pftt No, V2 NEW BERN. 0, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 1913-FIRST SECTtON 35th YEAR I BIG SALARY 10 00 EiOTHINB Former President Of The New Haven Railroad To Get - $30,000 A Year. ALSO BONUS OF THOUSANDS Information Mellen Has On Rail road Matters Expla ns His Big Pull. New York, Aug. 30. Charles S Mullen's announced intention of giving his successor as president of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail way Company "advice from time to time as requested" is not altogether unselfish, it is learned. Through an agreeWnt made by the retiring executive with the board of directors on July 27, the date on which- he re signed, he is to receive a very substan tial salary for at least five years, besides large cash payment for services rendered in the past. Information that Mr. Mellen was to continue on the New Haven's payroll came as a surprise following his an nouncement of Thursday, in wheih he stated that "Mr. Mellen will have no connection with the New Haven after this week." When this fact was called to the attention of his office it was explained tha' the receipt of an annual retainer could not be con sidered asevedence that Mellen was still in the company's employ. "We tay hear from Mellen once in (six months," it was explained. "Then it may be necessary to communicate him, and, of course, it is only fair i pay him for his services. You cannot ay that he will nave any connection rith the New Haven any more than he was a-lawyer getting an annual etaincr from the company. A member' of the New HaVcn's execu T-NNIS AT WHITE HOUSE. Secretary McAdoo and Miss Elea nor Wilson Revive Sport. Washington Aug. 29. For the first time jn nearly six years a cabinet member has taken to exercifing on the V.'hitc House Tennis Courts. Miss Eleanor Wilson is responsible and Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo is the member f he father's c-fficia family who has disclosed his fondness for the game that was so popular during the Roosevelt Administration During the occupany of the White House by President Taft tennis lost its vogue as an administration game and eolf supplanted it. While Presi dent Wilson's inclination also lean toward golf, the Misses Wilson are enthusiastic devotees of the racquet and net. Secretary McAdoo, however, is their first recruit from the Cabinet circle. NEW METHOD OF GETTING RECRUITS MEXICAN REVOLUTIONISTS DROP INVITATIONS IN LOMBS. Los Angeles Cal. Aug. 30. After his arrest here charged with violation of neutrality laws by having aided in the smuggling of the Mason aeroplane over the Mexican border several months ago Capt. Jaoquin Alcalde a Con stitutionalist soldier of Sonora explain ed why numerous bombs dropped from the flying machine in its flights over Guaymas failed to cause damage The bombs he said were not loaded with death-dealing explosives but with cordial invitations to the discontented Federal soldiers under Pedro Ojeda to desert and come over to the rebels. "We did not want to slaughter those CONTRACT FOR L sen AWARDED THE PRESIDENTS OFflCE" Elegance In 1st Architecture and In Ha Appointments. The president's office Is an ellipse In plan. A triple bay window forms one end and at the other Is an open fire place. Four doors, opening Inward, are equally disposed, two on each side. and are curved to conform with the carve of the wall. The tall windows are hung with stately, heavy curtains and are flanked by bookcases set Into the wall. i mi a l.aa.A In An. Tl O f w . pTniTmrnr I AIMS UrcpiIlW IB IIKOSBU " mmw 3-ROOM FRAME STRUCTURE aa flntea tomc columns support the mantel, on which stands a bell The First School In the State To 5' " are complete Building Will Be Erected By F. Petteway To Be Ready By November First. TQBACmjRUST STILL-IN ACTION Adopt Plan Of Transport ing Pupils. preparations for a wood fire. Even the paper Is placed nnder the logs. ready to Ignite. The style of the room is classic co- The school committee of No. 7 1 0nlal, and the woodwork is painted Township held a meeting in the office a creamy white with bine white em- of County Superintendent S. M. Brin- belllshment Each of the four large son vesterdav and awarded the contract ornate door frames Is surmounted -by fur till' hlltlH inr tn V P Pottpwav a rich pediment. The wall is covered v . b - - j . VI.I. his bid being the lowest received by the 8 warm oiive green uurmp. -u I oTtmrk nn from n nnneled wainscot to Work on the building will begin j tnre of plain plaster. A flat dome of at as early a date as possible and this virgin plaster surmounts the room it is expected to have it completed and gathers in its stinuow. inverted and the rhool in oneration bv Nov. 1. Win "S"t "om me nay wnruow The building will be a three-room frame structure the mam portion 24 x 50 feet and with a wing 30 feet long. There will also be a full com pletement of cloak rooms. Between two of the princiapl rooms rooms of the building will be folding doors so that azine. on occasions the two can be converted into one and used as an auditorium The building will be equipped with modern furniture throughout. Plans advised by the State Education and gives play to every tint and shade of gray. Pendent from the middle Is a chan delier of electric candles, and triple groups of the same adorn fie wall be tween the doors and windows. Wil liam S. Nortenhelm tn National Mag- SIKH SOLDIERS. An Interesting Division of the British Army In India, In the Enalish nancrs one may fre- al Department were adopted by the q,,ently see pictures of tiny soldiers, committee and will be followed faith-1 about seven or eight years of age, fully by the builder so that one of the gravely saluting elderly officers. These best and most convenient school build- infants at arms are boy recruits hold ings in the county is a certainty for tag regular and dignified places tn the No. 7 Township. The cost will be about ""Win army, aacn Bian regiwsjii I . m a l m . 1 U 1 .. ...... .mi ... enn I anoweu eweivu ui iuv-su ni.uu vuuyo, : i i wuo are truiuuu uiuiuol uvui imijuuw. It was the original intention of the They are paid each 3 rupees and 8 an committee to eiect a brick building nas a month and at the age of sixteen poor Federals," said Alcade, who claim tive committee said that it was trucUo have been the man who always ' -n'i-iitnii:itiiirl Maann thp Frcnrh a via - that the retiring president was to con- tinue to draw a salary 'or a term of years, but he would rot make known i the figures. The Boston News Bureau says that Mr. Mellen is to get $30,000 a year for five years, besides a lump payment of $70 000 as payment for (the time when he acted as president lot the Boston and Maine and Maine Central. This would make a total of $220,000 which the retiring executive will receive during the life of the contract. A New Haven director said that it had been considered advisable to keep Mr. Mellen ! on the salary list for the sake of the . information which he had on railroad matters. The former president will not have an office at either New Yo k , or Boston, and will not be required to : spend any time at the railroad offices. It was said that he might reside at Stockbridge or anywhere else, so far as the company was concerned. He is understood tor, "so we wrote messages and inclosed them in bomb-shaped receptacles. The messages told the Federals that a warm welcome awaited them in our ranks. We got a large number of recruits in that way." Alcalde was indicted with Didier Masson, the aviator, and several other persons just after Masson's flying machine was snet over the border from Tucson, Ariz. . Captain Alcalde, who was a member of the staff of former President Madcro, of Mexico, was said to have been en gaged' to be married to a daughter of former Vice-President Saurez, who was assassinated with Madero. TO TEACH CITY PLANNING. but after consideration it was decided to be the part of wisdom to be content for the present with a frame building Later when the school gets under good headway and its income justifies it enter the regulnr army. The Sikh Boldlers are an interesting and remarkable part of the British army In India. Their conduct In fron tier engagements has distinguished them as brave, steady and devoted to a brick building will be erected and the ther Bngl,sh offlcers. Yet about fifty frame structure converted into a home for the principal. The school in No. 7 Township is a consolidated school and will be the first school in the State to adopt the plan of transporting pupils' to and from the school building. A very fine session for 1913-1914 is anticipated. NEGRO BEING HELD FOR NOR FOLK AUTHORITIES. Rochester N. Y. Aug. 30. The new chair of civic design at the University f Illinois will be filled by Charles Mulford to have been receiving Robinson Rochester author of numer- $34,000 a year recently, having sub- ou. wor on city planning. The niitted to a cut from $60,000. It has University of Illinois is the first Amer been reported that Mr. Mellen will fan institution to establish the course. receive a salary of $100,000 as chairman owl Mr tfl fWIA am nmiitvnt ' .vo.v BAiiun Airvn i vi i innnD r iCl' An expectation that the New Haven p"""" v will have to meet its lessening net ; to 4 per cent, wa, strengthened by the preliminary hear before U S. Com- ;i.;w h.. r yc.uay - publication of an interview with How ard Elliott, who assumed the manage' a -i '.I. . I W A . without a government license. Probable Circumstances sometimes compel "Li . , . , chanees on dividends." he iid. "The - on a warrant charging him with at tempting toscll spirituous liquors years ago these well ordered soldiers were fanatical savages who In their mad uprisings shook the power of Great Britain. Once conquered, they ucceptefl British rule and were trained and disciplined Into a well equipped army of 30,000 soldiers. They formed part of the force that subdued the mu tiny. The Ilodson's horse troops, which helped capture Delhi, were com posed of Sikhs whoso devoted service to their leader made them famous Their scarlet sashes and turbans gained them the name of "Flamingoes." Their Confined in the Craven, county tail descendants are no less determined on a charge of vagrancy, is a colored fighters and,staneh soldters.-New York man who says that nis name is Mirror iress. Baker. Baker answers the description! H ij of a negro wanted by tne rono nf-.ha mikA.plti treatises of an police and the afrthorities there have I 'ym A,vrin nre models of simplicity, been notified of his arrest and an officer J nn cannot doubt the effectiveness is expected to arrive today to identify 1 of their prescriptions. Thus we are the negro. j II told that lt,a man Jyis colic we should "make him crouch, aown on nis neeis and pour cold water over his neaa. That ought to, 'cure colic If only the water Is cold enough. Again, wnen man is bilious rub him with an onion and let him drink nothing but water and abstain from food altogether. The onion part Is probably decorative At least It can do no harm, while the abstention from food la salutary In the extreme, even for those who are not very bilious. But If a man Is In weak state" why should it benetlt mm to; "strike him on the head fourteei times with your thumb?" This Is sug gestlve of faith healing MILITIA results on the New Haven road for the year ended June 30, 1913, as published 1 k nAuani alinw t tilt t lift rAUrl tu i lie uvnopai'vi a, oui; w vims v ihv vu i failed to earn the dividends paid by committed to jail $4,630,000. There are 27 directors and the decision rests, of course, with them. It seems obvious, however, that dividends cannot long be paid unless earned." was bound over (o the next term of Federal Court under a bond of one hun dred dollars in default of which he was DIVORCE EVIDENCE SEALED. Detectives Testify tn Mrs. Jordon's Suit Against Her Husband. DREDGE BUIU4RD. Miami, Fla., Aug. JA-The steam dredge Norman P. Davis owned by the Bowers Southern Dredginfr (tompany of Galveston, Texas, was -feuriwtf here late yesterday. The damage is estima:e ted at $50,000 covered by insurance The dredge was displayed here by a Baltimore Concern. RUSH TO FRONT Washington, D. C, Aug. 29. Offi cers intimately acquainted with the situation are authority for the state ment that the War Department fs ready to mobilize at least 125,000 well- trained militiamen on short notice in the event of war with Mexico. They would co-operate with 75,000 or 80,000 regulars,. exclusive of the navy and the Marine Corps. Plans for the mobilization and equip ment of a big army on short notice were effected months ago, and it is declared that recent tests at the War Depart ment showed every detail of the system to b? in hne working order. Mili tiamen all over the country have been instructed in the Mexican situation According to those who have given 9 SHIPS TO MEDITERRANEAN. Washington, Aug. 29. The testi mony of two private detectives, it is said, figured in the taking of testimony in behalf of Mrs. Martha Tyson Manly Jordon, who is suing her hus band,. Eldridge E. Jordon. for di vorce. Five deposition for the plaintiff, care New York, Aug. 29. Otto S. Jonas, Secretary of the Independant Retail Tobacconist Association of America, has issued a statement in which among other things he says: "I notice in to-day's papers an item from Washington to the effect that the Metropolitan Tobacco Company' of New York has filed a petition with the- Attorney-General against the Tobacco Trust, etc., whereas, as a matter o fact, such petition was filed by the Independent Retail Tobacconist As sociation against the Metropolitan To- hacco Company. Among, other things th f. Retail Tobacconist Association say in their petition that: It is a matter of common know ledge that the most effective weapon or instrument employed by the To bacco Trust to crush the independent manufacturers i the monopolization of both the jobbing business and the retail trade. "By the arrangement between the American Tobacco Company and the Metropolitan Tobacco Company they not only monopolized the jobbing busi ness in the metropolitan territory, but with the Metropolitan Tobacco Com pany, the agent of the trust, as the only recognized jobbing house in the district, the independent manufacturer seeking to introduce his goods in the metroplitan market found himself al most entirely barred. Thus almost 200 old established jobbing concerns were simply forced out of business in order that the trust might control the ave nues and channels for the distribution of tobacco produ ts, and to thus place the independent manufacturers en tirely at the mercy of' the trust in the distribution of their goods in the terri tories where the trust controlled the jobbing trade. " 'Having first limited its territory to Greater New York, it has extended the field of its operations from time to time and by means of subsidiary com panies and bogus independent con cerns operating as independents, but who are in fact owned by the Metro- po itan Tobacco Company, that com pany has extended its monopoly of the jobbing business to Long Island. Yonkers, New Jersey and other sec tions. Thus with the United Cigar Stores Company on the one hand and the1 Metropolitan Tobacco Company on the other hand what chance is there for independent manufacturers or an independent tobacco company. " 'Almost two years have elapsed since the decree of the Court for the distribution of the trust was entered and yet the independent tobacco men are now suffering at the hands of the trirst more than ever "That the decree against the Trust in the Government suit has failed to bring about the hoped for improve ments in the tobacco industry is per haps due to the fact that some of the principal stockholders of the American Tobacco Company before its. disin tegration were not made defendants in MACHINERY HALL TO BE ERECTED PRIMITIVE WAGONS. Th. Directors Of Fair Association Com pany Plan To Make Improvements. WORK TO START New Structure Will Be Located Near Woman's Club Building. In addition to the many improve ments which the directors of the East ern Carolina hair Association are making at the Fair grounds and at Glenburnie Park, they are contempla ting th? erection of a machinery hall Ruuiin Bashkir Is tha Oldest Type Still In Us.. There Is an Interesting collection ot wheeled vehicles lu the National mu seum In Washington which was got together for the purpose of sbowlnjr the development of conveyance men and chattels from the most Itlve times. One of the exhibit full sized curette or ox cart by the Indians of Arizona and New Mexico as well as in some otJLm re mote oarts of Spain. Tale flirt wai SOON brought over by the early S9nnk.l1 set tlers. It hss wheels iiuoui mrew iuu a half feet In diameter, made of tore nieces of tlinber fastened together with dowels of wood, the wheel being thick at the center to form the hub. Another primitive type of wagon known as the Red river cart and used by the half breeds In Canada has Ave foot wheels, the wheels In this ease ha vine spokes, twelve in number. The native driver of this cart sits In with his feet higher than nis nips, the shafts being higher than the bed of the wagon. There Is also a repro duction of an Egyptian chariot In the collection, the wheels of which pave at the Fair grounds. In this detail alone is the Fair grounds I tweive gpokes, with slots In them hear incomplete. There is at present a main I (be uuu go that a rope can be run exhibit hall, a building for the exhibi tion of swine, another for the exhibi tion of cattle, large stables and a build- ng for the exhibition of poultry. Last year there was a large quantity of machinery on exhibit but it was neces sary to plage this in the main exhibit building. ' Seeing the necessity for the erection of a building in which machinery alone will be exhibited, the directors of the company came to the concl elusion to erect such a building. It planned to make the structure fifty feet in width and one hundred feet lone and to locate it between the Woman'-. Club building and the poul try building. The site has been laid off but no de finite arrangements for the erection of the building have been made. How ever, it can be erected within the course of two or three weeks and will be in readiness by the opening ef the Fair during the last week in October The work on the pavilion which 1 being erected at Cleiiburnie Park it going ahead rapidly and will probably be completed about the latter part of next month. This building is sit :ated on a hill overlooking Ncuse river and a more ideal site could not have been secured. Numerous other improve ments are also being at the park tiircugti to held t'ie sposes nrmiy in place. What is thought to be the oldest type of vehicle still In use is the Russian bashklr or child's coach, with wheels made out of a solid slab of wood, hav ing holes burned through the center for the axle. New York Sun. , WORLD'S GREATEST CIRCUS COMING GOVERNMENT PROFITS. Undo 8am Has a Good Income From a Few Side Lines. j Customs receipts and internal reve nue taxation furnish the bulk of the government's Income, but the govern ment profits by a snug sum from tne sources that grow out of sovereignty. usually 0:1 the "penny saved, penny earned" principle. For instance, about $3,000,000 of small change la absorb ed In the channels oftrade each year. During periods of great prosperity this amouut has been as high as $5,- 000,000. Buying for 50 cents a pound blanks that will make ninety nickel Ave cent pieces is proiltablc business. The gain Is hurdly less lu one cent pieces. The lilver In the quarter dollar would not uow cost more than 10 cents, although It wus somewhat higher when the stock now being minted was purehnsed. The treasury is the alner from the destruction of pnper money uot re deemed It also derives an luconie from patents In the form of fees that patentees pay for the privilege ' of monopolizing their Inventions and thus in a slight degree shares their profits. Other returns of this sort might be enumerated, but the receipts growing rot w fwvereignty are limited tn scope and are, after all, merely indirect! forms of taxation. Harper' Weekly. BARNUM AND BAILEY TO VISIT NEW BERN ON OCTOBER 4. Primrose bay. Primrose day In England, the annl versary of the. death of Benjamin Dis raeli. Lord Beaconsfleld, had Its origin In the tribute, a modest wreath of prim roses, sent by Queen victoria for me funeral of Beaconsfleld. The general impression that the primrose was Bea consfleld's favorite flower came from a misunderstanding of the words at tached to the queen's tribute "F. Vic New Bern is to have two circuses this fall, one of these, Barnum and Bailey circus, is the largest aggregation of the kind in the world and the other, the Government action and art Young Buffalo Bill's Show, is larger therefore not bound by any of the pro- than any which has visited this city visions of the decree. . ; manv vears. The latter aggregation, which carries more than six hundred people with it, will exhibit here on September 16 and within a day or two the advance advertising car will arrive and a small army of billposters will begin their work of plastering the surrounding country with lithographs. Such a large circus as Barnum and Bailey's does not usually stop at cities having a population less than twnntv-five or thirtv thousand inhabi- Local football enthusiasts will not e Km fhoir advance aeent has been be compelled to Ieve home during the . . (t lookine over the city ipproaching fall and winter to see a ij malcing an investigation as to the FOOTBALL TEAM EOR NEW BERN HOLD IMPORTANT MEETING THURSDAY NIGHT. Just Like Heme. The two little girls, six yean old or so, were playing housekeeping all alone the garden wall, says the Milwaukee Sentinel. On some principle that no grownup could realise one section of It was the kitchen, another the dining room, another the sitting room, and as on. One small maid was the mistress of the house, and the other was the servant girl. Then the big man cam strolling along with a book tn bis hand and, all unconscious, perched hlmseil on the softest stone in the middle of that wall. "Oh, look how 'he comes and spoils our play!" walled one of the twain. "No, Indeed." replied the other, wun a happy inspiration, --nes wj band, and he's reading in his den, ana he's not to be disturbed, so we neean 1 notice him." So the game went on. Hidden Treasuree ef the Tiber. The waters of the Tiber are said to cover many costly treasures of an tiquity. From Lake Neml, near Rome, manv bronse armaments ana statuary from the Boating palaces of the Em- Fleet Will Leave On Winter Cruise October 25. torla. His favorite flower." The pul lie thought the queen meant that the primrose was Beaconsfleld's favorite the question thought and who haw Ljower when fi truth she meant that II talked with army officers, the War the favorite flower of the prince Departmentlstands ready to order out cworc-"QW xor. the organised militia in every State . "Wallowed a Word." in the Union. These troops would be teUIn what ,hc nurned to a point seiectea lor mopiiiia- tboasbt was an exciting atory about a tion, the companies put on a war Anmra. She stuttered la her effort. footing as to strength, equipped for gulped and paused hopelessly without held service and rushed to the front completing the sentence. Washington, Aug. 30. Nine bat tleships accompanied by colliers will fully sealed, were filed today with the ,eave Hampton Roads October 25 as needed. The Government is declared to be in a. position to equip immediately an army of from 50,000 to 1,000,000 men, including those now in the ser vice. clerk of the District Supreme Court Although Justice Wright refused to for the annual winter cruise through the Mediterranean. The fleet will hear the evidence in private chambers return December 15 and will last week, he ordered the testimony remain in their home yards until after sealed. It is possible that when theth i-wwtmas holidays. comes up in equity court next fall The ""P" t"e the cruise. the evidence will be made nubile. No t08etner w,th e itinerary, was an- testimony has been taken for the at- "nced y SecreUry Daniel. tpdaLohi,., for foreign service feast and it was stated that no further uu wcrc "": will be oresente.l bv either The Wyoming, the flagship of thi side. comma Vermont and Ohio to Marseilles, the Arkansas and Florida to Naples, the IT..I. rw! I t . triii. t? . PAINTS the beet for all I. "7 " " "V-"T "V" 7"2 ?T"7 1 "v v-'Miiiciiruui unu ruinsaiAio Bern by (;..,.., rniiUr. rvi n.i i... Company will accompany the ships. , , Under the law making the organised militia a first lint of defense to the reg ular army, the President is without power fb order a regiment into foreign territory. All he could do, it was explained, is to order the organisations to the border, at which point the men would be given the opportunity of "Why, child, what Is the matter?" her mother asked. The little girl smiled ruefully and replied, "1 swallowed a word" Id dlana polls News. The Main Thing. Aged Sultor-lt Is true that I am considerable older than you, but a man hi aa young as be feels, you know. and- Miss Pert-Oh, that doesn't matter! What I want to know Is If you are as rich aa you look. Boston Transcript. football tame. A team has been organ-Lobulation of this and surrounding! perors Tiberius and Caligula hare e 1 .L' j Lm . l . . . : - :.,....,.;,.! I . ....,....wl it ham limn izeu in ini tuy buu 11 . v... .....v.".. countie8 ne came to tne conclusion to play a number of games during the that Barnum and Bailey's aggregation season. There will be a meeting 01 the wou,d no mjstake in showing team at 8 o clock 1 hursday night at tne u, am, th wjn ve tw0 exhibi Atlantic headquarters on Broad street tions m thJj dt on October 4. Both and every member is urged to attend. shoW8 wiu exhibit at Ghent Park This team, composed mainly 01 tne h the grounds will be accessible mcmners 01 tne team wnicn was urgau- tQ tnfi Mr jjne ued last season and every one is a gooa player. Several games were played last season and the locals were victorious in the majority of these. This season the team is stronger and the members (eel confident that they will be the ama teur champions of this section of the State at the close of the season. Arrangements are being made to get a game with the A. and M. team dur ing the week of the Fair. This was done last season and several thousand per HIS LIFE SAVED .BY PULMOTOR B. P. 8. purposes sold In New J.S. Basnlght Hardware Th recruiting stations of the regular arinu a ra tumii wit tt mruiti I tun 1 t 1 m ... t. I""" ' v waist iwiuiii. It wcta nder-inhltfw.llgotoM.Ia,th,l-,ted ta ,t w not due Mtire lit anl rUtln ... XJ .H-M1- . tp the prospect of war with Mexico. "If met art out of work, said a re cruiting tracer, "we get plenty of re cruits. If, on the other hand work Is plentiful asd wages good, business is not so mkk with us." Qood Substitute. Edna-DM Mabel get that six shooter be spoke of providing herself with an a protection against burglars? sva No. Hoe got a six footer.-Judge. . PENNSYLVANIA MINER OVER COME BY GAS WILL RECOVER. sons witnessed the -conflict. Pottsville Pa. Aug. 30. A remark able cast of the resuscitation of an ap parently dtad man by the use of the pulmotor is reported from St. Clair. 1 ... . , 1 - Durham, Aug. 29. Mrs. Betsey josepn Mango a miner e...p.ojri . - ' .... .1 .11' iL U .A...., 1J -. ... 1 t. ra It Anne Keith, wife of Jerry Keith, 01 comery 01 mc .cau...B '-""j - ELEVATOR KILLS WAKE COUN TY LADY. There are persons who are not ac tors, not speakers, but Influences. iKmereon It Is hard to believe that Tillman i. in that Democratic "conspiracy o! Wake County, five miles south of into a pocket of mine ga. and when found I Crccdmoor. was instantly killed at by his companions life was apparently! ll-H nVJnrk this mornimr. when by extinct. ,nmn unknown means she became Although the case seemed hopeless caught bttween tht top of tht tit- three members of tht first aid corps vat or and the third floor of the rushed for the pulmotor with which all Durham Loan and Trust Building, mines are provided and began the w Her neck was broken snd skull of resuscitation. The body was I crushed to a pulp. Mrs. Hcith had rapped in seven blankets to rei been to Dr. Jot Graham's office. lany heat that might remain and She was 60 years oW. ' 1 machine lor producing artificial . Ipiratiun was operated vigorously. How dreary yesterday was, and howlthcy worked the men shouted m I tomorrow nromiiei to be. 1 into the cars of the patient to bit nadv been recovered. It haa long I the dream of poets and the belief of antiquaries that the Tiber's bed con ceals a vast amount of artistic treas ures which nave been flung Into It elthpr from wanton recklessness or for the purpose of preservation from se" rllege. There la a legend that AttUn burled all his treasure beneath the river. Ne Reply. Two English soldiers, seeing a com rade's coat lying on his bed, thought they would play a joke on him, as be happened to be an Irishman Bo they chalked a donkey's bead on the back of the coat and then waited ts see him nut It on When Mike took up the coat ho gased at the donkey'a bea with deep earnestness, and then, turn ing to the Englishmen, be inquired. Which of yen wiped your lace on my toatr Inevitable. "Why, she used to be a theatrical tar, but since she haa grown fat she's Just an ordinary actress." "Nothing strange about that. Any astronomer will tell you that as stars Increase in rongnltude they decrease In bright npsar-rMcngn Tribune. and finally tfiy Observed signs of life. I Keeping up tha work of pumping oxyges into the lungs they had him breathing

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