mfn SH I Wo, 144 NEW BERN. N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 1913-FIRST SECTION inim i iinmuuu uunnuL 35th YEAR City Rallying From Effects of the Storm Great Activity Yesterday In Cleaning Up Debris, Gathering Scattered Materials, and Drying Out Water-Soaked Goods Additional Details Show Wide Scope of 1 lie Disaster On the first day after the worst" Btorm and flood within the history of the city, New Bern citizens yesterday had before them thefrenormous task of clearing away the wreckage and debris caused by the wind and water on the previous day. The day, in marked contrast to the previous one, dawned bright and clear, intensifying the ruin which had been wrought. As has before been stated the worst damage was along the water front and the streets leading to Neuse and Trent rivers. Along East Front street the yards of the many beautiful resi dences located there were filled with logs, cord wood, pieces of Neuse river bridge and in fact all manner of debris which the raging waters had within their grasp end lcft stranded then they began to recede. Wagon load after wagon load of this was hauled aw- y to some other point where it' would be less conspicuous and of more service. The streets and sidewalks were also littered with uprooted trees and broken limbs and for hours the city's street cleaning force were engaged in cleaning those away and along this street the scene late in the afternoon was much more attractive than earlier in the day. Resembled Huge Log Pound. At Union Point, another section where the wind and water had full sway from Tuesday night until Wednesday morning, the appearance was anything but pleasing. One gentleman was heard to remark that It seemed to him as though the place had been turned into a hucc log pound. Situated just between Neuse and Trent river this place got the full benefit of the storm and it was littered with logs, wood, floating timbers, boats and oil barrels. All day long men wer3 engaged in getting the place into some semblance of its former condition. The E. H. & J. A. Meadows Company and J. A. Meadows, located just ad jacent to this property, had thousands of dollars worth of fertilizer, meal and hay ruined by the water and the entire day was spent by their men in taking out the goods which were totally ruined and in picking out that which had not been damaged. On Middle street below South Front street, where the stores of a number of merchants were flooded with several feet of water and tho s:.nds of dollars worth of merchandise totally ruined, one saw the street lined with boxes and barrels containing articles which the owners probably thought could be GREAT DAMAGE AT WASHING TON. .No train was operated between this city and Norfolk by the Norfolk South ern Railway Company on account of the fact that their bridge between Chocowinity and Washington was com pletely demolished and swept away. It will probably be two weeks or more before this company will be able to get trains through., the train leaving this city at present going only as far as Chocowinity where passengers for Raleigh are transferred. Robert Snellings of this city, who was in Washington on the day of the storm and flood arrived home, yesterday after noon, having been ferried across the river by a boatman and then wading through a mile of inundated swamp to reach the train at Chocowinity and he relates a graphic story of the disaster at that place. Mr. Snellings and Eugene Simpson arc members of the New Bern Division of the North Carolina Naval Militia and were last week on board of the battleship Alabama at Gardner's bay engaged in target practice with their company. When the company reached Norfolk on their way home these two young men decided to make a short stop there with relatives and left the other men, hers. Wednesday morning at 9:30 they left Norfolk. At that time the storm was not at all alarming and they had no trouble until after Plymouth had been reached. Fron there on until Washington was reached the trip was eventful. There were numerous washouts and at many places recs had been blown across the track. A short distance from Washington there is a creek over which the train passes and the rails had been torn from this and it was necessary for the pas scngcrs to walk across this bridge and to walk the remainder of the distance to Washington, reaching that place about 8 o'clock Wednesday night. The worst part of the storm passed over Washington in the afternoon but Mr. Snelling states that ev when they arrived the water was in the streets and that it had been up in the stores and houses and that the property loss is several thousand dollars. A section of the Atlantic Coast Line Company's track out of Washington was also washed away, but this has been temporarily repaired and they succeeded in getting one train out of the place yesterday by way of HrieH nut and saved. However, manv of . Parmalec thm r. hants will save.but little of their Tra5n8 torn this city to the West stock which was sitting on the floor and to Wilmington are being operated and the lower shelves. Practically and from Washington, Elisabeth all of the debris left stranded in this section when the water receded has "been removed. Street Cleaners At Work. The street cleaning force devoted a part of the day to cleaning up the section of South Front street west of Hancock, and succeeded in getting this in fairly good shape but there were au umuy vw.e. u,v.a , . r r i " ,, j- .. rescued. L. D. Daniels costly motor kA .Ha... .milI nrt .1., no mnrh thorp I I II VI lllvy K, w II I v. u.iv .... .- ...... as they would '.iked to have done. The train service was somewhat ' Pitv and Norfolk i Heincr Rpnr hv wav of Goldsboro. This necessarily causes some delay but It is the best that can be done until the damage to the bridges and tracks can be repaired. Several Boats Recovered Many of the boats owned by local ndividuals and business enterprises which could not be found on thsprcvi ous day were located yesterday and better yesterday than on the previous day. The bridge between Morchcad City and Beaufort, a section of which had been torn away on the previous day, bad been repaired and the first train from the latter place since Tues day afternoon came through yesterday afternoon. Passengers on this train told of the ravage of the storm at that place. On Ann street practically all of the trees were blown down but no buildings were damaged in that section A section of the board walk was washed away. The building occupied by th Texas Oil Company was rammed by the schooner Winona and was torn from the pilings. A partial account of the damage done at Morehead City appeared in the Journal yesterday but later reports are to the effect that the loss to pro perty is much greater than that at first learned. The Paragon building, a large concrete structure which is occupied by L. L. Leary, the Morehead City Hospital and the Business Men's Club was damaged. The smoke stack at the ice house was torn from its fastenings as though it has been a straw and was carried some distance away. Several of the buildings connec ted with the Atlantic Hotel were also boat was tound across Trent river, A few of the boats were sunken but the majority of those missing it is believed were driven up Neuse or Trent rivers and will be recovered within a few days About a hundred feet of the strong brick wall surrounding the National Cemetery went down Wednesday morn ing under the combined influence of the overflow of Neuse river and the North wind. The portion of the wall that fell in that located on the North side. morning engaged in repairing the dam age to the wires which had caused the city to be in darkness and without electrical current of any kind since a short while before midnight on Tuesday ight. There were an Innumerable number of breaks but many of these were repaired and it was possible to get the current on yesterday after noon and the incandescent lamps were brightly burning again last night The line over which the current for the arc lights flow was allowed to remain as it is until today when the linemen will be put to work on that division. In order that there might be some illumination in the business section of the city last night the electric arches were again brought into service. Reports from nearby points at to the effect that the crops are not nearly so badly damaged as at first thought In Pamlico the damage is . probably fifty per cent, while in this county, while there are points where the damage greater, the general damage is not more than twenty-five or thirty per cent. Cotton of course is somewhat hurt but it is by no means totally des troyed as was at first reported. Lumber Companies Lose Heavily One of the heaviest losers by the storm was the East Carolina :umber Company. This company had a large quantity of lumber ready for shipment nd much of it was washed away Valuable belting in the mill was also damaged. The total loss will be thou sands of dollars. Tolson Lumber & Manufacturing Company were damaged conside-ably, their loss being between five hundred nd a thousand. Pine Lumber Company lost in the neighborhood of two the u- sand dollars. Neuse Lumber Company six to seven thousand dollars. Elm City Lumber Company three thousand dollars, while the Blades Lumber Company, at Bridgeton, were also heavy losers. In Henderson Section. Henderson, N. C, Sept. 4. Con- iderable damage was done to the corn and tobacco in Henderson and ranville counties. It was the most severe storm experienced here in many years. Storm Does Considerable Damage Personal Items. (Special to the Journal.) Grant's Creek, N. C, Sept 5. The storm at this place last Tuesday night and Wednesday did considerable damage. Mr. W. T. Osborn, of Beaufort, who has been visiting friends and relatives at this place for the past week, re turned home Tuesday. Mr. W. T. Bray made a business trip to Swansboro Tuesday. Mr. Jackson Jones and son, S. B. Jones, made a business trip to Jack sonville Monday. Mr. Z. L. Riggs of this place, left Tuesday for Beaufort where he will spend a while with relatives. Mr. B. T Jone; and son, J. A., spent Monday in Jacksonville. Messrs. E. B. and J. F. Marshall made a business trip to Maysville Tuesday. Messrs. B. M. and Bonis Riggs spent a while in Jacksonville Monday. Mr. J. L. Owens, who has been in Verona for the last two months, passed through this week enroute for Beau fort to spend a while with his father at that place. Rev. Mr. Avery will start his revival meeting at this place Sunday night September 7. He will be assisted by Rev Mr Harris, of Beaufort. Mr. D. F. Riggs, made a business trip to Maysville Monday. ROSS IS FOUND Kidnapped Thirty-Four Years Ago He Discvers His Identity. WORLD-WIDE SEARCH MADE Cleveland Man Has For Years New York, Sept. 5. On a passenger train that left this city yesterday for Cleveland, O., was Charles Brewster Ross, who had come East a few days ago to see if he could identify himself as Charles Ross, who was kidnapped from Germantown, Pa. on lulv 1. 1874. Detectives searched far and wide for Charlie until the death of his father, Christian K. Ross, in 1897. The Cleveland man says he satisfied himself, by his trip here, that he was the stolen boy. On the strength of what Misses LllHe Groves and Mildred Ball Victims Of Runaway Accident. OPENING FARM SCHOOL DELAYED IT WILL BE SOME TIME IN OC TOBER BEFORE WORK CAN BE STARTED. Dr. J. E. Turlington, of Vanceboro principal of the Farm Life School was in the city yesterday. He stated in connction with that institution that it would not open on September as had been announced. The delay on account of unexpected hindrances the work of construction of the building. Everything has been done except the interior work, but this will not be finished in some weeks and Dr. Turlington thinks now that it will be some time in October before e school can be opened. The residence for himself will be completed' in about ten days. learned he will make affidavit in Cleveland as to his birth and parentage and thus complete his qualifications for I license as pilot on the Great Lakes, where he has been a sailor for years. Identification had to made among WERE AT BENNETT'S SPRINGS the claybanks of Pegtown, a mining settlement in the township of Sayrf ville, N. J., near New Brunswick. It was there that Ross believes he was hidden by his captors, who judged ightly that detectives would never go to the place. Pegtown remains now as scluled as in 1874, but the diggers have died off and the memories of the few survivors of that period no longer serve them as well as might be hoped. Ross had to rely on his childhood recollections of Wires Down, Lights Out. Greensboro, Sept. 4. Rain fell torrents here all day yesterday and last night while at times the wind reached a terrific velocity During the late afternoon telephone ind telegraph wires were blown down nd light were off for a time. Reports from the county are that the rain was general and that some damage was done to crops in the lowlands. Streams rose during the night and damage to roads and bridges in addi tion to growing crops is feared. WIND AND RAIN DID LITTLE DAMAGE IN NUMBER SEVEN TOWNSHIP. Damage In Albemarls Sound Coun try Elizabeth City, Sept. 4. A severe wind storm visited this section Tues- lay night and all day Wednesday Torrents of water have fallen and the wind blew a gale. Consider able damage has been done to crops in this section, probably amounting to eight or ten thousand dollars. No damage has been done to property and no casualties have yet been re ported from this immediate section Two KUIed At Farmvllle. Wilson Sept. 4. A message re ceived here this morning from Farm ville, in Pitt county, says that Monk's tobacco warehouse at that place was blown down Wednesday afternoon and two men killed and seven injured One of the men killed was Walter Bynum, the name of the other was not learned. The warehouse was a brick structure and had just been completed this being its first season. A RECORD TIDE. The new bridge across Jacksmith Creek, built in connection with the opening up of a shorter route to the Fair grounds, was washed down and swept against the old bridge across the creek. Use of the new bridge had not been commenced. For the first time since Tuesday night New Bern was again able toge into communication with the outsidt world yesterday afternoon bv tab. graph. The Western Union Telegraph Company got one wire open to Rich mond and they were literally swamped with business until late into the night. The telegraph companies have linemen out on the road repairing the broke Unas and hope to have things in belt shape today. er H. H. Hodges, superintendent of the local electric and water plrnt, had a force of men out early yesterday Assistant U. S. Engineer H. T. Pat terson took the official record of the water at Union Point at the heigh of the flood Wednesday morning It was 11.1 feet above mean low water By a coincidence, eight months pre viously, on January 3, 1913, the govern ment gauge showed the lowest record or 3.6 feet below mean low water. 'LOST" STEAMER COMES IN Norfolk, Va., Sept. 4. The Old Dominion steamer Mob jack, reported lost in the storm which swept Chesa peake Bay, arrived at her pier Norfolk at 8:10 last night. Captain C. E. Caffe reported that the vesse TORM DELAYS WORK SCHOOL G. L. Hardison, of Thurman, was mong the visitors in the city yesterday This was Mr. Hardison s first trip to the city since the storm and flood and he was kept busy relating to his friends the story of the storm in his cdtion. Mr. Hardison told a Journal reporter that the wind did considerable damage and that this, intermingled with the heavy rain, considerably damaeed the crops but that taken as a whole the damage was small com pared with some other points in No Township. The contract has been awarded for the construction of the new central school in that township and work was to have ! egun on this during the week. However, on account of the storm it has been impossible to get the.mater ial together and this work will not be gin until next Monday. The contractor has promised to rush the work as rapid ly as possible and the school committee men hope to have the institution ready for cp 'ning soon after the other county schtoli open for the fall term. Been Engaged In Fathoming Mystery. Barge Lost, Captain And Crew Probably Drowned While enroute from New Bern to Philadelphia, leaving this pat ast Monday with a cargo of four hundred thousand feet of lumber con signed to a firm at that place by the Neuse Lumber Company, the JMftff Berkes with Captain Derrlckson and a crew of three men on board, foun dered off Ocr..toke Wednesdayand It is believed that the four men went down With the vessel. The barge in company with two others was loaded last week, and on Monday the tug Kirkton came Into port to tow the three to Philadel phia. They left this port and Tuesday morning encountered the storm which swept the North Carolina coast. The Berkes broke her hauser and drifted away and later foundered. The other two barges and the tug proceeded on their way. Yesterday the tug Helen arrived in port and told of passing the Kirkton and getting news of the loss of the barge and Its crew. In hopes that the Berkes and its cargo may have been driven up on some shore and Its crew still alive, the Neuse Lumber Company, who had eight thousand dollars worth of uninsured lumber on the vessel, yesterday afternoon chartered a tug and left this port In search of her. Captain Derrlckson had many friends in New Bern and It la hoped that he and his crew succeeded In saving their lives. M NEW OERN LADIES INJURED Driver Unable To Stop Horse Frightened When Umbrella Was Opened. EIGHT MILLIONS A WEEK NEEDED Electric Development Will Require Two Billions In Five Years, Says Vanderlip. ELECTRICITY'S GREAT FUTURE There Will Also Be Some Few Billions Needed By Railroads, States And Cities. lacerated and her skull was slightly fractured. Miss Ball suffered a broken In a runaway accident at Bennett's Springs, Va., early yesterday morning Miss Lillie Groves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Groves, of this city, the settlements. On his arrival Monday Miss Mildred Ball, daughter of Savreville he met Chief of Police Ba"' 01 ln,s wcre udu,J ri, ,h n. ifK h;m .n,n ti, injured. Miss Graves' face was badly uj.w, nv..u - ..6 Birch Creek district to Pegtown. Tliiir trillr.H woh variivm rilrl rlnv rlr. ,,, .,k4 tK. t to. rib and many scratches and bruises ........ .......... .......... 1. 1 UCI1UCLI. S .Jmm,.., so " iiicul waliiuuL malting nun n piugicss. i r i wM An T..o.H, ,nn h,. wont r aistance irom ".oaimwc, .a, ..u . again, Ross pointed out a clay pit in Gloves has a cottage there, his family ...u:u 1 :j i.- .1. l, u uj i:. i usuauv spenuuiK uie aunumi muv. Willi II I1C StlU 11C UlUUgl.L 11C ll. Ill 11 V I 11 I - ,i,h a an and wnman ttoru . MisS Mildred Ball a( called that the pit had once been uied proves to ner summer a ur r I. 1 I li. 1 -U.... (hit as a habi ation. No one could say, or two a anu " V"- . J. s;,v who K,d lived tW- time. Both young ladies were intending,! t r,;f Rm,l. ,h,t to return nonie tomorrow -.F ,.v. . v . . . , , acquaintance with his guardians would l ne nrst news o. u.e - 'I J")1' naturally not be admitted for they were accident reacnea Uer criminals. Wh; n he spoke of his mem- morning in a . t . ... :o f m hA iif ,1, fh Groves, tather ol one ot tne victims. ..v.o ...... w.v, ... ......... . - . ... .i.i i. j . r u , Hers warmed to him. savin he could 1 nis telegram statea nidi 8,. uevc.up.uem. u, ,c . - u - ... Miss Lillie Groves' condition was ser-1 requirement for $400,000,000 a year Kfc-i. u-i. Mj. u-.j! u. ious it was not considered critical unless of new capital. I in hi ill auuun men ueaua uvci 1119 ... , . ... . , . :j.:. f. iw. i.i some unexpected complications set in. ( It is such a capital requirement that r... u.. k:i. u k u: ;f Following the receipt of the tele-, ......... wuu.v. v h. . .:J he is the Charlie Ross who was kid- 8ram ny r. orove, m,. napped in 1874, a the age of four. The message from his daughter, Miss n.,i. :f !, ,i.a Mildred. This message gave an account younger than his age it was because he the accident. The young had lived a clean healthy live, and the parted in a carnage to the mail box r.. , j which is about two miles away from the in" i Wd3 i.inn mi i-u, i rw -r .1.1 i,,. : . place at wiucn tney were sioppm "' "B ,-""""'"-CTi;L iL j .... ,;i k Sayreville folk is that Ross bears a wn"S " lne TV" mwan.. t thr. f their horse was frightened by a man lite Wdvyimncu vruy miwv """" , . ... .. l J It ii TU- At A all within n is graphs flooded the country thirty- ; , IT. : Tk mni,th anrl power to uuiiK ic '6"lt" Hint- VCtllS fK"- - cytw mwui" caiavi i - . orehead are strikingly alike. c j "r. ,T" " ,uT I OUt was unauie iu uu mis wwv Ross's story pieced together by years carriaee was overturned and the occu . t . i. . i. i i . i ot searcn, is mat nis Kiuimppers were nts dashed to the road. Moshcr and uougiass, tne ourgtars wno . witne8Sed the Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., Sept. 6. Eight millions dollars a week for five years $2,000,000,000 in all can pro fitably be invested in developing the electrical industry in this country, in the opinion of Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York. He so declared last night in addressing representatives of the electrical industry in the United States, meeting at Association Island. He said, in part: "In making such an estimate one does not need to draw on one's imagination. Little more is needed than a grasp of present day statistics, compared with those of 5 or 10 years ago, to give the basis of such an estimate. "When we think what is certain to be done in the way of electrificaton of steam railroad terminals and heavy mountain grade, when we reflect on the larger ine ol cicatrical energy for industrial power, for agricultural pur poses and in the continued growth of necessary interurban lines we do not need to look further into the possible were killed in Bay Ridge the same year accjdent reached the victim9 they found and jonn naienen, in wnose care anu that of a woman he was left in Peg- town. When his keepers heard of the death of the burglars they decided to Th K rM that Miss Groveu and the driver, whose name could not be learned, were unconscious and that Miss Ball was flee. On the night they went Halcncn shot the boy and shoved his body into a trench, believing him dead. He crawled out, was found and lecovcred to their home and a physician hurriedly summoned. When first making an examination he thought that Miss Grove's injuries would prove fatal you gentlemen are facing and which must be successfully met if your enlr gies are to have an adequate field of display. Can you get it? "To get a full appreciation of the difficulties you may well glance outside of your own field, However, and note that there will mature within that five-year period well over $1,000,000, 000 of steam railroad securities. The railroads in five years will need, say, $4,000,000 for refunding and fresh capital. States and municipalities will absorb in the neighborhood of $1,500,000,000 more. So, with the $2,000,000,000 your industry will need there should be provided between now and the end of 1918 from $7,000,000,000 to $8,000,000,000 for these three pur poses alone, to say nothing of general industrial and other needs. "These arc bewildering figures. They sound more like astronomical mathe matics than totals of round, hard- earned dollars. The raising of these urns, however, is the practical problem hat financiers have directly in front New Star Theatre Is now open to the public, showing the very best and latest pictures. This theatre is built on the pis of the first class moving-picture theatre of larger cities. A cordial invitation is extended all visitors while in New Bern to visit the "Star" theatre, and for the visi tors benefit the management announces that they will start matinee daify at 4 o'clock, so that one can have ample time to see the show before leaving OA evening train leaving the city. We show the best and choicest pic tures that can be procured. Absolutely fire proof. Delightfully cool and confortable. Every sanitary precaution observed. Matinee daily at 4 o'clock. Ex cedent music. Continuous show at night starts at 6 o'clock He started wandering very young, but but later found that she was not so he says that twenty-three years ago he badly hurt as was first thought and stood felt that he was Charlie Ross. Once heja good chance of recovery. Late yes confided that belief to a shipmate, who terdav afternoon Mr. Groves received rned him to keep stilL as several a second telegram stating that his persons had already been committed to 1 daughter was resting as well as could be insane asylums for harboring that de-uXpected under the circumstances ' - m. a lusion. Mrs. H. M. Groves lett last evening About five years ago in Chicago he for Bennett's Springs to be at her stumbled upon the man and woman who daughter's bedside. had been his keepers. They denied all knowledge of Ch: rlie Ross. He kept track of tbem and in 191 1 he overheard them talking of the boy. Birch Creek aad the claypit. DWELLING BURNED. was trifling, but that fact docs not lessen the force of the example, which did not strike the full force of the was thoroughly discreditable. storm and did not encounter the water spout that threatened to destroy other craft In the bay. He says the steamer experienced a rough voyage but was never in any serious danger. Arkansas gets a heavy blow too. In Hot Springs Friday fire did damage estimated at from four to tea million dollars. Onslow County Man Loses Home And Contents By Fire. MUCH CHEAPER. Marshall's Field widow objects to paying an English tax of $50,000 on her American fortune. StiH that will be much cheaper than marrying an Eng lish Lord. Washington Star. Henry C. Stuart, who will be the next Governor of Virginia, has won dis tinction in another way as well. He is the cattle king of the Old Dominion. Recently he exported sixteen hundred head of beef cattle. It was certainly remarkable achievement especially in view o the fact that Col. Stuart makes such a shipment s matter of annual occurrence. Still, we wonder how it can pay him to export his cattle with the prices at the high water mark like they are in this country. The dwelling ho ise of William Hobbs who lives four miles from Jacksonville, was totally destroyed by fire Thursday night. Mr. Hobbs was awakened by the smoke. He found that it was im possible, on account of the flames, to get to either door ot the dwelling. So he put his wife and baby out of one of the windows of the room and hastily followed, none of three having time to out on any clothes. The house and every thing in it was a total loss. Mr. Hobbs, Fatalities in the surf will now give way to those on the gridiron and a little later in the sport of hunting. As for aviation fatalities, they are no re specter of seasons. MR. PRICE RECEIVE8 PROMO- TION. I. F. Price, who has for several months held a position with the local office of the Western Union Tele graph Company, has been promoted to manager of the Western Union Uthce at Rocky Mount, N. C, and will today leave to assume his new duties Mr. Price has made numerous friends in New Bern and his departure will be regretted. Discussing the habit of kissing, Dr. J. F. Edwards, head of the Pitts burgh City Bureau of Infectious Di seases, declares that there is no danger of disease being spread by the habit. Puny creatures, says this doctor, do not spoon aad he adds that "usually the men and women addicted to this love affection are strong and; healthy. who is a one-armed man, was in the The doctor is distinctly nattering city Saturday soliciting subscriptions to help in buying clothing and furniture and in the rebuilding of his house. With most of the uplHtcrs one lift is for the public and two. (or themselves, own cigarettes EXERCISE Gabe The doctor has ordered Smith- ers to take more exercise. Steve What's he going to do? Gabe He has decided to roll his in his remarks about those who indulge in spooning. Ordinarily these (oiks are held up to pity If not scorn. ley can take heart and cease being ashsmed of themselves following the prooouftce- ment of the Pittsburgh authority. if a girl continues to treat ymi after vou have told her she is Cluclnnati Enquirer, spend your money o eomebod m '4 n MISDATED PA