THEIR SILVER WEDDING By EDNA BURKE The Hev. Mr. Brooks wes beloved by bis congregation; his wife was an es timable lady who was of great assist- nee to bar husband in bis efforts to help the poor. The Brooks children- some of them grown were well behav ed. and no member of the congrejra tton had ft fault to find with any one 01 them. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks had been mar tied the day Mr. Brooks entered upon his pastorate of the First church. Consequently the anniversaries of both the wedding and his engagement as pastor were coincident When be en tered upon the twenty-fifth year of his ministry, so great was the affection of bis congregation that they decided to give him a handsome silver wedding. One year of the twenty-Ore remained and measures for the celebration began to be talked over. One morning Miss Tatler, seed forty seven, called upon Mrs. Prime oaten fttbly for the purpose of asking for a donation of old clothes for a mission ary box she was abbot to send to In dia, but really as a beglnnlng-a wedge in an effo't she bod decided upon to displace Mr. Brooks from tbe pastorate of the church and put In a candidate of her own. Considering tbe good man's faithful service, the reverence it Which be was held by his parishioners and his intellectual endowments. It must be confessed that Miss Tatter's effort did not give promise of success "By tbe by, Mrs. Prime," she said, "have yon noticed bow deaf Mr. Brooks Is becoming?" "No. Is bis hearing Impaired?" "Dear me! Haven't yon noticed It? It's tbe talk of tbe congregation. Mr. Brooks is a dear, good man, and we all love blm and Mrs. Brooks, too, bat t tbe rate he Is going on he'll soon be deaf as a post, and there Is no church that can be kept op with a deaf pas tor; It Is a constant Interference with bis duties." Mrs. Prime said that she would be sorry to lose Mr. Brooks, snd for her part she would prefer him to any one else, even if he couldn't hear thunder. Bnt before Miss Tatler left she bsd convinced her friend that if they dldnt get lid of him the church would ran right down. Miss Tatler made a dozen calls during tbe day, and at ev ery call she pot in her wedge. In the evening she counted np ber converts. Four persons tmd pledged themselves to try to get rid of tbe pastor before tbe matter became any worse. Three simply listened snd expressed no opin ion. Five stood up defiantly for Mr. Brooks. Miss Tatler was well satis (led with her day's work. She resolved to devote two days each week to drlv lug in the wedge. It soon began to be noised about that there was trouble In tbe First church. "Whofs the matter?" asked one. "It's about the pastor," was tbe reply. "Why, I thought they adored htm." "So did I. Tbey say it's his hearing, tie's getting deaf." "too don't mean it What are tbey going to do about Itr "Why. I bear that there is s party for him and a party against him and a likelihood of a split" Miss Tatler, having Ignited tbe kin dling, as soon as the flame burst forth withdrew from tbe struggle. Ber name was never mentioned as its orig inator. Indeed, she was quoted as "on tbe fence." But when more fuel was needed she supplied It "Borne think," she said to Mrs. Brown, a prominent advocate of tbe pastor, "that Mr. Brooks Is growing deaf. It seems te me that a far greater drawback is his throat Did yon notice how husky his voice was Inst Sunday?" "No. Was itr "Why, I couldn't hear half be said." Then came those to whom It sud denly occurred that ft church couldn't stand still. It moat go forward or retrograde. Tbe First church bud gained nothing In ten years. It must get a man who will bring In persons of Influence hi the community. It needs a larger organ and a quartet choir. Those things cost money. 1 understand there's ft movement on foot to get tins big preacher that's been electrifying the people of N. This big preacher was Miss Tatter's candidate, but his bigness bad been created by tbe lady herself. But ber modesty so it was supposed always led ber to say: "Don't quote me. I have nothing to do with this matter. I yield to the win of the ma jority." Three months after Miss Tatler put In ber wedge the fact that there was dissatisfaction with blm first reached Mr. Brooks' ears. Great was bis as tonishment "It to my duty," he said, "under tbe circumstances, to place my resignation before the congregation for acceptance or rejection." "Don't" sold his supporters; "It will give these malcontents an advantage." "Good," said Mtos Tatler to herself. "It Is not yet time for resignation. We need more on our side tor ft ma jority." The resignation came three months before the anniversary of the Installa tion of the minister and was voted on to the course of a few weeks. It was accepted. When Mr. and Mrs. Brooks celebrat ed their silver wadding there was a dearth of silver presents, but s super fluity of blessings from tbe poor, lad to great numbers and for many years peso tbe recipients of their kind efforts sad sympathy. Fortunately tbelr older children had grown to manhood and womanhood and helped their par ents as their parents had helped others. Wanted Wood sawyer and logging men M good wages. Pay every Saturday. Comfortable quarters. Apply to East Car olina Lumlxrr Co. at Carolina KB SUMMER The entire stock of A. B. SUGAR consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnish ing Goods, Notions, Trunks and Traveling Bags, will be offered to you at prices from 25 to 35 per cent, less than ever offered in New Bern before. We don't ask you to take our word but keep this announcement and come to our store ttf see for yourself. Everything will be put on sale and marked with large price tags. THIS IE WILL BEGIN FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1913, AND WILL LIST IS DIYS ONLY MEN'S HATS 2.50 Straw, sale price 2.00 Straw, sale price 1.50 Straw, sale price 2.50 Wool, alc price 2.00 Wool, sale price 1.50 Wool, sale price 1.00 Wool, sale price. 1.68 .1.28 . .98 1.68 1.28 ".98 . .84 MEN'S CAPS Caps, sale price Caps, sale price . .! 50c. 25c. .38 .19 MEN'S PANTS 4.50 Pants, sale price 3.50 Pants, sale price 3.00 Pants, sale price 2.00 Pants, sale price 1.50 Pants, sale price 1.0Q Pants, sale price 3.28 2.78 2.28 1.48 1.19 . .89 BOYS' PANTS 2.00 Pants, sale price 1.24 1.50 Pants, sale price 1.19 1.00 Pants, sale price .89 .75 Pants, sale price .64 .50 Pants, sale price 39 .25 Pants, sale price .21 MEN'S OVERALL Fine grade Cowhide and Blue Bell, ...89c 50c. Overall, sale price .39 MEN'S SUNDAY SHIRTS 1.50 to 1.25 Shirts, at 89 1.00 Shirts, at 74 .75 Shirts, at 44 .50 Shirts, at 38 MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS .50 Shirts, at.:...;..:.t .38 .25 Shirts, at ". 19 MEN'S UNDERWEAR 50c. Underwear, at 38 25 to 35c. Underwear, at .20 MENS' LOW QUARTERS 4.00 Shoes, sale price 3.28 3.50 Shoes, sale price 2.98 3.00 Shoes, sale price 2.68 2.50 Shoes, sale price 2.19 2.00 Shoes, sale price....'. 1.58 BOYS' LOW QUARTERS 2.00 Shoes, sale price 1.38 1.25 to 150 Shoes, sale price 1.19 500 Different kinds of Notions will be placed on this sale from lc. up, consisting of Combs, Jewel ry. Gilt Safety Pins, etc. We have a fine line of Laces and Embroideries, these are included in this sale, from 2c. a yard up. You have to see these goods to appreciate this gigantic offer. This is the Golden Opportunity of your life if you are in need of anything in our line. Now is your chance. $1.00 will travel the distance of $3.00 elsewhere. We are not going to hold any goods over, or in reserve. Entire line to go. Come in end Ice K acLfcc. Ycu will be srrrrfced to sec Ihc handsome line of goods that are almost given away at this sale. REMEMBER THE OPENING jmjy JJJJJg J, ? jj A. B. Send us SEMI MEN'S SUITS 15.00 Suits, now 11.45 12.00 Suits, now 9.45 10.00 Suits, now 8.45 8 XX) Suits, now L 5.45 5.00 Suits, now 3.25 4.00 Suits, now 2.50 BOYS' SUITS 7.00 Suits, now 4.85 5.00 Suits, now 3.85 3.50 Suits, now ....2.65 2.50 Suits, now .....1.85 2.00 Suits, nowe...:. 1.55 1.50 Suits, now .! 1.19 1.00 Suits, now 89 DRESS GOODS Worsted, Serge and Mohair worth 75c. sale price 39 50c. sale price .23 25c. sale price .19 25c. Poplin, sale price .19 25c. Chiffon, sale price .19 50c. Dress Linen, sale price .29 25c. Dress Linen, sale price 19 15c. Dress Lawn, sale price .11 10c. Dress Lawn, sale price .8 1.2 10c. Dress Gingham, sale price .08 10 to 12 l-2.c Chambray, sale price...8 1-2 12 to 15c. Pircale sale price .8 1-2 7 l-2c. Gingham, sale price .06 6c. Gingham Sale price .05 5c. Gingham, sale price .4 1-2 7 l-2c. Calico, sale price . ......06 6c. Calico, sale price .05 5c. Calico, sale price 4 1t2 15c. Bleaching, sale price .11 10c. Bleaching, sale price .8 1-2 8c. Bleaching, sale price ......07 5c. Homespun, sale price 4 1-2 10c. Homespun, sale price .7 1-2 6c. Homespun, sale price .05 BED TICKING 25c. Ticking, sale price... .19 12 l-2c. Ticking, sale price .09 10c. Ticking, sale price 08 MEN'S HIGH GRADE COLLARS. Arrow Brand, Red Man and Slide-Well Regular 15c, sale price 10c. MEN'S BELTS .50 Belt, sale prices 39 .35 Belts, sale price 21 .25 Belts, sale price , 19 DON'T MISTAKE THE SUGAR LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGNS Your Sbscription to the - WEEKLY JOURAL SALE? MEN'S SOX 25c. Sox, sa'e price 15c. Sox, sale price 10c. Sox, sale price .19 11 71-2 WOMEN'S HOSE 25c. Hose, salep rce 15c. Hose, sa'e price 10c. Hose, sale price 19 U .71-2 MEN'S HANDERCHIEF 12 l-2c. Linen, sale price 7 1-2 10c. Linen, sale price : 06 5c Linen, sale price .04 WOMENS' HANDERCHIEFS 10c. Linen, sale price 07 5c. Linen, sale price. .03 MEN'S SUSPENDERS 50c. Suspenders, sale price .29 25c. Suspenders, sale price 19 20c. Suspenders, sale price 14 15c. Suspenders, sale price .09 10c. Suspenders, sale price 7 1-2 25c. Men's Paris Garters, 19 10c. Men's Paris Garters, .08 LADIES' TOP SKIRTS 6.50 to 7.00 Voil Skirts, sale price....4.38 3.50 Voil Skirts, sale price 2.24 BUREAU SCARFS 75c. Scarf, sale price .42 WINDOW CURTAINS 1.00 Lace Curtains, per pair .78 .50 Lace Curtains, per pair 39 EMBROIDERY 1.25 Sale price 98 .75 Sale price.... .44 .25 Sale price .19 .15 Sale price 11 .10 Sale price 8 1-2 .7 Sale price .05 LADIES' COLLARS 1.00 Lace Collars, .75 Lace Collar .50 Lace Collar . .68 .48 .39 TABLE OIL CLOTH 25c. Oil Cloth, sale price .16 WINDOW SHADES 25c. Window Shades, now 19 9 NAME AND NUMBER mmm LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS 1.50 Black, sale price 1.19 1.25 Black, sale price 98 1.00 Black, sale price 79 .75 Black, sale price .53 .50 Black, sale price. 39 1.25 White, sale price 98 1 00 White sale price 79 1.50 Chemise, sale price 1.19 1.00 Chemise, sale price .79 LADIES 'NIGHT GOWNS 1.25 Night Gowns sale price 98 1.00 Night Gowns, sale price .89 .75 Night Gowns, sale price .58 50. Night Gowns, sale price .39 50c. Corset Cover, sale price .29 JjS LADIES' WAISTS j 2.00 Silk Waist, sale price 1 48 gJj 1 25 Lawn White, sale price .98 RJ3 1.00 Lawn White, sale price 89 pj .75 Lawn White, sale price .48 ggj 50 Lawn White, sale pr'ce .39 G LADIES' SAILORS 50c. Hats, sale price 25c. Hats, sale price .39 .19 LADIES' SHOES AND LOW QUARTERS. 2.50 to 3.00 Shoes, at 1.84 2.00 Shoes, at 1.48 1.50 Shoes at 1.19 1.25 Shoes, at ..... .98 CHILDREN'S LOW QUARTERS. 1.50 Sale price 1.19 1.25 Sale price .98 1.00 Sale price 89 .75 Sale price 54 .50 Sale price 39 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS 1.50 to 2.00 Umbrellas, at 1.14 1.25 Umbrellas, at 98 1.00 Umbrellas, at 89 75. Umbrellas, at .48 TOWELS 25c. Towels, at 15c. Towels, at 10c. Towels, at .19 .09 .07 BED SPREADS 2.00 Spread, sale price 1.75 Spread, sale price 1.50 Spread, Sale price ...... 1.49 1.38 . .98 I 63i Middle Street New Bern, - N. C. $3 83 23 3 nil 123 ran

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