MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. September 1st, 1913. At 10:30 o'clock a. m,, September 1 ;t, the Board convened. Com missioners present: Chairman C. D. Bradham, N. M. Lancaster, J. D. Williams, E. Z. R. Davis, and County Attorney E. M. Green. It was moved and seconded and by order of the Board Daniels & New Icrry were relieved of the tax on i 1 600.00 Solvent Credits listed in If 12 in error. It is hereby ordered that R. E. F- u venport of No. Eight (No. 8) Township be allowed to pay the tax on one lot of land on Miller street v. luation at One Hundred ($100.00) T-i '.lars which was listed to Fred C. Spruill on the Delinquent List for 1912 in error. It is hereby ordered that a concrete and brick arch be constructed at Miry Branch on the Asbury Road leading from the Neuse to the Dover road. TSe matter of the Walker road, wn discussed, and by order of the Bi rd, it was referred to Mr. R. E.JSnow den the Road Engineer, and he will rt rt back to the Board at its next re.; lar meeting. .t 12:30 o'clock p. m., the board takes a recess. At 4:30 o'clock p. m., the Board convenes. Commissioners present: Chairman C. D. Bradham, N. M. Lancaster, J. D. Williams, and County Attorney E. M. Green. The Board proceeded to draw a Jury for the next term of Superior C(,urt, it being one week Criminal Court, commencing on the fifth Mon day after the first Monday in September it being October 6th, 1913. The following jurors were drawn, to wit: i 11. M. Bunting, No. 2 Township. O. C. Stapleford, No. 2 Township. W. A. Mcintosh, No. 8 Township. R. L. Simpkins, No. 2 Township. C. J. White, No. 3 Township. C. W Gaskins, No. 2 Township D. G. White, No. 1 Township. Levi Humphrey No. 9 Township. J. F. Heath, No. 3 Township. C. H. Haddock, No. 3 Township. F. S. Morris, No. 2 Township. Fred H. Whitty No. 8 Township. A fred Willis, No. 1 Township. 1 L. C. Hawkins, No. 3. Township. J.J. Baxter, No. 8 Township. N. H. Gaskins, No. 2 Township. W. P. Gaskins, No. 1 Township. Henry McLawhorn, No. 1 Township. A. E. Hibbard, No. 8 Township. W. J. Riggs No. 7 Township. S. R. French, No. 9 Township. J. V. Tingle, No. 2 Township. H. F. Taylor, No. 5 Township. S. W. McCoy, No. 3 Township. D. P. I pock, No. 1 Township. W. R- Barrington, No. 8 Township. Elijah White No. 3 Township. CM. Kehoe, No. 8 Township. O. D. Bryan, No. 3 Township. C. R. Wayne No. 2 Township. L. M. Satterthwaite, No. 8 Town ship. L. G. Purifoy, No. 2 Township. A. T. Toler No. 2 Township. Willie. Lathinghouse, No. 2 Town ship. W. P. Toler, No. 2 Township. Isaac S. Mitchell, No. 5 Township. The following report of the Road Engineer waas ordered spread uponthe min .tes, to wit: New Bern, N. C, Aug. 30. 1913. To the Board of Commissioners, of Craven County, New Bern, N. C. Dear Sirs, I have pleasure to make the following report, and recommendations: . By order of your Board at the last meeting, I am proceeding to place in good repair as early as possible, all the bridges on the public roads of the County. I recommend that you rder another car of pure iron (99.84 per cen pipe, and place in where is most needed. I also suggest that these bridges be charged to the General Fund, but await your decision as to what Fund they are to be charged against. I have taken up the matter of getting convicts from the State Prison, but am advised by the Superintendent that none are available at present. I recommend that we raise the Convict Supt. salary to Sixty Dollars ($60.00) per month. There is a demand for such men throughout the State, and we would be unfortunate to lose him, and rather than lose him, we should pa y htm the customary salary. I recommend that the Trent Road be widened from the City line to a point where it is already 40 feet wide. I recommend that the negro store opposite Mr. Lancaster's on the Neuse road, at the mile post 6, be moved back out of the road. We arc shaping up the Pembroke road, Trent road and expect to shape up the Neuse road from the mile post 67"to the Township line, the road from Bill ir to the Neuse road, and the Washington road, out of the 8th Township Road fund. I nm spending the Township Funds left over from the previous years, with the sanction of the Trustees of these funds. I nm having considerable work done while I can get the labor, but will hav ' to quit as soon as cotton picking begins. Mr. John Humphrey of Clarks is opening up the road from Clarks to Rhems according to a petition and your order of August 4th. We have ditches in the Newport Pocosin draining that road. It some time gets impassable. ' Respectfully submitted R. E. Snowden. The bids to furnish groceries and pro visions for the Jail Camp, County Home and feed for the mules, were opened, and examined, and the follow ing were awarded, they being the lowest bidders for the same, to wit: W. P. Metts, Convict Camps....$124.32 E. B. Hackburn, County Home 60.57 W. P. Metts C0 Jail 114.23 Burrus & Company, feed for the mules. The .monthly reports of the County officers were examined and read, and ordered to be spread upon the minutes, as follows, to wit: REPORT OF R. B. LANE, Sheriff. For the Month of August, 1913. To Balance on hand at last report J8.833.85 State and County Tax 3,599.76 Schedule "B" 260.00 To Fees.. 51.60 (Continned to page 5) Excess between selling price and tax and cost.... 24.29 1911 Tax collected from C. A. McCabe 15.93 $12,745.43 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid B. B. Hurst for Schools, Aug. 2d $500.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for Roads, Aug. 2nd 1,000.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for Roads, Aug. 23rd 2,000.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for Roads, Aug. 23rd 1,000.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for Central Highway, Aug. 28th 1,500.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for County Pension, Aug. 28th 500.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for County Pension, Aug. 28th 500.00 Paid B. B. Hurst for Fees for August August 30th, Balance on hand - 51.60 5,693.83 $12,745.43 Respectfully submitted, R. B. Lane, Sheriff. REPORT OF B. B. HURST, Treas urer For the Month of August, 1913. GENERAL FUND. Sept. 1, by balance $9,736.43 INTEREST ACCOUNT. Sept. 1, by balance $270.39 ROADS NO. 8. Sept. 1, to balance $6,696.86 ROADS NO. 7. Sept, 1, to balance $601.12 FENCE NO. 1. Sept. 1, to balance $39.08 FENCE NO. 3 Sept. 1, by balance : $100.35 FENCE NO. 8. Sept. 1, to balance $1-62 SALARY ACCOUNT. Sept. 1, to balance $5,081.55 CENTRAL HIGHWAY Sept. 1, by balance $49.36 FARM LIFE SCHOOL Sept. 1, to balance $5,523.63 PENSION ACCOUNT Sept. 1, to balance $1,384.77 ROADS NO. 3 Sept. 1, to balance $366.08 HUNTER'S LICENSE. Sept. 1, to balance $139.00 ROADS NO. 2 Sept. 1, to balance $304.06 SINKING FUND. Sept. 1, to balance $1,987.19 REFUNDING FUND. Sept. 1, to balance $280.46 GENERAL ROAD FUND. Sept. 1, to balance.,: $6,738.99 B. B. Hurst, Treasurer. REPORT OF W. B. FLANNER, Clerk Superior Court. For the Month of August, 1913. To fees collected as per Fee Book $169.11 FINES AND PENALTIES. State vs. R. S. Pinner, Sei Fa $6.50 I hold Treasurer's receipts for the above amounts. , Respectfully submitted, W. B. Flanner, Clerk Superior Court. REPORT OF S. H. FOWLER, Reg ister of Deeds. For the Month of August, 1913. Noth Carolina, Craven County. To the Board of County Commis sioners: I herewith respectfully submit the following report of the Public F'unds which have been received by me during the period commencing August l and ending August 31, 1913, os follows, to wit: i Fees for Reeisterine Papers filed in office $134.85 For issuing nineteen Mar riage Licenses 57.00 $191.85 State's part License on Marriage 19.00 Balance due the County $172.85 Respectfully Submitted, S. H. F"owler, Register of Deeds. The regular bills of the County were examined, approved and allowed. At 6 o'clock p. in. the Board ad journs. S. H. Fowler, Clerk County Commissioners. Electric Bitters Mad A W-w Man Of Him. "I was lulTering from pain in my stomach, head and back," write H. i T. Alston, Raleigh, N C, "and mi Uxot and kidneys did not work right, x but four hpttles of Electrie Bitters mado me fee) like a new man." i PRICE B0 GTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. If a woman has a good figure and knows it she think other women are erivio is if they don't appear to notice STOMACH TROUBLES lr. Ragland Writes Interesting Letter on This Subject. Madison Heights, Va. Mr. Chas. A. Ragland, of this place, writes: "I have been taking Thedford's Black-Draught for indigestion, and other stomach troub les, also colds, and find it to be the very best medicine I have ever used. After taking Black-Draught for a few days, I always feel like a new man." Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, pain in pit of stomach, and a feeling of full ness after eating, are sure symptorimjl stomach trouble, and should be given the proper treatment, as your strength and health depend very largely upon your food and its digestion. To get quick and permanent relief from these ailments, you should take a medicine of known curative merit. Its 75 years of splendid success, in the treatment of just such troubles, proves the real merit of Thedford's Black- Draught. Safe, pleasant, gentle in action, and without bad after-effects, it is sure to benefit both young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25c. N. c la E IS PROGRESSING County Commissioners Believe That The Draw Can Be Repaired. STEAM DERRICK BEING USED Steel And Iron Torn Asunder When Schooner Rammed Bridge. The work of rebuilding the county iridgc across Neuse river is being push ed ahead as rapidly as possible but the work must necessarily be done slowly. When the schooner Sara Wilson, the vessel which rammed the bridge during the storm of September 3, struck the draw, this section of the bridge, which is constructed mainly of iron and steel, was badly bent and twisted and also broken at several point:;. This draw cost several hundred dollars and thinking that it could be repaired the County Commissioners have secured the services of a large steam derrick and the draw has been lifted from its former location and placed on the pilings Hanking the channel where a force of men arc now eneaecd in repairing it. Ttv.fivn rnnviVt 9rn work renlacine the timbers of the bridge, A few of these were not carried away bv the wind and waves, but almost the entire too Dart of the structure IRK BR DG will have to be rebuilt According realize the advantages ql being a racm to the statement of the men in charge of such an organization and acr of the work of repairing the draw, the schooner Sara Wilson must have ncces- sarilv been coming down the river on the night of the storm at the rate of ten or twelve miles an hour and to have struck the draw at one- of its .!ilipEt nninu ... ..... In nast vears several boats have rammed the side of the draw, but tW. riirt nni ,ln thP Iimsi itatnaw. Combined with the first blow given the structure bv the schooner and con- tinued blows during the remainder of the night, it can easily be seen how this tructure of steel and iron was finally ripped asunder and partially destroyed, Sections of the bridge are scattered all along the banks of the river for several miles and some of them are probably floating around in the waters of !,,i;,-.. annnH TA n Kin- nlnir- will ho hM nt Rim Snrina anrl it is pxnr-rtpd that the attendance at this event will be large. Trains will stop near the springs and all who care to attend will be af- forded ample transportation facilities, GLOW-WORM GOWN STIR. CAUSES Girl With Phosphorescent Draper ies Attracts A Crowd. Carlisle. Pa.. Sent. 9. A gown of flimsv material, which evidently had been treated to a phosphorous wash. worn bv Miss Beresford.. caused much excitement last nieht on Main street. Tli o,u,n tv-,. ,i; ,,.. nnrl ha,l n Blow that eavc an ethereal appearance to the young woman as she tripped boldly around the principal streets, accompanied by a stalwart escort. A mob followed her. Churchgoers paused on their wav to evening service, and many of them joined the throng, A motorman and conductor abandoned their car and of flowed, as did the pas sengers, The glow-worm gown lighted Miss Bcresford's graceful form, and the crowd silent, but walchfu , pressed close Two policeman tried to turn back the spectators, but were brushed aside. Following the RuU. "Barlmrn." the teacher scolflod "your writing exercise Is very nice ex cept the lust line, whlcfl Is dreadful Why do the letters slugger snd fall over one another in timt dNgrncefui y r Harbnrn ramen repronro m n.u. b, wet with teurs. "You 'tlculnrly snia write every line better then tb lest!" she rsminded ber mentor.-New York HEALTHY BUSINESS CONDITIONS SHOWN HEALTHY BUSINESS. Railroads Anticipate Heavy De mand For Cars And Lay Plans Accordingly. SHOPS RUNNING AT CAPACITY Shippers Can Help By Loading And Unloading Cars As Rapidly As Possible. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 10. Healthy business conditions throughout the southeast during the fall and winter are indicated by the action of the rail ways of this section in calling upon shippers to aid them in maintaining an adequate car supply drtring the crop moving season. Anticipating a heavy demand for cars, the railways are themselves doing everything possi ble to increase their car supply. Shops are being run at full capacity to put every available car in repair and car builders are being urged to turn out new equipment as rapidly as possible. Steps are also being taken to provide for the most expeditious handling of cars at terminals and transfer points. While the railways are making these preparations for the rush of heavy business, it is recognized that shippers can render assistance of the greatest importance by loading and unloading cars as promptly as possible, thus avoiding unnecessary detention of cars and by loading cars to their full capacity As an adequate car supply is as im portant to shippers and the general public as it is to the railways, an appeal is being made to shippers individually and through trade and commercial odies to aid the railways in their effort to. secure the maximum efficiency in the use of cars. ARE ACGEPTEO LOCAL FOOTBALL TEAM WILL PLAY WITH A. AND M. AND HORNER. A very mportant meeting of the Ghent Athletic Association was held last night at the Parish House, the regular meeting room of the Association at tne Atla,Ulc headqua ters being xxupicd by the members of the At- antic Company. That much interest is being mani fested in the new association is mani- tested by the tact that several new members were added at last mgnt meeting and a number of other young mt;n ;lrc expected to join at the next meeting. The young men of the city . ft- anxious to become affiliated witn it. One of the most important matters brought up for discussion at the meet- ing was the consideration of a challengo received irom the A. & M. Secon Football Team and the footba 1 team of the Horner Military School. Both of the above teams want to play game with tne lootbau team oi tm Itjhcnt Athletic Association and art anxious to arrange for a game The local team played the A. & M. team during the last Fair, and those who witnessed the conllict remember that it was one 01 the snappiest games ever played on a local gridiron. This season both teams are stronger than ever before and when they meet it is salt to say that the game will be we worth witnessing. The Horner team is also a strong organization. The team accepted these challenges and left the arranging ol the dates in the hands of Lylc Smith, the manager. to THE LADIES OF THE COUNTY The ladies of the county arc again reminded by the Culinary Departmen of the East Carolina Fair that their exhibits at the fair this fall are expecially invited and that they can help very decidedly owarJs making the Fair a success by m.iki ig arrangements to exhibit. It is well understood by the Culinary Department that fruit exceedingly scarce this, Dut tne s a little and it is hoped that sue as there is will be availed ot. 1 he ladies Urc ahto asked to remember that exh l"ts ol bread, rolls, cakes, pies and in fact anything in the culinary line a"-' wanted. Mrs. N. H. Street or Mrs. S. n. Scott, ot tne committee on Culinary Exhi .it , wilUgladly give any information that may be d sired by those who are tlmiKing ol exhibiting 1 Ml kven il a man docsn t shine in sc- ciety he may have a wife who thinks he is the real thing in brilliants. Phone 734 TWO CHALLENGES NEW BERN PLUMBING Are open to the publicVfor their patronage for any- thinU in the tine of Plumbina and Hardware. We have . . fi .. , "" " "- vjwv., wjivtvj, ubui i uu, iviicio and everything to be found in an unto date Plumbina anj Hardware Store. We ana receive one ot our souveniers. MY OTHER SELF By DONALD CHAMBERUN My wife bud commissioned me to call at Hyde's for her jewels that had been left there for resetting and other alter ations. and bring them to her when 1 should leave the city to Join her at our country place. Passing Hyde's n few days before 1 was ready to start, 1 thought oHhe Jewels, called for them and took them home. There Is no safe In my house, and 1 was at a loss what to do with them until my departure. My wife has a woman who has been with her a great many years. She was and Is her "maid," but If she is to be called by such a name now she Is sure ly an "old maid." I am very careless, and I knew that my wife placed Im plicit trust In Phoebe. I therefore gave her the jewels and told her to take care of them until I called for them. The next dny, returning from my of fice, as was my custom, about half an hour before dinner on passing the din ing room I saw that dinner was al ready served and a man was Bitting at my place ut the table. Then I received the shock of my life. He turned his face toward me, and I saw Great heavens! 1 saw myself! I had no more doubt that I had re ceived one of those brain shocks the doctors call amnesia or some more un pronouncnble name than that I am telling you this story. I clutched at the wall for support. My legs were giving way beneath me. Then, fear lng to faint, I grasped at consciousness and succeeded in holding on to It. I that I which was sitting In the chair looking at me was dressed ex actly the same as the I standing In the hall. The most remarkable thing about the matter was that he Beemed as much stricken with surprise and terror as I. He trembled like a leaf. My colored butler Joe, who wns carrying out a dish to the kitchen, turned, stop ped short nnd stored at both me and my other self. Thoebe, who was up stairs, hearing the front door open and shut, came to the landing and, seeing that I had Just entered the house, ran down to the lower hall where I was standing, exclaiming: "For heaven's sake! I thought you were In the dining room." Mv double, sitting at table with a small cup of coffee before him, lndl eating that he was at the end of bis dinner, spoke first and to Phoebe. Do you see anything strange?" he nsked. Phoebe wns too agitated to reply. She stood looking from one to the other. "Tell me, quick," continued the speaker, "have I gone stark, staring mad? Tell me that you see myseir standing there shivering, just as I am doing." I see you both!" she gasped. Where did you come from?" I man aged to ask my double. "Where did you come from?" "The office." "I have been at the office all day till I came here." "What officer' "Mine; 38 Harrison street" Oh, heavens! That was my office. I had left it only twenty minutes be fore. 'Joe," I said to the butler, "am 1 myself or Is that man myself?" There was a smash. Joe, whose eyes were as big as saucers, dropped the dish on the floor and ran out of the room without a word. 'Phoebe," said my double, "tell me whether I am the mnster of this house or that" He could get no fur ther. I don't know." said Phoebe, at much agitated us any one of us. "Don't know!" cried the man nt the table, rising. "Ring up a docter. I shall go mad. No; I can't stand tbts. I can't wait. I must know the worst at once!" Dashing post me, he seized his hat. that was hanging In the hall, and In another moment the door was slammed behind blm. I went into the dining room, sank Into a chair and asked Phoebe to hand me a stimulant from the sideboard, it put me In better con ditlon. "Now, Phoebe, tell me what you know about this." All I know, sir, is that an hour ago you I mean him came homo and said he must hove dinner at once, as he going away. He told me to bring him all the valuables and he would put them in the bank. I got the Jewels"- "The Jewels f "Yes, sir. I gave them to him and A light began to break through my stupid skull. Rushing to the telephone I called the police and told them tnat I had beeu victimized by some one who looked exactly like me. Five minutes hod not elapsed be tween the man's departure and the police getting after him. A patrol wagon dashed up to my house. They ill took a look at me, and in less than in hour they had my double. The story he told as to how he con celved of and arranged for his plan- he had been watching me for some time showed great Ingenuity. And yet it was a very simple matter. He bad seen me at the Jeweler's nnd heard all I snld about the jewels. More over, he saw a strong resembl nee to himself. He had been on the stn; i and was well versed in the art of making np. The suit I wore wn of ordinary dark cloth, and he possessed one near enough like It In appenrance to serve his purpose. Thus prepared he had gone to my house In my ab-. sence and made himself at home. No. 71 Broad St. cMO D.U T..K- HARDWARE invite you to give us a call M TRINITY PARK SCHOOL ESTABLISHED 1898 Location excellent. Equipment first-class. Well-trained Faculty of successful experience. Special care of the health of students. An instructor in each dormitory to supervise living conditions of boys under his care. Excellent library and gymnasium facilities. Large athletic fields. Fall Term opens September 10. FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ADDRESS W. W. PEELE, HEADMASTER. Great Sale in Full Swing Our Big Summer reduction sale is now in mil Swing Prices 25 to 35 per cent, lower than they have ever been offered for in New Bern before on our entire stock of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats, caps, furnish ing goods, notions, trunks 63 ! Middle Street, Journal Subscriber Dont wait for a representative of the Journal to call but send us check, money order or cash at once if your subscription is due. E. J. Land Printing Company CL. SPBISCBR Hay, Corn, Oats, Seed Wheat and Seed Mail Orders Given Lower Middle Street, VICTOR HUGO IN EXILE. And the Attic Room In Which He Wrote Hi Masterpiece. A graphic description of a visit to Victor Hugo lu Guernsey and of his ipmiut home there Is given by the late Sir William Butler In bis autobiogra phy: "Of the many curious things to be neen In Ilauteville bouse the master's sleeping room was the strongest He lind built it on the roof between two reat blocks of chimneys. You as- ended to bis workshop bedroom by (tali's whleb somewhat resembled a adder. Quite half of the room was .;lass, uud the view from It was mag nificent The Isles of Jethou nnd Sark .vere In the middle distance, and be- vnnil Inv mnnv fl mtla of thp Normnn coast Alderney lay to the north, and eyond it one saw the glistening win- dows of the triple lighthouses of the Casquet rocks and still more to the, right the high ridges overlooking Cher-1 bourg. The bed was a small camp bedstead, with a table on one side of t and a small desk chest of drawers ' on the other, with pens, ink and paper always within reach. Near the bed stood a small stove, which he lighted himself every morn ing and on which be prepared his cafe au kilt; then work began at the large table which stood in the glass alcove i few feet from the foot of the bed. rids work 'went on till It was time to dress nnd descend to dejeuner in the room on the ground floor nlready de scrllied. As the sheets of writing pa- ler were finished they were number ed! and dropped on the floor, to be Icked up. arranged nnd put away in the drawer desk at the end of the lornlng's labor. He called the writ- table his 'carpenter's bench" and tlie leaves which fell from It bis 'shav- ngs.' "It was at this table and In this airy ittle that most of the great work of lis later life was done. Here were vritten 'Les Mlserables.' 'Les Traveil eurs do lu Mer' and many volumes of poetry." Children Cry The Kind Y on nave Always In use for over 30 years, and lias oecn maoo unuer nis per fJWji sonal supervision since Its Infancy. T-eccuM Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays Fcvcrishnr js. For more than thirty years It has-been in constant ;:so for the relief of Constipation. ITatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regnlates the Stomach and Bowels assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS y5 (Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI OINTAUR CO M PAK V, N W W YOWK CITY. DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA and traveling bags. New Bern. N. C Bran, Hominy Rye. Brick for Sale. Careful Attention. New Bern, N. C. Short Passing Events Ladies of Centenary M. E. church are invited to meet at the home of Mrs. J. A. Meadows this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock to make selection of fancy articles to be worked for a Christmas Sale. Mrs. William Haar, Miss Irene Peck, W. M. Ward and R M. Lightfoot, the latter of Georgia, have returned from Shackleford Banks where they formed a ramping party. Their experience during the storm of last week has caused all of them to feel that they will not again try Shackleford Banks for camp ing purposes. Mr. I.ightfoot will spend a few days here before going on to his home in Georg'a. 1 n Biupenuuua itS. u. " i -T-1 , t .i. f :.,, ! the votes cast in the Dunlap Pony Con- test is now in pro; ress. There are prob- ably forty or fifty million, if not more, ()f thesc votcs antj considerable time will be required to count them. How ever, the work is being pushed ahead just as rapidly as rossible and the winner of ihe pony and cart will be announced as soon as possible. The three masted schooner Grace Bennett, which arrived in port Monday afternoon from Royall's Point where she wa i somewhat damaged during the recent storm, has been put in good shape and Captain Laramore is awaiting a message from the owners before pro ceeding to some other point. The vessel has several thousand feet of lumber onboard belonging to the Dixie Lumber Company of South Creek. Alfred D. Rawls, of Arapahoe, who was in the city yesterday, has been a subscriber to the Journal for twenty nine years. He says the Journal is such a fixture in his home that it seems like a part of himself. Year in and year out the paper has been a regular visi tor and Mr. Rawls feels very much attached to it. for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been has borne tno signature ol Signature of Sugar

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