- . . toenail ' ' NEW BERN. N. C.JMONDA Y, NOVEMBER 10 1913 FIRST SECTION No, 148 35th YEAH NINE INJURED T Strikers Causing Much Trou , ble At Indian apolis. REQUEST GOVERNOR'S AID Probable That The State Mi litia Will Be Called Out. Indianapolis, 'Ind., Nov. 6. An effort to resume street car traffic which has- been tied up since Friday night by a strike, resulted today in the serious injury of seven strikebreakers and two policemen and the des truction of a car. A crowd of several thousand persons, many of them armed with bricks, sur rounded the car and prevented progress while a downpour of missiles from the roofs and win dows of buildings along the route threatened the lives of the strike breakers and police. , Indications tonight were that the militia would be called out tomorrow. A, committee of the civic and commercial organiza tions presented a request to Gov ernor Ralston asking for troops and stating the organizations would share the responsibility for the action. While Governor Ralston would not state what action he would take, he intimated that his reason for not calling the troops at once was that they could not be mobil ized before tomorrow morning and that he feared the announcement that the militia had been called out for tomorrow would result in a night of lawlessness. The strike breakers injured in today's rioting who are able to gravel returned 'to Chicago to night, i A number of strike sympathiz ers went back to the wrecked car later in the day to rejnove it from the tracks and to block further traffic on the line. They were dispersed when a riot call brought fifty policemen to the scene. Another death due to .the strike resulted when Thomas Carl ton, who was shot at the Louisi anna street barn riot, died to day. OF THE WEEK INTERESTING ITEMS PICKED UP ON THE SCHOOL CAMPUS. The teacher aad children of the 1C and Hi A and B Grade wish to thank the manager of the Athens Theatre for tickets to the Friday matinee he sent them. It was a great treat, and enjoyed by all. The First regular meeting of the Piano and Violin Club for this term will be held in the Auditorium Wednesday afternoon Novmber 12th at four o'clock It is hoped that all of the music pupils, will attend. The girls of the 4C grade have had perfect atti ndance this wcek. We are very much interested in long division; every one in the grade received ex cellent to day on this subject. Our Spelling Bee was very good, only 13 words missed, six on one side and seven "on the other. There were only two absent marks again! the 5 A .grade this week both caused by one boy, who was so unfort unate as to be ick- We are studying the Geography of the Middle Atlantic States, "and yester . day's lesson was made more interesting when the Superintendent dropped in, and joined us in a few minutes' talk about coke, etc. In the Auditorium exercises on Friday ih'yratAZ, a vo.-..l hict entitled ."Fo rs! . IV. : vcy sweetly sung by Margaret Kmnifrt and Ben jam in' Moor. . FOR SALE A few rand, good. white and - buff Orpington cockerels, Cook's strain and Owen farms direct; also white Wyandotte, Fells strains aad barred Plymouth Rocks, Ringlet strain. Show quality, at prices of from 12,00 each up. Also trio of tb above 'strains, prices on application, address Wm. R. Dewhurst, R. F. D. 3. New Barn, N. C. 10-9 1 nth DURING SCHOOL NEWS COURT CALENDAR FOR JONES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT. Fall Term, 1913. Monday December 1st, all criminal cases. . ' No. 3. Smith Courtney Co, vs. C. A. Rhodes. No. 4. Balaam Meadows vs. C. C Perry et al. Tuesday December 2nd: No. 14. K R. Hay vs. Munger and Bennett. .,. It No. 15. N.'B. Dudley vs. Munger and Bennett. No. 16. W. J. Morton vs. M ungcr and Bennett.. No. 6. Delia Smith vs. D. W. Murrell, No. 8. Eure Harris Co. vs. M: N Harriett. Wednesday December 3rd: No. 17. DuVal. and Bell vs. Norfolk Southern and A. C. L. R. R. Cos. No. 18. J. N. Foscue, vs. A. C. Lg R. R. Co. No. 21. The Trenton Land and Lumber Co. vs. J. S. Wooten. No. 22. Benj. Stanley vs. P. B. Mc Daniet Admr. No. 23. W. J. Morton vs. S. S. Waters and wife. Thursday, December 4th: No. 25. Jones-Onslow Land Co. vs. H. O. Hyatt. No. 26. J ones-Onslow Lumber Co. vs. John L. Roper Lumber Co. No. 28. Jno. E. Taylor vs. Walter L. Moore and wife. No. 29. Goldsboro , Lumber Co. vs. Craft and Turner. No. 31. J. B. Pollock vs. Munger and Bennett. ' Friday, December 5th: No. 32. C. C. Perry and J. H. Bell vs. Balaam Meadows. No. 33. Marinda J. Watcrsvs. S. S. Waters et als. No. 35. J. L. Foy vs. C. D. Foy. Bcaley Shoe Co. vs. J. S. Hudson et al. Nannie E. Kennedy vs. Walter )$, Kennedy. All other cases subject to motion. All parties and witnesses concerned will attend court on day case is set for trial as stated above, without further notice. This November 7th, 1913. J. B. Collins, Clerk Superior Court. WOULD SAVE HER FROM GALLOWS Connecticut Women Protest Against Hanging Of A Female. " MURDERED HER HUSBAND Suffrage Leader Says She Is A Victim Of Social System. New Haven, Nov. 8. Overcome by the thought that she must now live within sight of he yard where she will be hanged on March 4, Mrs. Bes sie Wakefield was today taken in a state of collapse from the county jail to the death cell in the State prison at Wethersfield. She became hysterical this morning when told that she was to be moved. "I am so frightened!" she sobbed. "Thye are kind to me here. I am afraid they will be cruel . to rre at Wethersfield. If I could only see my babies! I am so sorry; so lonesome, so terrified!" Upon Governor Baldwin and the board- of pardons is bring brought all the influence that the women of this and other New England States can bring in an effort to save Mrs. Wakefield from the gallows. The Connecticut State Woman Suf frage Association is leading in the general movement. Mrs. .Thomas N Hepburn, president of the State Asso ciation, declared today that her or ganization on behalf of the condemned woman. I do not believe that Mrs. Wake field should be hanged, and Mrs Hepburn, "Not because she is woman am I opposed- I am opposed to capital punishment. I am sure I voice the sentiment of the suffragettes of Hartford." Miss Emily Picrson, State organizer of the Woman Suffrage Association, said: There is no plank in our platform other than equal sufffage. But capi tal punishment is a relic of the dark ages and should be abolished. It is not unlikely that Mrs. Wakefield was a victim of our demoralized social sys tem. She is not to blame for that We shall protest against her execution.' About the "cheapest brand of ainus nient is watching a pretty woman, eat ing corn on tne cob. If you can't attract attention any other way, you might try slamming the ilnor. Come in and see us Fair Week. Always glad to tee you when you are in town Standard Shoe Co. SHE SETTLED HI Governor Ralston Chiefly Respon sible For Agreement Of Companies. SOLDIERS WERE NOT NEEDED 4 Can Will be Operated After Twenty four Hour All Old Employes Return To Work. Indianapolis Ind. Nov. 8. The strike of the employes of the Indian apolis Traction A Terminal Company was settled late today through the ef forts of Governor Samuel M. Ralston. The employes won their demand for arbitration but nothing is said about recognition of the Union or terms of settlement. Street car service is to be resumed within 24 hours, according to the terms of the settlement which also provides against any further interfer ence with the operation of the cars. All the men who were in the employ of the company Friday night, Oc tober 31st, when the strike was -called, and all employes who had been discharged on account of joining the union are to be reinstated by the company with full seniority rights and without prejudice. The company, however, is not compelled to reinstate men who engaged in violence during the strike. , Disputes and grievances as to wag es, hours and conditions of service will be referred to the utilities com mission for arbitration if the company and employes fail to reach an agreement within ten days. The com pany must take up these grievances with its empolyes within five days af ter the resumption of service. The. utilities commission by the terms of settlement, . must' render a decision which shall be binding on all parties interested for three years and shall relate back to the resumption of work within 30 days from the date of the first hearing. In addition to union and traction company officers, the agreement was igncd by Ethelbert Stewart, repre senting the Federal government, and overnor Ralston of the State. The settlement of the strike means at the 2,000 members of the Indi- na National Guard called to India polis yesterday by the Governor, for trike duty, will be dispatched to the ome stations as soon as possible. The strike began a week ago to- ight and has resulted in four deaths and injuries to a hundred or more persons, including several police offi cers. Until yesterday, wnen tne city quieted down, the downtown streets have been the scenes of almost con tinuous rioting and much damage has been done to street railway property. Union officials declare that, while disappointed in not obtaining, recog nition of the union, they obtained their main contentoin, arbitration of all disputes. The railroad company asserts it won in its fight not to rec ognize the union. Credit for settlement of the strike is given to Governor Ralston, who has been untiring in his efforts to bring the company and its eljiployes togcth NOTICE. To the teachers, School Committee men and Attendance Officers of Craven county: Compulsory Attendance. The four months compulsory at tendance period "for this Craven- County has been fixed by the Board of Education to begin Monday, Nov. 17, 1913. During the four months following this date all children of the county between the ages of eight and twelve years are required to attend school continuously. Children residing more than two and a half miles from school, and those who may be physically or mentally unfit for school work are exempt from this law. S. M. Hrinson, Supt. Public Instruction, Craven County. Men talk during courtship; women after marriage. FOOTBALLISTS FOUGHT. Raleigh Defeated Goldsboro. And Then There Was Another Scrap. Goldsboro, 'Nov. 8. Raleigh high school eleven defeated the local high school football team this afternoon by a score of 38 to 7 and should they de feat Wilmington will have the title of high school championship, Immediatlty after the game, the spectators were nest entertained by a football minstrel show whereby the curtain rose upon the first act of a rough and tumble fight between members of the two teams. There are several discolored eyes aija result. Hay you teen the latest hoes ot the Standard Shoe NDI1P0LIS Company's Store SEVERAL NEW PURLS E Enrollment At Craven's Life School Is Increasing. Farm FIVE ADDED SINCE OPENING Dr. J. E. Turlington, The Prin cipal, I Greatly Pleased With Prospects. Dr. J. E. Turlington, principal of Craven county's. IFarm Life School, which began its Fall term last week. was hi the tty yesterday attending the first monthly meeting of the Craven county's Teachers' Association. On the opening 'day of the school, thirty pupils were enrolled in the Farm LifeDept. 'since then fivemore have been enrolled and the total number in this department now numbers thirty-five. Much interest is being manifested In this school by the young men and women of the county and a large number of applications for admittance are now on file. By the latter part of next week it is believed that the enrollment will reach fifty. Dr. Turlington is greatly enthused over the school work. He has gathered I around him the most efficient corps of I teachers that could be secured and these I are co-operating with him in every possible way. The Craven county Farm Life School is the first in the State I to be put in operation and the eyes of every one interested in education are turned in its direction. I It is an assured fact that the insti-1 tution will prove to be a success and that it will be only a matter of a year or two before a large number of similar institutions are in operation in this State. SHOWS COMING WILL EXHIBIT UNDER AUS PICES 0 ATLANTIC FIRE COMPANY. The Atlantic fire company, are put-1 ting forth strenuous efforts to have J the "Big Week" of the season for the amusement lovers of the city and surrounding territory ru C :, V,' Greater Shows wilt play here the week of November 17th under the auspices of this company, and it can be said it is one of the largest carnival organiza-1 i u ...... tu: : Finns in itir i i r v. i iia in t irn nisi visit to this city and the class of attractions that go to make up the out-1 fit far outclass the ordinary carnivals that have formerly visited the ctty. The shows will be located in the Ghent Show grounds, situated on the car line. The company cawy their own electric light plant, and when the button is pressed for the current on the evenine of the 17th the whole grounds wilt be one mass of brilliancy. One of the features of the Smith s Greater shows will be the trained animal circus. Among the exhibits are to be. found two baby leopards, born in winter quarters, now about five months old. While these animals are young they are quite tame, but after they are full grown, they are said to be the most ferocious and treacherous beasts of the animal family. These baby leopards are too small to work, but their mother with six other leopards and a puma, arc to be seen in the train - ed animal circus twice daily. Another act in the trained animalcircus, and a positive feature, is nine big full-grown African lions. The feats that they per - form are almost unbelievable, jumping NROLLEO SMITH'S GREATER through hoops of fire, sitting at the I The party mounted the steps of the table at the trainer's dinner andlrostrtim forming an aisle for the bride. eating meat from the naked hand a truly marvelous exhibition in the art of wild animal teaching. Another feature will be three baby lions born on the road while at Nelsonville, September 2nd. These cubs are snow white, are are said to be the only white baby lions ever born. 1 hey are now being fed on. cows milk, and they arc living they will be seen twice! daily In the trained animal circus. Smiths greater Shows are said to contain one of the finest collections of trained animals ot any show in the . - . United States. Some of the larger circuses have a larger collection, but none, of them will be Jound to perform in the trained manner you will find in this collection, and there will be nine other big shows, Including the Smith's $15,000.00 Hurdlers, burning 17 al ternating red, white and blue lights, ",UL "uui nmcnincirnarcn. n the road. 1 he shows are all high class, ana such that any lady or gentleman can attend any, or all of them, at any or all times. The absence of confetti, slap sticks and come-back balls away with rowdyism, and it is intention oi toe management to cater to tne oest cias at people. Adv. THE ROBINSON BLADES NUPTIALS Most Brilliant Wedding In City's History Took Place Last Evening. HUNDREDS WITNESS CEREMONY Reception At The Home Of The Bride's Parents After The Marriage. New Bern society was. brilliantly represented last evening in Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church at the wedding of Miss Ivy Blades, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Benjamin Blades, to Mr. Charles Oakley Robinson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson, of Elizabeth City. There was gathered at the church one of the largest wedding assemblages I ever seen witnin tne precincts oi nis toric New Bern. The decorations were beautiful and elaborate. Following a color scheme of white and green, palms, ferns, Southern smilax and huge white chrysanthemums were used effectively. Southern smilax was artistically fes- tooned around the chancel, choir railing, window recesses and the gallery, being interspersed with loose petaled white chrysanthemums and cathedral candles which shed their luminous glow over the perfect scene. Each guest pew was marked with a cathedral candle and a bunch of chrysanthemums and white tulle. The floor covering of aisles and ros- trum was white and potted ferns were placed on either side of the steps Qf the rostrum while at the top tall, white wicker baskets held huge bunches I of the white chrysanthemums. Stately palms were massed at the back of the rostrum and formed an arcn unucr wnicn tne ceremony piace. Previous to the entry of the bridal party a beautiful musical program was rendered oy Mrs. Mary Benton, at tne organ, while the bridal chorus from the viv o uuuiuuny nu by a choir composed of the best musical talent in the city. Mr. Charles Pum phrey in his rich tenor, charmed the audience by singing "O Perfect Love,'' by Louise Jacobus Wood. The party entered the church to the strains of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin and advanced to the chancel from WUMle a,s,:s- r,r!" .,our "'i', f . VTlT' """f" irorman, oi cuiauetn uy. entering . . . . . . I Gaither, of Elizabeth City, and Dr J Norfleet Gibbs, entering by the left aisle- Following them camethc brides" ... I i . . . K.y., Amanda Baxter, Sara Stewart, Marv Nix0I; Harriett Marks. Maud Grice,' Elisabeth Dcrrickson and Helen I Robinson, of Elizabeth City, all wearing I lovely gowns of pale blue charmeuse I They carried hugh arm bouquest og I pink Killarney roses. I After these came the other grooms- I men Messrs. John Haywood Jones I and William Blades Jr., Messrs. Walter I Wood, of Elizabeth Citv. and William I Griffin. The matrons of honor, Mrs. I Leigh Sheep, of Elizabeth City and Mrs. 1 William Colvin, of Pittsburgh, Pa., I were gowned alike in white charmeuse I with crystal tunics. They carried I shower bouquets of pink roses and I fern. anc the other the groom's. These were I Miss Eloise Robinson, sister of thelacorned with bride and groom under I groom, attended the bride as maid I of honor. She was gowned in an im - I ported hand embroidered pink chiffon lover charmeuse trimmed with fur I and real lace and carried a shower 1 bouquet of white. Preceding I the bride was the little flower girls, I Misses Eleanor Gabbett and Emily I Pollock, daintily attired in white 1 lingerie frocks with pink ribbons and I carried baskets of pink roses. j" The bride who entered the church I with her father, was handsome in an exquisite gown of white altcsse, cm- I broidered in seed peals and trimmed I with real point applique lace. Her I tulle veil was arranged in a cap effect land caught with orange blossoms. She 1 carried a shower bouquet of white if I orchids and lillies of the valley and her only ornament was a pearl necklace, I with pearl pendants, the gift of the I groom. I The groom entered with his best man, I . . . Jk. 4. I Mr. Alexander Hanes, of Winston I Salem, from the tide door and met the bride at the chancel. I . The ceremony was impressively per formed by Rev. John B. Hurley, I pastor of the church, the beautiful ring I service being used. l The bridal nartv left ihe , . to.thestrains of Mendelssohn's wedding The Reception. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was given by the bride's parents at , thcillliant home on Middle do I street. A the entrance was suspended the in electric lights, 18881913. dstcs tot their own and their daughter's wed 1 dings. Thus was there celebrated HIS 'mar- i. William Keith, prop- v of Keith's vaudeville booking ' s and owner of several large tr-jd 6 in the North, arrived in po'? sterday on board of his yaclit e. is now anchored -off East Fro e?reet. Mr and Mrs, Keith are on their way to Florida where they will spend the winter crusiing around the waters of that section. They will probably remain at this port for a day or two. fie daughter's wedding and the parent' silver wedding at the same time. Receiving the cards at the door were the flower girls Little Misses Elenor Gabbett and Emily Pollock. The interior of this handsome home was artistically festooned in Southern smilax, the graceful vine outlining the doors and windows and also entwining the stair rails with its verdant beauty. Yellow chrysanthemums were used effectively in the reception hall where guests were asseted by Mrs. Nathaniel Street arm introduced to the receiving line composed of Mr. James B. Blades, Mr. J. Vernon Blades, Mrs. Clay Forman, Mr. and Mrs G. F. Derickson, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Forman Mrg j w Gorman, Mrs. Alexander Hanes, Miss Mattie Griffin, Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Blades, Dr. and Mrs L. S. Blades. Mrs. John T. Hollister and Miss Lizzie Neal invited the guests to the parlor which was attractively decora ted in pink Killarney roses. Here the guests were charmingly received by Mr. and Mrs. Blades, parents of the bride and bride and groom of twenty- five years. Mrs. Blades was lovely in a handsome imported gown of laven der embroidered crepe with rhinestone and crystal trimmings on real lace. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, parents of the groom, the latter beautifully gowned in white charmeuse with real lace. The bride and groom were next in .. . . , . . . rtv rnnlrratuiat:on8 Thc bridal party completed the re . . . wao . - H u and wreathed at the bottom with maiden fern wa . presided over by Mesdames I w . CM,M onH Kro n L- Hvmall Mrs. Cecil Gabbett and Mortie Marks had charge of the gift room. Hundreds of beautiful and useful presents were 'received by the popular young couple. Included in thiswonder ful array of wedding gifts was a hand some chest of silver from the bride's and a beautiful silver service from the groom's parents - The dining room which was presided i . MMjm rhW Dnffv iovci uy ....... - j and Charles Ives was a bower of beauty. A perfect color scheme of white and green was carried out. The dining table had as centerpiece, a mound of lilies of the valley, brides roses and maiden hair fern with I smilax wreathed around the edge, a Lh,, hnnt of lilies of the vallev i . and gmilax hung from the chandelier above. s,x candlesticks with crystal shades surrounded the centerpiece and the I table was further adorned with bon- bons dishes filled with heart-shaped mints, The bridal scheme was carried out ; thn refreshments, the salad beine served in heart shaped shells at were I the almonds and the ices were served 1 a baskets, the handles of which were adorned with sprays of orange blossoms Two huge wedding cakes were in the Mining room, one being the bride's I the wedding bell, the other had two 1 doves under the wedding bell which was decorated with orange blossoms. Ser vjnK ; this room were Misses Lou I Mitchell Nixon, Carol Hughes, Grace I Stewart, May Baxter, Esther Marks I an( Julia Bryan Jones. I An orchestra screened behind a bank 0f palms in the hall, discorded exqui I gite music during the reception. Many hundred of guests called and I were registered in the guest book I it was an occasion of rare enjoyment and will long linger in the hearts of I those who enjoyed Mr. and Mrs, Blades' splendid hospitality. I The happy young bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, left on the midnight train for New York and other points North, carrying with them the I sincere good wishes of hosts of friends I The bride's travelling gown was a I handsome dark blue cloth suit with I hat and gloves to match. Among the out-of-town guests st tending the wedding, in addition to the I " ' - bridal party, were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Robinson I of Elizabeth City, parents of the groom - 1 Mrs. Alexander Hanes, Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. Frank Derickson. Mr land Mrs. Roscoe Forman. Mr. Wesley Forman, Mr. Carl Blades, Mr. Harold Master Evans Camden, Melick, Lemuel 1 Blades. Misses Mattie Griffin and Mar ion Woodley. of Elisabeth Citv Mrs. Anderson, of Marvlands Miss Mamie Fenruson. Mi.. Alma Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Shank of Wheeling. NEW YORKER ARRIVES Jg YACHT. ,V Went Virginia. Mrs. A. H. Hoasaask of PhiladelomV Mr Ix-lr CouUon - 1 Columbia, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blades. Laurel. Del CONVENTION TO BE HELD NEXT WEEK Sixth Annual Meeting Of North Carolina Drainage Association. WILL GATHER AT CHARLOTTE Many Prominent Men Will liver Addresses On - The Subject. De- (Special to the Journal.) Charlotte, Nov. 9. There will be held at Charlotte, North Carolina, November 18th and 19th the Annual Convention of the North Carolina Drainage Association. Since the or ganization of this association in .''1909 and the passage of the General Drain age Act of the State, about 70 drain age districts have been- startedi'ft.'dsy these 41 have been completed, reps resenting an area of 417, 900 acres of swamp land. About 60,000 acres are now being drained and 91,000 acres petition ed for, covering 23 counties of the Costal Plain region. Drainage Dis tricts have been organized in Piedmont and Western North Carolina in 16 counties representing a total area of 52,471 acres of overflowed land. From data which has been collected it ap pears that the drainage of these lands has enormously increased their agri cultural value, and the money value of these lands has increased from $10 to 1150 per acre, with an estimated average value of $65,00. This will give an aggregate increase off land values for these acres, many of which before draining yielded no returns whatever, of $40,000,000; and increases the general healthfulness of these sections from 75 per cent, to 100 per cent. At this Convention there will be addresses from prominent speakers and engineers will be present, who will be in a position to -give information of practical value to those who are interested in the formation of drainage districts. Everyone in this form of conservation not only from the stand point of increased land values but in the conservation of public health, is most cordially invited to attend the sessions of the Convention, and will be considered as delegates. There wilt be a discussion of the North Carolina Drainage law, and recommendations made as to any chan ges in it, which will help to promote the drainage work of the State. WOODROW PLACE WILL BE BE NEFITTED. The $15,000.00 recentlifcsiiiopnated by Congress to rebuild nd improve National avenue should make it one of the very best boulevards in the State snd one which the citizens of New Bern would delight in driving over and showing to their friends from a distance. It goes without saying that property along National, avenue and in close proximity to it, will feel the effect of this improvement i4 sufcstiantial increase in value, in fan, it is already advancing in price in anticipation of the improvements soon to be made. It is a safe guess that Woodrow Place, New Bern's new residential suburb, which is located near the end of Nation al Avenue, will also share in the general increase in values. Adv. CONG. FAISON RETURNS TO HIS HOME. Congressman Jno. M. I'aison, who has been spending a few days ia th city attending to some business matters, has returned to his home at Faison. Congressman Faison is very much la terested in the postofhee invesUf-dl which is to be held here at an rly date, and before leaving stated that he would in all probability return next week aad meet the inspector who be sent nere to oo tne wont. POLLOKSVILLE COUPLE WEDDED HERE. Man Mercer and Miss Leon Smith of Polloksville were married In this city yesterday afternoon 'Squire S. R. Street performing the ceremony at his office on South Front street. Mr and Mrs. Mercer will make their horn at Polloksville. If we should go to war with Mexico Willie Hearst would have nothing to gouge at the administration about. If w just have to whip the eternal stuffing out of those pesky greasers. let's do it and get the job over with. If Messrs Holton, Seawall, Logan et al, won't get out when they are told, there is the sweet consolation that they can be kicked out. Some of you old lobsters who haven't seen inside the lids of a Bible In twenty years, getout and go to church today Take' your wife along. WANTED Men At logging Good wages paid weakly, to D. S. Thomas, Supt., neat boro. East Carolina Lumber nf PRINT MISDATED PACF

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