mtn No. 147 NEW BERN. N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 1913- FHftT SECTION 35th YEAR M EATS 1Y BE RESULT New Bern Housewife Expect New Tariff Will Lower Cost Of Beefsteak. BEEF IS NOW BEING EXPORTED - I CHEIPFR Report Says It Can Be Sold Muchnd write ioke books. There are funny Cheaper Than Western Product. That cheaper Meats may be one of the immediate results of , he new Tariff , ls a possibility that all prudent house keepers in New Bern will look forward ti. . : , Z. 7.1 u ' r A 1119 lllrtY IU.IUW 11IC OlclCUlK OI ITlCaiSI ,. , .B , on the free list and the importation I 1 of the product ffom the count, ies of I - i . . , , South America and elsewhere where cattle is more abundant and the pricei cheaper. Already New York has com cattle is more abundant and the prices , . , , I menccu to import meat irom Argentina. l n u 1.. : ,1... j ...u I .v u"u pi my auu soiu from 2 to 3 cents be ow the prevailing I . . t j . . I price oi tne uomestic meat. 1 l ui me mmjmmh ii iiif.ll urougllt to I N, . , . , ..... I Anr .irl- arid .hi ....... ... ...... I "..'! i "i r. . .tiiiijm.i 1,1 VIIgLllia and North Carolina and it is claimed that it can be sold cheaper than West ern meat, but the quantity shipped out from the metropolis was too small to have any immediate effect on the current prices So far as is known none of the meat re.ichcd Ni w Bern. Even if tHo meats :ire fi;st brought into New York where there fa to be established a tiircct line of steamers to Argentina it is dechrcd that they can be resLipped to North Carolina and sold ;it less than the Western efragcrated meat. All that will be i a j I neeut-u. n is suiu. is 10 create a ocmana I for he imo rted Droduct and increase I the shipments so as to supply all the demand from whatever quarter it comes. 1 The Government has taken care to see that th.- invwrtaion; are surrounded by ample safeguards to make it a most impossible to foist unlit meat on the consumers here. This is contained in I that clause cf the tariff bill which placed meats on the free list, and s further emphi tiied in the power given to the President an! officials of the Agricultural Department to regu'ate these imports. . I In the clause in the Tariff law enu- merating the articles which may come in free is the following: "Fresh beef, veal, mutton, lamb and pork; bacon and hams; meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, not specially provided for this section: Provided, however, that none of the foreeoiaii meats shall be imported into the United States from any foreign country unless the same are certified by the proper authorities of such for- eign country, in a form to be prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture, to have been derived from animals en- tirely free from disease and sound, healthful, wholesome, and in every other respect fit for human food, number of imported Parisian creations and to contain no poisonous or dele- wnich attracted much attention. A terious dyes, nor poisonous or deleter- mon8 these latter is a. small hat, terra ious chemicals, poisonous or deleterious t shade, trimmed with ostrich preservatives, or other " poisonous or diletcrious ingredients. "And, pr i d further, that if the PrefiJent, after investigation, shall find that the syste . meat inspecton maintained by any . cign country is not the substantial equivalent of, or is not as efficient as the system es- tablished and maintained by the laws of the Unil States, or that reliance canm t be r.ced on ccrt:'cate re- auired und . this section ,om the authcrities c such forei; . country for meat i orted into tlv United States, he may proclaim I at fact. and thereafter none of th :'ore-oin meats shall be imported intc e United I States from such foreign countrv." Steamship interests say that though! no definite arrangements have vet been made there is no doubt that as soon as the demand shows itself sufficiently, shirs ill he exter i ely and specially fitted up with r .erated space for large cargoes. A ..resent 300 or 4001thc new hat which she had on displ. tons is about t limit of the ships ip the South A' i .can trade that could be devoted to t is freight. JEWISH NEW YEAR FAST AP PROACHING. On Thursday, October 2d, the I e'irew cozens of New Bern will enter i pon their 5,674th year. On that date .cctrs Roan Hashonah. the New l !lr, one of the holiest days in the Jewish rlturf. and with it beams the long list of fast and feast dai r ixtendina throuifh to1 the besin f "the Sumw.5Niiie days af n October 11th. oimr. Yt.-i l-tr. : the Bay of Atonement, the liestltime 10 the how before leaving of all the year, fastiag and holidays will down of the p : 'lie li is olscr r. Both ol ' ushered n a ding da B. P. S. I purpose 1 J. 8. B CIRCUS FULL QF LAUGHTER. Barnum and Bailey Show Has Funniest Clown. If a good laugh is better than medi cine, then the. Barnum and Bailey circus is the fountain of health and yo. in. inls tountain will bubble merrily in New Hern, on Saturday, Ovt. 4. The fifty best clowns in the world will turn put a laugh a second. The hopeless "sorehead" becomes hilarious. good-natured in the presence o! tnis galaxy o mischief makers. Undertakers go home from the circus airship stunts, exploding automobiles, North Pole expeditions Chinese laun dry scenes, eomic balloon ascensions, travesties on political happenings, clever satires, droll skits, neat panto- mimot anA . I .,1 1, . i . . I -- " - . 1 Lfc ,j. . vv. :. . . ; the audience in constant merriment. During breathing spells between sie ges of laughter there is always a thril " ler t0 look at TL a. , ,. , The custom with many shows i4 to .. t l. t nut a flinnv linmp .n a mKmM man . ... . , V. and expect him to tickle the audience tf ,f .th llni 4 f.lnnl. rtf ......I,. i 'j r i j loons and a coat of many colors do nrtt nnlp a funnu Wi9n Wi.l. .,,,, ,,, s- "w... .....i..v....,Bt...v..i . .,. p J A f , , , . , ' for real clowns, clov.ns who can make i i u j u f.i L . , , , lien 9ca11.11 was icndiuai uy a Katll ' ering of the greatest Company of come dians that ever tied a can to the tail of the Demon of Despondency. They can bring laughter tears to the eyes of a cigar-store Indian. FALL AND INTER di tvrn LnlLU FIRST SHOWING OF SEASON'S mi.'yv Hire ixic uri r vrc. t i "' "j TERDAY. For weeks the feminine population of New Bern has been looking forward to the day when the first millinery opening of the season was to be held, Yesterday was the day and in spite of the inclement weather which was not very inducive to the members of the sex to venture out of doors, hun drcds of ladies viewed the display. Jennie Sultan's establishment 'h J- J- Baxyer's department store was the mecca of all who were out for the purpose of inspecting the newest creations in ladies headwear and all during the day the place was crowded Miss Sultan has secured the services of Miss Hattie Peacock, of New York, a hcad milliner and her creations are marvels of beauty and simplicity, demonstrating Beyond a doubt that ne s an expert in this line of work. Hats this season will be smaller than those in vogue last fall and win- ter and the predominating shades are black, wh'te, terro cotta and mahogany while feathers, .vel vet and flowers are "cd extensively in trimming. In dd tion to the many hats Miss Sultan has on display which were designed "d created in her work room, she has a plumes and a large dahlia on the side of tne crown. Another very pretty imported hat has a roll brim and is trimmed in blue cubist wings. To I describe all of the hats on display I wou: consume columns of space, but it is sufficient to say that the hats this season are far more attractive than last and are also much more rcsonable in price Before leaving the store all of the visitors inspected the new stock of fait and winter dry goods which J. J. Bax ter has just received from the North. Tlli sic jk is complete in every detail "d is one of the most extensive, ever brought to New Bern. Mr- B- A- I"vln4' Opening Mr'- B- A- Irving, whose establish N"ent located on Middle street ad jacent to the Bradham Drug Comp-.iy'E 8tore- ahw had her millinery or-cwg yteiday aiMj many ladie.- i aed the tore durinS! the day J inspected The opening at Miss Sultan's estab- Iishment and also at Mrs. Irvi place will continue through tod. ; New Star Theatre Is now open to the public, showing the very best and latest pictures. This theatre is built on the plar I0 the fir,t cIm movlng-picture theatn ' ,arBer c,es. I A cordial invitation is extender' aU vititon wbile in New Bern to vUit 1,4 "Star" theatn-, and for the vlsi n I 1 t tne management announces er,jthaJ t"c-' t" matinee daily at r.l o'clock, so that one can have' a molt Dv ion evening train leaving the city. Ul ikIBI .1... 1 . I 1. . I in I "cti aim cnoiccat pic- L Itur-'s that can be procured. nosoiutcly are proof. Delightfully cool aad confortable. Every sanitary precaution observed Matinee daily at 4 o'clock. Ea ceimt music. Continuous how si night starts at 8 o'clock HAS THE CUMBERLAND BRANCH PROTESTS Want Cnr riH T n A Square Deal By The Rail roads. HELD MEETING YESTERDAY Requests All Branches Of Just Freight Rate Association To Stand Together. Realizing that any discrimination by the railroads operating in this State against the coast cities will be detri mental to the interests of the entire State, the Cumberland county Branch of the North Carolina Just Freight Rate Association, with headquarters at Fayetteville, held a meeting yes terday and passed the following reso lution. "We, the undersigned committee, appointed by the President of Cum berland county Branch of North Carolina Just Freight Rate Association composed of the citizens of Cumberland county in Mass Meeting Assembled do hereby protest against the accept ance of any proposition by the State Organization favoring a penalization of water points located in North Caro lina in the settlement of inter-State freight rates South of the Virginia cities. "We further instruct our representa tive, Mr. J. B. Underwood, on the committee appointed by President Tate to assist Governor Craig and others to represent us in Raleigh on Wednes day, Sept. 24th and object to such a solution of the matter. 'We further request all brarches of the North Carolina Just Freight Rate Association to stand together and in sist on the rejection of any reduction that does no't include the entire State for reasons cs follows: "lift. Such a solution of the prob lem is contrary to the policy of the State of North Carolina and will wcr! to the advantage of railroad carriers against the towns of Laid State. ' ' "2nd. This is not the only reduction in freight rates we hope to get in the. future and must preserve' the maans whereby to grow volume and density of traffic used to regulate rate basis by water competition. "3rd. The acceptance of any propo sition which does not reduce in like manner to all points would have the tendency to discriminate against ship ping points not included and seriously affect business volume built on former rate basis. "4th. On demand for reduction is based on principle of discrimination and not on water competition, there fore, all towns within the State's borders are affected alike1 by unequal id vantage being given the. Virginia cities. "5th. The water points of North Carolina are our hope for the future in building a port of entry by water, therefore any proposition allowing the railroads to crush out present volume of traffic would operate against every town in the future within the borders of North Carolina." "D. U. SANDLIN, "L. L. GREENWOOD, "JNO. W. JUDGE." In a message received last night by the Journal from M. F. Shuford, who is President of the Cumberland county Branch trf the Just Freight Rate Association, he stated that the peple of that county were very much interested in the fight being waged against the railroads by the Just Freight Rate Association, an that they could be counted upon to assist the coast cities in every possible manner. HAS SUCCESSFUL OPENING. More Than Five Hundred Pupils In Colored School. The colored graded schools of the city' opened Wednesday and the enroll ment on the opening day was the lar gest in the history of the school. At p .'sent there are five hundred and t .enty-eight pupils in the school and i is expected that others will be admit ted during the next few dsys. J. T Barber, the principal of the School is very much pleased with the .outlook for a very successful term and is plan ling to introduce a number of new ideas luring the next few months which will prove of much benefit to the entire ichool. Quite a number of persons heard Dr. r. A. Hall lecture at the Court House last night on "Christ's Second Coming." Dr. Hall had his subject well in hand and his remarks proved very interesting to those who heard lim. A series of these lectures are icing given and another lecturer will visit New Bern shortly. FOR 8ALE. Thr?c good horses for sale cheap. See Hyman Supply Company, New Bern N. C. 9-23 2 it JEWS. National Sec ety Formed To Pre vent Stage Caricatures. Chicago, Stpt. 18. Prominent Jews today organised the Ati-Defamation League of Ami rica, the object of which will be to stop by appeals tojreasonand conscience, and, if necessary by ap peals to law the defamation of the Jewish people. The new organizat on will be con ducted under the auspices of the O der of B'Nai B'rith, a Jewish philanthropic organization with a membership of 30,000, and will have branches in everjf large city in the country. The object of the league are set forth in a state ment issued by Adolpf Krauss, of Chi cago, president of the order of B'Na! B'rith. Stge defamation of the Jew will be dealt with by enlisting the co-operatiof of the producers and managers of the theatres so that an investigation ofl proposed performances may be made before the piece is presented. News paper and magazine defamation will be met by protests to editors Defama- tion in text books will be met by at- tempts to eliminate them from the courses of study. A committee of 100 men representing all parts of the country was named to perfect the organization. T IS HANGING EIRE MAY FE C .KPIED TO SUPREM COURT AND DELAYS ARE EXPECTED I Washington. Sent. 18. Weeks, mon- ths, or possiblv years mieht roll by be- fore the Supreme Court would act finally hould Harry K. Thaw appea from the decision in the habe .s corpus proceed- STOP DEFAMATION OF HAW CASE ings now pending in New Hampshire, "ill was found he was taken into cus Of late, however, the court has disposed tody and after being placed in an au- f such important cases quickly. Whether an appeal to the Supreme Court from the action of Federal Judge sectn yesterday and tne roaos were Aldrich, before whom the habeas corpus in fearful condition and it was frequent uroceedines were broueht. mav be erant- V "ecessary to run the machine through ed, will rest entirely, it is said, with Judge Aldrich himself. A few years ago an appeal from the denial of a writ of habeas corpas was grantable-as a matter of right Prac- tices grew up, however, which courts 're united states commissioner V regarded as travesties on justice, and B- Hi for a preliminary hearing. Owing the law was changed to give the judge to the absence of witnesses the case was passing 'on the case the power' to say hethPr thrrowa sufficient Honhrnatnluesday, septemDcr io in aeiauil the poin s raised to justify an appeal. Tho Sunr-m Cn.,rt rWs nnt me..t hofnm l),r..l,.r IV Thrp nn, a mnr, than 7fKl waiting disposition and it vill take the court more than two vears to pass on them. Upon the equcst of either the c... xr.. u u:. . r m... .null. j Atw iiaiiiUBiiiiv. ui ui tivn i nrk iho ,- irf miirhr artv.nnrp the r.-.BP fr.,v.r.n0i,lorar;n.h,.t.h,. firt MnnHnv ' - -ft"- , in December. In the ordinary course of events a decision would be handed rlnurn in ttin f i iui no I n nitnrv Mnrh rlnnVir I. Pnr..a,,l hr-ro a to 1 wh..fh,.r rh Now Vnrlr authorities could find a wav to have the hieher rniirta rpvirw Inrlirn Alrlrirh'a action hould he rch. e Thaw from custodv. ' o THE HORSE M GALLED OFF RAIN CAUSED SPEED TESTS AT ptiB r iiMiiMnC Tn RV ....... - " CAN( I I I I I) Mucn tome a.scomntureo. tne. pro- moters and those who were to partici- pate in the horse races to be held at the Fair irround race track vesterdav -r. ii-mt nrnt,A , , . ene races irom Deing ucm. RACES For more than a week local otixensL few 0 tne nwny exclusive articles have looked forward to this event and although rain was falling at the hour the races were scheduled to be held, there were quite a number of spectators present. It is probable that at least one of the races would have been held , had not the track been in bad shape, but with this cut uo bv the wheels of the carts and the hoofs of horses no satisfactory time r . , - could have been made, and the event was called off, and those who had pur chased tickets presented them at the sate and received the purchase price. In all probability the race will be held later, probably during, the. aext two or three weeks. Miss Mary Ward leaves this morning for Raleigh and on Monday morning sne win leave lor Seattle, w sn., where she will join a party of friends and sail for Shanghai. China when sne win spend a year visiting incnas. J, E. Hudson, of Charlotte, who been visiting hit sister Mrs. Mark Disosway returned home yesterday. REVENtlEflS MAKE L Find An Eighty-Five Gallon Still Near Stella, Carteret -County. ALLEGED OPERATOR IS CAUGHT Anonymous Letter Told Where The Outfit Could Be Found. In a raid made yesterday afternoon near Stella, Carteret county, by United States Deputy Collector J. E. Cameron and beputy Marshal Samuel Lilly, a still with a capacity of eighty-five gallon's was confiscated and destroyed and Daniel Hill, a negro who lives in that section was taken into custody on a chrge of violation section 3281 of the Internal Revenue Laws bv ooer- ating an micit distillery. This is the first raid t0 made in thS, 8ection in months by revenue officers, but it was entirely successful. , v xhe tw0 officers lcft New Bern yesterday morning in an automobile onrni.te to the section in which the still was supposed to be located. Deputy Collector Cameron had received an anonymous letter in which the writer stated that the still was being operated and also enclosing a diagram of its location. Arriving at Hill's farm the officers at once began a search for the still. More than an hour was spent by them in looking over the place before they located the object of their search. The stul was hnal'y found at a very (secluded spot and also several gallons of liquor were found near he place. As soon as possimc tne still was cut up and au materials tor maxing wnisKe which Were at hand were destroyed. "HI nan accompanied tne omcers around tne place and as soon as tne tomoDUe tne return trip ro ixew oern was begun. A heavy sain fell in that water ore than a foot deep. However, all obstacles were overcome and the I . . T .1 I ..-6. Pa"y reacnea new aem snortiy oeiore ' iO.c'ock iat nignt. Tna. Prisoner was at once taken be- continued for the defendant until next 01 a Dona Ior n,s PPi.c i , time ne was piaceu in me county ja... ine conn scat ion oi tnis sun ana uic capture of the alleged operator Dy deputy collector camcruu uu H- T. . . - 1 11 ty Marsnai uuiy is very grstuymg tu em aM tncy deserve mucn creuu or their work. It is believed that the still has been in operation tor sever ..... . 1 - L a months and it is xnown mat mucn wn,sKey nas fK,l1. m lnal section during this period. It is a very to get reliaDie lniormation regaru.uis i . . f .L- !.! J A .h,. ..r.. Violations OI tins K.1I1U ..u t..Cy . compelled to act qu.cuy u.. . plans are made. ... . . . . :. ti . f . onl tnat uepary cw.cciur u has captured during the weet, the first one being fdund Wednesday in Wayne county, an account of which appeared in yesterday's issue of the Journal. THINGS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT. There is a blocV of stores and tene ment Nw YorkCity to which the t" ire uepartment nas oecn caiieu no I . , . . ... . . L times during tne last tnree years; tne New York ttmce are neing instructed . n mnniruw r in rtl I 111 M1M IlfMf , offengc aml defense-flu jilgu; the Czar of RusIa has borrowed the uniform of a private soldier and masqueraded as an ordinary fighter "in the ranks"; a woman paralyxed in i every iimu, ans uhi : "jr . , . -:rv Thps(1 a hut to be featured ia the 24-page Illustrated Magazine of next Sunday's New York World. Then there will be another big copy of "Fun," the Sunday World' Weekly Joke Book, the words ajid music of a late song hit, a funny "Bill" story by Paul West, a Metro politan section about gay New Yqk etc. There are at least a hundred I - - ... other reasons why you should get nt Sunday's World. Order a copy from, - your newsdealer in advance. THREE IN SUICIDE PACT I Husband, Wife And Woman Friend iaae roison. r.lpnwonil Ark. Sent. 19 I. T. TnrM, . . t dea, hi, wife 1,, a Mja who Mnle herc .... u..k-.. ,,:i . ..... arr.m,nt neighbor, (oTced an entr.nce . h T . , . the two woi.-.LU dead and Turner dying has All had swallowed poison. A note signed by Turner, left in 1 room where the three were found read SUCCESSFU HMD S4T IS OF MUCH BENEFIT One Machine In Use At Present Another May Be Added Soon. The establishment of, an automobile line between Fort Barnwell and Dover will prove of great benefit, not only to the people of that section but to the travelling public who have occasion b pay a visit to the former town. This line is owned and being operated by Ellie Holloman and has already proved beyond a doubt that it will be a' successful venture. Mr. Holloman is an experienced automobile man and this will be of great help to him. In' thp past horse drawn vehicles have been used almost " exclusively for public traffic between these two towns. This method, while sometimes more reliable than the motor driven vehicles is slow and inconvenient. Unlike some other points in that sec tion, the road leading from Fort Barn well to Dover is in excellent condition and is at all times kept in gobd shape for traffic. At present Mr. Holloman is using only one machine on this line but it is his intention, if he finds it necessary, to and another at an early date. RECOMMEND APPROPRIATION. Army Engineers Are In Favor Of Seven Foot Barge Canal. The following article from this week's issue of the Manufacturers Record will be of interest in this section: The' IJ'oard of Acmy Engineers, Washing on, D. C, in report to Congress recommends appropriation of $14,400, 000 to construct 7-ft. barge canal Beaufort to St. John's River, Fla., as Southern ttcterisioa of Atlantic inland waterway chain from Boston to Gulf; 4j0 - ft. canal considered too costly for present time nd disapproved; esti mated canal of that depth cost $31, 000,000; engineers also disapproved building canal across Florida peninusal, connecting waters of Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico; board states event ually such a canal would be necessary for water traffic, but it docs not believe the day for construction yet arrived; Investigated four tputes .across penin sula and considers St. James Tover, Okla waha River, Lakes Griffin and Harris and Withlocoochee river route most feasible; cost of canal, 10-ft. deep along this toure, estimated at $16,538,000 with $375,00 for annual maintenance; states if-ft canal along same route can be constructed for $13,000,000. (Proposed inland waterway from Bos ton to Beaufort lately detailed.) SURE OF ADMISSION. English Militant Suffragette Says She Will Enter U. S. London, Sept. 18. The London News Agency circulates an interview secured in Paris with Mr. Pankhurst in which she says: "I shall positively sail for America on Oct. 1L' I have already booked passage by the rrencn nner rrovence, which sails from Havre on that day. I do not believe the American immigration au thorities will detain me and certainly not for long. I ajn not the least afraid of deportation and will not resort to any subterfuge to gain admission to the country. "I will sail under my own name and am convinced I will receive fair play. have such faith in the open minded ness of the people of America. As soon as I finish my lectures in America 1 hall ret rn to England to resume my work." AUDITING OF BOOK OF VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMEN TS BE ING RUSHED. With the exception of the books of the Water and Light Department the Hilton Kawlings Company, of Norfolk, who have charge of the work of ai.diting the books of the different departments of the city,- are neanng the completion of their work and will probably have this completed by October 15. This work was begun last May and since that time several of the company's accountants have been dili- (gcntly at work on the books of the various departments. I he boons f k. Urfav anrt Imht Department " ' I -( i uired considerable attention and work on these will continue after the other books have been finished. Bills are now being sent out to water and light consumers whom the books show have not fully paid up their accounts and the auditors are endeavoring to get these accounts st raightened out. Eorae fathers would enjoy killing the fatted son in honor of the prodi gal calf. There will be a. meeting tonight the Executive Committee of the Cham ber of Commerce at 8 o'clock and every member is requested to be present the as matters of importance are to taken up and discussed. BRYAN TALKS ON CURRNECY BILL Says That Banks Exist Mainly For Accommodation Of The Public. BACK TO THE CIRCUIT Ohio Senator Condemned The Regional Bank Reserve Plan. Richmond, Va., Sept. 19. Members of the American Institute of Banking to day heard two notable addresses on the currency bill pending in Congress. Sen ator Theodore E. Burton, of Ohio, this morning condemned the regional reserve bank plan proposed in the bill, and criticized other features of the measure. Secretary of State William J. Bryan, this afternoon delivered before the members of the institute virtually his first public speech on the currency bill, the key note of his argument being that "banks exist for the accommoda- ion of the public, and not for the con trol of business." Secretary Bryan, immediately fol lowing the conclusion of his address left for Charlottesville to fill a lecture engagement. Senator Burton declared that the provision authorizing the federal reserve board to control the issuance of cur rency was "based on an erroneous idea, namely, that a government or political organization may properly assume the providing of a supply of paper cur rency, directly or indirectly. It is proposed that the government shall assume in the first instance the redemp tion of all circulating notes. This should be left to the banks exclusively It might be necessary for the treasury itself to maintain a gold reserve, as is now held for the redemption of green backs. 'The proposed plan would cause no derangement in time of fair weather, but in times of panic, or crisis, the ob ligation of the government to redeem circulating notes would be most bur densome and might seriously impair its credit." Discussing the plan to put the reserve bank system under the control of a federal reserve board, composed of the secretaries of the treasury and agri culture, the comptroller of the currency and four others named by the President, Senator Burton said: Such an organization might at first seem an ideal solution, securing a p per balance between the people and the banks in the all important field of the management of our finances. But it is the bane of our national life that poli tics enters all administrative duties. The competition between opposing par ties is so keen that those engaged in enterprises do not leel sure tnat tne authority of a political board .will not be used for partisan advantage. Secretary Bryan argued that "banks exist for the accommodation of the public, and not for the control of bus ness," and added that in that sentence was a fundamental truth on which all banking legislation should be founded. We have had for two generations," he continued, "legislation on banking system, but they have been, almost uni versally, framed in favor of the bank ers. There can be only one purpose in placing money in banks, that is to get it out again. If you think otherwise, suppose you draw up a paper on this subject. 'The Owens-Glass bill was not drawn with the idea of centralization. There has been too much centralization. There has been too much Wall street. I am in favor of this system of re gional banks, for in it I see help for the smaller institutions. "It has been objected that the gov erment should not issue the money of the country. We hear such objections only in times of peace. In times of war there is no question who should issue the money. It must be the govern ment. Your legislatures enact laws whereby men shall be hanged; and do you tell me that this government has no right to control a bank?" In conclusion Mr. Bryan congratula ted Virginia upon having produced "a ' ,w ,.r:i .l , r-resineni (mr. hbo, heartily in accord with Congress and who has at heart the revision and re formation of our currency system." Another New Car For Local Una The New Bern Ghent Street Railway Company yesterday received from the Cincinatti Car Company, of Cincin atti, Ohio, another car whkh was constructed for them by this company. The car is of the same type as the three now in use on the local line and as-soon as it can be got in readiness it wfli, of be placed in commission. With the addition of this car the New Bern Ghent Street Railway Company intend to considerably improve their present schedules and to give their patron better service In every way. be