lit mm MM4 4 NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1913 SECOND SECTION ft SMIflllMIBES v : . Of Distinctive Stamp Dii- coatiniied By Order Of Poet- ' General. ORDINARY 1 STAMPS WILL DO. Effective To-day Alao, The C O. D. Feature Of Parcel. Peat Goea thUjMhe that ordinary aiao provinco ca.fensed ordinary to-day, July 1, a number in connection vhh the go into effect. One of changing of the rules, so postage stamps can be parcel post packages. It is that parcel post stamps for aft purposes for which tamps are need. This ari l hasten Hie departure of the distinctive lor parcel poat purposes, and when the present supply is exhausted ao more will be made. AsWtber innovation which the be ginning of July will inaugurate will be tpr C. 0. D feature of the parcel post'aervice. The order of the Post master General in regard to the col lectttaH feature of the service is as fd'ojwsi "The sender of a mailable parcel on which the. po;e is f" ly prepaid of 'the articleand collected from tnt 'of a fee of affixed, provided to be collected does not Such a parcel will be against loss, without additional i an amount equivalent to its t, but not to exceed $50. tnArr of 3 C O D narrel wilt-be given a receipt showing the cfJfcc and date of mailing, the num ber of the parcel, and the amount due sWfcr, . Jk t. 0. D. parcel will be accepted for mail ng only at a money order of fice, and when addressed to . money may have the price k. .1 tin: ( tour II TCI cvu thedsuueon paym iiuM $109 insbred VISITS FARM LIFE SCHOOL. County Superintendent of Public Instruction Inspects Work. S. M. Brinson, county superintendent of public instruction, returned yester day from Vance bo ro avhere he had been to inspect the progress being made in the erection of the Craven county Farm Life School. Mr. Brinson was greatly pleased with the progress the contractors are making. The basement of the school building has been com pleted and the large force of workmen . f . em . are now at worlc oil tne nrst noor. Dr. J. E. Turlingtort, the principal of the school, is on the scene assisting in supervising the work. Two is company, but three is a mul titude when father butts in. George H. Roberts, Jr., has returned from a visit at Oriental. FOREIGN TRADE IS IN BILLIONS Uncle Sam Does Tremendous A mount Ot Bualnesa With Other Countries. MOST WITH UNITED KINGDOM Germany Comes Next, Then Canada While Fourth on List Is France. STOCK IN COTTON Washington, D. C, June 30. The detailed figures given out by the Depart ment of Commerce show the aggregate trade of the United States with foreign countries for the eleven months ended May 31, 1913, to be in" excess of $3,983,000,0O0, an increase in the total trade of over $395,000,000 com pard with the corresponding period of 1912. . During the eleven months the United States imported over $1,681,000,000 worth of goods, and exported over $2,302,000,000 worth, making a balance of trade in our favor of over $620,985,000. The United Kingdom is our largest customer, buying from us over $565,000,000, and selling us a little over $27.,000,000, an aggregate trade for the eleven months in excess of $840,000,000. Germany comes next, buying from us over $314,000,000, and selling us $175,000,000, making a total trade in excess of $489,000,000 Canada is our third largest customer, purchasing of us over $377,600,000, and selling us over $109,600,000, mak ing a total trade in excess of $487,000,000. Fourth comes France, to 'whom we sold nearly $140,000,000 The plans for the establishment wonn, ana oi wnom we Pun.iieu f mill in New Bern a.- roiiur wr l,uuu,uuu worm, maicing a t j : ... ,:t(,rtnrv toial business with this republic of lu.wo.u .. ""-"J I , , ..M . f th.-nrmoterS over zov,ouu,uw i or me eiven rnoatn period th Uur sales aDroaa oi manuiaciureo MILL GOING WELL Plans For Establishment of New Factory Advancing Sat. isfactorlly. THE INVESTMENT LOOKS GOOD Business Men Believe That Money Put In Proposed Factory Will Yield Handsome Returns. to manner, said one of that enterprise yesterday. Tho committee that is niacins stock has aot made as good headway - Pt'y manufactured articles dur i ..ttina around to the various "V the eleven-month period ended prospects as had been hored for, owing May 31, . 1913, show a large increase 1U UllICI CiiKOKt-Hii'to esuvi iiiiuiu& i-in- I i f n t i L : I narties out or swav from the c tv. POnoing periwa oi ivu, uC...B ... I e a a a. mui tru Rut the committee wishes t known coss oi i,anw,, 1 4.1 a t AAA nnn 1 if .ill ,nnillv tret around WSZn l,iJl,uw,uu lasi yer to all and hopes that aU who are looking " greatest ... Vu. atrroan is in nnuuiea manuiaciures, which we show a gain ot over -A distinctive tag shall be attached tO each C. O. D. pai of three parts or coanons. The first, t mm sHffiavaWached anal handed I for a sale and profitable investment sesnsr as his receipt; the sec-1 will be prepared to subscribe liberally ,n WOULD INFLUENCE MORE RQA Dr. Pratt Telia Why Good Roadsl Self -Confessed Slayer of Golden Con-en Ion la To Be Held la East. IMPROVEMENT IS IN WEST Piedmont and h Eastern Sections Hare Not Regarded Bond Issues Favorably. EMELINE MURPHY IS BOUND DB PAILS TO Attorney D After being ner-a Jury on. i tvuren . mmmv ,rr inall be herd as a record I for stock when approached u.y i - - - the $96,000,000 for the eleven-aiontn at ''to miffing' office, and the third I to the parcel The sender of a C O. D. parcel alt, fill ia as many of the items on et. O. D. tag as possible, including i : items showing the amount due 1 aad shall place his name and ad is on the back. He shall also place iiase and address on the back of thereon pon retained at the mailing s (KM drel "The CO. . tag must show the amount due the sender, the money or der fee necessary to make the remit tance,andthe total amount to be collect ed. The parcel will be 1 1 eated as ordinary mail until it reaches the office of ad dress, where on payment of all charges, it will be delivered to the addressee, or to any responsible person to whom the addressee's ordinary mail is cus tomarily delivered. "The addressee will not be permitted to examine' the contents of a C. O. D. parcel uatft il has baea receipted for antral! charges paw. a parcel may oe refused when it is tendered for ddiv ary, bat after deBvery has been effect ad k cannot be' returned on account of Jiastlsfartloa with the contents or the amount collected." The Poatnas General's order as to the use of ordinary stamps on parcel post paclagss is: "Oa and after July 1st, 1913, ordi nary pqasgHi stamps, taauotng com i hall be valid for for Insurance aad collect on delivery fees on fourth-class mail and distinctive parcel post stamps shall be sjsJM for afl purposes for which ordinary stamps are valid. "The Issuance of pared post stamps to puitasjilsri shall be discontinued after the stock now on hsnd in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing are exhausted, and no additional supply of these sumps' shall be printed." Postmaster' Basoight last night had aot received the official instructions to authorise he ale of regular stamps oaf narpoasii and said that came hi would have make the change m'm, however, received, the official MsJMHttVh C O. D. feature of the I 'parcel post service and has everything la readiness to put it on to-day. . j : : i .1.. . ..Meet. The committee is Verv wdl perioa. n ga... -raw mauc ... ..... with the rwress that has been futures for further use in manufac 1. f iwiiwt ... 1 .i r I. : l : ,k. .t-r IturmK oi uver tni.mww, wucmn inus ia. raw puiniis i -, ... . . a It is being pointed out by the backers inre a u.....c ... .wu.tuua of the new enterprise that cotton mills """"V manmacturen o. neany si oAA nnn T 1. . iL. ; .. ,1 have proved some of the finest paying .wuu.yuv. i investment, in the South, some of the "nrt statistics for the three classes largest fortune, having been made out It will be seen that in each instance of the great industry which gives the balance of trade is m our favor, employment to so many thousand. For instance, of foodstuffs partly or nnM thronohoi.t tho South, wnoiry wsiu Another argument that is being used W.OOO.OOO worth and purchased a is that the establishment of a cotton over '"'"7" mill in New Bern will give this city tra. uav ln" additional commercial and indus- frouP 01 ov" e".". . .u-. :n i t j llaxtures lor lurtner use in manuiac- p-ctag .... .. conooo .u J .kU It will m.a omnlovmoot foi rnnK wc suiu o . . , v,vw .w.... many who are already here and swell baugnt overauuo.ovo wo.m, , caving an trial the population by bringing mure peo ple in the dty as it is hardly lik ely that postage of rtO cess of $56,000,000. Of manufactures the prent population will aupply the U"' .L', 7... . wssws MM-ww. - '""'I..... 1 1 1 i AAA A I ! are in the dty and the more steadily ",e over ""'TT,. " tut i.w.ivrfv h.v . omrJoveH . tho very respectable balance in our the promoters of the new enterprise are argiung the better business will be generally The men actively behind the pre lect are J. S. Miller, C. toy, L. H. E. D. Cannon of Polloksville is the Cutler, Jr., Thomas G. Ifyman, J. W. faat man to send the Journal a cotton favor of over $329,000,000. FIRST COTTON BLOSSOM. Stewart, T. D. Warren, and E. C. Armstrong A. D. Ward, NEW PHYSICIAN 10 LOCATE HERE DR. O. O. DANIELS Of ORIENTAL SECURES OFFICES IN. THE ELKS TEMPLE. blossom. The cotton from which the blossom wss picked Wars planted the latter part of April. The grower of this field of cotton is only seven teen years of age, cue oui The Struggle Discourages Many Citizen of New Bern. Around all day with an aching back Can't rest at night; Enough to make any one "give out. Doan's Kidney Pills ere helping thousands. ., . - , They are for kidney aad backache And other kidney ills. Here is convincing proof of their as . '-W IV E WINDOWS. Dr. 0. C, Daniels, who has been a iv.r tilM. nkifiirlin . . n.I ... --I '- f"J . my uiicniw lot mcniM the past ten years, has secured the J. A. Williams, 203 McDaniel St office in the Elk's Temple formerly Kinston, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney occupied by Dr. G. A. Catoa and about Pills proved of more benefit to me than July 13 will move to this dty. any other remedy I ever used and Dr. Daniels will mske a speciality would be impossible for me to ssy too of the treatment of diseases of the eye, much in their praise. I had kidney ear and nose. He has iust comnlated trouble (or a lona time and was caused m mvmxmm lourac in tne treatment mucn annoyance oy a irequent sjcasrt I of disesses of this type st the New York to pass th kidney secretions. Therel Post Graduate Medical School and was also lameness through the small Hospital st New York. of my back that on some occasions made la an interview with a Journal it hard for me to attend to my work. I reporter yesterday Dr. Daniels aaid uaed many remedies but the benefit that In his estimation New Bern was I obtained was only temporary. 1 the best towa in the State, and that its finally got a box of Doan's Kidney - fj falias's ,or on Middle street -uranism cm ana development I rule sna soon alter using tnem, 1 was W . aat.l,el " tob"ve that it would be only cured aaaaa .0 .Mri.. .nnarel I" ""' ' ve before it would For sale by all dealers. Price 50 . rr .' he mm of th Urki ! c. I . c uil. r- M latter h tastdufly arraagad . -T " " " -. . . vw,u mi nww Bern nigniyi new iwa, ao agents lor me untie recommended and them Is every prob- Ststss. lahsaty that his efforts ban will asset I Remember the name -Doan's ad Chanel Hill. N. C. Jury 1. Because the Piedmont and Eastern counties have not as a rule regarded bond issues (killing Golden for good roads favorably the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Good Roads Association thought i wise to hold the. 1913 j Good Roads Convention in the Eastern part of the State and selected Morehead City, says Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, secretary of the Good Roads' Association in a good roads circular just from the Press. The date for the convention is July 31 and August 1. Few States in the South," says Dr. Pratt, "have exhibited more activity during the past six months in good roads work than has North Carolina, and particularly Western North Carolina; and it is believed that the work of the the North Carolina Good Roads Asso ciation has been largely instrumental in awakening this interest and actrvity- The annual convention for 1912 wa held in Charlotte and was largely attended, there bdng between 300 and 400 delegates. Since that convention met counties and townships in Western North Carolina have' issued about $1,300,000 in bonds for good roads." Continuing Dr. Pratt says in his good roads circular: "There are still a great many ques tions in connection with the Good Roads" work in our State which need to be worked out, and it is by getting together and discussing these matters that the work is advanced and possibly many errors obviated. "A great many local road bills were enacted by the .General Assembly of 19J3 relating to road work in various counties and townships, but no State legislation was passed, and it is thought by those who have given this subject much study that the Good Roads cause ill not advance as it should without some State aid, certainly to the extent furnishing engineering assistance the counties. At the present me the Nortn carouna and Economic Survey has about thirty applications for engineering assistance which it is unable to fill on account oi lack of appropriation. Many town hips issue bonds for a certain amount of money, but do not feel justified in spending this j for a road engineer account of the small amount ot money they are thus able to obtain The State, by furnishing an engineer would enable the township , or county to get the greatest good from its bond issue, and could furnish the county township better engineering work than it could obtain by employing an engineer temporarily "A trip will be made over the Central Highway by the Trustees ail the Highway the week preceding the Convention, beginning July 25th, and it is expected that there will be many delegates who will mkae automobile runs to Morehead City from places along the route of this highway to attend this Convention. Among the Question which will be taken up, at this Convention are; Th Central Htlhuay, Rood Pnbtems of Ike Jhfswn lain CouhIus, Jtooa rroMemt Piedmont Count!, Road ProVemi of Ike Eailejm-fountiet, Wide Tirte, Mood Maintenance, Koaa enpneere, nm in Relationship oj Good Roadt Is Property Valuation. "Delegates will be appointed to represent every county, incorporate! town, end county good roads associa tion. It is hoped that as many fanners as can will attend and take part ia the discussions of this Convention The headquarter Of the Association will be the Atlantic Hotel, and it is (expected that the railroads will give reduced rates oa account of Cba vention. "A most cordial invitation b ex tended to aM who are interested in the promotion of good roads to attend the meetings and take part ia the proceed - fan of the Convention. For further information, address Joseph Hyde Pratt, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. Mc RaejeTace A GIVE A BOND k" Hehdersbo Pro..- TnltmMeet.Je)ni TVBaaaSaSaaUMWV Man's ReJsrtivee. (arafPSn a "V .,k3, exoueiaTee r - charge of CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY. Student Of. Budneaa Collage Will Celebrate the Fourth. I by a tSSrc intentionally cRae, colored, at the Prof. E. C. Bowersock, president of the Southern Shorthand and Business University, announced yesterday that (SB1 ' . the school will be closed, beginning to day until next Monday on account of the big celebration on July 4. Daring this time the class rooms will be repainted and renovated and will be pat in first class condition for the fall' term. Five new Remington No. 10 typewriters will also be instal- Isf In addition to the present equip ment. The enrollment for the fall term is already large and it is expected that many more will enter before the school opens on September 2. There' sffisvat number of very attrac K eVsiky-window la evidence just Among these ate those Willis Company's store at j. M. Mitchell, jiv osspsay-wsn at. jMs time. V BhaJaajk was I Gaston Hotel last Saturday afternoon, ne Munh 'eold' woman some time been employed id at thatt place, was given a preliminary ncaring yesterday afternoon before Mayor Bangert 'on a warrant charging her with' murdering MRa Prnhahle rauae "rSrSn foiihrl! and the defeiidaa was - fcArrttl oVerfWA11 to the neat term' 'ot "'Craven county Superior -Court under 'V bond of three hundred dollars, in default of which) she was committed to jail. Bdng dissatisfied with the verdict rendered by the Coroners jury, t the relatives of the dead man had a' watf Smr sworn out for Emeline Murphy, and secured the services of Attorney Di 'R. Henderson. The woman had returned to her home at Oriental and it was necessarv to have her arrested there and brought back to this city where she was given a. prdiminary hearing at 3 o'clfe yesffirdayft'afternoon. The same witnesses, Willie White, a colored girl and Arthur Fleming, colored, who are employed at the hotel and who testified before the Coroner's Jury, were placed on the stand and re told their story of the affair which corresponded in all the major details with that related by the ddendant which was printed in the Journal Sunday morning in an interview which a reporter had with her In brief the alleged Slayer of McRae said that she and the deceased were sweethearts aad intended marrying at an early date. Saturday afternoon she was dttsng in the colored maids dining room at the hotel, preparing to light a cigarette. Just at that time McRae walked into the room and told her to throw the cigarette away Playfully she picked up a revolver which' had been lying on the table and pointing it at her sweetheart pulled the trigger and that there was a report of a shot and that McRae ranjfrom the room and fell dead some distance away The ddendant wa represented by Wm. Dunn. Jr. and R. B. Niaon, While bdng cross-examined by Mr Henderson, the defendant, made con tradktory statements. After hearing the evidence Mayor Bangert found cause aad Bound the woman over to Su parlor Court. "Se'Lii WITH VltATINta ORDINANCES BY OPERATING UNSANITARY PLACES. Upon complaint of Dr. E. G, Har- gctt, city meat and milk inspector and I veterinarian, warrants were yesterday d against Joseph Stevenson and Palp and Dixon, operators of dairies furnishing milk to the residents of New. Bjerhy in which they were charged with allowing their dairies to become unsanitary. An active campaign is being wag ed 19 New Bern against tne nouseny, and all unsanitary conditions, and Dr. Hargett is doing his best to properly attend to his share of the work. In the ca9 against Mr. Stevenson Dr. Hargett stated that he had given him every opportunity to dean up and that he had failed to do so. After con sidering the case Mayor Bangert placed a fine of five dollars and the costs of the case on him. ' In the case against Pate and Dixon Dr. Hargeft's chid complaint was; against the unsanitary condition of the. barn. The dairy proper was found to be in good condition. In rendering his decision 1n this case Mayor Bangert said that' inasmuch as the dairy was in good shape that judgment would be suspended upon the payment of the costs. Dr. Hargett is making weekly in spections of the local dairies and in an interview with a Journal reporter he said that he would devote every effort to putting each one in a perfectly sanitary condition and keeping them in this shape. aj jaaymE FOUND IN IMS -, . Vft Badly Decomposed fE covered Near A. C. L. Railway Company's Whassi. SKULL HAD BEEN FRA Second Body Found During The Weeks. In atttV tni n) yHmme !. 1 tfc tOS ...!aa' yesterday "W. ePPa?5k. aWr hi. ho .arf . ' ' SalPaV M - watTnMatf statT tartting , hU ad ; least FOURTH CLASS POSTMASTER EXAMINATION. While crossing Neuse riverj afternoon at a point the Atlantic Coast Line Comoanv's wharf. I. R: Poo body of a dead negro floating on the waters of the river. Upoh his return to the dty he notified Acting Coroner Dr. Walter Watson and the Leon Scales to go out ia bring the corpse to the of;the bcMil of decomnosition. aad there was a wound just above the Idt . ... . . .4 j . 2iC fip . I his. wounn trarrured Toe ieub r . c. ana was apparency maw uy an vy instrument or by the bow of vessel. After examining the it was turned over to an to be prepared for burial. Lart night a coroner s jury composed of J. L. Hartsfield, foreman, D. P. Henry, A. T. Land, C. F, Ellison, M. D. W. Stevenson and C.T.M met at Dr. Watson's office and I inquest. Several witness a mined, but there was not fhH" evidence offiered which tended to who the dead man is or as to I his death. At the conclu inquest the jury rendered tSe 1 decision: "We, the Coroner's Jury, this the second day of July. to investigate the death of an i colored man found this day river near the Atlantic Coast' Railway Company's wharf, have' 1 that the deceased met Ms death causes unknown." This is the second time past few weeks that the dead negro has . been found. 1 iii the water1 near the city., On the I occasion a dead Dooy was iou Trent river near the Nojfojk 0,l',S.-t Railway Company's bridge. Several days later this was ideni fiedaf r possible that the body (quad yesterday afternoon will be iden tiffed latef on. ps ! W tsU tBt HAD n.ANC MALADY ,1 r vtn Doctors Dou't Know WhaiSlil-t se Richmond Man Died Of SOU Richmond, July strange sur Lee Coleman, dmase wkh -i turn wno ixasaaawH twenty- 1. Victim Of baffled the him. Cuss. five, s wdl known young druggist, lor merry oi Rirhmnad. but more recently of Lexington, Va., died Saturday at a hospital iav Wlndelphsa. , Hi. body wa brooght o Rkhmond and buried in Hollywood. For several snont the young man irotn pecu- The United States Civil Service Commission announces that on July 26 , an examination will be held at Kinston, N. C. as a result of which it . . r . a, expected to maxe cenincaiion iu W a contemplated vacancy in the posi tion of fourth tlass postmaster at Dov er, N. C. and other vacancies as thehy may occur at that office, nnless it shall be decided in the interests of the service to fill the va catney by reinstatement. The conr nensation of the post master at this office was $754 for the last fiscal year, Application forms and full informs . . . . -i tion concernin tne requirements oi the examination can be recured from the postmaster at Dover and the local secretary at Kinston. had been a great Wjedeell Aid auvuoKV in" mm v 'jr- recommended anJsMslBwn. Another suspected eye trotsbis aad suggested that aaJbulist laaffsulted. , Finally Mr. Cossmas), de-pslfitdlF ffdting re lief- keat. iiltaJiiysauhauji. in Phdadelohi. .who eowduded that he was iwobahlfeeulgi fcora n tumo in the brain. He beffsme unconscia about a. week .go Ana remain that suullrlsn until ffsath came. .in 'naaH IMPORTANT BmilniK Of THE CHAMBSattttilrM MEC tH, laaaH' CUPID IN BANKRUPTCY. Fiance Insolvent. Girl Must Give Up Engagement Ring. Phhadelohia. July 2. Sentimen tal consideration do not govern bankruptcy cases, according to a deci aion bv Federal Judge McPher son awarding a young woman's gagement ring to the trustee appointed when her fiance was declared insolvent The ring, valued at $350, it was said was presented to Miss Sarah Simon of this dty by Ben F. Baker within four months preceding the filing of a petition in bankruptcy against him m Bluehelds W. V-, where he was engaged in the dgajf and tobacco business. Tho Judge rUWS- tnat MISS nmon may a.ccy in ring if she will pay the trustee its cash equivalent. Patrons of the Athens Cafe will soon have an opportunity to patronise the modern soda fountain which is now hcing Installed in this popular eating house. The fountain I very large and is unusually attractive in ft p pasrsnce. In addition to carrying drinks of various varieties the eafe wig also serve ice cream. All number of the Chamber of Commerce are requested to bNfrtiatlt to-night at a mseting d that body in iu new quarter over the Sete'Rdyat BhN Shoe Store. Thistaeetinriscslled by the Railway and Water Transportation Committee, aad matter of vital in tarcst rehtlv to tr asportation wilt be discussed. The meeting will be cal led at right o'clock promptly sad will not last loafer than a ha hour. riSJajiilili to a lady's wardrobe Bsttmsat of dry goods is There will be an important meeting of th Executiv Committee of the Eastern Carolina Fair Association In the Chamber of Commerce room to rolWwfng -. 11V'V. 'iiM v eunm , war u nmmr ST rZ SBLL . . Line ' 411,-11 during the. rorge of a Jasytsag. loupd w ii rrm MIS1 MAJOR JOHN- ffc KERR Off WaWs CEVILLE LOSES MONf. man d dag .iH) ISw nl . SMasSJi. t . f Gettysburg, 'Pa., July $50, all' the money with him and unable to Walk battle field because he hist Ms left lag at Winchester. Major John H. Kerr asevr un In distrust and and suited hack to his hosa la eoyvule, N. C. He came to camp wM. 2,000 Confederates frOJlfP Una. His poclhrtboehJPs-l ej turn railroad ticket wura awoke in his tent the hag. Arrangements w another ticket.' I came here to see the on which I fought a a Member parry H. Fffty-Sevont-t tlasfh Regiment." Mid the MfOr, w use aUtths. " but my f been destroyed. It ' for me to walk over the sfeM. HavNff no money, I can't sure a ishlchl, SO I am going home." Several of the veteran reported that thev had lost soma dtdf W made m bdM avVa longings during the sSght of men were m vatioa all night, and ft is RRD MEN ELfcC I OFFICERS - the local camp Red Mea held At s meeting of Improved Order of last aight the following officers were elected for the enuing yer: Garrison Farrow, Prophet; Lawrence Wsntau, Sachem; N. Mr Farrow, Senior Sag M mil . : more and Horace wi. niu, juto. Sag a m ore . ,f Milaritii Chills & Fever that the thieves broke tl got into some of the the fagged osft and y" in the pulsus Sff, McCsfcusisMl cuSnb To tw MALARIA CHILCut Wvsss shi da ss wtjrwsli y taskssaal sud doss aot jilts ot skua, th an account of a collision between a bicycle and a motorcyqte contained th the Journal Tuesday morning, i It ws suted that Dr. Dunn was riding rlko mntflfrVfU Tkiffi VIM afl HVTCWn m rCWHa M.AiM. U .nv1 K TV Dunn SMS kgkj lilt uiaiv-iii isv ss ' " vm ewAmee, hut was bdne ooertrd by a nephew man ' j Mrs. William Dunn who Is visiting just after long journey. DIBS AT" MOREHfAD CTTT. UsffllWl 'HM To Cffltta. A tdegfam received .hart brought the aad new t M prehear City at yesterday fteraooa of dalt Meadows, the old daughW of Mr. and Mrs Meadows of this dty. Tl had been Ml for severed st attack of 0Htls, hut ha wss not cdydarad of t wo remains ww 1 hi", wasraiuff ,.' riMaMI AaSBH i m W V n-aV""' m night al ft.30 o'clock, in the city. Ivrf I