The Beat Pain Killer Bucklen's Arnica Salve when applied to a cut, bruise, sprain, burn or scald, or other injury of the skin will imme diately remove all pain. E. E. Chamber lain of Clinton, Me., says. "It robs cuts and other injuries of ihjr terrors. As a healing remedy itfrTflgual don't exist." Will do good for you. Only 25c. at all druggists. (Adv.) Many a man's wishbone is where his backbone ought to be. Suffered Eczema Fifty Years Now Well. Seems a long time to endure the aw ful burning, itching, smarting skin di sease known as "tetter" another nai:ie for Eczema. Seems good to realize, also, that Dr. Hobaon's Eczema Ointment has proyen a perfect cure. Mrs. D. L. Kenncy writes: "I cannot sufficiently express my thanks to you for your Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment It has cured my tetter, which has troubled me for over fifty years." All druggists, or by mail, 50 c. (Adv.) PFEIFFER CHEMICAL CO. St. Loula, Mo. Philadelphia. Pa. Costly Treatment. "I was troubled with constipation anu indigestion and spent hundreds ol dollars for medicine and treatment," writes C. H. Hincs, of Withlow, Ark. "I went to a St. Louis Hospital, also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure.was effected. On returning home I began taking Chamb-lain's Tablets, and worked right iilouj 1 used them fo some time and am ikw all right." Sold by all dealers. (Adv.) Good Reason for His Enthusiasm. When a man has suffered for several days with colic, diarrhoea or other form' of bowel complaint and is then curec sound and well by one or two doset of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an- Diarrhoea Remedy, as is often the case, it is but natural that he should be enthusiastic in his praise of the reme dy, and espeeiai y is this the case of a severe attack when life is threat ened. Try it when in need of such a remedy. It never fails. Sold by all dealers. (Adv ) It is easi -r to c'.cck the baggage then it it to check the baggage smasher How the Trouble Starts. Constipation is the cause of man ailments and disorders t'lat make Ijfe miserable. Take Ch.unberlain'i Tablets, l.ecp your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all a. iders. (Adv.) Men who boast t!i; t their souls are their own might m t know a soul they saw it. Granula ted Sere Eyes Cured. "For twenty years I suffered from a ihad case of granulated sore eyes, sa) Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. "I February, 1903, a gentleman asked m to try Chamberlai i's Salve. I boughl one box and usi I about two-thirdi of it ;i nl in onus have not given mi any trouble since." This salve is for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) It is surprising how much news peo ple can give a reporter that is not intended for publication. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA'TORIA It takes a lot of faith to enable a man to order scrambled eggs in a cheap restaurant. What la Best for Indigestion? Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquin, On tario, has been troubled for years with indigestion, and recommends Chamber- Iain's Tablet: as "the best medicine I ever used." If troubled with indi- gestion or constipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove bono, ficial. They are easy to take ana pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Sulzcr seems to be a poor Governo of his own actions. Remarkable Cure of Dysentery. "I was attacked with dysentery about July 15th, and used the doctor's medicine and other remedies with no relief, only getting worse all the time. weight dropped from 145 to 125 pounds. I suffered for about two months when I was advised to use Chamber lain't Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I used two bottles of it and it gave me permanent relief," writes B. W. all dealers. (Adv.) The older we get the more it hurts ,!,cr us to be scolded. Pi CASTOR I A 'For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought of Cjjflt& B. P. S. PAINTS the beat for all purpose, aold In New Bern by Mothera Have Your Children Worms? Are they feverish, restless, nervous, irritable, dizzy or constipated? Do they continually pick their nose or grind their teeth? Have they cramping pains, irregu'ar and ravenous appetite? The e are all signs of worms. Worms not only cause your child suffer ng, but stunt its mind and growth. Give "Kickapoo Worm Killer" at once. It kills and femoves the worms, im proves your child's appet te, regulates stomach, !iv4Y and bowels. The symptoms disappear and your child is made happy nnd healthy as nature in tended. A 1 druggists or by mail, 25c. (Adv.) KICKAPOO INDIAN MEDICINE COMPANY. Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. A talkative wife maketh a silent husband. The man who travels on a pass does the most kicking about the roughness of the road. Minister Praises This Laxative. Rev. H. Stubenvoil, of Allison, la., in praising Dr. King's New Life Pills for constipation, writes: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are such perfect pills no home should be without them." No better regulator for the liver and bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try them. Price 25c. at all druirirists. (Adv.l EARLY SETTLER IEREJN VISIT LOUIS B MIDGETTE OF ORIEN TAL SEES MANY IMPROVE MENTS IN NEW BERN. Louis B. Midgctte (Uncle Lou) of Oriental, one of Pamlico county's oldest and most respected citizens is in the city for a short visit. Mr. Midgette probably knows the, topo graphy of his native county better fhan any other living man. He, located at Oriental where there was not more than half a dozen buildings in the town and erected a structure which he later turned into a hotel and Mid- gettes Hotel is known all over the State. Every body in that county knows Mr. Midgette and he greatly enjoys his popu'arity. This is Mr. Midgette's first visit to New Bern in more than a year and he found many improvements had been made during the interim. Immediately after arriving in the city he called on Colonel James A. Bryan a life long friend and next visited George H. Roberts cashier of the National Bank. After talking over old times M Midgette boarded the street cars and rode from ore end of the line to the other then back ;.gain cvir the entire system. He told a Journal reporter yesterday afternoon that he didn't get an opportunity of riding very often and that he wanted to get enough while he had the chance. While advanced in years Mr. Mid gette is almost as active as a man nf forty and thinks nothing of working :t any which he li.i;.i'is to hi.-, e from early morning until sunset. He will return home this morning. BASIN WARD, COLORED, WILL HANDLE SHOVEL FOR THIRTY DAYS. Basin Ward, a notorious negro who has for years made his habitation in the north western part of the city and who has faced a long succession of Mayors, was before Mayor Bangert yesterday morning on a warrant charg ing him with being a vagrant. Ward bears the reputation of being able to char himself of a charge in the police court if there is any possible loophole and he made every at tempi to do this yesterday but the evidence was con clusive and a fine of twenty dollars and the costs of the case was imposed, hailing to secure the necessary coin of the realm to liquidate the fine and costs he was sentenced to the county roads for a term of thirty days. At the expiration of his term on the roads Ward will by no means be out of trouble. When arrested by Policeman A. L. Bryan two half-pints of whiskey were found in his pockets and later two witnesses informed the officer that Ward had attempted to sell them whis key. An attempt to sell intoxicating liquors is not a violation of the State laws, but it is a violation of the Federal laws unless the retailer has a govern ment license, and when Ward's term expires on the roads he will be takep in to custody by the government and will be given an opportunity to proVe to Commissioner C. B. Hill that he is not the man wfio was offering the whiskey for sale. Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. "I waa lulTnring from pain In my rtomach, head and back." writes H. i . Alston, HMeign, n . u, "ana my liver and kidneys did not work right, hut four bottles of Kloctrio BltUtu made me foel like a new man PRICE BO CTt. AT ALL 0RU0 STORES. ANOTHER VAGRANT WILL IRK ROARS PRESTER JOHN. Legends of an Elusive Warrior of the Twelfth Century. The famous if somewhat phantom personage Prester John, who for two or three centuries occupied so promi nent a place in the historic annals of Europe and in the minds of Europeans, was, from the most reliable accounts, t christian conqueror of enormous power and great splendor, who com bined the chnracter of priest and king nnd ruled over vast dominions in the orient In the middle ages. He had, it was related, established a powerful em pire either in Asia or Africa, and won derful stories were told of his victo ries, his riches and his power. His mode of warfare, which was unique nnd entirely effective, indicates an intimate acquaintance with ex plosives and combustibles. He pos sessed an army of life sized copper soldiers mounted on brazen horses, which were charged with explosive materials, projectiles and poisonous gas. This formidable array was mar shaled to the front and spat forth its deadly fumes and dangerous projec tiles with horrid effectiveness, making havoc In the ranks of tho enemy. The first mention of this extraordi nary man, who uppenrs and disappears from historic annals at long intervals, occurs In the Chronicles of Otto, Bish op of Frlesengen, woo narrates Pres ter John's conquest of the Persians at Egbatnna. in the extreme orient, in the your 1143. Boston Herald. CREATING NEW STATES. Work That Congress May Do, but, Once Done, Cannot Undo. Several times It has been proposed to make two states out of the state of New York. In fact, resolutions have been introduced In the state legisla ture once or twice, but have died in committee. Tho purpose has been to Include all of the present state south of Westchester county In a new state to be called (in one Instance) the state of Manhattan. North of the Bronx district the name of New York was still to be retained. The surrounding Islands of the south all those of Long Island sound, Long Island complete and nil of the counties comprising New York city were to be embraced within the new state of Manhattan. The creation of a new state confers n tight that cannot later be abrogated and in this respect is unique in the establishment of political areas. After the people of the district in question have decided by vote that the carry ing out of a new state is desired, con gress passes upon the application. Up to this point congress Is supreme. Once, however, congress agrees to the new state creation and the new state becomes an established fact, then no power of the republic can undo what has been done by legislative act. No repeal can revoke the privileges of a law abiding sovereign state. New York Sun. Ball a Girls' Game. Of all the games ball seems to be peculiarly a girl's game throughout the ages. The Roman girls nsed to strike bulls with the palm of the hand to keep them noumlng or would (ling them agiilnst the wall to drive them back on the return or would pass the ball from hand to hand In the ring or in a row. The ball of the olden times was much like the one now in use. t It was soft or hard, as occasion demand ed; it was plain with painted or em broidered cloth; it was a hollow large balloon or n small light sphere. The Oii-mon poets mnke frequent allusion t kill n. ii girl's came It wan lie si clued ns a first sjiort of summer. One writer observes, "When I saw the girls on the street playing ball then rnme to our ears the song of birds." The game wns a favorite one with youths and maids, who would contend for the ball, that the one who gained It might throw It to the oue loved best -Kansas City Times. An Artist at Six. Among painters the prodigy of prodi gies was Sir Thomas Lawrence. One of his earliest pictures, It Is sold, was produced in 1775, quite enrly enough, for the lovely cherub who painted It was then six years old. He waa get ting on in life, tottering on the verge of twelve, when the quality crowded his studio at Bath. The fates were kind to the Infant prodigy when they made his father landlord of the Black Bull, Devizes, the Inn where fashion able men and women called for rest nnd refreshment on their way to the waters. At the Block Bull the prodigy made liis first acquaintance with the grent world which flattered him in aft er lift and which he flattered on can vas. St. .lames' Unzette. A Pertinent Query. Tbn drummer bad been bragging about his achievements for a goodly time, nnd finally the meek little man In' the corner piped up. ' "Bxciise me." he said, "but perhaps you can tell me why yon gentlemen are called drummers?" "Well, why shouldn't we tie so called! We drum up trade, don't we?" was tb retort. "1 know," snld the meek little man, "hut the drum Is not a wind Instrument."- Hnrper's. Unchanged. Tlint's Just like Jim," snld the wid ow, wefirtly. after n flapping curtain had knocked over the urn In which all that was mortal of her cremated bus band had heen placed nnd sprend Its contents on the floor "Always drop ping his indies everywhere!" Harper's Weekly. The sinews of succeaa cannot be bor rowed. You will not really develop with any capital but your own. No. 666 This la t prescription prepared especially lor MALARIA Of CHILLS a FEVER. Five or tlx dotes will break any case, and If taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c B. P. S. PAINTS the beat for all purposes. Sold in New Bern by J. S. Bainight Hardware Company GAVE PORCH PARTY FOR MAYS VILLE YOUNG LADIES. I Kinston Free Press: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Redd gave a delightful porch party at their home on North College street Friday evening in honor of their two guests Misses Sadie and Flossie Morton of Mayfville N. C. After various games and music the guest; were served refreshments in the din dining room by Mrs. E. R. Waller and Mrs. Redd. Present were tht Misses Morton Mr. R. Burney ol Durham; Mr. P. L. Warner of Charles ton, S. C; Mr. D. L. Kennedy, of Florence, S. C; Mr. G. 97. Henderson, Mr. J amcs Hatch, Mr Roland Haynes' Mr. Robert Thornton, Misses Annie Lee and Carrie Scott, Misses Lilly and Daisy Henderson, Miss Letha Hargett, Miss Sarah Waller, Miss Bessie Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Waller and Mr. and Mrs. Redd. WED MISS BROCK CEREMONY WILL TAKE PLACE SEPTEMBER THIRD IN CHRIST CHURCH. Wedding invitations, as follows, have been issued: "Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Martin Brock request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Faith Swain to Mr. Nunia Nunn on the morning of Wednesday the third of September at half after eight o'clock Christ Church New Bern, North Carolina." Much interest is felt locally in this invitation as both the parties arc members of old and well known fam ilies of New Bern. Miss Brock is a popular trained nurse and Mr. Nunn holds a position in the New York office of the Panama Rail road. No cards were issued in the city. B. P. S. PAINTS the best for all purposes Sold in New Bern by J. S. Basnight Hardware Company WISHED SHE COULD DIE And Be Free From Her Troubles, bat Finds Better Way. Columbia, Tenn. "Many a time," says Mrs. Jessie Sharp, of this place. "1 wished f would die and be relieved of my buffering, from womanly troubles. I Could not get up, without pulling at something to help me, and stayed in bed most of the time. I could not do my housework. The least amount of work tired me out. My head would swim, and I would tremble for an hour or more. Finally. 1 look Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I Bin not bothered with pains any mor", an-1 I tbr.'t have to go la bed. 1 1 fa t, I am sound and well of all my troubles." Cardui goes to all the weak spots and helps to make them strong. It acts with nature not against her. It is for the tired, nervous, irritable women, who feel as if everything were wrong, and need something to quiet their nerves and strengthen the worn-out system. If you are a woman, suffering from any of the numerous symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardui. It will help you. At all druggists. W'riu to: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' advisory Dept.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for Sttctal hitructinu on your case and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for women," in plain wrapper. N.C, 182 Wood Wanted One hundred cords or more of oak and ashwant ed. Name price and place of f 4very. MOTHERS' COAL & FUEL COMPANY, F. A Hackney, Manager. Phone 473. New Bern.N.C Buying by Mail is a very satisfactory way if you trade with a store like ours. Form the habit of sending to us for anything in the linr of dJu?s, sundries and toilet goods when it is lot conven ient for you to shop in per son. With the Parcel post in op eration, distance is no bar rier. We have a large mail or der trade extending all over the surrounding country trade built up on the repu tatioh of selling quality goods at reasonable prices. We wan your trade. Just mail or phone your order Bradham Drug Company II NUNN W MOTHER SO POORLY Could Hardly Care for Chil dren Finds Health in Lydia&Fmkham's Veg etable Compound. Bovina Center, N. Y. " For six years I have not had as good health as I have now. 1 waa very young when my first baby was born and my health waa very bad after that I was not regular and I had pains in my back and was so poorly that I could hardly take care of my two children. I doctored with sev eral doctors but got no better. They told me there was no help without an operation. I have used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and it has helped me wonderfully. I do most of my own work now and take care of my children. I recommend your remedies to all suffering women." Mrs. Willard A. Graham, Care of ElsworthTuttle, Bovina Center, N.Y. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy we know tor woman's ills. If you need such a medicine why don't you try it ? If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help vouywri to to Lydia E.Pinkliam MedicineCo. (confidential) LynnJUass., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. Wren's Bomb For St. Paul's. St. Paul'sold St. Paul's once know the effect of a bomb that actually ex ploded. After the great fire It wns at first thought that the ruins might be repaired, but too much damage having been done it was decided to pull the fabric down n task in which many lives were lost. To put an end to the tedious work Wren hit upon the Idea of Inclosing eighteen pounds of gun powder In a wooden box nnd explod ing It under the central tower. The re sult was to lift the arches some nine Inches, so that the ruins "suddenly Jumping down made a grent heap of ruin In the place without scattering." The architect proudly honstcd that his powder box had lifted 3.000 tons and saved the labor of 1,000 men. London Graphic. "Celestial" as Applied to China. Every one knows the epithet "Celes tial" applied to China, but few know Its origin. According to a very old legend, Tihet la n fragment of a plnnct once peopled by n yellow race, v.hlcli lu K uiit- vv-iy iH'iunie detached and fell on the earth. Tho dazed In habitants of the fragment were unin jured nnd. cold and hungry, they made their way toward China, which they peopled. This origin of the Chinese race led to their calling themselves "Celestials," and It is for this reason that the emperor calls himself Son of Heaven. Such, at least. Is tho legend. - Toronto Globe. Grandma's Old Friend. An old lady laughed Immoderately at ii story told at a dinner ln Chicago The story teller looked at her Inquir ingly. "Oh." she gnsped, "It's n great fnvor He of mine. The first time I heard It I laughed so hard I almost kicked the footboard off my crib!" Saturday Evening I'ost. Her Strong Hint. "Miss Pinkie, how do yon like my Dew hut?" "I like It ever so much better. Mr SnivUins. when you are holding It tn your hand. "-Chicago Tribune. Put Down Trouble. Willie My father put down a dls turbtini- lust night. Blllle-- Is that right? "Yes. He ate n Welsh rabblt"- Youkers Statesman. The in cil if I'harlty Is always the re sult ol nil i.i'udured by men's gi-eed.-Toni L. .lolitiHou. The most useful, economical, and the largest labor save you can put in your field, is our tobacco; torn and cotton truck. Order now and be in time, large force, working daily turning them out. Get our folder explaining THE TAYLOR TRUCK COMPANY, Factory 129 East Front Street, New Bern, N C rnnnnnnnnnnnnnni mi n 11 11 11 11 11 h h h porch and niniiiTiinr that is mmm LIBRARY We still have an assortment of various styles of Porch Rockers, Settees etc. Also have a few more of the AEROLUX no whip porch shades, on all of which we will give a reduction in price while they last. Our Library Furniture is also of the most Pleasing designs, and like the Porch Fur niture and Fixtures is unexcelled tor its beauty NOTICE We have decided to continue our very generous off er to give two pony votes instead of g one for all cash purchases and payments on ac- sount during the month of August o J. S.Miller Furniture Co., f 99-101 MIDDLE STREET, PHONE 229 XXXXXX XXXXXXKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX BINGHAM SCHOOL'S contral Purpose for 120 year haa been to make L.Z 9 Men of Boye.Aheville climate work) renowned. lege has one. Bingham the other. Target and Gallery practice, with latest V. S. Army Rifles, if" 9 f.r Swimming. Summer Camp durinic July and August. Tuition and Board M60 per Half i erm. WOO a year, 4ddresa Col. It. Blng-hani. Bex 56 AahevUle. N. C. Journal Subscriber Dont wait for a representative -of the Journal to call but send us check, money order or cash at once if your subscription is due. E. J. Land Printing Company XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ Horse Racing - Motorcycle Racing LABOR DAY, September 1st. I Fastern Carolina Fair Grounds, Few Bern, f. C. ! Three Horse Races. Free for all. Three Minute and 2 -.28. Two Motopcye Races;" k ADMISSION 50c. Children under twelve 25c.. GRAND - STAND - FREE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxcxxxx::j(xxxxxxx: xxxjqosx.S! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2P gf Intending to Register for i Oak Ridge which opens September write Profs J. A. and M. H. i9Jt as eariy as tne decision is made and make reservation of room. Fnr the nast two voars all rooms have been re served in advance of the some students were turned away. If prospective,; patrons make their reservations in aovance, tney may avoid embarassment. XXXXXX5 East Carolina Teachers Training School A State schoo to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September 21, 1913. catnlogue'and other information address, v Robt. II. Wright, PresiduR. , ! Greenville, N. C , i - n h h n 11 niwim n mi 11 11 n n innnnnrr H Dnexceled Ax xxxxxxxxxx V WW" the fall term bf the In&kute 3rd. i913, will do well to oDenind of the term, and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx