c wrfn No, 14$ NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 1913- SECOND SECTION 35th YEAR MEXICAN CRiS IS SAFELY PASSED None Of The Evil Forecasted By Enemies Of Administration Have Been Realized. THE PRESIDENT STOOD FIRM Traveller Brings First News Storm's Damage At Goose Creek Island. Felt That Course He Proposed Was Right And Refused To Be Argued Out Of It. Many Cattle Drowned And Sev eral Buildings Washed Away. Washington, Sept. 8. Nearly two Weeks have passed since Woodrow Wilson laid his plan for the pacification of Mexico before Congress and the country, yet none of the evils antici pated by the hostile interests in the United States as a result of the "policy of abondonment" has come to plague the Administration. On the con trary, anothef Mexican "crisis" seems to have been safely . parsed The SQUthen republic is mire tran quil than it has beer, for months. Business concerns in this country are no longer alarmed. The hysteria in Congress has wholly subsided and the Administration has ti.rned its atten tion to other problems. All this has been the result apparent ly of the President's masterly diplo macy. It has come following the de livery in the House before a joint session of Congress of one of the most remarkable messages bearing upon foreign affairs this country ever heard rom the lips of- its President It hasfcome because the President found a way of meeting a desperate s.tu tion without forfeiting the conscience of the people of the United States on the one hand, or of incurring the hostility of the Mexicans on the other. This ctlm does not mean that the Mexican problem had been finally dis posed of. There is still a state of revolution existing beyond the Rio Grande. Anarchy prcvilas in many provinces, Brigandage goes unchecked in others and much fighting is expected throughout the whole republic before absolute peace is restored. It does mean, however, that the President and his advisers successfully resisted the clamor for intervention; they stood firmly against any move that might k.vJ to war; they refused to recognise f. pre visional administra tion in Mexi. j Ci;y that came into ' existerce thru gh riurder, and they did all this witho- t giving encourage ment to the rebels or without antagon izing the Federals. Many of the President's closest friends had misgivings as to his ability to steer such a course as this. The Executive himself may have doubted the success of his policy, but he made up his mind that his program was the right one to follow and he stuck to it determinedly, regardless of defiant threats from Mexico and persistent warnings from Congress. At the outset Hucrta served notice upon this government that he would not negotiate without recognition, but he did negotiate. He sent word that Governor Lind would not be received; but I.ind was received. He insisted that no answer would be made to the Wilson proposal. An answer was made Everything that Hucrta said he would not do in the beginning he has since done. A HAND ON THE SHOULDER. When a man ain't got a cent, And he's feeling kind of blue, And the clouds hang dark and heavy And ' n't let the sunshine through It's a great thing, O, my brethren Fcr a feller just to lay His hand upon your shoulder In a friendly sort ' way. It makes a man'feel curious, It makes the tear-drops sta,rt, An' you sort o' feel a nutter In the regions of the heart; You can look up and meet his eyes You don t know what to say When his hand is on your shoulder In a friendly sort o' way. Oh, the world s a curious compound With its homy and its gall, With its cares-'and bitter crosses But a good world after all. An' a good God must have made it Leastways, that is what I say When, a hand is on my shoulder In a friendly sort o' way. James Whitcomb Riley IN SUPERIOR COURT. One Divorce Was Granted terday. Yes SLAND OWNS T ARE HEARD FROM Of NO LIVES WERE LOST TIE BERKES LOST IN THE STORM Captain Derrlckson Saved After Being In Water For Twenty eight Hours. THREE LIVES ARE LOST Vessel Wrecked About Twenty Miles Off Ocracoke Inlet. The work of cleaning up the wreckage around the water front caused by the storm and flood of last Wednesday going ahead rapidly and by the close of the week there will be considerably less outward evidence of this disaster than there is at present. A large fofee of laborers were put to work cleaning up East Front street on the day following the flood and this section was in fairly good shape by Sunday. Thousand of spectators alked along the waterfront Sunday afternoon and viewed the wreckage, the remains o' Ncuse river bridrc was the mecca of all the sightseers nd hundreds of persons viewed what left standing of the mammoth structure, As stated in the last issue of the Journal, a force of convicts arc now engaged, in rebuilding this ridge and the work is going ahead as rapidly as could be expected under the circumstances. The linemen employed at the city's ectric light and water plant were again at work yesterday repairing the ires which were broken by falling mbs and uprooted trees. Practically of the breaks on the line which urnishes the current for the incandes cent lamps and also the power for motors have been repaired and the line in service. However, there were so many breaks on the line over which the current for the arc lights was transmitted that these have not all been repaired and thie city is in dark ness at night with the exception of the usiness section which is illuminated with arches of the smaller lights. Many ol the poles were blown down and tin se are being replaced with new ones. Goose Creek Island Heard From. With all other points along the North Carolina coast heard from Saturday with the exception of Goose Creek Island, Brant Island and the few smal towns in that section and in fact a! the State as to what damage ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. That the barge Bcrkes, owned by a Baltimore firm and in command of Captain E. H. Derrickson was lost the storm which raged along the North Carolina Coast last Tuesday nd Wednesday became known yes terday when the Neuse Lumber Com pany, owners of the timber valued at eight thousand dollars with which the vessel was loaded -received a mes sage from Captain Derrickson which stated that the vessel was lost Wednes day of Gull Shoal, about twenty miles from Ocracoke and that he alone had been rescued by the life savers at that place after having been in the water tor more tnan twenty-eight nours. Beaufort, Sept. 9. Mr. and Mrs. The Berkes, in company with two Winfield Scott Chadwick, of Beaufort, other barges, lelt this port last Monday N, r announce the engagement of morning in tow of the tug Kirkton their daughter, Mabel, to Dr. Roswcll bound lor Baltimore. It was known Powell Stephens, of Athens, Ga. The that the tug headed direct for Norfolk wedding is to take place in October nd the consignors feared that she had run into the storm and had been badly DENOUNCES MODERN GOWNS sed. No word was heard from the vessels until Saturday when the tug Helen arrived in port and brought the news that she had passed the Kirkton nd two barges, and had been told that Ncw Britain, Conn.. Sent. 9. Rev he Berkes broke her tow line during the H. T. Walsh, whose utterances from the storm Wednesday morning and that pulpit of the Church of Our Lady of the last tun ' she was seen the wind Mcrrv have attrar erf State-wide no nd waves were tossing her about as tice, has delivered a fiery opinion of though she had been a chip. present-day gowns and is so set against Tug Searching For Vessel. them that he has announced he wi I there was but little probability not KjVc communion to anv women who that the Berkes had weathered the annrnnch the altar railing i slashed he storm, but there was just the shirt or diaphanous carb. bcarest chance that the vessel had been ast up on some shoal and the Ncuse .umber Company last Saturday after- One divorce case was disposed of at yesterday's session of Craven county Superior Court, this was that in W. R. Gaskins was suing for f feg3( separation from Lessic C. Ga tin i 'I'h,. iii.ir ............I It . j "u vcroict lavor of the plaintiff. In the case of the Tolson Lumber and Manufacturing Company vs. Wood in which the plaintiff was suing for 'damages amounting to $24.48 for heath of a' contact, the plaintiffs were awarded a verdict. had been done at these points by the storm- and flood of last Wednesday which played havoc all along the coast The first authentic report was re ceived here yesterday when William Patton, a citizen of Goose Creek Island passed through the city enroute to Wilmington. Mr. Patton told a Journal reporter that Goose Creek Is land was entirely submerged anc' that the greater part of the stock on the island was drowned. However no lives were lost. The island was covered in from two to five feet of water and many of the buildings were demolished. At Rose Bay and Jones Bay the storm did greater damage than at Goose Creek Island. According to Mr. Patton's statement not an animal was left alive except a few which the o w tiers' succeeded in getting into heir homes. At Brant Island and also at Maw Point the water rose to a depth of several feet and the boats of many of the fishermen at those places were either sunken or were taken away by the wind and tide and have not been seen since Many of the people lost all their clothing and food and their condition is pathetic. A consignment of food was tiken down from Vandamere Saturday morning for the benefit of the stricken islanders and this was equally divided among those who were in the worst plight. Brant Island, Jones Bay and Maw Point are at a very exposed point and grave fears were entertained for the safety of the inhabitants of those places. Oriental Citizens Clearing Away . Wreckage S. W. Everitt, proprietor of Neuse Rive Inn at Oriental, was among the business visitors in the city yester day and he told a graphic story of the storm and flood at that place. Mr Everitt's hostelry is at a very exposed point ' along the river front and at 2 o'clock Wednesday morning his family and guests were taken out in boats and transported to he home of a neighbor some distance away where they spent the remainder of the night. i.onsineraDie damage was done to property in and around Oriental, but the citixens began clearing away the Wreckage on the following day and the town has about resumed its normal appearance. Mr. Everitt says that the crops right around Oriental are in bad shape but that the total damage to the crops of the county will not be more than twenty-five or thirty per cent. MISS WILSON IN UPPER BERTH. Men Refuse To Extend Courtesy To President's Daughter. New York, Sept. 9. Miss Eleanor Wilson, daughter of the President of the United States, occupied an upper berth last night on her journey from the Grand Central Station to Cornish, N. H., the "summer capital." Not even the prestige of the White House could alter the rules of the Pull man Company or move a single pas senger with a lower berth to make way for the daughter of the President. Several men appealed to turned their back on the proposal that they give up their lower berths and al ow Miss Wi son to sleep below. Miss Wilson came down from Corn ish to spend the week-end with Mrs. George Howe, wife dt her cousin. Mr. Howe made an effort yesterday morning to reserve a lower berth for Miss Wilson on the 11.10 p. m. train. He could only get the promise that if some one should give up a reservation Miss Wilson might have it. "I think it is an outrage,' Mrs Howe said after the train had pulled out. "I am mortified to think that there was not one gentlemen or a Democrat on that train with a lower berth at his disposal." FUSIISTS LET THE BARS DOWN Their Candidates Are Now Free To Accept Places On Any Other Tickets. COMMITTEE OF 107 DECIDES The Hand Of William R. Hearst Seen All Through Day's Developments. Priest Will Not Give Communion To Women Who Wear Them. Moreover, he will not receive at his residence any women who wear such gowns. The denunciation of modern noon dispatched a tug in search of the gowns was made in the course of vessel. The tug has not returned scrmon yesterday. They were des but th message received from Captain crjbed by the priest as "monstrosities," and he said men are disgusted with 6 New Star Theatre Derrickson confirms the fears of the owners of the vessel and also the owners them. of the cargo of lumber. The Bcrkes, t is said, cost between twehty-five nd thirty thousand dollars to con- truct. The Grace Bennett Safe. ,s now Pcn to the public, showing the The three masted schooner Grace vcry best and latest pictures. Bennett owned bv Harrv K. Fulks. "lls theatre is built on tne plan of Laurel, Delaware, and in command ul tlu' hrst cl;lss moving -picture theatre of Captain S. H. Laramore. of Tvas- of larger cities kin, Md., arrived in port yesterday A cordial invitation is extended afternoon from Royall's Shore in Pam- " visitors while in New Hern to visit ico Sound. 'he Star theatre, and lor the visi- I The Grace Bennett encountered the tors benefit the management announces storm which raged along the North lnl" nt"y wl" start maunee uany ai Carolina coast Tuesday and Wed- 4 o'clock, so that one can have ample nesdav and onlv the heroic work of the time to see the show before leaving crew saved ncr trom being broken """"s L""" ,ca""s l,,c jd and lost. The vessel was loaded Wc show the host and choicest pic turcs that can be procured. Absolutely fire proof. Delightfully cool and confortable. Every sanitary precaution observed. Matinee daily at 4 o'clock. Ex show at with lumber consigned to a Baltimore firm by the Elm City Lumber Company of this city, and the Dixie Lumber, company, ot South Creek. I he part owned by tne lormer company was la.hed to the deck and this wa washed cellent music. Continuous away. The Captain, his family and the n'8ht starts at 8 o'clock crew were rescued by the life savers at the Portsmouth station and arrived in New Bern yesterday afternoon Captain and Mrs. Laramore arc now stopping with Mr. and Mrs. M. Sus kins. The Captain's Story. In an interview with a Journal reporter soon after his arrival here on the gas boat A. B. C, he and his family having left the Grace Bennett several miles down Neuse river in order to get to the city as soon as possible HARRY K. THAW OF CANADA IS iBARNES DENIES PI PACT Taken From Jail At Coaticook And Carried To The Vermont J Line. FREE FOR A SHORT TIME Arrested In New Hampshire While Making Another Dash In An Automobile. DIDN'T REACH DESTINATION. Riverdale Quartet Start For Ghent Park But Don't Get There. (Spe.-ial to the Journal ) Thurman, N. C, Sept. 9. Ghent Park. Ahoy After combing the hay seed out of their hair, a few of Thur man's young gal ants, namely Leon . ,hat t'eWram. ,1H .nt , h . Hardison, Will Bny, Manly Couner New York, Sept. 8 Facing the most critical situation tha has yet con fronted it, the Fusion Coromiftee of 107, at a meeting of its executive committee that almost broke up in a row, voted yesterday to release all ts candidates from any obligations mplicd or otherwise, and allow them to accept indorsements on any other municipal tickets. This action leaves John Purroy MitS chel, the fusion candidate for Mayor, free to accept the indorsement of the Independent League, which ' he has already refused and George McAneny and William S. Prendergast to accept any offers from Mayor Gaynor to go on his ticket. Mr. Mitchel, it was said on reliable authority, will accept the Hearst offer, although before he does so he would like to have Mr. McAneny and Mr. Prendergast go on record first as accepting the Gaynor indors -ment. The hand of William R. Hearst, who forced the selection of Mr. Mitchel as the fusion committee's candidate for Mayor in the first place, was seen all through today's developments. In fact, Mr. Hearst, through his representative, John J. Hopper, practically demanded that the committee insist that Mr. McAneny declare himsc f one way or tne otne and tnat tne nision committee publicly announce that so far as it was concerned Mr. Mitchel is free to take the Independence League indorsement. The executive committee did just what Mr. Hearst demanded. There was a minority which fought hard against taking any further diictation from Mr. Hearst. Mr. Mitchel, when he refused he Independence League indorsement, felt sure that Mr. McAneny, Mr. Prender gast and the other iusion candidates would in rctu n refuse all blandish- ents put forth by other parties. But Mr. McAneny, who wa appointed spokesman for all the other candidates took just the opposite stand. (There upon Mr. Mitchell felt that he was justified in reversing himself and accept ing the Hearst indorsement. But Mr Mitchel rea'izes hat it will invite criticism if he takes the Independent .eaeue indorsement before Mr. Mc Aneny accepts an offer from Mr Gaynor. As. Mr. McAneny refuses to say just what he is going to do, pressure is being brought to bear upon him through the fusion committee to an nounce his position. Mr. McAneny, however, is placed in the position of not being able to announce what he is going to do until some proposition has been made to him, and as Mayor Gaynor is on his way to Europe, he will have to wai until the Mayor returns. In the meantime he Independence League has until tomorrow night to file its designations with the Board of Elections and only until September 16 to have its designa tions go on the primary ballot. On the other hand, the Gaynor people have until October 20 to file their designa tions, being an independent ticket, and are therefore in no hurry. (Specia' to the Journal.) Colebrook, N. H., Sept. 10. For a few brief hours today Harry K. Thaw was again at liberty, but tonight is under arrest at Colebrook and will be committed to jail some time later in the night after a warrant charging him with conspiracy an extraditable offence, ha been prepared. Early this morning Canadian officials at Coaticook took Thaw from the jail at that place where he had been con fined since his sensational escape and dash across the country from Matte wan, placed him in an automobile and drove with all haste to Norton's Mill on the Vermont line where he was freed. Thaw protested against being taken from his cell, thinking that it was a trick of Jerome to get him back to Mattewan and the guards had great trouble in subduing him. Once but of Canada Thaw was allowed to go where he chose. Securing an automobile a short time after his release Thaw set out in an Eastwardly direction and succeeded in reaching LolebrooK wnere ne was taken into custody. The prisoner has engaged counsel and has already outlined plans for a prolonged legal battle. His coinsel have taken steps to secure a writ of habeas corpus and will apply for this tomorrow before Judge Chamberlain at Lancaster. Thaw spent the entire afternoon in the office of attorney Thomas R. Johnson who is to appear for him. One of his first acts was to communicate with his mother and sister at Montrca' and Sherbroke. Jerome, Thaw's foe, was totally unprepared for the action of the Canadian authorities. He is expected MUR Repub lean Boss Writes Thomas M. Osborne, Saying Alliance Never Existed. DIGS UP ANCIENT HISTORY Osborne Rep ies And In So Raps Democratic Boss Murphy. Doing Auburn Sept. 10. William Barnes jr., L.nairman ot the Republican state Committee, resenting the use of his name in connection with that of Tam many Boss Murphy, wrote to Thomas M. Osborne recently taking the Auburn anti Tammany man to task. The let ter written from the Republican State Committee headquarters brought forth a reply from Osborne. Barnes wrote, in part, as follows: "There has never been an alliance be tween Mr. Murphy or the Democratic organization, the Democratic State Committee or whatever may be the party, and me on any subject, in any manner; nor will there be any so far as Osborne responded to Barnes, point ing out that he fully realized that the Republican State Committee would wish to repudiate any connection with Charles F. Murphy at this time. "Of- course," continued, "you are too sensible and practical a man not to recognize that it has become well a nigh universal habit, both in the news papers and in casual conversation, to use the names of yourself and of Mr. Murphy as typifying the influence that control the respective organizations of the Republican and Democratic parties a habit which has grown, no doubt, from the popular estimate of the power which you and Mr. Murphy personally possess and exercise to those respective organizations. "As to your assertion that there has never been an alliance between you and Mr. Murphy or the Democratic or ganization, I do not hsitate to say that I am impressed by the emphasis and apparent sincerity of your state ment. Some captious persons might be inclined to quibble over your exact to arrive here tonight and again I meaning, or to question the conclusive make a fight to have Thaw returned to I ness or the comprehensiveness of the Ncw York. JASPER CITIZEN A RUNAWAY JOHN HUMPHREY HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM SERIOUS INJURY. John Humphrey, of Jasper, had a statement, as you have made it; but I should regard it as ungenerous on my part, familiar as I am with your habit of plain speaking, and especially in view of the personal and direct from of com munication in which you have chosen to address me, if I shou d do anything but accept your statement in tSe spirit in which I feel you have intended it." I am concerned, either with the Dem ocratic party or any other party, ex cept in behalf of the principles of gov ernment, which I understand to be that Republican faith as publicly set forth. "In the spring of 191 1, when the dead- and Prof. Alaric Simpson made sail on Mr. Hardison's launch the Dot, for an evening's outing at Ghent Park. To make a long story short, all went well until they hove in siht of that attractive little town of Bridge- owner of the vessel, Captain Laramore said: "We left Washington, N. C on the afternoon of August 31 and came on down the river to Royall's Point where the anchor was cast. We were bound to Baltimore but the weather rendition, was bi,-Ii tti-.t , 'on- rnM aet no f.,rth,r t th,t For som unknown reason Wheelmen "We remained at Royall's Point BraV ke hi" tillcr a ,UJch a" an?'C and the storm struck us on Tuesday. at the boat r"ved at th? Th. wind Uh-A ; i,:.., ,i .k oTsaid town. Prof Simpson and Mr. wave. Brew hiiher all during the after- Cou,ier 800 n learned that Me8,rs noon .nd niaht. Not a the Bray and Hardison had some attraction slept a wink-during the night. Wednes- at Mr' Lige Tay'r'8 lo81t.no 'imc day morning' the boat began to fill in wendn8 the,. ay t0. !h?T with water and the d-lr load w.h.M where hey were highly and delightfully ...v. At 6 oVInrk Mr. I inmn entertained for several hours by two and her children were taken from the ' BridBe.ton'8 ha;ng belles Misses cabin and lashed in the main riin Oc'c DrY anu -,",e "muoru. After the deck load had enrir-lv .p The Poor professor and Mr Couner, . i 1 o narrow escape trom serious or pcrnaps lock which ej,.gted oyer tne clection o( fatal injury yesterday morning when a I succegsor t0 Senator Dcpew had mule wnicn nc was driving qreached thit point where it had become frightened and ran away. L gcandal to the State, I publicly urged . Mr. Humphrey had started to ixew the Republican members of the Legisla Bern to attend to some business, and turef without any deal or coalition, with- was about three miles irom tne cwy Mt ep ntun ofiMW, wnen tne animal got ingnienea anu . indeoendent Democrat to DroKe into a run. in some way one the Umted States Senate a proper of his hoofs caught on the shafts but solution of the w range The suggestion wis am not aeier mm in u.c , wag nof followed because it was im- in attempting to oring tne animai to a noihl to Recu sufficiont votes amone stop Mr. Humphrey broke the reins the then in8Ureent8 and the Republicans ana was lorcea to let mm pursue ... tQ pffcct tmU re8u,t- course. i . . , i c it i j j r, l, ou were tne man wnom urc umur- 1 nc mull iinaiiy laimiu in a uv" . . . j , . . .uj I gents were presumed to favor and and was bad y bruised and scratched. B , r , . ... J I .. . L no . nl tha U anllKll..n. . ... iL . Jl"IIOIII UC1 l. 111. VI ...a- However, Mr. Wethcrington escaped ,r r . t. injury and but little. THRILLING RAGES NEXT THURSDAY MUCH ENTHUSIASM BEING MANIFESTED IN COMING EVENT. the wagon was, damaged they were taken from the main rigging all alone, nodding and dreaming, en- and lashed in the fore rigging wherc joyed the rays of old Sol in all hi. warm- thev staved until midnhrht. Some of ln anu U"" " I i i i v r i. the water had been oumoed out bv this ,n88 OI onent r"r"' You probably seem as cranky -then as they seem to you. to tinje-and they were unlashed and taken Audrey and soli H. Dennen. The into the galley where they remained until crew consisted of Mate George Bennett. the life savers from the Portsmouth o( Baltimore; John Smith, a colored station succeeded in getting us off the : ()f Baltimore; and Richard boat. We arrived there between 8 and Ford. ,i,e cool, also of Baltimore y ociock ana spent tnree nights at thel Captajn and Mrs. Laramore will spend Much interest is being manifested in the races which are to be held at the Fair ground nex Th tl lay afternoon and judging from present indications there will be a large number of spectators present to witness the event. There will be four separate races, one for the horses in the 2 28 class a free for all and two races in which a running horse will compete with two pacing horses. The last two races are rarely ever seen in this section and there is not the least doubt but that this will be a real thriller. The racing will begin at 2 o'clock. The price of admission will be fifty cents for adults and twenty-five cents for children. No admission fee will be charged for the grandstand. Remem ber the date Scmptcr 18. station before we could get away. "On Friday we pumped the vessel out with the assistance of the life savers and started for New Bern on Satur day." Captain Laramore V family consists of his wife, Misses Elsie, Ruth, Marva, at the time were willing to take for the office of United States Senator. "You would not say that this was an alliance between us at that time, for Elbert Marshbnrn who underwent there was none. That did not prevent an operat'on at St. Vincent's Hospital me from urgently working to convince in Norfolk sometime ago, is recovering I the Republican members that your from it in a very satisfactory manner I lection would be proper. My word has and hopes to be able to return to his I never been questioned by any man who home in the cour e of a few days. Ihas knowledge of the truth. Believing that you are as honorable JUSTICE WHARF IS TO BE RE-a I believed you to be when I urged BUILT. I upon the Republicans your selection as Uni el States Senator, I feel confident Durine the storm and flood which that you will give tnis letter equai cir- I . t i - ' visited the city last week the Justice culation witn your laise timrnc wharf on East Front street, which is used by the revenue cutter Pamlico was badly damaged and the owners have decided to rebuild it. Prepara tions are now being made to begin this work and when the Pamlico re turns from Baltimi re wherc she is undergoing repairs and being equipped I with wireless apparatus she will find an entirely new landing place. WANT FOOTBALL DATES. Local Team Receive Two Lettert Proposing Games. D. B. HOOKER RECEIVES THE NOMINATION. Lylc Smith, manager of the New Bern football team, has received a letter from B. W. Setter, mJser of the A. and M. second team, asking for a date with the local- team. A letter has also been received froAD. W. Sei- scveral days with Mr. and Mrs. M. Sus kin. The lumber owned by the Elm City Lumber Company and which was swept from the deck of the vessel is valued at about eight hundred dollars. This wa not insured and 'will be a total los s , , ,.,,,-i;,. at Havhomlfcrt. coach of the team sSthe Horner C .1 ... n B Hanker of that Military SChOOl at UXlOra, asking ii J " " . . . .1 place was nominated for representative a date during 1-air ween, use uraw m fill the unentered teams will be played by the local ....... ...... - 1 1 . - - - , . . term of H. L. Gibbs, 6f Oriental, who team during the wee 01 w r.r. ha. reined when he wai aooointed but which one will not D uwsusu .. State Shell FUh Commissioner, until the managers of the local team This U erascriodoa oreoared etotcl.lW I H HU ran against Mr. Hooker have had an opportunity to look into fee MALARIA or CHILLS A FKVKR. - ,he indeoendent candidate. the matter a little. Although the I I - . No. Six-Sixty-Six Five or six doses will break any eat, and If taken then a tonic the Paver will not will be played during Fair week, It I ... ts i t l .l.a.u dt return. Alt acts on the liver better than Follow he undertaker and He II I win in an prooaDiiuy oe p-y - Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25s nut vou in a hole. Ghent instead at tne rsf groun

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