miix weekte ImtftmL mm NEW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY, IULY 25, 1913-SECOND SECTION 35th YEAR THE Washington Baseball Enthusiasts Find Supposed Girls Are Men. tLONG THROW GIVES THE TIP Small Boy Snatched Wig From Third Baseman's Cranium. Washington, July 21.-The first In ning of a baseball game between the "Bloomer Girls" and a team of young men nere ended in a not, when the 4,000 fanp who paid 35 cents each to see the "Girls" play ball saw the "Girl," whr was playing in center field throw the ball home all the way from the furtherest part of the middle pasture. That, and a suspicion of whiskers on the face of the muscular blonde lady who was capering about third vase, started the trouble. A small boy who bad slipped under the side line sidled up to the third base man and when the latter was watching the batter reached up quickly and grab bed the mop of heavy blonde hair which rolled in lovely marcelle waves under the baseman's cap. One sharp jerk and cap and hair "came away, exposing a closely cropped cranium. Simultaneously a youth in the grand stand shouted: "He, look at the pit cher; she's chewing tobacco." The the 4,000 fans surged upon the field in one swiftly moving mass. A po lice captain and half a dozen patrolmen were swept away in the rush to inter cept the "Bloomer Girls," who already had started for the gate. They reached It ahead of the crowd, but none too soon, for hardly had they dashed throught and across the street tq the clubhouse nan the vaneuard of the rrmvrl began to throw things. Bricks, pop bottles and whatever came quickest to hand showered upon the little build ing in which the "girls" had barricaded themselves. In the meantime another section of the crowd, moreager for restitution than vengeance, swarmed about the ticket boxes at the gates and were pre vented from mobbing the ticket sellers only by the prompt arrival of the reserves in an aumobile patrol. The ticket sellers were placed in the patrol wagon, which then took on board the "Bloomer Girls" and drove rapidly to .Union Station, where thev were safely placed ion a train for Baltimore, j whence they had come to Washington, i Only one arrest was made by the police, that of Charles C. Jones, a AO .1.1 i. I , it-uiiiani , ud y ccii h uiu, wno was enargeel 'with disorderly conduct. Jones, old as he is, led the rush from the grand stand. Four weeks ago the Chicago Bloomer Girls, who have been touring the United States and Cuba, drew a big crowd here and the game today was supposed to be a return engagement. N. C. GOOD ROADS I. TO MEET ANNUAL CONVENTION TO BE HELD AT MOREHEAD CITY JULY 31 AUG. I. The annual convention of the North Carolina Good Roads Association will be held at Morehcad City on July 31 ind August 1. This convention will r-mphasize particularly road mainten aoce, construction problems in the various sections of the State and it will b thrown open for a full and free discussion on the parts of the delegates of questions of local Interest. A verv i nt f r.-cl I nc nrnoram lifts luwin prepared for the occasion. Governor Locke Craig. will be present and deliver the address of welcome on behalf of the Stale, and there will be a number of other prominent men present to assist in the meeting. Excursion and week-end tickets can be had on all railroads and the South ern 'Railway Company will probably operate a special train from the Western Caro'lna section. The headquarters of the Convention will be at the At lantic Hotel. 8UES RAILROAD FOR MILLIONS. FIFTY rksdale, Miss., July 23. The of Mississippi has brought suit against the Illinois Central and 'axoo and Mississippi Valley Rail- , asking (50,000,000 in penalties leged violation of a law forbidding FM5 MOB BLOOM GIRLS ASSO SUES IT- E Holt Damages Home Of Jack " Pearce To Extent Of Five Hundred Dollars. WORST STORM OF SEASON Corn- And Cotton Damaged All Over This Section Of The State. Telegraph and telephone connections from New Bern to other points in- this section of the State were made Sunday after having been out of business for several hours on account of the storm Saturday Sfternoon and night, and communication with the outside world was again possible. According to all reports this section suffered more from the storm than any other point in the State. The rain gauge at the local weather bureau showed that about three inches of water fell during that period. Cotton and corn in Craven, Pamlico and Jones counties was badly damaged by the excessive downfall of rain and this will cause a large loss to the farmers. Lightning also caused much damage at several places. At Polloksville a bolt struck the home of Jack Pearce and did damage amounting to at least five hundred dollars. The front porch was literally demolished and the roof of the building was also badly damaged. After striking the porch the bolt entered one of the rooms on the lower floor and played havoc there. Just a minute or two before the light ning struck the house M Pearce's I children were on the porch and but I for the fact that they ran into the house ! as soon as they saw the threatening clouds approaching there is little doubt but that one or perhaps two of them would have been seriously or fatally injured. Persons coming into the city 'yester day by means of conveyances report that the roads at a number of points are badly washed out and that numbers of trees have cither been blown down or torn down by lightning. s PAMLICO MAN USES INTENSIVE METHOD IN PRODUCING LARGE CROPS. There are a number of farmers in this section of North Carolina and par ticularly in Craven and Pamlico coun ties who use intensive methods in farming and that it pays them well is demonstrated by the fact that their crops are always larger than those of their neighbors and the products arc also better in quality. Robert Woodard, of Pamlico, one of Pamlico' county's most prosperous citizens is, in addition to being the owner and proprietor of a large mill in that county, a farmer who uses this method of producing crops and a few days ago a Journal reporter had the pleasure of visiting his farm. Before beginning to farm Mr. Wood ard read extensively on the subject, especially getting information on scien tific farming, from the pamphlets and literature isseud by the State Depart mcnt of Agriculture. He then selected several acres of land near his borne and gave his employees orders to pre pare this for planting Securing only the very highest grade of seed and fertilizer he began to till the soil and his efforts met with marked success. Today he has one acre of c rn which he claims -will yield him oie hundred bushels which is four or times more than the average farmer gets from his land. This is only one instance of where Mr. Woodard's crops are larger than those of the average farmer, but it is the same with everything which he raises, and he has the reputation of being one of the best farmers in that section. IMPORTANT ARREST MADE. Washington, July 23. The arrest of Robert H. Davis In St. Louis on' charges of railing $5 national bank notes to twenties is regarded as tm tremely important by United States secret service officials who announced that Davis was responsible for the raised notes which have been exten sively circulated in Chicago and var ious Teaas points since May. An investigation of his career, officials declared, disclosed that he was scnten tenced at El Paso, Texas, in 1903; to six years la the penitentiary for coin counterfeiting. His home la In Galveston where his bride of four mon- LIGHTNING POLLOKSVILL SCIENTIFIC FARMING PAYS LIGHTNING PLAYS HAVOC. Destroyed Barn and Stables At Tuscarora. During the severe thunderstorm which visited this section last Saturday afternoon lightning struck a barn owned by Abner Wetherington who lives at Tuscarora and this building and an adjacent structure used as a stable were destroyed by fire. In the barn was a quantity of farming implements and feed stuffs and this also was destroyed. This storm was the worst one of the summer and much damage was. done by it. MODERATE WEATHER AHEAD. No Hot Wave Looked For This Week By Weather Bureau. Washington, July 21. No hot wave is looked for this week by the Weather Bureau. "The present pressure distribution over the Northern Hemisphere," said the weekly bulletin Sunday, "appears favorable for the prevalence of moder ate or, at least, not unusually high temperatures over the greater portion of the country during the comine week. Over the south and southwest temperature will probably be high at times, but not so high as during the week just ended. "As to precipitation, prospects are not very favorable and generally fair weather may be expected over all sections except the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, where occasional thunder showers are likely to occur. "There are no indications of a West Indian disturbance. " Storm Was Severe at Pollocksville. (Special to the Journal.) Polloksville, N. C, July 21. A very severe storm visited this section Saturday afternoon. The rain fell in torrents for three hours and was accompanied by hail and a severe electric storm. Everything on the main street was submerged for a time, trees blown down and some places of business flooded. It is reported that the hail did much damage a few miles North of this place. The crops are damaged to a considerable extent in this section. 1 SENTINEL STANDS AT DOOR AT NIGHT ANOTHER FOL LOWS BY DAY. Newport, July 22. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, with Master Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, jr., arrived here early Sunday morning on Mr. Vanderbilt's private car Wayfarer. They were met by one of Mr. Vanderbilt's largest automobiles, and the three, with the young Vanderbilt's nurse, went at once to Oakland Farm, Mr. Vanderbilt's summer home in Ports mouth, a suburb of Newport. Their hom-coming had been pre pared for, and a retinue of servants was in waiting to greet the baby, who never before had gazed on his American summer home. There have been rooms prepared for his babyship in a suite adjoining Mrs. Vanderbilt's apartments, and the head nurse with four assistants and servants galore are looking out for his comfort and convenience. Although Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt will remain at Oakland Farm through out the summer, they will make short trips to Mr. Vanderbilt's camp in the Adirondacks and probably to other points. However, the baby will remain quietly at the farm, where he will have the benefit of the bracing air directly off Narragansett Bay and be surrounded on every hi e by the health-giving fragrance a small forest o( pines and the . rs of many peach and apple orchard .. The baby will sleep in a room in which every window is wide open and at the door of which is stationed an armed guard, changed twice every night. During the day armed guards will never leave the baby's side, and a strict watch will be kept on whoever comes near the boy. In the daytime it is planned to keep the little fellow out of doors all the time when the weather is good, and on rainy days he will be kept in his carriage on the broad veranda of Oakland Farm The plan is to give him every known comfort and convenience, but to raise him to become a sturdy, athletic man. SCHOOL CAMPUS IS VERY AT TRACTIVK. There Is a marked improvement noticed this summer ia the campus surrounding the Graded School. Dur ing me vacation period in past years the campus has Men allowed to grow up in weeds and grass and was very unsightly. Due in part to the efforts of tho City-Beautiful Club this condi tion has changed and at present the . piace is one ot the most attractive in the city VANDERBIL HEIR CLOSELY GUARDED BULGARIA RW TO 0U1T Will Stop Fighting Forthwith Only Greece And Servia Will Do The Same. if POWERS DOING ALL POSSIBLE An immediate suspension ut Arms; And Settlement Of Issues Are Looked For. London, July 22. The new Bulgar ian Cabinet under M. Radoslavoff, have formally notified the European powers of its readiness to order the cessation of hostilities immediately if the Powers can induce Servia and Greece to take a similar course. It is officialy confirmed at Bucharest that Bulgaria has accepted the condi tions laid down by Rouniania and has also agreed to terms of peace with Servia and Greece. The Prime Minister characterized the spectacle presented by the Balkan States as "disheartening and repellant" in a speech at the Chamber of Commerce centenary banquet here lust night. On the one hand, he said, were the Balkan States drenching with one another's blood the territory they united efforts had freed from Turkish rules; on the other hand was Turkey disre garding the Treaty of London, on which the ink was scarcely dry, and taking advantage of the differences between her late enemies to recover her lost territory. The powers, continued Mr. Asquith, were doing everything possible to bring the disputants to a peaceful conference. Today it seemed likely that such a conference would take place. "We believe," he added, "that it must result in the immediate suspension of arms and a speedy settlement, upon the terms of which, with a view to what has happened, the great Powers must and will preserve their own judg ment." The Prime Minister warned Turkey that if she were ill advised enough to set the provisions of the treaty of Lon don at defiance, she must be prepared for the introduction of questions which it would he by no meanslto her interest to bring into the debate. Squads of police defeated the efforts of suffragettes to mob Premier Asquith by clearing the streets in the neigh borhood of the banquet hall before he entered. Hostile crowds chased the suffragettes wherever seen, forcing them to take refuge in shops and offices. The women, however, succeeded in smashing several windows of the hotel where Mr. Asquith is staying. Six of t hem were arrested. LARGE EXHIBIT DESIRED. Ladies Asked To Prepare For Fine Showing In Culinary Art. All ladies intending to exhibit in the Culinary Department of the Eastern Carolina Fair this fall are asked to bear their exhibit in mind in putting up their fruit this summer. The Fair Association is especially desirous of having a large culinary exhibit this year and the co-operation of the ladies in the country is earnestly sought Prizes arc offered and particulars as to the same will be made known when the premium book is published at an early date. Ladies are urged to prepare to take part in the work of making the Culinary Department a great success and to begin at once by putting up their largest and finest specimens of fruit, both canned and preserved, with the view of exhibiting it at the Eastern Carolina Fair. Exhibits arc also requested and prizes will be offered for bread, cakes, pies, rolls and in fact anything in the culinary line. There arc also prcmiuns to be offered to girls under fifteen years of age, full particulars of which will be con tained in the premium book. Pending the issuing of this book and at any time information concerning the Culinary Exhibit in any of its details will be cheerfully furnished by the under signed. Mrs. N. HJ Strict, Chairman, Culinary Department. Eastern Carolina l air. SHOT WIFE AS HE EMBRACED III K. Kansas City, Mo., July 23. "Kiss me good bye and I'll go away and never bother you again." With this request Albert Snyder, 36 yeirs old, appraoched his wife, Oli vette G. Snyder, as she was about to enter a downtown store where she was employed as bookkeeper, threw his arm about her neck and fired a bul let into her forehead. He then fired s bullet into his own brsin. At the hospital it was stated re covery of either was doubtful. Recent ly Mrs. Snyder instituted proceedings for divorce. READY TITLE WAITS ON THE STORK Duke of Roxburghe's Wife Hopes It Will Be A Boy. London, July 21. London society is keenly interested in the result of an in teresting event that is to take place shortly in the ducal family of the Roxburghes. Upon this event depends the import ant question of whether the title and huge estates anil properties of the Duke of Roxburghe shall he handed I clown in direct line or revert to the Duke's eldest brother. Lord Alastair Robert Innes-Kcr, heir presumptive Although the marriage took place 10 years ago, there are no children. Before her marriage the Duchess of Roxburghe was Miss May Goelet, of New York. Her marriage to the Duke in May, 1903, was the greatest society sensation of the season. The fact that the couple have been childless for 10 years had up to the present made it appear certain that Lord Alastair Robert Innes Ker or one of his two sturdy sons would succeed to the title and estates of the Rox burghes. Like the Duchess, Lady Innes-Ker, the wife of the Duke's brother, was one of the most noted American heiresses. She was Miss Anne Breeze, daughter of the late W. L. Breeze, of New York. She married Lord Innes-Ker in 1907, and her eldest son was born a year later. Very cordial relations exist between the two households, but the Duke and Duchess are naturally very eager that their child shall be a boy, so that the title and vast estates shall be his. Although facing the possibility of the loss of a great name and estates, Lady Innes-Ker is quoted as expressing the most generous wishes toward her American sister of the nobility. It is felt that the huge fortune of tile Duchess is more admirably fitted to keep up the splendors of the Roxburghes estates. The Duchess is at present at her London mansion, Chesterfield House, and until recently was to be seen every day driving in t he park. AUGUST AULARD CHEMICAL ENGINEER WILL ATTEND CONFERENCES. New York, July 22. August Aulard, a chemical engineer, of Brussels, ar rived yesterday afternoon on the Lapland of the Red Star Line, having been sent by M. Hcllcputti, Minister of Agriculture and Public Works of Belgium, to attend as a representative of the Belgian Government two farm ers' conferences in this country. The first will be a conference on cold farming, or farming on wet lands, to be held in Chicago in September. The second will be a conference on dry farming, to be held in Tulsa, Okla., from October 22 to November 1. Charles A. Mead, State Engineer of New Jersey, and a member of the Board of Public Utilities, returned on the Lap land. Mr. Meade was one of the 200 American engineers who went to Ger many on the invitation of Dr. Von Midler, head of the German Museum of Munich. The Americans were the guests of the Verein Deutscher Ingcnleurcn, and they visited the big German citicx. They were presented to Emperors, Kings and princes. "One of the most striking things about the German factories," Mr. Mead said, "was their cleanliness, and they can teach many American manufac turers in this." Charles Denby, American Consul General at Vienna, arrived on the Cap land with his two sons, Masters Charles and Edwin Denby. r Hiram J. Dunlup, the American Con sul at Cologne, jyus also On the Lap laud, accompanied by Mrs. Dunlap. A woman jfssengcr in the second cabin, who said she was carrying her handbag with her wrist through the handle, ml' sed the bag while the ship was landing Iter pnsitngcrs. Thcrp was $21 in the b ig, all the money she had. PUT WATCHMAN IN THE FRIGERATOR. RE- Atlanta, Ga., June 23. Burglars Mondav niaht entered a store here and after v.-i ..... ... . ninhr waiehm.i n BELGIUM SENDS REPRESENTATIVE E M Davill thnlst hlm int0 a arge(the General Electric Company, have refrigerator. He was later rescued by detectives who had been warned that there would be an attempt to burglarize the place. Davis was numb with the extreme rold when the officers discovered him. The detectives ar rttted T. M. Reeves and R. W. Miller, said to have lieen found ransacking the store. A third man escaped. BUCK stovaa and range. J. Basnight Hardware Company, New Barm, N. C. EARNED FIFTEEN - PER CENT PROFIT Union Pacific's Preliminary State, ment Shows Business Has Been Good. PROFITS EXCEED LAST YEARS After Paying Dividends On The Preferred Shares, A Surplus of 32 Millions Is Left. New York, July 22. The Union Pacific Railroad yesterday made public a preliminary statement of its income account for the year ended June 30, which shows slightly better than 15 per cent, earned on the $216,633,000 of common stock. In the previous year the company earned 13.8 per cent. The surplus left after the payment of dividends on the preferred stock is given as $32,000,000, an increase of $2,563, 000 over 1912. Included in this is 3,800,000, representing two quarterly dividends of 1 1-2 per cent, each on the $126,650,000 of Southern Pacific stock which the Sunreme Court en joined the Southern Pacific from pay ing as part of its order in the disso lution suit. These dividends were naid to other shareholders on April 1 and July 1 and will be paid to the buyers of the certificates renresentino the Union Pacific's holdings of Southern Pacific, It is maintained by the. Union Pacific management that inas much as the price received for the Southern Pacific shares will be three points higher on account of the accrued dividends attached, it is proper to credit this amount as applied to the tares formerly in its treasury. The Union Pacific had gross opera ting revenues of $93,638,000 last year, an increase ot S. 660. 000. Net earnines after deduction of expenses and taxes were $34,947,000, a gain of $3,728,000. The income from investments was 517,918,000, a loss of $977,000, and the fixed charges $16, 262, 00k, an increase of $186,000. The Union Pacific explains that the estimated surplus does not include the fourth quarterly dividend on Southern Pacific Company stock, which is payable October 1, and amounts to $1,900,000 although the corresponding dividend for the previous year was included in the surplus for 1912. Had this dividend been included in the esti mated surplus for the period recently ended, the surplus would have been 534,522,000, or the equivalent of 15. 94 per cent on the stock. The October dividend will probably not be included in the price received for the Southern Pacific certificates. Next year's other income will not include the $7,600,000 which Union Pacific has been receiving on its invest ment in Southern Pacific. As a partial offset the company will have 4 per cent. on its preferred and 6 per cent, on its common Baltimore and Ohio stock received from the Pennsylvania in the exchange of $38,000,000 of Southern Pacific stock for a like amount of tJallimore anil unto and interest or investment returns from the proceeds of the sale of the remaining $88,000,000 of Southern Pacific stock. N. S. THEY WILL BE USED ON NOR FOLK AND VIRGINIA BEACH DIVISION. Norfolk, July 22. Six new electric high powered motor cars have been ordered by the Norfolk Southern for use on the Norfolk, Cape Henry and Virginia Beach division and are expected to arrive and be put in use within a few weeks. They will be used for express service and will greatly facilitate traffic, which, according to the reports and comparisons of previous ROAD NEW MOTOR CARS years, has considerably increased th Mattocks and wife and others of Mays year. Ivillc. Mr. and Mrs. Eubank came to The new cars have all steel under frame and will be equipped with the latest devices and motor car improve- mcnts. Motors, to be furnished by been ordered and will be installed alt er the cars arrive in Norfolk from High Point, N. C, where they are being built. Delivery was scheduled for June 1 but because of the unsettled condition of the steel market, delivery was de layed. George Dalls, of New York, has arrived . in the city and accepted a oosition as soda dispenser at the Athens cafe. GROXTDN LEAVES N. S. Becomes General Passenger Agent Of Atlanta, Birmingham And Atlantic. CHANGE IS EFFECTIVE AUG. 1 Succeeded By H. S. Leard, Dis trict Passenger Agent Of The Seaboard. Much interest was expressed here yesterday in the news that W. W. Croxton had resigned his position as General Passenger Agent of the Nor folk Southern Railroad Company. Mr. Croxton was a frequent visitor to New Bern and was very well known to many people here. He is to become General Passenger Agent of the Atlanta, Bir mingham and Atlantic Railroad. Of Mr. Croxton's resignation the Norfolk Virginian Pilot says: "VV. W. Croxton, on of the most prominent young railroad men of Nor folk, has tendered his resignation to President C. H. Hix of the Norfolk Southern Railway, as general passenger agent of thp line, to take effect August 1. On that dte Mr. Croxton will become general passenger agent' of the Atlanta, Birmingham and At lantic Railway. "He will be succeeded in the Norfolk Southern official staff by H. S. Leard, district passenger agent of the Sea board Air Line Railway. Mr. Leard 'a present headquarters are in Raleigh, N. C. "Mr. Croxton is a native of King William county, Va., and is son of Dr. William Virginius Croxton. He began his railway career with the Southern Railway starting as ste nographer in the city passenger office in Richmond and was later appointed secretary to the Southern's general passenger agent at Washington, D. C. In 1904 he was made passenger agent at Norfolk and two years later was promoted to the passenger agency at New York City. At the opening of the Jamestown Exposition he was transferred to Norfolk to handle the exposition traffic and remalined here until September, 1908, when he was sent to Baltimore. "A year later he was appointed assistant passenger agent ol the .Nor folk Southern, promoted to general passenger agent on September 1, 1910, and served under the receiver ship also under the administration of E. T.Lamb. For nearly a year Mr. Croxton acted as general freight agent upon the retirement of Traffic Manager B. L. Bugg. "The passenger service of the Nor folk Southern under Mr. Croxton's ad ministration has been greatly improved, the schedules have been revised, par lor cars have been put on the line and night trains added with Pullman sleeping cars bewtcen Norfolk and Raleigh and Norfolk and Goldsboro, placiu;; the Norfolk Southern on a basis that compares favorably with many of the larger lines. "Mr. Croxton's new connection, the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic, is a line nearly 700 miles in length, ex tending from Birmingham, which is the coal, iron and steel center of the south, to the coast at Brunswick, Ga., where the road owns extensive terminals. The A. B. & A. road has branches into Atlanta, Thomasville and Waycross, Ga., and also has an entrance into Florida over the Sea board from Thalman, Ga. "While he was connected with the Southern Railway Mr. Croxton spent several winters in Florida and he is familiar with the territory in which his new interests lie." MRS. W. M. EUBANK DIES AT MAYSVILLE. Mrs. W. M. Eubank, of Maysville, died Tuesday afternoon at her home in that place and the body was carried through here Wednesday morning en route to Pitt county, the former home of the deceased, for interment. Mrs. Eubank leaves her husband and five children, the youngest of whom is only a few days old. Accompanying Mr. Eubank on his sad errand to Pitt county were r. M. Jenkins, 1-rank Maysville from Pitt county about ten years ago. Mr. Eubank is the proprietor of a saw mill and also State agent for the Great Western automobile. LOST One double case gold wartch in or near Oriental Thursday. Liberal reward if returned to Journal Office of S. W. Ferebee, Stonewall, N. C. RUB-MY-TISM Will am your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramp. Colic, Sprains. Braises, Cat asd Barns Old Sorae. S tines ol Insects Etc. AatiaMHBtMAaefM, used in ternally aod externally. Price Sc. RAILROAD

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