wttkh men IAU1 i No. 149 NEW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 1913 SECOND SECTION 35th AN INVESTIGATION OF RAILROADS' SERVICE Important Hearing Was Held In This City Yesterday ' SEVERAL LOCAL SHIPPERS i TELL OF HEAVY LOSSES Interstate Commerce Com mission Will Be Asked To Remedy Condition In response to a request on the part of Dr. J. M. Faison, Congressman from this district, a hearing was held in this city yesterday for the purpose of making an investigation of the slow schedules and insufficient refrigerating facilities furnished fish and oyster shippers and truck growes in this section by the Norfolk Southern Rail way Company and the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company. George P. Boyle, of Raleigh acted as examiner, C. S. Allen, of Wil mington, as reporter, W. A. Townes, one of the A. C. L. Railway Companies attorneys and Mr. McCullen, train master of the A. C. L. Railway Company also participated in the hearing. Among the local shippers who were examined were E. B. Hackburn, George N. Ives, Graham Richardson and W. F. Crockett. These gentlemen testified as to their losses on account of the slow freight schedules and poor refrigerating schedules and told of con ditions which existed when boats were being operated to this port from the Northern ports. Their testimony showed that since the period that Colonel James A. Bryan hid charge of the road now operated by the Norfolk Southern Railway Company that conditions, which were then all that could be desired, had lowly grown worse and that their losses were growing larger each year. Considerable time, was consumed in the taking of this testimony and those who were in attendance at the hearing ure of the belief that when the mat ter is put before the Interstate Commiss ion that they will compel the rail.-oads covering this section to give a faster service and to furnish better refrigera ting facilities. This is the third hearing held this week. The first was Mount Olive, the. second at Wilmington and the last one here. "Dr. Jno. M. F tison, congressman of this district, secured these hearings for investigations bv the Interstate Commerce Commission upon resolution, demanding such in vestigation, introduced by him in Congress in 1911 for the relief of the fruit, strawberry, huckleberry, vegetable growers and shippers, and fishermen and fish dealers and lum ber men of this dist.rit and eastern North, Carolina, which 1 industries haie been blighted by the slow sched ultd and badly iced refrif e t r fright express trains, and the fnrt lief Wint of enough car and en gines to rapidly transport such perish able crops and products, as well as the want of cars for the large lumber industry of east North Caro lina shipped beyond the State to Northern and Eastern . markets. Since 1905 when the A. C. L. and Pennsylvania railroad companies and the Armour Refrigerator Car Com pany "fell down" ind failed to make a single car of strawberries for 9 ays, trucker and fruit g.-owers of this d-slrict have cut their e-ops an nually for fear of car shortage, slow schedule!), ind badly Iced refrigerator express and freight transportation, while many growers and shippers have been compelled to abandon such otherwise profitable industries in eastern North C irolina, while the climate and soil make eastern North Carolina "the market garden of North C irolina and the South At lantic Coast. The same shortage in ram and badly refrigerated car service has rut the profit-, of the great fishing industry of the North Carolina coast from Wilmington to Norfolk and for years he'd bark the lumber induttiy of eatern North Carolina. The farmers, truckers, fruit-grower and fishermen and litmbe- men can and will double thei- prod ction and catch, and the r.iilroa must be compelled to markc perishable products ' high cost of living million of people i c(ties hungering for er food. Dr. Fnis census statistics ,ar"? have increased on the last 10 year ucts have increaJ eons imers 60 pe yea s. ftTh-i t the Amerftan' pe annum, ind ioxl stuff t 60 par cent, increase in cost when his wages have increased oily about 10 per cent. He further states that last year the census fig ures show fa'm products were val ued at $10,000,000,000 on the fa-m, $6,000,000,0p0 were consumed on the farms where produced, and $!, 000,000,000 shipped to market for consumption, which costs $9,000,- 000,000 more to transport and dis tribute to the ultimate consumers, making a total of U,000,000,000, the Value of the American railway svstems. The U. S. parcel post system will g-caty cheapen this enormous co st of transportation and distribution to the ultimate consumers of parcels and packages of 20 pounds weighf which must gridulaly be increased to 100 pounds, to give the needed re lief from high express rates, which profits range from 200 to 400 per cent, of the capital invested in ex press companies, as shown by the report of the Interstate Commerce Commission of 1912. The U. S, States government must likewise regulate theJarger car lot rates of transportation and distribu tion of car lot and train lot quanti ties of fa-m and factory products and foodstuffs. The government can and must, at least, compel -ailroads to furnisg refrigerated cars and rapid transport ition for perishable food products, which must be rapid ly marketed or lost to both produc ers and consumers, especially when the freight and express rates are necessarily high and profitable, ind paid in advance or guaranteed by the shippers and growers or com mission men in the Northern mar kets. The result of the hearings held this week will be sent on to the Intestate Commerce Commission jtus as early as possible and they will be urged to take some action at once. FWLED TO GET MARRIAGE LICENSE PITT COUNTY COUPLE MEET THEIR WATERLOO IN NEW BERN. - 'Tis often said that "love will find a way and that where there are "two minds with but a single thought; two hearts that beat as o.ie" the.-e is nought thnt-can cast asunder the course of t.-ue love. This miy be true in sever- al senses of the word but it remained for Register of Deeds Stephen S. Fowler to put a blight on the hopes and aspirations of two young people who came to New Bern late Monday night from Pitt county ind after awakening the genial keeper of the creuenuais necessary io- mose wno wisn to enter the double h.rneas state o bliss, requested him to hustle up an J I produce the papers which would enabd them to make "Love's young sweet dream" come true. However. Register of Deeds Fowler his been in charge of the office too long to let a pair of minors "put one over" on him. He told the young couple that it caused him much pain to refuse their request, but unless they could produce written consent from their parents it would be impossible for him while additional infantry reinforcements to accede to their wishes. The Fteswe.-e hurried to Rancho Flares to help evidently decreed that the wedding was not to be consumated in "the Athens of North Carolina" and after receiving this final decision the young couple and two friends who accompanied!. ftnd 1oop Xhirteenth cava. mem, wenaeo. men- way aown tne street. It is Understood that the would-be-newlyweds lelt yesterday lor jones county wnere tne, nopu i be able to secure a license. THANKSGIVING BIRDS BY MAIL. Two Hundred Of Poultry Arrive In New York. New York. Nov. 26.-Poultry of all Irind. wi.h .he lurkev tl!l holdina . . ... ... til own arriving in New York tuotiroi in ,Mt numbers bv carrel nost. A sue- cine instance of the popularity of send - ing Thanksgiving tre.t. by mail was tbe receipt of over 200 parcels of poul- try at the Yonker. post omce yester- dat. In spite of the new means ol transit the -egu ar market deliveries .nr being . ,., a.n. in iiMii.uai nil. nriiin. uir n r'nm .1 vi 1 , r. :( nrlnarfi a rivinff Hailv this week r ' f., .h. ..,lr..v I Ii Th. ....... rl.. r ). ). l.i .I ir ..-Hint? nt neurit M) rents - j -,:,k ,. rif ik fan. v mm. ..,ira Jt even 40 cent.. NcSU-Sixty-Six if taken na a a toalc th Fvr wfll not n?m f "j? !"' WW. WW HI IIinnRCIBI. SX JOS. W. FOLK Joseph W. Folk, former governor of Missouri, has just been appointed so licitor of the department of state by President Wilson. He succeeds Reu ben Clark, of Utah, who resigned some time ago. VILLA HOLDING FEDERALS Americana Are In Readiness ' Arms Ordered To The Front. El Paso, Tex.. Nov. 25 A anerel federal attack front, right and left flank, directed toward Juarez practi- cally simultaneously this afternoon by Generals Salazar, Rojas, C iraveo and Imnds, drove in General Francisco Vil- a s skirmish line and developed sra- rate engagements below Bauehe, on the. west, at Ticrra Blanca. on the front. and alone the border ODDOsite Belen and Yistera, Tex., to the east. The frontal attack on the conatitu- tionalists under General Villa began at 6:30, about 25 miles south of luarez. ac- cording to an Americin chauffeur who reached Juarez at 6 o'clock this even- ing from Tierra Blanca. The artillei-y I on both sides was engaged. A report that the federals were at-J tempting a flank movement from the west reached Juarez about the hour th- frontal attack was reported. Later ere ports stited that Gene-al Villa's west- em flank, under command of general Rodriguez and ColonclTalamentes, had engaged the federals at 5 o'clock. These reports came from American emnlovrs of the l..i m Mnrthwp.tpra railroad who reached Juarez tonight I from below Bauche. The reports stated . .... - . . I that the federals were first repulsed is an attempt to break through the rebel jnC8, but returned with reinforcements and adesperate battle was on when the Americans left. Simultaneously with the report of at- I tack on the west came a report that I the skirmish line of the constitution ll- I ists on the east side of Belen, Texas, was being driven in and the federals were (advancing on Juarez. The remainder of the rebel fo-ce at Juarez was rushing to the region opposite Yistera and Belea check the flank movement from th west. On the American side all troops at I Fort Bliss were ready for immediate . . mflrh:n. ,, , ltnnn we ... I ,i,,i ., pi p ... f l p.tpoi Reoort8 .:,.. from ... .ide. j...... cu inm a:, ine engage. .cms were gen - eral. Word wa. received from General I . 1 . .1. . i v,lla tmu ne wa" nuld,n8 tne leuerai back at the front and ordered ammu- n,t,on anfl P ulsions rushed to Urra Blanca. Auxiliary hospitals are being fitted up . . , ' Juarta tomght. a large quantity of meoicai stores ocing exported irom here llnnro thf rlMwIiHim.A. n flij. f Art " ' sault Oeneral Villa reported M ,ne leaerals witndrew ten miles fron tMrt powtion at Snmalayuca early morning, reoccupien me position ai - ' L . .!7 w" T. vance on me renei posiuon seven mile. """" . , ANOTHER AVIATOR KILLED. I . . ; . 1 u i tree n n . - .apwii-. v. iv.uiu, j. o. a. ramuco., a I rant, Nov. 2V Aviator rwryon, no.orr 01 me record iot man nigntt, w" MM 'V n f" ureu im. ne was trying oui a new monoplane. A woman expects to get her reward ven, but a man wants his share arth. The man who follow is inclinations I "ever very far from the hot- I mm ij ihm lu.l.li.r w. w. ... SOUTHERN RAIL WA Y PRESIDENT IS DEA D Col. William Wilson Finley Succumbs To Appoplexy And Hemorrhage His Demise A Personal Loss To Thousands Raleigh, Nov. 25. Col. William Wilson Finley, president of the South ern Railway Company, died suddenly this afternoon at 3 o'clock in Washing ton, D. C, of paralysis. This announce ment was rjceived over the Southern railway wire in Col. A. B. Andrew's office immediately after the ocur rence. A few minutes later the As sociated Press .flashed the news to this city. Death occurred at his home. Colonel Finley was stricken with apoplexy, and hemorrhage of 'the brain while he was attempting to leave his home for his office. Be fore medical attention could be sum moned he was dead. Although stricken before noon, word of his death did not reach Southern Rail way headquirte-s for several hours. Colonel Finley was born at Puss Christian, Miss., Sept. 2, 1853. From. 1873 to 1883 he served in positions from vice-president's stenographer to assistant general freight agent with the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern, and Chicago, St. Louis, and New Orleans Railroads. From 1883 to 1885 he was assistant general freight agent of the Texas & NEW YORK BANKERS FAVOR RESERVE BANKS Would Put A Crimp In Stock Owen Explains Security In The Currency Bill Washington, Nov. 25. Under the present system' the bank reserves of the country are concentrated largely in New York- where theV are loaned in speculative accounts on the New York Stock Exchange, Senator wen asserted today in opening the debate on tne administrative currency Dill in tne Senate. He declared that tne ad ministration bill as reported by the Democrats of the banking committee would remedy this condition. Senator Owen reviewed the details the bill and urged that by the cera tion of market for discounted com- me.cial paper and by mobilizing the reserves in public utility regional banks, the measure would remove the great -dangers of the present financial system Declaring that at present New York bankers, who hold a large percentage of the country's reserves, are forced to place those reserves in small loans on the Stock Exchange, the Senator said "We are advised by representative New York bankers that the great banks there would be glad to have the system improved by the establishment of Federal reserve banks strong enough to furnish monev on demand against' good commercial bills and thus enable the New York banks to withdraw their, Hinds Irom tne mock exenange which has become the most gigantic gambling establishment in the servic of legitimate . .. r- establishment in the world and flace such funds in the service ol legitimate industry and commerce. Inis will oe one of the greatest benefits of the pend ing-measure, that is, it will withdraw from the gambling enterprises on the Stock Exchange the bank reserves of the country, and enable such reserves DOMESTIC TROUBLES CAUSE ALICE TEMPLE TO END HER LIFE. .. 1 ... ...1.1..... tliut nnn honru of 11 il IB sciuumi "- - I .. . .i. . MtCtde th" such docs occur it arouses considerable interest. 'However, this is just what Alice Temple, colored, did Sunday afternoon. The woman is said to have been momentarily unbalanced on ac- . J i... . .a.. ...... 1. In .ml 1m . I it.' conn., in UUIIICSllv. IIUUUIV '. il. I riyer near the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Com pay's dock at the foot of Queen street. The body was recovered a short time later. No inquest was held at It is not necessary for the coroner to make an mvcsiintion unlw. some one files an . - , . . . . . , ... I 71inUVll Willi Mini v vn. u ... b , ,h(lt there ha4 been fou .l.. P'' FREIGHT TRAFFIC TO NEW bbkn nas iniiRKassu. i An increases amount 01 ircignt iramc to this city during the past few weeks has mad it impossible for the Atlantic Coast Line Ratway Company to get all their freight cars on their local 1 yard 4Bd, in consequence they have been compelled to drop a number of car each day at Poliekaville and other ' 1... .1 .k. II uwnia .iw.k 111c i . ... COLORED WOMAN COMMITS SUICIDE Pacific Railway, and moved up the railroad ladder until October 1, 1895, he became third vice-president of the Southern Railway. Cojonel Finley resigned in 1896 and he went with the Great Northern Railway, in 1896 returning to the Southern as second vice-president. He Decline President in December, 1906, succeeding the- late Samuel Spencer, killed in a railroad wreck. Ben in the south, President Finley did more than any one man to develop this country. It was largely through his broad liberal policies that the So ithem Railway took the stand it did in the South. To Col onel Finley the credit is given large ly for the great concessions in' freight rate reductions made for North Caro lina. A man of unusual force' and foresight, a scholar really, President Finley could see in the future with the eyes of a seer and the Southern under his direction overlooked no "details in the development of this section. His death will come almost as a personal loss to thousands in the South. . His writings and speeches Were heard in every community. Exchange Says Senator to be used for the commerce of the na tion." In detail Senator Owen explained the security which would be behind the new currency which, under the bill would be issued against commercial paper. Besides this paper, he pointed out, the notes would be secured by the liability of the member bank disconti ing the paper, the liability af its stock holders, the liability of the reserve bank issuing the notes and is stock holding banks, a thirty-three and one third per cent, gold reserve and the guarantee of the United States. "There has never been issued a note with such safeguards surrounding it by any banking system of the world," he said. Senator Owen urged speedy action on the bill, declaring that banks and busi ness men throughout the country were "holding back" to discover just what form the legislation would take.- He said that the difference between the two divisions of the Senate committee should be adjusted and is chairman, ex pressed his willingness to accept some of the proposals made by the anti-ad ministration faction. senator uwen vigorously itt.ick.en tne central bank currency plan, particu- ...LI-Lll.J.. . I... ... ....111..,! "Aia-Io!. l-.r." mo. larly the so-callled "Aldrich plan" rcc ommended by the national monetary commission. He reviewed various con gressional investigations of financial conditions and declared that the money trust inquiry showed that "a few men brought on the panic of 1907 "to en rich themselves at the expense of the natioa and to administer a po!!.ic. I re buke to the administration thca in power OCEAN NEWS ITEMS. Infant Dies Public School presses Nicely. Pro- (Special to the Journal.) Ocean, Nov. 26. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Smith died last Sunday. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire com munity. Rev. J. C. Whedl.ee filled his regulir appointment at Bcthelcm last Sunday and preached an excellent sermon which was greatly enjoyed by a large congre gation. Our public school is progre ssing nicely under the skillful management of Miss Nettie' Oglcsby, of Newport. Collin Watson, of WiWwood, is building flue for A. M. Weeks. Raymond- Taylor and Lloyd Smith, of Bogue, attended prayer meeting at this place last Sunday. Our prayer meeting is doing fine under the leadership of flrotherT). S. Koonce. . t ju W. A. Conway and daughter Mis Mattie returned Monday from a visit with relatives at Kinston and Mo-ehead City E. A. Sanders spent Tuesday at More head City attending to business mat ter. W. G. Higgins left Tuesday Jm. Kin ston where he hohU a position . Leo Higgins spent Tuesday at Nr Bern attending to buabwss matte s R. T. Wade, editor of .the Morehead City Coaatcr, patted through the city last evening earoute to Norlolk, Vn., for a bort viait. Thomas Eclisoh 1 1 Thoma Edison has a mast re covered from his recent illness, and is again hard at work on sever al inventions which he hopes to have perfected and in use some time during the early part of next year. ASHEVILLE HOTEL ii 91 SOME WHISKEY AND OTHER EVIDENCE IS DIS COVERED. Asheville, No. 2o. Following the whiskey case arrests here yesterday on bench warrants issued by Judge Frank Carter in the Investigation into viola- I tions of the prohibition law being con- I ducted by him as a committing magis-1 tratc, e Battery Park hotel basement I was raided last night on a search .and j seizure warrant issued by Judge Carter i nd about two gallons of intoxicating I liquors, certain bar equipment and 50 1 cmojy.boxgsjn , which whiskey shipments I h id been made, in rare oT the hotel, were seized. Documentary evidence was I ilso discovered in the form of bills f'om I two liquor houses to the Battery Park I "Special" aggregating several hundred I dollars. Isadore Grant, the negro who holds a I federal license to retail liquor at the 1 hotel, was again called into court this morning and his bond was increased from $1,000 to $2,000. Grant and Pro- prietor J. L. Alexander were both named in the search and seizure warrant. I The general interest a -oused in Ashe-1 vide over the investigation was ... .. .. . . dencc today in the circulating ol peli- tions to Governor Craig asking that he I commission Judge Carter to hold a spe- rial te.-m of Superior court here for the trial of criminal cises, beginning De-1 ceinber 15, for one week, with a grand jury, to dispose of any case that may be hound over by him during the inves- tigation. It is asked that his term re place a civil term already authorized for that time. ' The petitions are being signed by the leading citizens of the! city, similar petitions have also been made by the county commissioners and the solicitor in order that the cases may be quickly disposed of. MARINE NEWS. The two masted schooner Bertie, of Witt, N. C, arrived in port yester day with a cargo of cotton from the Canal. The steamer S. J. Phillips is at the Norfolk Southern R. R. wharf taking on f.-eight for the merchants up Neusc River. The gas freight boat Charmer, of Swansboro, left yesterday with a cargo of general merchandise for the merchants of Swansboro. The two masted schooner Maggie, of Core Sound, arrived in port yester- lay with a load of oysters. 'Plw ... fuM.'hi boat Constitution. of Pamlico, arrived in pot yesterday will, a nr,,,, of ...i.on cnitonw-eH and nVi.r, Tl. c.. frfiirhi hint 1 . li-ft p. uriiav for Sw:.nbnro with rn of ... B"- 7 general merchandise. ThefreightU.it Lillic. of Jones Bay, rived in oort vesterdav with a eariro arrived in port yesterday of eggs, oysters and beef. NORFOLK SOUTHERN HAS NEW CAR. T, . a b j a t. a 1 he patrons of the Norfolk Southern are probably very much surprised to see a hew car on the Gold.boro (1.1.1 ltA3l.fi. rl .-..in. Til... MAW are longer than the ee coaches. they are finished in light oak with green plu.h eat and are lighted by electric ity, and are a great improvement over the old day coach. Hong Kong, Nov. 26. -Japanese steamship Soshu Maru rammed and tank Chinese passenger launch. Thirn IS DIED person drowned. t PRESIDENT PASSES BEYOND T. M. Emerson Succumb To Am Attack Of Acute Indi gestion. DIE WHILE AT WILMINGTON Death Closely Followed That Of President Finley Of The Southern. Wilmington, Nov. 26. Thomas Mar tin Emerson, president of the At lantic Coast Line Railroad Company, and one of the most able and popular railroad executives in the Souths died last, night, at 1 1 o'clock l his home in Carolina Heights, this city, following an attck of acute in digestion suffered on Sunday night at Dupont, Ga., while on an inspection trip of th system with members of the Board of Directors of his com pany. Mr. Emerson's death came as a shocking coincidence with the passing of another prominent railway execu tive, President W. W. Finley, of the Southern Riilway. whose sudden death also occurred yesterday, and followed Mr. Emerson's arrival in the city only yesterday morning, accompa nied by Mr. James F. Post, Jr., his chief clerk; his physicians and other friends who hastened with him on a special train from VVaycross, Ga., con fident that upon his arrival here he would soon be himself again. There was apparent improvement in his condition all day and both his family physicians, Drs. Geo. G. Thomas and Andrew H. Harriss, were contantly with him. Even at .nightfall, it waa believed that the crisis in Mr, Emer son's condition had pa.-sed, but about 111 o'clock he relapsed into a con land passed away as. peacefully as he had dropped into a restful sleep. Angina pectoris was the cause of his death. Although the death came rather unexpectedly from the earlier reports as to his condition and at a late hoar at night, the news of it spread quick- ly and was -eceh"rd with a profound shock by hundreds of Wilmington friends who heard of it during the night wittT the most sincere sorrow, for Mr. Emerson, popular all over the great system of which he was the r- recting genius, was nowhere more popular than among his own people and in commu nity in which he ha lived and spent the best years of a well ordered life. Prominent socially and in the business life of the con mu nity, he was known by many warm and true friends who feel in his death a sense of deep person il loss. death is nothing short of a blow to the Wilmington community evi-iand a peculiarly g eat loss to tne ru- . ... . . . . i it way system to which he was always devoted. The family especially in bis passing suffers a bereavement in which they have the tenderest sympathy of friend everywhere. GOULDING AWARDED DAMAGES Sued F. P. Rowe For Two Thou- sand Dollars Received One Penny. Craven county Superior Court which was convened in this city on November 17 for a two weeks session for the din posal of civil cases only, came to a close yesterday, the docket having been exhausted, and Judge Harry W. Whed- bee, of Greenville, who presided, re turned home last evening. Among the case disposed of this week was that of Dulin and Martin vs. Gaskill and May. In this case the plain tiffs, who were represented by R. A, Nunn, was awarded damages in the sum of $61.80. The defendants were represented by Moore and Dun. Another case of interest wa thttB which John Goulding wa suing F. P Rowe for damages in the sum of 1 2. 00" for personal injuries. This uit grew out of the arrest of Goulding by Policeman Rowe several years ago and the plain tiff claimed that he was roughly handled when it wa not necessary. . returning a verdict the jury oeciaca in me pia.n- tiff's favor and awarded him damage in the um oi one penny i . ... .. ... . 1 he most Interesting case aisposea u, vesta-day wa. that in which Allen Brother, owner ana operator, w . tinning establishment, were suing T. G. Hyman, M. D. W. Stevenson, C. V. Bradham, S. W. Smallwood, J. 5. Claypook, W. L. Hand and S. H. &at0!1 d PrMj3yt,f?! church, lor damage tor wore, which thay did on the church property. 1 The iury found in favor of th plaift- " ' ' ... ,.JM tin ana nwsrueu nicm tn.i. In th case of A. M. William., Admr. r. Norfolk Southern Railway WV. P-i" " .la mage to the amount of 11.200. Two divorce case, war disposed f: Gibton v.. Gibson and Powell v.. Powell. In both case the decrs wa granted. I Pun 'I'M

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