Mineral Spring in no IK LILY SCRAP IN SAFETY CRUSADE TO BE SUBJECT For Sale EADOWS COST OF LIVING CAUSE OF ALARM T The famous Blue Mineral Springs with 25 acre of land located at Askin, HORSE F N. C, on the Norfolk Southern Rail road, nine miles from New Bern, will GOVERNMENT SENDS EXPERTS WRAPPER IS REMOVED AND Well Known Farmer Roughly Hand' Dr. W. H. Tolman, Expert, Will be sold at once for best offer. ABROAD TO INSTRUCT IN BEEF PACKING. THEN SCARE AMONG THE CLERKS GROWS GREAT. led By Sons Of Commissioner E. Z. R. Dawia. This spring has the finest water of Tell At Knoxvllle Of Pro tection Of Little One. any spring, and flows 150 quarts per minute; Below we quote a few testimonials. NEMO AND NINTH OWNSHIP Washington, July 22. In antici nation of the new tariff act admitt'ng free of duty meat and meat products Secretary Houston, of the department of agriculture, has detailed Dr. A D. Melvine, chief of the bureau ol animal Industry, to go to South Amcr ica to investigate the slaughtering, canning and general packing hous businesss of that continent. Secretar Houston also has ordered Dr. E. C. Joss, of the bureau of animal industry, whose headquarters are at Portland, Ore., immediately to proceed to Aus tralia to make a similar- investigation there. It was admitted at the department of agriculture that as a matter of fact D-. Melvine and DrI Joss, both expert in their line, are being sent to the big beef producing countries to instruct the packers there how to prepare theii products so as to expedite the entry into this country of fresh beef whet the att becomes effective. The action of the department ii sending experts with assistnats is re garded as the most advanced step yet taken by the administration in the hope of reducing the cost of living in this country. The department recent ly received information that American packers are preparing to increase their facilities in South American countries in anticipation of increased trade, but whether or not this prom iscs any substantial relief seems doubt fuL According to Dr. Melvin the situa tion in regard to the beef supply in this country is serious. He says that Americans are the greatest consum ers of beef in the world. According to Dr. Melvin the aver age consumption of meat here is 162 pounds a year for each person, of Which beef alone constitutes eighty pounds. "One of the reasons of the lack of beef cattle fn this country," said Dr. Melvin today, "is a failure to per mit cattlemen to lease public range where it can be fenced and water de veloped, and the most got out of the public range in that way. At present the government has ro satisfactory leasing system so that cattlemen would be justified in naklng plans for the future. "Estimates by the brreau of statis tics of the department of agriculture show that in the lost six years the number of beef cattle in the United States has fallen from 41,566, 000 to 36,030,000, or 30 per ct nt. "The home di ma r d f r meat ha been increasing a oi g with the popu lation. According t" tie census we have 29,000,000 more people to feed than we had twenty years ago. New York, July 22. A small nzettge-shaped zinc case wrapped in paper and addressed to Andrew Car negie, care of the Carnegie corpora tion, was delivered to the offices of the corporation at 576 Fifth avenue by mail this afternoon. The thing is believed to be a bomb, but whether it is or not won't be determined for certain until tomorrow morning when Owen Grogan, the bomb expert of the bureau of combustibles, opens it. William A. Clark, one of the cor poration s office st.it!, received the paackage with the rest of the nail and took off the wrapper. After looking over the strange looking contraption inside he decided it looked suspicious. Mr. Clark called Charles Roberts, in elevator runner in the building and gave him the package. Roberts cirried it to the roof in the elevator and placed it on the roof. Meanwhile the police were notified the wrapper AFFAIR CREATES EXCITEMENT Warrants Served On All The Parties And Hearing Will Take Place Saturday. Albert E. Wadsworth, a well known Craven county farmer who lives in No. 9 Township, was roughly handled when he became engaged Monday afternoon in an altercation with Luther J. and Jesse Davis, sons of County Commissioner E. Z. R. Davis of Cove City. Warrants have been issued for all three and they will be given a preliminary hearing before Justice of the Pecae S. R. Street next Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Owing to the prominence of the parties implicated in the affair it Clark took 1 caused a great deal of excitement and which the alleged yesterday was one of the main topics of discussion in the section of the For some ill feeling between Mr. Wadsworth and the Messrs Davis. Luther J. Davis is the road supervisor in No. 9 Township and at the July meeting of the Board of Commissioners 4r. Wadsworth ap peared before jOiem and criticized the work of Sujfcrvisor Davis. According to all accounts pf the aff air heard yesterday in this city Mr. Wadsworth drove by the Davis home Monday afternoon and was accosted by Luther J. Davis and asked for an explanation of the remarks made about Davis before the Board of Commis sioners. Mr. Wadsworth repeated the things that he had said before the Com missioners, and, if anything, made them stronger and more offensive. Pretty soon the three were in a scuffle and the two brothers naturally got somewhat the better of their adver- LARGE CROWDS AT ATLANTIC HOTEL Popular Seaside Resort Has Greatly Strengthened Its Record. BATHING WAS NEVER BETTER Grand Military Ball To Be Given On Next Saturday Night. Tl (Special to the Journal.) Morchead City, July 23. During the past month the Atlantic Hotel Men-head City, has greatly strengthen ed its past record as being the leading sea shore resort of the South. Crowds are still coming from everywhere to share the refreshing breezes that come from off the old Atlantic. With the present number of something like four hundred and the large number already booked for August and the rest of the season, the management of this old house is greatly pleased with the prospect of pulling off the busiest season that has been in the history of i he hotel. Great enthusiasm is being manifes ted in the exercises of the many sports which are here to engage in. such at, fishing, bathing, Iwat'ng, dancing and the like; and the careful attention and keen interest tendered each and every one at this place, make it at I leasant as home itself. While the sea son began early here this year it will not be necessary to close early, but will probably be the lateit to close. So parties wishing to follow the crows and take a few weeks off with the hook and line will strike the seaton in full bloom if they come along now. Fishing is good, and all who like thit kind of spert will certainly be pleased with every hour they art- out. Large sailing parties arc takim great joy-voyages to Cape lookout and the other places of interest t who like to see the netura developments th. t are to be se n at thit BmI:h sea First Infantry i.f the Statr ClM Ills .11 il l . l l, II I i J y J9 A p.iml niilitar) tivci r ' Al'anlic n:i Sn rili j i jghi bomb came, to his home in New Jer ey. Somebody in the office thought ' county where it occurred .hat the package was stamped with , time there has been an urctgn stamps, the police took pos session of the bomb. When Egan came and examined the strange machine he said he had never seen anything like it. As one tipped it up there was the sound of a liquid rolling about in the shell. This sug gested nitro-glycerine, and also sug gested a phosphorus compound. Nitro glycerine is the first thing a bomb experts thinks of when he finds that the case he holds contains a liquid. This explosive ordinarily would re quire some sort of a concussion to set it off. The smoothly finished jointed zinc case looked harmless enough in it self. If there was nitro-glycerine in side, the person who manufactured the machine may have expected that Mr. Carnegie or some of his asso ciates or subordinates would be fright ened at the appearance of the case and drop it which would set off nitro-glycerine nicely; or perhaps he thought some one would be foolish enough to go at it with a hammer and chisel, which would furnish the required concussion A hint was given to the detectives that the recent transfer by Mr. Car negie of $10,000,000 from the Ameri can corporation to his Dumferline cor poration in Scotland, may have had something to do with the sending of the machine. This hint was based on the theory that the sending was the work of some fanatic, whose idea of patriotism was affronted by the trans fer of so much money to Scotland. The detectives didn't take the suggestion very seriously. If the case is filled with nitro-glycerine, as appeared pos sible, it was a mere matter of luck that it didn't explode in the mails while in transit, for there was nothing about but the wrapping paper to lesson the concussion of the ordi nary jamming about which a package wouia get in nananng. mown see performance. This is a bargain for some one. Address Arthur & I pock, Askin, N. C. For eight years I suffered with kid ney trouble. I tried several remedies, but they did not seem to do me any good. Last winter I was almost past going. My neighbors thought I would never be any better, but my doctor advised me to drink the water at Blue Springs, near Askin, N. C, which I did, and it has given me more relief than anything I have ever tried. J wish all my suffering friends to try it. Now I feel like a new man, and can work SETH A. GASKINS, Askin, N. C. July 9, 1913. I am going to tell you how the Blue Springs Water has cured me. I have been drinking the Blue Springs water ever since last April. My health has improved very much. I have been afflicted with kidney troubles and also indigestion very bad for eleven years. Now I am not bothered with it any more. I do heartily recommend the FREE PUBLIC HEALTH LITERATURE. Are you interested in health? Here is your opportunity to get some free health literature for yourself, your neighbor, or your friends. The State Board of Health has a limited quantity of health literature on the subjects listed below, which will be sent out, free of charge, to any citizen of the State as long as the supply lasts. If you care for any of this literature, or want some sent to a friend, just write to the State Board of Health, at Raleigh. A post-card will bring it by return mail. No. 8. Typhiod Fever. No. 9. Medical Inspection of Schools and School Children. No. 10. Care and Feeding of Babies. No. 11. The Plague of Flies an Mosquitos. No. 12. Residential Sewage Disposal Plants. No. 13. Sanitary Privy. No. 14. Hookworm disease. No. 15. Malaria. No. 18. Tuberculosis Leaflet. No. 19. Compilation oLPublic Health Laws of North Carolina. No. 20. Tuberculosis Bulletin. No. 21. Fly Leaflet. No. 22. Baby Leaflet. Antt-ipitting Placards (11 inches by 9 inches). Anti-Fly Placards (11 inches bv 19 inches). sary. Mr. Wadsworth was in the city yes terday and showed some signs of the rough usage he had received. He had a bruise under his right eye and several small scratches on his face. He claims that one of the Davis boys had a knife but the Davis ; boys insist that Mr. Wadsworth is the man who had the knife and that he had it in his hand when he struck the blow which they claim started the fight. Blue Springs of Craven county, N. Very respectfully, MRS. MAMIE GASKIN Dear Friends, I have been bothered with a kidney and bladder trouble ever since I was six years old. I have taken lots of medicineJjut it did' not seem to do me much good. Now I am trying Blue Springs , water. I have been drinking the water for one month and I feel today like it has benefited me a lot. I feel a lot better than I did when I began to drink it. Yours truly, J. A. WHITFORD, July 10, 1913. Askin, N. C. My health has been very bad for 12 months. The doctor's medicine did me but very little good, if any Six weeks ago I began drinking water from the Blue Springs and feel that I have been greatly benefited by it MRS. W. R. ARTHUR. July 11, 1913. Askin, N C. CARNEGIE BOMB MERELY CHEESE Suspicious Zinc Case Carried To A Vacant Lot And Riddled With Bullets. With Fingers In Their Ears They Waited For Awful Report Which Never Came. July 26th, to these large crowds, and an exceptionally good time is always expected. The 3rd Infantry of the State Guards will go in camp here on August 5th, and will remain til. the 12th. The State Good Roads Convention is booked at the Atlantic for July 30 41 and August 1st. Many of the dele gates have already arrived to make final preparations for the Urge number expected, and the abundance of work to be taken up by this body. It is with great pride and satisfaction that this particular mention ha been so thoroughly heralded, that the man agement of the Atlantic Hotel has itver heretofore enjoyed a more pleas- r and pr(Mx-roua season thn It now has booked. New York, July 23. The mystery of the "bomb" sent to Andrew Carnegie yesterday in care of the secretary of the Carnegie Corporation has been solved It was a juicy cheese inclosed in a smell-proof case of zinc a Scotch cheese, according to an expert called into conference after the bureau had definitely determined that the "bomb" contained neither nitroglycerine, dy namite nor other deadly explosive. After deliberating nearly a whole day how to determine the contents of the "bomb" without causing an explosion that would injure anybody, officials of the Bureau of Combustibles took the "infernal machine" to a vacant lot. There, from a safe distance, while an immense crowd waited with their fingers in their ears expecting an awful report, an official leveled a rifle at the "bomb" and perforated it with a bullet. A thick yellow substance oozed from the hole and that was all that happened. Four more bullets were fired into the "bomb" and still silence reigned. Soon, however, a pungent and self-explanatory odor became perceptible, and even the laymen present were able to recognize the true nature of the "bomb." The cheese was returned to the Car negie Corporation resembling more the Swiss product that the Scotch. Mr. W. D. Ipock, Dear Sir, For two years past I have been sick and under the care of two of the best doctors we have. But after drinking the Blue Springs water for two days I felt more relief than at any time while taking the doctor's medicine. Before drinking the water I could not sleep without being propped up in bed, now I can sleep lying down as well as any body. The water is till helping me and I shall continue drinking it a while longer. Yours truly, B. D. CAYTON. July 11, 1913. Edward, N. C For the last twelve months I have suffered with pains in my breast shoulders and back. I could not eat anything without it hurt me and not any meat at all. I was'so weak I could not hold out to dodmy work. I was advised to try Blue Springs water so I have been drinking it two months, and my pains are gone. I can eat all I want of anything. Can do my work now and feel like a new person. I can recommend Blue Springs water to every body. Yours, MRS. E. R. BOYD, July 10, 1913. Askin, N. C WILL FORM SAFETY LEAGUES R pid Growth Of Modern City Makes It Necessary To Study Accident Prevention. New York, July 23. How the Amer-1 ican Museum of Safety is conducting its children's safety crusade in New York City to prevent the little ones from being run over by trolley cars and other vehicles will be told by Dr. William H. Tolman, safety expert and director of the American Museum of Safety, at the National Conversation Exposi tion which will be held in Knoxville, Tenn., during September and October. Mrs. Horace Van Deventer, Presi dent of the Woman's Department of the National Conservation Expo sition, has made arrangements with President Williams of the American Museum of Safety whereby a whole day, probably October 14th will be set aside and known as the Children's Safety Day. On this day Children's Safety Leagues will be formed and the Children's Safety Crusade started in earnest in Tennessee. The Woman's Department of the Conservation Ex position is also arranging with the rail roads so that children may be brought to Knoxville from a radius of a hundred miles around at greatly reduced rates. President Williams of the Museum of Safety has detailed Dr. Tolman to be at the Exposition on "Safety Day" bringing with him moving pictures and lantern slides which will show the children of Tennessee how the children in the busy crowded streets of New York City are avoiding accidents. More than 412,000 children in the New York public schools have been enrolled in the Safety League of the American Museum of Safety. Said Dr. Tolman in speaking of the work of the Museum: "Accident prevention is primarily a matter of education, and the hope for sound and efficient citizens in the future lies in training the children of the pres ent generation to think and act along lines of safety and caution on the streets and in their homes. "The very rapid growth of the modern large city, unexpected and unprovided for, has deprived the children of yards and playgrounds. The street of the city is in many sections the only available play place. To this fact as much as to anything else is due the great daily sacrifice in life and limb. The great industrial and commercial development within the confines of the modern large city has reduced to a minimum the moral dangers of the street, and increased to an alarming extent the physucat dangers. The rapid growth of the modern large city has forced many problems on us which call for solution, but probably none calls more urgently nor more immediate ly for solution than the problems of the protection of life and, limb of children as well as of adults. "It is right that the child should be trained to think and act along lines of safety and caution on the street, in the shhop and at home. At any rate, the dangers of the street, the shop and the home should be brought to its notice so that it may at least be forewarned. and COW -TRY IT- E E D A. Meadows, New Bern, N. C. KiSSSSSISS C.L. SPENCER' DEALER Jay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hominy AND ALL KINDS OP FEED. HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. SEED A AND ED RYE. BRICK FOR SALE Mail Orders Given Careful Attention. Lower Middle Street , New Bern,N. C For many years I have had chronic dysentery. In March I lost my appetite, and lost flesh until I was run down so bad I could hardly do my farm work I began to drink Blue Springs water a little and I thought it was helping me, so I told our family doctor about t. He said drink the water. So about six weeks ago I began to drink about one gallon a day. My appetite is good. Am gaining flesh, can dp my work O. K. now, and I advise all run down people to drink Blue Springs water. I think it will help them as it has me. Signed, J. M. WILLIS, July 12,1913. Askin, N. C. Those who have headaches must surely know that something is wrong in their organism. A headache is a warning cry. and it should be heeded, and no stone should be left unturned to find what is the cause. No one can successfully cope with a headache without knowing exactly why he has it. The migraine attacks those who are run down. Rest from work, avoid ance of fatigue, the proper attention to diet, the use of some tonic, may ward off the attacks. A light laxa tive, taken immediately upon feeling as though a headache might come, will often tree the system so that the head ache can be avoided.State Board .of Jlcalth fi'Css Scrvcf, YOUR LETTER WENT ASTRAY Because you forgot to addreis it. Because you forgot to stamp it. Because you forgot to write the town or state on the envelope. Because you didn't write the street and number plainly. Because you ised a once-canceled stamp. Because you used internal revenue stamps instead of postage stamps. Because you used a foreign stamp. Because you wrote the address so badly that no one could read it. Bcacusr you wrote the address on top of the eaytlope and it was obliterated by the pos to thee dating, receiving and cancelling sumps. Because you put your letter in a Stank envelope and sealed it and forwarded it to the dead-latter office, where thou sands upon thousands of valuable letter are dairy destroyed because the people are either careless or Ignorant of the postal laws. Gat rid of that rrouldy small in your back yard by using PITTS BURGH PERFECT FENCING. J. 8. Basnlght Hardware Co.; W S. Front etreet. 'Phmj 99. HANGED, YET LIVED 3 HOURS Starke, July 23. Hersey Mitchell a negro, was executed in the jail -yard here for murdering another negro. He was pronounced dead at the end of thirty-eight minutes, by physicians. After his body was placed in the coffin Mitchell, whose neck was not broken, revived and lived three hours. Jones County Farm For Sale The John W. Wooten farm 16 miles West of New Bern on the Trenton Road, containing 1300 acres with 400 acres cleared. Three million feet of pine and hard-wood timber. Two story dwelling and six tenant houses. Good neighborhood and healthy locality. Price only $16,000 with terms to suit purchaser. Write or apply to JOB A. PARKER, Insurance and Real Estate, i I M. GOLDSBORO, N. C. ! iit NOTICE: If your subscription is due please let us have your check, post-office or express money order for same at once. Respectfully, e. j. land Printing co. Publishers SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. BtW MBF haBBannm anas. fi nvTfc. gL.' 1 HsMLnnW. A 11 SBaSL. WTiUnannnnnTM LbM (ill lif kHMSBt (i KBvnB. 1 xTmPwrr The most useful, economical, and the krgest labor saver yo i can put in your field, is our tobacco, corn and cotton truck. Order now and be in time, large force working daily turning them out. Get our folder explaining. THE TAYLOR TRUCK COMPANY, ' Facryl2atFrmtto