Befit lledchj No, 141 NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1913-SECOND SECTION 35th YEAR RACING STABLES IRE WELL FILLED Bones To Enter Races On Labor Day Are Now Being Trained. MODERATE. TEMPERATURES. No Unseasonable Weather Predicted by Washington Forecasters. ARE SHOWING MUCH SPEED Northern Trainer Has Several Speedy Animals Which He Will Enter. With the approaching races to be held at the Eastern Carolina Fair Grounds on next Monday, Labor Day, one of the main topics of conversation in this section, is the scene around the stables at the grounds where the horses are being kept in a very busy one. At present there are ten horses in thscc stables, among them being several from Virginia and Pennsylvania, and when the trainers take these fleet footed animals out for the daily trials around the track everybody present sits up and takes notice. The stables at the Fair grounds are equal to those found at any race track in the State and the very best of care is taken with the animals being kept there. Among the horses now being trained at the track is the famous Billy Boy, owned by A. B. Cox, of Cove City. Billy Roy has been entered only in five races since his track career began but in three of these he was acclaimed victor. Another fact horse seen at the stables and which has shown remarkable speed in trial runs is Billy Hal owned by T. A. Grantham of this city. After the regular races have been concluded on Labor Day this latter horse will run a match with Billy Boy and this event promises to be a thriller. Charles H. Bush and his son, of Penn sylvania, expert horse trainers, have n at the track for several days getting in trim a string of horses which thev will enter among the races. Among these are Belting G., owned by Charles Codd, of Portsmouth, Va., June Hoy owned by Charles Bush, and Mary B. owned by Sheriff Reid of Elizabeth City. Each of these horses is showing up fine and when the Labor Day races . are pulled off the spectators will sec some real racing. Princess, another fast horse; owned by Fred Bray, will also be entered in these races as will Mary H. owned by Thomas Holton of Bridgeton, and Rockefelbr owned by John Dawson of lasDcr. The Labor Day races give promise of beinit the most spectacular ever held in Craven county and the directors of the Fair Association Company, who are promoting the event, look for one tf the biggest crowds ever gathered in this city to witness such an event While the horse racing" will be the chief hmn event the motorcycle racing will by W no means fail to be exciting. Among the speed kings who will be seen on the track that day will be Cap tain David Lancaster, of Vanccboro Captain Lancaster won the first prize An the race for two cylinder machines on July 4 at this same track aid will exert every effort to repeat his victory However, there are several riders in this city who have their mind set on winning this prize and each after noon can be found at the getting familiar with the ground and getting their machines tuned up. Glenburnie Park will be open to all picnickers and it is expected that many of the visitors as well as a large number of local citizens will spend the early , art of the dsy at this beautiful spot and eat their luncnes ocncain me siutuc ;of one of the hundreds of stately trees which are to be found there. The racing will start promptly at t o'clock. A line of boats will be operated from this city to the park and there will also be numerous conveyances for the bene fit of those who do not care to travel by the water route. The price of admission will be fifty cents for adults and twenty-five cents for children under twelve years of age. is includes a scat in the largest g and- nd In North Carolina. Washington, D. C Aug. 15. The weather forcast for the week as made by the Government Weather Bureau Sunday is: "The distribution of atmospheric pressure over the Northern Hemisphere is such as to indicate a continuance of moderate temperatures for the season the coming week in all parts of the country except the far Southwest where readings will be above normal. The rainfall during the week will be generally local and irregularly distri buted. Disturbance of moderate intensity will appear in the rfar West about Wednesday, move eastward at tended by local showers and thunder storms and cross the middle West Thursday or Friday and the Eastern States near the end of the week. .. 'There are no indications at the present time of a disturbance in the West Indies. USE KEROSENE AS MOTOR GAR FUEL FOUND TO WORK PERFECTLY IN HARD TOUR OF MORE THAN 4,000 MILES. MADE CAPTAIN THE DEATH OE HOUSE Becker Leads Other Doomed Men In Physical Exercises-Advises Them To Read Bible. HOW THEY PASS THE TIME Play Checkers, Have Concerts Now Busy Planning Birthday Party For Chinamen. New York, Aug. 25. Within twenty feet of the death chair at Sing Sing CULMINATION OF PRETTY ROMANCE Frank W Tower Comes Eight Thousand Miles For Wed ding Ceremony. ROMANCE BEGAN IN VENICE Groom Is Manager Of British American Tobacco Com pany In Shanghai. MOOSE LEADERS ARE BEFUDDLED Colonel Theodore Roosevelt -Has Thrown Full-Sized Scare Into Their Ranks. THIRD PARTY NEAR1NG END Followers Of Oyster Bay Man Be lieve That He Plans To Leave Them In The Lurch. WILLIE MIDGETTE IN JAIL. Colored Youth Admits Robbing Sporting Goods Store. BLEASE OFFERS Washington. Aug. 27. Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt has thrown a man sized scare into the ranks of the Bull Moose leaders in Congress. He has intimated plainly that he will accept the i Republican nomination again if the Republicans will accept his politi cal creed. To the down-the-line, true-blue, never-surrender third-party people here this is almost treason. They cannot believe that "the Colonel' meant E. S. Webb, owner and proprietor the Hupmobile Garage on lower von street left this morning for rolt, Mich., where he goes to look Iter a shipment ol Hupmouiie auto- which he has placed in tbi ection. New York, Aug. 25. Coincident with the return on the Indiana-to-the- coast automobile tourists to Indianapolis the latest arrival R. P. Henderson motor car designer divulged important discoveries resulting from the use o kerosene for fuel instead of gasoline in two cars which made the 4 015 mile trip. Ray Harroun well known as a racing driver and Mr. Henderson both drove cars that burned kerosene 1914, models of the Henderson Motor Car Company. The cheapness of kerosene as against gasoline was impressive. Each car carried five passengers the cost per passenger for fuel being $6.50 for the 4 015 miles or about one-fifth of the railroad excursion rate of $30 to California. In the de luxe model 230 gallons of kerosene were used. The cost of the fuel along the route ranged from seven cents to about thirteen cents a gallon. Mr. Henderson found that kerosene increased the motor's efficienty. This he discovered was due to the fact that the new fuel has a higher heat unit than gasoline. The explosive power however is not greater: It took less kerosene vapor than gasoline in the cylinders. No carbon developed in the motor but on the contrary the new fuel prevented the forming of carbon deposits. The trip with kerosene as fuel was vital to the automobile industry by reason of the fact that gasoline had mounted high in price and engineers were puzzled as to the outcome. Gaso line ranges in price the country over from 20 to 40 cents a gallon. Both Mr. Harroun and Mr. Hender son were themselves surprised at . the degree of success of the experiment "Edward Payson Weston is said to have worn out fully twenty pairs of shoes in his coast-to-coast trip " said Mr. Henderson. "That was not less than $100 expense. So at $6.50 a passenger for fuel it is cheaper to drive an auto mobile to the coast than it is to walk or travel on a railroad. In one spot we drove twenty-five miles on second gear owing to road conditions. That meant the motor was revolving about three times as fast as on high gear yet at this tremendous speed the kero sene was turned into vapor just as effectively as at slower speed. The problem of vaporizing kerosene if the thing that barred it as a fuel previous to our success. In the higher altitudes where the average motor car loses two per cent, of its power for every 1 000 feet upward it travels our cars showed no loss of power whatever. At 1 2 000 feet the average car loses 25 per cent, of its power. We have driven in high altitudes before and have measured power-loss accurately but we were surprised to find no such oc currence on this occasion." The trip encountered every possible condition mud, sand: mountains, rocky passes, high altitudes dry desert at mosphere and dampness of the low country. The car however tailed to develop the least untoward conduct. Baltimore Aug. 27. A romance that had its inception in the ancient city of Venice three years ago the principals being a beautiful Baltimore nurse rind a vnuncr Virginian, culmina- prison eleven men awaiting their call L, ;n the marriage of Miss Eula P to pay tne penalty tor muraer in Copenhaver, daughter of Mrs. Mary nrst degree nave acciaimea lormer Copcnnaver) i208 Madison avenue folice Lieutenant varies uecKer, con- tQ Frank Wallace Toweri manager of victea ot muraenng nerman Kosenmai, the British-American Tobacco Com the gambler, as captain ot tne oeatn panV( of shanghai Chinai at thercc- hoUSe. I tiUHi n( Mmint- Palvqrv pniurnnal rhlirrh Out of deference to William An- Monday morning. Rev. Floyd Keeler, thony Grace and "Happy Jack" Mul- of Dodge City, Kan., performed the raney,1 who until their electrocution ceremony shared with Becker the popularity of After a luncheon given by the bride s anything of the kind. They cannot the death house, the formality of sc- mother at the Hotel Rennert, Mr. and be convinced that he would deliberately lecting a captain, who has the f unc- Mrs. Tower left Baltimore for New York jeave them hjgh and dry after all his tions of a judge, was deferred until Tuesday at noon they sailed onboard protestations against any suggestion after the "removal" of Grace last tne aiser vvnneim n. lor or of amalgamation. on the way to their tuture home in China. Until last Jan. 10 Lawrence Spohr, Fc, tp year3 Miss CpeWhad LZJZ a former corporal ot the united state . . .irpns:v1v in EuroDe as the . ... . .. r Artillery at fort siocum, served comriani on of Mrs Charles Washburne, several months as captain. MJa a wealthy Baltimore woman who spends removal to wnite nains ro await her time abroad. a second trial for the. murder ot his Mr Xnwpr n,tive o Richmond sweetheart, Rosie O'Toole, left the Va and ; connected with several vacancy which Becker was chosen yireinia families. While to nu. Willie Midgette, acolored youth is in the Craven county jail awaiting trial on a charge of breaking into the sporting goods store of W. T. Hill last Sunday aflernoon and stealing about fifty dollars worth of pistols while Churchill Clark and Arthur Spencer, also colored, arc being held for court on a charge of carrying on ceal d weapons and a'so bringing stolen goods knowing them to have be n stolen. Midgette admits breaking into Mr. Hill's store and says that he sold two of the revolvers which he stole to Spencer and Clark. Nino revolvers were stolen but : o far only two of these have been recovered. SHIP SUMMONED FOR SICK MAN WIRELESS CALLS VESSEL TO MAKE 2,000 MILE RACE AGAINST DEATH. MM South Carolina Governor Writes Sulzer And Recognizes Him As New York Executive. TENDERS HIM SOME ADVICE Counsels Him To Trust In God And The White People. Raps Glynn. And yet this is just exactly what he appears willing to agree to, provided the Republicans become as progressive as he and his followers arc. They f e: r he is even willing to march to battle again under the old Republican banner, regardless of his one-time scorn of any thing bearing that designation. All this is causing infinite worry in l.l... I ; , , i . . ,f It, ,11 M nncn in V.i;h- on his annual visit to the States he "" . . . I. . . . I ho Innrlnrc rt this immature Becker, the four gunmen, Francis W. info med his mother of his ngagement Muehlfeld, who with his cousin, Will- to Miss Copenhaver. "V" . as iam Longley, murdered Patrick Burns, Three years ago on his way to Amer- - 8suggTstiori of self. a Bronx saloon keeper, and Joseph J. ca, Mr. Tower stopped for a few days do at t gg i. l .:.u nn...r.:nn ... r u j t U7..ktw... will never De assuciaitu win. u..,v...6 sigieo ccKstrom ot tne oronx, consu- v-upcm.avc. .... p ... . . . thpv doubt i tute the majority of the death house When Miss Copenhaver inlormed the i f ' . , ..... . .. . . i- ..l. .1,. 1 cucy lcjuiu suiuiuiiu.. vr. ...... Washington, Aug. 27. Wireless waves sputtering out over the Bering Sea today arc calling a revenue cutter to start on a 2,001) mile race against death. Somewhere from the squadron cruis- ng the broad, blue wat r of th Arctic Circle a fleet ship will be found to get Fred M. Chamberlain, a Government naturalist at St. Paul Island, and rush him clown to Seattle in is hoped to save his life. Chamberlain, a bridegroom of a year, went to St. Paul to take the seal census for the Department of Commerce. He was taken with heart disease. Columbia, S. C, Aug. 27. Governor Blease wrote Governor Sulzer of New York yesterday that South Carolina recognized Sulzer as the Governor of New York. He expressed sympathy for him and told him to "Let the politi cians and ringsters howl and squirm and convince the people that you are right. He continues, "Trust in God and the white people and you will al ways be a winner." Governor Blease says that he is con vinced that Acting Governor Glynn is just t r i n to obtain a little noto riety oui of tin- misfortune of another, 'which honest iiajviny vi cue iwum. ........ - r I th inmates. Muenneia is me veteran oi young uS m n" , . o Pnlnnnl the group and insisted on making the born in Virginia the flame of love .was J-J-J Colonel lormer lieutenant tneir coinmanuer. "Leave it to Charlie," Muehlfeld said when "Whitey Lewis" suggested that h-'nAaA A i t . . ,- thi mppttnc in Venic Mr. Tower made two trips a year t an" ae salc "'" New York and he never failed to meet I his alarm has come too, at a time m:.- r- M , nvpr when Murdock. Hibebaugh and the the death cell colony should have their , , rest of them are preparing to make Sometimes he met her in Italy, a valiant stand in Maryland, wiainc sometimes at Lucerne Switzerlands and West Virginia. They are preparing k.l.. ci, f EVanrp Twn month to put up Bull Moose Candidates V. ... ..... - - - hair closely cropped for the summer months "Lefty Louis" Rosenberg and "Dago Frank" Cirofici were in favor of close agQ on h;3 trip across Asia and Europe I in each of the districts where Congress shaves, but "Gyp the Blood" Horowitz he t Mis6 Copenhaver in Switzerland men are to be elected and to make dissented. McKenna was also opposed and th became engaged. I brave a show ot light as tney can. . . i i ri t I . - . ... . , i .... . , to tne mea. i tumii-i uuu..t M ( onenhaver expressed the wisn There wil be no heart in tne coining tenant took the matter under advise- th t th marriaEe ceremony be per- test campaign. Bull Moose leaders ad ment and then gave a decision against fmd Baltimore, where her mother mit. unless Colonel Roosevelt makes it the suggestion made by Whitey ijved and Mr. Tower acquiesced, plain again that he will under no Lewis. The pompadour style ot nair- H ame t0 New York a month ago circumstances return to the old party cut was then adopted by the gunmen. an(j two weejcs ag0- Miss Copenhaver whatever may be the conditions or "That looks classy," remarked Mrs. arrived on the France from Havre. the terms or the inducements. That 'Lefty Louis" when she next visited Each time that Mr. Tower saw his assurance and that alone will satisfy the death house, and her husband fiancee he travelled 6,000 miles. In the third-party people here and restore bowed in the direction of the former order that the marriage should be their confidence in the future lieutenant. performed here both traveled appproxi- Thc truth ;s the belief has prevailed "Now boys, cut out the idea of want- matcly 8,000 miles. Wh n Missin Washington for months that the ing to die game," Becker advised the Copenhaver arrived in Baltimore shclrormer president would be a candidate members of the death house colony, informed ner morner oi ner eiiKugviucui m the pnmarles lor the next rresioen "There is nothinir in it. Believe in the and a few days later a reunion of the i nomination of thc Republican party future and read your Bible." . Tower and Copenl aver families was 0,d party iea(iers as well as thc middlc- IIAPPENINGS AT ASKIN. Tobacco Curing About Finished- Shipping Water To New Bern. which civ . rncr thc case i of Tarn- DOVER WILL HOLD It r That advice was followed by a de- ncla al Due,,a v,5lu cision to hold services every evening Every, inmate, including Lee Dock, Eng Hing and Young Hing, Chatham Square gunmen, was detailed to serve one night each as leaders of thc ser vices. They were each instructed to read a chapter from the Bible and then join in a short prayer, which is followed hv the snu'itiL' of a hvmn. "Now, when- your time comes to go ALL 'J?.T,?, 'ilLnc Flne Crop. According To Visitor S. S. CONFERENCE of-thc-road people have entertained that suspicion. Therefore, the sug gestion and it is only a suggestion -from Colonel Roosevelt that the parties might possibly get together again creates no big surprise here ALLIANCE NEWS. through that door you will feci much better," said Muehlfeld, who only a few weeks ago shouted goodby to his cousin two men were jointly convicted. Muehl field was a member of the Young Men's Christian Association, and for a time was an evangelist. WILL RUN BOAT TO ARAPAHOE SUNDAY. N. W. HardL to tic ipahoe, who y, said that next Sunday ARE INVITED TO BE IN ATTENDANCE. Methodists of thc Dover Circuit n City Successful Revival. WOOED LESS THAN WEEK. Then Hustling Suitor Led Blushing Ing Bride To Altar. B. F. McCotter, Sr., of Alliance was a business visitor in the city VlVrln. al tr I iltc all nt he r v i d t ora f ro m . . o..J-- 1 I I "- IT when they win noia a ounuay Pamlico he br0 ghtglowitg accot nt conference. All interested in Sunday , . rnnrfition of the croos in PamH t u 4u. it... (n. K are looking forward to a most inter csting oecasiun i-nuay wi m school work are invited to attend and bring well filled baskets. The pro gram will be: Conference will convene at v:ju a. m. co. Cotton, he says, is a little backward owing to unseasonable weather early in thc summer but has plenty of time to mature and promises to yield Scripture Icjson and prayer by Rev- handsomey. And as for corn, the crop B. Pattishall. I wil Dreak ai records, in the opinion Cong Service. of Mf McCotter. Rev. F. S. Bccton 9:45. Address ot Welcome oy u. vv. , aid McCotter, has just closed BIDS BEING RECEIVED. Contract For New School To Be Awarded Soon. Bids for the new central school to be located at l nurman in tne sevenxn Township will be received at the office of G. M. Brinson, County Superin tendent of Public Schools, up to noon on next Saturday,' and at 1 o'clock the school committee will meet with Mr. Brinson and award the cont rsct, The olans and specification arc now on Baltimore, Aug. 25. Miss Annie Leviton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, lacob Leviton. 148 North Exeter street, who was won after a courtship of less than a week, was married at 6 o'clock last evening to Joseph Sugar of Bennettsyille, S. C. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. S. Schaffer, at'his home, 2566 Mc Clultoh street. There were no attendants. After thc wedding a reception was given at the home of thc bride's parents, and this morning the couple will leave for Atlantic City and New York. The two met first about six month ago through a mutual friend. The saw but little of each other, but after Mr. Sugar had returned to Bennetts ville, Miss Leviton said she thought "he was fine." He csme to Baltimore again on business three weeks ago, and the acquaintance was renewed In a few days, however, he was before the elder Leviton, braving the latter! wrath, while he explained that he want ed to marry the daughtor. A large diamond solitaire, which thc girl fin Richardson. Response by E. u. Avery. 10:00. Enrollment and report of Delegates. 11:15. Address by Rev. B. Patti shall. Subject, "The Value of Re ligious Training." 11:15. Address by Rev. B. Pattisnau. 12:00. Songs and Aonnuncements. Dinner . 2.00 ''Some Troubles I have in my a very successful revival in the school house at Alliance. (Special to he Journd.) Askin, N C, Aug. 2ft. The people of Ask n have about finished curing tobacco M s. F. P. Gaskin, of Edward, who has been visi ing her daughter, Mrs T. M. Arthur, returned home Sunday. Mrs. D. P. Street, of New Bern, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. M. Arthur, returned home Thurs day. Mrs. E. A. Henry and littl. son Max of Augusta Ga. is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Simpson. Miss Nellie Simpson has returned home from a visit to Raleigh and other places. Miss Nena Street, of New Bern, who has been visiting her cousins, Misse Amy, Lila and Reta Arthur, returned home Thursday. Miss Rowena Fulcher, of Edward is visiting her sister, M,:. T. J. Bal-lenger. Misses Ethel and Lcla Dawson, of Alliance, visited Miss Dora Thorn as last week. Mr. and Mrs John Dail, of Snow Hill are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ernul. Mrs. Sidney Mc Lawhotn, of Vance boro, visited her sister, Mrs. J. M Willis, Saturday night. Mrs. Mollie Brewer, of New Bern visited Mrs. Lizzi Campen last week Miss Ina Brewer, o New Bern visited Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Simpson last week. Miss Rowena Fulcher spent Satur day night with Miss Violet I pock. Mrs. W. C. Ernul and sons, harl 1 pock and Oshorn were the guests of Mrs. D. P. Giskins Sunday. Messrs. H B. Simpson and J. V. Thomas, Mijses Dora Thomas, Ethel and Lela Dawson visited Mrs. W. D. Ipock Saturday morning. About forty gallons of water arc expressed from Blue Spring to New Bern every day. The Drotrarted meeting at Kitt Swamp begins the first Sunday night in September. Don't forget the picnic at Blue Spring September 11. Trains will stop at thc Spring that day. Everybody invited to come, and enjoy thc day, bringing well-filled baskets. Sunday school," led by Guthrie Davis. INITIATIVE PETITIONS OPPOS- TRYING TO STOP PRIZE FIGHTING kind of conduct in tn ever hizes rile letter wasjn rep Governor Sulzer wro Blease outlining hi si c and saying that Boss Mm, many Mall decided to ruin him when he couldn't make him his rubber stamp. Thc New York Governor is confident, his letter say , of ultimate acquittal and that his policies will pre vail. Thc following is a copy of thc letter Goveror Blease wrote to Gov ernor Sulzer: "Hon. William Sulzer, Governor, "Albany, N. Y. "My Dear Governor Sulzer Your letter of August 23 has been received, am in full sympathy with you, and sincerely hope that you will be able to convince thc people of New York and the people of the United States that you are absolutely innocent of any wrongdoing. I myself last bummer went through just about what you are going through now, except that they did not attempt the impeachment pro ceedings. I convinced the people of South Carolina that I was being perse cuted, and they stood by me, and the ain thing for you to do iso let the politicians and ringsters howl and squirm, and convince the people that you are right, and they will never for sake you. Trust in God and the white people, and you will always be a winner. 'So far as South Carolina is con cerned, you and you alone are looked upon as the Governor of New York. I think Mr. Glynn is showing very much the 'dog-in-the-manger' spirit nd the best clement of the people of this country, 1 am sattshed, think about Glynn as I do that he is a heap politician endeavoring to get a little notoriety out of the misfortune of another which kind of conduct no honest man ever sympathizes with. With best wishes, Very Respectfully, "COLE L. BLEASE, Governor." MANY BOATS AT HAMPTON ROADS ING IT TO BE PUT IN CIRCULATION. 1:50. General discussion, "Solution of Sunday School Problems," by S. M rinson. 3:00. Questions asked and answered. Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 26. State 3:30. Place for next Conference ( William E. Brown, author of and election of officers. I . An,,.n.i., Fjht Bill defeated bv WFnniNG Or INTEREST AT BAY-U hfbhture, announced that BORO TOMORROW. initiative petitions would rc put in (Special to the Journal.) I circulation at once for the enactment Bavboro. Aug. 25 A marriage , , orClhibitinir Drizc furhtine in of interest all over this section will oonred to the soort l - 1 1.., rf ihia wk I ' when Mis. Julia Olivia, the charming having been aroused to action by the .nH rrnmnli.hl dauuhtcr of Mr. death last Saturday of John Young and Mrs. C. S. Weskltt, will become I from Injuries received in his bout e 1st Vernon with Jesse wmard. inccam- dy Correspondents are urg ed to send us their names. We desire the name of ev ery person who is kind enough to send us an oc casional letter giving the news of his or her locality. This of course does not ap ply to those who make a practice of accompanying their letters with their names. No; Six-Sixty-Six This fc prescription prepared etpeelalty tf saai aniA or CHILLS A. FEVER. rive or six oosee win or mnj It taken thon as a Ionic tbe Fever will not NINETEEN TORPEDO BOATS ARE ANCHORED NEAR SEWALS POINT. , Norfolk, Aug. 27. Hampton Roads last night took on a warlike appearance when nineteen torpedo boats anchored near the Scwals Point shore, and the big guns of Fortress Monroe opened fire on floating targets five miles at sea. Outside the Virginia Capes, thirteen battle ships and cruisers of the Atlantic fleet were engaged in torpedo practice. Ten companies of coast artillery from Fort Du Pont, Delaware, took part in thc target practice at Fort Monroe. Thc firing began at 10 o'clock and continued until 3 o'clock this morn ing. Thc mortar batteries were used and thc shells instead of being fired on a line at thc targets, we c sent skyj ward, to fall, thc gunners hoped, on l he object of their aim hve miles away. This practice will be continued un til Friday, when the Atlantic fleet off thc Virginia Capes is expected to re turn to Hampton Roads. The torpedo boats in the roads took no part in the firing last night, but when the search light at Fort Monroe spread over tbe water, thc tiny little fighter added the realistic background to the scene. Thc battleships now at sea are the Wyoming, Arkansas, North Dakota Delaware. Utah, Rhode Island, Geor gia, New Jersey, Minnesota, Ohio, Kansas and Nebraska. incsc snips are now engaged in qualifying gun ners for torpedo firing, and will no begin regular target practice with bi guns until September 15. B. P. 8. PAINTS tbo boat foe i ,m. M return, alt ects on tne n purposes, sola in mew