I 35th" No. 148 NEW BERN. .N. C FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 1913- SECOND SECTION Bern ANOTHER SENSATION IN NEW BERN POSTDFFICE Rumored That Charges Have Been Preferred Against Night Clerk POSTMASTER SASNI6HT DECLINES TO TALK Says That He Has Noth ing To Say Much In terest Manifest Following the recent announcement in the Journal that charges had been preferred against Postmaster Jesse S. Basnight, and that an attempt would be made to remove him from office and to put a new roan in his place, another sensation was created last night when it became rumored that charges that he had neglected his duty had been prefer red against R. E. Smth, night clerk in the local postoffke and that if these were- substantiated that he would be removed and' another man put on in his place. The action against Postmaster Bas night started when R. E. Smith, who has been a member of the force in the local office, took a grievance up with the Postoffice Department, after George Howard, a new man in the office, had been appointed to fill vacancy as dispatching clerk, a position which Mr. Smith thought jthat he should have had. Mr. Smith forwarded several letters concerning th matter to the Postoffice Department and this resulted in Hon. Jno. M. Faison, congressman from this district, becoming interested in the matter. Congressman Faison came to New Bern and sent Postmaster BasnigKt aTnWtege ehich was tq the effect that if the latter would resign th office there would be no investi gation. This Postmaster Basnight declined to do. This took place several weeks ago and since that time the local citizens who are interested in the postoffice squabble have been expecting an in spector to put in his appearance and begin an investigation of Postmaster Basnight's record and the charges which have been preferred against him. So far no inspector has shown up. Right in the midst of all the excite KING ALFONSO The ktafl of Spain, f whom this It ntonsroh III Murpa IT COLOR ED AUTO DRIVER A HERO HOWEVER, NEW BERN NEGRO SHOWED BUT LITTLE JUDGMENT. Howard Jenkins, a colored chauf feur, is something of a hero, although not much can be said in favor of his judgment. Jcnkina drove a three seated machine into a telephone pole at the Southern approach to Queen street rather than run down two in toxicated men who were in his path. He imd ww from New Bern with six passengers, including two ladies' early in the night, and was nearing the city at a speed of about 25 miles. When almost in town his front lights brought out the figures of two or three reeling men in the road directly ahead. Real izing that it would be impossible to stop the car in time to prevent running them down, he cut the machine sharply to the edge of the road and collided with a pole. The automobile, a public conveyance, was badly damaged and the A FEW VACANT ROOMS REMAIN Opportunity For Few Pupils To Enter New Farm Life School. LETTER FROM PRINCIPAL An Excellent Opportunity For Young Men And Women Of Craven. Since the opening of Craven county's new Farm Life School a few weeks ago a large number of pupils have been en rolled and the work in all branches of the institution is now going ahead as rapidly as possible in order that all lost time may be made up for. There is yet an opportunity for a few more pupils to gain entrance to the Farm Life School and young men who desire to enter the school should act at once. The Journal is in rceipt of the fol lowing letter along this line from Prof. J. E. Turlington, the principal of the school: . "There are a few rooms vacant in the Farm-Life School dormitory which should be filled by young men and women talcing three months winter course. This course it designed to meet the needs of young men and women eighteen years old or more who, for any cause, might be unable to attend school through the year. The subjects taught being English, Arithmetic, Spel ling, Writing, Agriculture and Domes tic Science. The work in this course will begin Tuesday, December 2, in stead of Tuesday, November 25. "Young men and women desiring to take this work should write at once and enclose one dollar and a half for reservation of a room, which pays for the room and lights one month." A course in the Farm Life school comprises studies which will be of ser vice to every young man who expects THIRTY MINERS ARE ENTOMBED Caused By Explosion In And Iron Company's Mine. ! Fuel SEVERAL TAKEN qUT ALIVE Cause Of The Catastrophe Has Not Been Ascertained. Has 30 Acton, Ala., Nov. 19, At least miners are believed to have been en tombed by an explosion late to day in the Alabama Fuel and Iron Company's mine No. -2, located near this place. Up to an early hour tonight seven bodies had been recovered and three of the men rescued alive. The usual quota of men employed in mine No. 2 is 70, but the exact number at work when the explosion occurred is not certain. Mine officials said tonight that a checking up of the mine records would be necessary before it could be learned definitely how many are still entombed. The cause of the explosion has not been learned. That many of those en tombed were killed by ha force seems certain, aa two men working near the surface at the time were blown several feet from the mine entrance. Officials of the mine accompanied by rescue workers and surgeons hurried here from Birmingham, and tonight every effort was being made to reach the entombed men. Mine No. 2, which is known as Acton mine, is comparatively new, and is one of the most productive in this district. It has a daily output of 300 tons. Offi cials of the company said that all equipment was first class. Acton mine is 24 miles south of Bir mingham on the Acton branch of the Louisville and Nashville railroad. The mine has a single track slope and used an 18-foot fan with the split air system. HERMON W.CRAVEN i iiMMfli I I ,1 1MilWMM"lIIIWll' I ffl nnw.1 NNHNINN i " CRAIG SELECTS RATE COMMISSION Composed Of Judge M. H. Justice Dr. W. L. Poteat And Alf. A. Thompson. to make farming his vocation and is in j. G Stee)e is gUperintendent of the Ac fact almost indespensable, ton branch. NEW BE MAKE RNIAN TO ADDRESS EX-JUDGE O. H. GUION WILL DELIVER THE MEMORIAL ADDRESS. Ex-Judge 0. H. Guion, a brilliant speaker and a talented attorney of this city, has been elected to deliver the memorial address at the Lodge of Sorrow of the local Elks which will be pole split by the impact. None of the ment comes the rumor that Mr. Smith occupants were thrown from the car, is now to eet a dose of the same Undo " " believed none of them was bad . I.. I . . i. . f trouble which he is said to have caused 'y nun, aitnougn one oi tne women is Pomater Basnhrht. There is but known to have sustained painful bruses . I VT . . t 1 little doubt but that this rumor WHW oi ine occupants names can oe true. In his office last night Postmaster learaed, and their identity is a complete heJd 0n Sunday December 7. Basnight was in close consultation mystery, jcowm maintaining mat tney Fo with several ooetoffice Officials. Shortly were uniuiown to mm, out ne u oi . n . in -he roam hrfore midnight a lournal reporter the opinion that all were from New I. . . anH tH- now alm09t called on Postmaster Basnight and asked "om wmcn city tney came nere u: u .h. ...mn,. in rrarrl to Mr. and tnat tney returned on tne next Smith had any foundation. Postmaster train east. Kinston Free Press Basnight declined to discuss the matter, saying that he had given out nothing for publication in regard to the charges END GAMBLING IN COTTON FUTURES SOUTH CAROLINA SENATOR PROPOSES PLAN FOR THIS ACTION. Hermon W. Craven waa recently ap pointed by President Wilson aa a mem ber of the civil service commission. Ha la a Republican, and hit home Is In Seattle. NEW BERN YOUNG MAN INJURED Dan J. Smaw Fell From Tree Yesterday Afternoon. mm t A Pecan HIS CONDITION NOT CRITICAL a H 4Afll Believed To Have Become Dlzsy Or To Have Fainted. DOINGS AT LOCO. New York, Nov. 19. Ex-Senator Jno L. McLaurin, of South Carolina, pro posed a plan for ending objectionable gambling in cotton futures, in an ad dress today to a committee from the For several days a committee has New York Cotton Exchange which is considering changes in the rules to meet criticism directed against prcs ent methods. Mr. McLaurin said the failure of Congress to enact legislation at this session imposing a tax on dealings in cotton options was due to the fact in readiness and will be made public within a few days The ceremonies attending the Lodge of Sorrow which is held in memory of the departed of the Lodge of Elks, is always well attended. It is quite against himself, and that If an investi- Farmers "Making Hay While The probable that the exercises will be held that no plan had been devised to de the .! ,.f a. Cmlih'. rm,r,l wan to be un shines J ... UHH.M a - marl that h. had norhintr to sav about th matter "special to the journal.) u,i. ..ut :r h ,.r,.forri rh.irffes we are naving some tine weatner ...;.. Mr. Smith who is now holding i""t now and the farmers are making . . . I i ti v.1 j th. r-i.itinn of nitht c erk n the dftce. UB l"c we uiessc. Mr n.nlht also refused to aive any with a few more pretty weeks, aatUiartorv answer. Thus the matter cotton will all be out. ...A. Th. n,.hV.r U awa tinv the we are giaa to welcome anotner arrival of an inspector to investigate Thanksgiving which will soon be here, th. r-ord of Postmaster Basnight " l"c "')-" s'" J i. .Un a waiting the Investigation thanks to our Dear Master. of the charges against Mr. Smith There will be a basket party at Loco u,hlrh It i. believed have been pre- school nouse on rnoay nignt, uecem- 1 1 tL inn c- UJ.. i;n. (mfA - I ocr acn, ivio. Etveryuuuy is curuiauy uh.t th. nntrnm,- will be cannot be mvited to come. ,;-trrH and those on the outside irta be sure and bring a well tilled , . T5 ' I a. I , ...fein the u t mate resu t With DX prepurwi iu uuy in the Athens Theatre. stroy gambling in contracts, which does not also involve the destruction of legitimate business necessary to keep open such channels of trade as could not be closed without disastrous effects. - Mr. McLaurin said the present sys tern was objectionable because cotton price made on the New York Ex UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT change were based upon the supply oi cotton in new iwk warenouses JEWE Rl TRUST SUIT HAS BEGUN WOULD AID RETAIL DEAL ERS AND IN6IVIDUALS. much interest. them. New York, Nov. 19. The Govern ment's suit to aid the retailer and the individual purchaser of jewelry by wiping out an alleged combination of manufacturers and jobbers was ORDINATION OF DEACONS IN THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Our school is coming along nicely! filed today in the United States Dis- under the skillful management of Missltrict Court. Its aim is to destroy the Amie Henderson, ot Maysville. As this stock of cotton is only a com parativety small part of the total, he said, it was possible for speculators to manipulate prices for gambling purposes in a way which would other wise not be possible. Under present methods contracts made on the New York Exchange call for delivery of warehouse receipts for cotton stored in New York Warehouses. Mr. Mc Tonight at 7:JO, in the above church, :vi hv h. middlemen over the jewelry business " TT-T" ti i rniin diti'il'd; Ninmn f h. mnntrv siaercfi rctciuiy uy .onsrcss tu l. ::...: I I a very interring evice will be held I L, Ant, JaM Uw t0 ptwnt further amended to provide for ji heavy tax when the newlv elected deacons will he publicly 'ordained. The Rev. G. T . . i i r i ji ,:n n...pk atKm. ot u.u8Uu, -" -" colored citiien. of Belgrade, Onslow and foreign commerce in jewelry and the ordination sermon. All who can . . should make an effort to attend this counly now l"e 1717 service and hear this great preacher. A hearty welcome will be given to all. Special singing by the choir. j STOCK UW, BIG THING FOR US. LET US HAVE IT AT ONCE. m Stock Law will do more good for ( raven county than any one thing proposed since the close of the Civil War, except the constitutional amend ments. Let us have It at once. DEMOCRATIC VOTER. In TU. Tll- L.mi.f. nr mnnnrmllutinn. nr at. I"" " "- ' King Meadow, and William Frank, tempted monopolisation, of inter-State H""-" J" fT Z"1 lim vvrvtvu uviiiviiu iiiv .huh l I which it is grown be exempt from the tax, "What would you do th -n?" he said Your New York stock of cotton would be absolutely valueless for the pur pose of inflating or depressing prices You could not afford to deliver cotton Why should not jail awaiting a preliminary hearing ) The defendants are the members of on a. charge of retailing .pirituous j the National Wholesale Jewelers' Asso liquors without first securing the con-1 elation and of the National Association sent of Uncle Sam and donating a of Manufacturing Jewelers. It is al- pecified amount of coin to be used I leged that they circulated lists of their i. Am( rana V. ,.t ,U. ni..w'a I m.mh.m .11 that Tin r.taillM AT Blnrii. rat. of retailm or droartm.nta .tnra I r" HAVE ACCEPTED restigate Reasonableness Of Jstice Intra-State Act And Railroad Claims. D. G. Smaw, a well known and popular young man of this city, was painfully if not seriously injured yes terday alternoon when he tell Irom a pecan tree at the home of his sister, Mrs. VV. J. Lucas, No. 28 South Front street. Mr. Smaw had climbed up into the ree for the purpose of picking a basket of pecans. It is believed that he was either seized with an attack of dizziness while in the tree or else fainted, for he suddenly loosened his grasp on the limb to which he was holding and crash ed to the ground, a distance of thirty feet or more. The fall rendered Mr. Smaw uncon scious and relatives who rushed to his assistance thought at first that he was either killed or fatally injured. For tunately this proved not t be the case. A physician was summoned as quick ly as possible and at once made an ex amination of Mr. hmaw s injuries. He found that while the young man was painfully hurt, that his injuries were not of a very serious nature and unless some unexpected complications occur he will be able to be out within a day or two. Mr. Smaw, however, had a narrow escape trom being tatally injured Had his head struck the ground first there is not the least doubt but that death would have been caused. As it was, he is believed to have landed on his side. Raleigh. N. C, Nov. 19. Gov ernor Locke Craig today announced the appointment of Judge M. H. Jus tice, of Ruthcrfordton; Dr. W. L. Po- . . t A a. teat, of Wake Srorest, ana n. i. Thompson, of Raleigh, special commis sion under tne justice inira-iaic Ifreight rate in the act of the special session of the Legislature, in the light KB the protests and exceptions made to the rales as confiscatory by the rail road companies, and definitely pre scribe the rites that shall be put in to effect. All th-ee have accepted. Dr. Poteat is president of Wake Forest College. Judge Justice is a prominent judge of the Superior Court and father of the author of the Act. Mr. Thompson is a prominent cotton mill man of Raleigh and treasurer of the North Carolina Just Freight Rate As- soviation. In announcing the commission, Gov ernor Craig said: "The commission stands for itself, I realize that I was charged with the performance of a most important duty. I have taken thorough and mature con sideration. The subject to be considered by the commission is of the great est consequence. It involves a large amount of money directly and above that the welfare of the State now and hereafter. "All will agree that the men appoint ed are of the hghest character and of first order and ability. They are well known, they are co urageous, wise and just. I am satisfied that they will measure up to the great responsibility and that the judgment pronounced by this commission will command the re spect of all and will have behind it the force and conviction of ability and conscience. "No tribunal superior to this has set in North Carolina and no large issue has been passed upon." The Justice Act was ratified Octo ber 13th and was to be effective within 60 days, this extending to December 13th. Thereafter there will be the first additional 60 days' extension by the Governo to allow time for thes pe cial commission to investigate and ad just the rates. The act provides that if the special commission finds the rates prescribed in the act confisca GOVERNOR WILL PROTECT CITIZENS Chief Executive Of Texas Look After Safety Of Americans. To PRES. HUERTA WILL RESIST United Statess May Inaugurate Blockade Of Mexican 1 VI 19. s tig. 1 Austin, Texas, Nov. 18. "In event Mexicans start any trouble will protect our citizens and not wi for Washington to act," declared Gov ernor O. B. Colquitt late today after conference with Adjutant General Hutchins. While nothing official was given out, it is known that the Texas . National Guard is in readiness to an swer on short notice any call that might be made. ' UH The conference was the outcome of threat today by Mexican residing in lexas to make lexas answer to the whole Mexican people," unless mercy was showji Mexican ammuni tion smugglers charged with murder. Governor Colquitt did not apprise Washington of today's events. He said that during a recent outbreak along the Mexican border, Federal troops did not act until the Texas rangers had been called out. There has been no disturbance so far. Mexico City, No. 18. Organization of President Huerta's new Congress completed late today, when enough Senators were gathered to form a quorum in the upper House. General Francisco Pronces was chos en temporary chairman of the Senate, and a committee on credentials was appointed. A similar committee of the Chamber of Deputies began the work of revising the deputies' credentials, and there is nothing to indicate that the formal opening of Congress next Thursday will be postponed. President Huerta talked tonight in formally to the members of his staff and a few personal friends, regarding the possibilities of intervention by the United States. He intimated that he would be ready to resist such a step. The opinion is expressed in various circles here that the United States will soon inaugurate a blockade of Mexi can ports. Rumor has it that Presi dent Wilson would be content with such an action and might even permit the embassy to remain in Mexico City until an open rupture occurred- General Huerta resu med"kosiness at the National Palace today apparently with no thought of any questions pend- ng between his government and that I . I . 1. . t .. ,1 e . ...... Lfa ea.me tn ... tory or unreasonable, they can lower ul l"c T T"" - . . ZL it ad gard recent incident, growing out of chanh h ship of the several classes of freight tne Presidency as c.oseo. at their discretion and promulgate the! With the exception of one develop- new rate fixed by filing with the Gov-1 ment and that of a rather negative ernor and the Corporation Commis-1 character, the day was almost devoid sion the new rates to go into effect 1 of acts relating to the tense situation 60 days after the promulgation. It is I which exists notwithstanding the in- under stood that the commission will I different attitude assumed by Mexico. . iii.,.. . . i ji.ff.i organize just a soon as practicaoie i j. no American cnarge uuuura and that the sessions of the commis-1 ceived instructions to continue to ad- sion will be in Raleigh. I vise Washington with respect to devel- Governor Craig says that the a - opmcnts but he was not instructed ceptance of this special commissioner-1 to approach the Mexican Government ship does not necessitate tne resigna-1 omcials again nor aid nis innrucuu tio of Judge Justice from the Supe-1 include anything relative to the with- rior Court bench, as the constitution of I drawal of the embassy. ... . i . .i i the State especially provide, w m Kxxmon that the charge had been holding ol special commissionersnips shall not disqualllify from holding other public office. be WILL BENEFIT THE NEfflftNO TICKETS FOR NOR" ARE NO W AN'S HO ON are STATE'S C OTTON nil Art nllftriT IM 5HUHI ment. LOCAL COTTON MARKTE. I a I a. mj J I. T." 1 AC L . t. .. LM. I n mail rwd.r hntia. rnuM jfal dirivtlw I " iur KUIfl gri iuvagvn amiiu a I tail tWI III 1111 WUCy I - i, . j . , , have never dispensed a drop of "the with manufacturer, and get the benefit in vn ..J1 Pr0'rflM"re " H..., tl.:. . U. I rJ tha nriraa mlvmn to mhhrr. , .. " .1 vtv i . i . . . I v ' v ' vino 1 1. 1 111.1 1 1 IU OT I w f" " " - - - J , , .. ... I - ... la oonereaaional lash? mm MMnnuTD u 1 1 k. - i...Mn. I i laun. a. i nomnaon. rwtai Aa-i - tomorrow morning and Frank wUl sistant United States District Attor- have an opportunity Fridav niornlnel Bey, in charge of this suit, said today I SPECIAL SALE GOING ON AT of proving his innocence. that 10 per cent of the defend ti J. J. BAXTER'S. The arrest was made by Deputy I already had consented to discontinue Marshal Samt el Lily and the hearinr the practice complained of. I J. I, Baxter, one of New Bern s Tickets for "A Woman's Honor" be presented at the Masonic i Thanksgiving Day night now on sale at tne wooo-iane Drug Company, Bradham's drug store Edward Clark's cigar store, Henry's, pharmacy and F. S. Duffy's drug store, at fifty cent. each. Strict Middling Middling St. Low Mid will tw hofnr. United Slut... Cnmm u i-o-nnr r n Mill .13 ..,..14 3-4-7-8 I The Junior Auxiliary of Christ I . T. Giilete, of MaysvUIe, was tpiscopai cnurcn WUl meet with Mrs. among the business visitors in jh city Charles H. Stith, No. 82 Mttcalf street, last aight. this alternoon at 3:41 o'clock The two associations number about I leading merchants, will this morning 200 roember. doing business ia 22 dif- begin a big special price tale at his store ferent States. Moat of the manufac- ia the Elks building. The entire stock turers are in Rhode Island and Massa- oi the store will be placed on sale at chusett.. remarkably low prices and it will be an ceOaat opportunity for New Bern D. W. Truckner. of MaveviUa. was dtlaaaa to secure Mai beraaiaa. Raad lu" in the city last night attending to his advert iaemtnt in this issue of the ordered to leave persisted, although an emphatic denial was made at the em bassy and trains leaving for vera Crux were watched anxiously by Amer- icans, who have maoe up tneir minas not to delay their departure,, if Mr. O'Shaughnessy goes. y R ii mora of Dlots and inirieucs were common throughout theday, but no facts were forthcoming M indicate that FARMERS IN THIS SECTION NOTlCeneral Huerta walosing hUgrip THE ONLY ONES WHO Ion anairs in me aw. SUFFERED. I from outlying points, especially in the north, were far from reassuring to the A complete statistic of the amount I War Department. Ciudad Victoria, the of the cotton ginned In North capital ot lamauupas, me capture Carolina up to November 1 shows that! which by the rebels last week by tne 1,994 bales were ginned in Craven I government, is now buhuhcu u ir m county gaainst 3,666 last year. Carter-la bad way, althougn not yet tssen. ic et hss 554 bales against 841 last year; lis conceded that the rebels in large . . A a.t. Ia A a.La, . Pamlico has 1,648 against 3,034 last numoers surrouna ins cy nu mi year; Onslow has 1,045 against 1,964 battle is imminent. Passengers from in 1912; Jones has 1,860 against 3,952 that part tne country, woo nrrivoa last year, while Lenoir ha. 4,027 against! here today confirm the report that the 9,161 ginned last year. Icity is already in the hands of the The total amount of cotton ginned 1 rebels. in the entire Sute up to November I The government has not even con- 1 was 384,270 against 496,537 for 1912.1 firmed the character ot juares ana tne This is a considerable decrease and newspapers are still oounng out nope mean, a loss of thousands of dollars to I to the readers that possibly the report This play will be produced by local the farmers. All over the State the cot-1 of its capture by General Villa is not talent supporting Prof. J. Henri Bour-, ton crop was short and the farmers I true. delais. and will be given for the benefit - re e omy one. the Peonies' Concert Band. New . of Bern's newest musical organisation. Every citiien of New Bern is interested in this band and the purchase of a ticket will help just that much in getting them out of debt. Rehearsals of the play are bow in . ... , . - rwi ihnM w fi navfl an " ... ..A .,!, .h. U-A It T .Wu. .h.f it I. im. ol the best ""- """S ww the have ever asaa. Ticket, will be t nM ..I. at tha ula.a mentioned above by WOMAN HANGS HERSELF. Harrisonburg, Va., Nov. 18 Her mind unbalanced by ill health, Mrs. Nathan Ritchie, 51 years old, of Tunis, Rockinggham county, stole away from her family to the meathouse in tha her husband and children. Mrs V NEW AVTATON RECORD. ' 4f Buc, Franca, Nov. 19. Maurice Cher illard, a French aviator, sslibBaBail a new recore today for tunring somer sault, ia the air by carrying a pas senger in his machine. He ittirtajjllihlil an aerial loop twice in briwant lash ion, going through the performance ap parently with as much east as at he were along Journal. Irom no children. PDIMT attendance ia desired.