lotifmil No, 135 NEW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1913 SECOND SECTION 35th Y ALABAMA BISHOP EDICATES CHURCH Methodists Of Oriental" Are Now Occupying Handsome New House Of Worship. MONEY RAISED TO MEET DEBT Dedication Services Attended By Huge Congregation Special Train From New Bern. BUSY IN TOBACCO. Askln People Getting The Weed Ready For Market. (Special to the Journal. Oriental, Aug. U. With impressive ceremonies the modern new brick Methodist church at this place was dedicated yesterday. Bishop J. H McCoy, of Birmingham, Alabama, delivering the dedicatory address which was heard by about six hundred persons. In June, 1911, the congregation of the church decided that the house of worship at that time in use was too small for their needs and after confer ring among themselves took up the task of erecting a new edifice. The work was started .during the latter part of that month and was pushed forward as rapidly as possible. Rev. Walter Patten, the Beloved pastor, has devo ted his every effort to complete this church and to him is due much of the credit. In his sermon Sunday, Bishop McCoy paid a glowing tribute to the faithful congregation when he said that never before had he seen such a determination to secure a new church exhibited by a congregation. I 'is sermon was in teresting and inspiring and was thor oughly en'oyed. A specfol train was operated between New Bein and this place and many visitors came in on this while others carmr in 'conveyances from all parts of the county to attend the dedication. Three thousand dollars remained un paid on the church amkbefore the close of the service this was Subscribed. The citizens of Oriental hard jnade elaborate arrangements for the enter tainment of the visitors and at the close of the service a sumptuous dinner was served to all on the church grounds There was a sufficient quantity of good things to eat to supply all and much was bft untasted after the last guest had departed. The weather was ideal and this tended to make the day de lightful a one in every respect for all (Sepcial to the Journal.) Askin, Aug. 11. The people here are very busy getting the tobacco ready for the market, and are having fine weather 60 far. Mr. F. P. Gaskins and daughter Mr. Tunstall, of Edwards were at Askin Sunday. Miss Mannie Hill and some of her friends were at Blue Spring Sunday. There will be another picnic at Blue Springs September 11; all are invited to come and bring well filled baskets. Those who haven't seen the spring have missed something great. It runs 37 gallons of water a minute. The people at Askin are glad thst the local freight is running on account of baggage and for other reasons. The railroad company will be asked for a stop about 200 yards from the spring on picnic day, Thursday, Sep tember 11. Thrilling; Tests Of Speed Will Be Held At The Eastern Carolina Fair Grounds. VISITORS FROM FAR AND NEAR NEW METHOD UPKEEP OF ROADS LIKELY BE DONE IN SMALL SEC TIONS BY MEN OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. It is expected that at the next meet ing a new method of keeping up the roads will be adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Craven county. This will be to have the work done in small sections by the men living along those sections. Bids will be advertised for the work accepts it The new nlan is exDected to Drove ..... , rninics mat ne snouici ue upw iui- j 1 lie new plan is expected to prove u been a,most doubled in size and . nomical and effective and, if perma- .. . h . doubled. L P nently adopted as the policy of the . . n . . . the rear mccr- county, is expected to result in a no- , . trlirtllrp instMfl o at the It has been customary to elect -j j i :n 1 i clerevman to the Pr?sidcn--, ind Rev enus ami mere win uc i.u ju.n n.,vn. . . - 0tnn in front rff those Dr. Morgan Dix, of No v Yorx, serve IS- who have seats. ,n tnat capacity in an me cunvc.u.u. A line of boats will be operated from 1886 to lws between this city and the Fair grounds I Besides the persons mcniio.ie'l th and this will afford ample transporta-1 following have been spoken jt WAN WHER no E KNOW CASTRO IS State Department Harassed By The Actions Of This Trouble Maker. SUPPOSED TO BE AT COROS Known To Have Landed In Vene zuela About Two Weeks Ago. BIG CELEBRATION L ABQR Line Of Boats Will Be Operated From The City To The Grounds. Labor Day, September 1, will be a memorable occasion in New Bern, and from far and near there will be visitors to participate in the festivities to be held at that time. The chief attraction of the day MAY BE NAMED FOR HIGH HONOR Dr. Kinsolvlng, Of Baltimore, Men tioned For Presidency Of Epis copal House Of Deputies. WIDOW WILL BE HEAD OF RAILROAD REMARKABLE DOCUMENT. MEET IN GOTHAM IN OCTOBER Friends Would Be Disposed To Work Hard For Him, Should He Get In the Race. Baltimore, Aug. 12. While no or ganized effort has been made to enlist support In the Mar'dand Diocese for Rev. Dr. Arthur B. Kinsolving rector of Old St. Paul's Church, who has been mentioned as one of the pos- Charles Lounsbury , Poor and Insane Leaves a Beautiful Will. Trained For Four Years In Railway Work By Her Husband. CAN EASILY HANDLE TASK Intends To Develop Line So It Will Be Of Great Value. From the New York Times Justice Wallace Lloyd Smith, who pre sides over the third department of Ap pellate Division of the Supreme Court, brought with him to the dinner of the New York University Law School Alumni Association Saturday night, what he said was the most remarkable document that ever came into his pos session. Others who read the document the last will and testament of Charles Lounsbury, who died in the Cook County Asylum, ay Dunning, 111., were disposed to agree with him. Here it is: will be the motorcycle and horse races sible candidates for the position of to be held at the Fair grounds. On president of the House of Deputies the fourth of last July a similar event in the General Convention of the Pro took place and several thousand per- testant Episcopal Church, the fact sons were on hand to witness the tests! that he is being considered Is interest of speed. ling to his friends here. Tl l ,- ....'I! k o.roi, I more thrilling than those held on the I . . . , . ....,. -j 1 York in October, and it is thought that STLs r , T: rZ Z the president of the house will be infor xucic w... u - -? mally selected before the delegates racing. A free for all, a race for the ' another lor the horses witn a record of two twenty-eight. There will be a Christ Church, Brooklyn, and is well 1... .. .,.,,..., , ..1.,,,.,. ,.f ,K V,.. number of entries in each of these v t. M races and no lover of this sport will miss I the opportunity of being present. Thus far, the contests appears to be There will be two motorcycle races between Kev. William 1. Manning, of five miles each. The first will be the rector of Trinity Church, New York, race in which only one cylinder machines and Rev. Dr. Alexander Mann, rector will be allowed while in the second, of Trinity Church, Boston, formerly machines of two or more cylinders the church of Bishop Phillip Brooks. can participate. Motorcycle racing churchmen in Baltimore recognize the is always exciting. 1 here is not a fact that Rev. Dr. Randolph H. McKim nprnnrl Hnrintr thf linn1 of the race I r nr.'ti t. l lAAJ tr. Kn Hcno according to sncrificatinns . . . . . . . 01 wasnington, wno scrveu ... 1, . . ...... ' . A that the riders are not in tne greatest iqn7 . 101 as nrpsident of the house. 1 -Murr.r iinrl nn v thp.r rfMl!;irk;il) C I .. , Mt -I : I engineer. After the work is done it will ke oe inspecteu uy u.e chK...c uu ... , . the - , ,.,mt ;il not h moJ. until ho I T ' " . ngllt aga. ..hi a. ei.a i.gc . .1 me i.au.i v. V grandstand for each person. Mnce church and t0 do th;s successfully he the last races were held tne grandstand thinks that he should be thc i t - i n?-ti i :r . i o. l.ic iiuuhu auu iiui iwnii" ecnomicai table improvement of the roads. SEVERAL NEW CHARTERS SUED YESTERDAY. Atlanta, Aug. 12. Trained by her husband during his four yea-s of in validism in all the intracies of the many business in which he was inter ested, Mrs. Cora Williams, widow of Capt. Jesse P. Williams is now prepared to carry on the work. By the reoent death of Capt. Williams who so lar as was known left no will Mrs. Williams comes into possession of o property reputed to be worth $10,000 000. This includes $2,200,000 worth of bonds in the Georgia, Florida and Ala bama Railroad, a 200-mile interstate line and 90 per cent, of its stock, together with 250,000 acres of rich arming and timber lands in South Georgia and Florida and numerous other investments. Capt. Williams's interests were chiefly centred in his railroad and it was tp keep this that he insisted on his wife acquiring a thorough knowledge of all details of railroad work. Knowing her husband's wishes and policies, she, with her faithful lieu tenants, carried them out. It is the belief of her clone fr'nds that it is her purpose to handle the larg properties just as Cant. Williams would have, done so, in other word-;, to continue to carry out his wishes, and especially, to so direct the railroad that it shall steadily grow to be a stronger factor in thc development of southwest Georgia and West Florida. Just a few weeks bcfeirehis death an old friend asked Capt. Williams the secret of his successful business career. "Thorough investigation," he replied. Raleigh, Aug. 12. Thtf Secretary of State granted charters today to the following corporations: The Ward Company, New Bern, to buy and improve lands, deal in timber and construct buildings, au thorized capital stock $40,000, paid in $7,000; A. D. Ward and Virginia Ward stockholders. Rich Square Electric Company, to furnish lights to that town; $50,000 authorized capital stock, paid in $350: M. Bolton. J. T. Bolton, R. B Boyce and others, stockholders. The Gibsonville Hosiery Mills at that town; $100,000 capital, $11,000 paid in; J. L. Kernodle, G. W. Fogle man, W. C. Michael and others stock holders. tion facilities for all. SEEKING TD CURE E CIGARETT USERS Clinic In Chicago For Those Who Find They Can't Stop Smok ing Cigarettes. MOUTH WASH PART OF CURE "I, Charles Lounsbury, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby make and publish this, my last, will and testament, in order to justify as may be to distribute my interest in the world among succeeding men. "That part of my interest which is known in law and recognized in the sheep-bound volumes as my property, being inconsiderable and of no account, I make no disposal of in this my will. "My right to live being but a life est tc, is not at my disposal, but, these things excepted, all else in the world I now proceed to devise and bequeath: 'Item: I give to good fathers and mothers, in trust for their children, all good little words of praise and en- couigement, and all quaint pet names and endearments and 1 charge said parents to use them justly and gener ously, as the needs of their children may require. "Item: I leave to children inclusively but only for the term of their childhood all and every, the flowers of the fields and the blossoms of the woods, with the right to play among them freely accord ing to the customs of children, warning them at thc same time against thistle's and (horns. And I devise to children the banks of the brooks, and the golden sands beneath the waters thereof, and thc odors of thc willows and dip there in, and the white clouds that float high over the giant trees. And I leave thc children the long, long days to be merry in, in a thousand ways, and thc night and the moon and the train of the Milky Way to wonder at, but s ibject, nevertheless, to thc rights Colleges Declared To Be The Hot bed Of The Cigarette Habit Women Easiest Prey. FORESEES A WEEK OF WARM WEATHER SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES FOR A PERIOD OF SWEL TERING HEAT. IN connection with the office of piesielent Rev. J. Howard Melis!., of BruoKl.i Rev. J. H. Mcllvaiue, Pitcsbu.gh; Rev. Dr. James Freeman, Minneapolis; Rev. Robert S. Couplan, of New Or leans, formerly of Baltimore; Rev. Dr. Floyd W. Tomkins, of Philadelphia, but well known and popular in Balti more; Rev. Frank Du Moulin and Rev. Dr. W. A. R. Goodwin Di. Kinsolving is spending the sum mer in Rhode Island. His friends would be disposed to work hard for his can didacy if he declared himself in the race Washington, D. C, Aug. 11. The Weather Bureau issues the following The Bank of Ellenboro was author- forecast for the week ized to increase its capital stock tol "The distribution of atmospheric $15,000 PICNIC AT MERRITT. Washington, Aug. 13. Again the question, "Where is Castro?" is harass ing the State Department. It was learn ed today that the United States gov ernment has no direct information that Castro really is in Venetuela leading thc revolution against the Gomez ad ministration. Castro, it has been re ported, landed at Vcnesuela to take charge of the revolution, and a pro clamation . soon after was issued pur porting .to come from him, calling on (Special to the Journal.) Merritt, Aug. 11. The annual pic pressure over the American. Continent nic was held here Ia6t Friday and the and the adjacent oceans is such as to event was a complete success in every GARFIELD MUMFORD BOUND indicate temperatures below the normal detail. There were about five hundred OVER TO COURT. during the week in the Northwestern present during the day, coming trom States and on the Pacific Slope; high all parts of the county. eople of the country to rally be hind the veteran revolutionist, against the "tyrannous" Gomez. It developed today, however, that all the informa ti n the State Department has received from Venezuela; in regard to the land ing of Castro, as well as to (the actions which could be directly attributed to him, has been of an unofficial character, and that so far as official reports are cctcerned it has no account of the movements of Castro for the past two Weeks. ' Castro is supposed to be at Cores, on the west coast of Venezuela, which is the most important place now in pos session of the revolutionists. Coros is out of telearaphic communication with the rest of Venezuela, and has no con ion with the cable, which runs along thc South American coast, whereby to communicate with the I in ted States. The revolutionists as Ki thev seised the town cut the Garfield Mumford, colored, who on temperatures the first half of the week last Saturday night attacked Motorman jn the Southern Plains States and the Gwaltney of the New Bern Ghent lower Mississippi Valley; followed by Street Railway Company, was given a OWer temperatures in these regions preliminary hearing yesterday morning Thursday or Friday; warm weather before Mayor A. H. Bangert on alluring the week in the Gulf and Stfuth warrant charging him with a secret Atlantic States; moderate tempera assault. Probable cause was found tures jn first half of week in the region and the defendant was bound over to of the Great Lakes, the upper Ohio the next term of Craven county Valley and the middle Atlantic and New Superior Court under a bond of ona England States will be followed by LOCAL DRUG FIRM LOCATE AND hundred dollars. warmer in these regions alter Wednes day. In the region of drouth, namely NEGRO PAWNED STOLEN BIKE . .. . , . . , .thereinafter given to lovers full examine the propositions winch I will come up all the time in the course "Item: I devise to boys jointly all the of business." useful idle fields and commons where His motto, "Investigate," he instilled ball may be played; all pleasant waters into his wife and her management has I where one may swim; all snowclac hcon h!"h'v successful, and she has I hills where one may coast, and all full measir d up to the responsibility I streams and ponds where one may fish HpvoIv ina an her. lor Wi.ere, w.-.en grim w inter comes Pant Williams was a unidiic char-1 one mav skate; to have and to noir acter. At the age of twenty-three he I the same for the period of their boyhood was penniless; at seventy, worth .tertl And all the meadows with the clover m'llion. Many men who stuck to him I blossoms and butterflies thereof, the made big fortunes, three men making j woods and their appurtenances, the fortunes of from half a million to I squirrels and birds, and echoes of the millions: all who forsook him failed. I strange noises, and all distant places lip Knilt nn hie wealth in the naval I which mav be visited, together with th stores business and when there came a I adventures there found. And I give t time that alleged friends forced him out! said boys each his own place at thc fire but at his own price, his business was I side at night, with all pictures that may aoc-raised at $3,400,000. "There will J be seen in the burning wood, to enjoy romp a time when vou will need me," I without let or hindrance and without he told them. Not long after that the I any incumbrance of care naval stores business in the South! "Item: To lovers, I devise their imag faced bankruptcy. linary world, with whatever they may When he decided to extend his rail-1 nceH as the stars of the sky, the red road Capt. Hanson, then President I r09es by the wall, thc bloom of the haw of the Central of Georgia, was wroth. I thorn, the sweet strains of music, and Build your road beyond its present aUght else by which they may desire to terminal and I will break you, he I figure to each other the lastingness and threatened. Capt. Williams built 1 beauty of their love and Hanson s threat was proved vain. ..Ttcm. To volln men Jointly I devise At the next meeting oi tne directors of the railroad it is understood she will be elected President. MILITANCY IN SAN FRANCISCO, the middle Mississippi Valley and the middle and southern Plains Matcs.1 Women Make War On Nose Bag, temperatures will continue high during ,. the hrst hall oi tne ween, w....c uu....K r or nunn uunn ivmi. RECOVER BICYCLE STOLEN LAST THURSDAY. MISS COOPER HONOR GUEST. A bicycle owned by the Wood-Lne the latter half of (he week the weather Drug Company was stolen from in in these districts will become cooler front of their store late last Thursday cn p-.n,.!. An-. 13. A ta.te of with a probability of well-distributed night. Mr. Walter Lane, one of the feminine militancy was given to the showers. The precipitation during members oi tne arm, notmea tne po.icc people of San Francisco when four the week win oe lainy wen uir.uuiou. , im ........ women started a crusade against nose There are no indications at u.e prcs- mey ...uC - baes for horses. ent time of a dlstuibance in the Wea "bike' but failed to locate it. Invading the business district, they . Indies. hunted out horses that were feeding from the customary jcanvas bags, and, without ceremony and despite pn - tests from teamsters, hurled into the gutter all he feed bags they could find The crusaders were members of the Animal's Friend Society, which is opposed to nose bags. After they had scattered nose bags and oats in several srreets, the women CONFISCATED INTOXICANTS NOW IN COUNTY JAIL. iht I'ohll ter Arthur Fisk t thc long hours which the horses :c are subjected. The whiskey and beer which wss confiscated when the police raided the vacht Gracec last Thursday after noon, was yesterday removed lrom tne Citv HaU. where it had been held inct taken from the vessel, to the county jail where it will be held until term of Craven county Su- urt. There are more than a usand bottles of beer and twenty- or thirty gallons of whiskey in the the peno lot. No. Six-Sixty-Six On Saturday the subject of the stolen bicycle was brought up while several patrons were in the store and after Mr Lane had told of the affair, a travelling talesman who had spent the previous day in Polloluville told him that while in that town he saw a negro pawn a bicycle to George Duval for two dollars and that the bicycle answered the description of the one stolen. The drug store proprietors called Mr. Duval over the long distance telephone and thc latter told them that a negro who gave his name as William Johnson had pawned the wheel to him for two dollars, and that he would st once return it as it answered in every detail the description of the one stolen here The wheel was brought -to New Bern y enter day and it proved to be thc oti stolen. Mr. Duval was reimbursed and bequeath all boisterous, inspiring sports of rivalry, and I give to them thc disdain of weakness and undaunted con fidence in their own strength, though they arc rude; I give them the power to make lasting friendships, and of possessing companions, and to them exclusively I give all merry songs Delightful Bridge Party Yesterday and brave choruses, to sing with lusty . . voices. """" 'Itpn,- AnH tn. those who are no longer children or youths or lovers . 1 I Un..nnU . Mrs. George Stratum was the charm- I lve memory, anu ing hostess at a delightful though small them tne volumes . yw- -bridge party yesterday morning at Burns and Shakespeare and of other oriage party y , a lnoet. if thcre be others, to the end eleven uu c c-b"- ..vv .... , . j.. . : k m;. Cltlrtou I that thev may live over Coorr" of Norfolk" house guest of again, freely and fully, without tithe Miss Sara Richardson. or oiminu.-u... The room, were aglow with cut flowers, "item: io our v -j . I crowns I Dcqueaui i..u naiF"' - lerns auu , , - . ,.,. ,.;, In the spacious -reception hall a age, tne .ove nerfectlv aooointed punch table was children unu. u,y .... presided over by M.iss Matilda HancocK. Punch was served the guests on arrival .......... .. .. . -r and during th game. WILL INVITE MKIMHN Lovelv cards bore thc guests nme TfcNU AlK. (, .hp auction bridire name. A laven- w I . I der color motif was artistically cat- J. l.eon Williams, secretary oi tne ried out in the tempting ice course Eastern Carolina Fair Association, win -hich w..s served. 1 i attend the Firemen s 1 ournament in Miss Cooper, as guest of honor, Wilmington this week and Invite an was presented with a handsome deck I tne companies thcre to attend the Fair nf cr,l. npt fall on "Firemens uay, wnicu Those sharing Mr, Stratton's hos- will fall on Friday of Fair ween, un pitality were: that day there will be a numoer y. Misses Shirley Cooper, Sara Kicn-ievents in which tne nre nguitui srdson, Mannie Baxter, 1.11a May the leading part ana me uirw-iur. Willis Eula Cole, Lcanora Crccnabaum, ( the Fair Association t ompany w I Matilda Hancock, F-ulalia Willis, Mcsdames John Cox, David Congdon, Frank Felman, Owen Dunn and William Perry, Any oeion can apply B. P. S. PAINT who can read thc direction- want every fire company in this sec tion of the Stste to participate The finishing touches are now being added to th Eubanks building which W recently been erected on the outn Haw, corner of Broad and Middle Chicago, Aug. 12. That the cigarette habit, once it is started fasj.eri44ts grip more strongly on women than on men was the opinion expressed here today by Lucy Page Gaston, foe of the "paper pill" and superintendent of the Anti- Cigarette League of America. Since Miss Gaston's free clinic lor the cure of those addicted to the "makings" and the "tailor made" was opened a week ago she has been keeping a close record of the average ages of those who appear for treatment and of their sex and station in life. Fully hlteen per r . i 1 ., .i.,wi .v,,.,!;,. .! cent, ot those wno nave i&i.cu invv,. aid either in person or by mail are women, and thi . he says, shows that a larger percentage of the fair sex than of men are sorry thpv started the habit. "Maybe it is because women have a weaker will power than men or maybe it is because they are more changeable of mind," said Miss Gaston. "Anyway, I am surprised at the large number of women who have written me heart-rend- ng letters asking for the slightest cn- . .. . t-Ll I .1.1.. tn couragement, tnat tney iiugi.i uc ouit iv. sever thc bonds which hold them slaves o the cigarette habit. And thc appeals get are not lrom the lower class ot women but lrom tnose u. n.ci;iiiKvin... "One woman whose husband is a prominent Canadian, possessor of a title, nd who moves in the most exclusive society, has written for thc cure. She contracted the habit unknown to her husband. I was astonished to find that some of the women have been using cigarettes for twenty years. This is re markable, considering the fact that tne habit among women in society is a fad of practically recent Oiigin. Actresses seem to be in the ma jority of women patients, borne re ported that they wanted to quit bec ause smoking was impairing tneir singing and speaking voices. Mar ried women also seem to be in the ma jority of those who apply for treatment. One of the most pitiful appeals was from a young married woman who said that the cigarette habit had al most disrupted her home. "This is not a crusade for thc mes senger boy. It is being conducted in the interests of ach and poor alike, and many prominent business men have breug it their sons to us with tears in their eyes. The average age oi tnose ho come for treatment is twenty-tour ... . i I l. , . ... 1 4 ... 1 ... u a ears. 1 ne Oldest wnu (jpm-u "j an of fifty and the youngest a boy of four. The women range lrom seveu- een to forty years of age. "I have promised not to discJose the mes of those who come to us, but Dr. D. H. Kress, in cnarge oi tne clinic, keeps a close record oi tne pulse, blood pressure, heart action and history of all cases that come to mm. In thc fall I shall open clinics in other cities and shall start a crusaac n thc colleges. They arc thc hotbed of the cigarette habit. Manufacturers ciearettes have admitted that their sales arc proportionally large in college towns and professors have compiled statistics showing the iajry which the habit inflicts upon students Many a boy smokes his first cigarette n college because the home innuence is lacking. If we can reacn tne-coiicge tudents we can put the cigarette out of business and we are going io rvagn them." Miss Gaston administers the treat ment through Dr. D. H. Hess, who is A :.!. iL . ... i..tM nnrl as pn. conncctca wu. mc - thusiastic as she. The treatment consists of a solution tfone-eiahth of 1 per cent, of silver nitrate used as a mouth wash and a dietary program. The mouth wash is used after meals lor the nr;t two or three days. If thc patient smokes during this treatment he become nauseated. , Dr. Hess declares that the silver ni trate solution which he gives as a moutl wssh is not so important to permanent cure as the patient's will power anl a special diet. This diet consists ot Iruits for the first three days and a light vpetable diet for a week, together with a few cereals and milk. Coffee, tarn. hiehlv seasoned and spiced foods meats in Urge quantities are to avnirled. A lame majority of the patients, nave ncrrppft to attend the get vm .. a dinner to be held Monosy. nuj. at which all will tell their expertei a nnmW of women will be a those to testify to the benefits of treatment. SCREEN DOORS reduced ! cant. Let us take your .4 ta 1 j ,' 1 ly at. -j. s. on store

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