mricto mfn J No. 148 NEW BERN. N. C TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 1913- FIRST SECTION 35th TEA 1 ARRESTS CAUSE EXCITEMENT I . It Ii Predicted That There Will Be Bloodshed If Men Are Punished. , Crisfield, Md., Nov. 13. Eleven oys termen of Fairmount, who, it it alleged, have been prominent In the war against oyster planting, are in the toils of the law and will be given a preliminary hearing tomorrow on charges made by oyster planters.. The men are Harry Parks, Thomas Parks, George E. Hall, Wjmer Catlin, Wilber E. Cox, William W. Ford, Roderick Holland, Oliver Ford, Archie Ford, Luther Walston and Otto Ford. Repeated raids have been made on the planting grounds owned by George A. Cox, of Fairmount, and a syndicate of Baltimore City capitalists represent ed by Mr. Cox. These raid began with the opening of the dredging season on November 1, and since that time the Cox beds have been worked daily, it is charged, by Somerset county oystermen. Mr. Cox went to Princess Anne yes terday and had warrants issued for the men. He then got in communition with the State authorities and requested that one of the State police steamers be sent to Somerset waters to arrest the violators. The Steamer Governor Thomas, Capt. Thomas B. C. Howard, came to Crisfield early this morning, took on board Sheriff Harding P. Tull and Deputies Elmer 0. Townsend and William R. Howard, and then went INCH E TAX 111 OF INTEREST HERE NUMEROUS NEW BERNIANS WILL HELP TO SWELL FED- ERAL REVENUES. FIFTEEN KILLED IN THIS WRECK Broken Rail Cause Heavy Loss Of Life, Near Eufaula, Alabama. "What sources of income are ex- Houston, Texas, Nov. H. Four unions acting in concert inaugurated a 2 Atlm,;,. r, -ff .1.- empt from taxation under the new I HUNDRED OR MORE INJURED pa known law passed Dy congressr I . . the Sunset Lines, at 7 o'clock tonkrht This is a question that has been Train Was Loaded With Excursion- -mktmli, , mn THOUSANDS WALK OUT IN RAILROAD STRIKE : Kngineers, Conductors, Firemen and Trainmen On Su nset Route Quit New Orleans to El Paso All Trains Annulled END OF hutRTA NEAR AT HAND asked many times recently by per sons of all races, colors and present conditions of servitude. Not every citizen of New Bern(more's the pity) 1st Enroute To The State Fair. Approximately 2,500 men, engineers, conductors, j firemen and trainmen from El Paso to New Orleans are af fected. - .1 , .,, . , , .... ' I 'VC nil in IIUIU U1VI3IUII LSU-MIS II1UI- will be mulct m even a shght degree. Uons were k.lled and more than 100 .n- a e The shameless bachelors who pull jured, some of them fatally, eariy yes- , " down loss than 3,000 rimoleons per- terday when three coaches of a Central a. annum and the more venturesome of Georgia passenger tram left the rails married persons who have an income at a point 17 miles south of here and ; a. of le, than $4,000 to the twelvemonth plunged down a deep cmbankmnt. J difference8 An e,cventh are considered by the Government to The tram which consited of five cars Board .of oe mailing no more man u surac.t wu " , , Mediation and Conciliation was made to sustain life with ordinary decency route from Ozark, Ala., to bufaula, , . . . A . . f ... and some degrees of comfort. But in where a fair is being held. K. Southwegt toni ht faced a view of the fact that no man can wear A broken rail is said to have been the ., ... , . . . possibility of one of the most serious traffic stoppages in years. Railroad officials were silent as to what efforts were being made to relieve the situa tion, but reports from other sources indicated, preparations were being made for the coming of strikebreak ers. All trains due to leave terminal more than one necktie at a time nor cause of the accident. As the crowded live more than 24 hours a day, whether excusrion train rounded a curve the his income is $6 a week or $15,000 three cars at the rear, literally packed a day (nothing personal intended, with passengers, suddenly left the track Vincent) the Government has decided and breaking away from the others that those whose surplus wealth is dashed down the steep embankment, not even remotely associated with The wrecked coaches were practically their sustenance or even their pleasure demolished." -l it I I - kl1 nin 4VsfMif-.f.ft rj tne fwft conches which Slid 1 1 IK til. 111)1 111 ....... i vwuiAiuw v. ... ' - ..a .t.- ZZZ . TiT. ML, It! a th. rail. Immediately bent Pint 7 dock tn'Bht were an" ,u , " - -V" .'jj. nulled before that time, it was stated to the oyster rock, in search of the oys- gets. tneir enort. to rescmng ,.,.,.,. -:,,, whom action had been Although the scores ot iNew nern caugnt in tne rangiea wreckage . - --. , ' . . . termen agaust whom action had n ruM after whlch their crews wl jmn taken. "" 3" T " . T. T s25Z ' j , -ill the other strikers. mmimums prcscriDed will not. lane ai ton, Aia., inree mues away, uu . all kindlv to the reauests from Uncle train bearing surgeons and nurses was The Brotherhood of Locomotive En- Sam for a remittance and will com- quickly dispatched from Ozark and gineers, Brotherhood of Locomotive plain bitterly that the meagre accounts Eufaula, where most of the dead and Firemen, Order of Railway Conductors allowed are not sufficient to pay the iniured later were taken. and Order of Railway Trainmen are bill, to say nothing of the Many of the victims were carea tor i involved in tne stnxe. The men were located in different parts of Tangier Sound, dredging oys ters on public roefs, and were arrested. They were brought to Crisfield this afternoon and later taken to Princess Anne in automobiles by the Sheriff grocer s and his deputies. They will arraigned before Justice Porter at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, when the charges preferred by the Cox firm will be pushed. The arrests caused considerable ex citement in the county, and a large crowd of oystermen will attend the trial Capt. George Holland, of Fairmount, who planted the first load of oysters for the Cox firm, said the dredgers were justified in working on this ground because it was one of the best natural rocks in the State. Capt. Plat Holland, one of the best known citizens of Fairmount and a re tired oysterman, came to Crisfield this afternoon and offered to give bond for the oystermen, but could not do so because the writs were made returnable to the Princess Anne magistrate. Captain Holland declared the oyster men would go back to work on Harris rock, the Cox grounds, tomorrow and predicted that there would be bloodshed if an attempt were made to'prevent their working there. It, The Cox ground consists of 1,700 acres in Tangier Sound. A number of Raltimoreana are interested in the project with Mr. Cox, who is a brother in-law of B. K. Green, the Somerset member of the Shell Fish Commission healthy little account at the garage, I at Clayton, where the citizens turned ... tk. ntUnr hand several I fhoii- rosidonrM into emercrcncV hosoi- X T would eladlv submit to Lis. Everv ohvsician within a radius I BALTIMOREANS OWN GROUNDS the tax provided they were endowed of many miles hurried to the scene of with the cause thereof. And it may the wreck. be comforting to the distressed in mind Because of the isolation of the oaWW to remember that the Government I Because of the isolation ot tne place does not propose the confiscation of I where the wreck occurred identification all amounts above $3,000 and $4,000 1 0f the dead and wounded was slow. Not Blanquet, After Holding Huerta Prisoner, Secures Promise To Resign. The men claim they were unable to secure a satisfactory settlement of a list of 67 grievances and that General PRESIDENT IS HOLDING OUT Manager G. S. Ward, of the Sunset Central, declined to meet a committee War Minister flans ooup u tear of the unions to discuss the grievances. I If Promise Is Not Trains Annulled. P- v... ri XT- .tw.. 1 A X,.,.. ncn villain, nuvcuiim tt.i ... VT 1 c C 1 passenger and three freight tarins ofi V'.y' , " the Southern Pacific scheduled to ' 7-" f-h " start from New Orleans tonight were for a cou case, ""f o f 1 ho ctnlrp nf train- 1 -J ..v. I r r w . . a . u I he has triven mat ne win noi iry 10 men and eneinemen. An effort will be 8 . made to run a passenger train leaving here at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning No strikebreakers were ii at a late hour tonight. DEMONSTRATION WELL ATTENDED GANG PLOWING YESTERDAY WAS A COMPLETE SUCCESS. The demonstration of the Diamond Gang Plow, given at Ghent Park yes terday morning by H. Mackerly and W. T. Bailey, Jr., representing the Parlin and Orendorff Plow Company, of St. Louis, Mo., was entirely success ful. This demonstration was given under the supervision of Burrus & Company, local agents for this plow, and a large number of interested spectators were on hand to witness the proceedings. The plow used in the demonstration was a P. and O. Diamond Gang Plow with a three-in-one mould, cutting twenty-four inches, entirely wrapping or turning in weeds from four to six feet high. This brand of plows are used exten- hold on to the presidency. Army officers have been ordered to idehce take instructions on,v frotn the min" ister ol war, and to hold tnemseives in roartinpaa fnr immediate action. General Manager W. G. VanVleck . develons that Huerta was orac announced tonight that the Sunset . . . t Rlanauet'e Central lines now has available enough . . .... men to fill the places of the strikers. Ieavonl when he promised t0 qd-l al1 over North Carolina and are Mr. VanVleck said he expected service . - Blanauct is id to have 8,vm8 complete satisfaction in every to be restored as rapidly as arrange- Lhown him that an attempt to hold wav' ments coum oe maae to put new men against he United States was to work- madness. Reports from various divisions over A special train has been ordere the system show that the walk-out was by the Government to be in readi ness to go to Vera Cruz either to night or tomorrow. Blanquet expects to be chosen Presi- without disorder The Godchaux Planting Company, the largest producer of sugar in Lou isiana late tonight telegraphed Presi dent Wilson asking that he use his good offices to have the strike set tled. It is pointed out in the telegram that the cane grinding season now is at its heighth and that without rail road facilities it will be impossibe to get the cane to the mills. SOUTHERN THE WOMEN HONORED Offenders Claim That The Plant ed Beda Were Not Marked. Pnnrpct An ne Mfi Nov. 14. The not for the present at least. It I until night were the names of a ma-1 0V8termen arrested yesterday by merely exacts a smaii pcrcuiu... . Joruy OI mosc uuw ..n.. I Capt. T. B. C. Howard, of the State thereof. jtainty. . I steamer Governor Thomas, and sheriff In answer to many requests for defi- j Many of the injured were brought I of Somera4!t COUnty, charged with nite information the lollowing sum-1 here from Liayton, tnose sunw- jj-j-- ,rAe planted ground of mary on income- tax exemptions andpng most being rushed to local hospi-1 Geo A Cox & Co were given a .i,t..-t;,...o ham Wn rnmmled: 1 1 u tiv a snecial train, n maioruy wi , : i.r uin.....a - .7-- i , -r - - preliminary neanng ueiujc jui.n-c 1. Exemptions which need not be I the injured susttained painful scratches 1 . . aft.rno-n and re. ' . ill VIIMJ reported: . , and bruises from spiinterea wooawor on 100 bai, for the action -2. Exemption of X3,0W, it single, i and cuts trom Hying glass. lnCTC wa,: 1 0f the grand jury . a nnn if married. I maw. however, who suffered broken! i c.mntinn. which need not be itone and s m ar hurts ot a dangerou intLlpgu..UB.,ivura.i, anwfl I natiir """v"- .... , l" . . ... . t. J -ln-n: .,.,.1 M POT i cren. I .,...-. nhliiratmns Ol a 1 Dn rnnH nmria s tonient ISSUUU il I IMIllllluiailB niiu ..... - a. iniai vi. "'"B " - , . . , .... . . . . . . . i :i 1 I i Tnn li.t nn wkirh the State or any political subdivision i statement here in wnicn tney ascnucu . - - thereof, and upon the obligations ofjync wreck to a broken rail the United States and its possessions CAPT. ft, W. EDGE IN CHARGE Passengers And Crew Thrilling Escapes From Burning Boat. b. Salaries of President Wilson and Federal judges. c. Salaries of officers and employes of a State or its political subdivisions. 3. Reductions allowable (in addi tion to the $3,000 or $4,000 exemp tion) in computing taxable income: a. Necessary expenses actually AGED WOMAN IS KILLED 8Y COIN oystermen were accused of working were leased to John T. Mar wood, John E. Semmes. Ir.. and W. C. Coleman of Baltimore, and the trial of the al leged violators was not held until one of the Baltimoreans could come prosecute the case. The Justice explained that it was not in his jurisdiction to try the cases, THE BIG SALE TO BEGIN TODAY Fw S. rOPLON AND SON'S STORE WILL BE THE MECCA OF SHOPPERS. executive seat, and will now listen to no proposal of surrender. It is said this evening that the op timistic reports were made on their own responsibility without having con- jjave I suited Huerta. The members ot the diplomatic corps and high government officials believe that attempts to renew the negotiations Wilmineton. Nov. 15. Fire originat- with Special Envoy John Lind are ing from unknown cause in cargo of doomed to failure, and that even if the eotton amidships destroyed the steam-1 m;nisters broached the subject, which er C. W. Lyon, plying between Wil- is considcred extremely unlikely, and ungton ana r ayeueviut.-, uu mc vc . . . r, . J S d:. in owe Wilminatnn the provisional president consented rear i.iwti. v wMMWfw'" , , , and was responsible for the drowning the United Srares would hardy of Captain Henry W. Edge, the mate, open the subject at this late date. It is ef FayettevHle, at 11 oe'lock this morn-Jin facti believed that the United States ing. The boat ias bound from Fayette-1.;,, make a finai demand on Huerta vine to w..m.ngT , tomorrow, and set a time limit for I here WCre eigni passengers aim I the crew of 12 and there were several his answer thrillinir escapes. As soon as the blaze I A telegram from Vera Cruz says that but merely to hold a preliminary hear- . Ji-wr-H the nilot. a trustv lohn Lind transferred his baggage to- paid in carrying on business (not in J &RS. J. D. FLETCHER, OF DUR-jing to determine whether the men colored man w(,0 has been on the river day from the Hotel Terminal to the eluding personal, living ana iamny i HAM, MEETS, HORRIBLB I should be held for the action ot tne orty year8 backed the boat into I battleship Louisiana expenses). UbAl H I grand jury or the charges aismissea. si(je of the r;ver and made vessel b. All interest paid on indebtedness, i m ,tme and Henry l. Ellegood, ot (wt to tree c. All Government, State, county,! 1 Salisbury : Henrv 1. Waters and Robert,0 and ,rew wore in the bow of school and municipal taxes (not in- Durham, Nov 14. Mrs. J. U. Het-lp pueT) pri,1C0ss Anne, represented J wkh cxception Df a lady pas cluding local benefit assessments.) jcher, sixty year, of age, and wife of the I thc overmen and State's Attorney I, who occupied a cabin in rear d. Losses actually sustained, incur-farm demonstrator of Durham county Tull conducted the prosecution. and thesc were cut off from land by red in trade or arising trom nre, - a cow Ute thi i The oyrtermen and their sympathi- the inten9C heat and rapidy ,pread. storms, etc., not compensated for by Mnzers packed the little courtroom and . The on,y thing e(t for insurance or otherwise. laiverBuyo. iMM the street upon wnich it is roca- . . ium Some coud not Debt. due. actually a.certamed and nephew, Messrs. W. w. rieicner ted wag one rf dent ad interim tomorrow. Mexico City, Nov. 15. All efforts on the part of certain of the minis ters of General Huerta's cabinet to in duce the provisional president to re sign, and prevent the new congress from convening, have come to a stand still. None of them now dares t o broach to General Huerta the idea of with drawing in response to the United States' demands. The sudden change from the attiT tudc of a majority of the ministers yesterday is due to the fact that William Bayard Hale was negotiating with General Carranza on behalf of the United States government. He was , u 1h.ii h.. Innrnpii nf this nhase Fire On River Craft Causes Loss I , ' , .. , th. ... I of the scheme to oust him trom the WI vessel ;uu Life. Monument To Be (Erected la Memory Women Of Confed acy Is Finished. TO BE LASTING TRIBUTE STEAMER S Represents Elderly Southern Wo man Typifying Anxiety Of Early Sixties. CAPTAIN DROWNS to SlCopten A Son's big department tore on Middle street will today be the mecca of all shoppers. The buyer, for tab big firm have purchased an .uLnu nrk nf readv to wear nar- ment. and it was the firm's intention corporation, etc to hold them over for the Christmas trade, bat after considering the matter they decided to put the garments on sale a little earlier and today this big sale will begin. This will be the chance of a lifetime for the citizen, of New Bern. Price. have been cat and slashed until the noods are offered at rock-bottom price., On page eight of this issue of the lournal. S. Coplon Son tell alt about this sale. Turn to that page right now and see what they are offering. CRAMPS, HEADACHE, BACKACHE I Yield to Lydia E. Pinkham' CHARGES AGAIN8T NEW BERN POSTMASTER ARE HANGING FIRE. So far there have been no further development, in the matter of ousting Postmaster J. S. Ba.night from the locnl poMoffice and it berin. to look as If there ill Ik- notliinu doing .long this line. It wm understood that an inspector would be la New Bern this weak to investigate the charges which had been preferred against Mr. Ba.night but this gentleman has not put in hu appearance up to thc present time. Coafxessman J no. M. Faison, who is taking an active interest in tne aut ter, has stated that several days will probably elapse before this inspector can be secured. This is a matter of much interest her- and New Bern citizens are awaiting thc outcome with to be worthless and cnargea . and r. i . Rogers. Mr., r letcner iivcu , Mn Cojt' testimony related to tne . . . unaccountable f- Reasonable aUowance for de-1 jth her nusband in Oak Grove town-1 leasing of grounds by Mr. Harwood I manner , managed to make half thc preaation of property used in '- .. . mi, eagt the city, and his associates and the surveying -isUnce toward shore before he went ness. . ... arr:d.t land buoying off the grounds. He was jown He was one of the last to 9. Dividend, or net earning, of a While no one saw the terrible accident, I tehmenjMac ? . who had which u taxable the supposition is that Mr., rieicner H Park, and John Helgison, who were , . a,hoT tried to throw him upon its net income. - J went to the barn to do the evening I on tne grounds in a watchboat ,ine but fte couid not catch it, prob- h. Income upon wnicn tne lax n. mjlang. She was gorea tnrougn me i when tne depradation. occurred. to0 near exhausted . . . a, . . a tf l. . a . . i f I . - I J 9W been deducted "at tne source. head and her ciotnes neany ium i.u... Po. , to d ,, . i ,. . naMentrcr her body. Her bonnet was found! , . ... ,,-Her arret that ,. ,i,..r .hn rm.M not swim but he . i,bo wiv nv rcniD isi AlMnlon the inwde of the cow .tall while I -,-,i,;ncT nn nrivate bottoms U.U a rtriftinir low and was carried , - . " - r- , ,. - o -- MEETS DEATH AT tne Doay w vuc u, - ind tmtt they wouW be prosecuted, uk a mile down the river wnen ne PHILADELPHIA. in the aoor the ub,e- , '""He said they continued dredging after jwa, rescued by some negroes in a and nepnew, wno were ruru.n . warun. He knew ai of them, he B,hin. boat. their nome sioppra vy vw 7'Taid, having lived among them lor The body of Captain fcdge had not .cies ana were " ""- nlne years. been receovered tonight Fletcher. They walked about the prem-1 .... ,u,n , .everal wit- Ues and finally visited the barn to find I . . who wore that the The value of cargo and boat wa. their mother and aunt in the agonies of I . -.i Paired off e.timated at $30,000. The boat alone ; eu i:r.l K k .nA rounu. wc y.., "Iw-j ,u MnflM n which there oeaui. . ' . T t land that no name, appeared on tne ried to tne nouw wnere sne area .ew ... k w Harwood'. was e,wu insurance. . , . h-v- minutes Uter. Mr. Fletcher was not . ... . th! Maryland principally of cotton, valued at about P ""TZ, , t have m lULi eaes mj.w"v- ---- - I .a I npiiiMi llin wuiuci a ui i w . - at home but had gone to Lowe. Orove I . -ntj taw, They a Urge area $8,000 and was owned by tne aprum. uihool for the exercises to be held there K. u i. i.i-H nrobably fully covered by insurance . .. . t. ! I oi niur. in- 1. ... . M tomorrow, wnen tne iarm iuo scnow w.i... . K- ,ht there were no 1 he "Lyon. wa. owncu uy to be formally opened. She is the moth . . markimT the eround chants and Farmer. Steamboat Com 1 I'll I I . .L' 1 -.-a ,, I er ol several cuuorcn Mr. R. D. W. Connor, secretary the committee selected by Mr. Ashley Home to supervise the execu tion and erection of the memorial to the North Carolina Women of the Confederacy has returned from New York, where, with Mr. J. A. Long, of Roxboro, chairman of the com mittee, he inspected the completed monument. Mr. Long and Mr. Con nor were both delighted with the monument which has been executed by Mr. Augustus Lukeman. The monument represents an el derly Southern woman of the sixties, whose cultured features .how the anxieties and sufferings experienced by the Southern womea daring the war without, however, Aaving lost their refinement, telling tne story of the war, of the deeds of heroism of the Confederate soldiers, to a boy of twelve or fourteen, presumably her grandson, who is kneeling on one knee at her side. In his hands is grasped a sword the sword of his father, who ha. fallen in battle. The loy ha. evidently found the .word and brought it to his grandmother with inquiries about its history. A. the grandmother dwell, on the bravery and patriotism of the boys father, the boy himself t. inspired with patriotic sentiments, and eager ly, grasps the sword as if he, too, longs to dash away and imitate the deed, of his father in the service of his country. On one side of the mon ument is a bas-relief representing the women of the South bidding good-bye to the Southern soldiers at the beginning of the war, eager to rush to the battle field, fired with the inspiration received from the southern women; one the other side i a bas-relief representing the south ern soldiers, in 1865, wounded, crip pled in body by four long years of (war, but dauntles. in spirit, return ' . i t ,-,! ku the love and ng iiuiiic, wsiwmwi w; " Vegetable Compound. i Cedar Rapids. Iowa.-" I was always, unfaiHn, devotion of the solera Jame. Day, of Cedar Island, who nce May gad been at work on the lumber barge, William B. Blades as mate, fell into the water Tueday from the bulK- head at Fairmount wharf, Philadelphia, and wa. drowned, Tuesday morning. Day was walking along the edgeofthe bulkhead and tripped. As he fell his head .truck a projecting iron .pike. He never rote to the surface. After grappling for over an hour hi. body wa. receoved by a police boat. The body wa. brought to Beaufort yesterday morning and was taken to Cedar Island in the afternoon to be interred in the family burying ground. Deceased, who was 20 years of age, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Day well known resident, of Cedar Island and was one of the neighborhood'. bet liked boy.. Me is survived by a mother and father, two sisters Mrs. Luther Lupton and Mite Emma Day and six brothers Herbert, Kenneth, John, Earl, Charlie and Prescott Day all of Cedar Lland. Beaufort News. Have you Men the line ol Shoes at the Standard tired and weak and my housework was a drag. 1 was irreg ular, had cramps to bad that I would have to lie down, al so a distressed feel ing In lower part of back, and headache. My abdomen was ore and I know I had organic Inflammation. Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable II T". "L.". , .K;. ritv and was built in into separate lot., and tnar mere w. iyw " ..L rj trlentilieatinn nn anv I 1904. Success seldom'comes to a man who , . , tn ,hnw h- h.d the ound It waauone of the fine river boat. is too laiy to go after it. I .. . . .. I in commission here. The boat was a The mores man's thirst is irrigated hia 1 sister vessel of the City of rayette- he faster it grow. . than U which recently .unk in the har- bar here. This leaves no boat be at rLuuu in tne ovster Diamine pmiwn, . . . :n .. t..-. ru,W v there wa. an in- r 'l L .u-i- - ' .- A.fc, ,k. .. tween Wilmington ana ryvu.: J - i gnu IL II men jtMwv w sidious lobby at work at Raleigh while croacimwnt of the oyterraen by every the legislature was in session. Governor 1 legal meana. Craig ays there was not. Ttw- . seams to be hard feeling, between the I BIIB UV.TIC IM wo as a re.u(t of these charges. If WBa9 Judge Clark can prove his charges he Will cure' your Rheumatism usht to do so; if he cannot he should. NouralwU. Headachci, Cramps, have kept silent. Recklessly making Colic. Sprains. Bruises, Cuts and charges that cannot be sub.tsntiated Burnt, Old Sores, Stings of Insects hurt rather than help the cause ol pro-1 atc. AattMpoe AMdyme, uted 1 present. The hull of the "Lyon'' i. ot uon, but it is not thought that it will be of ny further service. Captain Edge was Captain ol the City of Fayetteville until it was sunk and then went with the Lyon. He live, at Fayetteville and ha. s wife and two children there. Ke was on the river for many year, and was very popular. wonderfully i , . ,. -i-i.. those pains any more ana i mm mi m" now. There are a great many women nam who take vour remedies and I have told others what they have done for me. "-Mrs. Chas. McKMNON, Via n Bth St. W.. Cedar Rapids, low. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their tax should not lose sight of these facta or rimiht the abiHtv of Lvdia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to restore mm health. There are probably hundreds of thou nerhans millions of women In the United States who have bean benefited bv thsa faenoue old remedy, wa prcoeed from mots and herbs over 80 vean asm bv a woman to relieve wo man's suffering If you are sick and need such a medicine, why don't you try It T women, the woman in me gruuy telling the boy the tory of four years spanned by these two bas-reliefs. In the monument, therefore, one reads not only the story of the work and heroism of the southern women during the war, but also the story of their service, since the war in preserving the history ol fame of the Confederate soldier, in vindi cating the cause for which he died, and in teaching to his children les son, of patriotism of which hu deed. have been the inspiration. The figures in the group are heroic in sue. iney are now in ready to be sent to the foundry to be ca.t into bronxe. The monument will be completed in bronze about April first and will be unveiled some time in April or May next. It will be erected imme diately la front of the new State library building on Morgan street. on the site selected by Colonel Merne himself R sleigh Times. If ran want speeUl advice writ to be tteasi, tn and aaswvnd by womea and o4 la strict eoan While it will take a lot ot dough to meke tnai uj pounu ef Mies Jessie Wilson's, still w. hone her cake wilt not be all dough. Probably Bob Glenn ie putting us of while he figures how much ho whs loos in sate receipts while (be campaign Shoe Company's Store. ttrnaily sod externally. I tie 25. much .anticipation.

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