WEEKLY JOUBHAL ESTABLISHED 1878. Ptibtiajjad In Two Sections, even Tuesday and Friday at No. 45 Pollock Street. a.. J. LAND PB1N I ING COMPANY PBOFKIETOltS. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Maaths 5 TatMonth.. .20 .25 Six Months... .50 1.00 Twelve Months.. Only In advance. Advertising rate furnished upon application at the office, or upon in quiry by mail. - Entered at the Postoffice, New Bern, i. C. as second-class matter. An Atlantic City court rules that "liar" is not a "cuss" word. However, it generally proves in practice to be a "hit" word. Senator Martine of New Jersey all but fought a mine operator in the West Virginia investigation the other day. But he had just returned from a visit to the homes of the miners and he was excusable for being a little impatient After what has transpired in Wash ington in the last week or so nobody will feel disposed to take issue with President Wilson when he expresses an opinion as to the size or as to the insidiousness of the lobby at the na tional capital. A good part of the activity of Con gress is in the form of conducting investigations, but there is the com forting reflection that the investigations usually bring out facts that the people ought to know. A lot of the voting in this country has been done with the vcters in the dark. a. Fourteen American soldiers were killed in recent fighting in the Philip pines. Occurrences like this give point to the demand of the national Demo cratic platform that this country get the Philippines olT its hands as soon as possible. American blood is too valuable to be spilled indiscriminately in forcing a form of government on the Filipinos that they don't want 1 his country has had the wrong sort of a history to feel at home in th business of imperialism. CITIES AND FREIIIGT RATES Some astounding facts are being brought out by the Raleigh New and Observer showing discrimination in ireignt rates, ror instance yestcr day it showed that the freight on a car load of automobiles from Richmond to Raleigh is the same as it is from De troit to Richmond although the dis tance from Richmond to Raleigh only about one-fifth as great as that from Detroit to Richmond. This an many other glaring inconsistencies show that the railroads have in their power the making and the unmaking of cities. A city with a low freight rate can of course ourgrow a city with nign rate, .ortn Larloina aties are small, comparatively, and the main reason is that they have always bee under a handicap of a discriminatoi freight rate. Mrs. Pankhurst has serious heart trouble, says a headline. We had been thinking it was head trouble A Richmond pastor who kissed one of his female parishioners has bee inordinately "fired'' out of his plac Dy the official board of his church He put up a lengthy plea in cxtenua tion of the act but failed to convince the church authorities that he had not ended his usefulness to the church The minister of the gospel above all others should walk circumspectly When he errs the cause of righteou is given a serious setback. Whenever a man gets in a new job ne proceeds to revolutionize it. A collector of the port of New York William Loeb, who had been the rial. hand man of Theodore Roosevelt and was regarded as a very fine executive so- conducted the office as to win much praise from the New York press. No John Purroy Mitchel, a Democrat goes in and reports the existence of a sat of useless red tape which he proposes to do away with as soon as possible It Is a big job and it will probably face several successive Loebs and Mtk-h eh to make all the improvements possible in connection with it. AS TO REST ROOMS. The Progressive Farmer says: "One of our progressive exchanges i atteatioa to a neglect our Fanners 11.1m. I f-1 t . ' vmunoers oi commerce should both give attention tothe of a rest room for won en in every wlllMB town and city. We quote: There is one thing that every town asusfct ta provide for the convenience t the people from the country who taaMfpataw town to do their shopping T4afta rs room with proper privacy t asiamanilmtion for women. Noth sag swwjs be more convenient ami able or be more arent'v in The town merchants owe to their customer that they pre vide far this coavenieacc. When our ceaa try wosaaa go to town to do a day's hopping many of them are compelled to carry small children, having nooie at mm to leave them with, and decent place oi rest and refreshment ia sorely needed."' It the folks from the country an New Bern to trade, we do not believe that there is altogether the demand for rest rooms that might be supposed. A rest room was maintained in New Bern 'or several months last summer and was hnully discontinued because it was so little used. In some way the people seemed to think, that they were made recipients of charity by accepting the use of the rooms. Either that or the necessary accommodations were fur nished in the stores to a greater extent than was supposed when it was decided to open and maintain the rest room. Mexico is still in a state of warfare. The country is sadly in need of a man ind sooner or later he will be found. There are celebrations and cele brations but the United States is fortunate in not having any folks who $ivc vent to their exuberance of feel ing by burning up a dwelling as do the suffragettes of England. At the Naval Academy at Annapolis Friday Ensign Billingslcy was hurled fifteen hundred feet from a disabled biplane into the depths of Chesa peake Bay. Late Friday night the body had not been recovered. The deplorable occurrence suggests that a little while ago the country was in Linger of losing a Secretary of the Navy. True the death of Ensign Billingslcy was the first fatality that has marked aviation at the Naval Academy, but aviation is aviation no matter where it is practiced. The bishops of the Southern Metho dist church have vetoed the action of the Board of Trust of Vanderbilt University in voting to accept a mil lion dollar gift to the medical depart ment of the University. The condi tions of the gift were such as to make the bishops feel that it could not be accepted without dishonor to the de nomination. Without going into the merits of the controversy one may be pardoned for observing that it is rather a wholesome sign to see a nody ol men coolly turn down a million dollars rather than concede principle. There , seems to be considerable opposition in New Jersey to the kill ing and maiming of people by reckless automobilists. At least one would infer as much from the fact that in that State a wealth) and well connecter young man is facing a sentence of from five to ten years for running down and killing a boy. Some automobilists everywhere appear to tntnk that it is up to the pedestrian to dodge' if he can and if he can't to take the con sequences. The experience of the young man in New Jersey will have a wholesome ellect in suggesting to automobile drivers the wisdom of using some little trilling care not to run over folks. SELLING BONDS AT HOME. Says the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot: "A short time ago Baltimore offered a loan of $5,500,(100 and had no takers. The money market was tight, it was explained. Then the price ws cut to 90, but without materially stimulating the demand. At this juncture Mr. Grasty, publisher of the Sun paper, remembering, no doubt, the success with which a somewhat similar plan was recently worked in St. Paul, came forward with an offer to sell $10,000 worth of the bonds at his newspaper office. The .people poured in and bought that block and other and still other bltcks until the Sun had dis posed of nearly a million dollars worth at par ' When i'ic North Carolina improve ment be. ds were put on the market lew nays ago tne only bidders were North Carolii a people. They arc the ones who sho ild own these bonds If the same sort of advertising were given the North I arohna bonds in North Carolina as was given the Balti more bonds in Baltimore and they were offered in small u intities as thev were in Baltimoic the issue could no doubt be disposed of easily. This would keep the interest on the loan at home where it belongs. MILKING AT COMMENCEMENT. A most unusual commencement will be h 'ld at the Agricultural High School at Sparks, Baltimore county, tomorrow ifternoon at 4 o'clock. The school has erected an outdoor amphitheatre on the school grounds seating 1,500 persons and in this the exercitcs will be held. The whole afternoon will be demon- strational of the work of the school Dairy cows will be brought into the amphitheatre, will there be judged by the graduates, milked in small ton milk buckets, used in the new clean milk system, fed scientifically, a bal anced ration figured and mixed on the platform. The girl graduates are to prepare. cook and serve an entire ru,irhcon on the platform showing how quickly is may be done, in case of necessity for a hurried meal. Lessons in nervine nd even tabic manners arc included in the demonstration. All the dresses worn a- the gradua tion exercises are made 1 y the graduates in the sewing classes of the school. The address to the graduates will be made by prof. B. H. Cocticron, the re tiring principal of the school . He has been at the school since its organiza tion and goes to accept an appoint ment at the University of; California where he will hold a professorship in from the extension work of the university aad will in addition be in charge over the State of the farm management work the United States Department of Agriculture. (Ultimo e Sun. It is easier for some men to sing a mn than speak tha truth. : fersonals FRIDAY, JUNE 19 J noDinson oi cove ttty was among the business visitors in the cityJ yesterday. M. H. Sultan returned last even ing from a day's visit at Washington. Miss Mamie and Master Charlie Hibbard returned last evening from a visit at Roper. Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Attmore of Stonewall spent yenterday in the city enroutc home from Morehead City where Dr. Attmort had been attending the annual meeting of the N. C. Med ical Society. Miss Lena Stephens of Oriental returned home yesterday alter a short visit here with friends. D. L. Ward lelt last evening for a professional visit at Beaufort. Miss Hattic Claire Roper of Hyde county arrived in the city yesterday and is a guest of Miss Lillian Hill. Mrs. B. Mabrey Hart of Raleigh, who has been visiting Mrs. David S. Congon, returned home yesterday. Mrs. R. A. Dudley and Helen of Oriental were in yesterday shopping. daughter the city Dr. R. S. Primrose returned yes terday from a short visit at Morehead. City. D. W. Richardson of Dover spent in the city attending to yesterday business matters. SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Miss Mildred Midgett of Oriental is in the city visitinc Miss Maruarct Hunting. F. W. Fcldman, manager of S. H. Kress & Company's local store, will leave tonight for a visit at Williams- port, Pa. Mrs. Rudoplh Ulrich and little daughter Elizabeth left yesterday for Virginia Beach where they will spend the summer. Mrs. A. VV. llaskins and son Howard and Fred and daughter Lois of Ori ental wore in the city yesterday vis iting relatives. They were enroutc to Seven Springs. Misses Bonnie Broad foot of Fayette ville and Mamie Hunter Richardson will leave this morning for New York where they will join Miss Margaret Bryan and on next Tuesday will sail for Europe. Mrs. Osman Baxter left 1st evening for Morehcad City where she will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones spent yes crday at kinston visiting relatives J. Will Miller, cashier of the Ban oi e mental, passed through the city yesterday enroutc to Marshalsburg W. Va. Lapt. W. H. Newell, the popula conductor oft the train between th city and Wilmington, is taking h annual vacation During his absence Capt. B. D. Farmer of Wilmington is on this run. Miss Rosa Cox, who has been spend ing the winter and spring with Mrs W. F. Crockett, has returned to her home in Ashcville. Miss Elizabeth Hyman has returned Irom Winston-Salem where she has been a student at the Salem Female Academy. Miss Mabel Chadwick left yesterday lor Beaufort where she will spend the summer. Mrs. W. B. Sanford lelt yesterday lor a visit with relatives at Beaufort Dr. J. F. Foley left yesterday for professional visit at Fayettevillc J. B. Blades spent yesterday Morehcad City attedning to business matters. J. R. Ball is spending a few days ia Wilmington cocteriug with Sprunt & Company whom he represents locally T. J. Turner has returned from business visit at Jacksonville. Mr. Turner is having a large two-it iry brick building erected there anl will open up a branch store there as soon as the building is completed. SUNDAY JUNE 21 Mrs. A. Mitchell and daugbetr, Miss Terry of Kinston, are visiting Mrs. J. M. Spencer on Broad street. W. T Dortch of Goldsboro was among the professional visitors in the city yestc I . . r. H. ! isr..r a 1. 1 nil . last evening Goldslioro. Ralph Davcnpui last evening far a day's stay at Morcheatt City. Joseph stalling', left last evening for a short visit at MOrehead Citv R. L. Blalock returned Iftnt evening' from a short visit at Vaaceboro. i IJr. K. J. Primrose returned yes terday from a iirofessional visit at Norfolk, Va. Miss Ethel Hancock left yesterday for a day's visit at Morehead City. Miss Blanche Gaskfll left hist even ing for a visit with relatives at Beau fort. G. W. Taylor anJl son Hugh went to Morehead City yesterday for a short visit. wanted to purchase a small or r.iotlerate-sircd tarm. r ret erred on Trent river. Give short description and lowest price in first letter. Address F.A:R., care of the Journal. IKE STATE PRESS ? A few years ago when cotton mills worked their operatives eleven and twelve hours a day we were told that the business could not stand a cut in the number of working hours, but the thing has been done and few of the manufacturers have retired from busi ness because of it. Durham Herald W. R. Hearst, wc see by the papers, is threatening to bolt the Democratic party. While we have never been abfe to discern a great deal of im portancc adhering to the political comings and goings ol Mr. Hearst, we seem to have a hazy impression that he usuallv docs bolt whatever party he is affiliated with about this time of the year. Ashcville Gazette News. Mr. McAdoo is very disconcerting indeed to Wall Street. How is the Street going to start anything, wh the Secretary of the Treasury is riht there with the coin of the real It takes an acute shortage of cast, start a panic worthy of the name, a Mr. McAdoo says there is no shortage, nor will there be any. We fear I Secretary of the Treasury is not g 'ing to be overly popular in circles wli the high and mighty financiers m and have their being. That official is much too inconsiderate in intcrfe- with their plans. Greensboro New It is being constantly demonstrated that our system of government North Carolina is decidedly cumber some to say nothing ol being mem cient. We have so many Representa tives and Senators that the honor of being one of cither is too small to bring the best men we have out for the positions and the pay is so small that a man cannot support himself at Raleigh during the legislative term out Of his salary. And then the sys tem is such that this large body spend- most of its time in disposing of matter that concern and affect only local com munitics, the press from these matters being so great that the important matters have to be carried over to the last with the hope of finding time for study and deliberation and are then generally rushed through. Charlotte Chronicle. Governor Craig is no doubt giving the railroads considerable concern be vause he docs not run amuck in the freight discrimination matter. z They no doubt hoped he would talk a whole lot and thus give them a chance for argument, but the governor is unlike the old woman who wanted and would have the last word. He is letting the railway men do the talking. Mean time his attitude shows he will take proiicr action at the right time. The Legislature must meet in extra ses sion, this fall and he will call the a sion for the discussion of freight rate- so that it will run into the sesssion fixed by the Legislature for other work And yet all this can be avoided if the roads will simply act decently and stop choking North Carolina; they are not only choking us, but com mitting highway robbery along with it. -Greensboro Record. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED tv local applications, as they cannot roa-h the diseased portion of the ear, I here is only one way to cure deafness. and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an innamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube is in- tamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored ta its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out ' ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nuiaing but an inflamed condition of the mucous su if acts. F. J. CHENEY, ft CO., loiedo, umo. Sold hv Drueaists. 75c. 3$ Take Hall's Family Pills for coi palion. IA4V We Keep Every thing YOU need in the Drug, Medi cine or Toilet line come, I my what you need and if you find it does not suit you bring it back, get what you do vant, or get your money back. Wc are here to serve and. please YOU. Bradham Drug The Rexall "Store Co. AILING WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs. Hubert Tell of Her Die tressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. Fleetwood Pa. "During the Chang of Life I was hardly able to be around at all. I always had a headache and I was so dizzy and ner vous that I had no rest at night The flashes of boat were ao bad sometimes that I did not know what to do. "One day a friend 9 r advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's 1 'Vegetable Com- pound and it made me a strong well wo rn. I am very thankful that I fol lowed my friend'a advice and I shall recommend it as long as I live. Before I took the Compound I waa always sickly and now I have not had medicine from a doctor for years. You may pub liafa my letter, "lira. Edwabo B. Hil BKRT, Fleetwood, Pa. Such warninsr symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, back aches, dread of impending evil timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of tha heart, sparks before the eyea, irregu larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound invigorates and strengthens tho female organism and builds up the weak ened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this crisis. SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN LOTS IN ASKINS. By virtue ot a power invested in ma Dy a judgment ot the superior court of Craven county, in the case of Morris vs. Clark, which judgment is recorded in the office of the Clerk of the superior court of Craven county in Hook I of the judgment docket and being numbered on said docket 8911, "I will sell to the highest bid der lor cash at the court house door in New Bern, N. C, on Mtxlnay the 7th day of July at 12 o'clock M. all the real estate described in said judg ment, and directed by said judgment to be sold by me for the purposes set out in said judgemnt consisting of Sixty Five lots according to a plot duly recorded in the oflic of the register of deeds of Craven county in Book 161 Page 571 to which refer. For any further information apply to W. D. Mclver or R. B. Nixon or to the undersigned. 'I hi- 6th day of June 1913. W. R. BARRINGTON, Trustee B. XIXON, Atty'. At the recent polo games aviators were haired Irom Hying over crowds of people. Between coal-holes, automobiles and aeroplanes life is in deed hedged aboi t with dangers. The Struggle Discourages Many a Citizen of New Bern. Around-all day with an aching back, Can't rest at night; Enough to make any one "give out." Doan's Kidney Pills are helping thousands. They are for kidney and backache; And other kidney ills. Here is convincing proof of their merit.: J. A. Williams, 20J Mc Daniel St., Kinston, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills proved 61 more benefit to me than any other remedy I ever used and it would be impossible for mc to say too much in their praise. I had kidney trouble for a long time and was caused much annoyance by a frequent desire to pass the kidney secretions. There was also lameness through the small of my back that on some occasions made it hard for me to attend to my work. I used many remedies but the benefit I obtained was only temporary. I finally got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and soon after using them, I was cured." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster- Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember, the name Doan's an d take no other. We are Agents for tha Celebrated PLANET, JR., Line of Cultlvarut Imple menta. We carrry In stock their celebrated No. T Riding Cultivator, their Horse Ho Cultivators, their celebrated SesJi Drills. Hand Cultivators, Fire-Fly Garden Plows. We Invite you to call u4 Inapect iMa splendid Una or drop ua postal aad we will gladly (send you their IMwstfatad eat- lalogae. Our prices are right. Yours. J. C Whitty GIVING OUT PHONE 98 W m Are You Saving Many people can answer the above ques tion with "yes." If you can't say "yes" to this question, you are living your life at a disadvantage, A time will come when you will need more money than you can earn.fjThis is the experience rf every man who has lived to be forty or fifty years of age. Unexpected emergencies arise requiring an outlay of money that is gi eater than your income. Tnhe nre. pared for these emergencies is onlv the part of wisdom. We cordially invite sav ings accounts in any amount. NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST C? CAPITAL $iOO.ooQ.oo "Sale is Beginning FRIDAY, at prices front 25 to 35 per ever been offered for in New Bern before our entire line of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats, caps, furnishing goods, notions, trunks, and traveling bags. THIS SALE WILL LAST FOR FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY 63J Middle Street, Merited Growth by Banking by Mail. The extensive growth of the Banking by Mail plan is 'ully merited by the great benefit which thousands of people derive from it. Banking by Mall is a modern convenience which enables people in all parts of the country to avail themselves of the safety and satisfactory rate of inter est which results from depositing funds in large, well managed banks. We invite de posits by mail. You can send checks, drafts, money orders or currency by reg istered letter. 4 per cent, compound in terest on savings. ooootcxxxxoooocxoo The Johnson Are Best BURRUS & CO. NEW BERN, N. C. Also Dealers in- HAY, AND GRAIN B RICK jMftflflflflflrcnnrinnnrinnn vyinniyxxxxiotAJi-iuuiat Company Agents Now on" JUNE 20. we will sut on sal cent, lower than thev hvr New Bern, N. C. alllMlillllll llllllll t Sugar 1 m I i for the "Star" Pea Huller TBI PUT BY TUT I pnn

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