BMDGETON BREVITIES. Person Is and Other Items of News Gathered by Journal Man. Brutguiun, June 18. Simpson Dca ver and family- of James City spent Sunday with relatives here. Rev. R. E. Pitman filled his regular appointment Sunday at Beech Grove. F. T. Dudley and family and Mrs. W. H. Whitford returned Sunday from a visit at Vanceboro. Misser. Gertrude Hardy and Ruth Jarman at La Grange are visiting the family of Elijah Taylor. O. H. Tingle and family returned Saturday from a visit at Swansboro. Frank llolton and family and Clyd; Irwin and family of New Bern, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. J. N. Tingle left Sunday for a j visif with her mother at Farnham, Va. , . , , Miss Ida Heath of Ernul returned The PlCmC Which Was tOf home Monday after a visit to friends have been held in Have- here lock on Saturday of this Miss Ethel Ipock of New Bern, week has been postponed spent Sunday with relatives. 1 n o . j . i O. J. Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bond V11 tht5 fif8t Saturday in and Miss Mattie Barrington attended ,"Uiy. church at Bcllair Sunday. They made ful sprains and bruises about the shoul ders, but is resting as well as could be expected. Dr. Caton attened him. Mrs. T. W. Holton is quite sick at her home on B street. Dr. Mlock is attending her. The Bridgeton Camp W. O. W. held their memorial exercises Sunday at Cedar Grove cemetery and decorated the graves of A. L. Barnett and For rest Lee, the only deceased sovereigns of the camp. M. Z. Moore of Wilsin spent Mon day night with his niece Mrs. H. C, Lancaster. S. D. Parker, who has been confined to his home several days, left Tuesday for Seven Springs to recuperate. Ray Phillips is visiting relatives in Pamlico county. 11 HI DANCE AT INLET Elizabeth City, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Buckman of Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. George Dewey of Goldsboro, -Miss Mattie Darden of Rocky Mount, G. N. Ennett and T. D. Warren of New Bern. ! BEAl FORT'S FAMOUS RESORT SCENE OF SUCCESSFUL BALL LAST EVENING. MOVES TO FRANCE IF SUF FRAGETTES GET UPPER HAND HERE ' solutely adore President Wilson. It'f really quite alarming." ' As an instance of the strength of the Roman's movement she citc Senator Chamberlain's recent report in favor of votes for women and tht ! fact that he had" been promised the support of his colleagues. 1 Mrs. Taft will leave Thursday for Aix-lex-Bains. the trip in Mr. Rock's handsome tour ing car. Clem Willis was taken to Stewart's I T. . Mrs. Mc. D. Laughinghousc and , santitanum i ucsciay morning to re children, Elsie Ray and Evelyn, left,celve trcat :'cnt for a scverc casc of Saturday for a visit at Vanceboro. tyPho,tl fe Mr- Willis' home is George Lewis was thrown from alon Metcalf Mjrtet and he has been il! motorcycle Sunday and sustained pair- for scvera' days (Special to the Journal)) Beaufort, June 18. One of the larg est and most brilliant dances of the seison was held tonight in the spacious ball room at the Inlet Inn. The ball room had been attractively derorated for the ccasion with bunt ings and flags festooned with Japanese lanterns and potted plants and the scene was a vcrtiable fairyland. Worths' o chestra of New Bern which has been engaged for the season,-furnishcd the music and until the wee 'sma hours ' the dancers held the floor. i Among the guests participating in the dance were: Mr. and Mrs. A. D. O'brien of New York, Misses Mattie and Irene Duncan, and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duncan of Raleigh, Mrs. Numa Eure and Mrs. Stephens of Arkansas, Mrs. W. J. Shull, Mr. and Mrs. Dear born of Seattle, Mrs. J. B. Skinner of Paris, June 18. Mrs. W. H. Taft, who is traveling with 24 trunks and 4 grips, was interviewed at Liberie Hotel on her arrival in Pari. She said she would become a naturalized Frenchwoman if ever the suffragettes got the upper hand in America. On learning that there are also many suffragettes in France, she declared: "I can't believe France has fallen so low as that. How she must have lost prestige in the eyes of the other nations." Asked for her opinion of current politics, Mrs. Taft said: "I don't want to talk politics. I don't understand anything about them. All I know is that our new president Mr. Wilson, is rather too much of an innovator and owes his triumphs to the caprice of the Amercian people and the suffragettes. There is no woman in America who doesn't ab- The meat trust makes the lover of I nork r-hnns hrislle with indignation. NOTICE I ids For bitching. Bids will b? received up to 12 o'clock of next Commissioner's Day, July 7th 1913, by the County Auditor, for cut ting the following ditches: One ditch on the North 41 l thi Fowler Road, about 1 mile long. Two ditches, one on each side of the Morchead Road from the North edge of the Newport Pocosin to the Carteret county line. Profiles and Specification swith the County Auditor, or may be seen in the Highway Engineer's office after June 20th. H. M. GROVES, Auditor Craven County R. E. SNOWDEN, Highway Engineer, Craven County. Fresh Air! -nfors y The dab n 't neglect the baby's health by keeping it cooped up at home he w c e wonderfully if you will give him a daily outing in the bright sus bin e a id wVat you save in medicine and doctor's bills will more than pay or on- j n me - GREAT GLEAN SWEEP SALE WE ARE GOING TO CLEAN OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ! FTC I I IJ I U I 1 1 L I U l regardless of cost for prices have never been so low. nRY am. n hie m i skirts mm ww wwwi w h. w I I I I I w I UIIULUI I I Ui UMI tin I 1 1 1 1 I I II I 1 1 1 I ! II Sale Starts FRIDAY JURE Prices quoted below are good for twenty days only. MEN'S SUITS $15.00 and $16.00 Men's suits now $8.65 10.00 and 12.00 Men's Suits now 6.85 8.50 and 9.50 Men's Suits now 3.79 BOY'S SUITS, ALL SIZES $10.00 Boys' Suits now , $6.35 5.00 Boys' Suits how 2.93 3.50 Boys' Suits, now ., ?2 1.76 2.50 and $2.00 Boys Suits now 1.37 MEN'S PANTS $5.00 and $6.00 Mens' Pants now $2.90 $3.50 and $4.50 Men's Pants now 2.10 3.00 Men's Pants now 1.65 2.00 Men's Pants now 1.35 1.50 Men's Pants now .-. .93 .25 Men's and Ladies 'Silk Hose now .... .19 .10 and .15 Hose now 08 BOYS' KNEE PANTS $1.50 Boys' Knee Pants now .75 Boys' Knee Pants now .25 Boys' Knee Pants now .87 .43 .21 LADIES' WOOL SKIRTS Ladies' Wool Skirts now Ladies' Wool Skirts now 4.00 Ladies' Wool Skirts now 3.00 Ladies' Wool Skirts now $6.00 5.00 $3.65. . 3.15 . 2.65 1.80 .50 and 75c. Men's Top Shirts now 37 MEN'S UNDERWEAR. .50 Men's Suit of Underwear now. $1.00 Men's Suit of Underwear now. .37 .72 .25 and .50 Corset Covers now.: 19 .24 and .50 Men's Silk Ties now 19 MEN'S LADIES AND CHILDRENS' SHOES AND OXFORDS. $4.50 Men's Shoes and Oxfords now $3.13 4.00 Men's Shoes and Oxfords now 2.65 3.50 Men's Shoes and Oxfords now 1.63 3.00 Men's Shoes and Oxfords now 1.65 3.00 Men's Shoes and Oxfords now 1.65 2.00 Men's Shoes and Oxfords now 1.19 3.50 Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords now 1.90 2.50 Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords now 1.65 2.00 Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords now 1.35 1.50 Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords now 88 2.00 Misses' Shoes and Oxfords now 1.35 1.50 Misses' Shoes and Oxfords now 1.05 1.25 Misses' Shoes and Oxfords now 89 .50 and .75 Children's Shoes and Ox fords now 43 .25 nad .50 Men's Silk Ties now 19 Extra low prices on all Laces, Embroideries and ribbons. Come and see for yourself. Come in and save yourself some money on anything needed in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Hose, Ladies' Waists, Skirts, Notions, Suit Cases, Trunks and anything in Dry Goods you call for. You can save from 20 to 50 per cent, on these goods. Come early for some lines are very limited and you must get here early if you don't want to be disappointed. ELLIS & BROTHER 72 Middle Street, next to Busy Bee Cafe hese dainty go carts or carriages. We have just received an assorted sliipi of Reed body carriages, made of selected German reed, with hair filled i'ons. Every carriage is made with the best steel gears and cushion frub Lhe most substantial made. We have t 'icm ranging in prices .n $35,00. We give Pony Contest Coupons with every cash purcease or payment on accounts. J.S.Miller Furniture Co 99-101 MIDDLE STREET, PHONE 22 When in Maret For Horses, Mules, Buggies Wagons and Harness see C. L. SPENCER DEALER IN ay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hominy AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. SEED A AND ED RYE. URICK FOR SALE Mail Orders Given Careful Attention. Lower Middle Street, New Bern, N. C. POLLOCKSVILLE, N. C. ?ine Kentucky Horses and Mules on hand at all times TERMS REASONABLE. SEE ME. i M MEAL FOR CORN, FEED, HAY. ill See I i HE A BOW: New Bern, N. C. FOR THE BEST 3R. A.CES ! :zif Grounds New E?rn JULY 4th, 1913 Horse Races, Motorcycle Races, and Firemen s Tournament Admission 50c. GRAND STAND FREE Jones County Farm For Sale TI12 John W. Wooten farm 16 miles West of New Bern on the Trenton Road, containing 1300 acres with 403 acres clearc V Three million feet of pine and hard -wood timber. Two ctofy dwelling and six tenant houses. Good neighborhood and hcaUliy locpHtfi Price only $16,000 with terms to suit purchaser. Write or apply to JOE A. PARKER, Insurance and Real Estate, GOLDSBORO, N. C.

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