Befit I No. 148 NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 FIRST SECTION Whit ft I CHILD KILLED BY t NORFOLK MISS MET DEATH BE NEATH WHEELS YES TERDAY Norfolk, Qct. 31. While racing with several playmates to see who get across the street quickest; Mildred Garringer, 5-year-old daughter of Joshua Garrin ger, agent of the Peninsula Casualty Company, was run down and killed by an automobile at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon in front of her parents' resi dence, 233 North street. Taken imme diately to the Protestant hospital, the child died in the elevator on the way to the operating room. Her neck wa broken. The automobile belonged to Mrs. G. C. Gray, 361! Granby street, and was driven by her chauffeur, Delmar Og douin, who was its only occupant when the accident occurred, In the neighborhood accounts by eye-witnesses varied as to the speed of the car,, but all said the driver stopped the machine within a few feet of where it struck the child. One of the front wheels passed over the child's neck and when the car was stopped the lit tle girl lay between the front and rear wheels. She was taken from beneath the car by a passerby and, over, the protest of neighbors who insisted the child should be carried to her mother, was rushed to the protestant hospital in the automobile which had run her down. After turning the little, girl over to the doctors at the hospital Ogdoin sped back to the Garringer residence for the mother, who, accompanied by Mrs. Hunter McCauley, 226 North street, reached the hospital a few minutes later, and was informed that the child was dead. Mrs. Garringer was prostrated. Mildred was one of three children, and the only daughter. Her brother are eight and seven years old, re spective'y. Miss Marie Fentress, 225 North street, wno saw tne acciaem, saia. tnai the car was not running much taster than the usual speed at which automo biles pass on North street. It couldn't have been going very fast," she siad, "because the chauffeur stopped it within the length of the car." Others declared the machine was mov ing swiftly, --at a speed variously esti mated at between 20 and 25 miles an hour. A neighbor who lives across the street from the Garinger home, de clared the machine was speeding. At the speed he was making, she said, the chauffeur could not possibly have avoided the accident as the little girl ran in front of the car when it was too late to stop, Ogdouin was arrested and held by the police on the technical charge of reckless driving. He will be arraigned in police court this morning. NOTICE To the Teachers, School Committee men and Attendance Officers of Craven County: Compulsory Attendance. The four months compulsory at tendance period for this Craven County has been fixed by the Board of Education to begin Monday, Nov. 17, 1913. During the four months following this date all children of the county between the ages of eight and twelve years are required to attend school continuously. 'Children residing more than two and a half miles from school, and those who may be physically or mentally unfit for school work are exempt from operation of this law. Good Roads Day. Thursday, Nov. 6th has been des ignated by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction as the day to be celebrated as "Good Roads Day" in the public schools. A part of this day should be spent in readine and discussing with the children, the information contained in thp hitlletin on f'.rmH RnaHa an V- bor Day, a copy ol woicn i am you by this mail. ..... The remainder. of the day should be spent rn actual work by the children, with the help and direction of the teachers, in improving and beautifying the school grounds and the roads leading thereto. i Parents are invited to meet with the children and aid in this laudable work. S. M. Brinson, Supt. Public Instruction, Craven ' ' County EXHIBIT WON ATT .11. . ... R. D K. I. U. 3. re.- "sr. nf W.-, u ii after attending hotnt yesterday l air. Mr. Ucwhursi is a breeder of pure bred poultry and Berkshire hoes and his exhibit st ths Fair not only was admired by all but won six first prize andfone second prize. .11 Mrs. E . H. Claypoole left'yeslerday t with relatives at Raleigh. for a vii AUTOMOBIL SAYS PEOPLE ARE BEHIND WILSON Senator Simmons Interviewed A Reporter Of A New York Paper. By TALKS VERY INTERESTINGLY Says Coiigress Should Not Ad Journ Just At This Time. Senator F. M. Simmons, cha irman of the Finance-Committee of the Senate has returned to his official duties at Washington after spending several days in this city. In an interview given a reporter of the New York World he says: You may say that the Demo cratic party is thoroughly committed to legislation .reforming the present banking and currency system. I re gard legislation of this character as secondary only to that of legislation upon the tariff. I am in favor of ac tion upon this subject before the ad journment of Congress. In my opinion some action will be taken in that behalf either during the pres ent session or before the holidays At any rate there ought to be no ad journment until a bill has been passed carrying out the Democratic pledge. I am in favor of the fundamentals of the -Administration's policy upon this subject. I am emphatic in, ex pressing the belief that the Gov ernment should assume proper control of the currency of the country. I am opposed to any plan of currency legislation which would leave the money of the country in the control of individual financiers. There is nothing, in my judgment, which could be more unfortunate than to attempt to meet the issue by the establish ment of one central bank. That would not, in my opinion, meet the approval of the people nor would it reach the root of the evil. During my recent visit to North Carolina, I talked with quite a number of bankers and business men and found great interest in the subject of financia egisUtion. While there was Lfgy&l&k feeling that the bill which has recently passed the Houses should in many respects be amended. I found " .. .. .. t 4 . . t a general sentiment in tavor oi tne fundamental principles of that bill and a feeling that safety required that the present makeshift legisla tion upon the subject of banking and currency shoul J be sypplanted by a more scientific and modern system. If any one supposes the people are not behind President Wilson in hut program of legislation they are badly mistaken. While I do not regard the currency question as a partisan issue, still there is a feeling that the Democrat party was committed to legislation of this character and that it ought to embody Democratic thought upon that subject. ON NEW SCHOOL BUILDING IN TOWNSHIP NQ. 7 IS NEARING COM PLETION. Rapid progress is being mad in the erection of the central school which is being constructed at Thurman in Town ship No. 7, and the contractor who has the work in charge, has assured the school committeemen that it will be in read ness for opening on November 20 and this date has been set for that occasion. This school will be the first one of ils kind in operation in Eastern North Carolina and will be quite a novelty along educational lines. The' othey schools in the township wi 1 be done awar with and all the pupils will attend the centra1 school, being transported to and from the school in large busses which have been purchased for this prupose. On the opening day there will be a number of men prominent in educational circles of the State on hand to deliver addresses. Among these will be Dr. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent of Public Instruction and Hon. S. M. Brinson of this city who has charge of the pubh schools of the county. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE TODAY. The public is requested to bear in mind the fact that there will be change today in the schedule of the West bound Norfolk Southern train. Until further notice the train from Norfolk will arrive at 6:20 d. hi. and will leave I "V " for Goldsboro at 6:25. This is the only change that i.ito effect today but a new will be found else where in this iss.e of i he Journal FOR SALE A "few - trend, aood white and buff Orpington cockerels Cooks strain and Owen farms direct also white Wyandotte, Fell, strains and barred Plymouth Rocks, Ringlet strain. snow quality, at prices from $2.00 each up. Also trios of the above strains, prices on anolication Address Wm. R, Dewhurst, R. F.'D. 3 New Bern, N. C. 10-9 1 mth WORK PROGRESSES THE DISTRICT PROBES GRAFT CHARGES Sulzer's Graft Investigator Tells About Methods Of Murphy Declares Funds Went Back To Mack New York, Nov. 1. John A. Hennessy, former Governor Sulzer's graft investigator, who has been campaigning against Tammany Hall, on the witness stand today testified that William J. Connors, of Buffalo, had told him of having collected $25, 000 from James Stewart, - a State barge canal contractor, at the request of Charles F. Murphy. Hennessy was the first witness in "John Doe" proceedings instituted by District At torney Whitman to investigate the charges made by Hennessy against Murphy, Edward E. McCall, Demo cratic candidate for mayor, and others. Hennessy said he had seen Connors in Buffalo this Fall during his inves tigations into graft in the State High way Department'and that Henry Bur gard of Buffalo and a "big contractor named McDonough" of Niagara, were present. "Connors told me," said the witness, "that Murphy had asked him to get a good contribution from Jim Stewart, because Stewart had got a good con tract." The witness added that George Mc Guirc, of Syracuse, had told him that Stewart had made two other contribu tions of $5,000 each in 1911 and 1912. McGuire, Hennessy said, declared that one of these contributions had gone to Norman E. Matek, chairman of the Na tional Democratic Committee. These contributions, Hennessy claimed in recent speeches, had not been accounted for. Regarding other contributions, Hennessy declared: "McGuire said that if I got a list of road contractors I'd have a list of contributors that TO POSTAL SERVICE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT TO OPERATE NUMBER OF MODEL OFFICES. Washington, Oct. 31. Postmaster General Burleson has decided to stand ardize the entire postal service so fa.' as possible with a view to greater efficien cy, lo this end tne department will operate a number of model offices to be used to discover the best practicable way of administering the postal facili ties and to test out'rlev'ces and methods which may prove of value. In organizing the field service for this work the country has been divided into three groups the Atlantic states, the I middle west and the Pacific coast. It is proposed to send immediately two postal experts from Washington to each of these divisions where they will co-operate with postoffice inspectors in a study of conditions at designated offices with a view to reorganization of the clerical forces on a more efficient basis, if found advisable. The investigations will cover every phase of the service including collection of mail, methods of handling in post offices and on trains, andjinul delivery. "In this way," the postmaster general said today, "postmaster of all classes will be given the benefit of the dis coveries at the more important office and a material betterment of the post al service throughout the country must result." ' DEEDS, NOT WORDS. New Bern People Hue Absolute Proof Of Deeds At Home. It's not words but deeds that prove true merit. It's not words but d eds that prove The deeds of Doan's Kidney P is, For New Bern k'dney sufferers, Have made their local reputation Proof lies in the testimony, of Non Bern people R. A. Henderson, 156 George street, New Bern, N. C, says: "I suffered from dull pain across my loins, with an extreme lameness in my back. I also hadinflammationof the bladder and the passages of the kidney secretions pained me. Doan's Kidney Pills pro cured at the Bradham Drug Co., removed the lameness and pain and improved my cond tion in every way." No Trouble Since. When Mr. Henderson was interview ed some years later he said: "I willingly confirm my former endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pi Is. I have been free from backache and kidney comp'aint since I Cook this remedy. You are welcome to continue he publication i of my statement." For sa'e bv al' dealers. Price SO cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and 1 take no other. J, H. Reh, who is with the Washing ton Decorating Company, and who dec orated the city for the E istern Carolina Fais, will do the decorating for the colored fair to be held this week. STANDARDIZE ATTORNEY none of them escaped." H. S. Korbough, another contrac tor "gave lip" $10,000 in 1911 and $5, 000 ift 1912, the' witness said McGuire had informed him, and of these con tributions "ojic or the other went to Norman E. Mack." He added that McGuire had said that $100,000 in all weiil tt lurphy. j. Hennessy told of a meeting in Gov ernor Dix office in Albany, as re ported lo htm by McGuire, between Everett Fowler, of Kingston, Norman E. Mack and C. Gordon Reel, then superintendent of highways, at which Hennessy said, it was agreed that Fowler should have" all the division engineers of the Highway Department collect from the contractors. This Fowler did, Hennessy said, and turned the money over to Mr. Mack. Hennessy detailed a conversation he had with Eurehe S. Wood, of New York, regarding the nomination of Edward E. McCall for Supreme Court Justice in 1902. He said Wood told him that former Police Inspector Mc Laughlin paid McCall's campaign as sessment in that campaign. Hennessy said further that Wood had told him McCall was not Mur phy's original choice, for mayor, but that the Tammany leader had been urged to nominate him by the late Anthony N. Brady. Wood is expected ed to testify on Monday. Charles - F. Murphy was among witnesses cited to appear during pres ent proceedings. "Every person whose name has been mentioned by Mr. Hennessy," said the District Attorney today, "is apt to be called." TO GET JOHN SMITH DIDN'T LIKE IDEA OF BEING PLACED IN . COUNTY JAIL. Yesterday afternoon John Smith, a notorious negro who has given the local authorities considerable trouble, 'stole an automatic shotgun from William Saddler, a white man living in the Northern part of the city. As soon as he discovered that the gun had been stolen Mr. Saddler notified Sheriff R. B. Lane and asked him to be on the lookout for it. A short time later the sheriff received a telephone message that a strange negro was out at Fred Bray's farm with a gun which he. wanted to sell at a ridiculously low price. Mr. Bray was asked to keep the negro there until an officer could be sent out and Deputy Sheriff John Huff and Deputy Sheriff Conway Bayliss were at once sent out to Mr. Bray's farm. Arriving there they found Smith! who still had the gun, and ne was uken into custody and placed in a buggy to be brought back to town. Arriving at the jail Smith in some way managed to make a break lor liberty and lost no time in making tracks up Craven street. Deputy Sheriff Bayliss started in pursuit and succeeded in ovcrhaulng the fleeing fugitive before he had covered more than a block, and he is now in jail awaiting a preliminary hearing on a charge of larceny. Smith claims that the gun belongs to him that and he was endeavoring to sell it because his mother did not want him to keep it in the house. 10 BE OPERATED WILL CARRY COLORED VISITORS TO THE FAIR GROUNDS. The large motor busses wh ch were brought here by the Gltnburnie Trans portation Company for use during the Eastern Carolina Fair will be in opera tion during the Eastern Carolina Col ored Dair to be held this week, and will be put in operation tomorrow morning. These cars will leave Frog Pond and the foot of the Trent river bridge every few minutes during tomorrow and all during the time that the fair is in progress. In addition to the operation of these cars a number o boats will also be opera ted and it will be an easy matter for the colored people to get out to the fr Bounds at any time during the week. IrTsii Cists ill i i C Fro; OTMRXiy-o IX This) is prwcriptioo prepared tpiclilly rrwr Ml A I ABIa nr eUil I s A sTrUsTB in,ro7ri, erfU h, .H if tskea tten ss s tonic the Fever will not: rmum. It acts on the liver better thsa Calomel and does not gtipc oc sicken. 26c PRISONER TRIED AWAY MOTOR BUSSES oda ffelPOSTOFFICE I New Bird Game. This la a novel way of giving a "bird party," the Idea Is given by Martha Burr Banks. Supply the guests with cards bear ing as many mssnbers as there are birds portrayed, by various methods on the walls. These examples will show how the names of the birds are demonstrated, each Illustration is numbered, so the guest may write his guess down opposite the corre sponding number on tne card. It Is well to attach pencils to the cards and to start the contest after all have arrived. A half hour Is sufficient time to allow for the guessing. Blackbird; A bird cut from black paper. Redwing; A home with a wing painted red. Flicker; A candle blowing in the wind. Hlghhole; A hole in the top of the paper. Cuckoo; A cook and two o's. Woodpecker; A match, a peck measure, and an R. Meadow lark; Children romping In a meadow Yellow-breasted chat; Two men, with yellow shirt-fronts, talking together. Brown thrasher; A school master In brown, with a rod in his hand. Cardinal; A church dignitary. Crow; A cock In the act of crowing; Hawk; A peddler. Swallow; A child eating. Swift; A boy running. Cross bill; A bill on whloh are written these words: "Pay at once!" Spoon bill; A spoon and a bird's beak. Blue-jay; A blue J. Fox sparrow; A fox and the letters 8 and P above an arrow. Song sparrow; A bar of a song, a spar, and a man rowing. Junco; A Junk cart and an O. Blue bird; A bird with drooping head and wings. Wagtail; A dog. Maryland yellow-throat; A map of Maryland and a stork with a yellow neck. Chippy; A man chopping wood. Fly catcher; A piece of fly-paper. Red start; The word "start" written In red ink. Indigo bunting; A scrap of blue bunting. Kinglet; A child wear ing a crown. Pewee; A small P. Humming-bird; A splnnlg top. The names of other birds, such as cat bird, oven bird, nut-hatch, snowflake, yellow-hammer, brown creeper, king fisher, sandpiper, chickadee, etc., will suggest their own illustrations. Have chicken in some form (sand wiches are always acceptable) and ices or cream in shape of birds would be appropriate. It will be easy to manage "bird" cookies and perhaps the oonfacUoneer will make nests of spun sugar in which candy eggs may be placed. These would be charming at each place on the table. There are many Out of Door. To be oat of doors is to have the nerves keyed to the proper pitch. It fresh air is not tonic to the nerves, why do moodiness and depression fall away, why do we become saner and more serene as we walk or ride or lie under the trees T Everybody, par- tlcularly If leading a sedentary life. should know that It it economy of ! time to be out of doors. Needed both for work and for health, out-door exer- else, with Its bath of fresh air and the bath of fresh sir-cleansed blood it gives within, is as essential as the morning tab. Satchel Thought Thief-Proof. Hold-ups In New York city have in spired an inventor to devise a thief proof satchel for bank messengers In the satchel Is a mechanism eon trolled by a combination look that operates bells and a revolver loaded with blank cartridges. As long as the sssssenrer holds ths satchel tn his hand the bells and revolver are In active, bat should be drop It, or an) one try to take tt sway from him, the alarm would be instantaneous. Found Plenty to A poUtMsan gave his cousin fresh from the "oold sod" a Job as smoke Inspector. Hs was not Instructed as to his duties, bat to VI to go out and inspect At the end of his first month he made this report: "This Is to cer tify that I have Inspected the smoke of this city lor the past 80 days. 1 have to report that I have found plen ty of smoke and that ths smoke is of good quality." Saturday Evening Post Whltsd sepulchres. George Ade in the smoking room of the Imperator praised Brian's play of "Las A varies" or "Damaged (Mods "There Is a good dead of truth in what Btieux says," declared Mr. Ada, "about most men being tarred with the same brush." He smiled and added: "The world holds a great many men in high esteem because they know how to take the bait off the hook without getting caught" Teaching American Ways. Miss Agga Amdrup, a Danish Jour nalist who has passed many years Tn America, is conducting a campaign In Denmark to encourage people to fur nlsh and equip their homes in the American fashion. She is lecturing on the subject throughout the noun- ' householders to do away wlth th"r mnlr curtains iT Ties which prevent light and air tram fatting Into the IS TO BEGIN Democrat Inspector From South Carolina Coming To New Bern IF CHARGES ARE PROVEN P0S1AJIER GOES OUT The Result Will Be Known By The First Of December Three weeks ago today the Journal carried an exclusive article which was to the effect that charges had been preferred against Postmaster J. S. Basnight, who is in charge of the local office and that he had been asked to resign ind, after refusing to do-this, had been notified that an investigation of his record would be m.ide and that if the charges were substantiated, fhat he and his assistant would be removed. Since that time the Journal has kept its readers pdjted on all occurrences and developments along this line, giving them the news just a3 quickly as possible after numerous incidents occurred, and 'will continue to do this until the matter islfinally disposed of. As stated in thefirst article carried by the Journal, trouble which had for months been brewing in the office among the clerks and carriers came to a climax -when Postmaster Basnight placed George Howard as dispatching . .... i i . i clerk to nil a vacancy maue uy resignation of Clarence Crapon. Robert Snith, who had been in the omce much longer than Mr. Howard thought that he should have this place instead the one he held as night clerk, and once took the matter up with the 'ost office Department and also with no. M. faison, i ongrcssman iruiu district and a staunch Democrat. This started the ball rolling and ithin less than a week a very for iilablc string of charges, in addition Smiths' complaint had been placed Congressman Faison's hands, and he at once began to look up Mr. Bas- night's record. A few days later he came to New Bern nd after holding a conference with number of prominent democrats sent one t these gentlemen to Mr. Basnight ith a message that if the latter would resign that the matter would be dropped ust as it was. Mr. Basnight flatly refused to do this. Accordingly Congressman Faison ask ed the Postoffice Department for an inspector to come to New Bern and make a thorough investigation and was expected that he would be here last week, but unexpected delays occurred and he will not arrive here until next week. Among the numerous charges against Mr. Basnight, in addition to that he showed favoritism in not giving Mr. Smith the position of dispatching clerk in preference to Mr. Howard eithat he held a political meeting in his office, that in order to further his own ends he promised to reinstate carrier who had been dismissed if he would stay away from a Republi can convention held in this city more than two years ago and a number of others which have not been made public up to the present time. Each of the above is a violation of the postal rules but Mr. Basnight tells his friends that he is in a position to disprove them, and in fact can clear himseli of all charges. However, whether this can be done is a matter of speculation. In behalf of his constituents Congressman hajson is going to make a rigid investigation of every charge. The inspector who will make the investigation will not be Republican as has been rumored, but will be Democrat brought from South Carolina and one who is thor oughly disinterested in the matter. This investigation will probably last several days and then the findings will be turned over to the Postoffice Departmnt, and if the charges are substantiated Mr. Basnight will prob ably be removed. The whole proceedings will be con eluded by the latter part of this month and the new postmaster, if such there is to be, will probably be in charge of the office on December 1. This action is not being brought against the present dost master for political purposes The main object is to clear the atmos phere in the office, get rid of so much disagreement among the employes, and once more get everyone working in unison which is not being done at the present time. There are four aspirants for the office, John C. Thomas, L. G. Daniels, S. H. Lane and Frank Weathersbee During the last few days it has been rumored that there was a "dark horse" in the race, but the Journal has been reliably informed that there is not the least ioundation for such a report The Journal knows who the next nil NEXT WEEK ; 1 KILLED BY FALL. tpK! "Knights Of The Grip" Dies In Baltimore. Charles A. Brenaman, dean of com mercial travelers who visited. Eastern Carolina, died at hie home in Baltimore two hours after he fell into aa elevator shaft and sustained fatal' injuries, according to advices received hare. Regret is universal in this section. Mr. Brenaman was 73 years of age. He was a cigar manufacturer and rep resented his business in the sales field. Chas. H. Brenaman had been visiting this section for fifty years, and was known to every traveler, conductor and hotel man and many others in there territory. He was probably the oldest travel ing salesman to come here. He was a white haired gentleman of the old school, and as one of the intimates have declared, "one of God's nqWe raen." Immaculate in dress and pol ished in manner, his personality was. impressive, and his character so gen teel that all his acquaintances greatly admired him. He was never seen . without a flower oa the lapel of his coat and his first act each day was to seek a boutonnaire. FRANK DENIED A NEW HEARING Convicted Murderer Of Mary gan Will Go To Supreme Court. PREJUDICE IS CHARGED Prisoner Received The News With But Little Concern. Atlanta Ga., Nov. I. Leo M. Frank, whose motion for a new trial for the murder of Mary Phagan was denied this morning by Judge L. S. Roan, of the Fulton county Superior Court, this afternoon prepared to car ry his fane to the Supreme Court of Georgia. Tonight it was said that attorneys for the convicted man had practically completed drafting a bill of excep tions, on the strength of which, they will continue their fight before the highest tribunal of the e State. 4 " k j The bill of exceptio will embodv practically the saase al legations of error as were contained is the motion for a new trial. These charged among numerous ether counts, prejudice on the part of twe jurors, and that several popular dem onstrations in and near the court room had fixed the verdict. Couneel for Frank contended that race prejudice against their client, who is a Jew, vitiated the trial. It was also said that Frank attor neys that the words of Judge Roan in announcing his ruling today would be incorporated, in the bill of excep tions. Judge Rean, befop sehom the case was tried, said: "I Jhaye heard all the evidence in this Tiase and fak- ing it altogether 1 am nbthoroughly convinced either as tot the guilt or in nocence of the defendant. "The jury having passed upon this case and having bees convinced in the evidence of his guilt, however, I do not feel disposed to overturn its ver dict." Friends of Frank conveyed the news of today's decision to him at his cell in the local jail. The prisoner receiv ed the announcement quietly. "I am prepared for anything," he is quoted saying. "I expected that I would be granted a new trial. However, I know that it will come out all right in the end. As I have said before, I know nothing about the murder or the murderer." postmaster will be and had intended making his name public this morning. However, parties interested have shown us good reasons why such should not be done at this time and reqssstod that we. withhold the information for a few days and this Is being done. Congressman Faison, who has bees in the city for several, days left yes terday for Beaufort. Before making his departure he was asked by a Journal reporter if he had anything to say as to what the probable outcome of the- investigation would be, but he emphatic ally stated that he was averse to giving interviews to the newspapers and that if the reporter desired to acquaint himself with any information In regard to the postoffice squabble that he would have to secure it from other quarters, Thus the matter stands. The Inves tigation will probably begin next or not later than the following by any means, and will be just as soon as possible and I mcht will then get the Br, sequent developments on what decision they matter. ri