CHECK PUSHER FOR THE YOUNG LADY IS 1) THE TOILS V. DAINTY MODELS Ml PLENTY MARK TNI SEASON. Passer Of Worthies Paper t Nabbed In The Capi ta T A tal m - City. WAS COMING TO NEW BERN I H' 4 4 Taken Back i To Columbia, S. C. f V 4To Answer To Mv Charges. v V i m ri H Securely handcuffed to the Burns detective who came to this city after him, Addison P. Jones, the Baltimore man arrested by Officer Glenn for giv ing a worthless check to two Raleigh banks, was yesterday taken to Colum bia, S. C, and will be turned over to the police authorities of that city for check Hashing. T.he detective says there is no possi hie chance for him to escape a prison sentence in Columbia, bat if he is re leased Jones will be immediately re arrested and taken to Washington, N. lor trial upon similar cnarges. Then there will be still several cjties where he is warned. The first notice of his operations and the indirect cause of his arrest in Raleigh, was received from Wash ington, N. C, where he secured about $50 from one of the banks of that place. The Washington bankers no tified the Raleigh banks and Mr. Mayo from Washington identified the man under arrest as the same one wanted there. It was then that he confessed to Chief of Police Walters. In Columbia the Jlashcr hadjjjfno trouble in getting acquainted with the bank officials and a letter was found among his possessions from the pres ident of the Palmetto Bank thanking him for his deposit. In' that city and also in Washington Jones went by the name of "A. J. Montague." I In his confession Jones stated that his last visit before coming to Raleigh was at Southern Pines, but didn't do any check flashing there because Shaffer instructed him to proceed to Raleigh. From Raleigh he was going to New Bern. . Jones also told the police that he had instruction that his partner or boss would be in Raleigh Friday and would meet him at the Hotel Bland at o ciock in tne aitcrnoon ami upon thin confession the nolice rcnuested he newspapers to withhold publica 'ons in order that Shaffer would not 4et wise. A description of Shaffer was cnven the nnlire and a strict watch kept on the hotels, but Chief of Po lice Walters said last night tht the publication of the story in the after noon paper gave the other Dan a chance to get away. He saw the ac count of Jones' arrest and made him self scarce. The police -are firm in their belief that thcv would have landed him if the story had been kept secret, -ff S3f fiT A search among his possession yes terday revealed a marriage certificate of the marriage of Mr Addison P. Jones to -Miss Bessie Brown in Balti more, on April 12, 1913, and also a letter he wrote to his wife. These two pieces of evidence convince the po lice that Jones ' has confessed the truth. A, complete traveler's printing outfit was found in his suit case, and it is the belief of the police that he used this in writing out his checks. All of them were written apparently on typewriter ink. One of his checks was written for him by the public stenographer at the Yarborough House. A check(pr 70 and drawn on the First National Bank of Ches ter, Pa., was also among' his posses sions. He had only $3 in cash when arrested, and an pvercoat valued at $HHl. There is. enough evidence to con vict him at each place. The detective stated yesterday that he was been trailing Jones for two weeks from city to city, first beginning work in Phila delphia, where he was traced to oafe, in which he hrst met the wom an in tbcase. He was then traced to the railroad station and thence degree by degree, to the various cities where he 'did his work The dete:tive had just arrived in Columbia, when the 1 1 American BankcV ion snt him to Raleigh. The detective said that the b.ankers and police dep urtmenl of this city are to be complimented for their prompt work in notifying the proper authori ties of the man's arrest, for it was due to their action and assistance that he was able to get in such close tojch to the man wanted. If all the bank- er and police in other cities are as prompt to report check Hashers such business would always be stopped be fore the flashing b isincss could get much headway, he stated. Raleigh News and Observe Nov. 23 Haa Been aa Wall Taken Car 'of aa Har Ildere Cheeked and Plaid Material Am Both Popular Unfortunately In our country too young girls ara dressed accord ing to their whims rather than ac cording to the canons of good taste, ted too many mothers ara weakly indulgent rather thai wisely au thorttatlTe la this matter of dress for their daughters. The fault la not so common aa It onoe was. Standards ara tetter. With a tailored coat and skirt there should go at least one pretty, dark blouse matching the suit, and these little dark blouses of silk or chiffon are often brightened up ay a bit of oolered embroidery or white lace Mite. One or two waists of fine lingerie, silk or cotton crepe mar be added to the list, and perhaps am additional waist or two of the nae light wash flannels may be usefal for outing wear. There are many one eseae simple frocks being made aa far young girls' wear In serge, silk, poa lln, cashmere and other light weljt wools which are practical and at tractive, and inexpensive little after noon and dinner frocks are made up on much the same lines, but witn a touch of more festive oolor or detail. The coat and skirt of the, moment are lengthened at the back, the fronts being cut away In shaped or rounded effects, and are either semi-fitted or on lie youthful Russian lines. An attractive street frook Is of dark blue . wool popHa. The jacket has long shawl ravers which fasten at the waistline by a single large button A small shaped collar of velvet falls over the shawl collar at the shoul der and back, the body of the Jacket has a- peplum attached at the eldes and back, under the stitched .belt of the material. Another extremely girlish model is made of corduroy trimmed with braid, buttons and has' a black collar. Very smart checked and plaid ma terials are combined with plain urn ::::bwBKsisMMj ;;: ntiMinBssBBS mm WILSON'S WIFE IS IN FIGHT STANDS UP FOR HUSBAND AC CUSED OF CRIMINAL ASSAULT. In Dark Blue Bilk. te rials for young girls' wear, and often one sees one-piece frocks of plain material with plaid trimmings. MARY DEAN. DICTATES OF FASHION Pretty Leghorn hats are trimmed with bright colored roses well down on the hat brim. Onlmpes fer frocks and blouses ara often of shadow laces In white and ecra aa wall aa fine nets. Meteor moires, broche charmeuses, pompadour foulards and broche crepes are need for lovely frocks. Bright colored handkerchiefs French and Iriah remind one of the vogue for the new art combinations and designs. Long sleeves and low nooks are some of the contradictory yet fre quently seen things In feminine blous es for summer wear. Cotton fabrics ofcsoft, thick pile and beautiful colorings are to be had for wraps. Borne shops call them ootton velvet. The neweat separate blouses are da signed with yokes. The parts of these waists are generously full back and front f You Could! IELZ ROYAL BLUE FACTOR in ChicaAo KJ You would realize at once why Selz leads the world in moderate . l- i J a. price, sryiisn ana uurauie louiwcai. h, You would discover that we have right to talk quality; and see ing the skilled workmanship em ployed, would satisfy you as to the utter uselessness of paying more than we ask for shoes. You would understand why it is possible for them to guarantee their shoes the way they do and You would quite likely agree with us that There'd Be But One Shoe If Everyone Knew Selz BBBBBnaaBBfeBBsl saanaaBBBBBaam Come to our store afid see how easy it is to enthuse over this, real footwear. aV WaV ft i.k bbbbbbbbbs aasBlaBw The Selz Wankenphast Family F. E. BROOKS AND COMPANY For Men WomerTand chiidrenWitML Building Next to Peoples New Bank Building. LATEST NEWS BY WIRELESS MANY INTERESTING HAPPEN INGS CONDENSED FOR THE BUSY READER. Charleston, VV. Va., Noj, 26. Furthering his defense charging com pliance on the part of Miss Kate Turner the lawyers for Graham Wilson, the rich young farmer charged with crim- nal assault on Miss Turner, the penalty or which is deith in this State, placed his wife on the witness stand todiy. Although Wilson's defense is a prac tical admission of infidelity, his wife has been firmly on his side since the ac- V cusations 'were nrst mane, sne testi fied today to having seen Miss Turner hortly after the alleged assault and that she did not appear to be excited or hysterical. On the way to her home in Charles Town with Wilson driving and Wilson's sister in 'the carriage, Miss Lavallettc Wilson, they stopped at the' home of Mrs. George Marlow, Mrs. Mar- ! low, her daughter, Miss Virginia, and j Mrs. Sarah Colbert all testified that ! Miss Turner did perturbed. (Special via Radio, U. S. S. Pamlico.) Chicago, Nov. 26. Temperance for ces of Chicago will launch immediately a campaign to vote out the city's saloons in April, 1915. hurst sailed for home today aboard the Steamer Majestic. She is taking twenty thousand dollars to help the cause. London, England, Nov. 26. Gen eral Bramwell Booth, head of the Sal vation Army sailed foj home today on the liner France. Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 26. E. G.-ahim Wilson, whose trial for an alleged assault upon Miss Kate Turner has filled the Jefferson County Court House for more than a week was today found guilty after the jury had spent the whole night in debate. PUPILS DONATE TO THE The Standard Shoe Co. New Bern, N. C. POOR AN INTERESTING PROGRAM AT NEW BERN SCHOOLS YESTERDAY. Washington, D. C, Nov. 26. Democrats in Senate confer on Money Bill. Leaders' do not expect a binding agreement upon support of the proposed Owen Law as a whole. , Memphis. Tenn.. Nov. 26. Those not appear distraut 90re arms to foe abolished. Southern physician says there need be no more MARINE NEWS. The Sharpie Julie V. Capt. Voliva "in command arrived in port yesterday nornlng with a cargo of oysters. The gas bnatShuichi, of New York, left yesterday for Adams Creek to. tow a raft to New Bern for the CUrk Lumber Company. Futurist Lingerie. A sheor fine ootton fabrlo with a border design In vivid futurist colors is being used for undarg armenta. Oo q'lettish chemises are fashioned of it, and they hare ribbon, shoulder straps notching a color in the border. There era also dainty little peUlooeta of the uteris! Miss Elia Timberlake, a sister-in-law of Wilson, swore that Miss Turner told her on tile day of Wilson's arrest that she had caused his arrest because if she did not she might be considered to have been a party to the affair." More imnortant ucrhuDs. wis the tes timony given by Dr. W. P. McGuire of Winchester, brother of the late Dr. Hunter McGuire, who attended Stcne wal Jackson in hia last hours, and Dr. Louis M. Allen of Winchester, and Dr. Clifford Sparrow of Martinshurg. Whereas the physicians who examined .Miss Turner said that the discoloration of bruises did not appear on her b dy until more than a week after the as sault, they contended toat tills wis natural. The defense's doctors today agreed that the bri ise must h.ive shown themsrlveo within three days at most. pain or scars from vaccinations. Kansas City, Mo-, Nov. 26. Vice crusaders produce results. Many women of Kansas City driven from segregated district find work. New York, Nov. 26. Assembly nun Thomas V. Denny, of Manhattan, Leonard Cohen, President of the Rex Specialty Co., and two women were killed and four others were injured n a head on collision of two automo biles early today. FORMER NEW BKRNIAN SERI OUSLY ILL AT WASHINGTON, The gas boat Fannie Brevard arrived yesterday morning from Gatlin's Creek with a cargo of sweet potatoes. Th gas freighter Niaa G. Wallace, arrived yesterday morning from Gat Uns Creek with a cargo of sweet potatoes. A letter received yesterday by friends in this city ststed that J. A. Reeves, former superintendent of the National cemetery at this place, but who, a few weeks ago, was transferred to Alexandria, Va., was seriously ill at a governmental hospital at Washington, 9. Miss Luc Arthur, ( Morehesd City, was nmooi! Mic visitors in the city 'asf evening. She wjh enroute to Norfolk, Va.', for. S short isit. Miss Edmw Irving, of Morehead t.ity, arrived in the rilv last iMning for a short visit. Mr., Resale Carman and Miss Mollir Heath, teachers in the New Bern High School left yeste-day for Raleigh io attend a teachers' assembly- to be held city tomorrow. Mrs. Edward Marti, of Ueaufo t, of Mr. and Ma O. A. Kafer New York, Nov. 26. Mayor Kline today reappointed Thomas F. Churchill member of the Board of Education. Mr. Churchill, is now President of Hoard ami his re-appointment ends controversy which has been waging for some time. Following a time honored custom each of the students of the New Bern Public Schools carried to school with them yeste'day morning, packages containing provisions, fruits, and othe, necessities of life in the way of food stuffs nd put them in this auditorium of the Moses Griffin building, so that they could be distributed and sorted out and sent to the poor and needy of the city, that they might enjoy a oleasant Thankscivine. After this the following program was rendered by the students of tne school, and was exceedingly good, and enjoyed by every one present : I. "America," by the School. II. "The First Thanksgiving," by 4C Grade. III. "Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater," hy 3B Grade. IV. "Indian Lullaby," by 6B Grade. ; Vocal Solo, "Said Mr. Turkey," bv Charles Buford. VI. "At Grandma's," by 4B Grade. VII. Piano Duet, "Fishermaidens I of Procida," by Nell Bisnop and Emma Louise Kehoe. VIM. "Pumpkin Heads," by 6A Grade. IX. Vocal Solo, "How Dear to my Heart," by Amelia Hahn. X. "The Puritan's Peace Meal," by 5H Cade. Low Heel English Shoes Button and Lace Hugo de Wattrille, Man-about-Town "Watty" says he's ear log cab and taxi airsa since be swung te Cros setts. Crossetts certainly make a aa a a feel like walking. "And I'm more stylish than ever," be chnokled. This season's roost fash ionable day boot Is shewn below. Upper of gray cloth. Style No, 10T. Boudoir Slippers STANDARD COMPANY CROSSETT pjo iotl-00 a4rhm LnS A. CrsSMU. Inc.. Mkn North AfctosSse. 1 ondon, Nov. 26 The Pall Mall Gazette says that contracts lor con struction work for a great harbor at Bllcksod Bay, County Mayo, Ireland, are being completed In connection with plan for establithasent of a new steamship line tq run between Black tod Ray and Halifax and Boston. REV. HURLEY RECEIVES HAND SOME CARVING SET. El Paso, Tex., Nov. 26. After thirty hours fighting the rebels under General Villa, completely routed the Federals who were trying to recapture Juares. It is impossible to estimite the losses on either side but rasnalities to both armies are said to be enormous. New York, Nov. 26. Mrs. Pank- At a meeting held last night the Epworth League of Centenary Mctho dust church presented Rev. J. B. Hur lev with a handsome carving et. The speech of presentation was made by President W. C. ( hadwick. Several ether leaguers also made short talks in which they expressed their highest esteem of Rev. Hurley during the time that he has had charge of the local church. Rev. Dr. Hurley res ponded to these talks and in his own inimitable manner thanked the Leigue (or their kind words. NewBern's Family Stale St ore There's a special Crossett last for people with ercn t Ask ear agents aboat It Newport Academy and Commercial School. A school for Boys snd;oiris IaUinediste srd Acieimlc Com its Shorthand, typewriting etc. Hcslthtul location, cental supervis ion over Isihltilck lite otellrit wufceis lcr Innfefr infcimtlea Bruce Carraway, NEWPORT. I. C en National avenue.