Hete Mmtml I J ii ii i in 11 pfl! No 124 NEW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY, TUNE 27, 1913-SECOND SECTION 35th YE HEATH SUM BY JIM UNDEDH ILL M fceaat Underhlll Says He Thinks Young Man Lost Life In Thle Way. SHOT NOT MEANT FOR HEATH. Underhlll was shooting at Party of Negroes With Whom He Had Altercatlo n. (Special to the Journal). Kiaston, June 2-'. A few minutes before 12 o'clock Saturday night Carlylc Heath, sons of Jesse Heath, a prominent citizen of this city, was shot in the abdomen while walking down Hcrritage . street in company with a companion. Medical attention was given the young man but- his injuries were of such a nature thai death occurred at '-5 .i'iroelt Sunday afternoon, -ames UridrrlrilT, a painter, and the self-confessed slayer of Heath is now under a bond of one thousand dollars and Joe Tisdale of New Bern is under a bond of five hundred dollars to appear at the next term of Superior Court as a witness. The affair has caused a sensation in ICinston. Heath, who has been employed' "as a saw filer with the John L. Roper Lumber Company at New Bern, had come to Kinston for a visit with his parents. Saturday night he and a friend went fora walk. At the time of the tragedy they had just turned from Shine strefPpto Herritage. This section of the city bears an unenviable reputation and according to the state ments of Heath's companion they were endeavoring to get out of it as quickly as possible. Suddenly the reports of four revolver shots rent the, air. The first struck a fence near the young men, the second and fourth evidently went "wild" but the third struck Mr. Heath in the abdomen. The wounded man was rushed to the hospital and all porsiblc medical aid was given him, but this proved futile. Immediately after Heath's death, capiases were issued for six suspects. Two of the six had no trouble in prov ing alibis. Gus Shivers was discharged. Joe Tisdale and, "Doc." Taylor were held. The weapon with which the shooting was done was found in Tay lor's possession, and the police were of the opinion that he was the guilty man. The police had failed to locate James Underhill, but at midnight last night he, walked into the office of the county jail and surrendered. Underhill told the police that he had shot at some negroes at the time Heath was killed and that there was a possi bility that one of the bullets had struck Heath. He said that after the shooting he went into Taylor's store and left his revolver with Taylor. The preliminary hearing was held this afternoon. This was attended by a large crowd and much interest was manifested in the proceedings. It de veloped that Underhill and Tisdale fad had an altercation with negroes and that this culminated in the former shooting af them. The negroes fled as' soon as Underhill drew his revolver and Heath received one of the bullets intended for them. It was shown that "Doc" Taylor was not implicated in the affair and he was discharged DIRECTS LABORS if i mex Daniel C. Roper In Charge of Most Important Element of the Postal Service. PROMOTER OF EFFICIENCY. A Prodigious Worker Does Not Know What Regular Hours Are Very Thorough. Washington, June 23. In all then are about 300,000 persons in the postal service of the Ui.ltcd States. It takes this enormous force to man the world's greatest businc s institi ioil, to collect and deliver the in ill, to ' J in operation 24 hours every day . nd seven days every week the m '..it!, y of the country's benevolent mono ly. It is, no wonder that Q srt-; alt joi the Pobtrt)a'.ter-Gcneral foil as ' its when ncofnet Cabi fc'f fficc 1 as ore than three. And it is no W nd t hat the first of these assist.: :f . ' -aid be plated in charge of the most important element of any organization the per sonnel. It is the duty of Daniel C. Roper, whom Mr. Burleson and the President picked for First Assistant Postnuo-ter-Gcncral, to direct the labors of these 300,00!) postal employees. His part is to promote personal efficiei.cy, to raise the standard of individt a I service among the clerks, to get the beat re su'ltt ot:t of a given n tin her of men; at work on a ginen job. - Few generals in any war ever com-! mantled that many s. -libers. No in-j dtistrial captain, railroad president or! merchant Prince ever headed hall j that many employes. And Roper couldn't do it, nor could M30RE PROPERTY SOLD South Front Street Real Estate Changed Hands Yesterday. Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock the property on South Front street, opposite the Gaston Hotel and owned by -L. J. Moore, was sold at public auction, S. R. Street conducting the sale. The sale bad been well advertised and there was quite a large crowd in attendance. However, the first bid of $7,000 by' I. H. Smith, colored, was the only one made and the property was sold to him. J, FIVE DOLLARS REWARD for re turn or information leading to return of large bay horse marked by star in forehead and white hind feet. This horse broke his halter and was last. Been between Olympia and "Truitt's early Monday morning, June 23, with broken halter around neck. J. B. Blades Lumber Company, New Bern, N. C. THREE DANCES A WEEK. (Special to the Journal) . Beaufort, June 23. Solicitor Charles L. Abcrnethy, owner and proprietor of the famous and popular Inlet Inn, has arranged to have a dance at the Inn three nights each week during the summer months. Worth's Orchestra l!f New Bern are furnishing the music if the Inn this season and they have a committee in the interest of the wronged a number of catchy musical j proposed plant have recently inspect- PLI TO BUILD 1 A COTTON MIL Prominent and Well Known Bus. incsa and Professional Men i Behind Project. THE SHARES ARE $100 EACH Stock Committee Doing Well Success ojf the Undertaking Practically Assured. Some of thafpromincnt business men of the citylinade known yesterday morning the1 fact that in a quiet way plans had been forming here for the establishment of a cotton mill. Among those interested in the enterprise are J. S. Miller, C. E. Foy, L. H. Cutler, Jr., Thomas B. Hyman, J. W. Stewart, T. D. Warren, A. D. Ward, Dr. E. C. Armstrong. These are successful business men and their connection with the cotton mill enterprise is all the proof necessary that it is in no sense a hot air proposition. In a statement issued yesteday morning the promoters of theproposed cotton mill have this to say: "Messrs. Foy and Miller acting as ims for the dances. The dances Jal be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Faday nithgs. POLICEMAN LILLY RESIGNS. ed the Kinston cotton mills, both of which manufacture cotton yarn, as will be done here if the project goes through, and have reported favorably upon the subject, and as soon as the capital stock has been subscribed, Doesn't like Might Wo.-k. U SNi new and modern equipment will be -cr ! ordered, the necessary buildings erect Act on. ec allf a cotton, factory the dream , T ... of all New Bernians for generations Samril Lilly, Wuo two moniii'i r :o- ..... any otner one man, out .or u.e si- . " - - Thc facto ence of system, i nc posva m-,x o ......... .. . .. .... ........ --.i . , which waR donatcd by Mes8r8. is systematized down to uie nnmoiesr. " ''" ' r 1 emnlove. The new Administration1 lion on the lecal police font, h is wanted a man to operate a system a ; handed in his resignation to take cii'c man who ha 1 been tried out and found. on July 1. to fit, and in looking the field oyer Since becoinh; am- 'a; .? the Roper was believed to he exactly , poii v lore Mr. Lit!, oas made an the kind of man for the place. jefucient officer ami his .vork has bees' The First Assistant had for years praised. Mr. l it! dtihJtCS the night been Secretary to the Ways and Means I work, and this was his chief reason Oamnnttce 1 the lioiisS Thisjsthftjfoc wsiguiag. At pfcseat- V b.s great committee that makes and r.e- made no plans for the future. HELPLESS AS BABY Down ia MM Unable to Work, and What Helped Her. Summit Point, W. Va.-Mt. Anna Belle Emey, of this place, says: "I suf fered for 15 yean with an awful pain m my right side, caused irom womaniy trouble, and doctored lots lor it, but with out success. 1 Buffered so very much, that 1 became down In mind, and as holp le a a babr. I was in the worst kind of shape. Was unable to oo any wot k vises the tariff bills, that initiates all the revenue measures uf the Govc.n nient. And in making such a tariff bill as that now pending, for instance thousands upon thousands of fads must lie marshaled. To collect and collate the farts necessary to guide a Ways and Means Committee, to arrange them in order for easy digestion ly the committee men, to examine and index all the hundreds of briefs put in by special pleaders, rebukes ability of the highest order, ai d this is what Mr. Roper had demonstrated to the Ways and Means Committee and many otherj who had relations with that body. It happened therefore, that when Chairman Underwood und his com mittee associates were asked about Roper's qualifications they enthusi astically endorsed him. This is how the South Carolinian came to be the second highest postal authority in the country. He had come to Washington as the private VecTctary to the late Senator McLaarin, of South Carolina. Laiei I o went I to the Ways and Means Committee as the minority expert and from there has gradual! into , the. Poaloffiee Department MORE WARM WEATHER. Temperatures Above the Seasonal Averaged Indicated. Washington, June 23. The bulletin if the Weather Bureau for the week LIVELY TIME IS PROMISED 10 ALL NO DULL MOMENTS FOR THE CROWD AT THE FAIR GROUNDS, JULY 4. Mr. Roper is a prodigiou worker. He does not know what regular horns are. He tackles a problem, early in the morning and usually ttays by it. until he finishes it, whether it is o o'clock in the evening or 12. Aid when he makes his report to the Pus tin; tei General, 99 times Out of 100 it is the last word on the subject. J. F. B. in Baltimore suit. "The pressure distribution over the North American continent and tiie adjacent oceans is such aa to iridic; tc tempera; ares above the Seasonal aver age the coming week in the Southern States, the great central valleys and the plains States, while on the Pacific slope, and in the legion of the Great lakes and the middle Atlantic and New Bngland States, temperatures will be about normal. A reaction from the prevailing moderate temperature, to seasonably warm weather will set in over the region of the (ire t I.al es, the Ohio valley and the middle At lantic and New England States by Wednesday. The precipitation during the week will be generally light and local and, confined principally to the NortfiernfStates and the Rocky Moun tain Rc"um'. No important storm is charted to cross the country the coming site consisting of 25 s donated by Messrs. Simmons, Farrior and Bradham and which is situnted on the Atlantic Coast Line jiist back of Ghent, has been accepted and the street railway will be extended to the factory. "Mr. J. O. Duval of Weldon, who has had i considerable experience in cotton manufacturing, and who spent -, -ir.il days ttere last week bv invita tion, ia conference with the leaders of the project, was so favorably impressed with the conditions generally, and the proposed factory particularly that he has agreed to take .85000. in stock and to manage the plant upon as low sal ary basis as possible for the present. "The committee selling the stock has mtt with success thus far, They will make a canvass with the view of obtaining subscriptions for the full amount of the capital stock, and they will appreciate the active support, finmcially as well as morally, of all persona having the interest of the com munity at heart. ' ("he amount of the capital stock of tr i proposed organization will be $50, ' 1.1.00 with par value of $100. per srare. The terms of sale will be 10 p..- cent, down and 5 per cent. mo"!niy until inc siock is pam ior. Thi lan of paying for the stock upon sti -easonable terms will place the game n the reach of all, and will doubt lei n -Tit the loyal support of the New Ber.i citizens By J. Leon Williams When anyone mentions the 4th of July now immediately there flashes through the mind a picture of a grand stand crowded with excited people watching horse races, moto: cycle races, bicycle races and a great firemen's tournament. You also think of that picnic dinner under the shade trees at Glenburnie park, the place that is made beautiful by nature, a place where the cool breezes blow, and where the sparkling cool spring water comes bubbling out of cold mother earth. You may have travelled from "Dan to Bcersheba" but you have never seen a more beautiful natural park than Glenburnie. This park is free for the use of the public at all times and hundreds of families will take ad vantage of the holiday July 4th, by spending the entire day at Glenburnie and the Fair grounds. All boats on July 4th will run from the foot of Pollock street, and will begin at 9 o'clock in the morning. By 12 o'clock the rush will be on, so go early and avoid the rush. All boatmen have agreed not to charge more or less than 15c. each way so if any one tries to charge more than 15c. just refuse to pay it and re port the same to the Fair Association. ti -:... d f..u :.. I 1 111., v 11-. UCdUUJUl UUU IS lll.lMM great preparations to take care of the hot and thirsty for they will have gallons of ice Cream and many kinds of cool drinks, pleasing to the palate, all of which will be served at the grand stand. For fear that some one may not have heard we will again mention that the price of admission will be only 50c, and 25c. for children under twelve years of age. No admission charged for the grand stand. WOULD YNA1 CHMOND UE PAPER Ex-Mayor of Virginia City Also Threatens to Cut Publishers Throat. ASTONISHES BOARD MEETING Outburst Provoked by Criticism of Officials for Delaying Action On Typhiod. T. D. Warren left last evening for a professional visit at Morchead City. Man t-k. Gil VANCEBORO HAITI NiNGS. ! htsss taldiur Cardul. the womnr's tonic, and got relief Irom the very Jirsi dose. By the time I had taken 12 bot tles, my health was completely restored. I am now 48 years years old, but feel as good as 1 did when only 16. Cardul certainly saved me from losing my mind, and 1 feel it my duty to speak in its favor. I wish 1 had some power over poor, suffering women, and could make them know the good ft would do them." If you suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to women, It will certainly be worth your while to give Cardul a trial. It has been helping weak women for mora than 50 years, and will help you, km. frA..l Viiir rfmairiat spile it. ' Storm Does Damuftc Store of D. W. Coppufte Blown Down. Vincent Aslor dd: "It is far bet ter to have dead grass in "the parks than dead children in the tenements. Thereby scoring one'. 'for the play grounds preposition. INJURIES WERE NOT SERIOUS. Struck By Heavy Timber Not Badly Hurt. After making a careful examination of his injuries the physicians attending C. R. Hendrix, who was injured Tues day afternoon at the John L. Roper Lumber Company's plant in this city by being struck 'in the abdomen with a heavy piece of timber, found that he was not badly hurt. Mr. Hendrix has been confined in "Stewart's snaitarium since the acci dent, but will be discharged from that institution to-day. JAPANESE HERE INQUIRY I OUR Member of Recently Organised Party Cornea Over To Lok Around a Bit. SENT BY LEADER OF PARTY Plans to Study Sentiment of The Eastern States As To Jap anese Land Ownership. LAYMEN'S MEETING AT RUEM'S. N. M. Farrow, lay leader for the Bridgcton circuit of the Laymen's Movement within the Methodist church, announces a meeting of the laymen for the circuit for next Sunday, June 29, at 11 o'clock in the church at Rhem's. A cordial invitation to every one in the neighborhood is extended. Mr. Farrow has obtained the promise of several active members of the Laymen's Movement to make ad dresses. SIX SERIOUSLY HURT WHEN AUTO OVERTURNS (Special to the Journal). Vanceboro, N. C. Jur.e. 21. The wind storm of yesterday did great damage to the tobacco crop in this section. A five acre field of John Lancaster is believed to have been damaged fully 33 1 (3 per cent., and a number of others si Pere d nearly as badly. The wind ti re off the leaves and bi The which jhere. age as jwn the store The Struggle Discourages Many a Citizen of New Bern Around all day with an aching back Can't rct at night; Enough to make any one "give out.' Doan's Kidney Fills arc helping thousands. They arc for kidney and backache; And other kidney ills. Here is convincing proof of their merit.: J. A. Williams, 203 McDaniel St., ICinston, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills proved of more benefit to me than any other remedy I ever used and it would be impossible for me to say too much in their praise. 1 bad kidney trouble for a long time and was caused Large Touring Car Owned by Prominent Goldsboro Citizien 'Turned Turtle" Yesterday Afternoon Oc cupants Hurled Through The Air. D. W Mr. Cor (By Lonft Distance Telephone). her family and two friends, went for Goldsboro, June 23. Six ladies a ride over the city in Mr. John Bor were seriously Injured here this den's l.irge touring car. After the afternoon when an automobile, party had been out for some time owned ' by John Borden, a very ii was seen that a storm was approach prominent citizen of this city, ing and the chauffeur was given orders overturnea wane going up juun 10 mane nasic in geuing ine party street at a very rapid speed. The back to their homc. Richmond, Va., June 24. Carlton McCarthy, former Mayor of Richmond, gave a sensational turn to the typhoid fever epidemic controversy to-day, when at the session of the administra tive board, of which he is a member, and which controls the water system of the city, took the floor on a point of personal privilege. He termed an article and an editorial in yesterday's Times-Dispatch relative to the board's delay- in acting on the water question as deliberate lies and hurled denunciations at the proprietors and editors of the paper, despite the efforts of cooler heads among the members of the board, who sought to calm him. i Captain McCarthy said a McNamara was needed in Richmond to destroy the newspaper plant owned by the Bryan estate, and in the heat of his speech he offered a motion that the administrative board instruct the City Engineer to place bichloride of mercury in the pipes leading to the Laburnum property, owned by the Bryan estate, and into the pipes running to the new 10-story building occupied by the Times-Dispatch. The motion was not Considered by the board. Dr. E. C. Levy, chief health officer of Richmond, recently asserted that the prevailing typhoid visitation was caused by city water, the noxious conditions having arisen when one of the basins was cleaned out. He recommended that a bichloride plant be installed to purify the water and prevent the spread of the malady. The board was impressed with the denial of City Engineer Boiling that anything was wrong with the water and, ignoring the recommendations of the city health officer, ordered Dr. J. M. Whitfield, City Chemist, to make an analysis of the water. This delayed preventive measures. While there have been no deaths since last week from typhoid, the num ber of cases increased by four to-day, making a total of 52. Because the administrative board went over the head of Dr. Levy, who is recognized as the best health officer the city has ever had, having reduced the death rate from typhoid two-thirds in six years, the Times-Dispatch editorially criticised the board's action, closing with these words: The people of Richmond can sub mit to waste, delay, petty politics, jealousy and ignorance in money matters. They will not submit to the risk of life for any reason in the world. The life of one child is worth the whole $25,000 paid five men to protect the city by quick and responsive action. If one death can be traced to this delay, these men will be crushed by a savage public opinion and an eternal remorse. They had best heed the warning. They are playing with life. The public demands protection. Captain McCarthy said the articles were a stab at him and affected his wife and children. They might have been written by men who may be drunken buzzards or absolutely in sane, he declared. He added: 1 have written John Stewart Bryan, president of the Times-Dispatch over my own signature that if he continues these assaults he does so at his own hazard. The State will not be big enough to hold both of us, and if he continues to make the assaults I will cut his throat as I would cut the throat of a butcher's dog. What we need is a McNamara and a quantity of dynamite. No more patriotic act could be done by any man than the dynamiting ot tne Times-Dispatch Building." New York, June 24. Kjujiru Ok izaki, member of the Japanese Parli ament and of the recently formed Desikai, or Ideal Party, a progressive party, whose aim is to promote peace and good feeling between Japan and the United States, has arrived in this country for the express purpose of ascertaining the real feeling in the eastern part of the United States toward California's anti-Japanese land law. Marquis Katsuri is the leader of the new party, Mr. Okazaki said, and it is especially at the Marquis's request that Mr. Okazaki came on this mission. He represents in the Japanese Parli- ment Gifu, a county near Tokio and is member of the Tokio Cham- This is his third He was last here chauffeur and Mr. Borden's son miraculously escaped unhurt. The Injured. While going up John Street at a rate of about thirty miles cr more an hour the chauffeur swerved to one side of ber of Commerce, visit to America. ten years ago. Mr. Okazaki left Tokio April 17 on a tour of the world with no thought of coming here on a mission. In London he received from the Marquis his re quest. "Our party is in favor of friendly relations with the United States," said Mr. Okazaki. "We know what the sentiment toward us is in the West ern States and I want to learn what its the sincere sentiment toward us in the East, not the sentiment of courtesy. We believe that President Wilson, Secretary Bryan and the Ameri can Government and the Eastern States generally have a very friendly feeling toward us. "In the first place we do not wish to become citizens of the United States. We understand that your Supreme Court has decided that only those of the Caucasian and African races can become citizens of your country. As to the question of land ownership in the United States that is still, as I understand it, a matter for diplomacy. "J ..pan is careful not to send any immigrants to the United States . We arc very restrictive in giving out pass ports. It takes a Japanese a month to get a passport to come acre. "1 expect to learn the feeling of the East with the aid of Japanese Consuls and the Embassy at Wash ington, and through conversations with Secretary Bryan an 1 other officials of the United States and public and prominent men. I have letters of in troduction to many here. "When Secretary of State Bryan visited Japan I was a member of the committee on his reception, and I hope he will remember me. I do not know President Wilson personally, but I hope to meet htm. I shall be three days in New York, a week in Wash ington and three days in Chicago. "I want to assure you that Japan !not against the United States. War between Japan and the United States sounds nonsensical. In the first place, there is no reason for war. Secondly, where will Japan get the money for war? Those newspapers in Japan that talk of war are insignificant and not widely read. All we want is to be treated nicely in the United States." Mr. Okazaki is a baseball fan. "I am chairman of baseball in Japan," said he. "I love to see Americans play the game, they play so smart, nice and closely. I am going to see the game tomorrow at the Polo Grounds between the New Yorks and the Brook-lyns." Then Mr. Okazaki, peace apostle' drew a very small and costly camera from his vest pocket and snapped the oddess of Liberty. He went to the Hotel McAIpin. MWkk: flaHhilset Modlelr Oo. UdlM" aMsary Deel.. Chsasooof. Tm., for ,.V' one ctu ana pk uw. nw... i plain wrappsr. P.u. Ill hutrmltm on W caw I TrasmsatforMtt rUNF.R The fun who died 181 Geo i c dollars. i-h annoyance by frequent desire s the kidney secretions. There Injured weret Mrs. B. R. Korneday The occupants of the machine the road in order to avoid colliding are residents ot Goldsboro. Those' with a machine coining in the opposite direction. In doing this the Borden MAN' was only a box ..f 1 1 ad doale Shoulder iroken, face and both arms badly I cut. Bruises on body, fit Mr. Robert Millar, face cut and I bruised, body badly bruised, ey Miss Mary Borden, arms sprained as and contusions on head. Mies Rowena Borden, Mrs. John .0 Borden and Miss Elisabeth Borden is cuts ana onuses th lean Injury hurt. rs. Borden ".in linn HltV rfwt"weCre X La Tr" car struck a chicken coop and imme diatcly "turned turtle." So quickly did the accident happen that the occupants of the machine had no time to jump from the car and they were hurled through the sir with frighfu! force, landing several feet away from the wrecked machine. Several hundred persons were on the scene within a few minute and the in j i red were rushed to the 1 - j n..l for treatment. It is not thought that Court Rule In Favor of Page In Suit Brought by Moore. Boston, June. 25. Judge Parmen- ter of the Municipal Court found in favor of L. C. Page, a book publisher and former Vice-President of the Bos ton Nantional League Baseball team in a suit brought against him by- Alexander F. Moore of New York, to recover on a check for $1,500, given by Page in settlement of a gambling debt and payment of which was stopped by the defendant. Moore admitted that he sometimes bet on horse races. The evidence did not satisfy the Court that Moore was an innocent holder of the paper snch as to entitle him to main tain his action. STANDS EXAMINATION. Yesterday morning, George Woad, dispatching clerk at the local poet- office stood an examination which was recently ordered by the Postoffice Department. The examination was conducted by Mr. Elam, of Washing ton, D. C. and Mr. Wood went through with flying colors. There are tw I ispa tailing clerks at the local peat mce, Mr. Wood and Clarence Crapoa I he l itter is away on his vacAtiot it present and will probably stand t similar examination in Sept Tiber. The Texas Oil Company is ostab shing a storage plant on the Not out hern Railroad just al ove the hute. Several carloads of teaks, if take lining and other materi. 1 are being No. 666 This Is a prescription prepatfH Five or six doses will tweak say a