Mi No. 130 NEW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY, IULY 18, 1913-SEGOND SECTION S5th TEA PROPOSE CHANGES PLAN TO CHOP ROCKEFELLER IS STUDY MORTGAGE CREDIT SYSTEM 8ULGARS iLOOT COLORED PVTHIUS HAVE BUSY DAY LANDED IN JAIL IN PARCEL POST UP HUGE F WELL MAN AGAIN Arrest Mark Latest Step In Ten Year Legal Fight Of Wife Of H. G. Moore. r. i. ri.. i t rv...ki. Tk. T. I .. ... . . MOVEMENT TO UUI Ur UKEA1 c. w.u. kon TWtnr SaM That fip Filiriiul I nJ Th Praunt - I I "P1"" "w BY MEANS OF IT IN GERMANY Reports Of Outrages And Atroc ities Confirmed By Greek Correspondent. NKXT GRAND LODGE WILL B HELD IN CITY OF ROCKY MOUNT. . ' IM.BUII, v www . . . .- . . ....... . Limitations. ESTATES INTO FORTY To Appear Before Committee FARMERS GET MONEY AT 4 1-2 PER CENT. ACRE TRACTS. Mldht Rn Fatal. CLAIM DATES FROM 192 rU9 1 At BAft-lVI tO At TT V r. rV ALIMONY DODGED MS SACK 1 ft v; Changed Residence From Penn sylvania, Thence To New York nd New Jdrsey. New York July 14. With tears rol ling down his cheeks, Henry G. Moore, late of Philadelphia, New York and Rutherford, N. J.," and very recently of New Haven, Conn., who is reputed to be a millionaire and has been called the world's champion alimony dodger, was taken to the Bergen county jail in Hackensack, N. Y., at 3 o'clock yesterday morning and locked up in a cell. The arrest of Moore marks the latest step in his wife's 10-year fight to force him to pay her alimony awarded by a Philadelphia court in 1902. He changed his residence from Pennsylvania to New York, from New York to New Jersey and finally fled from there to Connecticut, only to be pursued at every step. Moore Is.ow 63 years old and the son of Andrew Moore, of Philsdelphia, who amassed a fortune of $3,000,000 in the distilling business. Henry G. Moore first bid for fame during his father's lifetime, when he was sued Weight Limit W1U Probably Be Birmingham, Ala., July 12. A move- SEEMS VERY HEARTY NOW Raised It Is Also Proposed ment to chop up many of the mammoth To Enlarge First Zone. T farms in the famous fertile and pro ductive old Black Belt of Alabama into His Rejuvenation As Remarkable Washington, July 14. The Post- forty-acre tracts, to be cultivated by office Department is contemplating modern scientific intensive methods, important changes in the parcel post promises to revolutionize agricultural system which will double the package life in one of the most resourceful traffic now going through the mails farm regions in the world. Already under the present limitations. Postal! hundreds of farmers from the West As That Of His Better Known Brother, John D. Wcisbaden, Germany, July 15. The American Commission on Agri cultural Co-operation came to Wcis baden from Heidelberg, where half a day had been spent visiting typical local Raffeisen societies in the neigh boring farming communities. A sub committee of the Commission remained Tw Vrtrlr Tnlv IK. I.es.q than six 111 MS TTvOl I . V " ' I J -J l. ,T.,,i t .1 . .. I in Hot Hplliprir tn attpnn thp m PPTI n tr out and Northwest and some from the East months ago William Kockeieiter, alter " - ui i in t i'ir v -muni yji i.itn ii u v . j experts have been v o lung nlina o nqi-tUI fivnnof nfnn I I .1 A - -n nnvmiinn Komff Vl 11 flf PH ifT 111 O II t' Il S I) V DfOCCSS r"u,, w " itwiiowuvwvu IWVC purtlldSCU UW.U UU puiBUiHj v...6 1 tV ! 1 1m h 1,,,,, in ulir. of the system, and it is said an announce- a new svstem of farmine in this region, servers of the Pujo Congressional n( ;mnnv-n4- rU:U ursll I TI A. 1 I Inrl I-.lr TaaahIi I f mi ill 1 1 t ( f W3 PYrilSPfl It'lHll IIS 1- tnuiii. iilimh milt i nniiw milieu win i i fC IHUVCIIICIIL IS LrClllg ICU Uy JVJOtpil I -vsm be gratifying to town and city mer- O. Thompson of Birmingham, perhaps fying after the committee had found The first institution visited by the I ui' i i , .i . ... I-1 i . . 1 j i u l .f ... - L. commission in vveisoaoen was uiu chants will hkelv be made verv soon, tho limari anH nnn of the most success- and cone to his place ol rest, on tne I . .. . . . . . . I v-. - ... ,, ... ..ii Nissan District Mortcace Credit Hank It is not expected that the changes ful farmers of the South. Though he ground tnat ne couia neimcr tais. - - ..in r- ."J, L r ,,, ... Pvritement government institution extending win uc put iniu upciaLiuii iui at icodi i mm sen nas Deen operating iw ycais uh wi " v --. frJfirira1!r tana!. 1 i i i. ui; u ,.,,ii mmlit rancP h e rtpath throuch sutto- r1'"1 "l wov i-t"J " wVwa. i a, wivaiiitc scaic, uc lie v to in uk oiuaii 5 o if , r . r , r ...i. us vuoiigw iuvviv uk; i i dfin intensive sysicm auu la urwu i jm:o- : MMa.( I- t u( . ii ... a I . . . ..!. l ? ! J U uicuuiimiait in ioasau. at wo niv ot tne weignt limit over n pounas, constantly to that end. Me wants to usi weeit, on rriu-y . uC ....... . ... tvnp vi the enlargement of the first zone and a cut up the great old plantations of the William Rockefeller, looking Detter tnan big reduction in rates for the first and South into tracts of forty or.fifty acres he has in some years, attended a three- y . xi, ... r rL " j i u.. ..u:.. L f thp Fvpctive Com- Th bank was organized in 2! Jt.--i- :. t , ..i.....J' Li-NpVlr Npw Haven and 'y 8vernmcnt of what was tl,en u.. l t. .j 4u.i. .t.. it-j f.j DJI poIIp HUcnss rhp the Grand Duchy of iVissau. It lias rW" groes now cumvaung mem. - - - mmtn business suburban and farming territory. It movement changes are rapidly taking very important report ot the interstate is contended that if the weight limit is place among the great landed estates o Commerce Commission on the mis- holders The method of raised to tv or pounds ano a low the Black. Be t. management oi me company. , . . , . . . . .1,. j.j , . i i tt , j business is the same as that fallowed rate of 3 or 3 cents the first pound Mr. Thompson is known as the He did his share of the talking and . . , ii w-i f . . .. I . . . . , . I . . .. . . . u.jL t . k . oy practically an uiaiiiuiiui m I iv vi ;i iiir I I'nu i' a npurn ua nt I inn rpnt Tur an ncfn iipnr niiiinr a 11 i. n. n . mo " hnntih wpnr rn nm xiirr n inriv unii iiuinc au- g 1 - - - ,-! "iv ru.t. II uu .V" nfcMw..v j. .......... . IX 1 II I .1111111 111 . 11UIIUII1U. iiiwu.i . . - a CONSULATES NOT SPARED The American Tobacco Company Alone Said To Have Been Dam aged A Million Dollars. was said that Teagle's duties included is established it wi!l encourage truckers for years he was collector of Internal parently as fresh as any of the younger P P giving Moore a champagne bath twice and farmers to ship to the city kitchen Revenue for this district and active members of the committee, whose a day, Moore married in 1883 and separated A movement of this kind, it is declared Roosevelt's patronage referee for the of national discussion . . .......I In nmn.int- I.. I In- 11 I i . I t f : I I ' , farm produce in mail market baskets. hn politics, having been President health has at no time been the subject J from his wife in 1892. It was not, will eventually result in a material State for nearly eight years, he has Apparently his rejuvenation is as re lampunts, as low as $25, in order I . i . . . II ; . I...., tl,..,,. L ... ,nm .I.j . .l . . .;..! .l. I ... . . . .. . . , , I 1..1.1 .u.. f u: mat small investors t. .m, ."..... nuYvtvci, uniH ivm mat sne oDtaineti a reduction oi ine cost 01 living in tne cultivated one ot tne largest iarms in marKauic as umi n.o ' ti j i ., fr ... . . . . I.. .. .. ... . . ... r a. t I I 1 lit! 1IIU11CV (C.C1VCU ui i nv . ... ... .... divorce in rennsylvama, with 94,000 cities, lable necessities, which grow the world. It would take a man u., wno alter many years oi trouuic ... . ' ., mr. . ..... .11 i- .t. L .u. i u. i u. i . . .... i L.i j .. L'.L :.ji...i:n. ...nni.l 9 U vnrs bonds is used to sup, i, money a j mi tuauaviiy. iu Liic iiicaiituie on tne laiiu, .aii uc uuugui. iiuiu i traveiline on norseoacK nve uaya to wnii unn h.mi ....i. ....... . .. , 1 . , .:-. Andrew Moore had died, leaving his half to one-third less at the centre ride around the wire fencing that en- back that his dyspepsia had gone and secured bv the niort- entire estate in trust for his sons, of production than they can in the city, closes his acreage. There are more that he could once more eat anything 6 pn ' arc s ... , Henry G. Moore being given for his Though no official information can than two hundred miles of it. It he wished without distress. . ., :,. .,i:.i. k u u. ut:..j .. !,. K.ki. .k..- I. . ..,. u;u. .t.. .,,.h.r. of the P:iio IWIH lu l" " -" o..a. ... ...V.V....X. . iin.ii nas never uccu uc uuiainui an ui uk uiuwouiv mmiKvo i t.l Kts more tnan twelve 11U11U1 CU till- I 11 lll-n m.. . . - - I , , ( i 1 . 1 j. ... .. . ... i. . it., .i. c-.l . ... .. . . j,. c.ii i- flJin Merest and principal oi nis Dona au.uiaiciy uctcnumea. ne nas put it is unucrstuuu tnat tne nrst iuiic pioyees to maKe tne wneeis go rouna. committee uuaiiy outtttuvu ... .......... .-ikilfcu fnr tlip it t 12,000 a year, while his wife may be enlarged from SO to 150 to These, with their families, make a Mr. Rockefeller, who was in the West . , ' ., u ,his 1... .. k:U T C IU1A I IfVl .1 TL. ... I . .. , . I . I . C . L I 1 I . .... .,1, ;i An-rt.no Pit rtPrPPtlVPS. I rf' wummucw I, as uikii an f i j,wv. .w imico. iik uuuci .viiiiujia,- population larger tnau mat oi me i iiiuicn I"" v. w , . . hirh mak ins'estors more They have one daughter, Lclia. Hon are 5 cents the first pound and average city of Alabama. Six thousand believing he was in seclusion in nis M- M.m Viri- ,,, hp wpi-p trvinir to serve lrT . ; . " Philadelphai Moore slipped - away to vi xr l 1 1 . . , . ,, , . ,.. .Ill . . . ... . i i i r r I n t ,,1, ... .... -. .. new iwL ncrc a true, anver nameu timott xuuc an inaryiauu, nearly an nve thousand acres. 1 wo nunarea ana r . nauucn, ma pi..... K..JU..-... . , . . . . i,.,. T- , j , . .. . I , .. ... . r.. . . .. . . ... I i .k . ki.. tne iiivcsiuniwMiiiiSLiia.i.i.vi... ueegan lorcea nis way into Moore s oi Virginia, an oi ueiaware aim oik thirtv olows are running, ne nas over ana a specialist un mi i, ........ i,i, ...,P; .... . I .. .......... . .. , I . z : . . . t il rate oi interest. c un. .vt. .s apartment one night in August, 1VU3, slices 01 west Virginia ano rennsyi- sjx hundred head of cattle and as man y appeared Deiore tne comiiuiicc di ... nosslblc accused Moore of stealing his wife, vania will be included. Maryland hogs. They are shipped in carload declared that for Mr. Kocketeller to , fit . Jf it liaii thn IntitiA-. -f ,. . 1 I fn-mA tnn Conrarn Churn -mil in I I . . I ,. ,( I (....lif,, mirvrif In. i 1 1 111 ' . 1 1 1 ' 11 1 tO sll'lllIUM uu w"i. vmv mini muBcu w inwm,c wimwo vu u. i-ui111 " "miois to moniguiiicry anu iwn'i'tvu 7 - i. tum-H nvr to the government i u i . i t r i ir u: . i n i . l . j . u . jm. i - - ner, Kve nun a sou no mrasmng. rreaencit, naoiiiugiuii auu anoii ana marketed. ins ueain wai.o.n. .. rpHrp thp taxes of the landowners ma i-v . . . e- i tii i i i i i : . . . . 1 t ... . j .v. moore naa uecgan sent to prison lor counties win De enauieu to snip u- m an ordainary season tnis larm He told the committee thaS-tnere were ,l j ,l. .,.., hmk n( P. J t-- .1 - ... 1...J L. !.. D.I.! ... - ... .,r ... I . . t" " ou aays ior tne assault ano Moore was pouna maritet oasitets into nanuuure yields Z.500 bales oi cotton, zo.uw four things the matter witn'Mr. kockc- m. k..,., .1,p-p U i sprnnrl later seen many times, it is alleged at a low cost of 24 cents. The express bushels of corn, 12,000 bushels of oats feller's throat. There were laryngeal ! .' ,a..j kphi.,,1 the land in company with one "Annie Belmont, rate for similar packages would be UnO tons of hay, 500 tons of alfalfa and gpasms, oedema of the larynx, hem- f j,the guarantee of the government niliAaA a at a mn 2o I nrnnnd AO n nrl 7 C panto R 'i I l mArO lea n it II I? I f .. I . . T f 1 1 ! ......... I. I "u "re aaiu tu nave v. i , lo.uw gallons 01 syrup, mtccu ai- orrnages and irntaiion louowum nuccun. yyhen Nassau was an autonomous Annie Deegan. , Frederick, Hagerstown and West- tesian wells furnish water. Soon after this Mrs. Moore appeared minster merchants would also have a in New York and sued to compel her low rate for shipping their merchandise husband to pay her alimony. She won direct to the farmer s door. in the lower court, but the case was Under the parcel post act the appealed. I Postmaster-General, with the approval Mrs. Moore's next move was to in- of the Inter-State Commerce Com stitute proceedings to test her hus-1 mission, has the authority to make band's sanity. In this she was un- far-reaching changes in the rates, successful, but in a renewal of the zones and weight limits. It is understood suit for alimony she finally won judg- that plans for a partial reconstruction PICNIC AT BLUE i l SPRING ANNOUNCED This condition, Dr. Chappell told the . ..arantee was riven committee, made it very dangerous . . . uvernmcnt 0f the Grand Duchy for his patient to attempt to use of Naggau Na9sau has been absorbed his voice in any sustained enort ano u Prllg8ia aml there is a provision any excitement migni cause a .ata. ,n the congtituti0n of that state for OP381"- biddinn the government to guarantee "It is now a very narrow margin . Hi.tion. . ,hc comoanv which is for his life," said the specialist, who I rmitted t0 assume unlimited indebted declared that another hemorrhage Thprpfnre the miarantee of the might prove fatal Saloniki, July 15. The sacking and burning of the town of Seres by the defeated Bulgarian army and the accompanying outrages on women and atrocities on men were fully confirmed in a dispatch from a well-known Greek correspondent. The retreating Bulgarian soldiers, he telegraphs, opened a cannonade with four field guns from a hill above the town on Friday. At the same time bands of Bulgarian soldiers, led by their officers scoured the streets, first pil laging the stores and houses and then drenching them with petroleum and setting them afire until the greater part of the town was blazing. The soldiers were accompanied by the notorious revolutionary Colonel Yankoff, who with former officers of the Bulgarian army was very active in Macedonia in 1903. Even the foreign consulates in Se.es were not spared, according to the co respondent. The Austro-Hungarian consular officers were plundered and burned, Vice-Consul George C. Zbtko being carried off by the marauders but subsequently ransomed. The Ital ian Consulate also was sacked but the consul bought off the incendiaries. The Bank of Athens the Oriental Bank the palace of the Metropolitan, the Great synagogue, all the schotT, the tobacco warehouses of the American, Austrian ai.d German companies and the hospitals were burned ..Iter they had been pillaged. The American Tobacco Company alone suffered to the extent of $1,000,000 Many people were crucified, hacked to pieces or burned alive by the mad dened Bulgarians, who committed in credible outrages on women of all ages, many of whom died from the effects. The condition of those who escaped was lamentable. Rich merchants are dying of hunger, while wretched mo thers are trying to find covering and food for their naked and starving children. The situation is desperate, as all the pharmacies were burned down and there is a total lack of medicines for the sick and bandages for the injured. (By George F. King.) The sessions of the 8tn annual ession of the North Carolina Grand Lodge of colored Knights of Pythias f N. and S. A., A. A. and Australia, held yesterday were brimful of keen interest to hundreds of delegates. ,. " Greensboro, Elizabeth City, and Rocky Mount were rivals for the next Grand Lodge to be held, the same week in July, 1914. The Chamber of Coru erce and the Mayor of Greensboro ent invitations, by telegraph, to the Grand Lodge, for the next annual meeting to be held in the "Gate City." Rocky Mount won out, but a special committee was appointed to express the appreciation of the Grand Lodge to the Mayor and Chamber of Commerce for their liberal invitation. The same was sent by telegraph. The Grand Lodge appropriated $250, to the uniform rank of the fraternity; $25,00 to the colored or phanage, at Winston Salem. Last night Dr. J. W. Jones, ol Winstor, was by acclamation re elected Grand Chancellor. F. C. Hester w:is re-elected Vice Grand Chancellor. Prof. W. B. Windsor, of Greensboro, was re-elected by ac clamation, Grand Keeper of Record and Seals. Dr. Geo. W. Adams, ol Durham, re-elected by acclamation, Grand Master of Exchequer. Dr D. W. Chestnut, of Wilmington, Grand Medical Register, was re-elected by acclamation. Grand Master of Works, Dr. W. G. Avant, of New Bern, re elected by acclamation. Dr. J. A. Bonner, of Wilmington, re-elected by acclamation, Grand Prelate. Grand Master of Arms, Dr. H. P. Kennedy, New Bern. H. E. Hagans of Goldsboro, was elected Grand Lecturer; C. L. S. A. Taylor, of Charlotte, Grand Marshal; J. T. Pittman, of Wilmington, Grand Inner Guard; A. J. Simmons, of Ra leigh, Grand Outer Guard; and Col Jas. H. Young, of Raleigh, was elected Chairman of the Finance Committee. John A Broom and J. C. Latts, of Winston-Salem, were elected delegates to the Supreme Grand Lodge which will be held at Baltimore, Md., next month. DEPPE HAPPENINGS. TO BRING WELL FILLED BASKETS CROPS GOOD. I ml Knnpls n( the Nassau bank was The committee was unwilling to mk-ntk TWWMi" 190S' Snaf.t" f the y.tem wUl b, submitted to the INV,TED TO COME AND ft the word of Mr. Rocksfellf' Administrative District of Nassau. Kis thp rlnnnhtpr ran nwiv unit rn.nr.-ipp! I ntpr-Staf p ( nmmerre Commission at I I i ii c i . , . ,, . . pnysieiau as iinai, u .v H..,...-.. Thig however, a strong government of its own selection to examine him, guarantec and the sufficiency of it is choosing Dr. Charles W. Richardson of ,. in th. hik nrice oo maintained Washington for the task. Dr. Richard- . . npr bonda of ,h. Nassau (Special to the Journal.) son concurred in tne opinion oi it. bank Askin. N. C. lulv 15. Croos are Lhappell. 1 his, however, did not satis- ..... .,. ' ' - - 1. , . . . , . n 1 II in. mi- liic pi.vMiii.vi.1 . n i fairlv cronrl ronHition now. hut we IV tne committee, ana as mi. n.uv.nc-1 , . , ... i . : .:. . o..kr i xi i .M ,3t ,t.,,kr.r . ' . . , ,. . i tee saie, conuutt ui mc i K iu uiiV i niiiiiiiiuiii, ii. j. ... , . f . leucr would not come to it, me cuiiiiiui- .. . , ... i ui.. From this point he immediately country, was an order abolishing the frm W:nnin. ro Pllr. tee went to him in his Florida retreat. u r . y 1,1 J:...:.. -rk. .... . . ... . M.l rvn-r .r.mn .-A mk. " ' " " .... Ol the nOminiStratlVC UlSlllLl. sppiieo to reopen tne case. Misappt- - tobacco. The examination was very bnet, last-1 .. u.inp i th, hank is carried cation was denied. n umP " Pi post ur F. c. Ernul is soendinit a few liner but a few minutes, it being apparent I u.. . J: ... a ...m rlp.i -inc t-M.-l. ton M m .,i . packages. Mr. Burleson hat alto in- . ... .. mn Mr w c Ernul.Uh,. h. millionnire was the sick man 1 i- ,1 ,k! mmm hwivh) mwmmf i o. avawiv luilvnvu I ImxA fit II I " mmm --p ... ' I ' 1 I tO ITlOrigage 1118 I ClI 111 UCB III PH. IV Hi- him to New Jersey and obtained a war- auuratf? tne coiiect-on-deiivery sys- in tfce (vm near herc thii week the phyjicjan, he was, and there , re(.i.tration. The system rant for hUarrest. He was not, however, wm4-" c"uu'c" ,k p aT Mr- S- A Gakin ha the finest """ch surprise expressed that o ,and jrttfo, j Germany is taken to jail, as it wasaUeged his health f i" ' lfc rotomc' pumpkins ol the season. under the circumstances Mr. Rocke thorou.hiv perfected and this is one this the daughter ran away and married Inter-State Commerce Commission at William A. Schott, of Baltimore. Ian early date. In 1910, again on Mrs. Moore's com-1 Postmaster-General Burleson has plaint, her husband was adjudged in made several important changes in the contempt of court for not paying parcel post regulations since he has his arrears of alimony, now amounting been the head of the Postofhce Depart- to $36,000. Mr. Moore lost no time I ment. One of these changes, which was well received throughout the Farmers Much Encouraged Over Condition Of The Crops. TENDERS FRIENDS would not permit. After being kept lor two months under guard in the Department collect the money and send it to them. The "boys" continue to play base- feller had not notified the committee l( the most ential features to a I Kali mm MStHMav. thpv arp nrpnarinir p.f his ronHition and olaccd himsclt I t i i i:. .......... Tl.. n : i . 117:1 i . d...i. . I ' " ' - suecessiiu lanu cicun vm Hackensack Hospital he was set at . . " . "UMCTT" to give some team a warm time in the at its disposal before the inability the curt the farmer U given a paper liberty on a writ of ne exeat, under . Li -Z 1 neT future- o the committee to reach him had estabU8hing his title and describing the bonds of 30,000 not to leave the "T'"" There was quite a large crowd at the become a scandal. nrooerty. This paper is sent to the land SUte. ,J rr. d?l?ittnt,? ,The.y Mineral Spring Sunday including a T with the Tonlication for a loan. m, m 1. m.n frnm Mpw Rprn I .. ... u. .-J .u. ... , ,,.. III tne loan or gramcu mh .a. ...v.. j (Special to the Journal.) Dcppe, N. C, July 15. Farmers arc very much encouraged here now; crops are on a boom. Mr. W. Herman Collins was the guest of Miss Lila Henderson Sunday evening. Mr. J. C. Shepard of the Harris C.eek section was the guest of Miss Annie Trott Saturday and Sunday. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. Frank Henderson and hope he will soon recover. Mr. Liston Bryan of Jacksonville was a visitor at the home of Miss t Lilian Riggs Sunday. We are very sorry to hear that Mrs. J. R. Eubank is seriously ill. Mi. Tom Henddson and Mrs. C. S. A LAWN PARTY DELIGHTFUL SOCIAL ETEKT AT ORIENTAL LAST FRIDAY EVENING. Orii dcligh in Oi n spite ot nis lour bondsmen, Wil- oped until It becones a postal express ' Bv th. ' there will be s oicnic HOUSTON CREATES NEW POST. . . ' " . nt liam C. Sherwood, John Prout, John H. system, giving the people . retail . y, th mortgage is registered and also the bank I . ill... c ! U C... Morris and George C. Tennant, all package transportation conduit at low .,.. . .... r kJj.. :. i..:..J o(!rn,rif .U.Mt JIU! J"Y- -vCTyuuy .. the Srtate. opens The bondsmen immediately employed detectives, who found Moore In New records with tie mortgage the fact that bonds to an equal amount have I . . I I l ... t r. ... . . . I el . . . .. it 1. said, by Major Wittpen, it was The change. In the parcel Pt ' 'T" Z' bn I he entire transaction learned, lew day. ago that he had left may be m.de before the fall season 1 ?L f.tl fleer For Foreat Appaals. cosU the i.rmer .bou; $20 The bond oyojiuuuj wur. uu u..... . v.. draws interest at rne lo.vest pracntaun; water in the eastern part of the State I rgte now 4 . pef cent because of a and. don"t forget the basket. k-d money market and the farmer Regular service at Kit Swamp next Washington. July 15. Law officer for tQ the thls Mme .ate 0 jn. Haven. He was brought back last night and surrendered to Under Sheriff Heath, of Hackensack. SHERIFF TAKING NO CHANCES Sj.ecial to the Journal.) : July 15. One of the meat il events oi the social seaM.1 nt il took place last Friday evening when Mr. Frank Gendreafj tendered a number of her friend, a lawn party in honor of Miss Dixie Mattocks, of Stella, and Mis Ruth Barwick, of Kinston, who are visiting her. The party was given at the home of S. W. Everett, Mr. Gendrean's father, .and the large lawn wa bril liantly illuminated with many Japanese lanterns. One of the features of the party was the fortune telling by a r:, ..... r.rtnnp trllpr who Hat enaconed Barker of Trenton, were in this section . , . f . . nnm .k. Ur 111 in I i. ui ... " .v. .... . Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dcbruhl of De I. mill's were visitors at Mr. J. R. Kuhanks Thursday and Friday hwn. There was not one of the young ladies or gentleman who did aot visit the soothsayer' tent at some time dnr- ihanx. inursqay ana rr.oay. ,. eyeni and hr to The annual picnic at Tabernacle , them M4 fgr was held List Friday reported a good- time. Everybody I Nnfnrln,.. Nui V... U'likl. ' It is possible that Moore will be ... ,r. imght brought into court to answer to a con- lines Of His Call, tempt charge lor leaving the State, and il he is again set at liberty it is thought certain that hi bond will be Sheriff R. B, lane i taking no LklK. '- 1 Irhxnaaa on "RnH" flraan ,k. . : Jf 1111. mil 1 1 negro now In the county jail under severs! charges, making hi escape. Alter he had been recaptured alter making a daring leap from a .wiftly moving passenger train while being brought from Norfolk to New Bern Sunday if nothing prevents. Sundsy forest appeals is a new position in the temt ,uf enougj, t0 cover the ex chool I progressing finely. We are Department ol Agriculture created inM the bank Tllii j, about anxious to Me the new road come in yesterday by Secretary Houton. one.hal! per cent in an economically heavily increased. DEATH OF EDWARD OWEN PARKER. It will be filled by Thoma. G. Shear- , amitmMatt institution. man, lormerly 01 tne forest service, MADERO SAYS HUERTA IS DOOMED. now doing .pedal work on Indian TALM AB0UX THE COTTON IClalUlB UI U1C .'IV lltnl j V Vis ""ivi vrs . 1 fiMvp The new omcer, wno assumes nis duties Wednesday, will be entirely During the evening a large Ira ui a Knilt on thp lawn and the nartT Mr. William Tallman was the guest I j arQund and t0Mtw of Mr. Frank Henderson Sunday after-, mahniclow.. In the estimation of no"- , ... I all the event was a grand success and Mr R. R. T.llman, of Fayetteville : , enJoyed Ky N. C. wa. vuiting his parent, at f Among tho enjoying Mrs. this place last wek ! Gcndreau. hospitality were: Mis. Elrfa Miss Glenme Eubank of New Bern, Mldgette. Pattle SpruiU, i, here at thui time-.pending a few days Hc,cn Edth Whkehortt, with her mother Mr.. J. R. Eubank, j Stephens, Grace Morris. Unra Mr. Alpheu. Collin., was the guest of Durhtm Ruth Simmons, of Mi.. Gladys McDaniel Sunday f , JohBlwn SteU McLees sad afternoon. v ..... j willl.m alk .1 11 ll IV iiaiiui -' . : Francisco Msdero, father of the mar- outside the Forest Service and directly & fift "-Euward . few d.y, t0, Green told the Deputy Owen Parker died at his home in Silver- Sheri &0tti Mm ln chargt thaPt h; dale N. C , June J5 of acute indhjaatlon. WWW m,ke hu ,,,, from the "V . , W very first opportunity, hi. f.ther, mother four brothers, With the exception of one or two JSL" Tl t 'I MU Prb0M" th W ho we confined fa . leas. It iasadtb chronicle the death , th, , .Uowed t0 theif f one so young Mr. Park wa. a good Md walk around ,n tht man,alw.y. ready with a helping hand However, thb libertv U aot sIIowpH nd to everybody snd ever v bod v I r:. ..j k. ai u. 1 f ., ' iipm .uu win uv un witnin tne Of hi. cell until hi. cass is tyred President of Mexico who has joined hi. son's widow and other mem bers of the family st Ashbury Park, said yesterday: "The present struggle probably will lie decisive. Autocratic and democratic parties have been fighting for control lor two yean, and I believe this will be the end. Huerta will be overthrown. Thi. is almost certain. The people are fighting against him. I have now left seven of my son snd three daughters. They murdered two of my sons. Treachery did it." H. A. Real, of Reelaboro, .pent responsible to Secretary Houston. Ap peals from the chief forester's decisions regard to homesteaders claim. for agricultural lands in national forest reserves, grazing privileges, tim ber sale rights and the like will be referred to Mr. Sherman for final decision. In cases of agricultural land classi fication in the forests the law officer has co-operating a committee of agri cultural expert, named today by Secre tary Houston. They art L. C. Corbett, assistant chief of the Bureau of Plant Indusrty; E. C Chllcott, of the same bureau, and T. D. Rice, of the Bureau of Soil Surveys. Nash Mattocks of Silverdale, Onslow county, who was in the city Tuesday, J. S. Morris, and his sistor i Danie, WateT pari, Sylre(ter Mr. M.is Nancy J. Morns, were guests Gilbert j fnt. ol Mines Annie and ita r. irou . . ...i... r.pii UMw R.lnk ' . ' TM Harris, Chri. Fenner and Zeb Sunday evening. say. cotton in hi. part of the country SELLING STOCK IN PRC POSED -.. ,ar brlclt building erected t - : l...(..t.. I as at I bvvbb mmt imi.nrT a 1 ' is not a. good a. it was year before last, but at present gives promise of yielding M good a crop as that of last year, and with the right sort of weather from now on there may be a better crop than wa. made last year, la hi. opinion there hi no chance for the Cotton crop to overcome entirely the NEW HOSPITAL. Craven street by Eugene ' has been completed and is now oecui BUCK stoves and ranges. J. The promoters of the project to erect by the New Bern Garage Come a new hospital on r.at rroni The rtructuft was erected exj street are engaged in securing ub- fo(. tnit purpoae and is one of the I scriptions for stock and are meeting with gHtt i the State, much success. It is understood that .. . several thousand dollars worth of the aj 0 f , J Ml stock has already been placed. It IlOs tjl X-QlX LY "Qj . . 1 . . I . 1.....:.. .. . I. . .....m.il.r. ,0 3. is tne lnieiiiiun 01 m iuuiwi... Basnlght Hardware Company, New Barns, N. C. M. M. Marks returned last night ttom a short visit at Goldsboro. put up a building which, when equipped, ki MALm" orCHILl will cost between tnirty-nve ana iony p;T( tx doses will braat cay I ik.unri Hollan. and thev desire to if liken Ihea ss a toalc Iha Fever begin work on ; the structure some time JfJjgM( UUluiK ii- Pnnr Print

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