PANKHURST 5. IS BEING HELD British Militant Suffragist Arrives In The U. S. A. "And Finds Trouble At Once. IS NOW AT ELLIS ISLAND Immigration Officials Refuse Be Rushed Into Decision On Case. To URGES CITIZENS TO WORK THE ROADS COUNTY ROAD SUPERVISOR WANTS THE THOROUGH FARES IMPROVED. Washington, Oct. 20. Immigration Commissioner Caminetti today declined to release Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, British Militant suffragist, on bond from the Ellis Island immigration station, New York, pending final adju tication of? her appeal from the deportation order issued yesterday by a special board of inquiry. Her case will be taken, up for mally tomorrow morning by Commis sioner Caminetti and it is said a definite decision on her release or deportation may be reached during the day. Commissioner Caminetti said today that his desire was "not to be, rushed into a decision of a case nationally and internationally important," but that he had done and would do all in his power to facilitate its determination. Unpre cedented finally to dispose of the case were made by the immigration offi cials in "clearing the decks" for posi tive action tomorrow morning. Counsel for Mrs. Pankhurst were ac corded an informal hearing of several hours today by Commissioner Caminett and Dr. A. W. Parker, chief of the law division of the immigration bureau. The commissioner in accounting for a hear ing held on Sunday, said his only rea son was to facilitate as much as possi ble this proceeding. The question of whether Mrs. Pankhurst should be ad mitted or deported was a subject of ab sorbing interest to many in government circles. It became known tonight that a great many high officials favored ad mitting her, not because of any sympa thy for the individual or her cuase, but on the ground that the principle of tree speech should be maintained. Attorneys for Mrs. Pankhurst direct ed their efforts today chiefly toward ob taining her temporary release from cus tody at Ellis Island pending considera tion of the case, in order that she might fulfil lecture contracts. They contended that not only Mrs. Pank hurst's personal rights were being in vaded by her detention longer than was absolutely necessary, but that important and substantial property rights of the alien and of citizens of this country were being paced in jeopardy. Commissioner Camietti promptly made it clear, however, that he could not be rushed into a decision because of the money involved in Mrs. Pank- hurst's engagements. That, ' he said, was entirely aside from the real issue, i. e., whether the British militant was entitled under the law to enter the United States. He refused for this rea son to hear Frank S. O'Neil, as counsel for the management of the Madison Square Garden, N. Y., where Mrs. Pankhurst is advertised to speak to morrow night. Mr. O'Neil then en tered an appearance as a representative of Mrs. Pankhurst. Just before the hearing began there came, by special delivery mail, the of ficial record of proceedings beforethe board of special inquiry at New York Commissioner Caminetti and Doctor Parker studied the record before the ar rival of Herbert R. Reeves, engaged by Mrs. 0. H. P. Belmont, of New York. to represent Mrs. Pankhurst, and F. S. O'Neil. The contents of this record had been unknown, as under the law proceedings at Ellis Island were secret. To what she termed the "star chamber proceed ing." Mrs. Pankhurst had objected. She also protested because she was not al lowed to be represented at the hearing by counsel and to the consideration given by the special board of a "certai n document," to which she was not give n access. (By. R. E. Snowdon.) The governor of the State has issued aa proclamation making November the 5th and 6th Good Roads Days. Let every citizen of Craven county turn out on those days and do what he can to improve the roads in this county. This county has thousands of acres of land that have never been cultivated by the hand of man; some of them as fertile as the famous delta soil, that are idle because there is no adequate means of transportation from them to the rivers and railroads and because they lack drainage. With good highways will come more farmers. No idle land and therefore better co-operation in drainage and better schools; everything that makes life more worth while living. Good roads mean double the value of your present lands not only in selling value but also in increased profits.. To gain such benefits will cost money and work, not merely voting a few cents tax, but putting the shoulder to the wheel and urging forward the wheels of progress. Let every man and woman who wishes to give the children an equal chance with the children of other sections, come out and, by work and encourage ment, show that you are in earnest. There are plenty of holea to fill, plenty of trees to cut to let the sun and wind in to dry the roads and plenty of ged like a statesman irom the vreight rate controversy, and he be-lieves the question will be settled satisfactor ily to all fair-minded men. He com mended Chairman Travis and the Corporation Commission for their good work. "The currency bill will be pushed through Congress at the extra session or pretty soon after the regular session convenes, ana tne senior senator anticipates no great trouble in the great legislative body's ability to pass a bill satisfactory to all con cerned." Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of it I was cured. It also cured others that I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can almost invariably be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) WOMEN WHO GET DIZZY Every woman who is troubled with fainting and dizzy spells, backache, head ache, weakness, debility, constipation or kidney troubles should use Electric Bitters. They give relief when nothing else will, improve the health, adding strength and vigor from the first dose. ! Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca, La., says: "Four doctors had given me up I and my children and all my friends rare looking for me to die, when my son insisted that I use Electric Bitters. ( did so, and they have done me a j world of good." Just try them. 50c. and $1.00 at all druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen and Co., Philadel phia or St. Louis. A Man With Ambitions By M. QUAD Copyright, Uli, by Associated Lit erary Press. WATCH YOUR And a woman is known by the ac quaintances she cuts. bushes to cut to straighten the old roads and plenty of encouragement to offer in your task of getting, by your own efforts, what you should have had half a century ago; the best rural improvements in the State. Let every body turn out on November 5th and 6th and do something to help the cause. Jacksonville Couple House. (Special to the Journal.) Jacksoncille, Oct. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, of this place celebra ted the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding last Friday evening between 30 and 10:30 and between those hours the Thompson home was the scene of much enjoyment. In honor of the occasion Mr. and Mrs. Thompson kept open house and during the evening a large number of friends Called to pay their respects. The guests were met at the door by Misses Chris tine Sylvester and Margaret Thompson and Leon Humphrey. They were ush ered on to the receiving line in which were. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hargett, Mrs. Nathaniel Sylvester and Mr. and Mrs L. Jones, of New Bern, Miss Edna Rowe, of Hampton, Va., and Miss Shaw, of Weldon. Miss Louise Thompson and C. Rod ney presided over tne puncn dowi nd Miss Mamie Bryant and Rev. N. Wright kept the book in which each guest wrote their name. Later in the evening the guests were invited into the dining room where a delicious salad and ice course was served by E. J. Wood, Miss Janie Jones, Nere E. Day and Mary Cox. As a favor each guest was presented with a pretty little basket. THIS POSTOEFIGE DEFAULTER HELD STOLE J11.000 IS NOW IN JAIL AWAITINGfTHE GRAND JURY'S ACTION. Roaoke, Va., October 21 Edward Silberger, former assistant postmaster at Pochontas, Va., is now in the Roan oke iail awaiting the action of the Federal grand jury, which will meet i Danville, November 11. He confessed before United States Commissioner Goodloe, to the theft of $11,000 from the Pochontas postoffice Septembei Mrs. Silberger whe was arrested with her husband in Cleveland ss sn accessory, is here with her infant girt The commissioner who heard her waive a preliminary hearing, allowed her to be placed in the custody of the Salvation Army pending action of the (rand jury. Relatives are expected to secure bail for the prisoners. . inspectors recovered $10 th money. Silberger and his aotured in Cleveland early this week after a ten day's starch by postal authorities. He had Invested a part of the money he secured from reg istered packages in s coal business and when aprehended was driving a drsy. Silberger said he did not make enough money to live on decently and was con stantly in debt In his endeavor to pro vide ordinary comforts 'for his young wife and baby. A GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE LAX ATIVE. A mild, gentle and effective laxative is what people demand when suffering from constipation Thousands swear by Dr. King's New Life Pills. Hugh Tallman, of San Antonio, Tex., writes: "They are, beyond question, the best pills my wife and I have ever taken." They never cause pain. Price 25c. at druggists, or by mail. H. E. Bucklen and Co., Philadel phia or St. Louis. ECZEMA AND ITCHING CURED. The soothing healing medication in Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment pene trates every tiny pore of the skin, clears it of all impurities stops itching instantly. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment is guaranteed to speedily heal eczema, rashes, ringworm, tetter and other unsightly eruptions. Eczena Ointment is a doctor s prescription, not an experiment. All druggists or by mail, auc. neuter v-nemicai Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. What has become of ioned woman who has for every dream. the old-fash- a bad omen Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR! A As a matter of fact, most women wouldn't want their own way if they could have it. MARRIED THIRTY YEARS. Keep Open Caught A Bad Cold. "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreadful," writes Mrs. Sara E. Duncan, of Tilton, Iowa. "We thought sure he was going into consump tion. We bought just one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that one bottle stopped his cough and cured his cold completely." For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Bachelor maids are spinsters haven't given up hope. who Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Mother Of Eighteen Children. "I am the mother of eighteen children and have the p aise of doing more work than any young woman in my town,1 writes Mrs. C. '. Martin, Boone Mill, Va. "I suffered for five years with stomach trouble and could not eat much as a biscuit without suffer ing. 1 nave tanen tnree Dotties oi inam berlain's Tablets and am now a well woman arid weigh 168 pounds. I can eat anylhing I want to, and as much as I want and feel better than I have at any timt in ten years. 1 refer to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say. Cham berlain's Tablets are for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Lies travel fast getting nailed. and so keep from Some women wouldn't objedt to the simple life if they could live it in a $10,000 bungalow. W. Every girl wants to marry rich. Girls don't believe in love as much as men suppose they do. Fresh self Ris ing Buckwheat just received at Hackburn s. Strengthen Weak Kidneys. Don't suffer longer with weak kidneys You can get prompt relief by taking Electric bitters, that wonderful remedy praised by women everywh re. Start! Before attempting to make a name with a bottle today, you will soon I for herself a girl should learn to make feel like a new woman with ambition I bread to work, without fear of pain. Mr. John Dowling of San Francisco, writes: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters prompts me to write. It cured my wife when all else failed." Good for the liver as well. Nothing better for indigestion or biliousness. Price, 50c. and $1.00, at all druggists. (Adv.) PAPERS SEN. PRISE SIMMONS SAYS NICE THINGS ABOUT PRO MINENT NEW BERN MAN. Every time a girl goes away from home she has a perfectly lovely time. Two 50c. bottles cured me of pneumonia." Thousands of other families have been equally bene fited and depend entirely upon Dr. Kim's New Discovery to cure their coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Every dose helps. Price 50c and $1.00. Senator F. M. Simmons, who is spending a few days in New Bern and at his farm in Jones county, went over to Raleigh a day or two ago for a short visit. The Raleigh Times of that city has the following to say of the Senator's visit to that city: Senator F. M. Simmons, fresh 1 from the greatest victory ever ! . . - . KT . 1. I achieved oy any senator irom norm jruggitf Carolina, arnveo in tne city toaay to ; E BuckIen x Cot Philadelphia spend a lew nours witn relatives ana Qr gt l0Uuv friends. As chairman of the. finance committee, Senator Simmons piloted the tariff bill through the senate, lowered the reductions in the House measure two per cent., and engineer ed the whole thing to a successful . conclusion despite a slim majority. 'From every periodical in the coun-1 with the exception of possibly , Don't Let Baby Suffer With Eczema And Skin Eruptions Babies need a .perfectjskin-covering Skin eruptions cause them not only in tense suffering, but hinder their growth Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment can be Jlied on for relief and permanent cure of suffe ing babies whose skin eruptions have made their life miserable. "Our baby was afflicted with breaking out of the skin all over the face and scalp. Doctors and skin specialists failed to help. We tried Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment and were overjoyed to see THE FAMILY COUGH MEDICINE babv completely cured before one box In every home there should be alwas used," writes Mrs. Strubler, Du- bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, I buque, Iowa. All druggists, or by mail. ready for immediate use when any! 50c. (Adv.) member of the family contracts a cold I PFEIFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY, or a cough. Prompt use will stop the! St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. spread of sickness. S. A. Stid, of Mason, Mien., writes: My wnoie lamiiy Even when the uneXi)ected happens. depends upon Dr. King's New Discovery Lhe "i.told-you-so" man is always on as tne oest cougn ana coia meaicineitne in tne woria. It was a hot day, and Abe Sbreter sat on a chair under the awning of Skinner's grocer; with his feet on the bead of a barrel and his head nodding with drowsiness. Colonel Harper, who bad come into town and left bis male hitched In front of the postoffice, came along on his way to the drug store and baited to aay: "That yo', Abe? 1 declar' to good ness bat I didn't know yo' at first sight Powerful not day In town." "Bless me, kurnel. bless me!" ex Claimed Abe in reply as be slowly low ered bis legs to give tho colonel the benefit of the barrel. "I was Jest a thinking about yo', kurnel Jest a-tnlnklng and a-ponderlng. How's con a -getting on this weather T" "Ought to be a little mo' rain, meb be, but eo'n Isn't looking 'tall bad." "And mewls hold their own, 1 reck on to consider?" Jest about bold their own, Abel" "That s good, kurnel. If I can't hold my own I'm still glad to see other folks do It. Things are looking up a bit for me, however. These yere Pike county acandallsers seem to have got tired of throwing me down and jump ing on my head, and mebbe I'll get a chance to draw a long breath. Dawg- gone folks who ain't willing for other folks to get along I Has Pike county ever extended ber hand to help me climb upT" Reckon not, Abe.' "No, suh; no, sub, cept by one soli tary buman being, whose name la Kur nel Harper. When the wsh ended I run for of fice same as all the rest They owed me an office for having laid down my life for my country, but what waa my reward? Kurnel Harper, I reckon yo can remember that I was knocked out h'isted twenty feet high snowed un der till yo couldn't see the top of my hat Thafs the way Pike county en couraged me to grab bold with both hands and climb to the top." "Yes, I remember about that," mus ed the colonel ass he watched a dog rolling over and over In the dusty street Then I turned to law," continued Abe as he bitched the chair over to get a brace for his feet on a post of the veranda. "Kurnel Harper, nobody on the face of this big earth will ever know how I pinched and saved and starved and worked to get that law business down to a fine point Waal, I got to be a lawyer. Then what? I wanted practice. I finally got a case and went Iftto court with It but the pesky jury was lying In am bush to throw mo down. Yes, suh. bad the puhtlest, nicest cleanest case yo' ever beard tell or, ana tnat jury was bound by law and evidence to bring in a verdict for me, but I got the cold flop instead. They brought my client In guilty of stealing a bawg when he was thirty miles away at the time at the bedside of his dying mother. Do yo' call that encouraging a young man, kurnel? Was that giv Ing me a show to climb up?" "Can't skassly call It that, Abe, but If I remember right they found fresh pork In yo'r client's bouse. "They found meat there, of co'se, hot was It the meat of that yere hawg or some other? They never stopped to consider, kurnel Jest throw- ed the verdict agin me In order to crush me out. Same way In the sec ond case and the third and fo'th. No matter how many witnesses I had or how plain I made my case, no Pike county Jury would find for me. How many times bave yo' to flop a young man, Kurnel Harper, to kill off bis ambition and take tbe flgbt out of him?" '"Bont fo' times, I reckon." "Jest about fo' times, kurnel. After that fo'th flop 1 realised that Pike county was agin me as a lawyer, and Feet and when you are in the market for shoes come and see us and you wHl have no shoe troubles &$ to durability fit or price. We have the right shoe for everybody and our prices are reasonable Standar S H O Compa New Bern's Family Shoe d T7 n. V J Store THE JOURNAL Established 1 876 Still in the lead BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Rates Furnished on Application INTERNATIONAL PHASE OF THE MEXICAN SITUATION Uncle Sam Wants to Know Why England Is ButtinU Into The Mexican Trouble Looks Fishy To Those Who Know Washington, Oct. 22. While there have withheld his presentation of ere- was no change in either the status of dentials. affairs at Mexico City or the American inquiry was directed to determine policy, an international phase of the Whether the British foreira office had Mexican situation that attracted wide instructed Sir Lionel to nresent his ere- attention tonight was the formal in- dentials notwithstanding; Huerta'a as. quiry made earlier today by Ambassa- ' sumDti0n of Dowers. dor Page at London as to what was construed here as an unsympathetic at titude toward the United States by Sir Lionel Carden, the British minister to Mexico. It is understood that the basis of the inquiry was a confidential report to the state department, the contents of which were not divulged here. It is known however, that what particularly dis pleased both J President and Secre tary Bryan was the presentation by Sir Lionel of his credentials to Provi lonal President Huerta the very day after the latter had proclaimed himself dictator. The American government I went Into politics. There I waa' flop-1 fcltft hat Huerta's nullification of the Despondency. Is often caused by indigestion and constipation, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are taken. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Too many young couples never think seriously about marriage until after it happens. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A When a man brings home a box oi candy for his wife she imagines he is concealine a confession he ought to Beet Treatment for A Burn. try, with the exception ot possioiy If ( n0 otner n, Chamberlain's make and usually she is right. one, words ot praise nave come lor s,jve ,houid be kept in every household the North Carolina leader. In his on account 0 jtl great value in the own State tormer opponents nave fre.,m.nt of burns. It al lavs the oain united with partisan friends to place araott instantly, and unless the injury aurels on his head. North Carolini-' a ,evere one, heals the parts without ans proclaim him, . judging by leaving a scar. This salve is also the press and public speskers, as un.nuled (or chaooed hands, sore the most successful of all her public nipples and diseases of the skin. Price men. I is cents. For sale bv all dealers. Senator Simmons called on Gov- radv.l CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. liie Kind You Haie Always BoBcht crnor Craig to day. He is the same modest man that he was before the campaign, scores ot people, learn ing of his presence in the city, ex pressed their desire to shake his hand. "The Senator went from the Gevern nor's office direct to the homes of his daughters, Mrs. Graham Andrews and Mrs. Louis Mahler. He will leave this afternoon at 6 o'clock for Trenton, Jones county, where he will spend 10 days before returning to his duties in Washington. "SCnator Simmons, despite his five months oi hard application to the tariff bill, kept up pretty weH with the affairs in North Carolina. Ha thought Governor Craig had Bears the Signature of Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A ped ag'ln. 1 took to the lecture plat form, and bow many times did I lee tnre? Jest once, kurnel. Then cams the flop." "But yo' won't have to go to work, will yo,' Abe?" queried the colonel, with a tinge of sarcasm in hia voice "Never In this world, kurnel; never In this world That's what Pike coun ty wants to drive me Into, bat she shall never succeed. I've got Ideas, suh ideas. I've got a scheme for putting mo' water In whisky and thus doubling production. 1're Invented a bar'l with fo bungholea Instead of two. I've got a horseshoe with a spring to It to help start the horse off. I've got a scheme to do away with all doorknobs and save 130,000,000 a year. I've got a scheme to make all forks with two tines only and thus save every house hold $10 a year. I've got fo'ty different good things to work on, Kurnel Har per. and I'm telling yo' I'll yet see the day I can buy and sell this crowd that's trying to keep me down. I'll do It for shore, kurnel do It for shore." "I reckon yo will, Abe. Leastwise, l never saw yo' so stirred up Mio What yo' got In yo'r throat to make to' gasp and gurgle that way 7" "Can't yo' understand, kurnel T" "Not skassly. Haven't swallowed toe of these pesky bossfltos, have yoT No; It's not hossfllea. If a a half an hoar over my regular time, kurnel, and I've got s thirst to me No; I don't mind stepping s round with yo for a yo' are a man who don't like to nip alons and have had the Eoodness to ask me. Jest lead the way. kurnel. and ril be along a ml late same as If I sort of STStteell fsf by accident, vo know." Mexican constitution, was only by his arrest of the deputies, but by his as sumption of legislative powers, had s altered affairs n the Mexican capital that the British minister might well The explanation of the British foreign office noted in dispatches, that the pre sentatlon of the credentials was merely a coincidence and not antagonistic to the American point of view was not commented on by officials tonight. Diplomatic circles interpreted the new development as strongly intimating to Europe the desire of the United States to have a free hand in dealing with the Mexican problem. Secretary Bryan, when. Asked today whether he would comment en the let ter of resignation of Henry Wilson, for mer ambassador to Mexies) said: "I do not care to discuss it and do not intend to." President Wilson had no comment to make on the letter beyond saying that he had read it when it was presented last August. sisims j 3EMT I mi ndBweMl s ALCOHOL 3 PER I AVcsclaWelVrpansiontrA simiiaiiiig the hood and E iinguteMomcasj rromoiFs urgnnonjijRnw' ness and tey0DJanjBwr Onium Morphine rerMtaal NOT NARCOTIC. Ml Tmm It won't help to make a long face when you are short. Good For Biliousness. "I took two of Chamberlain's Tablets ast night, and I feel fifty per cent bet er than I have for weeks," says J. J. Firestdn: of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a fine article Carl Daniels 9 AiC jrney and Counsellor At Law Practices wherever services are required. Office in Masonic Building. BAYBORO, N. C. Electric Bitters tor MlimmnmC For sale by all dealer. JISS! (Adv.; For cull For Weakness and Lobs of Appetite Tat Old SUndtrd rtacral itr ruthnlns tonic ante, oat nd children. 50c ' Mad A Hw Man Of Mlm. "J waa sulTerlng from pain la my stomach, head and back?' writes H. T Alston, Raleigh, N.0,"nd mj live.-anC kidneys did not work right, bu: four bottles of Electrlo Bitten made me feel like a new man. JPRICf lOCTt. AT ALL IftUI tTMfl. 1mmmmmgmmmmmmmmmma WonjCivJitiJBsJmw MM aaalASSOraun raeS'nh The CwnAua Cowd NEWYUKIV. CftSTORIA Tor Infanta and ChikLran. The Kind You Have Always Bears the Signature of Bought n ,1(V I n End Copy of Wrapper. 1)38 For Over Thirty Years cash nniMT 1

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