WEEKLY JOURNAL rSbktahed in Tw Sections, every TMttef aid Friday at Mo. 4 Pallock Stoat. E.J. LAND PRINTING COMPANY PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Two Month! 1 .20 far Month.,. -25 Six Montha..'.'..l -50 Twelve Month 100 Only In dvanc. AdrtJalng rate furaUhod upon application at the office, or upon In ulry by meM. Entered at the Pottoffice, New Bern, N. C.. ae eecond-claia matter. Gee, but this is Fair weather. Here's to the great State Fair. Sulzer's sin was the sin of being found out. Just a few more days till the big Fair. Everybody is coming. Here's hoping that Wilmington will be able to land that boat line. Has anybody heard anything of Thaw lately? Wonder how his cold is getting along. The United States could easily save the situation by hiring Murphy to go down and impeach Huerta. Mrs. Pankhurst ignored our advice to come by way of New Bern. Result, she is to be deported. I Pie! Oh! Great and glorious pie Think of the sins that are committed in the chase after Thee! The -Medical Journal told us how to lie when asleec but very few need any advice how to do the job awake The Board of Trustees of the Graded Srhools will meet to nisht at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. A. D. Ward's office For the eecond time we advise Hon Robert Broadnax Glenn to take that federal job if her can get it. In this case there is not even a bird in the bush. There is no indication that Wilson will write a letter asking Hobson to remain in the House. Of course Glynn will be independent of Tammany. No one will suspect him of taking orders from the boss. If we have money to pay out in pen sions we ought to have enough to pay out teachers more than twenty-five and thirty dollars per month. The Governor has ordered his over alls with which to work on the roads. Have you ordered yours? If we happen to be sick on the Sth and 6th of November, of course we know you will excuse us. Each day the papers carry stories that Huerta is going to resign and each day Huerta takes a firmer hold on affairs in Mexico. Let old Saunders believe as he pleases. If he wants to take chances with his Satanic Majesty, let him do it. Over in Germany if a man fails to support his wife they garnishee his wages. In this country the wife quiet ly garnishees them after hubby retires at night. They are talking about pensioning schoool teachers in North Carolina but before they do that they ought to pay them a salary. We sympathize with Sulzer's loyal wife, She did everything a loving and loyal woman could do to save her hus band, but the goods were on him and he had to go. Every town can't boast of noted United State Senators, so New Bern will he excused for being proud of her dis tiaguisbed citizen. One of the things not to worry about it whether Wilmington is going to keep getting there will all four feet. Wil. Star. What kind of animal are you, bro ther? Every year North Carolina pays 41,500,000 to the fire insurance com panies, which is just twice a much as We should pay for the risk insured, according to experts who have etudied the situation. According to the Wilmington Dix it eh a Woman Writer advise her sex not to marry slim men. The Greensboro New if of the opinion, however, that hi elf -evident fact that some women will risk a slim chance in pref erence to mm at U. ABSURDITIES. la aa Ironical way the Greensboro Nw puts a lot of truth in the follow I 'Of all the abnurd absurdities ' re- nark th Catawba County News, 'the of a city girl to teach agri- to the children in the rural dis- tncts is the limit. Some of the city girls know as much about growing to matoes, beans and other vegetables as the man in the moon.' "There are so many absurdities, nowa days. 'It is absurd for a younf girl to be assigned to the task of teaching the wo men of a community how to make their homes beautiful and comfortable, how to feed their families, how to care for their children in sickness and how to prevent disease in a word, to teach them motherhood and wifehood; a young girl who never had a house of her own, the preceptress of women who have had practical experience of many years and have borne and reared a numerous progeny. 'It is absurd that men from laborato ries and editorial offices should pretend to teach farmers how to farm; only less absurd that a farmer should waste time reading books and paprs to get the ideas of these same office and labo ratory farmers. It is absurd that young men hardly out of their teens should issue torth from college to tell dairymen and or chardists, farmers and gardeners, stock and poultry raisers, who have been fol lowing these avocations all their lives how to run their business. Yet these absurd things are being done all along, and more and more, with much satisfaction and profit to all con cerned. DUTCH WEST INDIA MAIL STEAMER ESCAPED FATE LIKE VOETURNOS New York, Oct. 20. The story of a fire at sea which raged for four days in the hold and coal bunkers while the crew of a steamship fought desperately to prevent it from spreading while the ship raced 500 miles to port was told for the first time by officers of the Royal Dutch West India Mail steamship Jan Van Nassau, which docked here today. The bravery of the crew and the fact that the Jan Van Nassau was able to make good speed to port prevented a dis aster that in many ways might have been a repetition of the burning of the Volturno. The Dutch steamship had a big cargo, including several thousands cases of gin and a quantity of glassware packed in straw, which aided greatly in spreading the flames. Before the fire was put out, after the vessel reached Punta Delgado, St. Michaels, the Azores, all the coal in the fore bunkers and more than SOU tons of cargo were destroyed. Third officer William Thigs, in idling the story of the fire, said the Jan Van Nassau left Amsterdam on Sept. 29 for the West Indies and New York. "On October I," said he, "smoke was seen coming from the forward bunkers. An investigation was at once made.but no trace of fire could be discovered, Al though careful watch was kept, it was not until two days later, when we had already left the English channel, that the flames were seen in the main hold. By that time they had gained consid jj able headway and the smoke from the burning cargo and coal was so strong that our men, in charge of First Officer De Boer, werejunable to get far enought down to reach the flames. We brough some of the cargo on deck, but the smoke was too much for us and we had to batten down the hatches again and shut everything up tight. Then we turned on the steam into the hold and had several pipes carrying water on the burning cargo and coal. "Things got pretty serious, and it was decided to go full speed for port. The ship was headed for St. Michaels, 50 miles away. We reached port late on October 4 with the fire still burning. At Punta Deigardo the city firemen took charge of the ship and after some hours' work we had the fire out. "Much of the cargo had been dam aged and most of the coal in the fire bunkers burned. The ship, however, had escaped damage, so we got rid of all that was left of 800 tons of cargo and continued our trip." SAUNDERS' PERSECUTION. The prosecution, or rather persecu tion, of Editor Saunders is sickening to the last degree. The gist of his al leged offense is that he dared to express his thoughts. Should he be persecuted because some one does not agree with him? Are we to have a judicial cen sorship of the Press? There is no.deny ing that he has used some pretty strong language in his writings. Some, perhaps, that he should not have used but should he be sent to the peniten tiary for that, when nine-tenths of us use worse language every day of our lives? But it was sent through the mails, his persecutors say. But did you know tht there is language in the Bible that is not used in the parlor. Did you know that the Bible goes through the mails every day? Did you ever hear of a Bible publisher being jerked up in court and imprisoned? Be it understood, we are not argu ing Saunders1 case; we hold no brief for him. We are arguing for free speech the right of every American citizen. We are arguing against the church using its influence to imprison men because their views and opinions are not or thodox. You can't force people to believe a you do. This is not Russia and we need no Russian methods of silencing the Press. There is a deeper meaning in this matter than appears on the face, and we believe it is the duty of every newspaper man to resent it. "America The land of the free and the home of the brave." About the only thing free in this country is a few cheroots that politicians hand out every once in a while and even these have a string attached to them. CHURCH TACKLES NEGRO PROBLEM Immeasurable Wrong Done When Ballot Was Given, Says Bishop Nelson. NEEDS MORE MORAL UPLIFT Episcopal Prelates Affirm Progress Has Justified All That Has Been Done Ward Of Nation. New York, Ocotber 20. Two of the Southern bishops attending the trien nial general convention of the Pro testant Episcopal church discussed the negro problem tonight at a mass meeting held at the Cathedral of St John the Divine, under the auspices of the American Church Institute for Negroes. Bishop Nelson, of Atlanta, made "a plea for a Nation's ward." Bishop Gailor, of Tennessee, had for is subject, "Work of the church Among the Negroes of the South." "It sounds to me like either af fectation or ignorance," said the At lanta prelate, to hear that there is no negro liolJ'em, when for one third ot tra negroes residence in the United StSes there has been dis pute and di an ion North and East South and Went as to the best meth od of dealirn with the question of his uplift." Notoriety, he continued, the ex ploitation of the negro's rights and woes, good points and vices has been the greatest hiindrance to this work Undue prominence increases self in portance. "An immeasurable wrong was done," said Bishop Nelson, "when the ballot was given to people un trained for citizenship. When free dom and franchise were given the negro he then became the ward of the Nation. He still needs to be fitted for citizenship. He needs a vitalizing religion. He needs education but not so much of the sort which we have been trying to give him the arts a sciences, the classics and roman languages and music and theology. He needs instruction in honor, righteousness thrift, truth and purity more than he needs the ballot." Bishop Gailor agreed that the sud den enfranchisment of the negro was a great mistake. Hut alter all our troubles," he said, "we are beginning to see daylight and it mjust be said for the negro that his progress has justified all that has been done for him. In 35 years the percentage of illiteracy has decreased from 70 per cent, to 27.5 per cent. It is es timated that today the total wealth of the negro population of the United States approximates $700,000,000. "But there is another side to the picture. The moral progress of the negro has not at all been proportion ate to his progress in book learning and ability to acquire property. More than anything else in the world, the negro needs religion." Bishops and clergymen attending tiie general convention of the Pro testant Episcopal Church occupied pulpits of the city's churches yester day. Sulzer says he's coming back. A lot of others have said the same thing, among these being Jim Jeffries. "Thaw trial held up" says a headline. Harry's lawyers arc evidently awaiting another installment on their fees. That Goldsboro ma n who was nabbed here on a charge of having toomany wives was evidently not a woman hater. "To the victor belongs the spoils." knowing this it is queer so many office holders under Republican administra tion expect to keep right on the job. New Bern got soaked good and hard in that freight rate deal but regardless of this she is going ahead just as rapidly as ever. While the blow was a severe one it was by no means a knockout. While the "dear public" may not like the present cold snap, its a safe bet that the coal and wood man is now in all his glory. November 5 and 6 have been set aside by the Governor as "Good Roads Days." This will be an excellent oppor tunity for the citizens living along the Walker road to shoulder a shovel and show the County Commissioners that they are in earnest about wanting that road put in tip top shape. A well known local man says that a lot of the people who use whiskey will go through fire to get it. A lot of them will not have to go through fire here above, but its a cinch that they will have an opportunity of doing the stoking stunt hereafter. With the big Eastern Carolina Fair in progress here next week and W. O. Saunders the Elizabeth City editor on trial in Federal court for sending obscene matter through the mail there'll be comething doing in this city all during the entire week. THRIFT. "The teaching of thrift in the public schools, colleges and universities, dis cussions of thrift by commercial or ganizations from its economic standpoint and preaching of thrift in the churches from the point of view of morality, are a few of the plans of the American Society for Thrift which has been organ ized in Chicago. Work it well under way an anxious public is informed, aad promises to enlist the forces of school, church, rostrum and co-operative or ganizations or farmers, mechanics and women in a great national effort to arouse the American people to greater individual thrift. The picture of Ben Franklin is the badge of the society. 'Nowhere, however, is there mention of the home as an agent for the teaching of thrift, and yet thrift like charity, begins at home. Maybe the society is going to teach the home and, if so it will accomplish a great work, for the home will do the rest. However, the object is a good one, whether the results obtained be great or small. It is to promote nationally the individual thrift which is the basis of good citizenship, and community prosperity. This organization, duly financed, has taken up a nation-wide inquiry to determine how best and most quickly to change the prodigal spirit of our times, to the spirit of thrift. . Work also has been taken up to bring about that change. It is the plan to make the personnel of the board of advisory council of the society nationally representatives. All in dustries, trades, charities and philan thropies will be represented. All rep resentative bodies will be asked to co operate, to discuss thrift." Richmond, Va., Virginian. A menu card recenly prepared for a certain celebration contains that pala table dish, "hot dogs." Just what breed was not mentioned. THE CITY HALL IS NEW BERN'S MUNICIPAL BUILD ING UNDERGOING IMPROVEMENTS. New Bern's City Hall is undergoing a transformation and when the carpen ters, who are now at work on the structure have completed their task the building will present a very pre possessing appearance. I he City Hall has lor a long time needed repairing and the Board of Aldermen recently voted to have this done. The present Board of Aldermen have already gained a reputation for doing things in a thorough, business like manner and in repairing this build ing they are carrying out their usual tactics. Many persons have said that the timber in the building was decayed and predicted that it was only a matter of a short time before the whole structure would come tumbling down and some one would either be killed or seriously injured. When the carpen ters tore away the flooring and ceiling they found that every timber was just as solid as the day it was placed in position. Work on the structure is progressing nicely and will be completed at the earliest possible date. Personals Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gorham have returned to their home at Morehead City after a short visit here with rela tives. Harry Marks left last evening for a business visit in Western North Caro lina. D. L. Ward left last evening for professional visit at Raleigh. D. P. Whitford, of Askin, was among the business visitors in the city yesterday George N. Ives returned last evening from a short visit to his farm at New port. ueorge Attmore has returned Irom a short visit with his parents at Stone wall. Col. P. M. Pearsall left yesterday for a business visit in Pamlico county. W. O. Saunders, editor of the Eliza beth City Independent, was among the business visitors in the city yesterday. Louis Hummell, of Goldsboro, spent yesterday in the city attending to business matters. George Attmore left last evening for a short visit in Pamlico county. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. McGehee left last evening for a short visit at Raleigh. Nelson ngcll left last evening for a visit at Raleigh. Miss Lizxie Neal left yesterday for a visit of several day in Baltimore and other Northern Cities. Mrs. George Green left yesterday for New York where she will attendthe national convention of the W. T. C. U. Mr. and Mrs. Durham Stalling returned yesterday from a short visit at Newport. Miss Mary Bryan spent yesterday at Raleigh visiting relative. L. H. Cutler left yesterday morning for a short busineas visit at Washington. Miss Mary Miller, of Bayboro, pent yesterday in the city visiting relatives and shopping. D. L. Ward returned yesterday from a short business visit at Raleigh. To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply t oac th woafertel old reliable Dk PORTE' ANTiaSPTlC HMALINO OIL. ear fleal drtstt that relieves d beets at PmumMm. itt r "nial ac.xx.UM BEING REPAIRED COL. ASHLEY HORNE PASSES AWAY DISTINGUISHED NORTH CARO LINIAN DIES AT HIS HOME IN CLAYTON. Raleigh, Oct. 22. Col. Ashley Horne, of Clayton, is dead. The news will carry sorrow throughout the state, for he was a man who held the love and esteem of all. His death was sudden, and came from heart Tailure, occurring about one o'clock this morning at his home at Clayton. During the past two years he had been sick from time to time and had been North for treat ment. Col. Horne was in Raleigh yesterday afternoon, and was a visitor with his wife, to the State Fair. He was in a party with Governor Craig which made an inspection of the exhibits and about two o'clock left forJhis home. The news from Clayton was that he retired at his usual hour, and shortly before one o'clock awoke seel ing badly. Physicians were sum moned, but before they arrived he was dead. Heart failure is assigned as the cause of his death. Ashley Horne was one of the best known men of North Carolina. As a lad he volunteered for service in the Confederate Army and served the Southland with devotion and gal antry. After the war he returned to Clayton and by attention to business amassed a fortune in the mercantile business and in farming. He invest ed in many enterprises, had stock in fertilizer companies, banks, insurance companies and various factories. He was especially acquainted with the cotton market and his advice as to cotton was often sought. Col. Horne was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor in 1908, against W. W. Kitchin and Locke Craig, and though largely sup ported he was defeated. A Democrat of Democrats he never sulked, and later at the insistence of the people he represented Johnston county as a member of the House of Representa tives. He was always a liberal con tributor to the Democratic campaign fund. --Stop at The- HARRINGTON HOUSE While In Norfolk, 90S Ma n Street Z. V. BARRINGTON, Proprietor. Rate: $1.50 Day; (7.50 Week. Hot and Cold Baths, N ce, Clean, Airy Rooms, Special Attention to Traveling Men, and Excursion Parties Home Privileg a FAIRtftEW SANATORIUM NEW BERN, N. C. A thoroughly Modern Steam Heated institution for the care of all non con tagious Medical and Sur gical diseases. A special diet kitchen is maintained for the benefit of patients. MISS MAMIE O' KELLY 4; .Supt G. A. Caton, H. M. Bonner M, D. M. D. 'There's a Differece ASK YOUR DOCTOR Pepsi-Cola .For Thirst Thinkers. SAVE THE CROWNS they are valuable. Write for catalog: Pepsi-Cola Co., New Bern, N. C. OCf: Tea DR. ERNEST G. ARMSTRONG OsteoD a thic F I ysician (registered) Rooms 320-331 Elk's Temple. Hours: 10 to 11. a to 4 and 7 to q. CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY Ten years experience in treating chron ic diseases. Complete Electrical Equipment. Do ycu wear a truss? If wo, let me how you my special make. For all gee, from babies up. PHONE 70t ROMULUS A. NUNN Attorney and Counselor at Lav Otfic 50 Craven Strut Telephone Not) 97 and 801 NW BERN. N 0. D. L. WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Hughes BuildinR, Craven Street NEW BERN, N. C. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The 0M Standard fetieral etnnathmiaf tonic, GROVE'S TASTatLtSS chill TOHIcTSrfree cut Uikrlaaricfce. the Wood, bolide up the ereUia. A tra Ton. Per adult aad children. He A Savings THIS Bank Is a safe depository for savings. It- is under pru dent conservative manage ment and has ample Capital and Re sources for the security of all deposits entrusted to its care. If you can save a portion of your income re member that we invite savings ac- A n Im mt nmmitlf f r Ana t S 1 cu till La its nil j ouiuum uvui uut v- f-nr- lar upwards. Jv Deposits Accepted by Mail NEW BERN BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY NEW BERN ,N.C. raTjaan avavan rvi'm MLjj.iJi T TiTI I v I - . 4 -M mi NEW BUILDING RESULT OF GROWING BUSINESS. Our growing business made it necessary to erect the new building on Middle street. Every facility is being provided for handling with promptnesa banking business of large or small volume. THIS - Will help you to double your working force in saving your hay. Now while the season is right you ought to get all assistance possible. Bale your hay with a ROYAL JR. STEEL PRESS and cut your labor expense in half. DO IT NOW. Stalk Cutters, Disc Harrows, Riding and Walking Plows are ready. - Oats, Rye, Rape, Glover, Vetch etc. FARMO GERM for Inoculating. Always Fresh. Hay, Grain Horse and Cow-Feed BURRUS & CO. To Fanner Union Members Our stock is the mst complete in town and our prices are the same to you as al ways F ARRIS NASSEF Department Store 66 68-70 M-o die st. New Bern, N. C C. L. Ssencer Dealer In Hay Corn Oats Bran Hominy . Seed Wheat and Seed Rye Brick for sale Subscribe for H Depository. I a -rm j.iii 1 i rj,4 V2 i a r. a I w l" btc ha PRESS The Journal