THE SENATORS KOTJLIBHTED President Wilson Denies Alleged Snub At Whits House Reception. CABINET WAS NOT FAVORED Those Invited TojMeet Dr. Mullet Received In Order Of Their Arrival. Washington, June 16. The White House, in an offiicial statement today, exploded the story that the President had slighted the members of the Sen--! ate who attended the reception given Wednesday in honor of Dr. Lauro , Muller, Premier of Brazil. The story stated the the .President had given members of his Cabinet precendece over the members of the Senate and for this the Senate was "up in arms" and ready to discontinue all social intercourse with the Ex ecutive. This supposed anger on the part of Senators was attributed to the fact that Cabinet offices are created by Congress and that Cabinet officials hold thier places through the express consent of the Senate. Therefore, to put a Cabinet official ahead of a Senator at a social function was painted as being an affront. Such pettiness, of course, has no place in the minds of any member of the Senate, but it was made to appear that the White House and the Senate end of the Capitol were about to part comapny. , The White House statement is as follows: I There is no truth in the statement that Senators were snubbed at the White House reception Wednesday night by being placed after Cabinet members. Everybody was received as he came, For instance, Secretary and Mrs. Lane arrived a little late and were near the foot of the line. Senators and Cabinet members were greeted as they arrived. The story printed today is scandal ous' and without any foundation and apparently was circulated only to make trouble. The reception had strict regard for things previously done in the last 25 or 30 years and there was in this absolutely no ques tion of priority or presendence. This was a small reception. The guests were received exactly as they have been at the garden parties, just as they arrived. Of course, in the winter at the large receptions a distinct order of precedence would be followed, but this reception was small and compar atively informal and all the guests did not arrive at once. They were greeted, however, jusV as they happened to arrive and there was no question of who should be first or second or last. The story of a snub is apparently made out of whole cloth, for there was no snub. There are no precedents for small receptions like this one, so there was1 no violation so slight. A number of Senators who had attended the Muller reception laughed at the suggestion that they were piqued. They made it plain that the matter had never occurred to them until it was read in the morning papers. Regardless of the fact that the "slight" is one of no moment, the Pres ident was irritated by the publication and the denial issued at the executive offices was intended to put an end to such gossip. During the Roosevelt administra tion a great fuss was made over a similar matter. Members of the Su- nreme Court insisted that they bad precedence at official functions over Ambassadors replied that they should come first on the theory that they were the personal representatives of their august soverigns and were, there- fore, to be preceded by nobody. The' Supreme Court won, however, sad is at the bead of all lines when official field and Mrs. November were rum and formal ceremonies are being en- maging among keepsakes in the attic acted. A Mr. Toler who lives in No. Two T..nuhin wli before I entire of the Peace S. R. Street yesterday on a warrant charging him with shooting at a residence. Owls to the absence of several important witnesses the case was continued until not Tuesday. GETTING READY FOR NEW POSTAL WRINKLE. Preparations are being made at the local DOstoffice for the installation af the C.O.D. feature of the parcel post on July I. C.i O.D. parcel, will be delivered by both city and rural ZT ... u J2? etrkl The price of eggs remains at twenty , terriers and special suostagsis. The JV ,fc. !?. pU"1- ,wln to ne,ve cents per dosea and in the opinion Jew feature of the arnica h capeeted EJFJSZZTFl ,oc" "iU be only to mike the popular than used. parrel post evca it is and to HEARST TO BOLT AGAIN UNLESS- PRIMARIES BILL MUST PASS, HE SAYS, OR HE WILL LEAVE PARTY. New York, June 16. William Ran dolph Hearst served notice on Tam many Hall in a direct primaries mass meeting in Cooper Union Saturday night that he will bolt the Democratic ticket in the Fall election unless the Legislature which is to convene in special session to-morrow supports the bill which Gov. Sulzcr is urging. The big hall was pacled with en thusiasts for the Governor's measure, who cheered widly over this flat de claration that the blood-trother com pact at the Baltimore convention, which promised to return Hearst to the Murphy fold, now hangs by a thread. The meeting was arranged, as a last calf ' by Gov. Sulzer in his fight against the machine mandate. It started iast with a rush of cheering when Band bridge Colby, who presided, announced its purpose. James J. Fitzgerald and Assemblyman Mark Eisner added fuel tothe flame in rattling speeches. Oscar S. Strauss, the Progressive candidate for Governor, had a reception as clam orous as'any in his own campaign. These speakers paved the way for Mr. Hearst, who spoke before the arrival of the Governor. "I do not intend to discuss direct primaries: I intend to discuss political honesty," he began, while the audience rose in their seats and shouted, "Every body knows that if the people have ability enough to vote, they have abili ty enough to choose the men for whom they shall vote. Everybody knows that they have the right to select candidates for public office. "Everybody knows this, except Rip Van Winkle and the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus and a few fossilized relics of pre -historic political ' age. Such money trust mortgaged attorneys as the Hon. I. O. U. Root know it. These gentlemen do not oppose a direct pri mary because they think it is bad for the country. They oppose it because they think is it bad for themselves. "There is only one way to compel public servants to do their duty: There is only one way to turn them out in case they fail to do their duty, and that way is to adopt and put into operation not merely direct primaries but the whole progressive program. To be able to nominate men who you believe represent the people and not some public service corporation or some corporation-owned boss you must have direct nominations," "I would like to remain a Democrat, and I hope that these efforts of men like Gov. Sulser will enable me to re main a Democrat. But if these efforts fail my course is clear. I am a Demo crat not because I have a Democratic brand on my back, but because I have a Democratic ideal in my brain. I will follow in the future, as in the past, the banner on which are written true Demo cratic principles, no' matter by what partyit is carried." NICOTINE IN OLD PIPE KILLS BABE MOTHER GAVE AN OLD MEER SCHAUM TO BOY WITH FATAL RESULT. South Norwalk, Conn., June 18. A discarded pipe was given as a play thing to a child here and an hour later he was dead of nicotine poisoning. The victim was Harold, two, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thornfield of New York, who, had been spending a few days with Mrs. Thornfield's brother, Harry A. November of No. 16 Grove street, this chy. While Mrs. Thorn old meerschaum pipe was found Little Harold cried for it and the other, having no suspicion of danger, (ve S,K," on the ftoor nd clapping his ods the chUd Imiuted, his father, In- ""'" lnc ,n n' mo"" nd pu inf out 'naaary smoke. Within ten mmu'e he toppled .over in convul sions, wnicn snortiy save way to coma Several physicians were summoaddi' bat they were helpless to stay the ravages of the nicotine. After the baby r died coronor Jehn J. Phalen invest! gated, out- lound no official action ry. JJTV . . m,d ,n ZZ Z T D.' T"" cuiwriy constructed in as much & It "rW"y Mnery. considers We tiefe wsfbe re quired in its construction. BIG CHANGE IN THEJITUAT1 Secretary Of The Treasury An nounces That He Has Cash On. Hand. IS AVAILABLE TO THE BANKS To Be Used In Case Of Alarm During Crop Moving Period New York, June 16. According tol an article in the New York World there has been a remarkable change in the financial situation since Sec retary of the Treasury McAdoo an nounced on Wednesday that he had on hand $500,000,000 of new notes printed under the Aldrich-Vrecland currency act and which were avail able to the banks in the event that any stringency of sufficient proportions to cause alarm should develop during the crop-moving period of the fall. "The national banks have known all along," the World continues, "that this money was available, but did not use the information to fend off the trouble. Had they done so, much of the anxiety that has been felt in business circles during the last three months would not have developed, but the Secretary thought it his duty to have the situation clearly understood. "The result has had an electrical effect on financial confidence. It has, moreover, checked one of the most serious sifafiors that has d -veloped the market for securities since the panic of 1907. "The Secretary had made it entirely unnecessary to have recourse to any emergency measures such as the Aldrich-Vrecland bill provides, and it will not be necessary to call the act into requisition. It was, nevertheless, a master stroke, and the best evidence that it has struck home has been the churl ish resentment with which it has been received in Wall street. The bank figures of yesterday show that it has had the effect of releasing millions of the cash that had been hoarded by many of the leading institutions expectation of the high money rates that the fall stringency would produce. It has opened the avenues of credit to the hard-pressed merchant and manufacturer in a way that is likely to revive commercial cburagc la-a marked' degree. ' ' I ' "One Wall street institution ' alone on Thursday last invested $7,000,000 of its hoarded resources in commercial paper. The cash surplus of the Clear ing House banks during the week ncreased $8,824,100, while thier re serves increased $10,973,000." VISITS FARM LIFE SCHOOL County Superintendent Of Public Instruction Sees Work. S. M. Brinson, superintendent of the public schools of Craven county has returned from a visit to Vancebord where he inspected the work now beiftH done on the Farm Life School. Mr. Brinson says that the foundations of the school building have been laid and that the frame work on the build ing which will be occupied by the prin cipal of the school has been completed. The principal's dwelling will be in readiness for occupancy next month while the school building will be com pleted during the month of August. SEASON OF PICNICS Several Outings Have Taken Place This Week. This has been a week of Sunday school picnics in New Bern. On Tues day the Sunday School of the Pres byterian church spent the day at Glenburnie park and yesterday the Baptist Sunday school picnicked at this park. On both of these there were a large number of the members of the schools snd their friends snd the occasion was thoroughly enjoyed Today the Sunday school of the Christian church will picnic at Glen burnie park, and the Episcopal Sun day school st Ghent Park this afternoon. Tomorrrow the Meth odist Sunday school will go to More head City for the dsy. The train will leave the corner of Hancock and New streets at 8 o'clock sad every member of the Sunday school is requested to be at the church st 7. JO o'clock. s matter of a week or two before they will be selling at thirty cents. The supply at present is barley large enough lo AH the demand. TRYING TO SOLVE PROBLEM FARMS Uncle Sam Putting On A Campaign Por the Organization . Of Farmers TO REDUCE COST OF LIVING This Is Ultimate End of New Ven tureMore Rural Sanita tion to Be Urged. Washington, June 17. The broad est investigation yet undertaken by the Department of Agriculture, de signed ultimately to solve some of the great problems of farm life, is being planned for the Rural Organi zation Service, which has just been established by Secretary Houston. The Secretary and Dr. T. N. Carver of Harvard, who is at the head of the new work, are confident of splendid results. The Rural Organizations Service will work in closest ai-operation with the newly created Division of Markets, which will devote its energies pri marily to problems connected with the marketing of farm products at a profit. In many instances it is not the lack of a market that prevents the farmer from turning over a profit, but inabil ity to utilize the means for reaching the market. Secretary Houston, Dr. Carver and students of farm economics in general long have felt that the weakness of agriculture was disorganization. This disorganization is the natural and often necessary result of the Vast number of farm units, each one a separate business enterprise. Also it is the result of the isolation of farm life and the fact that the farmer has learned to co-operate witfi nature bet ter than with men. "The first great problem," said Dr. Carver, "is intelligent organizaiton There are enormous difficulties in the way of organization. Mere organi zation for organization's sake amounts to nothing. On the other hand, in telligent organization has done won ders in Aftny industries. The citrus fruit industry of the Pacific, coast fur nishes a wonderful example. Unorgan ized, the orange growers of California could not market their crops at a profit. With their present effective organization the difficulties in tnc way of reaching the right market are reduced to a roinumura, u i Wlak .another illustration. I The beet sugar manufacturers arc organized. As a result they pay the farmers who raise sugar beets only enough to keep them at the work. If the farmers were organized and the sugar man ufacturers unorganized the farmers would make the manufacturers pay at least a fair profit. Unorganized they can only accept what the man ufacturer is willing to pay." The Rural Organization Service will be financed by the General Educa tion Board, one of the philanthropies of John D. Rockefeller. While backed by practically unlimited funds, how ever, the work will not be done on an extravagant scale. The General Edr ucation Board So far has appropriated only enU4jJspioncy to make a begin ning and to effect an organization of thoroughly competent men. The Southern Education Board, a branch of the General Board, for several years past has been co-oper ating with the department in its Farmers' Co-operative Demonstration Work in the Southern States" This work has met with phenomenal suc cess and has solved many farm prob lems for the South. Reduce Cost of Living. Effective organization in market ing crops will ultimately bring the farm er, a much larger return for his work and also reduce the cost of living to the consumer by removing the mid dleman wherever practicable. "The farmer is quite capable of taking care of himself if he can be put in possession of the necessary inform ation, says Ur. Carver, "Uenerally speaking, the farmer must do his own organizing, and not depend either upon financial agencies or upon Govern mental agencies for the doing of the actual work. The Government, ho ever, has facilities for collecting, tab ulating and sperading information which neither individual farmers nor groups of farmers possess. . "Inlormation iroM varum? s urccs shows that in many sections of the country the farmer is vary imde qustely served by the oreinary credit agencies. It is, therefore, important that we find out what the credit needs of the farmers of different sections are ThA can only be found out by study of the facts as they are -found in this country. It is also important .that we .know hat has been done in certain sections of this country, aad in cer tain parts of Europe, in the way of meeting) the needs of the farmer Is the third place, we need to kaow where tnc money is coming from to supply these needs, -or to financs such credit Institutions as may be devel oped, . POPULAR I LL WED YESTERDAY MISS DAISY PAULINE RIGGS BECOMES BRIDE OF DON WEAVER BASNIGHT. (Special to the Journal) Mesic, June 18. A wedding of more than usual interest was con- su mated here at 6 o'clock this morn ing when Miss Daisy Pauline, the charming and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Riggs, became the bride of Don Weaver Basnight, son of Postmaster and Mrs. J. S. Basnight of New Bern. The ceremony was performed by Dr. J. C. Caldwell, president of the Atlantic Christian College at Wilson, and the beautiful ring service was used. During the service Shubert's Serenade was rendered b'y'Miss Nina Basnight, sister of the groom, and the usual processional and recessional marches-, were rendered. The bride was most becomingly attired in a going-away suit of blue cloth with hat and gloves to match and carried a shower boquet of white carnations, ferns and sweet peas. Im mediately after the ceremony Mr and Mrs. Basnight motored to New Bern where they boarded the East bound train enroute to Saltair Where they will spend two weeks before re turning to New Bern to make their home. Attesting the popularity and es- rteem in whicfT'tne' couple is held by scores of friends were the many beau tiful and useful presents. Among the out-of-town guests in attendance at the wedding were Mrs. J. G. Rice and daughters of Timmonsville, S. C, Mrs. Herbert Lupton, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Basnight and S. H. Basnight of New Bern, .and Miss Charlotte Muse of Cash Corner. Owing to the fact that the dynamo which furnishes "juice" to the city's arc lamps has been out of commission for several days, these lamps have not been in commision this week. The electricians at the plant hope to have the defect remedied by tonight. MURRAY-WHlTEHURST Craven Girl Weds Delaware Man In Elisabeth City. mC, Murray,,; an estimable young man of Selbyvdle, Deli and Miss Jessie. P.' Whitehurst of R. F. D. 1, New Bern, were married Tues day afternoon in Elizabeth City. Mr. Murray has been living for the last eighteen months witn Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bunting of Olympia. He and Miss Whitchurst fell in love and determined to get married. To avoid the notoriety of being married where they were both known they decided to plight their troth in Eliz abeth City. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Murray of Sel byville, the parents of the groom, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bunting, left for home yesterday morning. At Elisabeth City they were joined by theft son and his bride, who will accompany them to Selby ville to make that place their home. John W, Wooten of Trenton was in the city yestereay. "It is not only necessary that the farmer's income should be increased, but that country life should be made sufficiently attractive to induce the farmer to remain in the country even when he has a large Income. In the past it was generaly true that the more prosperous agriculture was the faster farmers have moved to town. The problem of rural life is not solved, therefore, until farmers choose to re main in the country, even though they arc financially able to Hve in town. Elevate Rural Schools. "This problem is in some respects mree difficult than the purely ecomo- mic problems of marketing and credit. Tl ere must be some effective organi zation of rural interests to support an educational system in our rural schools at least equal t those found in the city schools. There must, be organization for rural sanitation, which will make country hie so much more wholesome than city life that people, will seek the country rather than- the city for these reasons. "Again, the opportunities for an agreeable social life need to be greatly improved in the country, and this will csll for a high degree of co-operation among country people. Ever since Aristotle It has been repeated by each generation that man is a so cial animal, and U It a common ob servation that men seek those condi- andcr which they may associate with thee- fellows, even at c financial sasMtce, rather than isolation. There - fore, the promotion of social and in - telcctual opportunities in the country, through thaanranizatioii of country people, must a large part C h f.rsl organisation senrksj." uuu II. S. ISSUES A BABY BULLETIN Keep Babies Clean To Reduce Death Rate Is The Warning Given By Miss Lathrop. PROGRESS IN LARGE CITIES In New York And Philadelphia There Has Been Great Reduc tion In Death Rate. Washington, June 17. The Chil dren's Bureau of the Department of Labor has prepared a comprehensive bulletin devoted to babies. It is the first general contribution that Miss Julia Lathrop and her assistants have made to the Government's educational publications. It tells all about babies and their troubles why they.-.cry and ge.t, sick, and;, die. And tln it tells: what a relatively simple thing it would be to reduce the great procession of little white coffins if mothers would only use common sense and keep their babies clean. It points out the tremendous strides that have been made in New York and Philadelphia since communities have been making concerted efforts tovwipe out the causes of infant mortality. Here is one of the opening paragraphs: "The efforts of city health officials have resulted in the last ten years in reducing the general death rate in cities below that of the rural districts and villiages. Babes die of diseases which to a large extent, are prevent able, and when welfare work is directed toward saving their lives the response is immediate and decide 1 In certain large cities such as New York and Philadelphia the result of systematic baby saving campaigns has been shown in a reduction of between 30 and 40 per cent, in the deaths of children under two years, in the wards where the work was concentrated," Shortage of Funds The bulletin complains of shortage of funds and it commends the motto of the New York Health Department: "Public health ispurchasabk; within natural limitations a community can determine Its own death rate." Here are some of the principles laid down for raising babies: The baby nursed by its mother has approximately ten times the chances to live that a bottle-fed baby has. Clean milk is fundamentally ;neces- sary. Cities siiouiu not totesate tnc sale of "dipped" or "loose" nilk. The bulletin continues: "The ideal is: Nothing short of clean milk for everybody. But the need for the prompt remedy of bad milk conditions is more urgent in its relations to the welfare of babies than to that of adults, since dirty milk is largely responsible for the oc currence ol diarrrnoea and cnteitis, the most frequent causes of death among infants. The remedy lies in the intelligent and effective inspec tion of farms, the means of trans portation and the shops where milk is sold." The bulletin advocated the estab lishment of municipal milk stations such as arc now maintained in some cities. "The milk station," it says, "is simply a room sufficiently large to ac commodate the patrons and equipped with a large ice box, a desk, some chairs and a table. An ordinary store is suitable for a station and some times a schoolroom may be used for the purpose. The station is usually under charge of a nurse and a physi cian is in attendance at stated hours. Prenatal Care of Mothers. "More attention should be given to the prenatal care of mothers. Mu nicipalities are just beginning to awaken to the importance of this sort of work and to understand that much of the waste of infant life is due to causes that were operative before the baby was born. Some cities have a special maternity nurse, who gives all her time to these cases; other cities direct the general nurses to take charge of them. "The value of training school girls who arc caretakers of little children in the care of babies is regarded as of immense importance, not only in the 1 improved care which is given to the babies in their charge, but in tne in- fluence which it cannot fail to have in the prevention of infant mortality. "The housefly as a death distributer is only recently receiving the attention it deserves. Flics carry infection, not only to exposed milk, but directly to the bayb's mouth or to the nipple of its bottle. Insistence upon screens for the baby's rooms and for the baby's bed is a part of the campanign against Infantile mortality, and the work should go further and include the de struction of files by every known method d the removal of breeding places." 1 , During the next dsy or two the cars UMd by the New Bern (ihent Street K;,ilw.,v Company wW be fitted with 'new brakes. These have arrived end arc now at the car barns. PREPARING FOR. GLORIOUS' FOURTH Ghent Park W1U Be Scene Of Revelry On Night Of National Holiday. PICTURE MACHINE ARRIVES Will Be Installed At Once And Ba In Readiness For Opening Night. In accordance with the plans out lined by the parks in the large cities of the South and North in celebrating the "Glorious Fourth" C. J. McCarthy, manager of the New Bern Ghent Street Railway Company, will do his utmost in making the celebration at Ghent Park on that day, safe and sane . ilj every parf HtSlkr, No' attractions that wlll crill tn'e" blood of tne strong ones and cause dilation of the heart of the weak ones will be offered. In- tcad features that are interesting. amusing and instructive will be seen. The mammoth new casino will be open to the public from 7 a. m. to 12 p.m. and there will be something going on all the time. The moving picture machine which will be used at the park was received yesterday, morning and this will be installed at once. . The machine is a Powers Camerograph No. 6A and is one of the best and costliest machines on the market. In the projection of pictures by the machine there is not the feast flicker. The films which will be used are the best that could be secured. There will be three reels each night and two "features" every week. The first pictures will be shown on next Wed nesday night, June 25, when the City Beautiful Club will have charge of the casino. Manager McCarthy is also endeavor ing to secure a "feature" film for the night of July 4 and as soon as he hears from the film makers the title of this will be announced. There will be no charge for these amusements further than the five cents paid for the ride to the park on the cars and there is not the least doubt but that the park will be crowded each night after its opening. There is one thing that will interest the citizens of New Bern a great deal. This park is intended to be used by ladies and gentlemen and the "loafer" and "bum" will not ba tolerated. There will be nq profaae language used on the grounds aad ladies -and children unattended are assured that they will see or hear nothing which might shock the most discriminating. - THREE M BY CITIZENS OF BAYBORO ARE NOW TAKING PASTEUR TREATMENT. As a result of being bitten by a rabid god, W. H. Sawyer, John Ireland and a Mr. Riggs, citizens of Bayboro, arc now in Raleigh receiving the Pas teur treatment. The animal which caused atl the trouble was owned by Mr. Sawyer. During the latter part of last week the owner noticed that the dog was acting in a strange manner but did not think that there was anything wrong with him. Later in the day the dog bit him and also bit Mr. Ire land and Mr. Riggs. On the following day these gentle men became alarmed and after killing the animal severed its head form the body and sent it to Raleigh to ba examined for hydrophobia. Later a message was received form Raleigh stating that the animal was infected with the disease and advising them to take the treatment. It is thought that the "mad" dog bit several other canines in the towa I before he was killed and these arc being watched with the greatest care ror pebble symptoms of hydrophobia. Reports retched the city yesterday of considerable havoc played In different sections of the county by the storm on the previous afternoon. At the home of O. D. Lewis, near Bellair, the roof was lifted from a barn aad carried a distance of seventy-five feet where it fell on a garage and badly damaged a costly automobile. MAD DOG Malaria oi ChillsiFiWf if ukea then as a tonic the Fctcc wlss cC rstmra. Ii acta en the wear wsamr cams Calomel snd docs act gripe c sseam ma s-aaaaH

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