A Consumptive Cough. A cough that bothers you continual!) i one of ihf d ay r signals which warns f consumption. Or. King's New Dis covery stops tl e cough, loosen the chest, banish fever and let you sleep peace fully. The first dose checks the symptoms nd gives prompt relief. A- F. MerU, of Glen EUyn, Iowa, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery cured a stubborn cough after six weeks' doc toring failed to help." Try it, as it will do the same for you. Best medicine for coughs, colds, throat and lung trou bles. Money back if it fails. Price 50c. and $1.;00. All druggists, by mail, H. E. Bucklin & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Plantonic love may be a success at a distance. Children Or FOR FLETCHER S " CASTOR! How people can enjoy camping out if they don't have to! Saved Hia Foot. H. D. Ely, of Bantam, O., suffered from horrible ulcer on his foot for four years. Doctor advised 'amputation, but he refused and reluctantly tried Bucklen's Arnica Slave as a last resort. He then wrote: "I used your salve and my foot was soon completely cured." Best remedy for burns, cuts, bruises and eczema. Get a box today. Only 25c. All druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen ft Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Even a deaf man has a good ear tor some kinds of music. Mother Of Eighteen Children. "I am the mother of eighteen children and have the p aise of doing more work than any young woman in my town," writes Mrs. C. . Martin, Boone Mill, Va. "I suffered for five years with stomach trouble and could not eat as much as a biscuit without suffer ing. I have taken three bottles of Cham berlain's Tablets and am now a well woman and weigh 168 pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as much as I want and feel be! er than I have ' any timt in ten years. I refer to one in Boone Mill or vicinity and y will vouch for what I say." Cham Iain's Tablets ate for sale by all ders (Adv.) Occasionally a girl uses one young nan to make another feel bad. 3ASTOR I A Jor Infanta and Children, liie Kind You Have Always Bought Bear the Signature of You have a right to think a lot of things you have no right to say. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. ""I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded me to try a bottle of Chambe Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of it I was cured. It alto cured others that I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can almost invariably be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by -all dealers. (Adv.) Too many live as cheaply aa one after marriage because they have to. Best Treatment for A Burn. If for no Other reason, Chamberlain's Salve should be kept in every household on account of its great value in the treatment of burnt. It allays the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a severe one, heals the parts without leaving a tear. This salve it alt unenualed for chapped handt, tore iDDlet and diseases of the skin. Price 25 cents. For sale by all dealers. Adv.) The girl who is always trying to attract attention usually attracts the wrong kind. Good Far Biliouaneei. "I took two of Chamberlain't Tablets att night, and I feel fifty per cent bet. er than I have for week," aayt J. J. Firetton of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a fine article for biliousness." For tab by all dealers (Adv.) disordered stomach are the cause of these headache. Take Dr. King' New Life Pill, you will be surprised now quickly you will get relief. They stimulate the different organ to do their work properly. No better regulator for live rand bowel. Take 25c. and invest in a box today. At all druggist r by mail. H. E. Bucklen ft Co Philadelphia and St. Louis, French scientist spread consumption at home. say that -keep your dogs dogs Oiiildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A The new play ' no doubt ha a audita. leaves. The Limb of a Tree," point at which the j9 Strengthen Weak Kidneys. Don't suffer longer with weak kidney f 1 You can get prompt relief by taking! Electric bitters, that wonderful remedy praised by women everywh re. Start with a bottle today, you will soon feel like a new woman with ambition to work, without fear of pain. Mr John Dowling of San Kancisco, writes: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters prompts me to write. It curd my wife when all else failed." Good for the liver as well. Nothing better for indigestion or biliousness. Price, 50c and $1.00, at ill druggists. (Adv.) Nearly Every Child Has Worms, i Paleness, at times a Hushed face, un natural hunger, picking the nose, great hirst, etc., are indications of worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable, thorough medicine' for the removal of all kinds of worms from children and adults. Kickapoo Worm Killer in pleas ant candy form, aids digestion, tones system, overcoming, constipation and increasing the action of the liver. Is perfectly Bafe for even the most delicate children. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try it. Drug stores or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. "Doc" Cook is to invade Congress, which shows that he is still not sfraid of frigM regions. Don't Let Baby Suffer With Eczema And Skin Erupt iona. Babies need a perfect skin-covering. Skin eruptions cause them not only in tense suffering, but hinder their growth. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment can be aJlied on for relief and permanent cure of sufTe ing babies whose skin eruptions have made their life miserable. "Our baby was afflicted with breaking out of the skin all over the face and scalp. Doctors and skin specialists fail d -to help. We tried Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment and were overjoyed to see baby completely cured before one box was used," writes Mrs. Strubler, Du buque, Iowa. All druggists, or by mail! 50c. (Adv.) PFEIFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY St Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa The woman with an ideal husband, very likely wishes she had some other kind. Caught A Bad Cold. "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreac'ful," writes Mrs. Sara E. Duncan, of Ti!ton, Iowa. "We thought sure he was going UTtoconsump ion. We bought just one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough' Remedy and that i-ne bottle stopped his cough and cured his cold completely." For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) IS IN THE TOILS DEPUTY MARSHAL SAMUEL LIL LY PLACED ONSLOWtNEGRO UNDER ARREST. H Kirby Meadows, colored, who lives near Jacksonville, in Onslow colinty, was placed under arrest at Jacksonville yesterday afternoon by United States Deputy Marshal Samuel Lilly on warrant charging him with retailing spirituous liquors without a government license. Meadows was taken before V- S. Commissioner" F. W. Hargett, at Jack sonville, (or a preliminary hearing. Commissioner Hargett' found probable cause and bound the defendant over to the next term of Federal court under a bond of three hundred dollars. Mead ows succeeded in securing bail in this amount and was releised from cus tody. Recently a number of alleged vio lators of the Internal Revenue .Law have been apprehended in Onslow county, and several of them will appear before the next term of Federal court in this city. COTTON SEED For Sale. White's Extra Early prolif ic big Boll improved Cot ton Seed from last ten years selection, price $1.00 per bushel, f. o. b. Orien tal N. G. Orders must ac company checks or money orders. E. J. WHITE, OR1CNJAL, N. C. There is no blite in this cotton and have raised two bales to the acre for the past two years. Order ear as stock is limited. ,Phone 109 SHINGLES . . . just receivea tnree cars Cypress and Cedar Shing les. Can fill orders from one thousand to a car load. Prices 3.00 to 8.25 per thousand. L. F. McCabe Selling Agent, Oriental N. G ALLEGED RETAILER BEST OF PURIFYING AGENTS Charcoal and Quicklime Are Nature' Remedy How to Get Moat Laet Ing Result. ' Charcoal and quicklime are the bait, known purifiers. The beat plan for otllliing charcoal In the Mod oloaet or In the cellar bins where trait or vegetables are kept is to suspend ft la a net has. Any coarse open net win do. Make a number of bags suf ficiently large to hold several large lumps of charcoal. Do not powder the charcoal, but fill the bags with the lumps, and after they have had an op portunity to display their marvelous power to absorb all sorts of bad smells and mustlness, end leave the atmos phere pore and sweet, their usefulness will not be over. Remember that the power of charcoal to serve its puri fying purposes Is proportioned to Its freshness, and the freshening process Is restored by heating. At least once a week take the charcoal bags down, empty them In a fire pot kept for the purpose and heat the charcoal very hot The freshened lumps may then be restored to the net bags and serve a new period of usefulness. Boxes of lime and Jars of plaster are very effective In absorbing damp ness, but their useful properties are not fully secured unless these disin fecting and purifying absorbents can be placed In the best form to be effeo- Uve and easily handled. In the' form I , . ,I7 ... I v v ynu wiui wio WJ. uj. uuio v. plaster or a combination of each even ly distributed, their absorbent quali ties will be more than doubled. WOMEN'S BANK MEETS WANT London Institution, Run By and For the 'One Sex, Hae Proved a Success. The possibilities of banking as a career for women have been demon strated by Farrow's Bank for Women, which waa Inaugurated a couple of years ago In London, and which, man aged entirely by women, proved so successful that it was recently moved to new and enlarged quarters. The bank's success, In the opinion of Mrs. Kate Rellly, the manager, Is largely due to the hearty support it has received from women. "The eagerness with which women of all classes and from all parts of the empire took up the Idea of an In stitution devoted entirely to their needs was In Itself a proof that Far row's novel departure was fulfilling a long-felt want," Mrs. Rellly said. "Our bank gives women the privi lege of consulting one of their own sex about their business affairs. The business transacted here is the same as that transacted by any other joint stock bank, and the fact that all our staff consists of women Is good evidence that one sex Is not more gifted than the other In accu racy and a head tor figures. "A feature of our establishment here Is a rendezvous room for our clients, where -they can meet their friends and write letters.'' Model Farm Colony. The Brazilian "Jornal do Commer- clo" announces that the minister of finance of the state of Parana has re ceived from the Brazil Railway oom- tjany a report of the development of the fazenda at Carambahy, on the railway north of Ponta Orossa, which was acquired by the company to dem onstrate the possibility of growing wheat, the latest modern machinery being imported therefor. Eighty houses have been built for colonists, and so far fourteen families have been established in them. The fazenda possesses pedigree stock, Swiss bulls of pure race having been Imported, and Includes a dairy fitted with most modern appliances, also from 8 wl tier land, for making butter and cheese. An agricultural expert U on tie nv senda for the purpose of Instructing the colonists. An arrangement has been made for Introducing colonists from Holland, and already 400 pounds of Dutch cheese are produced weekly, finding a market In Curltyba, Ponta Orossa and Sao Panto. Turkish Women's 8trong Point Turkish women are said to have one accomplishment in which they excel the women of all other nationalities They know how to sit Hester Don aldson Jenkins calls attention to the fact that the Turkish verb to sit is used where occidentals would use to live, or stay, or visit To the ques tion. "Where are you llvlngr one gets the reply, "I am sitting In Stam 0001" Or, to the question, "Are you married?" the answer will be "No, am sitting at home." And when they sit they sit quietly, "in the perfect repose of a sleeping cat." They don't have to keep their hands busy. They crochet or knit They Just sit Noel's Nerve Tonic. Having been dedicated to the pro fession of arms, General Nogl was taken, while still a small boy, to see a criminal decapitated, and waa re buked for shuddering at the specta cle. After nightfall, when all was darkness and silent, he was required to go sJone to the burial-ground and brine back the culprit's head. The ordeal was designed to strengthen his nerve, and teaoh him to fear noth ing, living or dead. Francis H. Leupp In the Atlantic. In the Meeting. "Who Is that man who Is gesticulate Ing so frantically to be recognised by the chairman?" "I don't know his name, but he fa a carpet manufacturer." "Then by all means let him have the floor." NATHAN GOODING WILL REPRE SENT NEW BERN SCHOOL. Nathan Gooding, a pupil in the New Bern High School, ha been (elected to p'tMTxciit the achool at the Inter state Declamation Contest to be hd at Durham on November 28. Young Mr. Gooding ha chosen hi a ulject "Es-Govnor Aycoek On Robert Lee." SEVERE PUNISHMENT 000 would "tend to perpetuate pa- trio tie m and loyalty to the gov- Was n. ti cp- v ernment by requiring a slight sao Mrs. L happen, of me lean rtflee in return for elusenshlp." But e t n i 111. onlT la a figurative sense Is It true Standing, Relieved by Cardui. : that the measure la Us existing form thrusts the burden of taxation on a few eastern states. The great for- ... ., , ' tunes of New York are not New Mt. Airy, N. C Mrs. Sarah M. Chap- York fortune In the meaning that pell of this town, says: "I suffered for aeT are tne accumuiation8 of New five years with womanly troubles, also v7w f accun'atlon8 01 e stomach troubles, and my punishment York commerce and New York Indus was more than any one could tell. j Tney re national fortunes, the I tried most every kind of medicine. ource8 of whlcn ara tne mlneB and but none did me any good. mll,a and 011 weUa and railways as I read one day about Cardui, the wo- w,u " tt" cotton ad wheat n,w" man's tonic, and 1 decided to trv it. I f states. The Rockefeller and had not taken but about six bottles until 1 was almost cured. It did me more good than all the other medicines 1 had fried, put together. My friends began asking me why I looked so well, and 1 tola them about Cardui. Several are now taking it." Do you, lady reader, suffer from any ui iitc auuiciiia uuc iu wuincuiij iruuuie, such as headache, backache, sideache, sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired icciuigr .1 Wi iti U3 UIC TUU iv give vaiuui m trial. We feel confident it will help you, just as it has a million other women in the past half century. Begin taking Cardui to-day. You won't regret it. All druggists. Write to: Chattanooga Mariicina Co Latin' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga, term., for Stecimi Itutrurtioni on your case and 64-pa book. "Home TraetaonUor Womon." in piain wrappor. N.C. 134 TWO 515 10 CASE Does All New England Demand High Protective Tariff? Rather Hard for the Average Person to See How It Has Greatly Bene fited Workers, According to Recent Happenings. Senator Galllnger of New Hamp shire arose In his place the other day and With impassioned eloquence de clared that New England demands a high protective tariff the Aldrtch tar iff, tor choice. After saying this at much length and In as many different ways aa he could phrase It the sena tor from Nsw Hampshire sat down, apparently thinking the matter all set tled. What New England wanted, that she must have. Passing the vicious Idea that New England or any other section of coun try has a right to be supported at na tional expense, the Journal challenges Mr. Galllnger' first proposition. The Journal has yet to see convincing evi dence that the people of New Eng land are In love with the Aldrich tar iff. Magnates who have been draw ing 66 per cent annual dividends on mill stock doubtless think that tariff masterpiece of statesmanships hut what about the people whose work and wages help to pay those divi dend? What of the Lawrence strikers 5 per cent of them foreign born and Imported tree of duty who had to fight for months to get their wages raised to a living rate, and who found the whole force of a tariff-controlled local government turned against them? Are they such enthusiastic ad vocates of "protection?" What of New England cotton mill workers, with an average wage of HU per year? Are they champions Of the Aldrich schedule? What of Nsw England woolen mill workers, who sell their labor In a I trade market for an average wage of $444 per year, and who buy woolen goods If at all in a market "protected" by a tariff graft averag ing about 100 per eent? Do they swear by the present tariff, or swear at It? Chicago Journal. Not a Tax Against New York. Whatever basis of justice there is to Senator Root's plea for reducing the income tax from $4,000 to $1,000, his argument Is not strengthened by his charge that the hill la effect is tegfe- Ution by the Children Cry The Kind You Have Always In use for over SO years, - and has been maue untu-r ma per sonnl supervision since Its Infancy. &7cJu4A Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeit, Imitations and .Itist-ux-good " are but fixpcriuieiitstliat trifle with and endunsrer the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Oastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothina Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opiusn. Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. Its aire Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays I'. n (mess. For more than thirty Tears It has been lu constant use for the relief of Constipation. I latiilcncy, Uiiul Colic, all Teething Troubles and lMarrlm-... If regulates the Stemuvh and Bowels, assimilates V. c od, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Chiklv u' I'.uiacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE OASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the In Use Fcr Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Thl OIN.AUN 0M1. , OITV. the east No doubt an exemption of only tl uaraegie ana inci iorxunes were not amassed In New York, and of thou sands of lesser fortune It Is equally tree that they are New York fortunes only In the sense that this city has become their place of distribution by the preference of their possessors for reilaence herr Taxing incomes from such accumu lations is not discriminatory merely because the tax Is paid In New Tork or Boston. It is equitable tax on wealth the origin of which la the ag gregate Is national, and a such prop erty subjeot to taxation for national uses. New York World (Dem.). Merchant Marine. A subscriber takes exception to the Journal's editorial oa The Sad Ship ping Trust," and remarks. "It will be of Interest to many of your readers to have your Ideas as to how the American merchant marine may be successfully developed." In the Journal's opinion, the chief need of the American merchant ma rine Is fair play and a chance to grow. The tariff levies toll on mate rials used In ship building; which adds to the cost of American built vessels. Foreign built ships, with few exceptions, are denied American registry. At the same time, tariff bounties have turned the attention of American capital to manufacturing, rather than to foreign commerce. Chicago Journal. Narrowness Out of Place. Doubtless there are many democratlo senators who would be glad to see the tariff bill changed In some particulars, but they have taken a broad view of the subject and hare seen that In no other way than by compromise among local Interests could an act be passed which would measure up to the prom ises which the party made. Real Leader of Party. Woodrow Wilson Is not the boss, but the real leader of his party. It is no slavish deference that leads Dem ocrats, whether In or out of congress, to want to know his views. What we have Is the recognition of the power ful, but wholly legitimate Influence of the new Democratic leader. The willingness, and wen eagerness, on the part of Democrats to accept such leadership are most encouraging signs. Mr. Wilson; too, has shown an ability to bring things to pass and that without friction. As usual the swan song of the thea ter season la pretty much rag time. Auto polo Is coming, and arnica and splints will be In great demand. A man la Judged by the company he keeps, even when he keeps to him- It Is better to have loved and lost, sometimes, than to have loved and won. If some people would think before they speak they would have mighty little to say. The rib breakfast movement is gain ing strength In this country as well aa In Prance. Man named Bugg Intends to build a large hotel In Frisco. Tou can call it what yon will. "Never anode to a favor once eon- Does the writer mean te a "touchr for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been baa borne the signature of Signature of The Standard Shoe Co. New Bern, N. C. Low Heel English Shoes Button and Lacet oudoir Slippers iVewBern's Family Sh Je St re STANDARD SHOE COMPANY PLANTING Fall Oats, Vetch, Clover, Rape, etc., will help your land and your pocket book Don't you need it? We have the seed and we have Grain Drills to put it in with, one horse and two horse. Ecno mize in seed, saves labor gines greater yields. STALK CUTTERS, AND PLOWS All kinds Mill BURRUS MEA DOWS HORSE and COW FEEDg -TRY IT-- J. A. Meadows New Bern, N. C. Read Journal want Ads Hugo de Wattville, Man-about-Town "Watty" says he's sav ing cab end bun feres ince he strong te Cro etts. Crossatt ctrtainty make a man fe! like walking. "And I'm more itrltik than ever," he chuokled. Tbls season's most fash ionable day boot U shown below. Upper of a-ray cloth. Style No. 107. GROSSETT snoL- VJ0 to X.00 wet y when lewia A. Cramtt Inc., Maker' Worth Abiactom. Mm. There' a special Crossatt lust for peopl with arch treable. Ask our agent about it. Hay, Grain, Feeds & H If I asses! bB li 1 aefl H.U'