No 124 NEW BERN. N. CM TUESDAY, IUNE 24, ItlS-FlRST SECi iO , SOMETHING lie THE SYSTEM QMlry Into New Haven Wreck dicates Carelessness In Engineer's Assignments. TAKING EXPERT TEST IMONY General Manager Declaims He 'Will Exert Himself To J ave Changes Made. Bridgeport, June 19. Officials of the New .York, New Haven and Hert ford railroad heard one of theft expert witnesses testify at the joint session of the interstate commerce com mis sion, and the public utilities cpmmis sion, that Charles J. Doherty should never have been permitted to ruu engine 1338, which crashed into the train ahead of it in. the Stamford yards, last Thursday and killed six passengrs. Then right on top of that these officials heard their own witness de clare that in his opinion, no railroad management could justify itself for trusting an engine to a man of Do herty's experience. m If the hearings before Coroner Phc lan and the tests and investigations under the supervision of the inter state commerce commission, and the public utilities commission, have de veloped anything, it is the impression that something is radically wrong with the system of assigning engineers that has been forced on the New Haven railroad. This is realized by ' the railroad officials, aud Gene ;1 Manager Bardo declared after the hearing that he would exert him self to the utmost to have the present system changed. Mr. Bardo took a hand in the ques tioning of a witness today. After Pa trick J. Langan, brake, inspector for the Lackawanna railroad, had sub mitted statistics of the test runs made yesterday, Mr. Bardo asked: "What is your opinion of the kind of air brake used on the type of en gine driven by Doherty.?" "It is the best locomotive air b.ake to be had." Several railroad employes were ex re ex- ffftrfcsl ammwJ as tO" train shei'ls', flTW and speed of Doherty!s train.,- Doh erty was called upon again to relate the story that broke him down when he was testifying last Friday before Coroner Phelah. His story did not vary from that which he has already told. Engineer John. Harmon, who was suspended for running by a signal, on Monday, with, engine 1338, testi fied that,, the brakes were all right. He saiW ran by because the sig nals were twisted. He said he could stop an eight cati'traih going sixty miles an hour, withfn fifteen hunderd feet without using the emergency brake. SHERIFF STEPHENS COMPLAINS Editor Journal: In your daily issue of the 10th and weekly issue of the 1 3th, hurt, in the article headed 'Pamlico sheriff nabbed booze" you make many misstatements and in quoting me malce miiny errors. I did not tell your reporter in the alleged interview that the railroad agent opened the car, or gave me the names of the consignees, in fact 1 never asked the agent the nanus of the consignees, I did not tell your re I orterthat 1 learned from the agent that a boat would arrive from Moreliead City about 9 o'clock at night tu trans fer the shipment, in fact the agent never told me anything about the boat coming from Moreliead City for the shipment. 1 did not tell your reporter that T believed the Agent tipped the cap tain of the boat off "that there was trouble brewing." I regret very much that your re porter could not quote me coneUlv, but upon the contrary write mis statements without foundation. . I trust that you wlH give this cor rection the same publicity that you did the article above mentioned Yours respectfully, A. H. STEPHENS, Oriental, N.C., June 19 Sheriff. The Journal cheerfully gives 'sheriff Stephens space for the foregone,-, but in justice to the reporter is compelled to add somewhat to the Sheriff's state ment. The article complained of docs not. say that Sheriff Stephens told the reporter that the agent opened the car. It does say that the agent gave Mr. Stephen, the names of the, consignees and since the sheriff says that the agent .did not do this, the mistake of the reporter will have to be admitted. The article also says as the' Sheriff claims that he learned front the agent ' that a boat would arrive from Morehead City, but in asmuch as the officer learned this from another source the partial inaccu racy wo ,11 bardie seem to iustify the seven language used by Mr Stephen as be nust k low that in the Inigs sheriff that the agent tipped off tin WITH WILL BE WELL VENTILATED Strictly Modern System To Be Installed In New Theatre. The Star Theatre, which is torte opened here soon, will have a modern ventilating system and man, other conveniences for the benefitof its patrons. A recent issue' of Ke Wash ington News says: "Captain David Hill has received the contract for installing the venti lating system in the new Star.Theatre in New -Bern, one of the Ufest theatres of its kind in the State. 1 I "Mr. Hill has invented an almost perfect and ideal vent dating ' system ana nus nau ic instauea HUfseverai oi the theatres; En this Thd Lyric of Jjhis, city has it d it The has provem highly sati system in 'fhe new larger and tnorc - ela 'plan than hat. nave arty of the (other syst been installed. 'The air! is pumped inH) the theatre by a motor, which offpaUes ' large fans, located on the ouqildje 'of the building. It is, practically noiseless and furnishes a cdol and ' refreshing breeze." Washington News. WHISKEY IS SENT TO FORTY-THREE BARRELS TAKEN AWAY FROM NEW BERN YESTERDAY. United States Marshal ( Taudis Dock ery of Raleigh arrived it i New Bern yesterday morning Iron i Morehead City where he had been on a short visit, and a short time later turned over to a representative of F. West heuner Snus Company, liquor dealers of Cincinnati, O., forty three barrels of whiskey which was confiscated by the government a few months ago at ithis point and which was being held in the Fetleral building. As soon as the whiskey was released from custody several wagons were secured and it was hauler! to the Nor folk Southern freight warehouse and shipped back Jo. thgjgiai which sent ft i Huh city, F. Westlieimer Sons Company,, have given bonid for the value of the whiskey and the case against them in which they are charged with shipping whiskey to North Carolina to be used for illegal purposes will be tried at thenext term of Fed eral Court at Raleigh. EVER, ON F At Least That Is The Way Sec retary Williams Dopes It Out For Coming Event. GREAT SPREAD IN GLENBURNIE Cool Breezes Pleasant, Shade, Rippling Water and Other Things Promised. (By J. Leon Williams) The largest picnic ever held in this section of the State will take place at (detiburnie park on July 4th. The boats will lii-gin running to the park at 9 o'ekok in the morning and hun died of families will take their picnic baskets with them, eat their dinners under the delightful shade trees and after dinner take in the great 4th of July celebration at the Fair grounds Everybody is invited to picnic at Gtoaburnie on July 4th, and they will find not only the cool breezes, the pleasant shade, the rippling water but a spring of cool water as clear as crystal. Thousands of people from the country will drive, hitch their horses under the shade trie and have a general old fashioned picnic. - Don't wait until -after dinner to start ti the Fair grounds. - Avoid the rush 'by taking your dinner with you and starting Nearly. Indications now point to the greatest crowd of people that has ever been to New Bern in one day, The people in this section are just hungry to see thc Um) o( program that has been Panned for them for July 4th. Don't orget tnat me program will start promptly at 2 o'clock, that admission to the Fari grounds will be 50c, child ren under twelve years of age 25c and that a scat in the grand stand will be absolutely free captain." Still it w to know if the sherifj than as staled., Th be added, was wrltl .ild be interesting believes otherwise article, it should it largely but not nformation turn- seofton. iff. ilko nil mewtt it ... a HVtpry. su win bottc BACK SHIPPERS LARGEST PICNIC OURTH WT SELL DtAD '5 ORGANS i Unusual Controversy Arises In Baltimore Over Vital Patrs Of I, O. Painter. HE AVILY INSURED Hia Night And Body From Baltimore, Md., June J9. An in- MAN WAS WE Grave Day To Prevaiai bel onlrflunction was issued by Judge Duffy in me eiituu voun nere rcsu ainiug Charles Glazera Baltimore chemist, from disposing of the internal .organs of Edward 0. Painter, a wealthy business man of Jacksonville, Ha. According to a coroneA verdict, Panlt er was drowned by facing from a ferry boat near Jacksonville last month. Circumstances sw'ounding Painter's dcatjb 4ndulcd the Jacksonville coroner to Send ac dead man's Vital organs (here for chemical analysis. Glazer and Dr. Standish McCleary math; thej analysis and submitted reports ttratl no trace of poisoning could be found.' Application for the injunction was made by the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company of this city, which in April issued an accident policy containing a suicide clause in Painter's favor. The applicants say an autopsy was refused and dim they want an independent examina tion of the organs. They have been advised that Painter's family has made a demand for the organs. The complaint alleges that Painter within three months prior to his death obtained insurance policies ex ceeding $1,000,000. , It al e, alleges that the aggregating premiums on the policies issued to Painter excel led $60,000 a year and that so far as has been ascertained his income did not exceed $25,000. Jacksonville, Fla., Jine 19. Accord ing to information obtained here to- diy the grave of E. O. Painter, late fertilizer manufacturer, in Evergreen cemetery here, is being guarded day and night by deputy sheriffs to pre vent the body being stolen by gnouls This action is declared to have followed information given the Painter family to the effect that six men had come to the city with the intention of tunnel ing into the grave and carrying away the body. Five deputies are said to be guard ing the grave at night and three in the day time, Mrs. Painter also is said to be spending rnsch of 1icr time during the day beside- the grave. HOWLAND QUITS OUTLO )K He Has Purchased A Large Intel est In The Independent. New York, June 19. William B Howland has resigned as vice -presit ent and publisher of The Outlook after 23 years' service. He has purchased a large interest in The Independent, with which he will be allied in the future in an executive capacity. Mr. Howland's two sons, K. V. S Howland and Harold J. Howl; nd, resigned last week from the Outk ok. Considerable mystery surrounded the sudden exodus of the Howland clan from the Outlook, leaving Roosevelt and the Abbotts in editorial control It was denied that Colonel Roosevelt had crowded the other Howlands out. The resignations, it was said, was due to a fundamental difference of opinion regarding the publishing policy of The Outlook Company. Mr. Howland gave out a typewritten statement in which he said he has taken this step with the purpose of developing certain publishing plans which he has had, in mind, principally The Independent. Considerable speculation was rife today as to whtehcr Colonel Roose velt would ultimately follow the Ho lands into the Independent camp Mr. Howland is a strong progressive and carried a spear for the Colonel in, the battle of "Armageddon" last fall. f MINERAL SPRING AT ASKIN W. D. Ipock, who lives one half mile from Askin, has located a spring on his farm which , if it turn out to be all that it is claimed, may lead to the opening of a health resort at that place. Mr. Ipock ha had the water analyzed by a chemist and In his re port he stats that it Is very highly mineralized and contains many mcdi cinal proerties. The owner is now pre paring to advertise the water and to place it before the public. When put to the test, some virtues re found to be thinly veneered. t RUB-MY-TISM wui ww four Bkmmmuamm Nmalria, Hudachci, efanjp, Colic, Sprain, Bruises Cult and Burne, Old Sorei, Stingg of Intact! Btc. rfa biffin A . ttd to- teruaily nod estamattf. Erie Ho, TO MAKE EFFORT FOR STATE Maryland Anti-Saloon League Iff Wjll to m Ask For Amendment .. Constitution. OFFER ALTERNATIVE PLAN ' ' ' m First Preference Of The; League Is For A Bill Providing For Local Option. Baltimore June 24. The State board of the Anti-Saloon League in- instructed the superintendent, William H. Henderson, yesterday to have in troduced in the next Legislature an amendment to the State Constitu tion providing for State-wide prohi bition. The plan is to have it introduced in connection with the Local Option bill so that in the language of the resolution adopted by the board the Legislature may take its choice." Should the Local Option bill be de feated the league's efforts will be di rected toward the adoption of the mendment and it is intended that a two years' start and a record on the question be secured for the fight of 1916. Superintendent Anderson was also instructed to ask legislative candi dates next fall whether they will act for such organization and procedure in the Legislature as will insure action on the Local Option bill during the first half of the session. Mr. Anderson was ordered not to agree to any amendments to the bill after the beginning of the session. This applies especially to the ward features of the bill, as it affects Balti more city, unless the Legislature sjrst passes a separate measure identical with the State-wide bill, but applying to residence districts as defined in recent Illinois legislation. The State board indorsed the course of the national league ui declaring for a prohibition amendment to the Federal Constitution. Superintendent Anderson was instructed 'to ask can didates for the United States Senate nd the House of Representatives whether they will vote to submit such an amendment to the Lcgis- atures of the States. The following officers were elected: President Rev. Dr. J. Fred Heisse. Vice-Presidents Rev. Dr. Henry Branch, Jonathan K. Taylor and Mrs. T. Miller. Treasurer-Henry S. Dulaney. Secretary William H. Anderson!.' Headquarters Committee Dr. Heisse Mr. Dulaney, Mr. Taylor, Daniel Baker, Charles W. Dorsey and William F. Cochran. Dr. Heisse, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Cuii'.ran were elected members of the national board of trustees. They also sei ve as ex-omcio memoers oi tne natio lal convention to be held at Col lumbis, Ohio, in November. The following additional delegates also were elected: Revs. D. L. Blakcmore, Hen-y Branch, G. W. Haddaway, B. F. Uivries, W. E. Daugherty and E L. at son and Messrs. B. H. Miller, onathan K. Taylor, H. S. Dulaney, Daniel Baker, Charles W. Dorsey and Mrs. Sarah T. Miller. Mr. Dulaney, treasurer of the league, submitted his report for the year nding January 31, 1913. The report howed total receipts of $33,588.34 and total disbursements of $33,509.13. COULD HE STICK TO A CHERRY? NEW YORK JUDGE HAS CASE THAT IS SOMETHING OF A PUZZLER New York, June 21. "Would a microbe be able to find a foothold on the smooth skin of a cherry that was exposed to the dust-laden air of the street?" was the query Magistrate M3 Adoo, in the Essex Market Police courtmade to Assistant District At torney Lockhart yesterday. This was when Jacob Mococwitz, of 200 East Houston street, a . pedlar, was ar raigoed on a charge of exposing fruit for sale. "A cherry's skin is, as smooth as an apple's, and yet apples are not kept covered," said the magistrate. "Now I can understand the danger of catching microbes in strawberries. But the periphery of a cherry is as smooth as ice and a microbe would slide off instantly." "This is a test case, said Alderman , I vttt wkA anntartu for Mourn- wits. "I would like to have an expert opinion,"' said the. magistrate, "so I will suspend judgment and delegate the aldermen to consult with the board of health." ill d ON PROGRAM There Will Be No "Tame" Events At Fair Grounds On Fourth July. MANY VISITORS WILL ATTEND Will Be- An Event Which Appeal To Nearly Will Evcrycnc. (By J. Leon Williams) The American public craves some thing exciting, that i the rcsaon that one hundred thousand people recently witnessed the automobile races at Indianapolis. That is the reason that forty thousand people witnessed the one championship game of base ball last fall. This is the age when the public wants to witness events that stir the blood, events where there: is fierce rivalry. Realizing that the above is true, the management of the Eastern Carolina Fair have mapped out a program of real "thrillers" for July 4th. There will be nothing tame about this program. You will have no op portunity to think 'about your worldly cares nor will you be able to talk about your crops, you will be too busy keeping your eyes on the exciting events toat will take place beforeyou. Will the people be here? You can just bet that they will for every news paper in Eastern North Carolina has had long articles on their front pages about-nthis great event for the last two wfctSV Everybody is' talking about It. There will be more people here on July 4th. than have been here in one day since the big day of the la. t fair. Just think what the public is Let ting .(orotic the small sum, of 50c. It capt that much money to get into the "peanut gallery" in the average theatre, yet, for 50c you can see two horse races, two motorcycle races, a bicycle, race and a firemen's tourn ament and you will be given a free scat in the grandstand with beau tiful ladies to serve you refreshments. '"Thh'fs au -evatt--that TrpTTeatsIo everyone. At the Fair grounds on July Hth you will see "Tom, Dick and Harry," also "Claud and Reg inald." The railroads are offering special rates and everybody will take advan tage of them. Off" IS POLICY Of o; 5. ADMINISTRATION CAN'T OFFER ANY COMFORT TO AMER ICANS IN MEXICO. Washington, June 21. It is learned that the attitude of the American Government toward Gen. Victorano Huerta, President of Mexico, is this: The adminstration will extend rec ognition to every constituted govern ment, but it will not recognire any gov ernment except as de facto which is not regarded as consitutional. Gen. Huerta is not regarded as the constitutional President of Mexico, but only as the temporary nead of the Mexican nation, who is holding office through the medium of might, assas sinatton and intrigue. Therefore no recognition of Mexico will be extended by President Wilson until there has been a consitutional election held and the victor in that election is legally installed in olficc. This became known after a visit to the White House of Senator Bacon, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Senator Bacon slid, when asked regarding recognition of Mexico and the plight of some Americans In that country! "President Huerta is n'Jf the consti tutional President oi Meuco, and the Unite I States will not recognize him. Because the Administration is unwill ing to recognize Huerta; and equally as unwilling to intervene, it cannot Tvgu- late the troubles of tie Americans 'tare. Americans should lave Mexico a id stay out of there until peace and - order is restored. President Wilson said today that jt ic Administration had not planned to extend recognition to Mexico in Octo- ber. He said that recognition would come only after peace had been re stored. Previously the President ha stated that regularly constituted clvp, tlons and the installation of the victor would bring about recognition. Until then the United States will maintain its "hands off'V policy. Miss Alfreda 'Sultan, who has been at the Memorial Hospital In Richmond for some time taking the course for trained nuraes, !r in the city for a visit with her parents, Mr. aud Airs. M. H. Sultan. INCREASES CAPITAL STOCK Stockholders Of Peoples Bank Take Progressive Steps At a meeting of the stockholders of the People's Bank last Tuesday night they decided to Increase the cap ital stock from $50,000 to $100,000 and this stock has been issued. The majority of it has been placed with the present stockholders of the bank but a portion of it will be distributed among new investors. The Peoples Bank is not the young est bank- in the city, that distinction being claimed by the Citizens Sav ings Bank and Trust Company, but since its establishment five years ago it has made a creditable record and is now one of the strongest institutions of its kind in Eastern, North Carolina. At an early date the bank will be moved into the new building which is in course of construction on Middle street J. W. Stewart is making an improve ment at his lot corner, of Pollock and Craven streets by having a concrete driveway laid from, his garage to the street. SEIZING LIQUOR BEFORE DELIVERY New Laws On Subject Provide For That Very Thing, Says Su perintendent Davis. URGES ACTIVITY OF OFFICERS Says They Should Be Required By People To Keep Watch For Suspicious Shipments. Raleigh, N. C, June 20 Rev. R. L. Davis, superintendent of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League, has had several inquiries recently' asking for information touching the Webb law and the North Carolina Search and Seizure act. In response to these in oniric he lias prepared and sent out to the press the following: 'We have had several inquiries of late to know if, since the passage of the Webb law, the officers of the State avqtfac right to seize liquor while it still in the hands of the public carrier. I'nor to the passage ot tne Webb act, the Wilson act, as inter preted by the! Supreme Court of the United States,; protected liquor shipped from one State into another until it was delivered to the consignee. "The prime purpose of the Webb act was to remedy this feature of the Wilson act and to allow the officers of the State, county or town, oper- ting under the Search and Seizuer law, to seize this liquor while still in the hands of the public carrier, thus giving the officer the chance to seize the liquor before the blind tiger gets it. "Therefore, Sheriff Stephens of Pam lico county was acting entirely within is jurisdiction when he swore out a search warrant and took possession of 35 barrels of beer and thirty cases of liquor consigned to parties living in Carteret county while it was still in the hands of the Norfolk Southern Railway, and Sheriff McKenzie of Ruwan county was also acting under the Webb law when he secured a war rant and searched the Southern tx- presj office at Spencer and took pos session of 15 gallons of liquor con- igned to one firm. "The Webb law provides for this very thing and the people in every community ought to require of their officers that they keep aseye on ex press olhces and Ireigtit depots and whenever suspicious shipments come that they be seized by the officer eforc the blind tigers get them. By this method we can stop the fellows from getting liquor to sell. The Search and Seizure law further provides that a 'Booze Book', showing all receipts of liquor, be kept by all agents ol public carriers and that this book must be open for inspection of officers and citizefts any time during business hours of the company. Now the people have a right to expect that the officers, who arc sworn to unearth crime and execute law, will examine these Ixxiks at regular inter vals and tin.- keep tab on the Hiuor coming to any given community so that they may find out who are getting it in larg quantities for' the purpose of , selling it. If the people of any wilt tliiu i .nwwwit ii ,11 . ,,. . K " f-1- . .w.. oH. if ttwir arand juries will require agents representing the public, carriers in their community to appear before thciu to give evidence, very toon convicting evidence will be unearthed aguinst muny blind tigers and the courts, under the provisions laid down in the Search and Seizure law, will be easily able to convict "We are daily receiving calls (or copies, of the Search and Seizure la and Webb law and the ( KEEPING IN CAROLINA COAST Investigations For Child Labor Committee Alto Have An Eye On Maryland and Georgia. LIVING CONDITIONS VERY BAD Child Laborers Who Can Little More Than Walk Are Herded From Factory to Factory Baltimore, June 2o. The National Child Labor Committee, which has its headquarters in New York and the members of which includes Card inal Gibbons, Judge Ben B. Lindsey, Jane Addams, Prof, Charles. W. Elliot and others, is keeping watch on the coast regions of Maryland, the Car olinas and Georgia and on the Gulf j Coast. In the last year Harry M. Bremer, the ' secretary; special writers and inves tigators for the committee have vis ited and investigated the living con ditions of workers in the oyster and shrimp canning sections of Maryland and Delaware. Their report is that living conditions are execrable; that in many cases half a dozen families are crowded into one squalid, unsan itary hovel, and that children who can little more than walk are herded from factory to factory with the seasons to slave at from 15 to 25 cents a day until fatigue has numbed their sense Mostly foreigners they are, aecodr- ing to Mr. Bremer, Bohemians and Poles who can be imposed upon becasue of their lack of knowledge of American opportunities. For the children It is never school or vacation, but instead they are shipped from Maryland to the Carolinas, then to Georgia then to the Gulf, going South to labor 'during the cold months and bade to Delaware and Maryland, during the hot months. , . "When the berry-picking season rives," Mr. Brenter said yesterday, 'the bosses crowd smelly day coaches and boats with these children and their illiterate parents and ship them to the berry fields of Anne,Arundel and ofhr MarylanTJ 1 PWntRf and ol Del aware. Then follows the canning season, after which they are again herded South to pack shrimp and other products, while the children here are at school. ' Along this line Lewis W. Hine, writing for the committee's official report of investigations during 1912 anal mi. - i..r U i says oi tne conumoiis sunn the same workers when they seech South Carolina: 'One row of dilapidated shacks that I found in South Carolina housed 50 workers in single-room homes And the shacks were on an old shell pile, a few feet from the tidal marsh. odors, mosquitoes and sand flies mak ing life intolerable, especially in hot weather."" His article is beaded "Baltimore to Biloxi and Back." Reprtoing a field investigation from lanuary to March in Louisiana, Ed ward F. Brown, another of the com mittee's investigators, says: "On February 17, 1913, I visited the plant at Dunbar, La., and spoke to John Peterson, 12 years old, who lives at 705 Bond street, Baltimore. He said he has been here four months. Works at shucking oyster. Start at 4 o'clock in the morning and quit when the oysters are all finished, which is sometimes 4 or 5 o'clock In the even ing. His aunt and younger brother earned 90 cents yesterday. All work ing about 9 1-2 hours. His parent live in Baltimore. "Jesse Augustaino, a cousin of John Peterson, living at 70$ Bond . . -mm a a street, Baltimore, is n years ow. Second yesr he has been comlmr. W Dunbar. Started work a ejH a1 3 o'clock in the morning. AJpon't like to work, but I mutt," be' said. "My mother makes me." "A few ot the children could under stand or speak English. They are mostly Polish and Bohemians from Baltimore." FRIEDMANN PATIENT ASSAILS SECRECY. Pittsburgh, June 19. Attorney David S. M,cCann, Dr. Fried mean's first American patient, is expected In, in Rurone this week. He believes he is cared, bat criticise Dr. Flifgf mann for keeping secret hi tubercu loti discovery while humanity suffers. McCann, in a letter from Sorrento, , ,a J " " ,,, .1 . UJ.J. "on x ociieve ui. rn.R. a tithe of the scientific and medical knowledge that hundred of other phyikiao of today possess. nd when this remedy is known to Use pro fession at Urge, and they have es$nt. Imented with it, then we will have a remedy that will not only care hat will cert quickly and in no uncertain way. " ' mint, Cfl 1 lie i lost' tru'tln uivl th.1 lilt? K'l'H