No, 148 NEW BERN. N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 913- FIRST SECTION 35th YEAR POSTMAST EH J. RESIGNATION IS REQUESTED Charges Have Recently Been Preferred Against Him HE DECLINES TO COMPLY WITH IIIJICH REQUESTS An Investigation Will Be Started At Once Much' Interest In Matter For the past two or three weeks rumors have been going the round in New Bern that there wtmld probably be a change at an early date in post masters at tne local postoffice and these rumors were partially substantiated Friday afternoon when Postmaster J. S. Basnight, who was appointed in June, 1910, was asked to resign. For some time there has been dis satisfaction among the -force in the local office and this grew stronger avfew weeks ago when George Howard, who has been in the office only a short time, was appointed to the postion. of dispatching clerk to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Clarence Crapon. j R. E. Smith, who is at present the night clerk, thought that he should have been appointed to this position on account of the fact that he has been in the service much longer than Mr. Howard and would therefore be t he one to stand in line for promotion. The matter was taken up by Mr. Smith with the Postoffice Department and Congressman John M. Faison, of this district, was also acquainted with the fact. In addition to this matter, other charges were made against Postmaster Basnight and these resulted in a decision on the part of Congressman Faison and other officials to look over the record of Postmaster Basnight since being in office. After this had been done Congressman Faison came to a decision to give Postmaster Basnight an oppor tunity of quietly resigning without having' any Investigation made and just to let the matter go along quietly. Coming to New Bern Friday morning Congressman Faison had a consultation with one of New Bern's most prominent business men, and who is a staunch Democrat, and the latter agreed to call upon Postmaster Basnight and state the case to him. This gentleman called on Postmaster Basnight Friday afternoon in behalf of Congressman Faison and asked him to resign, telling him at the time just exactly how matters stood. This, Postmaster Basnight emphatic ally declined to do. Following the interview with Postmaster Basnight a message was sent to Congressman Faison in which the outcome of the interview was given. Now, it is under stood that an investigation of the char ges against Postmaster Basnight will be started and if these are substantiated it will in all probability mean that the present holder of the office, and also his assistant, will be removed. There is a great deal of speculation as to who will be appointed to the po sition of Postmaster and Assistant Postamster in case the present incum bent and his assistant are taken out of the office. There are many who are positive that they can name the two gentlemen who will be chosen in case the office is made vacant while others are undecided. Mr. Jesse S. Basnight, who is Republican, was appointed Postmaster at the New Bern Office in June, 1910, and hia term will expire in June, 1914 V AFTER THE LUMBER TRUST. Government Files Suit In The Su preme Court. ihington, Oct. 16. The govern- filcd its brief in the lumber trust case today in the Supreme Court It was prepared by G. Carroll Todd, assistant to the attorney general, and mark another stage in the action un der the Sherman anti-trust law against a number of associations of retail turn ber dealers, throughout Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and the District of Columbia. The associations are appealing from the southern district court of New York which held the retailers to be violators of the anti-trust law and en joined the further distribution of black lists against boycotted wholesalers who sell directly to consumers. WILL GIVE BARREL OF FLOUR AWAY. E. B. Haekburn has offered a barrel of flour to the lady who has the beat exhibit of bread at the approaching Fair, i The committee in charge of the exhibits in the culinary department request ... Mies who intend making exnmit. to ,et them in readiness at once. S. r A UNIQUE AND EFFECTIVE AD VERTISING DEVICE. A very ingenious and effective ad vertising device has been installed in front of Wright's cleaning and pres sing establishment on Middle street. The device is an electrical one and throws on the sidewalk in front of the store an exact reproduction of the face a thermometer, giving the right temperature at all times of the night. Within the face of the dial is an in scription informing the public that clothes are cleaned and pressed right by Wright. WHITE WOMAN - HELD FOR COURT CHARGED WITH CONDUCTING A DISORDERLY HOUSE ON JONES STREET. Mrs. J. L. Logan, a white woman who lives on Jones street, was given a hearing yesterday before Justice of the Peace J. W. Biddle on a warrant charg ing her with an being accessory to the prostitution of a girl (her daughter) under fourteen years of age and of keeping a disorderly house. The case attracted considerable at tention and a large unmber of specta tors were on hand to hear the evidence. Attorney W. D. Mclver appeared id behalf of the defendant and succeeden in clearing her of the first charge but Magistrate Biddle held that there was some evidence that the woman had been conducting a disor derly place and held her for the next term of Superior Court under a bond of one hundred dollars. This bond was reduced to fifty dollars and Mr. Mc lver volunteered to stand for the amount until his client could secure it. This case is a very unusual one. The woman, who has seven living children, came to New Bern several weeks ago from Virginia . Not being familiar with the city she secured a house which in itself bears a bad repu tation. Those who are familiar with the case are of the belief that environ ment had more to do with the charge against the woman than her conduct. The woman's husband is working in Surry County, Va. 6E IN EOF HOUSE OF DEPUTIES DECIDES IT IS NOT NECES SARY. New York, Oct. 18. Appointments, resignations and transfers of prelates were considered by the house of bish ops, the higher governing body of the Protestant Episcopal church at the triennial general convention Joday. Bishop Edward William Osborn of the diocese of Springfield, HI., resigned be cause of age and infirmity, Bishop Jo seph M. Francis of Indianapolis asked to be transferred to a climate more favorable to hia family and probably will be assigned either to Cuba or Porto Rica. Bishop Cameron Mann was transferred from the missionary dis trict of Florida. Any probability that the name of the church might be changed at this general convention was disposed of today by the house of deputies, which adopted a report from the committee om prayer book finding that it was without juris diction to act upon resolutions pro posing changes in the legal title of the church. TAKES THIRD HUSBAND. Former New Bornian Wed In Missouri. News has been received in this citv of the marriage, a few days ago, of Mrs. Annie Wallingtord, formerly Miss Annie Green, of New Bern, but who, for the past few menths, has resided at Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Wallini- ford was first married to George Wood of this city, but was divorced after two years and moved to Des Moines, Iowa, wnere sue met her second husband ner uura nusband name is Albert R. osteopath, of ClarksviUe. lenn. AUTOMOBILE STRIKES BICYCLE KIDKR INJURED. A white man whose name could not oe learnea was run. down and injured last night by Charles turner, too of T. J. Turner, while driving up follock street. The accident IWIlWll nn D. . 1 1 I . street near Burn and wae witnessed by several Demons ine injured man was riding a bicycle si 1A aiksi. ik. Lit. . . rlda. th"! " ' Ui,...!. . ' "T" " - iwu mc puvemen GRAN NAM NIGHT IN PAMLICO SOUND New Bernlana Have Thrilling Ex perience While Enroute From Norfolk. WERE IN A MALL BOAT Veasel Carried Cargo Of Groceries And Oil For Local Mer chants. Lost in Pamlico sound 'in a frail gasolene boat, with not the least idea of how far they were out of their course and with the wind blowing a gale was the experience which befell Cap tain John Dowdy and David Morris of this city a few days ago and it is safe to say that both of these gentle men will not soon forget their harrowing experience. On Tuesday of last week Captain Dowdy and Mr. Morris left Norfolk with the gasolene boat Mary Bell enroute to New Bern. The vessel was heavily loaded with groceries and oil consigned to merchants at this port. The weather was fine and all went well until Thursday Vhen, in coming through Pamlico sound Captain Dowdy in some manner ran out of his course and found that he was heading for some unknown point. The wind was blowing hard and to the two men on"the boat it seemed as though a storm were approaching. However, this impending disturbance of the elements did not materialize. All night long the boat' floated, at an chor in the sound, Captain Dowdy not caring to make any attempt to go ahead after he had lost sight of the bea con lights. Soon after the break of day on Friday morning a fisherman's boat was sighted and the occupant of this told the two mariners that they were only about ten miles from the mouth of Neuse river. ' The engines of the boat were put in action at once and the vessel and her crew arrived here on Friday afternoon. Pamlico sound is a dangerous place for even a large boat to get out of its course in. If a violent storm had arisen there is little doubt but that the small craft and its occupants would have been lost. . TO PRESIDENT OF STATE UNION OF AGRICULTURISTS ISSUES PROCLAMATION. November 5 and 6 has been set aside las "Good Roads Days" in North Cro- lina by Governor Craig, and on that day citizens of the State who feel so inclined will shoulder a shovel and go out to assist in building new rods and improving the old ones. The following proclamation, in part, has been sent to the Craven county Farmers' Union by Dr. H. Q. Alexander the president of the State Union: 'Whereas His E cellency, Locke Craig, Governor of North Carolina, has issued his proclamation setting apart the 5th and 6th days of Novem ber, 1913, as good roads daysmnd ap pointing these days ah holidays and days of festival throughout the State, to celebrate the dawn of a new day in North Carolina; a day in which the march of progress toward a higher and better civilization is made easier by good roads with modern schools as signboards guiding the people, on ward and upward, and, . "Whereas, His Excellency, the Gov ernor, has called upon the president of the Farmers' Union to issue his proclamation to the organized farmers of North Carolina to enlist iff this great movement and the development of both country and town. "Now, therefore, as president of the Farmers' Union,. I hereby call upon all the local unions in the State to as: semble at their regular meeting places on Friday afternoon or night October 31, and there organize and arrange to work every able-bodied man of the community on the roads of the com munity, on Wednesday, the 5th and Thursday the 6th days of November, Let all farmers gladly embrace this opportunity of uniting with all other classes of our citizenship, and, shovel in hand, realize that it is one of the very few instances in life where brawn will hold its own with brain." WILL PREACH FAREWELL SER MON TONIGHT. Captain J. M. Satterfield, commander of the local branch of the Salvation Army, who is soon to leave to take up this work in another State, will preach his farewell sermon at the Christian church on Hancock tercet tonight and the public is extended an invitation to attend. At this will tell service Captain Salter field of the work which he has done since T " - vumniK lu new ocrn. SPEND URGES FARMERS WORK ROADS WILL GET FAIR Elizabeth City Editor Engages Local Counsel To Defend Him at Next Term In This W. 0. Saunders; the Elizabeth City editor who is td be tried in the United States Court, in New Bern on Tuesday, October ,28, charged with having deposited obscene and indecent EDITOR W. 0. SAUNDERS OF ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. literature in the"UnitedfStates mails, was in the city last night. Editor sn 1 sanaaf H bbbW1 Las Make JOURNAL Office YOUR Headquarters When attending the Great Eastern Carolina ffl FA1K FAIR MEXICAN CRISIS OlLY TEMPORARILY DELAYED trongly Believed Position Of Other Nations May Finally Force Huerta Regime Back to Conciliatory Attitude Mexico City, Oct. 16. That the crisis in the relations between Mexico and the United States, which was al most reached yesterday, is only tem porarily delayed, is the general feel ing here tonight among Mexicans and foreigners. When and how the next development will be reached is a question agitating all alike. While the American Charge, Nelson O'Shaguhnessy, professes to expect no reply whatever to the Washington memornadum, and the Foreign Office says there will be none for the time being, it b still regarded as certain that the nature of the American Government's notification regarding future recognition will necessitate ac tion on the part of the Mexican au thorities. It is not expected that the elections will be postponed, although it is ad mitted this is a possibility. To many it would be no surprise should Mexi co return to a conciliatory attitude. Tlfc impression which is gaining ground that other Nations are in clined to fall in line with the Wash STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCU LATION, ETC., of New Bern Semi-Weekly Journal published Tuesday and Friday at New Bern, N. C, required by the act of August 24, 1912. Editor, C. A. York, New Bern, N. C. Business Manager. H. K. Land, New Bern, N. C. Publisher, E. J. Land Printing Co., New Bern, N. C. Owners: R. W. Haywood, Raleigh, N. C. C. L. Stevens, Southport, N. C. E. J. Land, New Bern, N. C. H. K. Land, New Bern, N. C. Known Bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent, or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: Natibn I Bank, New Bern, N. C. Average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distri buted, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six mon ths preceding the date of this statement. 11. K. LAND. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of October, 1913. IN CRA YEN COUNTY Of Federal Court City Saunders doesn't seem to be the hide ous personality one might mistake him to be from all the ominous things set out in the Government's indictment. Saunders is a mild-mannered, cheer ful, companionable fellow, not qui. 30 years old. He is six feet tahy j weighs 225 pounds. He is a fighter and therein perhaps, lies the trouble. He fights for anything he believes to be right; and although he may sometimes, or often, be in the -wrong he is no half-heVrted fighter. If he thinks Bill Jones is a liar, and thmks the- public ought to know it, he says so and he'll meet Bill Jones in a back lot or go to the Supreme Court with him to prove it. And Saunders must be right a good part of the time or his enemies would have put him out of business before now. Thousands of dollars and a dozen lawyers have been employed in efforts to jail him. He was defendant in three criminal libel prosecutions in three different counties this summer and won every case. The case in New Bern next week was tried in Elizabeth City -last week and resulted in a mistrial. The jury stood nine to three for his acquittal. Just why Saunders' prosecutors should chase him all around the State with prosecutions forcing unreasonable and unnecessary expenses upon him, looks a little queer to folks on the out side; but Saunders can come to New Bern unafraid; he'll get a fair trial here. ington Administration in the matter of future policy toward Mexico, it is argued, may tend to cause the Mexi can officials to seek some ground upon which they can with dignity meet Washington half way toward an ad justment of the strained relations. At the same time it is acknowledged that the accomplishment of this would be difficult, since the only re course is the holding of the elections or the retention of the presidency by General Huerta, either of which would be equally distasteful to the United States. It is regarded as extremely improbable that General Huerta will release the Deputies and restore them to their functions which appears to be the only alternative. The Deputies are still in the peni tcntiary and processes- in the civil courts are being prejudiced against many of them? They are allowed to receive aid from friends, although thus far they have not been permit ted to communicate with the outside world. D. S. JONES, Notary Public. (My commission expires 17th No vember, 1913.) FOR SALE A few grand, good, white and buff Orpington cockerels, Cook's strain and Owen farms direct; also white Wyandotte, Fells strains; and barred Plymouth Rocks, Ringlet strain. Show quality, at prices of from $2.00 each up. Also trios of the above strains, prices on application Address Wm. R. Dewhurst, R. F. D. 3, New Bern, N. C. 10-9 1 mth STDRE RlftHEO BT BOLD THIEF Midnight Mp der Enters Estab lish-?" . On Sou,th .A. ont Street. 1?- Gr VATCHES AND MONEY ,ilce Have A Clue And Are Work- ing On The Case. During the wee' sma hours yes terday, morning some bold thief gained an entrance into the store conducted by J. H. Hardy at the corner of South Front and Middle streets and succeeded in getting away with several valuable watches and a small amount of money. The ploice are at work on the case and have a clue which they think will help them in apprehending the guilty 'party. The section in which the store is located is frequented by negroes and at all' times of the night there is much passing in front of the place and it is frequently the casethat groups of men loiter around the street until very late at night. This in a measure accounts for the fact that Mr. Hardy and his family, who have apartments over the store, did not hear the intruder when he broke a glass from one of the front windows and gained an entrance. Mrs . Hardy heard a noise down in the store along about 1 o'clock, but thought that it was made by rats or possibly a cat which is left in he place at night, and paid but little attention to it. Upon opening his place of busi ness yesterday morning Mr. Hardy found that one of the front windows had been broken and upon making an examination found that the cash register was missing and that a number of valuable watches were also not to be Wound. The cash register was found sitting on the floor in the front part of the store but its contents were missing. The thief had evidently tried to get it through the opening in the window but had failed in doing this. Mr. Hardy has the number of the watches and can readily identify them. Since the police have waged such a fight on the vagrants of the city, there have been comparatively few depredations of this variety and the authorities are doubly anxious' to ap prehend the party who broke into Mr. Hardy's store. LENOIR CONVICTS SEVENTEEN WRONGDOERS POSE FOR THE CAMERA MAN AT KINSTON. Kinston, Oct. 18. Thursday after - noon at 3 o'clock grouped on the green at the court house with the building as a background, 17 convicts sentenced at the term of superior court now under- going, were photographed at the in- stance of the county authorities, The group was an interesting study for a number of people who witnes - sed the picture-making. AH of the PHOTOGRAPHED IMPORTANT MEETING OF SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN Decide To Purchase Three Large Wagons To Trans port Pupils To And From New School In the Seventh Township A very important meeting of the school committee of Township Number Seven was held in this city yesterday at the office of S. M. Brinson, county superintendent of public instruction. The citizens of that township have recently voted for a central school and work on this is now in progress. When this central school is completed which will be about November 15, children from all sections of the town ship will go there to be instructed instead of going to a number of schools located at different points of the town ship. Naturally it will be necessary for those in charge of the school to furnish the pupils with some method of trans portation to and from the school and their homes. At the meeting yesterday the committeemen decided to purchase three large double horse wagons which E KILLING Rl 'WAS THE GRANDEST LITTLE WOMAN IN THE WORLD" HE DECLARES. Chicago, Oct. 18.WiWam C. Ellis, the Cincinnati leather merchant who was found wounded in a hetel . room here yesterday near the body of his wife, confessed to a coroner's jury to day that he killed the woman. He wae held to the grand jury charged with murder. After a conference with members of his wife's family, Ellis abandoned his assertion, made at first to the police that the tragedy was the result of a suicide pact. He assumed the entire blame for the killing and devoted his statement to obliterating the impres sion, given at first, that jealou'V was the motive of the crime. Suffering from a bullet wound his chest and from cuts on his wrists aiK' throat, self-inflicted after killing his wife, Ellis listened almost all day to the testimony in the coroner's court. His confession was made in few words: "I wHI state that I shot my wife," he said. "I suppose my mind must have been affected. I was worried over business troubles and the state pf my health. I want to say that my v&e was the grandest little woman in Ok world and the most virtuous. There was no trouble between us. She couldn't do anything wrong. She was in bed when I shot her. I did not know what I was going to do. I did not have any intention of doing this when I came to Chicago. I shot her first and gashed her afterwards with a knife." Ellis' confession came soon after the testimony of Coroner's Physician Springer that the woman's throat was cut after she -was dead from bullet wounds. The Cincinnati, man seemed to have regained possession of himself when he rose to make his confession and his voice strengthened as he re nounced his previous statements re flecting upon his wife's character. He said he fired -four shots into the wo man's body and then gashed her throat. He then shot himself and cut his own throat and wrists. Mrs. Ellis' body will be sent to Cincinnati. Ellis is detained in the House of Correction hospital. No, Cordelia, the chap with a cork limb doesn't necessarily belong to the floating population. convicts were colored men variety of classes. Son . . timers were melancholy, an a few entirely indifferent. The discussed their individual choices of the best and the worst of them; and one fellow who aroused a deal of sympathy was a typical black who will dp 30 days for assault with a deadly wi and about 60 more because he & ui 1 to pay the costs. He appeared un- ; able to comprehend the ' procedure ; and his simplicity and expressionless face won for him the opular verdict that he was mentally irresponsible, The prisoners were taken to the county i camp after beine ohotosTaohed. The picture will be a large one for purposes 1 of identification in the event an) of the men escape. will be used for this purpose. These conveyances will be so constructed that they can be closed during bad weather while it will be possible to open the door and indows whenever so de sired. An order has been placed for these and they will be in readiness by the time that the school opens. Another matter that was taken up and disposed of was that of securing drivers for the vehicles. After some discussion it wss decided to secure tsW white men to take charge of the vesicles and the contract will be awarded at oace. Work on the school building is pro greasing rapidly, in fact the contractor is making much better ps 'Ogress than it was thought could be done under the circumstances and the building win rc in readiness tor occupancy on November 15. S M tan 3. E LLIS COIF 5SES SHE several teet. RTNT jjjjH

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