Heto mxtm No, 146 NEW BERN. N. C. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 1913- FIRST SECTION VEAR j m WANTS TO JOIN FARM AND CITY Extension Of Parcel Post System At Parcel Pott Carrier Is Considered. A CONFERENCE WITHJKOUSTON Effort Making To Put Producers In Closer Touch With The Consumers. Washington, Sept. 11. Plans for de veloping the parcel post as an agency to promote better marketing conditions between the farm and the city, were dis cussed at a conference between Sec retary of Agriculture Houston, Congress man David J. Lewis.Jof Maryland, and John C. Koons, a member of the Parcel Post Commission of ne Postoffice De partment. For some; time the Depart ment of Agriculture exrerts have been studying schemes U fm prove the mark eting facilities in -America. They want to put the "peop'e who produce food supplies in closer touch with the people who consume them. While no definite conclusions were reached at the conference, the sugges tion was made that the Postofficc De partment and the Department of Ag ricelt re may act as joint agents to bring the city consumer and the pro ducer closer together.. It was thought that the parcel post, touching the farmer in the country and the con sumer in the city, could be used to advantage should the farmer be made to realize its possibilities. The farmer has been slow in taking "hold of the parcel post as a produce transportation condition. The cause of this is that the armcr does not know the city consumer and the. city con turner docs not know the farmer, and it is believed that the Po6toffice Department and Agriculture Depart ment working together may put the two in touch with each other. The suggestion was also made that bi reaus of information coi:Id be es tablished in the post offices, which would be used to disseminate information about marketing. Farmers having pro duce for sale could advise the postal b: re tu of information, and by means of bi 1 tins posted in the postofficc or Bit ' Ing hquiries over the telephone, the cit: consumer could be advised of the nr.me of the farmer and the price and kind of farm produce he has ready for the market. The consumer could then place his order with the farmer for a "market basket" to be shipped by parcel post. NEW FIRM FOR NEW BERN. DUI-Hargett Horse and Mule Com pany Opens Stables. The Dill-Hargctt Horse and Mule Company is the title of New Bern's newest firm. This company is composed of A. T. Dill and Dr. E. G. Hargett and their stables and ' veterinary hos pital is located at No. 103 East Front street in the building formerly occupied by Robinson's stables. Dr. Hargett is well known to the citizens of New Bern and surroundirg section as is Mr. Dill also, and there is every reason to believe that the firm will enjoy a gratifying patronage. BURIED 110,000 ON FARM Eccentric Agriculturist Dying Tells Brother Of Treasure Shipman 111., Sept. 11 On his death bed, eight days ago, Clayton B. Kellam, an eccentric farmer, confided to his brother, Harry Kellam, that at various places' on the farm was buried a con siderable sum of money which he could have for the digging. The brother immediately instituted search for the hidden wealth and thus far he has found $9,000 in gold and $1,000 in bills, besides a quantity of war time currency. SHOWS NEED FOR 4-TRACK SYSTEM N. V. CENTRAL MUST HAVE IT OWING TO DENSITY OF TRAFFIC SAYS SMITH. GETTING A VERDICT. "We" could have settled our diffi culties by tossing a coin. Instead we spent a Lt of money in going to law." Well?" I understand the jury settled mat ters by tossing a coin. Washington Hera'd. PRINCE ALBERT HERE FOR VISIT First Time A Reigning European Sovereign Has Ever Paid Us A Call. MVY INSPECT OIL FIELDS RETURN FROM VISIT AT NEW YORE AND LONG ISLAND. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Foy and Miss Agnes Foy have returned from a visit of ten days to New York and Stony Brook, Long Island. Mr. Foy was in Brooklyn when he heard of the storm which played havoc in this section last week, and he says that after read ing the newspaper accounts of the destruction by the wind and water -that he was almost afraid to return home thinking th. t eveiy hing Had' been washed away. After New Bern was able t) get into telegraphic comma cation with the- outside worl and to send out news of the catastrophe Mr. Foy learned that the damage was not so great M had at first been re ported and naturally he was somewhat relieved. LOSES HUSBAND ON MOVING DAY HE AND SHE WERE BOTH MIXED UP ON PLACE THEY WERE MOVING TO. Washington, Sept. 11. Vice-P.esi-den Alfred H Smith, in charge of operations on the New York Central ines, explained yesterday to the Inter State Commerce Commission the neces sity, from an operating view point, of a proposed issue of $167,000,000 of reftndlrg rr.crtgrr.e tcr.ds concern ing which the commission is m'aking an investigation. Primarily, Mr Smith said the reason for the expenditure of immense sums of money now being put into New York Central facilities and equipment was the demand of the travelling and snip ing public He explained in detail the requirements of the system in New York Albany Rochester Syra cuse Buffalo and other places and said wou'd be absolutely necessary to four-track the system between New York and Albany because of the den sity of the traffic. The volume of traffic was indicated by the statement that 800 trains a day are operated in and out of the Grand Central Station at Forty-second street New York. Mr. Smith said the New York Cen tral was equipped with the best possi- e signalling system automatic and electrically operated, but that he hact- experimente 1 with probably SO auto matic train-stop devices without find ing one practicable. "We have one under test that looks promising, but it has not been tired out thoroughly,' he added. Secretary Pardee, of the New York Central, made a detailed statement of the financial operations of the sy -tem and from the viewpoint of the nancial side of the business, gave a technica explanation of the distribu- ion of the funds to be derived and the advantages that would accrue from the flotation of the proposed bond issue. It is likey that a further hearing by the commission may be held before the conclusion of the investigation. Boston, Sept. 12.-Mxs. Annie Wal lace cannct find her husband. This is the climax to a series of unusual ad ventures that befell Mrs, Wallace for merly of No. 5 Wilson street. Somer ville, when she decided to move to Rox bury. Here is what happened! Mr. Wallace forgot to tell his wife to what address they were moving. While on the way Wallace became separated from his wife and four-year-old son, who got lost. Boston and Somervilie police finally found where the moving van went. Taken to the place, No 5 Gertrose street, Roxbury by a patrolman. Mrs. Wallace discovered it was the wrong place. I f. Somervilie police tried again, and learned that "it might Ke. at No. 12 Gertrose street." Mrs. Wallace was escorted to that address, identified the furniture as hers aad began Inquiring for her husband. She is still inquiring and thepolicc of Boston and Somervilie have been asked to assist In the search Hla Principality Surrounds And Includes Monte Carlo The Gambling Resort. New York, Sept. 11. Prince Albert of Monaco, the tiny principality sur rounding and including the famous gambling resort of Monte Carlo, ar rived in New York Bay yesterday on his yackt, the Hironde'.le, for a visit to the United States. It has been re ported that he will go to Wyoming for a bear hunt and inspect Western oil fields, in which he is said to have in vested more than $1,003,000 The Prince" is travelling intognito, as wae the case of his last trip here in April, 1912. Priace Albert ,who is an ir.timate riend of Emperor William of Germany is 65 years old. In 1884 his father's acht was wrecked off the coast of Sweeden, all the crew perishing except ;he Hereditary Prince Albert. He has been twice divorced, his first wife Having been Lady Mary Douglas Ham Iton, and his second the daighter of Michael Heine, a St Louis banker. On his way over Price Albert has been pursuing his hobby of making ocea no- graphic investigations in the North Atiantic. His yacht is equipped with me of the finest sets of apparatus that money can bry for such work. The Prince has promised to visit Washington some time this month, and his coming has set the officers of the State Department to studying precedents and rules of European etiquette. Prince Albert's visit will be the first that a reigning European sovereign has paid this country since the republic was established. The United States has entertained mon archs from other parts of the world but never before one from Europe. Prince Albert's sc entific research has won him admission to the Institute oi France as a member of the Academy of Sciences. Whi'e entitled to wear the uniform of the academy, his favorite dress is that of a captain in the Spanish Navy where he holds an honorary commission by virtue of younger, days spent as pupil at the Royal Academy at Cad z The Hirondelle's last port of call Sydney, C. B., where she sailed tember 3. She is a schooner.- i s 1 , 388 tons register and carries a crew of 57 men. Thejracht is itted with a power ful wireless outfit. The instruments can to be attuned that musical notes and chords can be produced without difficulty and heard at long distances at sea. The German steamer Grosser Kurfuerst, on her recent voyage to this port, heard these musical notes 800 miles distant while the yacht was at Sydney. W. SAYS PLACE WAS FILTHY VANG E BQRQ MAN IN TS SDN H. Clark Spent Night In Jail, Wants Fifteen Thousand ' Dollars. IN HONOR OF BRIDE-TO-BE. Dellgh ful Soc'al Event At Clinton. The following, taken from yester day's issue of the News and Observer, will be of interest locally. Miss Vic toria Crumpler had charge of Miss Jennie Saltan's -millinery establishment lat season and during her stay here made many friends: "Clinton Sept. 10. Mrs. Minnie Crumpler delightfully- entertained this evening rom 8 until 11 in honor of the wedding party of' her daughter Mi s Victoria Lee Crumpler, whose marriage to Mr. Baxter C. Monroe of Salisbury, takes place tomorrow. "The spacious home was elaborately decorated in ferns palms and roses, the color scheme of green and white was carried ovt very effectively. 1 Miss Crumpler was charmingly dressed in a gold brocaded chiffon over pink, with pink hand-made roses and Hue satin draperies en train. In her usual charming manner she re ceived each of her guests in the hall. Mrs. Robert T. Johnson conducted TWO FROM PATIENTS BETTER FATHERS SAY THAT SINCE TAK ING GERMAN'S CURE THEY HAVE GAINED RAPIDLY. ALLEGED RETAILER ARRESTED. Hub Bynum, Colored, Is In County Jai Hearing Tuesday. Washington, Sept. 11. Unofficial re ports assert that Philip Chase, five years old, and Edith Strawser, seven, of this city, who ware treated by Dr. F. F. Friedmann, the German physi cian, who claims to have dis:overed a tuberculosis vaccine, have improved material y s ace taking the Friedmann treatment. Alfred H. Chase, 8 Washing ion fire man, of No. 2114 Fourteenth street, father of the a&icted boy, says that his son appears o be entire y . well "I credit Dr. Friedmann' treatment for the recovery of my boy,' said Chase today. "Two injections of the s:rum were given. One of his legs was shorter Upon a warrant sworn out by United States Commissioner F. W. Hargett, of Jacksonville, Hub Bynum, colored, r.-.G arrested near Maysville yesterday morning by Deputy Marshal Samuel Lilly on a charge of retail ng spirituous liquors without a government license. Bynum was brought to New Bern and taken before Commissioner C. B. Hi 1 for a pre iminary hearing. Owin to the absence .of several important witnesses the cate was continued until Tuesday, September 16, and he de fendant placed under a bond of $150 for his appearance at that time. Failing to give this he was committed to the county jail. Baseball enthusiasts will have an opportunity of witnessing a game this afternoon at Ghent Park when the North Side team, Captain A. F. Pat terson, will cross bats with the East i Je team, Captain C. F. Ellison. The gami will start promptly at 4 o'clock. I, WIDOW INSkl BEAUTY RK WIDOW OF TITANIC VICTIM IN VESTS $30,00 IN MAS SAGE PARLOR. 5 DM than the other; he was almost helpless, them to the pun h bowl, where de- and he began to improve about thirty light! j! fruit punch was served by days alter taking the treatment, lo Durine a certain battle the colonel of Mr. and Mrs. J. Abner Baker, Mrs. day he is able to get about as any'an Tr;sn regiment noticed that one of Baker looked handsome in a lovely ot his playmates. gown of white marquisette oer white r. a. Strawser, a policeman, lather of land followed him everywher-e. At satin. They were assisted by Misses I Edith, said: "The day following the length he remarked: "Well, my man, blizabeth Crumpler and Minnie but- injection ot the serum in my lit '.la girl !vou nave gck by me well today." ler in dainty pink dresses. we began to notice improvement in ner "A delightful course, consisting of condition. Her appetite improved and cream, cake and afte dinner mints she began to sleep and rest be'.ter. was daintily served by Mesdames Geo- The United States Health service has L. Peterson and Olivia Kelt. I no official knowledge of these cases The gift room was presided over by Miss Oleitta Highsmith, tastefully dressed in blue." "Yis, sorr, ' replied Pat. "Shure, me mither said to me, said she, 'Just stick to the colonel Patrick, me bhoy, and you'll be all roight. Them colonels never gits hurted.' '' New York Globe. WILL TRAVEL ON TRAIN DE LUXE President's Special To Mobile For Commercial Congress Will Be Southern's First. Wanted, eight young ladle3 to count votes In Pony Contest. Apply to rooms over Peoples Bank at nine o'c ock. A PLUCKY PEOPLE. New York, Sept. 11. Mrs Mad ins Force Astor, widow of John Jacob As or, will remain beauti ul f a $30,000 beauty parlor can effect that end. She has in stalled an electric beauty room on the econd floor of her Fifth avenue hame, adjoining her bedroom. The room is only 9 by 15 feet, bu it is the quintessence of luxury. The white tile floor is concealed by an erentil rug, whi e paintings plate mir ors ou lined in gold, concealed lights and every electr al device which ingenu ty has produced aids in iresrving the beauty of he room Gold and pear are used wherever possible. A modified barber chair i3 in the cen tre of the room for use during the hair dressing, massage, and other opera- :'ons of thi beauty doctor. The chair s- adjustable, and has a rack on which to spread out the hair for drying electric hea hastening this process. A vibrator, face bleacher, ' electric marcel irons and other tools are, pro vided, with sterilizers to clean cabinets to hold the articles. Plycky eastern North Carolina. It is not whimpering, it is not dismayed because of the ruins by wind and wave, but it has set its face to the rising sun and is at work making anew where the storm has left desolation. A giant in resources, eastern North Carolina shows it has the fighting spirit which can not be overcome. Raleigh News and Observer .- -Let us broaden the proposition and have an "Urgert Deficiency" bill for every one of us. SANPilR STOMACH ACHES AT LEAST THAT IS WHAT AN INDIANA CONGRESSMAN THINKS ABOUT IT. WILL START IN WASHINGTON Sections To Be Added At AH Cf The Principal Cities Of Tramp, tramp tramp, reform boys are marching. the tariff 1- ' ' The South. NO DAMAGES FOR VANCEBORD MAN Claims Chief Of Police Badly Beat Him While On Way To Prison It is unwise to trust the man who trusts no one. One of the ' most interesting cases on the docket at the present term Craven County Superior Court was taken up yesterday morning. This ii the case of W. H. Clark vs. fo'.vn of Vanceboro, Mayor T. S. Jack son and Chief of Police W. H. Smith, in which the Plaintiff Clark is suing for damages in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars for being locked up in the town's jail, which he claims was in asf.lthy, unsanitary condition and for personal injury at the hands of the defendant Smith. The arrest and incarceration tooV place in August, 1912. It is claimed that Clark was intoxicated and was raising a disturbance and that it was necessary to take him into custody. Clark could not give bond for his appearance on the following day and was placed in the town jail where he remained during the night. Before the officer got his prisoner to jaH there was a scuffle in which Clark came out second best. In his contention the plaintiff claims that he was attacked by the officer when he, Clark, called him "John Dee, and after throwing him to the ground, beat him unmercifully. He further contends that the jail was not only filthy, but that it was badly ventilated and that he suffered greatly during the time he was incarcerated also after his release. The town of Vanceboro contends that the jail was reasonably comfort able and clean and that there was no cause for the plaintiff to suffer from incarceration. The defendant Smith claims that he did not maliciously attack the plaintiff Clark not did he use undue force while carrying him to Jail. Judge Whedbee sustained motion oretenus and discharged Mayor Jack son. The case was not concluded at the close of the day's session and a special session was held last night. The case was given to the jury at 10:30 o'clock. At 11:20 they had not reached a verdict and Judge Whedbee ordered that a recess be taken until this morning. Washington, D. C, Sept. 11. Presi dent Wilson and a large number of Senators representatives and dele nates to the Fifth Annual Convention of The Southern Commercial Congress Jury Decides That W. H. Clark Is at Mobile, Alabama, October 27-29, Not Entitled To Big will travel from Washington to Mobile in a train de luxe, to be known as the ' President's Special.' Southern rail- j wy :offi?!a,r."rC "ow Sin PLAINTIFF SUED FOR $15,000 tnis train, wiucn win uc me aucsi iuai ever travelled over the tracks of the Southern Railway. Starting in Washington sections will be added to this train on its way to Mobile, at the principal cities of the South, where delegates to the conven tion will join the "President's Special.' Sections will join the train with dele gates at Danvi lc Va. Greensboro, N. C; Spartansbarg, S. C.j Atlanta, Ga.; Montgomery, A(a. and other cities. It is expected that when the 'President's Special" reaches Mobile, several thousand delegates from this Sum. Claimed He Was Greatly Injured By Spending. Night In Jail. After having the case in their hands for more than welve hours, the jury in the case of W H. Clark vs. the Town of Vancebc e T. S. Jackson, the Mayor and W. H. Smith, the Chief of Palice, in w!.i:h the plaintiff was asking for damages in the sum of fifteen thousand The number of people ta whom an improper play appeals f ,rmt but a small part of the nation. Insanity tsrapldty increasing, says an authority. And by no means fell the raiy ones are locked up. u cnousanu ue.?aiM m, i , iniur both menta, and pan o, iae unueu ai physica( which he claimed to have ,(amvuvUi.. I. ,!,. h lnr.arr-atPfl ... - In view of the fact that about ten hn the town jail during the month of thousand delegates from the six Aueust. 1912. returned a verdict ib southern states, besides representa- faVor of the defendants tivej from other States in the Union,! The case attracted considerable in- Canada and Pan-American Republics, terest, expecially among the people will attend this Mobile Convention, 0f the Vanceboro section, and a number the Southeastern Passenger Assocai-1 of ci izens were in attendance at the tion has made a one-fare round trip I trial. D. E. Htnlcrson and R. A rate from all points in the Southeastern I Nunn appeared in beha f of the de- States to t'ie convention. fendants while A. D. Ward, W. D Mclver and R. B. Nixon represented DEEDS, NOT WORDS. the plaintiff. The case was taken up Thursday morning and consumed the New Bern People Have Absolute entire day's session and also a special Proof Of Deeds At Home. session held at night. Another case to which considerable It's not words but deeda that prove interest was attached locally was dis true merit. posed of yesterday. Ihis was the di- It's not vorils but d eds that prove Vorce case of Pratt vs. Pratt, in wl.ich The deeds of Doan's Kidney P.lls, Mrs. Harold T. Pratt asked for a legal For New Bern kdney sufferers, I separation from her husband Harold Have made their local reputation. I x Pratt, who is now serving a term Proof lies in the testimony of Newhn the State's prison for forgery and Bern people embezzlement. The defendant made no R. A. Henderson, ISO George street, answer and the divorce was granted New Bern, N. C, says: "I suffered from Mrs. Pratt is now livfag with her a du 1 pain across my loins, with an parents in Maryland extreme lamene;s ii my back. I also in the case of Hickman vs. the Nor had inflammation cf the bladder and the I folic Southern Railway Company, in passages cf the kidney secretions which the plaintiff was suing (or damage pained me. Doan's Kidney Pills pro- by fire claimed to have been caused cured at tne nraanam urug o., i oy one i mc unmiuui wuipou? removed the lamcn.ss .and pain and locamotives, the jury decided in favor improved my coi d tlon in every way." I of the plaintiff and awarded him dam No Trouble Since. I ages in the sum oi $00. When Mr. Henderson was interview- The case of Lewis and William Ipock ed some years later he said: "I willingly vs. Blades Lumber Company and confirm my former endorsement of Daugherty was non suited. Doan's Kidney Pi Is. 1 have been free from backache and kidney complaint The Maine Bull Moose Rccmed to be since I took this remedy. You are timid about coming out into the open welcome to continue the pub .cation nm oting pn Monday. of my statement. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Faatar-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York nil. .DAnt. fnr tha I'niioH ma.r I Something must be wrong. There Munice, Ind., Sept. 12. Sand par boiled, baked or fried has cured stom ach trouble for George W. Cromer, Con gressman from the Eighth Congressional District; John Fitzgibbor.s, President of an iron company, an 1 Harry W. Long, lawyer, and twice Prosecuting Attorney of Delaware County. Despite much laughter that greets them when It hey tell the stories Of their recovery from indigestion, dyspepsia and- other stomach troubles, they are spreading the gospel of sand. Fitrgibbons tried it out first. It worked wonders for him. It was much the same way with Cromer and Long With only half faith, but desperate from years of suffering, they tried out the sand cure and declare they are again sound and whole in the regions of the stomach and that their general health has been improved 75 per cent. "Raw sand will do the trick for some people," said Fitzgibbons. "Baked sand will do it for me. Another might have to have the sand parboiled, steamed or fried. lust look me over. Before I took the baked sand cure I was ner vou3, generally run down, and subject to violent attacks of stomach trouble which made me worthless at my desk and a nuisance to my friends and my family.- If there is any one in the world who feels better than I do these days, or who can stand more work and be pleasanter about it than myself, I'd like to get a look at him. The sand I use is the common ordinary sand with the dirt picked out." New Bern is soon to have a new dan cing school, at which all the artistic dances can be learned. Announcement has been made that Miss Luzanne Martin, of New York, a graduate of the famous Charliff dancing school, will begin a class here early in the fall. FORCE OF HABIT. "Why the noise?" "The barber is shaving himself." "But why the argument?" "He is trying to persuade himself to have a shampoo.' Louisville Cou r ier Journal. ELEVEN DAYS CONSUMED IN MAKING THE VOYAGE FROM NEW BERN. The tug Curtin wl ich left this port on Monday, September 1, with three barges, the Berkes, Anna N. McNally and the . ,m Clinton, arrived at Norfv. i ursday afternoon, having be:-n eleven days in making the trip, with the two . ratter barges in tow, the Berkes having been lost off Ocra coke. During the storm and before she broke loose from the tow line the Berkes rammed the Anna N. McNally, tearing away the latter's rudder post and making a gaping wound in her side. When the vessels arrived at Norfolk this barge had six and a half feet of water in her hold and her entiae deck load of lumber was gone. The Joseph Clinton was also damaged during the storm and had considerable water in her hold. Captain Derrickson, who was in charge of the Berkes and who remained in the water for twenty-eight hours after the vessel had gone down before he was rescued, is now at Portsmouth and is suffering greatly from the ex posure and the effects of the battering he received from th; 'waves. A woman mounted the step of a ar carrying an umbrella nice a re versed sabre. The conductor touched her lightly, saying "t,xcuse me, maaam, Dut you are likely to put out the eye of the man behind you." ' He's my husband, she snapped, with an air of full proprietorship. Chicago Post. G. C. Edge le i yesterday afternoon for a business v. tit in Su Carolina. JUST HER HUSBAND. New Star Theatre s now open to the public, showing the very best and latest pictures. This theatre is built on the plan of the first class moving-picture theatre of larger cities. A cordial invitation is extended all visitors while in New Bern to visit the "Star" theatre, and for the visi tors benefit the management announces that they will start matinee daily at 4 o'clock, so that one can have ample time to see the show before leaving on evening train leaving the city. We show the best and choicest pic tures that can be procured. Absolutely fire proof. Delightfully cool and confortable. Every fanitary precaution observed, Matinee daily at 4 O'clock. Ex ccllcnt music. Continuous show at night starts at 8 o'clock. THROUGH TRAFFIC TO NORFOLK til i 1 First Train To Norfolk Via. Wash ington Since The Storm Op erated Yesterday. Remember the name Doan's and J ba been no crisis in Meakp for t take no other. cou le of days, It is too lata to have a straw hat cleaned and too early to buy a ntw derby. Wilmington Star. We advise Colonel CUwson to draw straws between I his unc leaned straw bat and bis old derby. For the first time since Tuesday, Sentember 2. trains were yesterday operated between this city and Norfolk over the Norfolk Southern railroad and- traffic on this division will resume its normal condition within a day or two. During the terrific storm and flood on the night of September 2 and the morning of the following day the Norfolk Southern bridge at Washing ton was demolished and since that time trains have not been able to go beyond Chocowinity. During the past few days a force of three hundred or more men have been employed in rebuilding this bridge and this work was completed yesterday morning and the first train through from Norfolk arrived hero last evening. There was delay along the line and the train was more than two hours late in reaching this city. The Norfolk Southern bridge across Pamlico river at Washington is about a mile in length and cost about thirty . " I .1 M . - . ... ' Tkn inousanu uuuara i" i.uupiiub&. entire structure was not carried away and therefore was not In addition to the P.imlico river the company i over Jack's and Runyon's creeks were also carried away antt' It was necesear to rebuild these, This however, wia small matter compared with the n building 0) the bridge across the riv instruct. i nc bridge Jfross lpany's Wdges B. P. 9. PAINTS the poses. Sold lo Now Bei Basnigbt Hardware Oomp

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