. M S tmi nil Wttkh peto No; 147 NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 1913 SECOND SECTION 35th YEAR AGED LADY SPENDS II S Em Mrs. Esther Conway Underwent k Horrible Experience In Ons P msff ,ow County. NO SHELTER FROM STORM Was Found Yesterday Morning In An Unconscious Con dition. To be lost in a dense wood for more than twenty-fours with only wild beasts for companions, with the rain falling in torrents and without shelter, was the experience which befell Mrs. Esther Conway, an aged lady who lives near Hubert, Onslow county, Monday night when she wandered away from home Mrs. Conway is eighty-five years old and is naturally very feeble. Monday afternoon she started out for a short walk and following' incidents proved that . she lost her way in the woods, and in an attempt to find the road, continued to go further away from all habitation. The hour for the evening, repast arrived and when Mrs. Conway did not return her relatives became alarmed and started a search for her. For several hours they scoured the locality, but their search proved futile and they were forced to return home. During the night a storm passed over that section and the wanderer was caught in this and received its full benefits. Yesterday morning the search was continued and Mrs. Conway was found in the woods at a point more than a mile away from her home. When loca ted she was Jeaning against a tree and was unconscious. Restoratives were given her and she soon revived, but is still in a precarious condition from the effects of the exposure she recived during the night. To spend the night alone in the woods under such condi tions as those through which Mrs. Conway patsed is a trying experience and one which even the most fearless person would- no care to under take. Naturally very feeble on account of her extreme age, it is feared that the exposure will prove serious to Mrs. Conway. I ERNEST CHIEF MARSHAL LOCAL PHYSICIAN WILL DIRECT PUBLIC EVENTS DURING APPROACHING FAIR. Dr. Ernest Dunn has been appointed Chief Marshal for the approaching Eastern Carolina Fair and, in a few 'days will make public his list of as sistants. In addition to having charge of all the public events during the Fair, the marshals will have a number of duties to perform. On the opening day they will head the big parade which will traverse all the principal streets of the city, thence going to the ground where the Fair will be officially opened. One the many social features in which they will participate will be the Marshal's Ball which will be held during the close of the week. This will be one of the most brilliant social events of the season and wil be largely at tended. Dr. Dunn's assistants will be se lected from points all over Craven and ad oiniig counties. ALLEGED DISTILLER IN JAIL. Daniel Hill Failed To quired Bond. Give Re- Daniel Hill, colored, who was ar rested several days ago near Stella, Carteret county by Deputy Collector J. E. Cameron and Deputy Marshal Samuel Lilly, was arraigned before U. S. Commissioner C. B. Hill yester day morning on warrants charging him with violating the Internal Revenue law by operating an illicit distillery and retailing spirituous liquors without a government license. Journal readers will remember that Hill was taken into -custody just after the revenue officers had found an eighty five gallon still on his farm, but despite n ich overwhelming evidence he denied knowing the still was on his place and i lso denied having sold any whiskey i t any time during his life. However, icgardless of the defendant's assertions, ( 'ommissioner Hill found probable cause and bound htm over to the next "term of Federal Court under a bond of two hundred dollars. In default of bond he was committed to jail. The revenue officers are firm in their belief 1 1, it other parties are implicated with Hill in the operation of the dis tillery and every effort will be made to bring them to justice. - Whan a man's enemies makes a dis p'ay of friendship he always wonder what I o has that they want. WOOD DDNN L TO OPEN SOON Superintendent H. B. Craven Pre. paring For Beginning Of Fall Term. OCTOBER 1 ' IS THE DATE Expected That Enrollment Will Be Larger Than Ever Before. Prof. H. B. Craven, superintendent of the New Bern Graded Schools, has returned from the Western part of the State where he and his family have been spending the summer and prepar ations are now being made for the open ing of the schools on October 1. The enrollment at the opening of the .t term was larger than ever before in the history of the school, but it is expected that the number of pupils will be even latger this time. Arrange ments are being made to take care of every pupil if there is the least possible opportunity, and while some of the grades may be crowded for a while this condition will be changed as soon as the new building is erected. Next Monday morning at 10 o'clock all new and condition pupils are re quested to call at Superintendent Craven's office in the main building for the purpose of being examined and assigned to the proper grades. There will be a number of these pupils and parents are reauestcd to have their children at the office as early as possible. On Tuesday, the following day, the first meeting of the teachers will be h,eld. There will be several new teachers this term, and it is Prof. Craven's desire to Have every one of them present at this meeting so that the work for the term may be planned and other matters of importance can be discussed. Doubtless there is not another public school in the State where the teachers are so closely banded together as in the New Bern schools and this, in a measure, accounts for the excellent records made by the schools. Frequent teachers' meetings and general dis cussion of new ideas by the faculty cannot but prove beneficial and helpful to each member. No child will be allowed to enter the school who has not been successfully vaccinated during the past five years, Some schools have this reauircment but do not enfore it. However, in the New Bern schools the requirement is enforced and every pupil whose record is not already in the possession of the superintendent is required to show a certificate from a physician to this effect. S. M. Brinson, county superintendent of public instruction has returned from a visit in Western North Carolina and within a few days the rural schools will be opened for the fall term. J. Leon Williams, secretary of the Eastern Carolina Fair Association still has several hundred postal cards con taining views at the Fair grounds which atc being given away to those who call at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. there is no telhne how lone the supply will last and the first come will be the first served. On account of the Barnum and Bailey circus which exhibits in this city on October 4, the Norfolk Southern Rail way Company are offering very re duced rates to New Bern. A schedule of rates from various points wi 1 be found e sewherc in this issue of the Journal. LAWN PARTY TO BE GIVEN NEAR MAYSVILLE. (Special to the Journal. Maysville, Sept. 22. There will be a lawn party given on the grounds pf Hopewell church. on Thursday night, November 2d. Dainty refreshments will be served by the ladies of the church and the proceeds will be used for the benefit of this church. Every body is cordially invited and a good time is assured. Mrs. E. M. Foscue, Mrs. I. N. Saunders, Mrs. S. H. Wa ters, Mrs. John Maides, Miss Toncha Dixon, Committee. New Star Theatre s now open to the public, showing the very oest and latest pictures. Tt . 1 . . . inu meatre is built on the plan nf (ho fir.f -I-,.. ...: t. .. . ""uviug-piciure theatre ot larger cities. n coraial -invitation is extended all visitors while in New Bern to visii ha "." .1 . II mcairc, ana lor the v s t un beiufit the management announces that tney will atart matinee daily at s.ociocic, so that one can have ampleJ nine io see tnc snow before leaving evening train leaving the city. We show the best and choicest pic tures that can be procured. Absolutely fire proof. Delightfully ccol and confortable. Every sanitary precaution observed M .. I . maunce aaiiy at 4 o'clock. Ex- i.ll .... I ' a mvm music. continuous show at nigtit starts at 8 o'clock. GRADED SCHOO THE PAMLICO'S CAPTAIN IS COURT-MARTIALED A telegram received last night by the Journal from Baltimore, Md., stated that the court-martial of Captain H. B. West, commander of the revenue cutter Pamlico which is stationed at this port, was concluded yesterday after noon at 5 o'clock, and that the findings of the court were sealed and forwarded to Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. As usual the hearing was held behind closed doors and the decision will probably not be made public for sever al daysi Captain West left New Bern on the cutter Pamlico when she sailed for Bal timore several weeks ago to undergo repairs and be equipped with wireless apparatus. Charges that he had ne glected his official duties and 7 LIKE TIE PRISON WALLS 'BUD" GREEN MAKES PATHETIC PLEA FROM WITHIN THE STATE PRISON. At the last term of Craven county Superior Court Lewis Green, colored, was sentenced to a term of ten years in the State prison. Green was taken to Raleigh and placed in that institu tion on Monday following the close of the criminal term of court and has therefore spent about three weeks be hind those grim walls. That Green is by no means infatuated with his place of abode is evidenced in a letter which he wrote to Sheriff R. B. Lane a few days -ago. Sheriff Lane was very kind to the negro while in the county jail and the latter seemed to almost worship him in return. Green says that he wants to get out, that he would give anything in the world to be back in New Bern and that if his friends will help him to get outside the prison walls, in a lawful manner, that he will at once reform. Although humorous to the extreme the letter is in a -manner pathetic. Green is one of the most notorious ne groes which have infested New Bern during the past-few years, and he has given the police and county officials no end of trouble and this fact doubtless caused the presiding judge to do away with leniency in sentencing him for highway robbery.. DON RACE RIOTING BREAKS OUT IN BENTON, ILLINOIS Benton, III., Sept. 24. A race riot be- j the streets met similar treatment, tween American and Polish miners was Fifty polish miners were arrested to- begun on the town square here tonight as a result of the double murder last night of Ewell Hutchins and Quincy Drummons, killed while returning from a Polish dance where they had fur nished the music. The disturbance soon assumed such proportions that Mayor Espy swore in 25 extra policeman and sent for the sheriff of Franklin county. The mayor then mounted a box in the center of the square and sought to pacify the Americans. In spite of his address trouble started. Twenty-five foreigners who appeared on the square were severely beaten and pursued to their homes in the Polish colony. Every other foreigner found In A telephone message received last night from the Journal's correspondent at Vanceboro stated that fifteen bales of cotton sold dn that market yester day at thirteen and one quarter cents. per pound. The farmers in the vicinity of Vanceboro are getting the cotton out of the fields very rapidly and are getting it ' on the market without delay. ' WILLIAM TRAVBRS JEROME SPRANG ANOTHER SURPRISE (Special to the Journal.) Concord, N. H., Sept. 23. Former District Attorney Jerome sprang ano ther surprise today during the pro ceedings on the extradition of Harry K. Thaw when he announced that the prisoner had been secretly indicted by the Grand Jury of Duchess county, New York for conspiracy in connec tion with his escape from Mattewan. This announcement was made to refute the main contention o' the pris oner's attorneys that their clienfcould not be extradited since there was no charge pending. Practically the entire session today was given up to arguments by Jerome and Ex- Governor Stone of Pennslyvania who is Thaw's chief counsel, for and against the granting of extradition papers. After hearing the arguments on both sides Governor Felkner reserved de cision until Monday. The arguments ended at five o'clock this afternoon had conducted himself in a manner unbecoming to an officer and gentleman were preferred against Captain West and on September 10 Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo ordered a court martial. The court was composed of Captain D. P. Foley, president; Captain J. H. Chalker and Captain H. Emery.S econd Lieutenant J. L. Ahern prosecuted the charges for the Government and Second Lieutenant William Williams acted as recorder.' 1 Captain West has' had charge of the Pamlico for more than a year and has spent much of his time in New Bern and has many triends here who are greatly interested in the ultimate outcome of the charges against him. AGED WOMAN IS HELD FOB MURDER MRS. LEON WHITE, OF CURRI TUCK, MOTHER OF FIFTEEN CHILDREN, UNDER BOND. Elizabeth City, Sept. 24. Mrs. Leon White, of Poyner's Hill, Currituck county, under arrest on the charge of murdering her husband several weeks ago, was brought here this evening. Before Judge Bragaw in habeas corpus proceedings to be admitted to bail. Solicitor Ehringhaus, for the State, agreed to accept bail without argument, and the bail was fixed in the sum of $5,000. Leon White, her husband, was found lying in his bed at Poyners Hill one morning several weeks ago, with a bul let hole in his head. He died without regaining consciousness and Mrs. White was suspected of the crime, as they were at "outs" over some property at the time. The coroner's jury examined the evidence and returned a verdict charg ing her with the crime. Since then Sheriff Griggs had kept her in his home. Mrs. White is an aged woman, is the mother of 15 chilren, 11 of whom are living. She has eight children with her who are dependent upon her. Three of therrr are now stricken with" diphtheria. Much sympathy is felt for her in Cur rituck county, and the bail was readily made up this evening by friends who were in attendance upon the hearing. day and arc being held pending an in vestigation iijto the double, murder Three other miners implicated by the testimony of the arrested men at the coroner's inquest arc being sought by a posse of 75 men Jed by the sheriff. The story of the murder was brought to Benton by Harmon Wyant, the third member of the party of musicians, who escaped with a bullet wound in the arm and an injured head. Wyant and the party of Americans left the dance hall at 11 o'clock last night. Shortly before midnight they were waylaid by a party of about 10 miners and attacked with revolvers and clubs. Wyant said he did not know why they had been attached H. S. Hancock, the contractor who has in charge the work of erecting the new building around the city's electric light and water plant, is making good progress with this structure. The walls have been completed and the iron roofing which is to be placed on the structure has arrived and will be placed in position as soon as possible. and court was adjourned until tomorrow In his address Ex-Governor Stone bitterly attacked Jerome, openly ac cusing him of trickery and deceit in the conduct of the case. Thaw's mother, and Mrs. Mary Copely Thaw arrived here last night Mrs. Thaw said: "I have come to give Harry the sup. port of his mother s presence in his fight to keep away from the fnad house. It was the second attempt of the fu gitive s mother to meet him since his escape from Mattewan. Although in feeble health, she has made the long trip from her home at Cresson to Montreal a few weeks ago in the ex pectation that Harry would be brought into court there. But the unexpected action of the. Dominion immigration authorities in banishing him from Canada which resulted in his coming to this State, made her journey fruit ess. ALLEGED RET, IN TtH Government Nabs Colored Hack Driver Who K Is Claimed, Violated Revenue Law, A VERY KNOTTY PROBLEM United States Commissioner Has Many Intricate Cases To Dispose -Of . rataAti- - I "Allan Joyner, colored, was. given ,. . , . j 'tsnappca in mow nans uurmg tin- winter preliminary hearing ! before Unitetitif ,, ,, . . , . ' ,. ' . . WBspcially is the air chill early in the day States Commissioner "C B. Hill yeBter day morning on a warrant charging h m with retailing spirituous liquors without a government license. Joyner pleaded not guilty but the evidence was of such a nature that Commission er Hill found probable cause and bound the defendant over to the next term of Federal court under a bond of two ljundred dollars. In default of bond he was committed to jail. This is a case in which several very intricate points of law are at issue. Joyner has been engaged in the opera tion of a hack in this city and when two strangers came to town a few days' ago and began to look' around for something, ' it is claimed that Joyner agreed to get this "something" for. them. According to the evidence! the two men got in Joyner's hack and were taken to the home of a coJ pred woman in the northern part of the city. The woman was told that the men were in search of whijskey and, she told them to wait for a few minutes and she would get it for them. Going into a back room she secured two bottles of whiskey and returning to the room in which the men were waiting, placed on a table. the witnesses claim that they paid Joyner. Now the ques tion arises as to who sold the whiskey. The woman supplieedthe liquor and the man received the money for it and so far as was shown during the trial did not turn this over to the woman. However, Commissioner Hill was of the opinion that Joyner is the guilty man and acted accordinlgy. It now remains for fhe jury to unravel this knotty problem. The Government's officers are often at sea as to what action to take in mat ters of this kind, and Commissioner Hill has had his share of this variety of case of late. Tomorrow he will have another case before him that will be equally hard to decide. In this case George Wood, a colored seaman, .is asking that the government compel S. Jackson, Mayor of Vanceboro and owner of the river 'Steamer Vance boro, to pay him forty dollars w hich he claims is due him for serviced rendered on the boat. Commissioner Hill has consulted with Mayor Jackson and the latter"? lenies that he owes Wood a single penny and in tact says that he har never employed him. On the other hand the negro appears to be perfectly hones in his assertions that he worked fifty- one days on the boat and has only received three dollars. Naturally a case of this kind attracts attention, and the Commissioner's de cision will be awaited with interest. APPROACHING MARRIAGE. (Special to the Journal.) Maribel, Sept. 24. The following invitation has been issued: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Flowers request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Annie Mae to Mr. L. Grady McCotter, on Wed nesday evening, October the eighth, 19f3, 'at seven o'clock, at home. Maribel, North Carolina; WAS RESULT OF INFECTION FOLLOWING VAC CINATION. Trenton, Sept. 24. Raymond F Clee, five, and Katherine Flynn, whose homes arc in Morrisvilk, a the Delaware River from this city, of lockjaw In Mercer Hospital here to day as the result of infeetion following vaccination. , The children did not guard the wound on tneir arm irom abrasion and tne fatal disease followed when their blood was poisoned through contact With their clothing. As the laws of Pennsylvania require pupils to be vaccinated before taking up school work the little ones had their arms treated Sept. 1. Raymond Clee had not been enrolled, but the parents had him vaccinated at the time the doctor called on his older brother. After the wounds had become irrita ted it is said the clothing rubbed against the arms or two days before they were bandaged and even then no antiseptic LOCKJAW KILLS TWO CHILDREN shy T" ! was applied. ATE REDUCTION IIP TO TOE L COLD WEATHER COMING. Local Sage Predicts An Extremely Severe Winter. The cool weather which has prevailed during the past few days has had I the effect of bringing out many of the Jkrn i li;,-l, In,... 1,,,,.,, I, aUt " . . . ... ... . ... . .. , . and at night and a heavy covering oyer one's body does not feel at all dis agreeable. Some weather prognosticator here abouts has predicted that the approach ing winter will be one of the most se vere in many years. 1 his discouraging forecast has evidently gone the rounds and many are taking time by the forelopk and purchasing a goodly supply of wood and coal while there is yet time to get it at a comparatively ow price. Dealers in clothing are also having a demand for winter suits. NBW MILLINERY STORE IS NOW i OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. . The Williams-Brewer Millinery Com- pany, located at the corner of Pollock and Craven streets are now open apd the display of seasonable and attractive headwear which is to be found at this establishment is very extensive. Misses Nita Williams and Clara Brewer ar in charge of the store and are being assisted by Miss Mary Steffy, of New York. The ladies of the city are extended an invitation to call at their establishment and view the display of hats. MUSICAL COMEDY AT THE ATHENS NEXT WEEK. All next week the patrons of the Athens Theatre will have an oppor tunity of seeing one of the best musical comedy companies travelling in the South this season. This company is Jack Amick's Pennant Winners and is composed of twelve people, mostly girls. They will give their first per formance next Monday night. BRYAN SILENT ON CHARITIES SECRETARY WILLING TO TELL OF INCOME, BUT NOT OF i EXPENSES., ' Washington, Sept. 24. Secretary Brl'hn says he does not mind discussing tor source of income, but he thinks it is going a little too far to ask him -to make public a detailed account oil his private expenses. A speech by Senator Martine, defending the Secre tary's Chatauqna lecturing, in which tbeSenator said Mr. Bryan was sun, porting mission students in Japad brooght many inquiries today. , The Secretary issued this statement: "We are not educating any boys in Japan. A Japanese student lived with us for about five years, but returned to Japan in 1904. Senator Martine's re marks probably refer to students whom we -have assisted in other parts of Asia, but I do not consider it necessary to discuss the matter. I have discussed the source of my income, but I an not yet convinced that the public requires me to discuss each contribution which I see fit to make to a worthy cause. ME! KILLS A LITTLE POLICE COM PELLED TO SUBDUE MAN AFTER THE ACCIDENT. Ne? York, September 24 While playing in front of her -home last night, Esther Natilo, seven, 53 Spring street, ran under the wheels of a westbound Spring street cross tew n car and was crushed to death. The motorman, F rank Demio, of No. 56 Varick street, became hysterical after the accident and was with difficulty sub dued by policemen from the Mulberry street station. The accident attracted great crowds from the tenement district. but tio threats of violence were made against the motorman. According .to the police, this is the first fatal accident on the Spring street line since the new storage battery cars were installed. .Because of the slowness of the cars, they say, many children race alongside th rn through the streets Some girls never get over being roman tic while they remain single. GIRL IS NOW E Three Thousand Persons Attended Mass Meeting at Raleigh Yesterday COAST CITIES MO TOWNS ARE GIVEN Hi TIE GOMFORT Governor Craig Recom mends That Railroads Proposition Be Accepted (Special to the Journal.) Raleigh, September 24 At a m iss meeting attended by more than three thousand people and held , at the City Auditorium this afternoon, Governor Locke Craig made an address in which he recommended the accept ance of the railroads' proposition to give the inland towns of the State a reduction of twenty per cent in freight rates and to abide by this for a period of two years, the railroads having withdrawn the majority of the condi tions. The Governor advised that it be made clear to the railroads that the State does not waive the right to con tinue to seek redress on rates not covered in the proposition. He offered no comfort to the cities and towns lo cated" on the coast and which have water transportation, saying that they already have lower rates than the other parts of the Slate. E. J. Justice criticised the attitude of the coast cities and towns, declaring that they have a remedy for their own troubles by developing and utilizing their water transportation facilities. Dr. H. Q. Alexander, president of the Farmers' Um on, denounced the Cor poration Commission because it has not used its powers to secure reductions in intra-State rates. His address received more applause than any other- address during the meeting However he did not advise the accept ance of the proposition as to inter State rates. Resolutions were adopted declaring that the proposition was incomplete and unsatisfactory after which the meeting was adjourned until tonight. Fully as many, if not a larger number of people were in attendance at the meeting tonight. A number of speeches were made and the sentiment expressed in these in opposition to the proposi tion of the railroads was even stronger than during the afternoon session. Charles L. Ives, of New Bern, a member of the committee of 'ten men who have previously conferred with Govern or Craig in regard to the rate question, made a strong talk in which he set forth, in an able manner, New Bern's reasons for protesting against the acceptance of the proposition. At the close of the meeting Judge Council, who is a member of the Legislative Committer, gave out an interview in which he stated that this body would recommend to the Legis lature that the proposition of the rail roads be accepted providing there were no strings attached. The matter is now up to the Legislature and their action in disposing of it is awaited with much interest. From all indications it seems as though the coast cities and towns will lose out in their fight and will be compelled to sit by and see the inland towns handed a much lower-freight rate while they continue on in the future as they arc doing at present. SQUIRRELS CAN SOON BE KILLED SEASON FOR SHOOTING THESE ANIMALS OPENS NEXT WEDNESDAY. The Squirrel hunting season in CieWen county opens next Wednesday, Octo ber 1, and those hunters who have not already cleaned up their fowling pieces are now engaged in getting them in readiness for the opening of the season. Reports coming in from various parts of the county arc MM effect that there are many of little animals in the woods this and the sportsmen are anticip some rare sport. The deer hunting season opened on the first of the present month and since that time the woods have been filled with hunters who are in search of thcai fleet-footed animals. A number of deer have been killed but many othera will doubtlesa fall prey to the guns before the close of the season. On November 1 the shooting of doves, woodcock and wild fowl will be permissible. So far no Northern sportsmen have arrived to participate in the sport now in progress, bat ffl are expected within a week or tt

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