CHAIN IIP AND E fata U Charge Against Director Of Training School Near French town, N. J. CONDITIONS ARB UNSPEAKABLE oys Show If arks Of Cruel Beating Many Of The Beds Pound . Infested With Vermin. - Camden, N. J., Aug. 8. Following complaints made by Edwin B. Sparks jr., of No. 1123 Marion street, this city, Gorge W. Dunham, Assistant Prose cutor of Hunterdon county, issued a warrant (or the arrest of Henry. O. Right, director of the Fairview Train ing school, near Frenchtown. Right, it is charged, severely whipped and beat boys under his care, kicked them shackled them with chains to fieir beds and half starved them on a diet of bread and water. The school is not one to which boys are sent for pun ishment. Sparks, whore business requires him to travel much of the time, placed his eleven-year-old son Henry in the school two months ago. Last week he received a note from Right saying the boy had fallen and hurt himself. Eddie has always been well and strong. Sparks went to the school, expecting to find him per laps suffering, but under good care. "He lay partly conscious in a Morris cl.air when I went to the school," Mr. Sparks said today. "It was biasing hot but be had drawn a heavy blanket over his head to keep off the swarms of fee. His right shoulder was paralysed and there were two big cuts in his knee. He has wasted almost to a skeleton and coi ld barely talk to me. He looked as if he had been beaten within an inch of his life. When I told him I would take him home he put his arms around my neck and fainted." i parks took him home and placed him in the care of private physicians. His body was covered with bruises. The physicians say it is doubtful if he will live. He told his father a long story of abuses at the school. Mr. Sparks in formed the authorities and Prosecutor Dunham was sent to investigate. The warrant for the arrest of Right is the rest It of his visit. Mr. Dunham, it is said, found con ditiens quite as bad as the Sparks boy reported. The account of bis visit recites that he came upon a group of about a doaen boys, from ten to sixteen years old, all in rags and all bearing signs of neglect and cruelty. Some of them had marks and scars of beatings others carried running sores which had been treated improperly. Bedding in the dormitories is described as unclean, many of tie beds being infested with Vermin. AT MERCY OF SEA. Machinery Want Wron g On Gigan tic Imperator la Ml docean. New York Aug. 7. When the gigs n tic steamship Imperator of the Hamburg-American Line arrived at her pier in Hoboken with 3 342 passenger aboard one of the officers told of an Incident in midocean on Saturday night when the great vessel with her steering gear blocked swung in a sharp circle at the mercy of the sea for more than six minutes. At the end of that time the difficulty had been found and re paired. The accident was due to the breaking of a glyce.ine tube connected with one of the valves it the machine.-y which controls the rudder of the steamship. The steamship was going at full apeed nearly 23 knots at the time. The turn of the rudder threw her off her course immediately and she swept around in a great circle her decks listing sharply to port. Persona not ia their berths realized instantly that something had gone wrong. They were quickly reassured . however and there was little excite- There is more Catarrh ia this section of the country than all other diseases but together, and until the last few yean was supposed to be incurable. For a great many yean doctors pro nounced it a local (Meases and pre scribed local remedies, and by ataaxly failing to cure with local treat' meat, pronounced it incurable. .Science ha proven Catarrh to be a coaati- tutioaal disease, and therefore requires ceuetltutioaal treatment, rial's Catarrh Can, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the oaly Con edtutioaal cure aa the market. It taken internally ia dons from 10 drops to a teaapooaiuL It acta directly oa the blood and mutuous surfaces of the system. They offer aa hundred dol lars for any can ft falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: P. J. CHENEY CO., Tthdo, O., Sold by Druggists ,75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for tipatioa. Adv.) Miialau ftrts ynaty Antral t the annartl Han nstanmt Bench? What an they ptalnr f rw of the Elect -The "Ninth STAKV PUPILS D. W. Whitehurst has returned from Norfolk where he went to undergo an operation. He was operated on at St. Vincent's hospital and is sufficiently recovered to be out. Mothers! Have Your Children WdVius? Are they feverish, restless, nervous irritable, dizzy or constipated? Do they continually pick their nose or grind their teeth? Have thev cramoine oains. irregular and ravenous appetite? ThWe ate all signs of worms. Worms not only cause your child suffering, but stunt its mind and growth. - Give "Rickapoo Worm Killer" at once. It kills and removes the worms, im proves your child's appetite, regulates stomach, liver and bowels. The symptoms disappear and your child is made happy and healthy, as nature in tended. All druggists or be mail, 25c. (Adv.) RICKAPOO INDIAN MEDICINE COMPANY. Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo Lazy men would rather find fault than find work. Minister Praises This Laxative. Rev. H. Stubenvoil, of Allison, la., in praising Dr. Ring's New Life Pills for constipation, writes: "Dr. Ring's New Life Pills are such perfect pills no home should be without them." No better regulator for the liver and bowels Every pill guaranteed. . Try them. Price 25c. at all druggists. (Adv.) About al the average manl takes for a cold is advice. The Best Pain Ktter. BucUen's Arnica Salve when applied to a cut, bruise, sprain, burn or scald, or other injury of the skin will imme diately remove all pain. E. E. Chamber lain of Clinton, Me., says: "It robs cuts and other injuries of their terrors. Aa a healing remedy its equal don't exist." Will do rood for you. Onlv 25c. at all druggists. (Adv.) No woman is supposed to look her age, no matter what it is. GMldren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO R I A Even experience falls down when it tries to teach a fool. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A What a girl likes about a young man usually what her mother doesn't CASTOR I A far Infants and Children. Thft Kind You Havo Always Bovght tut of A young man makes a guess at what a woman is going to do, but that' Costi, Treatment. "I was troubled w constipation ami indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and treatment," writes C. H. Hines. of Withlow. Ark I went to a St. Louis Hospital, also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure was effected. On returning home began taking Chamberlain's Tablets, and worked right along, I used them some time and am now all right." Sold by all dealers. (Adv.) his limit. Do not be one of the majority who Gooff Reason for His Enthusiasm. When a man has suffered for several days with colic, diarrhoea Or other form of bowel complaint and is then cured sound and well by one or two doses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an? Diarrhoea Remedy, as is often the case, it is but natural that be should be enthusiastic in his praise of the reme dy, and especiai y is this the can i severe attack when life is threat ened. Try it when in need of such a remedy. It never fails. Sold by al dealers. (Adv.) expect more of a friend than they are willing to give, How the Trouble Starts. , Constipation is the cause .of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Tablets, keep your bowels regular I you win avoid these diseases. For salt by all onlers. (Adv.) A grass widower is not always as green as he sounds. Cure of Dysentery. I was attacked with dysentery July ISth, and used the doctor's saediria and other remedies with o relief, oaly getting worse all the time. 1 was unable to do anything and my weight dropped from 145 to 125 pounds. I suffered for about two months when was advised to use Chamberlain's CoHc, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy. I used two bottles of It and it gave ma permanent relief," writes B. W Hill, of Snow Hill. N. C. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Still the magazines will be open to tat Hon. Henry Lane Wilson. Children Ory MR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA What 11 Best for Indigestion? 'Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquin, On tario, has been troubled for years wit! indigestion, and recommends Chamber Iain's Tablets as "the best medicine 1 ever used." If troubled with indi gestion or constipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove ben ficial. They are easy to take anu pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) It is a mean excursionist who makes his wife carry both the baby and the lunch-box. Granulated Sore Eyes Cured. "For twenty years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes, saj Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. '3 February, 1903, a gentleman asked rm to try Chamberlain's Salve. I bought one box and used about two-thirdi of it and my eyes have not given rat any trouble since." This salve is for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) NEGRO EDUCATOR IN FIGHT. He Attacka Station Master Who Touched Hie Pride. Briston Tenn.-Va. Aug. 7. Capt. W. W.-Boaz station master and F. W. Woodfin negro head of the Bristol Normal school for negroes came to blows in the Union passenger depot here. Woodfin had his pride touched when the station maste- forbade him leaving the depot for a train through the door of the ladies' waiting room. The two came to blows and Woodfin bruised and scratched Boaz's face wrested his billet from him and took his reyolver. Police man Cormary separted them. Woodfin was locked up but gave bond in time to leave on the next train. The incident threatens serious race antagonism. Woodfin's school is sup ported by wealthy Northern churchmen. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A Are you looking for some nice boat lumber? We have good supply of Juniper. Tolson Lumber and Manufacturing Co. CHICAGO EDITOR TAKEN OFF TRAIN Medell McCormlck, Locked Up in Syracuse, Denies Charge Of Intoxication. HAD A MERE ALTERCATION This, He Claimed, Led To The Circulation Of "Nonsensical Yarns" About Condition. Syracuse, Aug. 8. A man, who said his name was Medill McConnick, was taken from the Twentieth Century Limited train here early yesterday morn ing. The police locked him up at the station, and he was arraigned. He pleaded guilty and was paroled. He gave his occupation to the police as "journalist and politician," and said that he was a friend of Col. Theodore Roosevelt. There was no positive identification, but the accused gave out this statement: "It is as unnecessary as it is futile to deny gossipy stories of intoxication, At Unpenning we had an example of that sort of rot. I spent the evening on the train with Mr. Runnells, President of the Pullman Company, and an old friend of mine, we later were joined by some of the train crew with whom there resulted a discussion which has been productive of the nonsensical yarns about myself. "These gentleman and I did not agree and it became not merely a dis cussion but an altercation with results which I know they now regret far more than I "I think it is unnecessary for me to say more to the men who have worked with me in the forty-eight States and who with me believed that it is better to suffer a little ia the cause of common humanity than to engage in lawsuits "Perhaps it is unnecessary for me to say to my friends that I was on my way to Boston to join my wife and child, aad that although I had been uncomfortably ill for some time with grip I did not go to join Mrs. McCor mick under the circumstances that have been suggested." Early yesterday morning the police received a telegram that a man was in - toxkated and. making trouble in a Pullman car on the Twentieth Century Officers Daniel Weber and Patrick Dowting were sent to the traia and took the man off the car and locked aim up After declaring himself as the ooteblelc.wn Rai.wmv Comnanv will oner Chicago publisher he said that he took dinner oa the train with the Presi dent of the Pullman Compaay. Hewy niht lor Kaieign. un tuts wun rid that later oa be went to bed, bui lwill be three package cars which will that his berth was over the wheels.! aad be found that be could not sleep. He said that he took about fifteen grains! .... . . . of a bromide aad that the next thine be knew he was "locked ap ia a very"l OoMsboro, being nanoiea oy well conducted jaU." The man left for the West late in the afternoon. H. Hi GRAINGER IS NEW PRESIDENT Stockholders of A. and N. C. Rail . way Company Held Annual Meeting Yesterday. CRAVEN WELL REPRESENTED J ' " j Meeting Waa Well Attended And! Proved .To Be Very In teresting. (Special to the Journal.) Morehead City Aug. 7. The fifty ninth annual meeting of the stock holders of the Atlantic & North Caro lina Railway Company was held today in the assembly hall at the Atlantic Hotel. A large number of stockholders were present and the meeting proved a very interesting one. The following directors were appoint ed for the State by Governor Loclce Craig: R. W. Taylor Carteret; C. E. Foy Craven; H. H. G.ainger Lenoi'; C. S. Weskett Pamlico; J. F. Sprague Wake; Frank Gough Robeson. The following directors were elected by private stockholders: Henry Weil L. H. Cutler Dempsey Wood and George Folk. After a meeting of the stockholders at which the usual routine business was taken up and disposed of the di rectors met and elected the followin office-s: H. H. Graineer of Lenoir President; Captain T. W. Slocumb of Wayne Secretary-Treasurer; J. K. Wa.-ren of Jones County Attorney; and W. F. Hargett of Onslow count v State Proxy. The following Finance Committee was elected by private stockholders: George H. Roberts and George Green of Craven county, Hodges of Lenoir. The Proxy Com. electee t by the private stockholders was: H. R. Bryan Jr. and Col. P. M. Pearsall of this city. Among those in attendance at the meeting were C. E. Foy L. H. Cutler P. M. Pearsall C. B. Foy H. R. Bryan Jr. George Green Thomas Daniels S. M. Brinson and Vireil Walker of New Bern; Henry Weil Goldsboro; L. T. Tapp and Charles H. Foy of Lenoir; H. L. Gibbs and C. S. Weskett Pamlico; W. S. Chadwick Beaufort; E. C. Duncan Raleigh; F. W. Hargett Msloiv. T. D. Warren went down to Morehead City last evening for a short visit. Children Cry The Kind Ton Have Always In use lor over so ye;t-s, All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that triflu with and endanger the he: 1th of IgdSsj and Chlldaan Experience against Experiment, What Is CASTORIA Caatoria 1 a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For mow than thirty years it tn been 1 i constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS i X I Bears the The Kind Too Dare Always Bought In Use cor Over 30 Years OtNTMIS SO... T WILL OPERATE A FAST T 1 uro nm v doiitucbM nan WAV I 1, irx.m. w ....... .. .. . COMPANY TO GIVE PATRONS BETTER SERVICE. Beeinnint August 16 the Norfolk I . , . ' . . , . ... .. - 1 7 ' " dropped at Chocowiaity. One of wln com, to N,v Bern " K " I passenger train which arrives here shortly after 4 o'clock a. m. I This new train will prove of great IN HERE'S A TIP TO TOMATO JOURNAL'S ARAPAHOE CORRES PONDENT GIVES VALUA BLE SUGGE STION Arapahoe, N. C Aug. 7. Crop conditions are not so good in the vicinity of Arapahoe as they were a month ago. on account of the heavy rains which have fallen lately. Would like to say to the Journal readers, that if you would like some fine fresh tomatoes for slicing next winter, go now and cut the old vines (which have quit bearing), back to mere stubs. The stubs will then put out new growth, which will bear fruit until frost. When frost threatens gather all the green ones, which are nearly mature, and stow them away in paper where they will not freeze. I have kept them in this way until well after Christmas. They will ripen nicely when exposed to the sun a few days. Fishing is fine now at "Live Oak" beach. One party reports catchiag more than a hundred fine trout re cently and several others have done nearly or quite as well. I Messrs. W. R. Reel & Bros, new grist mill is now running and making a superior quality of meal. i Elder John Watters is holding a series of revival meetings at the new Ch istian church this week. He is assisted by Prof. J. M. Perry and wife, who have charge of the music and are rendering excellent service. Elder Lee Saddler is visiting friends here and attending the services at the Ch:istian Church this week. Other visitors at Arapahoe are M. Solomon Vendrick, Misses Maud Williams and Ruth Medford, of New Bern. Mrs. W. J. Rawls returned a few days agb from Norfolk where she had been visiting relatives and friends. Accompanying Mrs. Rawls home were Mrs. Lenie Roberts and Mrs. Irvins, of Norfolk, who arc spending a few days with Mrs. Rawls. Mrs. W. W. Cuthrall who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lee, has returned to her home in Belhaven. Accompanying her home were Misses Maude and Nettie Law rence, who will spend a couple of weeks in Belhaven with their aunt, Mrs. Cuthrall and other fri?nds Mrs. Ida Lee and Mrs. Eva Tingle are visiting their parents and friends at South River. Miss Mollie Tingle is alsovisitingwith them. for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been nas Dornetae signature of . ana nas oeen maae nnaer ms per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of UT I1MIT mw TO CCTT. benefit to the merchants and manu facturers of New Bern. A few weeks ago the Journal had an editorial setting forth the benefits that such a train would bring. This matter was taken up with the company by E. VV Warren who is in charge of their local freight warehouse and yesterday he received a letter stating that the train would be put into service on the above named date. When the train is In operation it will be possible for a person living in New Bern to telegraph an order to Norfolk as late as 4 o clock in the after- - no" ,nd the l000 on the A' lowing morning, or they can place a package in tbe might warehouse here a, ate M 4 o'clock in the afternoon and it will leave here on the 12:40 train ,l,d 4rnvt in NorfolsVon the following morning' tne( Are you looking for some nice boat lumber? We have good supply of Juniper. Tolson Lumber aad Manufacturing Co. PRESTER JOHN. Legende of an Elusive Warrior of the Twelfth Century. The famous If somewhat phantom personage Prester John, who for two or three centuries occupied so promi nent a place In the historic annals of Europe and In the minds of Europeans, was, from the most reliable accounts, a Christian conqueror of enormous power and great splendor, who com bined the character of priest and king nnd ruled over vast dominions In the orient In the middle ages. He had, it was related, established a powerful em pire either In Asia or Africa, and won derful stories were told of his victo ries, his riches and bis power. His mode of warfare, which was unique and entirely effective. Indicates an Intimate acquaintance with ex plosives and combustibles. He pos sessed an army of life sized copper soldiers mounted on brazen horses, which were charged with explosive materials, projectiles and poisonous gas. This formidable array was mar shaled to the front and spat forth its deadly fumes and dangerous projec tiles with horrid effectiveness, making havoc In the ranks of the enemy. The first mention of this extraordi nary man, who appears and disappears from historic annals at long Intervals, occurs In the Chronicles of Otto, Bish op of Frlesengen, who narrates Pres ter John's conquest of the Persians st Egbatana, In the extreme orient, in the year 1145. Boston Herald. CREATING NEW STATES. Work That Congress May Do, Once Done, Cannot Undo. but, Several times it has been proposed to mnke two states out of tbe state of New York. In fact, resolutions have been Introduced In the state legisla ture once or twice, bat have died In committee. Tbe purpose bas been to include all of the present state south of Westchester county In a new state to be called (In one Instance) tbe state of Manhattan. North of tbe Bronx district the name of New York was still to be retained. The surrounding Islands of the south all those of Long Island sound. Long Island complete and all of the counties comprising New York city were to be embraced within tbe new state of Manhattan. Tbe creation of a new stato confers a right that cannot later be abrogated and In this respect Is unique In the establishment of political areas. After the people of the district in question have decided by vote that the carry ing out of a new state is desired, con gress passes upon the application. Up to this point congress Is supreme. Once, however, congress agrees to the new state creation and tbe new state becomes an established fact, then no power of the republic can undo whnt Iib.i lieen done by lerlslallve w-t No repeal can revoke the privileges of a law abiding sovereign state. New York Sun. Ball a Q lets' Game. Of an the games ball seems to be peculiarly a girl's game throughout the ages. Tbe Roman girls used to strike balls with the palm of tbe band to keep them bouncing or would (ling thnii against the wall to drive tlieiu back on the return or would pass the ball from hand to hand In tbe ring or la a row. The ball of the olden times was much like tbe one now in use. It was aoft or hard, as occasion demand ed; It was plain with pointed or em broidered cloth; It was a hollow large balloon or a small light sphere. The German poets make frequent allusion to ball as a girl's game. It was de scribed as a first sport of summer. One writer observes, "When I saw the girls on the street playing ball then came to our ears tbe song of birds." The game was a favorite one with youths and maids, who would contend for the ball, that the one wbo gained It might throw It to tbe one loved best Kansas City Times. An Artist at Six. Among painters tbe prodigy of prodi gies was Sir Thomas Lawrence. One of his earliest pictures, It is said, was produced In 177S, quite early enough, for tbe lovely cherub wbo painted It was then six yean old. He was get ting on In life, tottering on the verge of twelve, when tbe quality crowded his studio at Bath. The fates were kind to the Infant prodigy when they made his father landlord of the Black Bull, Devises, the Inn where fashion able men and women called for rest and refreshment on their way to the waters. At the Black Bull tbe prodigy made his first acquaintance with the great world which flattered blm In aft er life and which be flattered on can vas. 8t James' Qaaette. A Pertinent Query. The drummer bod been bragging about his achievements for a goodly time, and finally tbe meek little man la the corner piped up. "Excuse me," he said, "hut perhaps you can tell me why you gentlemen are called drummers?" "Well, why shouldn't we be so called! We drum up trade, don't we?" waa the retort "I know," said the meek little man. "but tbe drum la not a wind lustru aent" Harper's. Unchanged. "That's Just like Jim." said the wld aw, wearily, after a flapping curtain bad knocked over tbe urn In which all that was mortal of her cremated hus band had been placed and spread Its contents on the Boor. "Always drop ping his ashes everywhere!" Harper's Weekly. The- sinews of sucreaa cannot be ho rowed. Ton will not really develop with any capital but your own. Craven County Farm Life School For Boys and Girls Vanceboro N. C. A High School emphasising Agriculture and Domestic Science. J. E. TURLINGTON, Superintendent O. A. MARSHALL, High School Principal MINNESOTA'S NOSE. Curious History of the Jog In Northern Boundary Line. Our How did tbe United States come to net that smnll corner of land which Juts out from the extreme northern boundary of Minnesota? History ofl (hat little "nose" which sticks out Into Canada from Minnesota and which constitutes tbe northernmost point of the United States is very Interesting. Under the treaty of 1783 the boundary between the United States and British possessions was fixed. A certain point on tbe Lake of the Woods was mutual ly agreed to as one starting point, this being considered tbe headwaters of thd St Lawrence river and great lakes system. At that time It was not known wheth er this point was north or south of the forty-ninth parallel, but It was known to be close to It. The understanding was that from that point the boundary should go north or south to the forty ninth parallel, us the case might be. Later and more accurate surveys showed that point was about twenty- flve miles north of the forty-ninth par allel, and so at this place the boundary makes u Jog above that line. Uncle Sam thus has a little piece of territory of about a hundred square miles In extent nortb of the general boundary. And the Joke of It Is that any one has to go by water In order to reach this little piece of territory unless he wants to go through Canada. Path finder. LOVE SWAYS THE ARTIST. His Work Show the Glorifying Power of the Grand Passion. "How Wagner must have loved when be wrote that!" exclaimed old King William of Prussia when be hoard "Tristan und Isolde" for the first time. We know now through the publication of Wagner's love letters and other bio graphical and autobiographical mate rial that he was In love with Mathildc Wesendonck when he composed the opera. This passion was warp and woof of that Immortal music drama, the greatness of which compelled Wag ner all the rest of his life to hold him self up to his highest level of produc tion. Frank Harris has pretty definitely proved that Shakespeare wrote "An tony and Cleopatra" under the Influ ence of n tragical and hopeless love for. Mary Fitton. It has been declared byl a great critic that "Antony and Cleo pntra" has in It every sbred of Shake! speare's vitalizing power and thnt as tragedy It marks the zenith of his achievement. If It Is Indeed Mary Fit ton who Is in It she possesses a monu ment more glorious than any memorial of stone ever raised to a potentate saint or n god. Not evc: ni in who lives by art Is n Shakespeare or a Wagner, hut every. artist, great or small, Is subject to the same principle of the animating and glorifying power of love. Joseph Ed gar Chamberlain In New York MalL Mental Medicine. "Imagination." says a doctor, "musd always be reckoned with in medl cine- sometimes as a friend, aome-l time a- a foe 1 know a doctor who treated an old woman for typhoid, and each visit he took her temperature by holding a thermometer under herl tongue. Due day when she had nearly! recovered the doctor did not bother tol take her temperature, nnd he had" hardly got H yards from the bouse when her son called him back. " 'Mother i w orse,' said the man. Come back ut once.' "The doctor returned. On his entry Into the sickroom the old woman look ed up nt him with angry nnd reproach ful eyes. " 'Doctor,' she said, 'why didn't you give me the Jigger under me tongue to day? Thnt always done me more good than all the rest of your trash.' "New York Tribune. Sharpening a Psnoil. An expert manual training man talk ed with tbe writer about so simple a thing as sharpening a lead pencil. In the first place, he says, the knife should not be oversharp, but should bo a little dull, as If too sharp It will cut quickly through the wood and cat away tbe lead. Then, again, bo says, it Is beet to bold the pencil In the left band with tbe end to be sharpened pointing away from you and to cut away with a pushing cut rather than toward yoa with a drawing cut, as then the point of tbe pencil Is rested agutnst the side of the thumb nnd Is sharpened by a draw cut stroke of the knife blade. Scientific American. Told by London's Bishop. The bishop of London told the fol lowing story to illustrate the dlfB culty sometimes met with by mission arles among tho working class. "A curate goes to a bouse," be said, "and knocks timidly at the door. H bears a voice shout, 'Who's there Sally r and Sally replies. 'I 'lease mother, it Is "religion." 1 "It requires a little bit of tact foi a man to do what be ought to do when he Is ushered In as 'religion' on wash Ing day." - -London Standard. At the Theater. "What! Yon enn't see anything'.! Didn't yon bring your opera glass with your" "Yes. but 1 can t use It" "Wbyr "Because I forgot my rings." Lon don Telegraph. Bounds Bsttsr. "Ife all In the way you word It." "What do you meanY" "A thing seems much more dexlrnhh Ifa popular prlerd that If ii h cheap. Louisville Courier Journal,