i J 35th TER NoJ'HO NEW BERN, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1913 FIRST SECTION Ls w 1 as in 1ELS RULES ' Will See That Promises Made To Prospective Tars Are Fully Redeemed. WOULD HONOR WOMEN. Jones Bill Favors Erecting Statues ' On Addition To Capitol Grounds. RETURN AFTER A TWO WEEKS TRIP Washington, Aug. 22. Unless the PARTY ON HOUSE BOAT VISITS pitchfork of Senator Tillman tosses the CRUISE TO votes for women movement aside, and if the plan of Senator Jones to hellenize the- Capitol grounds Succeeds, memo rials to females soon may dot the ad- MEDITERRANEAN dition now in progress of acquisition. Those who have hiked to Albany and SWANSBORO, MOREHEAD AND OTHER PLACES. (Special to the Journal.) Aug, 21. Captain Fred Nelson I t I VJ. 1 A. 4... endured the fourth of March parade and in Monday evening from a two weeks' chants in coast towns, I am writing dodged missiles along the route may They visited Swansboro, More- to merchants an manufacturers m .. , head City, Beaufort, Harkets Island, different lines of business for lnforma- ti... t l ,. mWrl in a Cape Lookout and other parts of the tion. bill that has just been offered. It pro- Western Hemisphere There were "It will oblige me if you wMl write vides that the half of the new grounds 2 thLe ,nc, udln . Jane' at once giving me the rates on different i it... HAAL l imn nil Hmirt nnvinrr i 1:.: i , ...... ... ... 1, ....11., rates are already lower than interior points. "Either of these propositions would Be unjust to the coast towns, as they are already enjoying lower rates than the interior points, being entitled to them on account of their water compe tition. "I hope, with the aid of gentlemen who have been appointed from Wilming ton and Elizabeth City as members of this Board, to be able to secure for the coast towns of North Carolina the same reduction in rates which will be agreed upon for interior points. That I may be fully informed upon came I the rates now being paid by the mer Secretary Wedded To Idea Having Oregon Pioneer Way Through Canal. Of HEW HMD MATTER MONDAY WEEK BEAUFORT PREFER R COUNTY PEOPLE :- t:s LEADING BY COLLECTING DUES FROM MEM BERS OF NEW CLUB. nearest the Union station shall be desijg- Wa.hin.rrnn D C Amr. 21. "4 li. -' .( ... half glorious lime. mm jaut urm "The enlisted men of the navy had adjoining the present grounds be known Nels0" CaDen Fred' j. done en; better begin saving their money. They as the "Parthenon." This section shall e t0 cook nex t,me on d1ls 1 will have a chance to see something be set apart for the erection of memo of Europe." ' I rials to women and their achievements. Secretary Daniels made this state the cook. They all report having a commodities that you may handle doan care if dem gals wooden let me sleep nary wink las' nite." Capt. Fred and Mrs. Nelson were given a hearty vote of thanks and GLASS DEFENDS ment when asked for details of the cruise of 'the battleship fleet and the , destroyer flotilla to the Mediterranean. '-The program centres around his- desire to make the service agreeable and pro fitable for the enlisted-men. "There were some ' arguments in favor of abandoning the cruise in favor 6f other wok," he continued, "But I had told the officers and men that either we would make good our recruiting advertisements promising that men can learn something and see the world or tear them up. "The cruise wilt be confined to the TAUNTED BY XHE INSURGENTS Mediterranean .Because oi ine mua climate. Once through Gibraltar, the fleet "will be divided among the va- Caucus Reoeatedlv Cheers Brilliant I . ... l e ports. It is not intended ... ' . . ur newe9t mercnanti.e nusc to or from the North, South or West, also giving the rates if you have them, now paid by interior points on same goods. It is important that I have this information very promptly." The action of the Legislature in this matter involves much to the business CURRENCY BILL Scores Triumph In House Demo cratic Caucus And Shows He Can Make A Real Speech. congratulations as being a'very charm-1 men of New Bern and surrounding ing host and hostess also Professor section, and it is hoped that Mr.' Ives' and Mrs. Sloan as chaperons. Aunt request will be given prompt considera Jane got hers by souvenirs from the tion and that he may be given any young ladies. Mr. Crane W. Gerock and niece, Miss Louise Gerock, of Fort Worth, Texas, are here visiting relatives and friends. Misses Julia Matocks, Viette Ha dnot and Walter Truckter are in Trenton attending the Teancers' Institute. Mr. Pete Smith and wife, of Swa boro, passed through here yesterd information available: "Durham is turning its eyes towards the matter of municipal ownership,' says the Raleigh News and Observer and adds': "This is a thing which is coming along all over the country. By this standard, the good old City of New Bern is one of the most progressive SPRING HOPE CHURCH. S. T. Wall, of Edward, Beaufort county, was in the city Friday. He is still very much concerned in the matter of the opening up of a shorter route from his section to New Bern. His petition for the improvement of several miles of road torn the Beaufort line into Craven and running along by Spring Hope church, will come up at the next meeting of the Craven commis sioners which will be Monday .week. The hitch will come, says Mr. Wall, over the fact that there are two routes proposed and the . Commissioners will have to choose between the two. Mr. Wall believes, however, that it can be demonstrated to the satistac- tion of the Commissioners that the route that they should select is the one that leads by Spring Hope church. This is the most direct route, and it is the route that the people in Beaufort county, who want to come to New Bern to trade, would like to see opened by Craven county. The committee appointed to collect the dues of the members of the newly organized New Bern Gun Club were busily engaged yesterday in attending to their duties and succeeded in visit ing practically all of the members. There are a few who have not been seen by the committee but they will be visited tomorrow. ANTI-TRUtt LAW IN OPERA SUIT Oscar Hammersteln Replies To Injunction Forbidding Grand Opera In English. rious large porta. that snyship shall visit more than one p rt. "The ' cet' will, depart October 25th and retMn BjKrember 20th. Each ves sel will li jve least a month in some rranean Virginian, Who Establishes Himself As Statesman. This city has owned its waterworks on their way to Trenton on a pleasure I fifteen years or more trip. He was driven his Great Western auto. Instead nf Hiirts o-ivintr his country Ian ultimatum the fact seems to be MATRIMONY AND LONGEVITY. Dr. R. DuVal Jones who is the Chief Surgeon of the New Bern Division of the North Carolina Naval Militia will accompany the division to Norfolk, Va., on the special train tonight and will participate in the ten days' cruise on board the S. S. Alabama. PAYMASTER GENERAL IS IN THE CITY. Colonel George L. Peterson, Pay master General of the North Carolina Naval Militia accompanied by Branden Bruner, of Raleigh, his chief clerk, arrived in the city yesterday morning and will leave tonight on the special train for Norfolk with the New Bern Division of the N. C. Naval Militia. Jones and Jones, general merchandise. that th;s country has submitted one Mr. J. B. Jones, of Swansboro, is the tQ mnli Qr at leagt what amounts manager. t0 one ;n v;ew Df the straitened cir- Maysville Gin Company has enlarged rlimatanrPS ;n which Huerta finds him- Washington, D. C, Aug. 21. Chair- their plant by putting in an additional i ,f Capt. Hill, our A. C. Line section -HTWiir-'- " 1 - . . -i i .. ... , m:n oleasant Mediterranean oort. from man Carter Glass of the Committee on sei K"' " -i-i"-""- , - ry-j rrf I . . i r 1 1 . I ...l.m .1,,, Kn .m;tfJ hanlrinr anri rnrronrv scored a croat iuc i uauc W1IHII iUUIUI LTV pvt I HIV. VI I I triumph in the House Democratic cau- . .a., a i.:. tk i:ki i.. In., thi. afternoon. His sneech in de- master, has made a long needed im tan aii' i a viuisng mn-iui ivu v v. i a . , . , CM' which will be accorded them." fense of the currency bUl which bears provement around the station by filling The secretary is enthusiastic over his name and is backed by the ad- "- passenger waiK w.tn sever, the school he established under Com- ministration wa. the great event of cars of clinkers. Thank you Captain, mander Roger Welles at the Newport the session at that end of the capital Geo. E. Weeks is wearing a smile training station. During their three thus far. and A. Frank Mattocks a frown The months' instruction prioto going Because Mr. Glass had never made reason to sea the recmits are given instruc- a real speech in Congress before, dur tion in arithmetic, grammar and ing all his years of service there was spelling. The school, Mr. Daniels be- a disposition here to assume he could lieves, increases the -ability of the men not do so. After having suffered to; learn seamanship, radio-telegra- for months the taunts of the "In- phy, and the other branches of na- surgents" who charged that his bill val service. was not his own, and that he did not k. J uiu.:h .ua ( imnWstnnn1 his snhit-t Shut merelv re nte IUCB Ul nCH-V.llllg LUC I J J I , as the first battle ship to pas. through fleeted the view, of others, the fiery been rece.ved by friends in this city: the Panama Canal is firmly fixed in and eloquent Virginian retorted upon """" L.yud Jlojr nuaiuo HELD ON CHARGE OF sMucsime MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT. Former New Bern Young Lady Married At Macon, Ga. ARRIVES WITH 14 TRUNKS CLARES ONLY $245 IN DUTIABLE GOODS. -DE The following announcement has the secretary's mind. He said: "The Oregon will be placed in com- his detractors in a speech which is I generally acknowledged to have been I Married New York, Aug. 23 Though the Kaiser Wilhelm II. of the North German Lloyd landed her passengers Tuesday, it was not until Thursday that one of them was arraigned form ally on a charge - of attempting to The New York State Department of Health through a Cornell professor.has made some investigationsrttlfelative to the mortality rates of married and un married men, with the result that it has been established that benedicts live longer than bachelors. The compiler of the statistics comes to the conclusion that the lower mor tality rate of married men is due to the supervision ot tneir loou, .iougings, hours and habits by their wives, and to greater incentive to self-restraint and care of health than the bachelor. All this may be conceded. But the figures submitted show' that the mor tality rate of widowers and divorced men is greater than that of the married men or of the bachelors. Also the death rate of single men at 70 is great er than that of the married men of that age. This would lead to the conclusion that divorce is a peril to health and life, which is a new angle from which view the divorce problem. Further more, the contention of relatives that marriage on the part of a septuagenari- is unwise is wrong. Rather the re verse. Washington Herald. KAISER WILHELM A TEETOTALLER Forswears Fatherland's Famous Beer And Cuts Out Its Choicest Wines. ALLEGES TRADE RESTRAINT Declares Unlawful Act Of Trust Made Him Mental And Phy sical Wreck In 1919. LESSENS WORKING CAPACITY Found From Experiment That Even Small Quantities Of Liquor Lessened His Energy. Berlin, Aug. 23. The Kaiser has joined the ranks of teetotalers. He has foresworn the Fatherland's fa mous beer, and cut out its choicest wines His favorite drink is now le WIRING BUILDINGS AT EASTERN CAROLINA FAIR GROUNDS. !nl . .. .. .... I uniunria in jewels and wcarinu apparel, mission and ordered to report to the one of the most remarkable and el- "g" TT7. the appraised value of which may reach Atlantic fleet at Guantanamo. She fective made in Congress for many will be the first large warship to pass I days, through the canal, and her cruise. I Mr contrasted with the famous one she ten practically the whole currency bil made around South America to join with his own hand. He fairly riddled Sampson's fleet off Santiago, will fit- the Henry bill, which represents the tingly symbolize the great saving in view, of the so-called insurgents, corn time and distance the canal will per- paring it to the system of John Law, mit when we desire to transfer our which in the eighteenth century end naval defense from one ocean to the ed 'n the celebrated South Sea bubble, other." At the close of his dramatic parallel. "What do you think of the sugges- the speaker challenged his opponents tion that Rear-Admiral Charles E. to answer mm, onering 10 give mem Clark, U. S. N., retired, who coin- time in which to do so, but they did manded the Oregon in the Spanish- not take advantage of the invitation. American wWUAould again command A member from a State far distant her for this':dtity?" the secretary was from Virginia said after the caucus asked. that there was not a man in the meeting His .mile showed that the idea ap- who would have dared to encoun- pealed to him, as it does to most na- tec the impact of Glass' logic and elo- val officers. - quence at that time. "I want, to talk that suggestion The Virginian had the caucus in re over with the aids and other officers peated storms of applause and many on duty in the department before of the members of longest experience makine any announcement." he said in Washington declared that they had The fleet which will go abroad I never heard a more brilliant and pow-1 TO orobablv will consist of about ten erlul speech. Me verdict was that and thirteen, Macon, Ga. ham, N. C. $10,000. mo. i ft I. , c n..r I ine accused person is mrs. mmam At home after September first, Dur- V Velie Motor Company of Moline, III., Mrs. MacDonald is a daughter of ." ..... -7 . I M - .....1 .. .m...ill.nrT r-ntnnanmn n - T AJ of I mai lui it, .inn a in... f, 1 . ...... . I whom the Federal officials call Miss time pastor oi centenary oiwwuh ----- -i u i .u:. :., h,. a hnst I M. J. Lime. j : .u: In her formal declaration on ship- oi irienuo m mis HO.UUU. , . .i. . Doaru ivirs. veue incuiiuucu uniy dutiable goods, her declaration cover ing the belongings of her daughter and companion. After being landed at the pier in Hoboken and before her baggage had been examined, she went to acting Deputy Surveyor John P. O'Connor and asked permission to leave the pier. She explained that her home is in the West and that she would like to do some - - . l-u : l I U.n,i.i Infnrmnl nn I SIlouuiilK "' Mr. u Connor seni ior ncr ucciaianun The .New Bern Eledtrical Supply Company, who have the contract for wiring the buildings at the Eastern Carolina Fair Grounds, are making rapid progress in this work and will probably have it completed within the course of two weeks. When the next Fair opens it will be possible to illu minate the buildings at night and those who care will have an opportunity making an inspection of the exhi bits after nightfall. WRITES A LETTER TO MERCHANTS From Local Business Men. LEARN FREIGHT RATES noted that she had declared t245, and at the same time saw that her hands spark IpH with manv jewels. He told her that if she left the pier it would be accessary to leave these behind her Meantime Insoector William H battleships and all the destroyer, at the effort was that of a statesman M,.tl Kraft had begun to inspect her fourteen the Atlantic fleet. d regret was expressed that it had " ' trunks. He had not delved very far Be Attended To Without Any Delay. before he found it advisable to confer with Deputy Surveyor Racrklewicz, in charge of the pier. The deputy came looked at the declaration and the con As stated in the Journal yesterday I tents of the few trunks that had been morning v.. L. ives, oi mi. cuy, nasi examined up io mai nine, aim present attached to The battleships of the firBt division not been made in open session so that the Wyoming, Arkansas, Delaware, the country could have had the full Florida, North Dakota, and Utah effect of the Lynchburger's eloquence. will vmake . the trip. The Vermont, 1 After reading for a few minutes from Connecticut, Kansas, and Ohio aloa prepared statement, Chairman Glass are available. , The- battle shins now in Put hi manuscript aside and sought his Mexican waters the Louisiana, Mich-1 word" from the inspiration of the mo-K n appojnted ag one of the committee-1 order, to send all fourteen to the Public igan, New Hampshire, and South ment, wanting io nu iro ana giving ist Governor Locke Craig, Stores. Carolina will remain there, until free play to the wonderful vocabulary, th erorDOration Commission and the! The inspection of the trunks was con about November 1st, and will not go which the people of his own State areU jrreight Rate Association in tinued that day and on Wednesday abroad. The division consisting of the aware that he possess, but which was w , gatigfgetory solution of the Thursday Mrs. Velie and her compan Rhode Island, Virginia, Nebraska, and revelation to Congress. ratequestionattheapproachingspcci.il ion were summoned to the Custom New Jersey, which will relieve the Former Governor A. J. Montague was weton ( tne Legislature and he de- House. She appeared there arrayed in battleships now in Mexico, also 'will ,ter tn" caucus adjourned for the Bjrej t0 guc, information from a white flannel suit and white hat. For be unable to make the cruise. CINCINNATI TO STAY WET. So Says Mayor, Who Denies Gov. Cox Can Give Orders. day and asked to dictate an expression of opinion on the speech. He said: "The speech of Mr. Glass made a very extraordinary impression upon the yery large attendance of the Democratic caucus; it was enthusiastically ap proved as a very able and eloquent ar gument. Personally, I think the address measured up the best traditions of i c... i vi.:: a -t .i i l in. v. . .ii ma hu vi i uc tuun- nna, Aug. 22. Mayor Hunt, try. If a vote could have been taken is aeen silent regarding Gov- at the conclusion of the address. I he ltimatum that Cincinnati will be I Heve the Glass bill would have been ndays issued s statement that L whlmincrlv an.! a inmA ...I I .1 . executive had no Unticrnate that there will l- mo .-i-i ous disaffection as time wears on." There i. no doubt that by thi. effort this afternoon Mr. Glass has estab lished hi. position as one of the big men of Congress. He ha. made a repu tation which will last as Ions a. he stays here. At the close of the speech Mr. Glass was accorded an ovation. i Chief (rter Mayors of cities in the 1 continue to do just as we doing," declared the Mayor, safely say that there it no of making any change in bt Sunday closing aituation be up to the liquor license local merchants and manufacturers I an hour she was under examination by that will be of aid to him in putting Gen. Nelson H. Henry, Surveyor of the the local conditions before the two! Port. But it was not until later ar organizations and the Governor at rainnment before United States Com "... I . . ' 1 1 I 1 . L -. . I. .. an earlv meeting. musioncr atanion in nouurai i In a letter sent out yesterday by I fact, in the cac were made known. Mr. Ives to the local merchants and I When she appeared bet ore tne com manufacturers, he says: missioner she wa. represented by Joh You are possibly aware that I C. Spooner, former United State. Sen have been appointed one of the Ad- ator from Wisconsin, and by Henry visory Committee of ten men, who will Jennet. The charge against her had confer with the lust Freight Board been sworn to by Deputy Surveyor of this State regarding an equitable R. Norwood. The hearing was brief adjustment of freight rates. DRGED TO SEEK A NEW L 0GAT1 CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY WILL MOVE TOMORROW. On account of the fact that the Wil iams-Brewer Millinery Company ha rented the building on the corner Pollock and Craven street which is now occupied by the Citizen. Sav ings Bank and Trust Company th bank is forced to move to some other locatfcm as the new company will open for'Tiusiness on the first of next month and it will be necessary to make some alterations in the exterior of the build ing. The store room in the Stewart builc ing on Middle street adjacent to Mrs B. Allen's dry goods and millinery establishmert has been secured by the bank and the fixtures will be moved to this location tomorrow. This will be only a temporary location. When the Peoples Bank moves into its new home on Middle street the Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company will occupy the building now used by the former institution. WORKS RETURNING TO SENATE. monade, with a dash ot orange juice, but he docs not lorce tnis ury anitc beverage on his guests, to whom the usual wines are served. These facts have leaked out since he returned from his vacation cruise. Little space i; given to them ir the newspapers, for the same reason perhaps, as when the minister o( education of a South German state, some time ago, opposed the cstab lishmcnt of a Good Templar lodge on the ground that it threatened one of the most important industries of Germany. It is reported that the Kaiser did not touch any alcoholic beverage throughout his northern cruise. Persons who are in close contact with him say that this is the result of the emperor's conviction that al cohol lessens the working capacity of man. He often expresses the opin ion to members of his entourage that mmoderate drinking is one of the greatest factors in retarding the de velopmcnt of nations. Some time ago the Kaiser demand the latest alcoholic statistics as suicides, accidents and crimes, which resulted from immoderate drinking After a study of these statistics experimented on himself, and fo'ind that even small quantities of liquor lessened his energy, and capacit for work, whereupon with characteris tic impulsiveness he cut out alcohol entirely. He never misses an opportunity to decant on the value of temperance and the result is that the members of his suite who like their wine, touch it lightly when dining in his presence While he was swearing in the vanal recruits at Wilhclmsbaven recently he emperor took occas on to dclive t lecture on temperance and drank toast in water. He also recently toio army officers, who asked if there would be any objection if his health were drunk in water, that on the con trary he would be well pleased. New York, Aug. 2.V Oscar Ham merstein's answer to the Metropolitan Opera company's injunction suit to restrain him from giving grand opera in English this fall, was served on the plaintiff's attorneys yesterday after noon. It is drawn by Ex-United States Attorney Henry A. Wise, and alleges that the Metropolitan Opera company is an unlawful combination in restraint of trade and commerce. -' Mr. Hammerstein also alleges that the plainlilt s wicked ana umawrui ts" to drive him out, of - jie Opera producing business, made him a men. I and physical wreck in 1910, when Id out to the Metropolitan, and greed not to produce opera here for years, and that he was not re- ponsiblc for his acts when he signed he agreement to keep out of opera. He says further that his son, Ar thur, as his attorney, in fact, signed agreement that he was to keep out of opera when he understood that was to have an interest in the erger of the Manhattan and Metro politan Opera companies. He says love for his son prevented him from repudiating the lattcr's acts. Mr. Hammerstein's answer, which makes the first use of the Sherman nti-trust law in defending a suit over the production of grand opera, covers seventy-eight typewritten pages. The nswer of his son, Arthur, which is milar, was also served today by his counsel. Mr. Hammerstein's answer denied the allegations of the Metropoli an complaint except that he ad mits that prior to 1910 he had '"ac- uired skill, experience, and know- edge of the production of grand pera," and he also admits htat the pera-going public is but a small part ( the general public. He admits that Edward T. Stotesburg, of Philadel- )hia, paid $1,2000,000 for the Phila- elphia opera house, but says he re ceived all the money and denies that is son, Arthur, got anything. Hammerstein denies that the pub ic statement tnat nc intenued iu give grand opera in English was made n bad faith, and denies that the City Club conceived a plan of giving opera n English before him- He alleges that 'the announcement was so made by he City Club as part and parcel of an unlaw'ul plan and purpose of this plaintiff and divers other persons to monopolize the business of giving grand opera in New York." to MANY SEE THE EXPERTS SHOOT INTERESTING EXHIBITION AT GHENT PARK YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. WIFE VISITS PRESIDENT. 'A proposition has been made by led not guilty. She was paroled in their the State Freight Rate Board that the custody, to appear on Monday at 2:30 - . .. .7. . . . . i .V rs . ii ... 1.1. State be divided into zones, ana tnat Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 23. Saying he believed the Mexican situation so acute that he should be in his seat at Washington, Senator Work, left Los Angeles today. He said he woufd remain in Washington until the end of the Through her attorneys Mss. Velie plead- special session of Congress, although Mrs. Wilson And Daughter Unex pectedly "Drop In" At White House. the coast towns be placed in the same sone and have the same freight rates as Interior towns in the same vicinity. ''This proposition was declined bythe railroads, and they have made a coun ter proposition offering a reduction P. M. Gen. Henry wa. in court with several of the deputy collectors and customs inspectors. j Anyhow John Lind was not a pro tracted failure. when he returned to Los Angeles 10 days ago he had planned to remain here until the beginning of the regular session. Senator Works favors President Wil n's policy. Washington Aug. 23. President Wil .on was surprised today with a visit by Mrs. Wilson and his youngest dau ghter, Miss Eleanor, whom he naa not seen for five weeks. Thev had kept their coming secret and notified the White House only a nnri time before their arrival. The President motored to the station . . , . i 1 I meet them. Mrs. Wilson ana ncr daughter will spend a few days with the president, returning to ' Cornisl N. H., next week. Although the weather was inclement and a shower threatened at every minute, quite a large number of spectators witnessed the exhibition of fancy shooting given at Ghent Park yesterday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Topperwein, of San Antonio, Texas, who are touring the country giv ing demonstrations of the Winchester arms and ammunition. This was the second time that these rearms experts have visited New Bern nd their work yesterday showed p to even better advantage than on he former occasion. I o hit an object thrown into the air with a revolver or rifle shot seems to. be the easiest hing imaginable for either Mr. or Mrs. Topperwein. Some ot tneir traits, such as shooting shells from the ends of the fingers with a revolver, made the spectator, hold their breath lor a few seconds for fear that an accident would occur. However, neither Mr. Topperwein nor his wife seemed to mind a little thing like this. The exhibition was a complete sue- . . I 1 . ..ni...,4 V. 11 cess ana was inuruuiiijr 'i"j"" " those who witnessed tfc' Wise is the man who puts his ears J. J. Tolson, Jr., has just returned from Goldsboro where he seolred the contract for, the electrical work in the Borden concrete .ix-story building. COUNTRY PRODUCE. in (Quotations Furnished By Coast Line Ment Market.) August 26. Chickens, grown, pair IS to 85c Chickens, half grown, pair. 60 to 70c n,.,-lr. nrr nair 6otO HOC F.ggs,doeen... Hams, country smoked Beeswax, pound ' Wrml sound 11 W 16 p r 26c 20c 25c1

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