Bern Ifeeklg tout pi d No. 148 NEW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 1913- SECOND SECTION 35th YEAH If OTA SOON 10 BEE LIMITED The Administration Officials Sta ted It Would Be One Way Or Another. AVERT EXTREME MEASURES Government May Throw Support To The Constitutionalists By Lifting Embargo . Washington, Nov. 10. Notwith standing intimations that Provisional President Huerta of Mexico would re fuse to resign, administration officials stated tonight that his elimination would be accomplished "in one way or another." They declared that every opportunity would be given him to retire peacefully and that drastic steps would be avoided if possible The chief development of the day was a call sent by President Wilson for members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Republicans, as well as Democrats. He had Senators Stone and Wilson with hin for an hour, and cxpectes to discuss the sub ject individually with other members within the next two or three days. He is in constant communication with Senator Bacon, chairman of the committee, who early in the day had a long conference with Secretary Bry an. 1 The Georgia Senator said tonight that while he was not at liberty to dis- WOMAN TRIES HACK OF RELIGION TO ENO HER LIF IN navy SCORED GOVERNOR GLYNN AFTER PROOF OUT Mrs. O. H. Rogers Swallows Car bolic Acid With Suicidal Intent. Secretary Daniels Declares lect Is Reproach To The Public. Neg- Must Have Proof Of Wrongdoing Before He Takes Any Action. DOMESTIC TROUBLE TO BLAME I THERE IS NEED OP CHAPLAINS WILL NOT BE A CANDIDATE Physician Renders Medical Assist- Wi Ask That Congress Substan- Des ance But Victim's trfm- triallv Increase Their dltion Is Precarious. Number Nt Want To Pill Gvernbrshlp Chair Next Year. The In an attempt to end her life Mrs. Newoort News. Va.. Nov. 10. Net- New York. Nov. 12. If. Mr. Hen O. H. Rogers, who lives on Oiffith ect of relieion bv the United States in nessy or any other citizen of the State street, near the New Bern Ice Com- j.8 NaVy is a reDroach to the public. 1 has any proof of wrong-doine It is his pany's plant, yesterday morning swal- Secretary Daniels declared here today duty to produce it before the proper lowed the contents of a small phial ;n an address before the United Broth-1 authorities in order Aat the guilty of carbolic actd and as a result she is c-hood of Men's Bible Classes. The persons may be puhished. As Cov in a precarious condition and but little Secretary announced that he would ernor, I will do all in my power to hope is entertained for her recovery. I Congress immediately to provide I compel the enforcement of the law, Domestic troubles are said to be the chaplains and welfare secretaries pro-1 "But I do not propose to prosecute cause of Mrs. Rogers' rash act. Accord- portionate to the Navy's personnel. I any man unless there is actual proof ing to all accounts she had spent the I "Twenty-four chaplains," he said of his guilt or for political purposes night at the bedside of a sick friend "are an the Government now pro-1 Nor do I propose that any man shall who lives in that neighborhood and ta look after the religious, wel- jbe protected simply because of political was somewhat late in reaching her home fare Qf the Navy's 67,000 men, the I influence. I shall not aid any move Her husband, who is a carpenter, number chaplains not having been I to stigmatize any man unless there is and who had to reach his work early, jncreased 8ince 1842, when the per- proof of his wrongdoing. Conversation had been forced to prepare his own sonnel of the Navy numbered only and gossip will not suffice." oreainasr ana wnen rus wue rwurncu i 12,000 men. The Secretary added he upbraided her for neglect ot her tnat more thAn 75 important ships in household duties. the Navy have no religions leader at- Following this, Mrs. Rogers secured hed, while the Marine Corps with and drank the poison. A physician an enlistment of 10,226 men, has not was summoned as quickly as possible a dngje explain to look after the and he did everything possmie to save i spirit development of its personnel her life. Some little time elapsed "I do not expect Coneress to author before the physician arrived and it is the appointment of enough chap- t . i . t . i i I .: . . a: ... I r ...... This was the statement by Gov Glynn at the Hotel Vandcrbilt last night when asked about his plans for prosecuting the frauds alleged by John A. Hennessy and Assemblyman-Elect William Sulzer, to have been perpre- t rated in the State service. Gov. Glynn said that he had an appointment with Mr. Hennessy at Albany on Mon- ........ i,:.. . ;d, Mr in ' fcirctl that the. arid had time to inflict I .: . : . . , M. nisi ,. ... - I lalllB lu asBllcll uuc lu cvtiy omu, m.i , , 1T . . v. . - - . . . . . 1 J 1 Hi ip ,w. I ft- ii In, h Mr li'iiniKxv will tail'he could state that there had been injuries which may cause oeatn. Daniels said, "but I do believe the ""' . ' , T no change in the fixed purpose of the United States to have Huerta elimi nated from the situation and that it would be done, though every effort would be made to avert extreme meas ures. In the view of many officials who anticipate a flat rejection by Huerta of the American demands only two courses are open to the United States either to compose the situation di rectly, or to throw its moral support with the constitutionalists in thier fight to obtain possession of the gov ernment in Mexico City. That there is a strong disposition to adopt the latter course was evident in many quarters today. Officials in the confidence of President Wilson said that while there , was absolutely nft' alliance between the Washington government and the constitutionalists the sympathies of this government would be inclined toward the consti tutionalist movement. The discussion they said, had not progressed to the point where recognition of the belli gerency of the constitutionalists was being considered. Lifting the embargo on arms is the method by Which many Senators be lieve the situation can best be met. It is believed that before the Wash ington government takes any step, an understanding through informal and unofficial channels may be reached as to the exact purposes of the consti tutionalists. To this end it is reported that agents of the United States gov ernment are gathering information along the border of strength of the constitutionalists and the programme which they have mapped out. That no final word had come from Huerta as to the American demands, was admitted today by State Depart ment officials. The next step, it is believed will not be decided .ntil Hu erta's reply actually is received. In the meantime, the President expects to keep members of Congress closely informed. He did not take his cus tomary afternoon automobile ride, but remained, at the White House absorbed in the dispatches from Mexico. AAEOICAL CORPS TO OE ORGANIZED Will Be Etablished In New Bern During Next Week Or Two. WAS LOCATED AT KINSTON, Dr. Raymond Pollock And Others Are Handling The Movement. acid. One used a revolver and death was instantaneous. In three of the five cases domestic troubles have been the cause of the attempted suicide enlisted men. During the past three months five Umber will-be substantially increased. sum,t t0 support lus cnarge persons in this citv have attempted 4.x , .u. ,w u-.M.. h .A v- Wynn announced tnat ne would I - a IIUU A QIMII UI limi UVDIUMI vsau I self destruction. One attempt proved ditional chaplains, that Coneress ap- cause an inauirv to be made in all de- successful, three have completely re- propriate a sufficient sum to enable partments where irregularities are coverea irom me enccis oi wic hukuu the Secretary t0 engage enough I shown to exist. But he made it very while one, Mrs. Rogers, may die. In ab)v vounB religious leaders so I plain that he does not intend to be in- two cases bichloride of mercury was th t UM everv -hjD there will be fluenced by the unsupported charges used, laudnaum was the drug taken eitner a chaplain or a welfare secre-land claims of warring politicians, by another, while the last took carbolic tary." He repeated the statement made by It is proposed to have the welfare him in an interview in the World on secretaries on the ships perform duties I Oct. 19 that he will not be influenced similar to those of secretaries of the I by any personal ambition looking for a Young Men's Christian Association. I renomination. They would lead in religious, educa-1 "it j8 my purpose," he supplemented tional and athletic work among the I "to conduct the office of Governor with out regard for any effect my acts may have upon my own policital future or those of any ot her man. I hope to suc ceed with the help of the whole people, and not because of the favor of any faction of my owe or any other party. "I shall not be influenced by the in dividual opinions of persons, though I shall always have the welfare of the whole people at heart. It is my purpose to do the best I can in administering the affairs of the State for the good of the State. 'I am not a candidate for a nomina tion for Governor or any other office. My sole ambition is to succeed in giving a satisfactory administration for the There are no DEPUTY MARSHAL TO WILMINGTON UNEEDA BISCUIT TO TESTIFY AGAINST AN LEGED ILLICIT DISTILLER. AL- CIRCLES GLOB TRIP MADE TO TEST A PACKAGE OF POPULAR CRACKERS. United States Deputy Marshal Samu el Lily left yesterday afternoon for Wilmington where he will appear before Judge H. G. Connor as a witness against Daniel Hill, colored, charged with illicit distilling. Hill was placed under arrest near Stella, Carteret county, several weeks ago by Deputy Marshal Lily and the case was term of Federal Court in this city, I nephew of Pres. A. W. Green of the but was removed to Wilmington. I National Biscuit Company, taken in At the time Hill was arrested Deputy I many parts of the world. Mr. Mears Marshal Lilly located and destroyed I carried with him a package of Uneeda an eighty-five gallon still and it is I Biscuit, which was handed to him by believed that the colored man was the I Mr. Green iust before the start, and There is a movement now on foot to organize in this city a Medical corps of the North Carolina National Guards and one of the gentlemen who arc agitating this movement informed a Journal reporter yesterday that it was now a certainty that the corps would be organized within a week or two. The Medical Corps has hitherto been stationed at Kinston, but is to be removed to New Bern. Yesterday's Kinston Free Press has the following to say concerning the disbanding of the corps at that place: "The second detachment of the hos pital corps, North Carolina Nation al Guard, is to be transferred from Kinston to New Bern, it was defi nitely stated today. This organiza tion with a personnel in war of 23 and half that number in time of peace, has been stationed at Kinston for several years. During the past two years there has been no resi dent medical officer, and J. W. Shute, sergeant first-class, has com manded the detachment. The person nel is said to be efficient, and the reason for the transfer is to have the enlisted men reside in a town where there is an officer of the sani tary troops. Dr. Raymond Pollock, of New Bern, is a first lieutenant in that service. Together with the first and third detachments at Asheville and Reidsville, the local detachment comprises a hospital company of three officers and 36 men. Adjutant General Young will come to Kinston the latter part of this week to make the transfer of records and property and discharge the men here enlisted." The corps to be organized here will consist of eighteen members in time of peace and twenty-four in time of war or at any time that encampments are held. The organization of the medical corps in this city means much ta New Bern and every public spirited itizen is heartily in favor of the plan. Its members will be recruited from among the best citizens and several applications for membership have al ready been received. NEW BERN AGAIN HONORED. SYRIAN MERCHANT CAN NOW VOTE FIRE AT UNIVERSITY. Damage of $1,50 to Administration Building Saturday Night. Chapel Hill, N. C, Nov. 10. Fire originating from a heavily charged electric wire which came in contact with the wood work and first discov ered by a student, S. R. Winters, at work there at the time, damaged the physics department in the adminis tration building here to the extent of $1,500 Saturday night about 9 o'clock. The loss is fully covered by insurance. The literary societies were in session at the time and everything on the campus was quiet. The fire department and bucket brigade of the students did effective work. The ad ministration building was erected by alumni of the university in 1908 and is one of the best buildings on the campus. operator of this outfit. I with this package of biscuit he crossed I the Atlantic Ocean, crossed England to London, London to Paris, France; Paris to Berlin, Germany; Berlin to St. Petersburg. Russia: St. Petersburg, Beautiful Chrysanthemum Named t0 QmAi Central Asia; Omsk to Har- or Mrs. MM. Simmons. win Manrhiiria: Harhin to Fusan. Korea: Fusan to Shimonose.i, Japan; "Mrs. Senator bunmons is the name Shimonoseki to Yokohama. Japan; of a very beautiful chrysanthemum acro89 the Pacrfic to Victoris. British just developed by the United States pninmhia- Vi.n.ri.i to Seattle. Wash- a a .. ' 1 inn vstn n- inn n a w Department oi Agriculture. 1 his iMton: Seattle across the United States AJ.1 nuuin at hars w aob, . li t i i innni in ui ir ' in ml hi l i .' u enrvsantnemum was namea in nonor i ... i. v,..l. -;., nounn,nn ouunn im.) nomn I 111-7 1 w vi.j -i , nYi of Mrs. F. M. Simmons, wife of Senator I tin u: ...... ,...,..i k., I CAST A BALLOT. Furnifold McLendon Simmons, a citi- I pregi Green before a committee, the xen ot New Bern and cnairman 01 the biscuits were found fresh and crisp, Although he is thirty-one years of rinance committee 01 tne unneo states and gg wholesome as the day they were age and has taken an interest in Senate. I narkpd. I nnlitiral mflttpm since coming to this There are two varieties of chrysan- M, Mearl broke the record on this Lnuntrv. Afdallah Suar. a Syrian themirm just developed by the United trip around the word( making it in who conducts a store on Middle street Mates uepartment 01 Agriculture ams 3S davs. 21 hours. 3S minutes 4-5 the other has been named Mary aim-1 geconds. mons Andrews, in honor ol the latent Previous record. Andre laicr grandchild of Senator Simmons, the Schmidt, of France, 39 days, 19 hours. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 43 mjnute 37 4 5 seconds VALUABLE M All STOLEN. Pouch Containing 63.40 Taken From Government Wagon. Chicago, Nov. 12. A pouch of reg istered mail stolen today from a United States Mail wagon, yielded the thief $638 40, according to a statement by postal inspectors tonight. It had been reported earlier in the dsy that valuables worth $10,000 were in the pouch. ai m , msaumm Inspectors are seek in for Alh.-. p Tardyjdriver of,the wagon from which tne mail was stolea. A. h. Sieloff, the local manager of the National Biscuit Company handed the Journal a very interesting next fourteen months folder the other day, which shows strings on me either within or from 1.... .1,. I-. I photographs of John Henry Mears, without. I propose to be a free agent iu nave win up i t.. . - IT -U.ll .... J .h- St... A 1 snail 11 y iv nun ii u 1 i in va8S most capable men to correct any evils that exist for the good of the service and not with a view of exploiting their own political fortunes by making sen sational charges that they cannot sus tain with proof Graham Andrews of Raleigh. GOVERNOR CRAIG WILL NAME SPECIAL COMMISSION 8OON. FIRST IN DECADE. has never cast a vote but will have this pleasure at the next election. Mr. Sugar has just received natural ization papers and is now a full-fledged American citizen and he is proud of the fact that he can claim rela tionship with Uncle Sam. During the past few years a number Larceny Charge I. Entered Against k (onm vho Uyt located in thi. LaGrange Man. Raleigh, Nov. 12. Governor Craig said this morning that he expects to LaGranae, Nov. 12. Tobias Pot- name the three special commissioners ter of LaGrange is the first white man during the present week to take in , Lenoir County in years to be indict hand the work of adjusting the in- ed en a larceny charge. A magistrate trastate Ireight rates under the Jus- here held him for Superior Court, and tke act of the special session. The he is under bond to appear here next exceptions by the railroad companies month. Not an adult of his race, it and their voluminous exhibits to sus- i. believed, has been tried on the tain then- contentions that the rates I charge in the county In a decade fixed by the new act are unjust and I A set of harness belonging to C confiscatory and place North Carolina 1 C. Coker, a neighbor, is alleged to rstes much below the rates of any have been found secreted in a barn at State in this territory having similar I Potter's home. conditions are stored away in the of city, have taken out naturalization papers. These foreigners make good citizens. Naturally they take an interest in all that goes on in their native land, but they take much more interest in the affairs of the State and nation and keep up with events to such an extent that they can converse intelligently on almost any subject CARNIVAL MAN IN THE CITY YESTERDAY. fice of the Governor, awaiting de livery to the Special Commission, which has six months time to investigate before the rates go iato effect, and further time if necessary. No. Six-Sixty-Six iMsisa Hav you seen the latest malaria ctjitLe 4 rtvm. shoes ot the Standard Shoe ZZ ttofZTZh Company's Store '1.07.; C. Smith, proprietor of Smith' Greater Shows which will exhibit here all of next week for the benefit of the Atlantic Firs Company, was in the city yesterday making final arrange menta for his location. Mr. Smith said he had one of the best carnivals on the road aad had enjoyed a Urge patron especially I age in each town they had shown in. He left on the evening train for Kinston where he is showing this week. ONE OF THE WORLD'S RICHEST MEN TO WED MISS HELEN HUNTINGDON. GARRISON PANAMA VISITS CANAL Secretary Of War Returns From An Inspection Of The "Big Ditch." GOETHALS TO EXPERIMENT Declares Guns At Terminals Have Range Adequate For Protection. Washington, Nov. 12. Secretary Gar rison returned to his desk today from his first trip to the Panama canal. "The defenses constitute a marvelous feat in engineering," said Mr. Garrison He explained that guns at the At lantic and Pacific terminals will have a range of ten or twelve miles, ade quate to protect either Miraflores or Gatun locks. The first step toward developing the naval defense was taken today by the dispatch of five submarine boats from Gyantanamo to Cristobal. The first deep craft vessel to pass through the canal will be one of the government Panama railroad steamers now plying between New York and PRESIDENT WILL REMOVE RADICALS Holton, Logan, Sea well And Dock ery Muat "Walk The Plank." SO MR. M 'REYNOLD'S SAYS Question Of Separating Repub licans From Their Jobs la Discussed. Washinton, Nov 12. District Attor neys Holton and Sea well and United States Marshals Logan and Dockery will not be allowed to continue in the gov ernment service merely because they re fused to "resign." Within a very short time, it can be stated, President Wilson will remove all four of the above men tioned gentlemen from office. It is ex pected the order will be issued within the next week probably tomorrow, alter Senator Overman has consulted Attor ney General McReynolds. But whether it is this week or next, it is certain that the order will be issued. This in substance was what Attorney General McReynolds said to a correspondent when asked what , !... .i .,....,, action would be taken since Messrs Colon, according to the plan Secretary . ... New York, Nov. 10. Vincent Astor confirmed through his secretary today the announcement that he was engaged to marry Miss Helen Dinsmore Hunt ington, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Huntington, of Staasburg, N. Y. The wedding, it is understood, will take place next Spring. Young Astor inherited about $65,- 000,000 from the estate of hfc father, the late Colonel John Jacob Astor, who perished on the Titanic. He will be 22 years old this month. The bride to be is twenty. The Astor country place adjoins that of the Huntington'.. at Staatsburg, which is a few miles north of Poughkecpsie. Garrison, has in contemplation. The secretary's idea is to allow Colonel Goethals all the time he requires to complete the canal and experiment with it. Then, having aboard Presi dent Wilson and some of the members of his cabinet, and the congressional committees having jurisdiction over the canal, the Panama liner will pass through the waterway from Cristobal on the Atlantic side to Balboa at the Pacific entrance. Secretary Garrison said today that while no date could yet be fixed for this ceremony, he thought it certainly would be possible to pass deep craft vessels through by next spring. The Fram, Captain Amundsen's fa mous Antarctic ship, was lying in the harbor of Colon when Secretary Gam son sailed for the Isthmus. It has been promised that the Fram shall be among the first vessels to pass through the canal on her way to Bering Sea con veying another arctic exploring ex pedition. Secretary Garrison and Colonel Goethals gave some attention to plans for the conversion of a portion of the present employes into a force to operate the canal. One time these employes numbered 50,000, but this had been reduced from time to time, owing to the progress of the work to 35,000 at present. Reduc tions are being made at the rate of about 6,000 per month. Colonel Goethals estimates that about 5,000 men will be required to operate the canal, 1,500 "gold men" (high grade employes from the United States) and 3,500 "silver men (manual labor largely drawn from the West Indies and Europe.) CONDEMN WOMEN ii BOOZE TOTERS" BETTER CLASS OF COLORED CITIZENS ARE HOLDING MASS MEETINGS. NEW RIVER IMPROVEMENT. Channel From Jacksonville ToRich lands Too Narrow And Crooked A number of the leaders of the col ored race in New Bern have launched a movement which has as its purpose the abolition of the prevailing tendency among a large number of the colored women of the city to carry packages of whiskey through the streets from the express office. The Board of Aldermen recently passed an ordinance prohibiting public hackmen and draymen carrying liquors away from the express office and since that time the colored women and men, who seem to be the most frequent patrons of the Virginia liquor houses, are compelled to carry the spiritus frumenti away from the office. Naturally the colored men and women who are interested in the advancement of their race desire to see such disgrace ful occurrences stopped. Une mass meeting st which this action on the part of the colored women was condem ned was held a lew days ago and another is to be held next Monday night at Rue Chapel Washington', Nov. 12. Improvement of the New River in North Carolina from Jacksonville to near Rkhlands a distance of 17 miles, is not advisa ble, the War Department today re i)orted to the House. New river is 52 miles long and empties into the Atlantic about mid way between Capes Lookout and Fear It is now being improved for a chan nel 200 feet wide and five feet deep from its mouth to Jacksonyille, 23 miles in distance. The river from Jacksonville Richlands is officially characterized as too narrow and crooked and the cost too great in proportion to the probable resulting benefits to com' merce to be improved. Holton. Logan, Dockery and Sea well had refused to resign. It was stated that the attorney general desired the change because he wanted men in office who were in sympathy with the Wilson ad ministration. It was strongly intimated that some of the four officials in North Carolina were "not interested" in their work since Wilson became President and that a change had been contemplated for some time in order that more "ef ficient" service might be had. The decision of the department of justice to take the matter "higher up" was reached after today's cabinet meet ing was held. It is understood that the question of separating the North Caro linians from their jobs was fully dis cussed with the President and that the attorney general's decision was based upon what Mr. Wilson told him he could do. It was pointed out by the department of justice officials that there were precedents a plenty for removing men who refused to resign. They point ed to the case of the district attorney for Oklahoma and a judge in Alaska who recently refused to resign and were removed by the President himself. Nineteen men who Collector Watts recommended for appointment in the revenue service were today approved by Commissioner Osborn and Collector Watts notified of the fact. They are: James M. Cunningham, of Greensboro; chief deputy; Alexander S. Carson, of Reidsville, cashier of the cpctors of fice; John G. Young, of Wiatton-Salem. assistant stamp deupty; R. O. Sett, of Webster; E. Carl Robinson, of Wades- boro; Edgar S. Coffey, of Boone, and Giles T. Cranford, of Concord, division deputies; Grover C. Hamrick, of Shel by; Edgar L. Hederick, of Taylorsville; W. Roy Plott, of WaynesvtHe; E. Bre mon Quinn, of Rutherfordton, Richard D. Boyer, of Morganton; J. C. Hunter, of Charlotte, duty with Revenue Agent Vandiford. James W. Wilson, of Morganton, Al len L. Mills, of Statesviile; Nixon L. Crawford, of Winston-Salem; Jule I. Robinson, of Franklin; J. H. Aiken, of Hickory, and Moffatt P. Alexander, of Statesviile, who have been serving tem porarily as deputies, have been given permanent employment. TWENTY DAYS FOR WINKING In a runaway accident nn Griffith street yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Luke Thompson and Miss Allie Shaw were thrown from a buggy and badly shaken up. Fortunately no one was painfully hurt. Two Others Who Flirted Are Given Thirty Days Each. THEY ARE HERB. Calendars For Coming Year Have Arrived. to New York, Nov. 12. On evidence that he had winked at a salesgirl in the wsiting room of a Sixth avenue department store, Daniel bager was sentenced to 20 days in the workhouse by Magistrate House today. Two of 10 other young men arrested by detectives at the same time on charge of flirting were sentenced to 30 days each. The other eight prisoners will be tried tomorrow after spending the night in jail in default of $1,000 bonds. The arrests resulted Irom the com plaint of a young woman who wrote to Police Commissioner Waldo that while on a shopping tour recently she had been Insulted while resting ia the wait ing room of a department store. The detectives were assisted today by aevar-i al salesgirls who wars assigned places in the waiting rooms frequented daily by young men. The crusade to elimin ate the flirters. it was said, will be extended to other department stores Calendars for the approaching year have made their advent in New Bern and a number of merchants and manu facturers are presenting their patrons with this variety of souvenirs. Among the most attractive seen thus far is one which is being presented by Charles B. Hill, United States Commissioner, and who is one of the leading grata snd feed dealers of the city. The calendar is about three feet in length and is adorned with a reproduction of a painting of a beautiful young woman by J. Ross Bryson, who is undoubtedly the most popular calendar artist ta the world. The picture holds th attention of all and, as Wadsworth says: "Her eyes as stars of twilight fair; Like twilight, too, her dusky hair; Bat all things else about her drawn From Maytime aad the cheerful dawn." WILL REBUIOD BRIDGE OVta JACK SMITH'S CREEK. C. B. Cook has been awarded th contract to rebuild th bridge con necting Glenbural road with National i venue. This bridge was Irot eoatre tad last August bar was destroyed during the flood and storm of Sap Umber 3. The price and style of mjr Ladies Hats cannot DO beaten. DD XTT A

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