1 JSHM" 35th YEAR NEW BERN, N. C, TUESDAY, IULY 8, 1913-FIRST SECTION a i japt Qr-ypu discontinues vaudeville. WbM Quickly Char, ToiMwln, F.ll, Am Easy Prey Urn la New York. A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME After Being Separated From Snug Sum Goea Hone To Get Tea Thousand More. New York, July 3. Daring all the many yean that Edward Lee Baxter Daviion had been living in the pro gressive town of Charlotte, N. C, it was his foolish belief (hat the only way to make money is to work for it. He was encouraged in this delusion by the realisation that his account in the local bank was swelling nicely so nicely that last month lie was in position to prepare for a trip to Eu ' Leading about 11,000 in cash and a draft for $10,000 by the right hand, he arrived in this hospitable village on June 22. Four days later he waa going to accompany a steamship to the other side. He registered at the Hotel Martinique After he had shoved his steamer trunk under the bed and had placed bit tooth brush on the glass rack he went to the hotel lobby. To a well dressed young man flirting carelessly with the railroad folders it waa obvious that Davison, waa a stranger and should be cared for. Con sequently Use young man spoke to Davi son and was cordially made an acquaint ance. The young man, not wishing to intrude V the Southcner had other gested and soon after exe- Pictures Exclusively Will Be Shown At The Athens Theatre. After considerable deliberation Lo vick and Taylor, managers of the Athens theatre, which is one of the largest and most handsomely ' furnished in the State, have decided to follow the action of the largest and best theatres in the State and discontinue their vaudeville bill during the summer months. - Three reels of excellent pictures will be shown each night, there being a continuous performance beginning at 8 o'clock and the usual matinee will be held. A reduction in the price of admission will be made during the period in which there will be no vaude ville. Formerly the price has been ten and fifteen cents, but in the future the price of admission will be five and ten cents, a ticket admitting the holder to any part of the house. The theatre is equipped with twenty oscillating fans and its patrons are assured of finding a cool place when they go there. EXPECTED FIVE HUNDRED DEATHS That Number Of Coffins Sent To Gettysburg For Veterans By War Department. BUT ONLY EIGHT WERE U8ED Much Of Credit For Low Death Rate Due To Secretary Gar rison's Firmness. SEATTLE WANTS ELKS. Go To Rochester Prepared To Show Beauties Of Northwest. Baltimore, July 5. All the way from Seattle, Wash., and the States of the Northwest, 72 members of the Order of Elks, on their way to the an convention of Elks, which will open in Rochester, N. Y., on Monday next, stopped in Baltimore last evening, and were entertained by the local lodge at their home, 307 West Fayette street. They arrived from Washington yester day afternoon, and left for Philadelphia this morning. The visitors left Seattle Saturday afternoon on a special train, and are due in Rochester Monday. They o i. t r i r n i- t-w" make a Did lor tne convention Gettysburg, Pa., July 5. Basing itst, ... . . . 1Q1, T. calculations on me records oi tne ren-I . . . ... ... l JL .Z ZZ1 u,.ui . , Printing their own daily newspaper, 1 , with news from Seattle, and are carry JLCJJCtt L1I1C11L llldUC fJICLKUailUIlO 1UI 500 deaths among the veterans in the UNKNOWN WHITE WOMAN EXPIRES Succumbs To An Attack Of Heart Disease On The Road Near Core City. HAD IMBECILE DAUGHTER Authorities And Citizens Defray Expeasee Of Interring Body. pW SUgge cutWafrip to the haunts of the wild animals In Central Park. In the cafe the well-dressed young man was met by a friend who almost , a pocaet in trying to remove an ostent H Toll of yellowbacks in an un stteus manner, "Introduce me to the new branch of the United States Mint," remarked the young man interestedly. is a mere nothing," rejoined Ms friend, carelessly. "When 1 ase so many really intelligent young men George Simmons and 'daughter, Miss otfle, of PoHoksville, wertr among the visitors in the city yesterday . FINE FARMS IN JONES COUNTY JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT VIS ITS AND DESCRIBES SOME ELEGANT CROPS. (Special to the Journal.) Pofloksville, July 4. 'On the evening of July 3 the writer had a ride in the neighborhood looking over the crop conditions on the Simmons place 2 miles from this place, owned by Mr. C. E. Foy, and operated by Mr. John Pritchet. I found 25 acres of the best corn I have ever seen. It stands 14 inches in the row; the rows are five feet apart, the corn is as green from the bottom blade to the top as green corn can be. It stands from 8 to 10 feet high, and is just tasseling and nilkintr. This 25 acres is eood M.V for 1,250 bushels of corn or perhapi Mr. Prjtchet is one of the workin for money it breaks . . . 1 even more TSvl. ii- . ku'i.u .nH I scientific medal farmers of Jones ... , . , I county. He also has 40 acres of fine "" cotton which is ood for at least mat cany racing resuus one wuiu - , , . ..t.. fnrt-n in twentv minutes. My five hundred pound bales. That was a severe shock'' to Mr. DavieoaiteUigence. He had wasted fifteen Of twenty regular years trailing for mm Sam's visiting cards. And so easy to make) After several minutes he at length persuaded the young man to accept a fear doners from' him for sample bets. On the Ravens wood Farm, a place of over 1,500 acres clean, belonging to Messrs. C. E. Foy, J. W. Stewart, T. A. Usmell of your city, and Mr. W. S. Chadwick of Beaufort, I found several hundred acres of corn that is worth seeing by lovers of fine crops. This is one of the finest farms in North Carolina. The crops this year on the Mow more about this road to riches P under the aUful manage I w r- l l u 117:11:- 11 : u . . a ... ment oi mr. coo. n. wiiiiams. nu ami, on oeing assurea me more . . , , he handed $700 to the ' well-dressed" ff"' - if" - I De one OI tne nunci lanus ui lire country. In the whole tract of land there are 18,000 acres. Some of the finest forest timber lands in Eastern Carolina is in this vast tract Mr. Robert V. Taylor, who owns and operates on a part of the J. C. Bryan place, 2 miles out on the Trenton road, has the best cotton seen this the county by the writer, young man. Somehow or other the money was lost, but, said the well-dressed one, Davison should not be discouraged. He should make a bigger bet.. "Could you use this $10,000 draft?" TheV could, if they knew that Mr. Davison really had the money. Mr. rv-.j i:i ..uli.. k. year in that he had by going to his home though thert may be better or as good , - i,. . i u somehwere else. His is from 18 to 24 SSSfenuf iv. lie wem lw.1 w uw- leete and these opened his heart to Frank Osborne, brother of James W Osborne, the lawyer of this city inches high and looks good and thrifty. Polloksville Township is the banner township of the county. In all things ing p. moving picture outfit, with which they show the beauties of the North west at all their stopping places. Among the party are R. L. Hodgdon exalted ruler of the Seattle Lodge, and Frank B. Lamb, district deputy grand avaltul f-t.lotr TIimj or. Mmiiiw 9 OOO a.rman of the Mary mnatfe .po their emWem', to distribute at the convention. ME WRITES peace camp on the Gettysburg battle field. That number of coffins were sent here before the camp opened. Just eight have been used. "It is a remarkable record," said Gen. John-ft-JKa land commission and a past national commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. "It is inconceivable almost, that between 50,000 and 60,000 old soldiers could have spent a week in camp during such hot weather without a heavy death rate." General King was connected with the Pension Bureau a number of years and says he would not have been sur prised at the death rate anticipated by the War Department. "Much of the credit for the low death CRAVEN rate is due, undoubtedly, to the de mand of Secretary of War Garrison that the special trains bringing the veterans here be run out to the camp." said Major James E. Normoyle, camp quartermaster. To have compelled Daniel Lane of this county is one the old soldiers to walk out from of the thousands of veterans who Gettysburg would have meant many attended the great reunion at Gettys- more deaths than we have had. burn this week. He sends the Journal Major Normoyle is the recipient of the following most interesting letter hearty congratulations on the perfect which he himself entitles "Tenting sanitary arrangements that prevail, on the Old Battle Ground' Despite the fact that more than su.wu men nave uvea in it lor neany Getvghur p, iutv 2. 1913, a week the camp is in an unusually It ig a,mogt impogBible for anyone Mt DF GETTYSBURG VETERAN TELLS OF TENTING ON THE OLD BAT TLE GROUND. I attending the reunion to grasp or imagine its physical, social and moral To use the term "great" or "grand" is not up to the occasion. We are here not simply to eat, drink and be merry, though we are doing all this. We are here to show the world a lesson farms and farmers. We pay the most taxes. We cast the biggest Demo cratic vote of any other township. W.J.. . 1 . . .. J. Frank Oshome, suspicious, Instructed "e e T'"! Davison to see James W. This he did and Mr. Osborne took Davison to Depu ty Police Commissioner Dougherty, l, , ' , . ' . , r. p. , . . ..." i. We have produced one of the greatest ,0 the suspect, that DavUon M .Utesmen in the country m the peraon arrive here yesterday morning, via P" "-" .L- D. l.U I J. B. B Davison and Detective Van Cott, to carry out their plan, went to Newark yesterday morning and came in on a train from there. When the quarry appeared Davison was to signs! the detective by setting his straw hat far back on his head "John Joan'' and George Harris, teas sfli ill ' VLA A NEAR TRAGEDY. good sanitary condition. It is claimed by army officers and experts to be one of the njost perfect military camps jmport. as iar as sanitation is cuncerneo mat the world has ever seen. Three great incinerators were erec ted in the center of the camp, and in these all the offal is burned eachmorn- ii.iv TKo iirotur .a tha ntirrtct that i r - M w- a ft that no other nation or people can is prepared under the most careful shW' Uty. th0U8and men h WW I fa! 1 U11LC ciKiiiico) iiuw vamping , 1 I 1 .1. .... ..-A has resulted in an unusually good . " condition of health amone the 50.000 veterans, few of them under 70 years " 18 a inspiration and will go aown Of aire and most of them nearer 80. n history M the greatest event of this Major Normoyle came here months nation ago with a force' of assistants and has Some, with a little spark of envy or been here constantly ever since build- prejudice still ranking in their hearts, ing the camp and handling the details may deny the above assertion, but if of the arrangements. He gives un- they were here, they could not gainsay stinted praise for their great work the assertion, to Major P. C. Hutton, chief Sanitary We are camping by States and are officer; Major. W. R. Grove, Capt. mjnKiinK freely. exchanging con- George E. Stewart and Capt. W. B . j gratulations, talking over the past Mci-asicer, oi tne commissary aepart- and never before has such a peace ment, and Major Robert U. Patterson embassy met on this or any other con and Lieut.-Col. Alfred E. Bradley, Hnent since the aneels sanat the notes of the medical corps, and Lieutenant 0f "Peace on earth and goodwill to Henry, in charge of the field hospital au mankind," on the Judean hills t Y It 1 1 xL I servicee. oionei urao.ey nas oeen tne w . . . . chief medical officer of the camp. ...,. m t,..i tk. D,n.nr . . r.. J! i I .1 .aa.aa.v....... . -a-, . ..... . major ratterson aireciro. tne worst f p,nn.vlvani- anH ih. maHe of the 14 Red Cross Stations. i. , i .j , t The veterans have had every conve- . . th1-1Bll. tKat rnil,H h, but nience, with the exception of the shower CtAonti Bennett H. Young of Western bath. I U. . ... tU. lr.vnn nf tho aaaaaaa. faaa . a. aaa. vaaa. avva v.v situation and elicited for the governor t n , I I ..-II- ( It c na...f M,,.!,,! c,m,.l Iill oi reansyivsnia rea! rcuri yen. J. wa. V.aaa7 ...uaau-a ...aaa.a ; , .. returned yesterday from an official "l y . """' " a:.:. M l.a.oJ but as nearty. we air um oniy uaviun a wjvaw reunion, but the Blue and tne urey realizing that there must, with most of us, be another meeting over the river very soon; we meet on the streets at night and under the glare of a thou sand electric lights we are singing the GIVING OUT Automobile Dashes Into Telephone Pole At Morehead City. (Special to the Journal.) Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City, July lias I ouk U What came near being a serious Waxenburg. alias George Hobart, met 'aul accident occurred here .h- train Tfc-v oviwhrfm nivl. this afternoon when Dr. W. E. Headen with the effusiveness of 'their greeting. attempting to save ma nat irom Back want the straw hat and into ru being blown away as he was driving in his automobile, TEASED LIONESS WITH BABY. Nurse Held Laughing Child Close To Infuriated Beast. Atlanta, July 3. It's, negro nurse held the laughing baby of Mrs. John Harmon Denmark of the Grant Park section of Atlanta, close to the cage of a lioness in the Park Zoo, thus teasing the animal into springing at the bars and clawing through them at the infant. Keeper Boyd came along just in time, for the lioness, becoming enraged, was throwing herself with violence at the bars, its claws each time coming nearer the baby. The keeper snatched the baby away and notified the mother. It was all Boyd and a policeman could do to stop Mrs. Denmark from attacking the nurse when she reached the park. CHILDREN'S DAY AT ERNUL. Children's Day exercises will be held the second Sunday in July at Mace donia Church at Ernul. Everybody is invited to come and bring well-filled baskets, as dinner will be served at A white woman about fifty years of age, whose name is unknown to tne authorities at that place, died yester day near Cove City. The woman, who was accompanied by an imbecile dau ghter, has visited Cove City several times in the past few years and was looked upon there as a tramp. Of late she has been seen much between Tren ton and that town and it is supposed that she walked through the country; stopping at farm houses wjjttwerbie Chuieh.. in A wtianavar tlin it-t--ri unit.' oraal .. . aiiu iivuv v vi iiiv vlpui iuiiiv T waa offered. Heart disease caused the woman's death and when the end came she was walking along the road near the home of a farmer who resides not far from the town. Her body was removed to this ouse and the authorities were notified. County Commissioner White telephoned to C. D. Bradham in this city, chair man of the Board of Commissioners, and asked what disposition to make of the body. The State law says that only bodies of Confederate veterans or their widows are to be buried at the expense of the county while all others are to be turned over to the State Medical College. However, although there were no relatives to claim the body, the authorities and several citi zens at Cove City decided to inter the remains at their own expense The woman's half-witted daughter is now at Cove City, but will be brought to New Bern this morning and placed in Sheriff Lane's charge. GKTNING RITS ROCKEFELLER FEW RIPS ITS WAY THROUGH THE ROOF AND WRECKS RICH EST MAN'S SEAT. PURCHASES LARGE OIL BUSINESS T. HENDERSON ACQUIRES INTEREST IN CHARLOTTE ENTERPRISE. L, T. Henderson, representing the L. T. Henderson Company of Char lotte, is in the city attending to busi ness matters and is a guest of his bro ther, D. E. Henderson. Mr. Henderson has recently purchased the business owned by the Consolidated Tire and Oil Company in that city and the fol lowing article relative to this trans action appeared in a recent issue of the Charlotte Observer: "Mr. L. T, Henderson has recently purchased the stock and business formerly owned by the Consolidated Tire & Oil Co. Mr. Henderson has had about five years experience in the tire and oil business and has recently put sufficient amount of money in that line of business to do exclusive whole sale business in North and South Caro lina. The business will run under the name of L. T. Henderson Com pany, Mr. H. B. McGill will be man ager of the Charlotte office. It is Mr. Henderson's intention to establish agencies throughout North and South Carolina, therefore the greater part of his time will be taken up on the road. His company will be exclusive representatives of the Hood Rubber Company, Watertown, Mass., and The Adamson Manufacturing Company, East Palestine, 0." SCHOOL TRUSTEES HOLD MEETMfi Men Who Have F In Charge Hold Im; Session. Hat WsbB fiftftafiflt school, Cleveland, O., July 5. John D. Rockefeller, richest man in the world, will have to have a new pew built before he can enjoy his wonted com fort in church on Sundays. A bolt of lightning struck the . .a v a. a . ,a spire o! tne cucna-zivenue oapiisi church Friday afternoon, ripped its way through the roof and demolished John D.'s pew. Several other pews in the vicinity were wrecked, bat the big ball of fire did no further damage. The lightning flash failed to start a fire. No one was in the church at the time it was struck. The lightning struck the tip of the spire, ripped tis way down the slate covering to the roof, wrenched a great hole in the roof CIT,MN8 0F NO. 7 TOWNSHIP ana pa&sea on uuwu uuuuyu vn NEW TEACHER IS APPOINTED . jr. Committee To Investigate Vari ous Lighting and Water System. The Board of Trustees of the Craven County Farm Life School hsM SSSi important meeting at the office of S. M. Brinson, county superintendent of public schools, Inst Friday morning. The main object of this to discuss the purchase of a water and lighting system for tike school. A representative from the Fairbanks Morse Company and also from the Leader system works and laid their propositions Board. Considerable time in this matter and at the the matter was referred to Dr. J. Turlington, principal of the and to D. P. Whitford for investigation and these gentlemen are to on their findings at the next of the Board. The installation of a modern ! and water system is of vital importance to the Board of Trustees and ail who are connected with the school, and they are desirous that the very (Met shall be secured. Dr. Burlington and Mr. Whitford will probably visit sev eral schools in this State and in spect the systems used there before making their report. A committee composed of S. M. Brinson and Dr. J. E. Turlington was appointed to secure bids for furnishing the dormitory of the school. This dormitory will be furnished in the most approved manner, a simple yet com fortable style. The committee will secure bid s on this . furniture, first from the local dealers and then from dealers, outside of the city, they de siring to purchase the furnishings at the most reasonable price. Miss Elizabeth Moore of Illinois, graduate of the Lewis Institute at Chicago, 111., was selected to tain? i the Domestic Science of the school. Miss Moore has spent several years in this work and Somes to the Craven county school' highly recommended. Before bringing the meeting to a close the work now being school building and the home was discussed and seemed very much progress which has and is ELECTION TO BE HELD TUESDAY church, ripping and tearing the planks as. if they were made of paper, and af ter ripping a big hole in the floor, dis appeared in through the basement in to the ground TO VOTE ON CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOLS. struction of new pews. Mfivt Tni.Hav thr tax navers of Work will be rushed on the con-1 ? TowngMp proposition to consolidate alt the schools in that township. This is matter which has recently been aaitated a great deal in that township aVdthM citizens, it is said, are almost unam mously in favor of the plan. If the election carries, and there HIDES AGONY FROM SISTER. Youth with Hie Leg Crushed Whis tles When She Comes Near. The Struggle Discourages Many a I tonK. 0f Zion, talking and praying to Citizen of New Bern. gether that this reunion may prove Around all day with an aching back, not oniy a cementing tie binding to Can t rest at night; I gether one great nation in the bonds of Enough to make any one "give out." universal peace, but helping us all to Doan's Kidney fills are helping be ready for the general roll call thousands. land the great reunion that will usher They are for kidney and backache; the faithful into the eternal presence And other kidney ills. j tne author and King of Peace. Here is convincing proof of their Uucle Sam and the State of Pennsyl merit.: vania have gone to much expense J. A. Williams, 20J McDaniel St., to make this reunion possible and todv went his receotion commtttaw. down the street in his automowie, Kinston. N. C. says: "Doan's Kidney Lrft hr .H are imnresaed that charged with grand lar- momentarily lost control oi tne macnioe p,8 proved of more benefit to me than it , the best investment ever made t the West Thirtieth tobd int" "'ph !. any other remedy I ever used and it iB th,t direction; as a universal peace would be impossible for me to my too movement. The reguler U. S. soldiers much in their praise. I had kidney are fere on duty by the hundreds trouble for a long time and was caused amf they seem to meet their duties much annoyance by a frequent desire ; making the old veterans comfortable, to pass the kidney secretions. There kth all the honor due to the sged was also lameness through the small and infirm. of my back that on some occasions made a number of the old veterans have it hard for me to attend to my work I yielded to the fatigue and excitement used many remedies but the benefit the camp life and 6 or 8 have died, I obtained was only temporary. I but this is not a great mortality when finally got a box of Doan's Kidney we remember that the average age Pills snd soon after using them, I was over 70 years, and that there ere cured. about 50,000 For sale by all dealers. Price SOI They are beginning to break ranks. cents. Foster-Milbura Co., BuBslo, Many went home Wednesday and met New York, sole agents for the United wju go Thursday. Some will stay States. I to see the end. Friday the 4th, and Remember the name Deans ad I all pronounce it the greatest meeting While he was being carried to an u u.. itte dbt that it will, a large ambulance with his right leg nearly blown two itory brick structure will be off by a soda water tank explosion at Thurman This will contain at Glen Island. Robert Boulle, 16 years l)Jur recitation rooms and an audi old, of New Rochelle, began to whistle rium. Several acres of land will be "Here comes my Daddy now" when be devomf to a demonstration farm and was told that his sister was approach- this will be under the direct supervision ing. ' I of the airicultural teacher of the The ruse worked, for his sister,Cfmyen county farm Life School thinking he was oniy sisjnuy our.. R colutructed wagons will pent the rest 01 tne oay ww aw 4. uwd : convevina the pupils to friends. I . th rhm'. Cverv morning Boulle was cMiing wwn compre .. the routA,, air the soda water tank at the, Bead , ... , .nH r.m th-m to faJSE, ni '. 9 .f" ! f and brought before I bending one fender and breaking aw Douahcrtv who ne ante. The car was running at found that 'Harris waa -ntenred in a speed of about twenty-five miles sn In WW to two and one-half I hour- Accompanying Ur. Heaflen was years for swindling. Harris remarked .J000 "" that the ideatlfaallM rUm IWWtv said that h. liUvrf ,h,l HEW CORPORATION prisoaerv too 000 from Samuel T" Bo- Lun,ber 5 - Ctark of Gilt load. Aris.. on fun 20. principal office near Morehead Site ahowine Mr. Clark tha tntra.t- P-'. WM raaiea cenincaie 01 incor New York poration last weea to conauct a general timber and lumber business. The 10,000 into ooe hundred shares, with $3,000 Ne paid In capital. The Inc Plant, were! G. L. Simmons, of a yesterday Lawn when it exploded. He was taken to the New Rochelle Hospital, where his leg was amputated New York Times. CLEARED FIFTY DOLLARS. I of the papih' homes and carry them to the school. In the afternoon, alter the day's session has closed, the pupil will be carried home. This method NOTED D doeoa the -rrr w ME CUIUS HERE REV. R. F. PITTMAN TO UOW- DUCT MEETING AT FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH. Ml Rev. R. F. Pittman, lata of Moody's Bible Institute, Chicago, will arrive in the city Tuesday, July 8th and wiH begin a series of meetings at. the Kre Will Baptist Church on street. Services will begin o'clock. The oublic is invited to attend services, and the Christian peoat of the chy of all deaoauaactaaa. are especially asked to come end help in the saving of precious souls. Mr. Pittman will be iimijmhjgejl hp many as having conducted a revival at this church in May of last and the powerful and the noble work live long in the minds of those who wore fortunate as to coma aaaar Me influence. Mr. Pittman wta no anastao the meeting by his wile, who wia have charge of the choir. INSTALLS AUTOMATIC PUgiF. Eugene Williams, owner and pro prietor of the aew garage now being erected on Craven street on the she of the building which for several years Vail UJ vass ava - g is used extensively in school, in the was occupied by the Journal, aaa W, aH North and has moved aa automata, gasoHaa pump ai entirely satisfactory. The net proceeds of the sale of re- I . U. L"ia. f .mnnHs rin ummmmu --. f o Tn RTIinv July 4 by the City BesutHul UMM m a a-.... Jll Tk. .ai. Ml .a- I W. aa was an, mum. "alas v. ia.w menu amounted to more taan a hundred dollars but the Club was put to laeshhwsMs sapse.11 New York, July . Seventy Rus sian educators are expected to arrive Sunday or Monday for the purpose of studying educational, commercial and social conditions here. They will RUB-MY-TISM Wffl ta rotg Rh iXlaaa be entertained in this city by the Neuralgia, Headachea, Cnunpt, Merchants' AswKiation. Businessmen Colic, Sptalaa, Bntiaat, Cate and believe the strained commercial re- Banw.OM Soroa. Stingt of Insocts I lations between the unite stetee Bit ngdhagdh etijnm. mill III Itlnnii will be adjusted as a n tarnauy mi tztataaUy. Prica ZSc o the trip, on the sidewalk in front of the structure. This pump, which very much reejgjMee the water hydrants ased by W Oty, one of the Utest models of aasaas of thU kind and wdl na a magf ana want of local gasoline users, sa H win be necessary for them SO oat the proprietor of the piece time they want gasohne. Hit MOST POPULAR STATSMMtt 11 I rV- IT rlmeim Ihll! ggAMk - - .... , genjgam MM 1 PR TNT