Chancery Court got into the mat tcr, agreeing to hear argument and to name a guardian for her. This was done, the guardian was named and his consent to the marriage was Ob tained, the ceremony .being performed by "Parson" Mike Macon. MAY ASK THEM TO RESIGN The following paragraph is taken from the Washington correspondence in the Greensboro News of yesterday "Should President Wilson accede to the requests of a number of leadjng Democrats and postpone the proposed reorganization of the customs service until January, 1914, Democratic sen atars and congressmen here, it is said will ask that the present collectors of the ports of New Bera, Elizabeth Qity and Beaufort be' asked to resign sad Democrats appointed in their stead. The jobs under the present plan pa $1,500 per year each. If the izatioit. is put into effect the will be reduced to almost nothing MEETING TO BE OF FOCfT INTEREST MERCHANTS OF NEW BERN ARE URGED TO GATHER TOMORROW NIGHT. jia ifii AUDITOR MAKING HEADWAY ON CITY' BOOKS. The expert auditors who now have pose of getting up a detailed Uate ment of the affairs of the municipality, are making fairly good progress in their work. To go over every account made during the past two years or mo.-e is somewhat o' a task and con siderable time is naturally needed in which to carry out the work. The auditors hope to have their leport ready for the Aldermen at their next regular monthly meeting. There will be an important meet ing of the Mcrehants' Association (the Retail and Wholesale Extension Committee) on Friday night of this week .it 8:30 o'clock and every merchant who is a member of the Chamber of Commerce is to be present. At a recent meeting of the Retail Extcmjon Cr lmittce of the Chamber of CoaMereO It was suggested that the Merchants' Association and the Whole sale and Retail Extension Committee of the Chamber of Commerce be merged and to be known in the future as the Merchant Association of New Bern. Under the new arrangement every merchant who is a member of the Cham ber of Commerce will not only be a member of that organization but will be a member of the Merchants Asso ciation of New Bern which will be a branch of the North Carolina Merch ants Association. At this meeting delegates will be selected to attend the convention of the Merchants Association of North Carolina which will be held at Wil mington on June 17-19. FOR MEAL 'f; CORN, HAY. See MEADOWS New Bern, N. C. FOR THE BEST 1. A Valuable Premium With The SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL W. B. H. Blandford left Tuesday for Clinton, Prince George county, Maryland, in response to a telegram announcing the sudden death of his mother, Mrs. VV. B. H. Blandford, Sr. Mrs. Blandford had been ill but it was not thought that her condition was serious. Hit husband died six or seven moths ago. PLUM GROVE ITEMS (Special to the Journal) Vanceboro, June 10. Messrs. Jesse Weathcrington and John McCansley i m . .1, a urn .. were visitors at mr. to. i. mnui a Uast Sunday. Miss Kattie Griffin is on the sick list, we hope she will soon recover. Mrs. J. D. Morris and little son were smong the guests of Mrs. Jim Morris today. Miss Esther Clark, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lillian Morris, will return home Wednesday. Saith Gardenr was the guest of Little Ethel Wilcox last week. Mr. Leslie McLawbsrn and sister Etta and Bella were "the guests of Misses Clara and Annie Sutton Wed nesday night. Mr. J. D. Morris aad wile made a business trjp to New Bern Monday. "CONSCIENCE" PAYS NICKEL Altoona, Pa., June 9. "Here's a nickel I owe you," said a stranger, walking into the office of the local trolley company and handing Clerk Harry Sturtsman a coin. "Ab ut a ago I got on a crowded cr and off Wfarsd" conductor reached l'Lvt. watched (or that con- tor ever since, but could never h THE MARKETS. June 12 19!? COTTON (Quotations furnished by G. W. Tay lor & Son.) Middling 12 cents Strict Middling, 12 1-8 " Good Middling, 12 1-4 " POULTRY. EGGS, ETC. (Quotations furnished by Coast Line ' Meat Market). Chickens Grown, pair 60-80 Chickens Hall-grown pair 60-70 tl.2S-8I.SO SO 1.00 IS Hams, country, smoked, lb -18 Baeawai, lb 21 Geese, per pair Ducks, per pair. Eggs, per doz. jjjjjstj 4 IIgeographical encyclopedia gV "Iff? P1 "-v B 'H K Wool,. Wool... Hoga. dressed, lb.. dressed, lb- Hldas-G. S., ll Green, lb . 16 to 1 -16 tol7 .10-101.2 8-9 .9 8 Dry Flint, lb 12-14 Dry Salt, lb 10-11 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (Quotations ky New Barn Produce miiii'.imv ) Cabbage, crate Lettuce It., b. . t .HFWIt:- 1C ni. I he dropped the money. awbernes rden Peai tfHAT IT CONTAIW8. Map of tha world with flats and portrait of rulers and chief officials including Wilson and Marshal. Map of Panama with full information about Panama Canal. Large scale map of North and South Carolina with complete census gazetteer of towns and counties In thoaa States. 4 Map of United Spates and PARCEL POST MAP with full Information concerning thla new branch of th Poattl Service. Census statistics covering each State in tha union and Its principal towns. HOW TO GET IT. If you are already a subscriber you can gt thla valuable enclytlopcdia by paying up to data and. In addition. 81.88. this amount including pay ment for the encyclopedia and a year's subscription. 81. 2S to 81.S0 This encyclopedia retails for 98 cents. You will note the treat saving 81.50 the Semi-Weekly Journal enablee you to make. gel Don't wait. We don't promise to hold this offer open IndcLnluJy. . . . . i H . . .a . . I. ...... II. . il.. a 1 1 i I 1 1 1 . 1 v $2 50 to 82 75 .oisw to ins bjj vurnai oinitc mu iiwiw.MnH .... ..... .81. le to $1.40 are In town.

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