I 3 limtlutL No. 147 NEW BERN. N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 1913- SECOND SECTION 35lh YEAR DNAPP Ell NOW IN NEW BERN Wiseman, Said To Be Former Second-Story Man Flees From Kinston. fOOK CHILD FROM HIS WIFE Itoman Was Travelling Over The Country With A Carni val Company. Fred Wiseman, a travelling showman whose home ia at Chester, Pa., and I who created a sensation at Kinston. last week by taking from his wife, eulah Warg Wiseman who was at that town with a carnival company, lieir three year old daughter, in lew Bern. Wiseman was told to leave Kinston aursday afternoon and he lost no le in doing so and came to New Bern the eastbound train, and is at resent stopping at a boarding house bar the union passenger station. Yesterday's Kinston Free Press has e following interesting account of e affair "The "Wiseman kidnapping case is it yet settled. The police wish hat it were. Wiseman is in New ern, and this morning he kept the tlephone and telegraph wires be- veen that city and Kinston warm. "The facts in the case to date are Ifednesdaym between midnight and a. m., Frederick Wiseman, show- rian, former second-story man and convict, of I hester. Pa., who had shadowed Beulah Warg Wiseman, bis wife, to Kinston, from Maine, entered an upper story window at the bouse at 405 East Washington street, drugged their three-year-old daugh- Iter, Dorothy, and escaped from the house with the child without awaking the sleeping mother. That day, at 1 10;30, Wiseman went to the baseball park, where Miss Warg was employed with a travelling carnival, admitted that he had the child secreted down town, and insisted that the little one be sent to Miss Warg's mother in Penn- FIRST FIGURES CORN CROP SOUTH PRODUCED MORE THAN ONE-THIRD OF THE COUNTRY'S YIELD. svlvaniu. Wiseman probably unbal anced, had demanded money from the j;he last two years, Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 26 The corn crop of the South this year is magnificent beyond compare. Of the 2,300 million bushels of corn, which it is believed will be husked from the growth of 1913 in the United States, not less than 750 millions will be the Southern crop. The latter will constitute nearly $609,000,000 out of the $1,600,00,000 total value of American' corn this year, These results are indicated by "the preliminary report in the At lanta authority Orange Judd South ern Farming. It says the prospective l ig crop is due to greatly increased and higher average yield per acre. The season in the Southeast was so favorable to corn that the yield will average twenty-two bushels per acre, or somewhat more than in previous years. In the Southwest the yield of fourteen bushels per acre is slightly more than two yesra ago, compared with twenty last year. The total crop of the Southeast is therefore, expected to be very close to 600,000,000 of bushels, or about 100,000,000 more than last year or two years ago. The drouth in the Southwest was so serious as to make this year's crop of 166,000,000 only about the same size as two years ago, compared to 239,000,000 last year. The South, as a whole, will make fully 750,000,000 of bushels this year This is slightly in excess of last year's bonanza totalt but over 100,000 000 more than two years ago. Virginia 8 crop of i lou.uou is slightly more than two years ago, ac cording to Southern Farming's pre liminary report. The yield now looks like an average of twenty-five bushels per acre compared to twenty-four last year and the year before. The total amount of corn produced in Vir ginia this season will be about 51, 100,000, which is 3,000,000 more than But corn may NO RATE REDUCTION IS IN SIGHT FOR NEW BERN Corporation Commission Engaged In Working out Re- auctions ror Northeastern Counties But This Sec tion Is To Be Given No Assistance, points and they have been denied the benefit of the proportional rates obtaining up to the Virginia cities, Raleigh, Sept. 26. It was learned at the office of the Corporation Com mission today that more substantial reductions will be worked out on rates from the West to the Northeastern section of the State, where it had not before been understood that any re ductions would be made, than to any other section of the State. No reductions are to be made in lie rate south of the basing point of Norfolk on the line out of Norfo k to Washington; the line via Suffolk to Edenton; the Coast line to Kel- ford and the Seaboard v'a Boykins to Lewiston until the rate out of Nor folk gets beyond 45 cents first class from Norfolk, and, therefore, no re ductions had been heretofore men tioned to points on' these lines. It is now learned, however, that the proposition making the rate of 77 cent from Ohio river crossings to Weldon the maximum rate to all points on the northeastern border will result in most substantial reduc- ions on the 'lines above mentioned, growing out of the fact that hereto fore no through class rates have been published from ahe West to these GOVERNOR LOCKE CRAIG ISSUES A PROCLAMATION Designates Wednesday November 5 and Thursday No vember 6 as "Good Roads Days," Enlists The Sup port of All The People In the State. (Special to the Journal.) j Locke Craig, Governor of North Caro- Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 27. A special lina, do set apart Wednesday, the 5th committee from the North Carolina day of November, and Thursday, carnival management, threatened to kill a concessionaire named Logan who had befriended the 20-year-old girl, and severely handled a boy whom he mistook in the dark for Logan. "In North Carolina, Wiseman's home is where his family is, so he could not be arrested for burglary, proprietress of the boarding house at 405 East Washington declined to prefer a charge of trespass. Miss I Warg, badly frightened, could not have a peace warrant or any other taction brought; Wiseman might do I her bodily harm. The police were up against it. Afraid Wiseman would give them trouble, he was spied upon constantly. Beulah Warg bought I poison. This was taken from her in the belief that she might kill herself. She would go with Wiseman back to Pennsylvania. She remained with Ihim nearly two days. Finally, I about 3:30 Thursday afternoon, Mayor Sutton took a hand in the matter. lie ordered Wiseman's arrest on a technicality until a thorough case could be worked up against him. tapofficer was reading the warrant 'tscmaa the wife, much agitated, fiBted fcti!fncy be shown the father of her child. She would not return to him, but he had a big act on the road, end she h. ted to see him lose hit busi r.ess. A friend saw the Mayor for her, and the executive allowed Wiseman the privilege of turning the child over to the wife, giving her money to that she could send the baby back to the north when she desired, and leaving on a train due for the east in a few minutes. He was not to leave th train this side of the main line tf the Norfolk Southern at New Bern, or return to Kinston under any cir cumstances. Two policemen did not intend to let Wiseman miss the train, and he boarded it rather than go to jail. He gave the woman a $20 note in the presence of the officers. "This morning Wiseumn talked to the authorities here 'over long-dis tince telephone a number of times, There jrai no change in their attitude and he was told that he might employ Counsel and have proper action brought in the civil courts, have seen a lawyer 1 e told me I've been duped, and that he didn't believe the Mayor of Kinston would take such a. view of the matter, Wiseman told Chief Heath, intimating that the police had not been fair with him." e worth an average of 80 cents a bushel this year compared to 71 and J the past two years. In this case irginia corn will make a crop worth $41,000,000 compared with $34,000, 000 and $35,000 000 annually for two previous years. BAND BOYS ARE IN SORE PLIGHT MUST HAVE MONEY WITH WHICH TO PAY FOR INSTRUMENTS. TWO NAVAL MILITIA OFFICERS TO GO. The boys of the newly organized band are in a sore plight. The instruments which were ordered from C. C. Conn have arrived .and the contributions so far have far from equalled an amount sufficient to cover the cost of the instru ments. R. C. Minich, the manager, states that he has had the assurance of the business mcn'of New Bern that they would be ready and willing to stand by the band in procuring these instru ments but so far they have not made good. An effort will be made Monday to see every business man in New Bern and Mr. Minnich feels confident that the citizens of New Bern will not fail to avail themselves of the opportunity l Y . 1 .LJ U to ao so mucn goou uuu rauuic boys to have their new instruments for their usual Monday night rehearsal Let us hope that there is no business man in New Bern that will not contri bute towards this band which is com posed of gentlemen who have had experience in bands before and who are determined to make good, and surely there is no one who would try in the least to discourage these band men and therefore we trust that no citizen in New Bern will turn a cold shoulder to the committee who has been ap pointed to solicit contributions to get these instruments out of the express office Monday. so thalfc while they have had lower rates out of Norfolk than other points in the State their through rates from the West have been higher. Under the proposition as it now stands Elizabeth Citv will eeta reduction of 15 cents first class from Cincinnati and related points, Eden ton 23 cents reduction, Aulander 28 cents and Rich Square 37 cents, with corresponding reductions on other classes. This will give very substantial re duction to practically all towns in Northampton, Hertford, Bertie, Gates, Chowan, Perquimans, Pasquo tank, Camden and Currituck. This section of the State has been made largely tributary to "Norfolk, by reason of its through rates being on the full combination via Norfolk The Commission predicts that these reductions in through rates will put a number of prosperous wholesale and jobbing houses in the counties mentioned. PARALYZED BUI IS VERY MUCH ALIVE ONSLOW COUNTY Pamlico Man Proves That He Has The Never-Say-Dle Spirit. ASTOUNDS MANY PHYSICIANS Story Of Edgar S. Weaver's Life Ia A Remarkable One In Many Ways. Down at Arapahoe, in Pamlico county, is probably ,the youngest "veteran" drawing a total disability pension from Uhcle Sam for injuries received in the line of duty. The largest amount allowed by law to a totally disabled private soldier. This man is Edgar S. Weaver, formerly a trooper in the Fourteenth United States Cavalry, totally and permanently paralyzed in the entire left side, and .with no hope or possibilty of cure or even of relief, he is probably the first man so afflicted who has been inventive enough to devise an apparatus by which he is enabled to leave his wheel chair and walk about. Weaver has done this and is now walking around every day and is the owner and proprietor of one of the largest retail establishments in the place. Good Roads Association is preparing bill to be introduced at this session of the General Assembly, to create a State Highway Commission on a basis that will be inexpensive to the State, it is said, and at the same time be capable of accomplishing a great deal of good in the furtherance of the good roads movement. The association called upon Governor Craig to name two consecutive "Good Roads" days to be observed through out the state by the peolple turning out and giving personal work in road construction and improvement on these days. The Governor gladly acquicised and immediately issued the following. proclamation: "Whereas the modern highway is essential to material prosperity, and to the advancement of the social life of every community; every people that aspires to join the forward procession and that hopes for the opportunities of our time is beginning to realize the necessity of improved roads; all sections and all progressive citizens are demanding them and determined to have them; the whole country has awakened to their importance; everywhere there is a generous rivalry to have the best, and everywhere enthusiasm for them is apparent, and increasing; and. "Whereas the people of North Caro lina arc losing, according to reliable estimate, twelve million dollars an nually on account of bad roads this vast sum paid as a tribute to mud; "Now, therefore, recognizing the universal sentiment for road improve ment, and realizing the benefits which must result therefrom to all the people, I the 6th of November, 1913, as GOOD ROADS DAYS, and do appoint these days as holidays and days of festival throughout the State, to celebrate the beginning of an era wherein im proved highways shall be built i every neighborhood, that all the people of farm and city may enjoy the oppor tunities which they bring." I call upon all patriotic people through out the State to work upon the public roads and refrain from all other occu pations on-" these appointed days; and I call upon every able-bodied man to shoulder his shovel, and march out and strike a blow for progress. Let the farmer, the merchant, the lawyer, the doctor, the minister of the Gospel, the rich and the poor, and the men of all the walks of life enlist as volun teers in this mighty army for grand accomplishment "Let no man be above this work, nor forget his duty to himself and to his neighbors. It will be an honor to every man on these days to labor with his fellow-man to banish from t' e country the curse of bad roads and the evils that accompany them "Let all the people of every station, high or low, be moved by the same patriotic impulse to work for the com mon weal. To all the benefit will come. Let all participate. "I do appoint and set apart these days, the 5th and 6th of November, that the people may have an oppor tunity to give substantial expression to the universal desire and determina tion of the State, in action inspired by hope, and rejoicing that will resound in one unbroken chorus from the moun tains to the sea." CITIZEN COMING Secretary And Treasurer Of Lumber Company Will Move To New Bern. Big TO GIVE UP TARRYMORE HOTEL Talks Interestingly Of Proposed Railway Improvements In That Section. REVENUES RA! One 0 ANOTHER STILL Thousand Gallons OI Beer And Outfit Was Dst tr yed. NEW BATTERIES ON STREET CARS LOCAL SURFACE CARS ARE HAV ING NEW "INNARDS" INSTALLED. INVITATIONS ISSUED Popular Young Couple Soon to Wed. L OPERATE MODERN CAFE EATING HOUSE IN CONNECTION WITH FRUIT AND CON FECTIONERY STORE. Washington, D. C, Sept. 26. Hon Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the United States Navy, hat au thoris-d two officers of the North Carolina Naval Militia to accompany the Atlantic Fleet on its cruise In European Waters, and the duty of selecting the two officers who shall takt tab cruise bat been delegated to Comtiander C. D. Bradham of th "North Carolina Naval Militia. The following invitation has been sent out: "Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alonzo Rich ardson invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Mamie Hunter to Mr. John Dodson Kinser, on the morning of Wednesday of cithth of October, nineteen hundred and thir teen, half after eight o'clock, Christ Church, New Bern, North Carolina." "At home, 4032 Magnolia Avenue, Tampa, Florida. " No cards in the ity. A representative of the Gould Storage Battery Company of New York, the firm who constructed the batteries used on the cars of the New Bern Ghent Street Railway Company, is in the city placing new batteries in the three cars which were first fitted out with this type of power. Car number four was the first one to have new batteries placed on it and this was completed yesterday, and the car will be in commission again today. Tomorrow another one of the cars will be put in the barn for "treatment." The cost of replacing these batteries will be three thousand Anr nr more. O - Next Saturday Barnum and.Bailey circus will exhibit at Ghent Park and the company will have all of their cars in operation on that day so as to be in a position to handle the im mense crowds who will attend the show. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A C. B. King, of Raleigh, has purchased an interest in the fruit and confection ery establishment conducted on Middle street by H. E. Royall and in the future this establishment will be under the firm name of Royall and King. Mr. King has had considerable experience in operating stores of this kind and he and Mr. Royall are plan ning tJ make a number of c ha ages. Among these a cafe and lunch counter will be added and it is their intention to make this department of the business as good as any in the State. A number of alterations will be made in the store, but the proprietors hope to be in readiness for opening by Octo ber 1. No. 666 Tk it prescription propered especially lor MALARIA or CHILLS A WER. PIts or 3xoo.es will break any case, and tf taken then a a toaic the Fever will not retara. h sen on ths IItst better then Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c i Left an orphan by the death of both parents when he was a mere lad gaining an education by his own efforts doing a successful brokerage business in San Francisco before he was nine teen years of age; keeping his head above water during the trying days of the earthquake and fire, only to be engulfed and wiped out in the panic of 1907; enlisting in the regular army in that year; thrown from, his horse and crippled for life a year later; planning, thinking, studying day and night to devise a means of releasing himself from the bondage of the invalid chair and cot; finally succeeding and inventing a harness, brace and mechan ism that enables him to walk again. This, in brief, is Weaver's life story and he is not yet thirty years of age. Weaver was born in Massachu setts, near Boston, where some of His relatives still reside. His parents removed to California while he was little more than a boy. Beginning with the death of both parents when he was only six years old and continuing to the day at Point Bonita when his horse was caught in a stampede and he was thrown from the saddle against a telegraph pole, Weaver's life story is one of struggle and bad luck. Enough of the latter seems to have been crowded into this man s life to put the average man down and out. But not Weaver' He is a mixture of New England determination and Western optimism. and thorough all his misfortunes he has retained the indomitable cheerfulness that sparkles in his eyes and break forth in his smiles; he has never lost the ncver-say-die spitit that kept him going through the cataclysm , that smashed San Francisco the spirit that made him refuse to accept the verdict of a score of the biggest surgeons in the service of the United States, that never would he again be able to walk a step. After the death of his parents Weaver grew up in San Francisco, picxing up a better than average education as he grew. While yet in his teens he was doing business for himself and then reverses came and he became affiliated with the army. After he had been thrown from his horse the surgeon's prophecies that he would be paralyzed began to come true. First his arm and feet began to feel numb and in less than two months the entirdleft side was "dead." Then he began his fight for freedom. All manner of methods from manage to electric treatment were tried' but all to no avail. Finally Weaver went to the National Sailors and Soldiers .Home at Washington. Here he continued his struggles to get out of the wheel chair His brain was not paralyzed even if his body was and he succeeded in invent ing a leather harness which proved, to be just the thing needed to let him get his feet once more on the ground and to walk around as other people do. Th? . pp.ii.it us works in WWg by nea i!. of a surprisingly ingenious yst m of straps, webbing and bant, the walking motion being imparted i by I the wearer's right side and shoulder. As soon as he saw that the apparatus was a complete success Mr. Weaver had it patented and since that time has placed it at the service of a number of paralytics, no matter how they were "fixed" financially. New Bern is soon to become the home of one of Onslow county's most promi- nept and influential citizens. 1 his is TJ. H. Pritchett, secretary and treas urer, of the Swansboro Land and Lum ber Company which incidentally is one of the largest enterprises of this sort in the State, and at present pro prietor of the famous Tarrymore Hotel. Mr. Pritchett was in the city yester day making preparations for his removal and while in conversation with a Journal reporter he stated that he and his family would arrive here on or about October 1. Mr. Pritchett has decided to give up the management oft the Tarrymore Hotel and this will, in the future, be in charge of S. W. Everett, at present proprietor of the NbusSjlEivcr Inn, at Oriental. Mr. Everett'fias had m?jiy years experienc in the operation of hotels and his friends are predicting that he will mr.ke the Tarrymore Hotel even mure popular than ft is at present. Mr. Pritchett is also a stockholder jn the recently organized company :who are promoting the construction of a railroad from Swansboro to Golds bdro via Seven Springs and is thorough lyUamiliar with the plans of this com pany. He says that the route has been mapped out and that the gent lemen interested in the project are now ngaged in working out a number of smaller details in connection with the construction of the road and that it Will be only a matter of a short time before actual construction work will begin. If this railroad is built, and there is not the least doubt that such will be the case, it will open up an entirely new and virgin country and will prove of inestimable worth to that entire section. HUNTING PARTY GOES TO CAMP BRYAN. A party of local sportsmen composed of George Fuller, George Waters, George Nicoll, John Thomas and C D. Bradham left last evening for Camp Bryan, near Havelock, where they well spend a few days in search of deer Many of these fleet footed animals are reported to have been seen in that section since the opening of the season on the first of the present month, and the members of the party antici pate bagging several of them before returning to the city. TAKES YOUNG WOMAN TO RES- Mm. mm cue home. Captain Satterficld, commander of FOUND NEAR NORTH HARLOW2 Second Tiim In Pa3t Weak That Officers Have Made A Raid. One thousand gallons of beer and, a section of an illicit distillery were located and destroyed nnr North Harlowe, Craven county, late yester day afternoon by United States Deputy Collector J. E. Cameron, of Kinston, and U. S. Deputy Marshal Samuel Lilly, of the city. The revenue officers were "tipped off" several days ajo that a still was in operation in that section and made their plans to locate and destroy it and to capture the operators if possible. Early ycUarday morning they left New Bern enroute to North Harlowe and arrived there about noon. Naturally they kept their movements secret and used every possible precau tion to prevent the operators of the still from learning that they were in the neighborhood. Regardless of this precaution the operators in some way learned that the revenue officers were in the neigh borhood and succeeded in taking away and secreting a section of the still before the officers arrived. However, they did not have time to get the beer which was on hand and a large part of the still away before the officers arrived and this found and destroyed. Deputy Collector Cameron and Dep uty Marshal Lilly have been dili gently at work in this sect on during the? past few weeks and in consequence have destroyed several stills and also arrested a number of offenders of the Internal Revenue Law. A week ago last Saturday they located and destroy ed an eighty-five gallon distillery, near Stella, Carteret county, and captured Daniel Hill, colored, who is supposed to be the operator. According to a statement made last night by Deputy Mirshal Lilly, the still found and decoyed yesterday was one of the largest and most com plete ever found by the government officers in this section. It is believed that it had been in operation for several months. While none of the operators were captured the revenue officers have a clue as to whom they are and arrests are expsctcd to be made within a few day3. FAILING LIB HITS AUTOMOBILE OCCUPANT. PAINFULLY HURT AND MACHINE SLIGHTLY DAMAGED. Dr. E. C. Armstrong, a prominent local physician and one of the officers and stockholders in the New Bern Ghent Street Railway Company, was painfully injured and his automobile RED GROSS SEALS ON SttE SOON STATE COMMITTEE NOW PLAN NING AN EXTENSIVE CAMPAIGN. (Special to the Journal.) Charlotte, Sept. 27. The State Red Cross Seal Committee of North Caro lina is planning an extensive campaign for the sale of the Red Cross Seal Christmas stamp in every part of the State. The Committee ia now writing to specially sclectc 1 persons in every town and city above 400 population. This correspondent i3 requested to select a committee for his city or community i whirh hp aented at the time. ana rcPort tne nnme9 10 lne -cuve . ... , Sjfrpt!)tv I. TV Mverq at Charlotte. was somewhat scarred up, wnen a itmo ; which had been cut off from a tree by one of the city's force of electric Jans, fell on the machine as it was being driven up Pollock street Thursday afternoon. During the past few days a force of the linemen and electricians employed by the city, have been engaged in cutting off the limbs of the trees on Pollock street which come in contact with the electric wires owned by the city. Dr. Armstrong did not te that the limb was about to fall, neither did the man wielding the saw see the approaching automobile until tHe limb had struck it. Fortunately Dr. Armstrong was not SmW hurt, neither was his machine r. LOSES ONE HAND IN ACCIDENT AT SAWMILL. Hugh Rowe, a young white man who is employed at Will Dunn's saw rniinli.' .1.-1 II L J.L. C.I....1- i L""" "V ' - v 'I uc.o,vHon "rmy.j the mi(rfortuIle t0 loM one ( hifl left yesterday for Greenville, S. C, where he went to place in the Salvation hands yesterday while operating gang saw. Dr. W. T. Potter, of Aurora, few weeks ago machine owned by Dr. Armstrong's busi ess partner, C. J. McCarthy, overturned and Mr. McCarthy had a miraculous escape from serious or fatal injury. JOHN A. REEVES TO LEAVE. Where no one is known in a city or town the editor or postmaster has been written and his assistance re quested in selecting a committee. Later letters will be written to all towns betwwecn 200 and 400 population, so that it is ho.ied to get the seals on sale in ever community of 200 people or more. The most encouraging replies are being received from all over the State, and it is confidently believed that 1,000,000 seals will be sold this year in the State. 400,000 were sold last year which was a great record for the first year's work. The sale of these, seals is in itself of great value in t irring up a commu nity to the great evil of tuberculosis. In addition to this a'l of the money received goes into the work df prevent ing the spread of this disease, stamp sold helps both ways.. They sell for one cent each, IN are put on Christmas packages and letters as a mirk of the tender's interest in the Ami Tuberculosis Campaign. 4 Keeper Of National Cemetery Goea To Virginia. Army Rescue Home at that pacewM,ummontd,0llvtn wounded man an unfortunate woman who home "P"6.1 I he wound was h at Kintton. He wiH tomorrow. dressed and the v ctim of the accident ruurnwai carried to hi home near the Craven county line. John A. Reeves,. who for teveral yean has been in charge of the National cemetery at this place, will leave to day or tomonow for1 Alexandria, a., where he U to take charge of the National cemetery at that place W. T. Garrick, of Greenville, hat arrived in the dty to reliev Recvet and will in the future C large of the ccmcter DR. R. 8. PRIMROSE ILL AT BALTIMORE, MD. Dr. R. S. loading local ill at Baltimoi one of the is critically went several was received 1 t DDIMT Hi

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